• Published 4th Jan 2014
  • 1,160 Views, 14 Comments

Six Ways, Book 1: Unity - the_bioXpony_guy

~~A My Little Pony & Bionicle Crossover~~ Sister worlds coincide with one another, never knowing about each others' existence until that one moment of crisis. Equestria and Mata Nui serve as a perfect example of such a concept.

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Chapter 11 Underground City

Noticing as she stood all on her own within the cave, Lyra felt as the surrounding darkness clouded all around her. Such a notion sent a horrid shiver down her spine--the likes of which made her think, I don't know about this.

She wanted to return home to Ponyville--to see all her wonderful friends once again--but was afraid of the consequences she was to face. She had just been through hell; what worse threats awaited?

Some strange, hidden presence lingered here--ready to leap out at her at any given moment. Get a hold of yourself, Lyra! the trembling pony shouted at herself. I gotta find some way to get to this Onu-Koro place!

Keeping the thought in mind, Lyra pursued deeper into the cave. It didn't take long for her to catch a glimpse of light. Such a sight lifted a heavy weight off her heart.

Light! It was as if all her worries had vanquished. Increasing her pace to a brisk run, Lyra pulled herself closer and closer to the light. Such a sight almost brought a tear to the little pony's eye.

Here we go! she thought with a smile. This must be Onu-Koro!

Keeping this thought in mind, she peeped her head over at the light source. It's a--stone? Such a thought boggled the pony's mind--making her wonder, What else have I missed?

She looked over the corner and noticed a most peculiar sight: a stream of molten lava! Such a sight almost made her want to scream. After being through Ta-Koro, the last thing Lyra wanted to see was more lava.

Sweat dripping from her brow, Lyra pulled away from the fire-infested room. I don't think that was Onu-Koro! She thought whilst panting.

Feeling as her heart leapt into the bottom of her throat, she let out a sigh and turned to face the darkness. I'm guessing it's down here--only much further. A gulp slid down the pony's throat as she continued her descent into the shadows.

As she plunged further and further into this unknown territory, Lyra found herself constantly saying, "Just keep going--just keep going--" That was until one of her hooves bumped against a rock--causing her to trip and fall flat on her face. Such a phenomenon made her release an irritated moan. Stupid rocks, she thought while picking herself up, rubbing her sore nose.

In the midst of her small pain, yet another dim light appeared before the unicorn's eyes. This time, however, she made sure not to get her hopes up too soon. Could just be another pool of lava.

Much to her surprise, she found herself standing before a barely-lit village in a matter of seconds. Huts--the likes of which looked like they were made out of mud--littered the place. Each one had a slightly small light emanating from them.

There were a few poles with lightstones on them--but even that was not enough to keep the place well-lit. Is this Onu-Koro? Lyra pondered. It looks like a ghost town!

With shadows covering nearly every corner in sight, she could barely even see where she was going--but that meant the Matoran couldn't either! But where do I go from here? She scratched her head at such a thought. Who is this person Kapura told me about?

As the question rang within her head, Lyra took a look to her right. Standing before her was an Onu-Matoran--the likes of whom could see her without a problem. "Gah!" she screamed, startled by his sudden appearance. At that moment, the cyan unicorn found herself absolutely baffled--without any idea what to do.

Realizing she had nowhere else to go--and nothing else to do--the pony submitted. "Um--hi!" she piped, a wide smile on her face. "My--"

But before she could even finish her sentence, the Matoran let out a horrified screech--the likes of which made Lyra feel as if her ears were about to start bleeding. "Monster!" he cried, pointing a finger at the pony.

Placing a hoof over the Matoran's masked mouth, Lyra hissed, "Shh--keep it down! Don't get me in trouble!" The last thing I need is more trouble.

Despite his fear for Lyra, the Matoran hastily removed Lyra's hoof from his mouth and blinked twice in awe. "You're not a monster," he murmured. "You're a talking monster!"

Lyra wanted to knock this little black creature unconscious.

Before she could do so, the Matoran realized, "Wait a minute--you're perfect!"

Letting out a snort, Lyra wondered, "Perfect? For what?"

"I can see it now," the Matoran went on. "I will forever be known as Onepu: the one who rode a talking rahi beast!"

"Hey!" the pony shouted, breaking the Matoran out of his self-induced trance. "Just what are you talking about?"

"Oh, don't be like that!" the Matoran snorted. "Do you not even know who I am?"

Slowly, hesitantly, Lyra shook her boggled head--to which the Matoran replied with a sigh. "My name is Onepu," he began. "I am the greatest ussal crab racer in all of Onu-Koro!"

Wrinkling her nose, Lyra asked, "Ussal crab? You mean like the kind that Kapura was riding?"

"You know Kapura?"

Those words made the unicorn freeze. She felt the urge to wince away as thoughts of dread started poisoning her mind. Maybe I shouldn't have told him that. Oh--why can't I keep my big mouth shut?

As she silently scorned herself for speaking out of turn, Lyra noticed as Onepu placed a muzzle over her snout. In retaliation, Lyra tried protesting against the Matoran--only to find her words muffled against his restraining tools.

"There we go!" he cheered, a smile on his face. "Now then," he muttered. "I can get--"

Without warning, Lyra whinnied, hoping to shake Onepu and his muzzle away. Unfortunately for her, Onepu was strong--like all Onu-Matoran. As a result, he held her down with ease. "Whoa, there!" he exclaimed, looking the angry pony in her red eyes. "You're mine, now!"

In denial, Lyra screamed, "Mne!" Stupid muzzle!

"I'm going to use you for the crab races."

But I'm not even a crab! Lyra wanted to protest. And besides--I'm a horrible runner! It was true; every year during the Running of the Leaves, she was one of the last ponies to finish. It was such an embarrassment to have to come in panting--thinking she had done a decent job--only to realize she'd made a horrible performance. All Bon Bon's candy held her down.

Was it right for a horrible runner like her to lie so somebody like that--out of fear for what would happen if she refused? Her stomach churning with fear, Lyra decided to hold her tongue. It was the only thing she could do, after all.

With her mouth sealed tight and her eyes moist from depression, the shackled unicorn followed behind Onepu--a small line connecting her to him. Surrounding the newcomer and her owner was a rather large group of ussal crabs--most of which slept soundly within the large hut surrounding them.

"You'll sleep here!" Onepu explained, tying the pony to a nearby pole and taking her muzzle off. "Enjoy!"

Enjoy? That one word's utterance made Lyra want to tear off and smash the Matoran's mask. She could practically feel steam fuming out of her ears and nose. But now--as she stood restricted to the fence--Lyra knew there was nothing she could do to regain her freedom.

What am I to do now? she asked, hardly able to comprehend everything she had just been through within the past couple of days. Were all her efforts for nothing? She had come here just to fail in the end? Was this her destiny? Were all things destined to fail as she had? Even with their unities in place and their duties clear, was it everything's destiny to fall apart in the long run?

Once again, she asked herself, What am I to do? Then she looked over at the nearby crabs. I wonder if they can understand me? Is that possible?

The pony thought back to the buffaloes of Appleoosa. From what she could gather, the ponies involved in that crisis were able to actually talk to the foreign animals. Could Lyra do this with crabs?

Drawing in a deep breath, she decided to take her chances. It was a ridiculous and less than likely chance, but a chance nonetheless.

A gulp sliding down her throat, she looked one of the crabs in the eye. Such a sight made her shudder; it was like staring into two relentless black holes. Lyra had barely enough will to keep her eyes open.

Oh come on! a voice shouted at her. It's not that repulsive! The thought pulsating in her head, she opened her eyes wide and faced the crab once again. It's almost like when I met Onepu! she realized. Only this time, it's a lot less awkward.

Even with that being the case, she found herself struggling before finally receiving the urge to utter, "Hello?"

In a matter of a heartbeat, the creature started mumbling. In a matter of another heartbeat, it asked, "What do you want?"

Lyra jumped. Oh my, she thought, both surprised and relieved. It understands me! The thought sucked a sigh out of her. Clearing her throat, she began, "What's going on in here? Why is that Onepu guy holding us against our will?"

The crustaceous creature could only scoff. "Against our will, eh?" It rolled its eyes before confessing, "I may not have come to the master personally, but I've enjoyed every moment of the races here!"

Wrinkling her nose, Lyra replied, "I'm probably not even gonna be good at the races. I'm not a running pony!"

"A running what?" wondered the crab.

"Never mind." Lyra let out a sigh. "Just forget about it." With that, she lied down in the dirt.