• Published 4th Jan 2014
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Six Ways, Book 1: Unity - the_bioXpony_guy

~~A My Little Pony & Bionicle Crossover~~ Sister worlds coincide with one another, never knowing about each others' existence until that one moment of crisis. Equestria and Mata Nui serve as a perfect example of such a concept.

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Chapter 13 Some Answers

"I love you—I love you so much!"

"Um—Fluttershy?" asked Twilight, nervous to even nudge her pegasus friend awake. The sleeping pony had some unusual sleeping habits. Come to think of it, Twilight recalled Fluttershy having ground her teeth, talk in her sleep, and snore; it wasn't the quiet type of snore, either! The princess-loyal unicorn couldn't sleep a wink with that chainsaw going off.

Pushing past her fears, Twilight poked Fluttershy on the shoulder. "Fluttershy!" she said again, her voice rising. "We are almost here; wake up!"

With a snort, her pegasus friend almost immediately stopped snoring. "Wh-what?" she asked, wiping the saliva off her lower lip. "What happened?"

Twilight chuckled. "You look like you had a good sleep." After giving a short pause, she asked, "Are you aware that you talk in your sleep?"

"I do?"

"And you snore—really loud. I could hardly sleep, myself."

Fluttershy's ears flattened against her head. "Oh," she whispered. "I'm sor—"

"There's nothing to be sorry about," Twilight interrupted. "But I think you might want to see a doctor about the whole situation."

Her ears still layered over her head, Fluttershy murmured, "Okay."

As the two friends sat down in the train's passenger seats, they sensed as the locomotive itself slowly drew to a complete stop. The chugga-chugging made like a dying record, shifting into a dramatic ritardando before its focus of energy stopped turning.

"Here we are, folks!" cried the conductor, running from one door to another in the hope of opening them all before anybody even dared to leave. In between heavy breaths, he continued, "Thanks again for choosing Equestrian Locomotives!"

A smile on her face, Twilight picked herself off her seat and muttered, "Well, here we are!"

"Yes," Fluttershy added meekly. She followed her unicorn friend out the door, making sure not to hold everypony back again. All the while she held Teridax on her bottom, knowing the rock wouldn't easily fall off. Once out, once absorbed in Canterlot's royal air, Fluttershy felt lost within the big city. It feels like forever since we've been here!

Indeed, whispered her stone.

Stop talking, Teridax! shrieked the pegasus. Just stop it, alright? I don't want to hear any of it!

Do you want me to hurt your animals? the stone threatened, shifting slightly as it sat upon Fluttershy's rump.

My animals? asked Fluttershy. Why would you bring— But then she halted, her ears perked and her eyes unblinking, when she realized just what Teridax was talking about.

Twilight—who had been walking by Fluttershy's side the whole time—stopped where she was and turned her head in the pegasus' direction. One ear twitching, Twilight stopped as well and asked, "What's wrong, Fluttershy?"

Her face locked in the same, horrified expression, Fluttershy could only manage to stammer, "M-m-my animals—they—they're in trouble!!"

"What? Trouble? What do you mean?"

Her breath heavy, her heart beating at the pace of a drumroll Fluttershy blinked once, then twice, then explained as calmly as she could, "The-they have nobody to look after them when I'm gone!" She could already picture all those innocent animals aimlessly wandering around her tree of a house, not knowing how to feed, bathe, or generally take care of themselves. By the time she could even return, an army of skeletons would have appeared, dwelling amongst her house. The thought terrified her, driving her to sniveling and covering her eyes with her hooves.

"Oh—oh right!" Twilight realized. "Of course. I'll send a letter."

Sniffling, Fluttershy uncovered one of her eyes and sobbed, "What's a letter going to do?"

"I can tell Spike to take care of your animals!" explained Twilight. "All I need is some parchment—which I'll be able to find in the castle—and we'll be good to go!"

Her ears perked up a little upon hearing those words. "Spike will take care of my animals?" asked Fluttershy, her tears dried up a little. "Well, I—I guess that's okay." The pegasus in distress paused, then realized, "Oh—but you have to remember to tell him to feed Angel cucumbers and carrots, make sure Angel is bathed at least once a week, make sure the butterflies get their fair share of nectar..." On Fluttershy went, every one of her words sharing her animals' concerns—or so she believed. Following close behind Twilight, she eventually made it into Celestia's castle—but even then, she still hadn't finished off her list of things for Spike to make sure of for when he eventually babysat the animals.

At that point, Twilight had already picked up a quill and a piece of parchment. Controlling the stylus with her magic, jotting down just about every one of her friend's words, Twilight felt like telling the overreacting pony to calm down and take a deep breath. Upon the parchment Twilight wrote:

Dear Spike,

I just realized that Fluttershy and I left without having somebody take care of her animals. Because of this, I want you to forget about that shelf reorganization I told you about and just take care of Fluttershy's animals.


Twilight Sparkle

After sending the letter, Twilight let out a sigh and asked, “I don’t get it, Fluttershy. Earlier you said your animals could take care of themselves.”

Fluttershy looked like she would vomit. “What?” she screeched, her teeth grinding and eyes on the verge of balling. “I would never—I repeat—never say something like that!”

At that, Twilight took a step back and cringed. It was small, but enough for Fluttershy to see.

“What?” asked Fluttershy. “What is that about?”

For the first time in her life, Twilight felt genuinely afraid of the pegasus before her. What had Twilight done to awaken the demon hiding in Fluttershy’s heart? “N-nothing—”

Fluttershy opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted when Celestia took a step inside the room. The very sight made Fluttershy immediately close her jaws, made her pupils shrink, almost made her whimper. Seeing Fluttershy’s reaction, Twilight put a confused look on her face and spun around.

Just then both ponies noticed something peculiar about Celestia—peculiar, but devastating in their eyes. Something about such peculiarity made them wonder, Can princesses get sick? Celestia let out a yawn and a cough as she entered the room. Every step felt unbalanced and disorienting to her; her ability to walk in a straight line was out of the question. Simply looking down at the plight of stairs below her made her want to throw up.

Twilight—it seemed—was most concerned about Celestia’s current state, so concerned she forgot to bow to her. “Princess!” the unicorn exclaimed, pushing past Fluttershy and rushing to Celestia’s aid. Two steps at a time, she climbed up the plight of stairs and asked, “Wh-what’s going on? Did you catch a cold?” Oh, please tell me it’s just a cold!

“T-twilight,” Celestia began, hardly able to keep her eyes open. “I’m so glad you could make it in time.”

“In time for what?” wondered Twilight, trying not to get distracted by Celestia’s questionable posture.

“There’s something I need to tell you—before it’s too late.” She choked on her words. “It’s related to that letter you—” But before she could finish her sentence, Princess Celestia shot a look over at Fluttershy, instantly noticing the rock riding atop her flank. At that, her body froze—almost as if she hadn’t any balance issues.

Witnessing as the princess’s ears perked up, as she seemed to stare off into space, Twilight waved a hoof in front of Celestia’s face and asked, “Excuse me?”

A gulp slid down the alicorn’s throat. Much unlike a princess, much unlike a person with any sort of authority over Equestria, she started shaking in fear. “What is—that thing?” she asked while pointing with her hoof.

Following the princess’s hoof led Twilight to Fluttershy—specifically, Fluttershy’s rock. “Oh,” sighed Twilight. “That.”

Understanding what was going on and what Twilight and her mentor were talking about, Fluttershy put an angry look on her face and pouted. "I really—really wish everypony would stop treating Teridax like he's some kind of monster!"

The utterance of the name Teridax made the princess cringe. "Teridax, you say?" asked she, struggling to simply look at the rock. "Fluttershy—I apologize for my lack of patience, but get that rock off your flank right now!"

Challenged by a princess, thought Fluttershy, her teeth grinding once again. Enchanted by the bravery her stone seemed to bestow upon her, the pegasus swallowed her pride, held her nose high in the air, and replied, "Oh, Celestia—just because you're princess means you can boss everyone around, doesn't it? I think it's very funny the way you let power get to your head."

"And I for one think it's very funny how you let that stone of yours get to your head!"

Twilight, having stood quietly and patiently for the past minute, glanced at Celestia in surprise. She knows about this rock? she wondered. She knows what kind of awful feelings it can invoke? The unicorn blinked at the thought.

Not seeing the concern in Twilight's eyes, Fluttershy picked herself off her feet and started levitating toward the princess. Her wings beat faster than Twilight had ever even expected from a pony like her. The unicorn found it funny how Fluttershy—a pony who could hardly even keep herself afloat with those underpowered wings of hers—managed to fly with a rock glued to her rump.

"Well, you know what I think, Princess?" scoffed Fluttershy. "I think it's wrong for you to pick on little people! What if I became princess and started treating you the same way you—"

"That's ENOUGH!!" Those two words seemed to pull the breath out of Twilight. "Stop fighting, both of you! You're just making yourselves look bad!" Not to mention, you're embarrassing me to no end!

As they watched the unicorn come between them, huffing and puffing and struggling to keep peace within the castle, Celestia and Fluttershy both started calming down.

With a cough, Celestia began, "Oh—my sincerest apologies." She looked like she would start bowing to the two regular ponies. "Now—if you would please, I'd like to go into the castle basement."

Fluttershy—having dropped back down to the floor—nodded her head and murmured, "Y-yes—I'd like to go, too?"

Asked Twilight, "The castle has a basement?" I mean—not that there's anything wrong with that, but since when do royal castles have basements?

After walking through what felt like a hundred of Twilight's houses, the three ponies finally made it to the door of the basement—the likes of which had a lock covering the knob. Using her magic, Celestia entered a combination into the lock and twisted the knob, letting her guests and herself enter.

Before the three ponies appeared a long staircase—the likes of which lead to a room lit by a single window. The whole room itself looked like it hadn't been touched in years; a few spiderwebs and a lot of floating dust made that clear.

Twilight, resisting the urge to sneeze, turned her head toward Celestia and asked, "Princess Celestia—what did you bring us here for, again?

"It's about that letter you sent me," Celestia began with a sigh. "How the book has a foreign language printed in the back—and that it mentions Nuva Stones and a Great Cataclysm." The princess sighed again, this time feeling a little less congested. "There's a long history of Equestria you two do not know."

"Long history?" asked Twilight, turning and making sure Fluttershy was listening.

Celestia nodded her head. "It all starts long before any of those old pony tales—as you so called them, Twilight—ever took place." She bit her lip. "I've never told anypony this; I hardly even mention it to Luna." She paused and gave them the short and sweet version. "Fluttershy, Twilight—Equestria has a sister world."

Fluttershy set a puzzled look on her face. "E-excuse me?"

Twilight seemed just as confused. "A—a sister world, you say?" She didn't know whether to giggle or gasp. "I don't think I quite understand."

"I understand your confusion," Celestia said with a nod. "But I'll make it—" She broke out into a fit of coughing. "Sorry." Clearing her throat, the princess continued, "I'll make it clear. Every world in the universe has some type of spirit looming over it. For Equestria, Luna and I serve as that spirit. But do you know what happens when that spirit is unable to attend its regular duties?"

"Oh!" piped Twilight, feeling the drip of sweat falling down her face. "Well, it—" Her ears growing hot, she chuckled, "Oh my—I don't think I know this one. I've never read about that ever happening before."

"That's because it hasn't happened in Equestria," corrected Celestia. "But in our sister world, something horrible has happened to my brother."

"Y-you have a brother?" asked Fluttershy.

Celestia nodded, then turned around to face a dust-cloaked chest. Using her magic, she opened up the chest and pulled out a map—along with a small booklet. "My brother watches over this island."

Curious, Fluttershy and Twilight walked up behind their ruler. Upon doing so, they took notice of a large, diverse island—the likes of which covered the vast majority of Celestia's map. A few parts of it were green with vegetation, others tan with sand, and still others white with snow. "What is it?" asked Twilight.

Celestia could only sigh. "This, Twilight, is Mata Nui: an island paradise named in honor of my brother—or so it was until Makuta Teridax took over."

Those last few words made Fluttershy freeze—then take a couple steps back. "T-Teridax?" she wondered, her voice on the border of becoming inaudible. "Y-you mean to say my rock has been causing all this harm?" Before either pony had a chance to answer, the defensive pegasus growled, "You dare think that?!"

Oh boy, thought Twilight, taking a step away. Please don't start this. But this was all Fluttershy seemed to want to start.

"No, Fluttershy," began Celestia, trying hard to conceal her frustration. "Your stone merely represents a dark spirit." As those words escaped the princess's mouth, as sweat started dripping down the alicorn's face, her blood drew to a boil.

At that, the pegasus calmed down a little. With a sigh, she replied, "Fine."

It seems I have to choose my words very, very carefully when I'm around these two. The temperature of her blood started to decrease as those words flowed within her head. Her head inches from the map of this strange, foreign island, she continued, "My other brother, the Makuta, has began his invasion—and as a result, he has left its people in turmoil."

"How exactly did he put them in turmoil?"

Knowing how simple, how almost silly the concept seemed, Celestia shook her head and explained, "A spell. A sleeping spell, to be exact."

Beyond her control, a snicker dropped right out of Twilight. "A sleeping spell?" she thought out loud, trying hard to keep herself from laughing. "I'm sorry—but how can something like that cause a bunch of commotion on this whole island? Even if a high authority was intoxicated with that kind of spell, what damage could it do? I mean—really? Sleep spells are so Magic Kindergarten!"

"That may be true," said Celestia with a nod, "but are you aware what happens when the everyday sleeping spell is used by a dark wielder?"

"Well," Twilight explained. "When that happens, the results can be anywhere from harmless to disastrous."

"Then it should concern you that Makuta is the spirit of darkness in his world. Not only that, but he has used his power—to his full potential—on Mata Nui. The Great Spirit Mata Nui, that is." Just as soon as she had finished her sentence, the princess fought a cough, but failed her battle and ended up nearly hacking up on her two visitors. The tickle in the back of her throat was simply too much for the princess to stifle. It was after letting out some of the irritation in her windpipe when she cleared her throat and continued, "When that happens, when the balance of power is lost, nothing but chaos remains. Without Mata Nui, Makuta is free to do as he pleases—and what he pleases is nothing good for anybody!"

"Well, I understand how it would affect the people on Mata Nui's island," nodded Twilight. "But how would that affect Equestria—or even you, for that matter?"

Despite being so sick, Celestia's voice rose. "It's the balance of power, Twilight! With Makuta in control of the island of Mata Nui, he will only want to take more power for himself. And besides,” she coughed, “The Elements of Harmony are meant to bring harmony wherever they can—and that includes outside Equestria’s borders.”

Twilight felt an embarrassed blush go over her face. “I guess you’re right, but would it be inappropriate for my friends and me to do this mission? This seems more like a task for trained warriors, rather than the Elements of Harmony.”

Celestia chuckled and put a smile on her face. “When you get there, you’ll know why I sent you, Twilight.” She cleared her throat and continued. “Similar to the case I had with Luna many centuries ago, Makuta has infested his land with darkness—and now with Mata Nui out of the way, he needs another source of power: and that source is his eldest sister."

Dilated pupils showed on Twilight's eyes when she realized, "B—but, that's you!"

"Yes," said Celestia with a nod. "And soon enough, I will be put into a long—if not everlasting—sleep."

For what felt like the first time in hours, Fluttershy finally spoke. "What?" she asked, shaking the Teridax stone off her rump, making it fall to the floor on its side. "B-but if you're asleep, that leaves Luna—"

"—and if Luna takes over," Twilight interrupted, "Makuta will seek power from her!"

"Exactly," Celestia nodded. "And that is why I have summoned you here. The elements of harmony must be used with the elements of power to defeat this evil threat."

"But wait—" began Twilight. "If you needed all the elements of harmony, why did you summon only Fluttershy and me?"

"Because in my current state, I can only protect two additional ponies in my castle."

"Protect us?" asked Twilight, her interest perked.

But before Celestia could answer, a great haze clouded over her head, making her very dizzy. As a result, she lost her grip on the map and leaned toward the nearest wall. It wasn’t until doing so when she regained some composure. “M-Makuta is a stronger dark being than what Equestria is used to.” She paused for a moment, looking terrified, leaned in, feeling nauseous, and murmured, “Shadows are everywhere—and where they are, so is he.”

Alone, those words froze the two ponies, making the sound of silence split the air. It wasn’t until Twilight murmured the words, "I see," when the silence broke.

"Anyway," the princess continued, hoping not to jump on her hooves too soon. "Let's go get your elements—and you'll be on your way."