• Published 30th Dec 2013
  • 482 Views, 3 Comments

She'll Find Her Way - TimeRarity64

Lost in a grassy plain with only the forest surrounding her and the gray skies hovering over her, Fluttershy must find her way out and back home from this mysterious place. With the help of a butterfly, she'll surely find her way back home.

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She'll Find Her Way Home.

There are those days when you think…you can never get lost, but sadly…you can. The sky was gray and the wind was dead. The field of grass stretched for miles, copying and pasting one another each time I went ahead. The forest did not change, too, for I tried going through there and found myself back here in the field of grass. I was lost and I could not find my way back home.

I do not remember how I gotten out here. Everything became blur each time I struggle to remember the path I took that put me here in this endless field of green. I flew to the sky but found no settlement ahead, instead, just the same thing I have always seen. Each time it struck night, I cried myself to sleep, hiding in a tree, praying daytime would change my sadden fate in this endless place.

I was all alone here in this world.

When I began repeating this endless cycle: where I am traveling by day to find a way back home and at night sleep until the sun rose into the air, my hope slowly began dying down. Why was I still trying when all it was doing was hurting me? Was there anyway in getting back home? I shook my head plenty of times trying to rid myself of those terrible thoughts, but they were simply pointless. They always came back stronger and heavier, weighing down on my shoulders.

Hope was gone from my hooves. That was what this place was making me feel and was successful at it.

But one day changed.

The sky remained the same as the wind was still dead. I…found a monarch butterfly in the middle of the grassy plains eating some grass before remaining still and opening its wings that bored two large eyes staring back at me. I froze in place and thought that this the butterfly thought I was a threat and activated its defense to make itself look intimidating. But it soon closed its wings up and turned slightly around staring at me with its strange alluring eyes. Did I forget how to speak? No, I just did not know what to believe. Was this butterfly before me real?

I finally gained the courage to speak and began in a calm tone: “Excuse me, are you real?” It felt silly asking a butterfly that it was real when bugs like that do not talk.

“Of course I am young one.”

I froze in place, staring at the small bug in pure shock. It spoke to me. She spoke to me. Her tone was so…soothing; reminding me more about my mother’s voice whenever I was afraid that she will sing to me to cure me of my fears. I did not know how to properly react to this as I felt that this world was playing tricks on me. I have not eaten in a long time or drank water, yet I was still alive. Maybe my body was too weak and casted hallucinations, warning me of my inevitable doom. But something was not right. I was healthy. I never did felt thirsty or hungry. I just felt tired, awake, cold at times, and even warm.

My body was perfectly normal, aside from the dirt I obtained from the forest and my endless walk through the grassy plains. But then the butterfly again spoke, snapping my attention back to her.

“Are you lost, dear?”

Lost? Yes, oh yes I was. My body became drench in emotion as sadden thoughts rushed through my head. I was lost and needed a way back home. I answered her with a nod.

“I can guide you home, dear.”

Those words brought the hope that was slowly deteriorating in me back to life. It slowly became replenish and bloom in luminescent colors that only eyes like mine could see. I wanted to thank the butterfly but stopped in my tracks and questioned it:

“Was that even possible?”

It did not flinch or felt insulted by my doubt of hope and question. It remained unfazed, simply staring at me calmly without making any sudden movements. It then spoke: “Anything is possible, is it not?” I lowered my head silently agreeing with her. Rainbow Dash always felt like that. Nothing was impossible for her to get through.

“I am lost; do you know where I am?” I asked.

“You are here of course.” The monarch butterfly said.

I did not understand her answer or just could not comprehend if she understood mine.

“I mean…where am I? I can’t find my way back home for some reason.” I stated.

“You can be anywhere, dear, but you are here.”

“But what about you…are you lost to?”

“No my dear, in fact, I’m on my way and could lead you.”

Should I trust her? That was the problem. I decided to nod my head and in a second the butterfly flew gently onto my right shoulder. I did not know what to say at the moment when I suddenly felt a warm feeling inside of me. I look up ahead and seen the grassy plains before me shrink in lengths. It was not as big as I used to see it in that way as I began walking, unknown to where the butterfly was taking me.

I did not realize it, but we made it pretty far into the forest. Was it that close to me than I had imagined? I took a glance around, scanning my surroundings if there had been any distinguished features since I last been here, but found none. The forest never looked this scary before. But the butterfly whispered: “Do not stray away, dear. Keep on going.” I did as I was told and pushed myself forward.

The sounds of animals making noises or communicating with one another were, for once frightening to me. It was strange how an animal caregiver was afraid of the forest full of loud animals. But then, I paused in my steps and looked ahead spotting a growling small brown pup. My heart began racing as it stared at me with its teeth bearing. I never saw one so young before, but alone all by itself in the forest. But through my current state of fear I noticed something saddening about it. The right foreleg was bleeding badly and there were no ointments or items I could use to treat it. I could feel tears swell up in my eyes as I began pitying the poor pup. Abandon or probably lost and slowly dying from that wound. I was no longer afraid. The pup stopped growling and soon began whimpering, looking down at its wound. It was asking for help, no doubt.

“What should I do?” I questioned the butterfly, “The pup is going to die and it needs my help.”

The butterfly remained quiet as I felt the wind for once blow against me gently.

“Do not be afraid. Let the wind touch you.”

I did not understand what she meant by that, but I took careful steps towards the crying pup and…picked him up. I held him in a soft, gentle hug, enjoying his warm fur brushing against my body as he rubbed his against mine slowly.

“Be brave my dear. We are almost there.”

There? Did she meant home. If we made it home, I would be able to patch up the pup’s wound and surely save him in time. I used my wings to pick me up from the ground as I held the pup closely against my chest and began flying wherever there was. I could feel the gentle wind still touching me, encouraging me to continue.

When night time approached, I felt tired. I could not move further ahead and decided to rest against large tree just close to another open field that was different form the massive one I was in before. I held the pup next to me, keeping him warm as I allow myself to fall asleep. I was not aware that that special warmth he carried became free from my hold. The butterfly I had on my shoulder was no longer there, but I did not open my eyes…instead…I kept my ears awake.

There I heard her.

“There you will find home, dear; right beyond that field.” She said.

Was she leaving me? What about the pup, I did not feel him against me. Something felt odd…was it sad or…relieving?

When I felt the moon’s rays touch my body, I woke up and looked around for my two new friends. “I don’t want to be alone again.” I muttered, frighten by the fear of loneliness I so suffer from this place. When I got up, I saw the saddening scene before me. Why I felt so…light and less warm was because the pup moved away from me and…is one with this place.

I cried, unable to believe that being so close to home, I was not able to do anything well for that pup until I heard her, the butterfly above me. When I looked up, I was under a tree full of many pink butterflies except…one; her.

“Sleep my dear. Sleep.” She said, but could I really sleep.

“Sleep so that you will be ready to leave.”

My body felt tired all of a sudden as I began resting against the tree again. What was this strange feeling? Why was I beginning to fall asleep? What purpose was this to be served? But before I slept, I heard her soft voice soothed my fear.

“When you wake up and take that path, I will not be able to follow you. You will be on your own.” She stated, “You will find your own way back home.”

Those words echoed for a while before fading away into the darkness. When I finally awoke from the beaming sunlight, the butterflies were all gone and the sky was clear blue. I slept under a leafless tree slowly giving birth to leaves when spring was slowly approaching. Getting up, I took my careful steps over the pup and did not look back. I went down the path the butterfly instructed me and continued.

Was I supposed to feel happy or sad? I still did not know. I never questioned that. I felt that it was best to move on from it. Something I rarely do. But this time…this path I was on was up to me to walk and stay clear from any obstacle. I will find my own way home as the butterfly stated, I will finally be free.

I’ll find my way.


Author's Note:

Done in under two hours. I only went over it once, making some changes. But all in all, it's pretty good to me (aside it being my work). Thank you for reading.

Comments ( 3 )

So... is Fluttershy dead?:rainbowderp:
My guess is she's dead.

Beautiful story! I only saw some mistakes, but the rest is perfect!

3706631 That I do not know. I kind of ended it in a cliffhanger allowing readers to make up their own theory what happened to her at the end.

3706635 Thank you:heart:

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