• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 4,280 Views, 43 Comments

A Dash Of Life. - Unarmed Pony

I get the shock of my life when my favourite rainbow comes to town

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Chapter Six: A New Place To Stay

I woke up to a pair of unblinking magenta eyes. I yelped and rolled out of the bed in a large pile of blankets and pillows. I surveyed my surroundings and found that I was still in Princess Luna's bedroom. But Rainbow Dash was enjoying the bed. Not me. She was rolling around on it having a laughing fit.

"Hey. What gives?"

Rainbow stopped laughing long enough for her to form a sentence. "I was waiting for you to wake up."

"And you thought it was a good idea to stare at me."

"What? You're cute when you're sleeping." Rainbow mentally scolded herself for the choice of words and hoped I didn't notice.

"Did you just say cute?"

Hopes misplaced. "Um no. I said funny."

"Whatever. Why were you waiting for me to wake up?"

"Because I have some great news! I asked the Princess if you could stay at my house and she said yes!" She started jumping around like a school filly who just got an A.

I probably would have given a half-hearted 'yay', but I was too tired to care. I just looked at her with tired, droopy eyes. "Give me a few minutes to 'freshen up' and then we'll go." I was also too tired to think about how I would live in a house made of clouds.


After heading to Twilight's Library, Or as she nicknamed it, Sparkle Library, to get a cloud walking spell cast on me, we headed up to Dash's cloud home.

I walked in the door and instantly felt at home. It was a pig sty. It looked like a hurricane had torn through it. It reminded me of my room back home. And then I noticed something. My feet sunk into the cloud up to my ankle.

"Wow. Clouds are really soft. But it really feels like I'm sinking in them."

"That happens. You'll get used to it." Rainbow then proceeded to belly flop on the sofa. She closed her eyes. Seemingly trying to nap.

Something green caught my eye. It was next to the T.V. I walked over to it. I picked it up and looked at it. It was a case. A case for a game on PBox 360. I'm guessing the 'P' meant 'Pony'. It was Dance Evolution on Kinect.

"I take it you like to dance."

Rainbow's eyes shot open She darted toward me and attempted to snatch the case from my hands. She grabbed it and held it against her chest.

"I've already seen it Dash."

Rainbow gave a defeated sigh and slumped down on the floor. "Yeah. It's a sort of hobby."

"Why react like that? Who knows. I might like it too."

"Do you?"

"Maybe. Let's just say I have the high score on 5 songs and created my own."

"I bet you five bits I can beat you."

"You're on!"


After playing for about five hours, we both lay on the bed. Fatigued and tired. Both of us were quite happy to just fall asleep right there and then. But a knock on the door interrupted us.

"I'll get it." Rainbow said. Obviously unhappy about getting up. She trotted over to the door and opened it to see a certain purple unicorn on the other side.

"How did you get up here?"

"Irrelevant. Is he here?"

"Yes. Why?"

"I figured out a way to make him.... What's the word..... 'Fit in'."

"In what way?"

"In the way that he becomes a pony! Any kind of pony he wants. Unicorn, Pegasus or Earth Pony."

"Wait here. I'll go get him."

It would be an understatement to say I was happy about this news. I was happy times eight-hundred! After a short journey to the Library, the happiness was gone. Replaced by nerve-racking worry. I'm that kind of person. I can't do anything without thinking about what could go wrong. What if I get turned into a combination of a pony and a human? A human with hooves and fur! I sat still, waiting for inevitable doom. The room illuminated. This is it. I'm going to die. Or be alienated from everyone. That would be worse than dying. I thought. Just then I noticed that my thoughts wander from topic to topic. Before I knew it I was thinking about cake. How did I get from certain death to cake? My thoughts were quickly dismissed as a purple beam tore through the air and lodged itself into the middle of my chest. It kept going in. The beam stopped being produced from the source and the start came rushing to meet me. After that, it went black.


I woke up with my face buried in the floor. I pulled it off of the floor and looked up to see two ponies. A unicorn looking at me with a giant smile that threatened to rip her face in two. And a pegasus looking at me with her jaw hitting the floor. Not literally, of course.

"Did it work?" I say.

The two ponies gave a subtle nod. Each still with the same facial expression.

I pulled my arm up to my face and I saw something different. It wasn't a hand. It was an orange hoof. I looked all over. Orange. Everywhere. I reached up to my head to see what colour my mane was. It was black. Not jet black, but still black. It sort of drooped over my face. Like those kids who have really long hair that covers half of their face.

I felt something unfamiliar on my back. New muscles. I had never experienced anything like this before. It felt so strange. I tried to use the muscles and found a pair of majestic orange wings flare out from my sides. Then I noticed I still hadn't stood up. I planted the bottom of my front hooves on the ground and pushed up. I brought my back hooves in and planted them on the ground. I was now standing. Looking at the two ponies. We were the same size. But I noticed something different about Dash. She no longer looked like just a pony. She looked beautiful. The silky cyan coat flowing gently in the breeze. Her rainbow coloured mane seemed more full with colour. Her magenta eyes seemed to sparkle in the light. My thought train was stopped abruptly by Twilight.

"Now, you may see us differently. You have pony eyes now so you should see us like that show does."

"Yeah. I do."

Rainbow Dash blushed under my gaze. She tried to hide her face. "Stop staring at me." She said with a slight giggle.

"Right. Sorry." I turned my attention to Twilight. "So, how do I learn to fly like a normal pegasus?"

"I'm sure Rainbow Dash would teach you. She is the greatest flier to ever come out of Cloudsdale."

Rainbow blushed even more. It seemed that Twilight noticed it the first time and made it her objective to make it even more intense.

"Yeah. I'll teach you. Come on. I know this awesome place on the outskirts of Ponyville."