• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 4,279 Views, 43 Comments

A Dash Of Life. - Unarmed Pony

I get the shock of my life when my favourite rainbow comes to town

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Chapter Ten: Wedding Bells.

By the time I got back to Ponyville, I was just about ready to die. My wings were aching and the effort of the flight took it's toll as I began to feel fatigued. But the adrenaline surging through my veins prevented me from sleep. It was almost noon so I decided I would go to the picnic. I glided off the front porch and walked the rest of the way.

By the time I had got to the picnic, everypony was already there. Twilight was reading a letter and Rarity seemed just about ready to faint.

"Hey guys. What's up?"

"Well," Twilight began. "There's a wedding in Canterlot between some ponies I don't even know, and we've all been asked to contribute."

"Oh right. Probably should have given you this one first." Spike said apologetically. He grabbed a letter out of his scale pockets and handed it to Twilight.

Twilight cleared her throat. "Princess Celestia invites you to a wedding in Canterlot between Princess Mi Amore Cadenze and." She gasped. "My brother?!"

"You're brother is getting married to a princess? Congratulations!" I said. I clapped my front hooves together and Twilight shot a look at me that was equivalent to getting stabbed in the soul. I stopped clapping and as did everypony else.

"No. Not congratulations! How could he do this!"

"Do what?" I asked.

"Invite me with a LETTER! The least he could do is tell me in person! Thanks a lot Shining Armour!"

"Oh yeah right. How selfish of him." I said. Trying not to sound confused.

Suddenly, a green flash of light appeared in front of me. I'm easily scared so naturally, I jumped up and grabbed on to a branch above me.

The green light materialized into a letter. I dropped down and flapped my wings near the bottom to prevent a hard landing. I opened the letter on the floor and read it aloud by accident.

"Go along with your friends to Canterlot and report to me immediately. Rainbow Dash is almost ready."

Obviously, Twilight was the only one who knew what I was talking about. The rest just stared at me. Their eyes asking for more information.

"Umm..... Right.... Rainbow Dash got poisoned by a changeling and she could die at any minute and Princess Celestia is keeping her alive and awake long enough so that I can save her." I said as fast as I could. Unfortunately, not fast enough. They all heard every syllable perfectly. They all started chattering in unison. Saying so many different things that I couldn't understand any of it.

"QUIET!" Twilight yelled. Everyone turned their heads to her. "Right now the best way we can help her, is to get to Canterlot and just get the wedding over with while he does his thing to save Rainbow."

"I agree." I said. "Let's go to the train station."


I landed on the balcony of the same tower I left before. I walked in and saw no one. I progressed slowly and looked around.

"You're here!" I spun around just in time to see a rainbow blur crash into me and bring me into a hug.

"Rainbow Dash! You're alright!"

"Yeah, Yeah. Boo hoo. Teary reunion and all that."

I whipped my head to the left and saw something that looked similar to a Changeling but much bigger. Instinctively, I stepped in front of Rainbow and took up a defensive stance.

"Wow. I am offended. It is me who brought back you're little marefriend."

I lifted my head a little and dropped my angry expression and it turned to a surprised one.

"Is that true?" I asked Rainbow.

"I'm afraid so. She brought me back as leverage."

I turned my attention back to the giant Changeling at the other side of the room. "What do you want you monster!"

"I want you. You need to go to the wedding between me and Shining Armour and do something."

"You? I though Mi A-whatsit Cadenze was marrying Shining Armour."

"She is." As she said this, a green pillar of flame arose around her. When it subsided, a completely different creature was standing in-front of me. It was Princess Mi Amore Cadenze

"What do you want me to do?"

"Attack Princess Celestia!"

"Never! I would never do such a thing."

"Well then. Maybe you need a little... Encouragement." Her horn glowed green and I heard a grunt from behind me. I spun my head around and saw Rainbow Dash on the floor with her hooves clutching her chest.

"Rainbow!" I knelt down beside her. I knew she was being eaten from the inside because of the normal poison. But now she wasn't unconscious. I picked up her head in my hooves. Her eyes were flooded with tears of pain. I watched as her life ebbed away in my hooves.

"I'll do it. Just let her live."

As I said these words, her eyes opened and she inhaled a lung full of air. I instantly brought her into a hug. One of which she hastily returned. We sat there with our arms around our necks for a while. The Changeling had already left but we still sat there.

"Enjoying yourselves?"

I turned my head and looked into the eyes of the Princess of the Night.

"Princess Luna. I need your help again. Princess Mi Amore Cadenze is a Changeling. She threatened to kill Rainbow Dash if I didn't attack Celestia at the wedding."

"Is this so? Well, we'll have to deal with this conundrum then. Play along until the wedding. I shall inform Celestia and we will form a plan."

"Thank you." I say in barely more than a whisper. I return my attention to the mare in my arms. She is awake, but not strong enough to talk or do anything. I pick her up and glide down to the castle floor. I navigate the labyrinth of hallways and doors until I ask a guard for directions. Now that I know where to go, I get to Rainbow Dash's room and lay her on her bed. I pulled the covers over her and sat with her. I stroked her mane with my hoof.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too. Get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."