• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 507 Views, 0 Comments

Carasys - AppleZapJam

A strange object that has fallen from the sky will lead to war in Equestria

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Chapter 2: The Encounter

Chapter 2: The encounter

"What to do mean open?" Applejack's face was in confusion, "Like some critter was in there and now it's walking about all lose?"

The lavender unicorn looked at the capsule and then looked at Applejack. "Yes, I believe that there was something in there, but now it's gone."

"Hey!" The yell came from Spike, who was peering at the ground. "There are these prints leaving from the 'egg.' They don't look like a ponies' hoof print though, they look more like a triangle thing then anything else."

There was a metal "CLANG" that came from not too far away. Every pony ran towards its direction. There right before the forest, stood a object. Twilight gasped,"wait, that object has arms and legs!"

Twilight was trying to grasp this situation. The object turned around and then it's eyes meet with theirs. It's eyes were a crimson red, shaped like a crescent moon. It's body looked like two cylinders, the head was half of a sphere. The being had a glass dome over top of its head to protect it from the environment. One of the arms ended in a claw, but it had five fingers that moved just like a hand. The other arm ended in a smaller hand, but it was much smaller. In this hand there was a cylinder with a handle and on the end of the cylinder, a small circular triangle sat on the end. The being was golden and brown much to the look of brass.

There was silence for a couple of minutes before Twilight spoke up, "Hello? Who are you and do you need help?" The being pointed the object in its smaller hand towards Twilight. Twilight winced back as pain hit her shoulder, she looked down. Her shoulder was burned and smoking.

"What was that for?" Twilight was now charging at the being, "Tell me now!" The metallic being turned around to reveal two wings, there was also a rectangular object with two holes on the bottom between the wings. The wings opened up, flames erupted from the two holes in the rectangular box. The being soared up into the sky.

Twilight turned towards Rainbow Dash, "Get it" Rainbow Dash looked over to Twilight with shock, as the tone of voice that Twilight had given her was not what she would of suspected.

Rainbow Dash nodded, "On it!" she then soared after the metallic figure. "This thing flies faster then I had thought! I'm almost tired already!" As the word "Tired" came into Rainbow Dash's mind, she quickly sped up. This "Thing" will not beat her. The metallic being noticed Rainbow Dash starting to catch up. It began to speed up, then as soon as it sped up it closed its wings and cut off the flames. It began to free fall, directly towards Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash collided with the Figure, the being thrust out its claw and grabbed a hold of Rainbow Dash's neck. Rainbow Dash gasped as the air was cut off to of her lungs. The claw then began to gain a black aura. Rainbow Dash began to feel weaker and weaker. The eyes of figure were squinting, concentrating on the magic that was flowing towards its claw.

They were still free falling. Rainbow Dash started to faint as her energy was almost completely gone. The figure then lost go of its grasp, spread its wings and began to fly off. Rainbow Dash was plummeting quickly to the ground. She wasn't able to fly to save herself. All she could do was wait for the ”Crunch" of her body hitting the ground. But no crunch came, instead there was an enormous "Splash!" She landed in, water? How was this possible? She was overtop of the ground, there was no water.

She was pulled out of the water by an orange pony. Her vision was blurry but she could tell it was Applejack. "Land sakes Pinkie! Where the hay did you get a swimming pool from?" Pinkie was beaming, "Oh I keep pools all over Equestria! Just in case for a pool emergency."

Rainbow Dash was beginning to gain her energy back. "What just happened? I'm sure I was dead. I couldn't even move a muscle," Rainbow Dash tried to stand up but she collapsed while doing so. "Pinkie Pie here, just pulled a swimming pool from nowhere and then placed it right under you," Rarity shook her head, "I still don't know where she got it from though." Pinkie Pie was still beaming.

Rainbow Dash had a frown on her face. All her friends were looking at her, "Why are you frowning Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy was concerned for her rainbow colored friend. Rainbow Dash looked up, her face was filled with tears. "I let it get away," her head hung down even further, "it beat me."

Rarity let out a sigh, "He didn't beat you dear. He didn't play far," she came closer to Rainbow Dash and nuzzled her, "He used magic to cheat."

A explosion came from over where the egg was. "The explosion most likely came from the egg." Twilight thought, "Oh no!" Everypony galloped over the hill, Twilight was the first to reach where the egg had been, "Spike!" Spike was lying on the ground. He was in terrible shape, his scales were singed. It didn't hurt him though, he's a dragon after all. His arm though, was bent sideways. "Spike!" Twilight galloped over to him, "What happened?" Spike began to get up but his arm was hindering him from doing so.

"Twilight, is there a spell to fix my arm?"

Twilight smiled, "unfortunately not Spike, I believe Fluttershy is the only one that can help you for now."

Fluttershy trotted over towards Spike. "Now umm... Spike this is gonna hurt a bit, but do your best not to freak out."

"No worries about me freaking out Fluttershy, I already am." Spike's eyes were as wide as dinner plates.

Flutttershy held tightly onto Spike's arm. She made a quick side motion, there was a loud "CRACK" that echoed throughout the field. Spike yelled out in pain. Spike then began to move his arm, with little effort.

"How... how did you know how to do that?"

Fluttershy smiled, Spike knew that her cutie mark meant that she was good animals. Putting a bone back in place with no side effects is a different story. "Many times a animal family comes to me, and one if their members has a bent arm or leg, like you did. I discovered this technique one day when a bear got his arm caught under a tree. I did the same movement, like I did to you, and he was good as new."

"Well thanks again Fluttershy," Spike hugged the yellow pegasus.

"Do you remember what happened to the egg?" Twilight was anxious to find out what happened to it.

"Not much, I remember the egg started to seal itself. Like the little stones where being pulled towards it. It reassembled itself and then it rolled over on top of me hurting my arm. Then flames blew out from the bottom. After that I blacked out, most likely from the weight."

A yell came from behind the ponies, the voice didn't come from another pony however. It came from the metal being that had nearly killed Rainbow Dash. It's face showed the look of disappointment, as if it had just missed it's ride home. "The thing must of been on a timer," Twilight quickly chimed in, "We must of delayed it long enough before it had a chance to get back to its vessel."

A shot came from the cylinder that was in the beings claw. The shot nearly missed Applejack. "Run for your lives!" Pinkie started to run, everypony followed suit. The metal figure had become enraged, it began to throw black spheres of magic towards the ponies and exploded as soon as they touched something. Twilight responded with a magical force field surrounding her friends. "Applejack," Twilight was looking at the earth pony, "Buck that thing as hard as you can!" Applejack nodded, she quickly began to drop behind. She then planted her front hooves into the dirt, and reared up her hind legs.

The metal figure yelled out in pain as two circular dents appeared in its chest. It roared as its larger claw glowed a dark purple. It dropped the cylinder that was in its smaller claw. Applejack gasped as she was running away. The creature was gaining speed, with it's claw, now engulfed in black flames. Purple sparks began to form around Applejack.

"What the hay?"

A bright flash of purple engulfed Applejack. She appeared right next to her friends, who were cowering behind a fallen tree.

"Thanks Twilight," Applejack didn't usually like the feeling of being teleported. This however was an exception. If her friend hadn't of teleported her out of the way well... Let's just say there would be five bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

"No problem Applejack," Twilight was now sweating. Her friend almost died because of her orders. What was she thinking? The thing nearly killed Rainbow Dash, what makes Applejack any different? She thought that Applejack's buck would certainly put that thing to rest. She knew that the thing was made of metal, then why did she send Applejack to hit it? Twilight shook her head. She will think about this later, but now she must think about how to get rid of this thing.

"Theres only one person we can turn too," Twilight's eyes where fixed on the raging metal figure. Who's claw had embedded into a tree after its failed attempt at hitting Applejack. "We need to get to Canterlot as quickly as possible."

Everypony turned towards Twilight with the look of disbelief. Rainbow Dash began to hover and gaze over towards the still raging figure. "Umm Twilight?"


"Can't we... You know, send a letter to Princess Celestia through Spike?"

Twilight Sparkle facehoofed, she had completely forgotten about her assistant having a one on one connection with Princess Celestia. "Anyone have a piece of paper?"

Pinkie left in a quick burst of speed towards a tree stump. "Don't worry Twilight! I've got paper stored all over Equestria!"

Twilight looked dumbfounded. "Thanks again Pinkie, Spike take a letter."

Twilight cleared her throat, which attracted the metal being. It turned towards the sound, It let out a metallic growl and began to walk over. "Well if this could get any better!"

Twilight felt a tug in her mane, "Umm, Twilight..." Spike was looking at his feet, "We have no quill or ink remember?"

Twilight's face went blank. She had completely forgotten about ink and a writing utensil! What was she going to do? Twilight turned her head towards Pinkie hoping for an answer. All she got was a rather vigorous sideways shaking pink head. Twilight frowned, if Pinkie can't help me. What am I going to do? Twilight's face lit up, How can I be so stupid! A writing spell! All I need to do is think the words and they will write themselves on the page! Twilight concentrated, her horn glowed purple. Letters began to form on the page within Spike's hand.

"Spike! Send it now!"

A burst of green flame came from Spike's mouth. The letter was sent. The metal figure came closer with its larger claw still ablaze with black flames. It let out a roar before it started to run towards the the helpless six ponies and small dragon.

The being reared back it's claw, ready to swing. But it stopped as a bright flash erupted in front of the group of ponies. Princess Celestia stood there along with Princess Luna.

Twilight rushed forward towards Princess Celestia, "Princess Celestia!" Celestia's hoof stopped her in her tracks.

"Stay... Back... Twilight." Twilight looked at her mentor, Celestia's face was filled with fear. Twilight thought that Celestia was filled everything, but fear. She had never showed signs of it, ever. Either this situation was going to turn bad quickly or she forgot to turn off the facet in her bedroom before leaving the castle. She concluded that the situation was going to go bad.

Celestia nodded to Luna, who threw up an illusion in front of the metal monster. The monster began to swing at the illusions. Certainly frustrated as it's swings were doing nothing to the shimmering ponies in front of it. Princess Celestia charged through the illusion. Celestia's horn ran through the victim's chest. Celestia pumped magic through her horn, making it glow brightly. The being yelled out in pain as it's metal figure was melting on the inside. The eyes of the being began to flicker. They soon died out and the once living figure slumped over on the ground, dead.

Celestia turned around to look at the six ponies. Their faces were all different, except for Fluttershy who had passed out. Rarity's and Pinkie's mouths were agape, Twilight and Applejack both just stared. Spike joined Fluttershy on the ground while muttering, "She just.. duhhhhh...." The only pony that wasn't terrified was Rainbow Dash who seemed to enjoy the little show.

Celestia had expected this reaction. She quietly strode up to the ponies. "Are you all alright?"

Twilight shook her head to clear her mind of the things that she just saw. "We're fine princess." She nuzzled the much larger alicorn, who returned the gesture. Twilight's nose wrinkled as she smelled something foul coming from the metal figure that was on the ground. The foul smelling liquid was black, with a purple glow. The grass turned black as the slow moving liquid seeped out of the metal body. "Princess Celestia," Twilight trotted over to the metal being. "What is this?"

Celestia's face became downcast. She came up next to her student, "Twilight," she sighed and put her leg around Twilight. "Let us all go back to the castle and discuss this further. We are not safe here."

As they turned away a message began to type itself on the dome of the dead metal being. No doubt it was safety protocol. If it died it would type a message. "BEINGS ARE HOSTILE. USE EXTREME FORCE."

The message blinked for a few more seconds and then it faded away. New text was displayed, "MESSAGE SENT."

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