• Published 15th Dec 2013
  • 16,092 Views, 862 Comments

Cheesecake and Changelings - Dropbear

After an alarming trip through a black hole in his fridge, Nigel M. Chalmers finds himself in a colourful peaceful country populated with a throng of friendly ponies... in the body of one of their nation's worst enemies. Of course it all goes to

  • ...

Arrivals and Departures

The brightly-lit hospital room was filled with the sound of tapping, a single figure fiddling with his forehooves while he sat outside a room.

Nigel glanced up at the clock hanging on the white wall opposite him, two-thirty in the afternoon was a terrible time to be in the hospital.

Thankfully it was largely empty of other patients so it was quiet, but the silence couldn’t sooth the nervousness he was feeling at the moment.
Midnight had woken up in bed and complained that her stomach was hurting, and given that she was a few days shy of eleven months, they had considered it prudent to head to the city hospital.

That had been three hours ago, and he hadn’t received any word about her condition. The doctor and three nurses that had entered the room hadn’t left, leaving him to wait outside. He had considered just going in and seeing what was happening, but had been struck with indecision. Despite the primitive in comparison medical equipment he had seen, he trusted the nocturnes to know how to treat their own effectively. The problem was that he hated not being able to help out, he needed to do something.

Leaving his chair, he headed to the double doors before pausing. What would he walk into? Would he disrupt the doctors and possible cause something to go wrong? Maybe they were preforming surgery, and his entrance could cause the surgeon to make a mistake? He began to pace, tossing up whether to go in or not.

“Are you okay there?”

He turned, a young mare in a white nurse outfit tilting her head at him. She didn’t seem that surprised at what he was, likely because after ten months in town he’d been in and out of the hospital a few times with Midnight.

“I’m fine,” he reassured, gesturing towards the doors. “I’m just waiting for someone, that’s all.”

The nurse seemed to think of something, her ears pricking up with interest.

“Oh, you mean the pregnant mare, Miss Midnight?” She turned to the side, so he could see the towels draped over her back. “I was actually going in there to deliver these, is there something wrong?”

“Not that I know,” he answered with a shake of his head. “I haven’t heard anything since she went in.”

The nurse rushed up to him. “Oh, you must be worried sick! I’m sorry sir, you know how doctors can be. They get so wrapped up in the task at hoof that they forget about keeping patients informed.” She placed a forehoof on the door, giving him a reassuring smile. “If you wait here, I’ll find out what’s going on and I’ll be right back to let you know.”

“Thanks,” he acknowledge, sitting back down while the nice nurse disappeared into the room. He resumed his hoof tapping, waiting for another ten minutes that seemed like hours. Finally, the doors cracked open and the nurse stuck her head through with a warm smile.

“Sir, you’ll want to come in.”

He got up and she opened the door for him, Nigel trotting into the large hospital room. Medical machines constructed from a strange hybrid of metal and wood beeped and buzzed away, but his ears were focused on another sound entirely.

It was that of a child crying.

The nurse led him towards a curtained-off bed, another nurse ducking out with a basket of towels held in her wings. Rounding the corner, he saw Midnight lying in the bed with a blue bundle of cloth held tight in her wings. She looked like a mess, her mane and fur plastered with sweat and her chest heaving with exhaustion.

“Is she okay?” he asked. A stallion in a white coat trotted up to him, adjusting his spectacles with a wing before nodding.

“She’s fine, a little tired, but fine,” the doctor reassured. “You’re the,” he paused for a split second. “Stallion that brought her in?”

“I am,” Nigel confirmed. “We’re-“

“It’s fine, doctor,” the nurse from before informed, the doctor sharing a glance with her, giving him a once over with a raised eye before turning back to the bed.

“Nurses, let’s give them some privacy.” Nigel found the doctor’s focus returned to him, the stallion beginning to head towards the door with the nurses following him. “We’ll be back in half an hour to check in on you three. If you need help, press the red button on the desk.”

‘Three?’ Nigel wondered, the doctor patting him on the shoulder with a hoof as he passed.

“Congratulations, a very healthy foal indeed.”

All the medical professionals left, the door shutting behind them. He trotted up to the bed, Midnight looking tired but proud. He pulled up a simple chair and sat next to her, touching Midnight on the shoulder. “Hey,” he whispered, figuring it was what he was supposed to do. “Are you okay? I’m sorry for not coming in sooner, but they didn’t tell me that it was-“

“It’s okay, Nigel,” she told him, beaming with pride and holding out the bundle to see. “Look, isn’t she wonderful?” He looked into it and saw the face of the foal within, a small tuft of dark blue hair poking out. The newborn filly slumbered peacefully, all worn out it seemed. Chalmers passed the bundle back to Midnight, and watched while she cradled it to her chest.

“Do you have a name in mind?”

“Not yet,” she yawned. “I’ve got a few in mind but I can’t really choose right now.”

“Don’t rush, just focus on recovering.” He gave her a grin, rubbing her on the head. “You did good, Midnight, and now you’ve got a beautiful daughter.” He leant down and gave her a nuzzle, Midnight returning it. “Just what I’d expect, judging from her mother.”

“But what will we tell her about Equinox?” Midnight held the sleeping filly closer. “I mean, once she grows up she’ll start asking questions.”

“We tell her the truth, she’ll understand.” She didn’t seem as sure as he did, but when Midnight let out another yawn he gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t worry about it now, get some sleep and we can talk about it tomorrow. We’ve got plenty of time to think of names and ways to talk about her father, okay?”

Nodding, Midnight gave him a smile before leaning back into the pillows. “I think her father’s already worked out that last problem already.” He was going to thank her for the sentiment, but just like the filly in her grasp, Midnight had fallen asleep with no effort at all. Shaking his head, he himself leaned back in the chair and began to nod off, wondering what the next few days would bring.

Midnight woke up, her entire body sore. Slowly stretching, she hugged the bundle in her wings closer to her.

Only, there was no bundle there.

Jolting up in the bed, she glanced around franticly. She only saw medical equipment and Nigel asleep in the chair next to her. Looking through the sheets, Midnight only briefly registered Nigel waking up beside her.

“Midnight, what’s wrong?”

“She’s gone!” Her furious searching increased. “One second she was in my wings, and the next-“

“It’s okay,” he reassured, a hoof on her shoulder giving her pause. “The doctor and nurses just need to do some standard checks, they said that it’d take a few hours and they didn’t want to wake you up. Relax.”

Her rapidly beating heart began to slow, and she relaxed back into the bed. Taking deep breaths, she waited until she had calmed herself down.

“That’s a relief,” she groaned out, still completely drained. “Did you hear anything?”

“Only that it’s looking promising,” he reassured, pulling his chair closer. “However, they did say that you’ll have to stay in hospital for a few days.”

“Oh,” she sighed, wishing that she could recover at home instead. Sitting up, Midnight held her forelegs out. He complied, leaning over to give her a hug. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy, it’s just that I’m so worried that something will go wrong.”

“It’s a normal thing,” Nigel said, before tilting his head. “At least, that’s what I heard. Once again, don’t worry about it. This hospital and the doctors look pretty up to scratch, and they said that she’s looking like a very healthy foal.”

“I guess.”

“Good. Now I hate to do this,” he pulled away, glancing towards the clock. “But I have to work today, and I’ve already taken enough time off as it is. I promise that I’ll be back as soon as I’m finished and the doctors said that it’d be fine if I brought you something to make up for it so-“

“Nigel,” she laughed lightly. “You don’t have to worry. Mom and Dad are going to be visiting tonight, so I’ll have some company then.” He didn’t seem convinced, but she patted his back with a wing to try and elicit a smile. It didn’t work, so she went down another route. “You can still feel free to bring a gift, though.”

That did the trick, and she was rewarded with a grin. He glanced at the clock again before leaving his seat, trotting over to give her a peck on the cheek. “Fine then, I’ll be back in a few hours, it’s only a short shift. Say hi to your parents for me.”

“I will, have a fun time at work.”


Midnight smiled at that, watching Nigel trot out of the room to leave her alone. His willingness to support her through this was touching, she had to admit that she hadn’t been the easiest mare to deal with. Looking to her left, she used her wings to pick up one of the books sitting by the bed and began to read.

Hours must have passed; Midnight too engrossed in her book to really notice the flow of time. The two sets of hooves approaching the room went unnoticed, and it wasn’t until two forms rushed her that Midnight clued in to the peril.


She found herself hugged by a pair of wings, her book forgotten as Starbright practically smothered her.

“Mom,” Midnight advised, thankfully causing Starbright to back off. Now that her vision was free of grey chest hair, she could see both Starbright and Darklight smiling at her with pride clearly evident. Tapping her hooves together, she was once again approached by Starbright.

“The hospital told us that you had been admitted,” Starbright explained, this time hugging much more gently. “Then we found out that we have a grandchild. We’re so proud of you Midnight, I’m sorry that we missed it all.”

“It’s fine, Mom.”

“Where is the little foal?” Darklight inquired, trotting up to give her his own hug. “And where is Nigel? I would have expected him to be here as well.”

“The doctors are running some standard checks,” she explained. “Nigel had to go to work, but he’ll be back later tonight.”

“Well, we brought you some gifts!” Starbright announced happily while nodding towards Darklight. The stallion ducked out of the room and returned a second later with two boxes in his wings, both in bright blue wrapping paper. Midnight’s eyes lit up at the presents, and she greedily grabbed the closest one from him with her wings. Working quickly to open it, she tore off the wrapping to reveal…

A gigantic box of cloth nappies, one hundred of them.

“Wow,” she said, the reality of what the next three weeks would bring settling in. “Thanks?”

“Trust me, you’ll be needing them,” Starbright told her with a motherly nod. “I remember when you were just a month-old foal, it was like a never-ending flow of-“

“Mom, that’s fine, I get the point,” Midnight quickly halted, waving her hooves in front of her. “Lots of nappies, I’ve got it.” She turned to the second box, Darklight stepping closer.

“This one’s from me.”

Midnight immediately opened it, revealing a simple cardboard box underneath. Opening it and looking in, she smiled at what it contained. Reaching in her hooves, she withdrew the stuffed nocturne doll from the box and examined it. It had a standard grey coat and a short pink mane and tail, the quality of the toy amazing. She looked into its golden eyes, before smiling at her father. “Thank you, it’s perfect. She’ll love this.”

“She?” Starbright questioned, Midnight guessing that they hadn’t been told that detail. Placing the toy beside her on the bed, she nodded.

“That’s right, it’s a filly.” Midnight sighed happily. “She’s wonderful, I can’t even imagine how something like Equinox could lead to something so beautiful.”

“You and Nigel should be very proud,” Darklight complimented. “You’ve both entered a new stage of your lives.” He paused, his smile wavering. “Speaking of which, how is he taking it?”

Midnight smiled, thankful that the answer was a good one. “He’s a little overwhelmed I think, but he seems pretty happy about it. From what he told me, he’s never been a father before so we’re both going to have to quickly learn how to adapt.”

“Well, if you need any help then feel free to ask,” Starbright offered. “As you can guess, your father and I have just a smidgen of experience with raising fillies.”

“Third time lucky,” Darklight muttered, Starbright shooting him a look.

“All of our daughters are good in their own way.”

“Yes, Dear,” Darklight grunted. Midnight was trying to hold in laughter when a nurse carrying a bundle entered the room to gaze upon the argument.

“Excuse me,” the nurse apologised while trotting towards her. “But I have something to give to the mother.” Midnight grinned and held out her wings, the nurse passing the bundle to her while Darklight and Starbright watched on with baited breath. Midnight stared down at her child, before nuzzling the sleeping face.

“Is there…?”

“We found nothing wrong,” the nurse answered happily. “Your filly has a perfect bill of health, and we’ll be able to release you in a few days. Now, you can keep her with you for most of the time, but while you’re here we’ll take care of all the work while you get your strength back.” Turning towards Starbright and Darklight, the nurse fixed them with smiles. “The proud new grandparents, I assume?”

“We are,” Starbright answered, before shaking her head with a laugh. “My, I sound so old.”

Midnight stopped paying attention to the conversation of the other three, the being in her wings occupying her full attention. She seemed so small, wrapped up in all of the blankets, it was hard to believe that one day she’d be a full grown mare. Slowly, small golden eyes opened to stare up at her. The foal yawned, Midnight seeing that it was mostly gums but a few small teeth were starting to push through. Gently rocking her, she smiled down and silently cheered when she didn’t burst into tears.

Picking up the toy with a hoof, she held it close to the foal and wiggled it to get the filly’s attention. A single foreleg reached out from the blankets, touching the doll repeatedly.


She looked up and saw that all the focus was on her and the foal, Starbright in particular trotting forwards to peer into the blankets. She was followed by Darklight, all three watching with wonder. The foal soon noticed all of the attention, and her mouth began to waver.

“Shh, it’s okay,” Midnight tried to hush. Starbright and Darklight backed away, and the filly began to calm down. Watching while her attention was turned back to the toy, Midnight looked back up towards her parents. “Thanks for checking up for me, and the gifts.”

“Of course,” Darklight smiled, sneaking another look at the foal. “Just like your mother said, if you need any help then don’t be afraid to ask.”

“I won’t,” Midnight reassured. “I’ll make sure to visit you two often.”

“That’s good to hear.” Starbright waved a hoof. “Well, we’ll let you and the filly get some rest, I’m sure you’re both very tired. Bye.”

“Bye,” Midnight echoed, waving back to her mother and father while they exited the room. Returning her attention to the filly in her wings, Midnight relaxed and waited for Nigel to return.

“Two wines, white.”

Nigel placed the two glasses on the bar, the two young mares he was serving waving their thanks before taking the drinks. They were the last customers from what he could see, the rest of the patrons at tables already nursing drinks of their own.


He looked to his left, Morrow gesturing for him to come over by the end of the bar. There weren’t any nocturnes around, so he trotted over to see what she wanted. Grabbing a glass and rubbing it with a cloth, something he had learned that bartenders did thanks to old terran movies, he leaned over. “What is it?”

“Congratulations,” Morrow whispered, a small smile on her face. “I heard that your marefriend was in the hospital maternity ward.”

“How did you find out?”

“I’m friends with a nurse, and when a nurse tells you that a mare had a foal with the one changeling in the city standing by her side the entire time…”

“The pieces fall into place,” he finished for her. Morrow nodded, glancing behind her to make sure no one needed service.

“I won’t go and make assumptions-“

“The father is a scumbag who refuses to acknowledge the child,” he explained for her. “I came into the picture after it happened, and I figure that the foal needs a good father figure.” He noticed Morrow pause for a second, before he waved it off with a hoof. “Well, an average father figure then.”

Morrow’s smile increased. “Hey, at least you’re trying to help. Is it a colt or a filly?”

“Filly,” he answered. “Midnight is still in the hospital for a few days, but hopefully we’ll all be home soon.”

“Are you taking some time off work to help Midnight?”

“No, I’ve already had far too much time off. I’d hate to screw Nightwish and Wisp over like that by only showing up one day a month.” He shook his head. “It’s not like they didn’t take a huge risk with hiring me to begin with.”

“You’re kidding,” Morrow laughed into her hoof. “Every time you’re here, Nightwish is always jumping with excitement. Plus, you’ve gotten pretty good with those hooves, making you not the worst bartender I’ve worked with.”

“Thanks Morrow,” he grinned, before a stallion trotted up to the bar. “Now, we better get back to work.”

“Only three hours to go,” she sang softly, before she turned back to the tables. He headed towards the awaiting stallion, already guessing that it was going to be one order of ale.

“That’s him?”

“Nah, how could it be when there’s only one changeling in the whole city, you moron.”

Shadow Dancer shook his head at the cluelessness of his subordinate, the thug one of Equinox’s original helpers. Just what the intimidating criminal saw in the dull stallion was a loss; Dancer would have rather gone alone, even if the task was tailing a dangerous changeling that had proved to be violent and dangerous.

He snuck another glance at the bartender, no longer talking to the serving mare but now pouring a drink for the stallion at the bar. Briefly, he mulled over their chances of overpowering the changeling after it left the bar, but he remembered that Equinox wanted the creature alive and unbroken. Why? Well, it wasn’t his place to ask, and Dancer suspected it had something to do with the rumours of a changeling removing Equinox’s testicles for a slight.

“Just stay quiet and don’t make it obvious that we’re watching,” he told the thug. He wished that he didn’t have to issue the simple advice, but he couldn’t be too careful. Without noticing, he had drained the last of his drink. Raising his hoof, barely a second passed before the serving mare was next to their table.

“Another ale?”

He nodded at her question, gesturing for her to lean in closer.

“That bartender,” he whispered to the mare. “He’s pretty strange, am I right?”

“I suppose,” the mare replied, picking up his empty cup with a wing. “But he’s actually pretty nice when you get to know him.”

“Oh,” Shadow feigned ignorance. “I must admit, he seems happy among us nocturnes.”

“Don’t tell anyone else,” the mare asked, leaning in once more. “But he’s just become a father, so that’s probably why he looks so happy today.”

Dancer raised an eyebrow, and this time it wasn’t just for the masquerade. The changeling, a father? Surely this information would be useful to Equinox, information which should be delivered straight away. Before the mare could leave, he made a show of tapping his forehoof to his head.

“Oh, I completely forgot, we have to meet that shopkeeper in half-an-hour,” he said to his visibly puzzled companion. Looking apologetically at the mare, he withdrew a shiny luminaire from a coin bag. “I’m sorry, I’ll have to cancel my order.” He slipped her the coin, the mare smiling in thanks.

“That’s fine, at least you told me and didn’t just trot out. Good luck with whatever it is.”

She headed back to the bar, Dancer leaving his seat.

“Come on, we have to tell the boss about this.”

“So, you thought this information would be useful… how?”

Equinox continued to shift through the piles of documents, sorting each one according to council worker. It was simply amazing at the amount of corruption present at the top tiers of the city, not a single leading stallion or mare free of dirt. He was so pleased with his haul of information, liberated from his dear father’s safe, that he had almost completely forgotten about the changeling that he despised.

“Well,” Shadow Dancer began, shifting from hoof to hoof. “Given that you eventually want to capture the changeling, I thought that you could use it for leverage.”

Equinox paused and used a hoof to lift his glasses, peering at Shadow Dancer with an even gaze. “You think that bringing me information about the changeling’s whorse finally birthing that bastard foal, instead of following him like I ordered you to, is going to help me somehow?”

Shadow paled. “But… I-“

“Speak, simpleton,” Equinox sighed. “I can’t stand your hesitation.”

“I thought that you could draw the changeling to you by capturing his mare and foal, instead of going for him directly. I’d be safer and easier to do it that way.”

He let Shadow stew in fear for a few moments, relishing the stallion’s apprehension. To be honest, he thought that the plan was rather good.
‘Yes, equal parts cunning and malicious.’

After all, while the changeling was his main target, he had unfinished business with Midnight as well. The foal was something that would have to be dealt with as well, he couldn’t allow a bastard to run around and tarnish his name further.

“Shadow, what did I ask you to do?”

“Uh… follow the changeling?”

“Yes,” Equinox nodded. “Follow. The. Changeling. Do you understand that simple command, Shadow? Or will I have to replace you with another?”

The stallion backpedalled in panic. “No sir, I’ll get back to it straight away!”


Not even noticing Shadow leave, he returned to his task with a new smile on his face. It was taking time, but with the right preparation his plan would only be met with success.

Sweet, sweet, success.


Midnight sighed in relief, her hooves trotting onto a familiar wooden floor. Three days in the hospital had been a chore, nothing to do all day but read and sleep. Nigel closed the door behind them, and Midnight moved her wings to reach behind her back.

Setting the foal down beside her, Midnight watched the young nocturne flex her blue wings before slowly trotting into the living room. Leaving the foal to explore on her own for a second, she turned to the changeling next to her. “Gah, I’m going to have a nice bath. Do you mind watching her for half-an-hour?”

“Not at all,” Nigel answered, following their filly into the lounge room. Midnight grinned before continuing on down the hallway, already able to feel the nice relaxing water. Trotting into the tiled bathroom, she headed straight towards the bath and twisted the taps with her wings. Water began to flow, Midnight not bothering to shut the door behind her. The tub filled up in a matter of minutes, so she stepped into the tub and let the water relax her tired muscles.

“Just what I need,” she mumbled to herself, sighing happily. Her eyes began to close, Midnight thankful for the first moment of peace she’d had in days.

“It’s loose!”

She barely had time to register Nigel’s words before rapid hoof beats sounded on the tiles. Sitting up in the water, she looked over the edge to find the foal looking up at her curiously.

“What are you doing here?” Midnight asked, a smile on her face. “Isn’t Daddy supposed to be watching you?”

“I’m sorry.” Nigel rushed into the bathroom. “She just ran away all of a sudden.”

“It’s fine,” she brushed off, reaching out a hoof to pat the foal on the head. “Mom warned me that young foals are quite energetic.” She watched him sit down, resting his head against the wall. “We’ll just have to get used to it.”

“I prefer human children,” Nigel muttered. “From what I know, they don’t even walk until at least five months in. She’s running around like it’s nothing, is she going to start flying in three minutes?”

Midnight couldn’t help it, she had to laugh at the question. “Don’t be silly. You shouldn’t worry about it, nocturne foals don’t start to fly until at least a year in. You’ll only have to worry about galloping around the house for the time being.” A glance went to the diaper. “Well, that and changing her.”

Nigel raised a hoof to his chest. “I am a firm believer that the mother is the lynchpin of a happy family home-“

“Don’t you even think about trying to get out of it,” she lectured, keeping an eye on the filly as she trotted around to look at the sink. “I’m not going to be the only one doing all the work.”

“I was only joking,” he reassured, getting up to trot over. She tried to feign anger but failed, unable to keep the frown when he nuzzled her. “There is something, though.”


“Have you thought of a name yet?”

“I don’t know,” she answered, pulling away. “I want to keep it along with the rest of the family, if you haven’t noticed we kind of have a common theme.”

“I couldn’t tell,” he deadpanned, earning a swat from her hoof.

“Quiet,” she chuckled, settling back into the bath. “Do you have any ideas?”

“…Stella, as in intersteller?” he shrugged. Midnight considered it, but shook her head.

“No, I don’t think so. What about… Moonlight?”

“Eh,” Nigel replied, making a gesture with one of his hooves. “It’s a little same-y.”

Midnight thought harder, never guessing that a name would be so difficult to come up with. She wanted to keep the common theme, but a little difference couldn’t hurt. Going over the last suggestion, she raised an eye and looked towards him.

“How about we keep it simple, and just call her ‘Dream’?”

He frowned. “That sounds like a stripper’s name.”


“Never mind,” he sighed, before dragging a hoof down his face. “So, you like the name ‘Dream’?”

“I do,” she admitted, hoping that he’d agree. “It fits, sort of.”

“I guess it will do. Dream it is.” He gave her another nuzzle, something she immediately returned.

Midnight smiled, nodding her agreement. Looking past Nigel, she searched around for the newly-named foal. The bathroom was empty except for them, however, no sign of Dream anywhere. “Uh, Nigel?”

“Hmm?” he questioned, still focusing on rubbing his face against her neck.

“Where’s Dream?”

A crash sounded from the kitchen, both of them sitting up straight. Nigel slowly turned towards the door. “I’ll go and find her straight away, you relax.”

Resisting the urge to follow him, she sat in the bath and watched him leave. At least they had a name now, hopefully that would turn out to be the hard part.

Nigel finished cleaning Dream off with a cloth, the filly now free of pickled onion juice. Thankfully the jar hadn’t shattered, but just why it was sitting right on the edge of table he didn’t know. Midnight and him would have to ‘baby-proof’ the house, a task he wasn’t looking forward to.
“There we go, all clean.”

So far, he had to admit that Dream was a very quiet child, far from the constantly crying mess that he’d come to expect. Tossing the cloth into the sink, he rubbed her on the head affectionately. She returned it with a look that appeared to be half confused, half curious. After a few moments, her blue tail began to swish and her wings fluttered. Her mouth opened into a grin, and he could see that both her teeth and fangs were growing quickly.

“What was it?”

He looked behind him, Midnight exiting the bathroom with a towel around her head. Dream immediately brightened and trotted over towards her, Midnight reaching out with her wings to pat Dream on the head. The filly immediately went underneath, Midnight jolting with surprise before pulling Dream out and stepping away.

“Whoa Dream, mommy will feed you in a minute, okay?”

Dream, in return, pawed at the floor and looked pleadingly up at Midnight. Sighing, Midnight glanced at Nigel and gestured with a wing. “Do you mind sitting down with me for a second while I feed Dream?”

He hesitated, but he soon convinced himself that it was something he’d have to learn to deal with. Nodding and following her into the lounge room, he climbed up onto the couch beside Midnight, watching while she lifted Dream up onto the couch with them. Midnight leaned up against him, putting a wing around his back while guiding Dream towards her target.

The filly eagerly latched onto a nipple, sucking away happily. For him, it was an unusual thing to witness. Midnight must have noticed, giggling lightly. “Don’t tell me you’re embarrassed, it’s not like this is the first time you’ve seen my-“

“I know,” he quickly replied. Looking over, he gave the suckling Dream a pat on the head. “I guess it’s just me still needing to fully let this sink in.” He tilted his head. “I still think she’s a little confused as to what I’m doing here.”

“Relax, she’ll soon figure it out,” Midnight reassured, adjusting her position. “Also, we’re visiting my parents in half-an-hour.”

“We just got home, you need your rest.”

“I’m fine,” she dismissed. “Besides, Starbright is really keen to meet Dream again. Imagine how pleased they’ll be to find out that we picked a name!”

“I bet that she’ll try to pick something else,” he teased.

“I know,” Midnight sighed. “But they’re just as excited as we are, and we owe it to them. They’re grandparents now; the least we can do is let them see their granddaughter.”

“It’s no issue with me, just remember that I have to work today in a few hours.”

“We’ll make it short.” She smiled apologetically. “I’d offer to make it up to you when you get home, but I’m still…”

“That’s fine,” he reassured, patting her side. “Something tells me that Starbright will make it a very entertaining visit.”

A hoof smacked him on the thigh, Midnight shaking her head. “Don’t even start!” she chuckled. “You know that she’s going to be an absolute menace.”

Their conversation was interrupted with a burp, Dream removing her mouth from Midnight’s teat before beginning to struggle.

“Someone’s rearing to go,” he observed, Midnight smiling at Dream.

“Well, you grab her toy and I’ll get the rest ready.” Midnight left the couch, Dream trotting along by her side merrily. Nigel followed suite, leaving the couch and getting to his hooves. Searching around for the doll, he thought about the upcoming visit.

Somehow, he got the feeling that Starbright would be every bit as mischievous as they imagined.

Midnight smiled and watched Starbright dangle the doll in front of Dream, the foal following it with wide eyes. She took another sip of tea, thankful that Dream was occupied for the time being. Darklight sat across from her, her father sitting in his armchair with his hat beside him.

“I think that you chose a great name,” he complimented. “Was it you or Nigel who thought it up?”

“Midnight did,” Nigel answered, sitting beside her on the couch. “I wanted Stella, as in-“

“Interstellar?” Darklight finished, Nigel nodding.

“See? I thought it was clever.”

Midnight rolled her eyes, taking another sip of tea. So far all the conversation had been around Dream, and after an hour it was beginning to wear thin.


She looked towards Starbright at the cry, Dream trying to once again dart underneath the older mare. Midnight sighed, this was going to be awkward. “Mom, could you bring her over here, please?”

Starbright took hold of the filly with her wings, carrying Dream over to the couch. Midnight shifted so that she was lying sideways with her head resting against Nigel’s left side. Dream was set down on the couch, the filly immediately moving to feed. Midnight winced as Dream’s mouth clamped down on the tender nipple, wondering if all foals were as vigorous in their feeding. Holding her tea cup with a wing, she rubbed Dream’s back with a hoof while trying to ignore the stares.

“Oh, she’s adorable!” Starbright cooed, sitting back in her own chair next to Darklight. “I can still remember when it was me and you in that exact same couch, Midnight, you were such a hungry filly. Some days I’d be left so sore that it hurt to move, and yet you’d still want more afterwards. Do you remember, Darklight? How she’d-“

‘This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening.’ Despite her silent pleas, it was indeed very real. She tried to block it out, focusing on Dream.
“Well, it hurt a lot,” Starbright continued, Midnight foolishly looking up. “The good thing was that I could usually guilt-trip Darklight into giving me a massage.” A sly grin was sent Nigel’s way, the changeling raising an eye at Starbright. “Have you done the same thing for Midnight? With how much Dream eats, I bet she’d appreciate it.”

“Why, Mom?” Midnight muttered under her breath.

“Don’t be so embarrassed Midnight,” Starbright continued to tease. “It’s a very rare thing in a mare’s life, you may as well experiment while you still have the chance.” While she tried to hide her head, Starbright turned on Nigel. “What about you? I don’t know about changelings, but surely you as a stallion must be a little pleased at how large Midnight’s-“

“Dear,” Darklight finally stepped in, laying a hoof on Starbright’s shoulder. “Stop.”

“You’re right dear,” Starbright acknowledged. “There’s a child in the room after all.”

Darklight shook his head at his wife’s reply, Midnight sighing while Nigel chuckled to himself. She looked down when Dream detached with a wet smack, the filly focusing on Nigel. Shakily, Dream got to her hooves and stumbled along the couch. The foal climbed over her foreleg and headed towards the changeling, everyone watching her along the way. In a matter of moments, Dream was leaning against Nigel’s foreleg, prodding the holes with her snout.

“Aww, he’s such a good father,” Starbright observed, Nigel looking less than confident with the foal rubbing up against him. Midnight couldn’t help but smile at the observation, what he lacked in experience he made up for with enthusiasm. He was just as caring towards Dream as he was to her, even if it sometimes appeared that he was scared of the filly.

“I’m not that great,” he replied, patting Dream on the head. “Midnight does most of the work when it comes to looking after her, I’m more of a support role.”

“You help a lot,” she reassured him, sitting back up. “Besides, you’re out working most days but I always look forward to you coming back home.” Her smile grew. “Also, whenever she cries you’re always the one getting out of bed to look after her.”

“I don’t really need much sleep anyway.”

She didn’t say anything else, content to take another sip of tea.

“Well, I’m sorry to do this,” Nigel placed his empty cup down on the table, passed Dream to her and left the couch. “But I have to get to work.”
“It’s okay,” Starbright dismissed with a wave. “We understand. Keep safe now.”

“I always do.” Nigel trotted over, Midnight leaning her head out to receive the kiss. “Now, Midnight, have fun. I’ll see you later today.”

She narrowed her eyes while watching him leave, knowing the he was the lucky one. Turning back around while Dream nestled up against her with a yawn, Midnight prepared for another hour of talking with her parents.

All of a sudden, the hospital didn’t seem to be too bad.

“That’s everyone?”

“Yes, the last one just stumbled out the door.” Morrow glanced back, making sure the drunk had actually left. A stallion was halfway out, leaning up against the doorframe with his back to her. “Or he soon will. Goodbye, Mr Dust, see you tomorrow!”

“Bysh!” came the reply, Morrow giggling as the patron finally completed his exit. Trotting back to the door, she turned the latch and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Another day done,” she wiped her brow with a foreleg. “Urgh, I can still feel the stares on my rump.”

“You did well in tips though,” the bartender commented while putting glasses away. Morrow smiled at him.

“I always do well in tips,” she replied lightly. “Medical school, here I come.”

Both shared a laugh, Morrow glancing at the tip jar on the bar. While most customers preferred to tip her at the tables, Nightwish still had a jar at the bar for the bartender and waitress to split fifty-fifty. Over the last three months, the number of tips had increased greatly, no doubt because everyone had finally grown used to the changeling serving them. Given that their patrons tended to be regulars, Nigel had been surprisingly good at interacting with them and it seemed to be paying off.

Trotting up to the bar, she removed her apron and grabbed her purse. She waited for him to finish his task, before she tipped the tip jar on its side. Silver coins spilled out onto the counter, Morrow eagerly beginning to count them. A hoof interrupted her, Nigel looking up with a grin and scooping roughly a quarter of the pile into a small coin bag.

“Don’t you have a foal to look after?”

“Relax,” he reassured. “We’ve got enough to get by. Besides, as you implied, they’re pretty much all because of you.”

“Thanks,” she giggled. “Anyway, I’ve got to talk to the boss about taking some time off next week, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Will do,” he replied, coin bag around his neck. “Have a safe walk home.”

She waved a wing, watching him head for the back entrance. “I will, goodbye.”

“There he is.”

Shadow leaned out of the alleyway, sneaking a look at the tavern’s back entrance. A lone figure trotted out, the chitin-covered creature unmistakable. It was alone, so he turned back to the other four nocturnes waiting for the go ahead.

“Ready? Remember, we rush him when he walks by. Don’t damage it too much though; the boss wants him able to process insults.”
The four thugs chuckled, retrieving numerous coshes from sheaths under their wings. Shadow took a second to slip on two metal shoes, much like those the city guard wore.

“Hey, Shadow?” One of the other stallions asked. “Are you sure the boss asked us to capture the changeling? Didn’t he say something about the mare and a foal?”

Shadow paused for a second to think. He remembered something along those lines, but he was fairly certain that Equinox wanted the changeling. Skipping the foal napping of the mare would make things incredibly easy, besides, they could take him on easily. “Forget that, let’s just grab this changeling and be done.”

He glanced out again, the changeling approaching fast. The street was empty, not another being in sight. Slipping back into the alley, he waited for the sound of hooves on cobbled road to grow louder. Nodding to his fellows, he raised a hoof towards the alley.

Just as the changeling came into view, it was set upon by the four thugs. Shadow hung back, watching clubs fly, hooves flail, and blood fly.
“I told you lot to go easy!” He trotted forwards, ready to smack some heads if needed.

He was met with the sight of a foreleg in the changeling’s mouth, the owner yelling while fangs drew blood. The changeling was so focused on mauling his chosen victim, while kicking his hooves at the other three thugs trying to drag him into the alley, that he didn’t notice Shadow looming over him. Rearing up, Shadow brought both of his hooves down on the heads of the changeling and the screaming thug.

Both connected, the shoes knocking the changeling senseless with a crack while also shutting the screaming thug up. The changeling stopped his struggling, Shadow shaking his head at the amount of fuss that had been caused. It was supposed to be a simple abduction, and he couldn’t even get that right. Grimacing at the drops of green blood leaking onto the pavement, he hoped that Equinox wouldn’t be too mad at the injury.

“Okay, hurry up and get them both back into the alley, and the changeling into the bag.” Shadow turned around and trotted back into the darkness while they got to work, trying to think of what he was going to say to Equinox.

Morrow stepped out onto the street, checking to make sure that there was no suspicious characters around. Crossing the street, she once again thanked the fact that work was done for the day . One of her hooves hit an object and produced a jingle, Morrow looking down to see what it was.

She frowned, recognising it as the bag belonging to her co-worker.

‘Why is it out here?’ she wondered, reaching down with a wing to scoop it up. Morrow quickly withdrew her wing when she felt wetness, holding up the appendage to examine it. The green fluid coating it initially confused her, but her eyes widened when she remembered an incident a month ago. Nigel had dropped a glass when a customer had startled him, a shard having dug into his leg and drawn blood. She had bandaged his leg for him, and had noticed that his blood was green.

“Oh no,” she mumbled to herself, seeing a few drops of the same substance on the pavement. They appeared fresh, and led into the alleyway.
But if it was a robbery, why had they left the money behind?

Midnight stirred in the bed at the knocking on the window. Groaning, she blinked open her eyes and sat up. The space next to her was empty, and a glance at the clock told her that it was late in the afternoon. That was odd, Nigel was supposed to be home already.

Sliding out of bed, thankfully much easier than when she was weighted down, she pulled back the curtain and looked out.

“Dad?” she murmured in confusion. For some reason, Darklight was wearing his police uniform. She didn’t know why, but a feeling of dread began to build in her stomach. Unlatching the window, she noticed that Darklight was accompanied by another four police officers.

“Midnight,” Darklight greeted with a grimace, not giving her time to ask what was going on. “I have something I need to talk to you about, can we come inside?”

“Ah, so it finally awakes. Sleep well?”

Nigel blinked open his eyes, his head throbbing with a splitting headache. He tried to move his limbs but found that they were bound, looking down he could see that he was tied to some wooden boards in an ‘X’ formation. Focusing on the voice in front of him, he saw that it was Equinox. The stallion was relaxing in a chair with a pile of files in his lap, two other nocturnes standing guard next to him. In addition to smirking, Equinox was fixing him with an expectant look.

“Well, the sleep was surprisingly pleasant. Waking up to your face was less so.”

Equinox grinned, patting the files in his lap absentmindedly. “You must think that you’re quite the comedian, don’t you changeling? Aren’t you afraid about the things I’m going to do to you? The revenge that I seek for the embarrassment you caused me?” Equinox’s tone gained venom.
“The injuries you so carelessly caused?”

“Still touchy about the balls I see.”

“I assure you,” Equinox replied with a snarl. “I’m going to ensure that yours suffer the same fate.”

Nigel was starting to get why he was tied to an x instead of a chair.

“But, that will be something that will need time,” Equinox continued. “And I have many things I need to do tonight.”

He may have been unable to move his limbs, but he was still able to roll his eyes.

“You, vile changeling, are looking at the next ruler of entire country. Does this not terrify you, knowing that in a few hours I will hold all of the power? I will be able to do anything I want, without repercussion.”

“It’s a single city,” he replied. “You think that power over a single city is intimidating?” He tried to move his forelegs, but the ropes holding them were looped through the holes . “Besides, I highly doubt that you’d be able to take over this city, given your record for failure.”

“Ha!” Equinox moved a wing to the files. “Keep on throwing out those jabs. You see these files? It turns out that my late father had an impressive collection of… research into his fellow council members. I now see how he was able to do what he did without ever going to trial or losing his position. Given that I inherited his impressive setup, I also came into possession of these.” The gloating stallion leaned forward.

“It hasn’t been announced to the oblivious public yet, but I’ve already been approved for a seat on the council. With these, I can do anything I want and those simpletons will have to agree with my every word. I’ll be rich and powerful, not even that royal bitch, Princess Luna, will be able to touch me!”

Nigel watched Equinox gloat, the stallion visibly hyped. Despite his facade, there was genuine worry. For one, even though they technically weren’t his originals, he cared deeply for his current testacies. Secondly, if Equinox did somehow succeed, then he’d likely go after Midnight as well. Thankfully the maniac seemed focused on him at the current time, and hopefully that would be enough to sate Equinox’s thirst for revenge.

Leaving his seat, Equinox trotted up to look right into his eyes with a cold stare. Nigel met his gaze, neither giving in. After a minute, a slow grin formed on Equinox’s face.

“You know, changeling,” Equinox stated. “You’re a fairly tough nut to crack, I had the minister for finance sweating within seconds.” He didn’t pull away and in fact drew closer, Nigel unable to resist the urge to make a comment.

“Are you actually going to kiss me, or are you just going to blue-ball me… oh, whoops.”

The grin hardened.

“Funny,” Equinox replied without a trace of humour in his voice. “Then again, I’d hate for you to suffer while under my… care.” Ignoring his questioning look, Equinox smirked before heading for the door.

“What, you’re just going to walk out?”

“I’m afraid so, Changeling,” Equinox answered lightly. “After all, I need to make arrangements to get you some company.”

A chuckled rose up from the departing stallion. “Oh, and before I forget… congratulations.”

The door shut behind Equinox as his two guards followed him out, leaving Nigel in the dark by himself.

“Damn,” he muttered to himself. “I get the feeling that he’s not going to just let this one go.” With nothing left to do he began to fidget, hoping that his chitin would wear down the ropes.

“So you don’t know where…?”

Midnight felt cold, despite her father’s wing around her. Sitting on the couch in the living room, surrounded by police officers, it didn’t feel like home at all. Darklight was trying his best, but she could tell from his sigh that he was equally worried.

“No,” he answered, patting her back. “We searched the alley, but we found no clue as to where he was taken. Do you have any idea-“

“Equinox,” she told him, not even needing the think about it. “He’s been out for us from the start, and only he would want to attack Nigel. Everyone else we know can sometimes be a little wary, but I don’t ever get the feeling that he has enemies.”

“Midnight, Equinox hasn’t even been seen in the city for months,” Darklight informed. “While I agree with you that he’s a likely suspect, we can’t close off any avenues.” Using a wing, he wiped the tears from her eyes with a wing. “Don’t worry, we’ll find him.”

Any more words were interrupted by a cry from the other room, Midnight cursing under her breath while everyone else glanced towards the door.

‘Not now,’ she pleaded, before sighing in defeat.

“I’m sorry.” She removed Darklight’s wing, leaving the couch. “I’ll be back in a moment.”

They let her trot away, Midnight dragging her hooves with her head bowed. She entered Dream’s room and headed towards the cradle, picking the bawling foal up with her wings. “There, there,” she tried to sooth, Dream slowly ceasing her crying. Midnight tried to hold back her own tears, rocking Dream in an attempt to lull her back to sleep. Ever so slowly, Dream’s eyes closed again and her breathing deepened.

Thankful that it was over quickly, she placed the filly back down and recovered her with the blue blanket.

Trotting back into the lounge room, she glanced back and frowned. It wasn’t right for this to happen to Dream, she’d only just started getting used to Nigel be around. The thought of what was going to happen if Nigel turned up dead was unbearable to her, the house would feel so empty and Dream would grow up without a father. Trotting back to the couch with the eyes of the officers on her, she was met with a hug and apologetic look from her father.

“I’m sorry, Midnight,” Darklight told her. “I want nothing more than to help you with this, but rather than stay here I think it would be better if I assisted with the investigation.”

“I understand, Dad. I was thinking that I should just come home for a while.” She looked up at him. “Would that be okay with you and Mom? I’d have to bring Dream with me and-“

“It’ll be fine.”

She nodded, fidgeting with her forehooves. Just as she was about to thank him, the silence in the room was shattered by a rock smashing through the window.

Officers immediately rushed out of the room, Darklight pushing her down behind the couch before peeking out. Midnight tried to calm her racing heart while her father left the cover to investigate the projectile. She heard whispering between a constable and Darklight, so she looked over the top of the couch to see what was so secret. She caught sight of a note held in the officer’s wing, Darklight noticing and moving to block her view.

“Dad, what is it?”

“It’s nothing, Midnight,” Darklight answered quickly. Too quickly.

“It has something to do with Nigel, doesn’t it?” For his expression, she figured out that she had managed to hit it right on the head. “Dad, please don’t lie to me.” She left the couch, moving over to investigate. Darklight caved with a frown, and gestured for the stallion holding the note to read ahead.

“Dear...,” the officer paused, Darklight nodding.

“Read it, she asked for it.”

“Dear Whorse,” the young officer continued warily. “I currently have your miserable choice for a lover in warehouse thirty-seven. If you want to see him again, alive and still in possession of his balls I might add, you, and I must stress that your presence is compulsory for his survival, might want to pay us a little visit. Oh, and feel free to bring all of the police that your father can muster. A larger audience will only make your reunion that much sweeter. With much unbridled hate, Equinox.” The officer looked up at her. “PS, congratulations on the foal, I hope the Bastard gives you as much trouble as you did to me.”

The three didn’t say anything else, before Darklight cleared his throat.

“It appears as if Equinox doesn’t seem to worried about us knowing that it was him. He has to have some plan in mind, or else he wouldn’t be so bold. Belfry, I want you to gather all of the officers and city guard you can and prepare to head to this warehouse.” He turned to her.

“Midnight, I want you and Dream to stay in the station until I deal with Equinox.”

Her eyes widened, and she shook her head defiantly. “No! You heard what Equinox wrote! If I don’t go with you then he’ll kill Nigel straight away!”

“Midnight,” Darklight’s voice was firm. “I hate to tell you this, but from the sounds of it Equinox is planning on killing him whether you appear or not. I don’t know if he wants to further hurt you or Nigel by making you, but I do know that he could easily target you as well. I will not have my daughter placed into harm’s way. Let us solve this.”

She stood her ground, fresh tears building up.

“I can’t! I can’t bear the thought of being the reason if Nigel dies! You can’t deny me this!”

“What about your daughter?” Darklight pointed out. “Are you just going to leave her?”

“No,” she answered, after thinking for a moment. “I’ll ask Mom to look after her. She’ll understand.”

Darklight shook his head, sighing. “Midnight, I understand that you’re upset, you’re not thinking straight-“

“I’m thinking very clearly!” she yelled back, surprising her father. “I’ve been worried for ages about him leaving one day without telling me, despite his promises! Then, when I get a note saying that he’ll be killed if I don’t see him, you want me to stay away!?”

Darklight placed a hoof on her shoulder and was just about to protest again. She got in first.

“How would you feel if it was Mom in that warehouse?”

Her father paused, going completely still. Slowly, his view went to the door leading to Dream’s room.

“Promise me that you’ll stay right by my side at all times, and follow my every instruction. If I tell you to run and not look back, you’ll do exactly that, understand?” Midnight nodded, Darklight’s face hardening. “Good. Now pack your daughter’s things, we need to stop by home first.”

“Right on time, I guess we can begin.”

Nigel opened an eye at Equinox’s excited whisper, unable to open the other thanks to the swelling. Equinox had gotten rather bored with waiting for his ‘show’, and had turned his attention to practicing his hoof-to-hoof combat.

Equinox hadn’t been too happy with the criticism of his technique.

The distant trotting of hooves drew his attention, his confusion peaking when he noticed the horde of nocturne police officers and armoured guards entering the brightly-lit warehouse. Their presence wasn’t comforting; he knew that Equinox had been expecting them and that there was some trick soon coming. The fact that Darklight was leading them only added an element of worry. The stallion had grown to be something of a father to him, and while he feared not for his own safety thanks to his Empire’s… unpleasant backup measures, he hoped that no harm would befall the Chief.

It was then that he spotted the only nocturne not in uniform, and he gritted his teeth.

‘Midnight!? What the hell are you doing here!?’

He remembered Equinox’s earlier comments, and realised at that moment that Equinox must have pressured Midnight into making an appearance. It was likely through a threat to harm him if she didn’t, even though his cuts and bruises were already present. He was dimly aware of the stallion standing next to him, and of the others arrayed around the catwalks of the large storage building.

“Gentlemen, show time.”

All of a sudden at Equinox’s command, a bright light turned on and swivelled towards him. Nigel winced at the brightness before his eyes adjusted, the spotlight highlighting him bound to the x.

He heard Midnight gasp from below. “Nigel!”

“Welcome friends!”

The sound of unfurling wings accompanied Equinox’s entrance, Midnight’s voice ringing out again.

“Equinox! You said you wouldn’t hurt him if I came!”

Equinox chuckled, pacing in front of him like he was some sort of prize. “Midnight, you misunderstood what I wrote. I said that he would survive for a little longer, not that I wouldn’t attempt to teach him how to properly address his betters.” Another mocking laugh. “As you can see, he hasn’t been a very model student.”

“Equinox,” it was Darklight who spoke this time. Instead of concern in his voice, the word was laced with cold professionalism. “That changeling you have up there is my son in law. Let him go and give yourself up, now.” A nod from Darklight prompted the group of law enforcers to slowly advance, the officers and guards making sure to keep a keen watch on the thugs eyeing them evilly from above.

“Not so fast,” Equinox gloated, taking a document from his small saddlebag and unfurling it for them to see. “As of today, I was announced the official head of the Council. That, my steadfast and loyal stallions and mares, officially makes me the highest authority and, more importantly, your boss.

“I don’t believe you,” Darklight replied, although most of his officers and guards looked doubtful. “There is no way in Tartarus that the Council would ever make you Head.”

Equinox flicked his wing, tossing the document down to the ground. While Darklight moved to examine it, the explanation came forth. “Why Chief, you don’t mean to tell me that you don’t know about the ‘sensitive matters’ that plague the entire council? After all, a stallion in your position would surely have at least heard rumours?”

“I have no time for rumours,” Darklight fired back, although Nigel could hear the doubt in his voice. Surely the claim that Equinox made was nothing but a lie?

“Rumours?” Equinox laughed. “The council sure didn’t see them to be mere rumours, in fact they were quite worried when I showed them some wonderful documents I recently inherited. Admit it, Chief Darklight, the document is real and I am telling the truth. Now, all of you, stand down.”

Reluctantly, the guards and officers stopped their advance and, with apologetic looks towards Darklight, stepped back. Instead of attempting to counter the orders, Darklight shook his head.

“No, I will not allow you to do this.”

“Fine,” Equinox suddenly spat. “Consider yourself relieved of your position, Darklight. You, officers, arrest him.”

None moved to follow the orders. “With all due respect, sir,” one of the city guards replied with obvious distaste. “Whether you order it or not, he has done nothing wrong so according to law we cannot.”

Equinox appeared to pause briefly, closing his eyes for a second before opening them with a grin. “Okay, if you refuse to follow my order, then no matter. I already have my power, there are just a few more things to take care of.”

“Don’t you dare harm him anymore!” Midnight yelled before rushing forward. Nigel could only watch as Darklight grabbed her, Midnight flailing in her attempts to fly free and reach him. “Equinox! I swear to Luna that I’ll kill you if you do! “

Her words only seemed to please the deranged stallion, Equinox chuckling with genuine humour. “Kill me? You think a Whorse like you can even touch me? Don’t you remember when I was your Captain and how I played you along like a good little mare?”

“I remember every day,” she hissed back. “You’ve gotten what you want, now let me help Nigel.”

Holding off on replying for a few tense moments, Equinox eventually nodded.

“I suppose I can allow you to try. However, I must say that I’m not quite finished just yet.”

Any suspicions were cut off, an unseen mechanism jolting into life. Nigel now realised that he was suspended from the ceiling via a chain attached to his cross, and he was slowly lowering towards the ground. His questions as to why were forgotten when the ends of the beams hit the bottom with a jolt, Midnight breaking from Darklight’s hold and rushing towards him.

“Nigel!” She cried, jumping up to stand on her hind legs so that she could embrace him. Her glistening golden eyes quickly gazed over him with worry. “What has he done to you?”

“Don’t worry,” he reassured while she hugged him again. “I’ve had worse.”

The moment was broken, the flapping of wings signalling the descent of Equinox. The stallion touched down and tilted his head, an out-of-place smile on his face.

“See, changeling? I promised you company and I delivered. You can trust me, see?” Midnight glared at him, Equinox turning his smile onto her. “How about I make another promise, to you this time, Midnight?”

“What?” Midnight spat.

“My, what a temper.” Before they could blink, a wing had curled up beneath his torso and retrieved a sharp knife.

“Equinox,” Darklight warned, preparing to charge.

“Relax,” Equinox reassured. “Don’t fret, I have no intention of killing them. That is…” His grin almost became maniacal, Nigel fidgeting automatically when the stare was directed towards his groin. “If you let me enact my revenge in the same manner that he did unto me, then I’ll let you both live and all will be forgiven. Granted, I wouldn’t expect your love life to survive intact, but at least you’ll still be able to enjoy the wonderful company of each other.”

“You… you can’t!” Midnight protested, spreading her wings and shielding him from Equinox. “That’s-“

“Entirely fair,” Equinox interrupted. “You can either have him ball-less or dead, your choice.”

Midnight glanced between Equinox and him, utterly lost and panicking. Acting quickly, Nigel found his voice.

“I accept.”

“What!?” Midnight protested.

“I only ask that you allow me a kiss from Midnight before you do the deed,” he requested. Equinox nodded before turning away, a brief look of disgust on his face. Midnight was staring in complete shock at him, Nigel tilting his head for her to come close.

Hesitating for a second, Midnight did as asked and kissed him. It didn’t lack love despite her current emotions, and he could feel the pain in his limbs die out while the energy flowed. Breaking it, he nuzzled Midnight’s face so his mouth was close to her ear.

“When I grab him, I want you to tell Darklight to try and muster an attack. I can see that some of the guards are itching to tear Equinox apart.”

She paused while he whispered, but he felt her nod. Thankful that she trusted him, he watched her pull away and retreat towards Darklight. Equinox turned back around and raised an eye at her, evidently surprised that there was no further objections. That surprise turned to glee when, once again, the attention was directed towards Nigel’s scrotum.

“Oh, I have waited for nearly a year for this,” Equinox chuckled, pulling up a stool and dragging it close. He sat down and eagerly prepared his knife, every other stallion and most of the mares turning away from the sight they were unable to stop. Those officials that continued to watch maintained stoic gazes, Nigel knowing that if they believed themselves able to help without invoking the ire of the new Council Head then they would.

“Do bear with me,” Equinox apologised, paying careful attention to his two targets. “I intend to enjoy this.”

Nigel repressed a shudder when cold metal touched his sensitive sack, Equinox clearly a little too obsessed.

“Equinox, before you start I have something to tell you.”

“Yes?” Equinox smiled up, his knife held steady.

“You’ve severely underestimated my love for my balls.”

With a burst of strength, powered by the kiss he had received from Midnight, one of his hind legs snapped free from the worn rope that bound it. Equinox didn’t have time to blink before a solid kick was delivered straight to the face, the left limb causing a solid crack to ring out. As Equinox fell to the floor, the thugs lining the catwalks made to fly down to assist.

“No!” Equinox staggered to his hooves with the order, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. “He’s mine!”

Nigel kicked with his right leg, breaking the other rope so that both his hind legs were free.

“Bring it on,” he taunted. “I’ll beat you senseless with my legs alone.”

Equinox used his other wing to un-holster a second knife, before he lunged forwards with both weapons. Nigel thought that Equinox looked to be aiming to pin his legs down, so he decided to go for broke. Gritting his teeth for what was to come, he arched his back and commenced his strike.

His attacked was met with an unexpected attack, in the form of two changeling hind legs wrapping around his neck. Nigel pulled him close, Equinox temporarily flailing while his head was held tight. Seconds later, wings regained their purpose and the knives began to stab. Pain lanced through his body, the weapons stabbing all over his legs. He was vaguely aware of Midnight yelling, hooves galloping towards them, and a blinding light, before he heard what was possibly the most welcome sound possible at the current time.

It was the unmistakeable thud of metal boot busting open a wooden door, and a grating, electronic voice that sounded as sweet as a chorus of angels.

“Everybody freeze! Move and we’ll shoot to kill!”

Midnight lifted her head but kept her hoof firmly pinning one of Equinox’s wings down. Her eyes widened as she looked around, a mass of tall, menacing bipeds filing into the warehouse. Two groups of three entered from busted doors on either side, with another three advancing up behind the guards from the main doors. A smashing of glass caused her to look up towards the roof, a final creature scanning the criminals on the catwalks.

Each one was armoured in a suit of black metal, glowing blue eyes shifting from nocturne to nocturne. They held strange objects in their armoured hands, the way they were holding them lead her to believe that the devices were weapons of some kind. Small blue dots ran over guards and thugs alike as the weapons were swept over them all, one being even focusing on her.

It took one look towards Nigel to jog her memory, his smile providing the final piece of the puzzle. Glancing back at the creatures she now realised were humans, she let Equinox go and watched as the out-of-breath stallion dropped heavily to the floor.

Midnight realised that they were agents from the department that Nigel worked for, he had described their basic appearance but had failed to mention just how downright intimidating they appeared. Each one was as tall as a minotaur, covered in armour that was completely alien.

One biped strode up from the group at the left, the mass of guards and police not moving to block its way. The weapon it held was lowered, and the human seemed to check something on his wrist. He glanced back up towards Nigel, the bleeding changeling grinning like a maniac.


Special Agent Haley Briggs stared at the insectoid tied to the wooden beams, the creature giving her a dopey grin. She would have normally attributed the strange behaviour to the obvious blood loss it was undergoing, but another check of the tracking computer indicated that it was indeed the missing officer they had been sent to rescue. Just why he was not currently a human, as his personal indicated, or why he still had a chip in him was baffling.

Still, she and her men had a job to do, and she wasn’t going to let details like that get in the way.

“Are you Commander Nigel M Chalmers of the ISA?” She raised her weapon and pointed it towards the bug’s head. “Confirm or I’ll execute.”

“I am!” the suspected Commander quickly replied.

“Prove it, you have three seconds to recite-“

“Assistant Director Reginald Edinburgh VII once pulled me up in front of the General Military Assembly and introduced me to the Brass as ‘this Crazy Arsehole’!”

Haley lowered her gauss carbine. It wasn’t the official codes that she was going to request, but it was more than enough information. Plus, it confirmed one particular rumour that had been circulating around the agency for a while. Her gaze went to one of the half-bat, half pony creatures they had learned were called ‘Nocturnes’. It’s size seemed to indicate that it was female, the creature using its wings to try and stem the bleeding of the Commander.

“Do you mind explaining what is going on, sir?” Haley gestured with her gun barrel around the warehouse, the assorted Nocturnes still staring at her and the others warily.

“Do you mind patching me up so I don’t bleed to death?”

Her mouth twitched, not happy with the current situation at all. She was starting to understand just why the name ‘Chalmers’ was infamous in the ISA. “Sanders, patch him up.”

“Ma’am,” he replied over the helmet comms. Just as he begun to move forwards, the tied up Commander chuckled before nodding down towards the stallion with a bleeding mouth.

“Actually, before you do that I have another order. Kill him.”

Haley didn’t flinch, immediately pointing her weapon at the shocked stallion. She had no clue as to why the Commander ordered her to execute him, but an order was an order.


She turned and aimed behind her, yet another pony entering the warehouse. This one was taller, lacked bat wings, and was blue. A further several nocturnes in purple armour followed her, the abnormal creature stopping as soon as she noticed the laser dot in the middle of her forehead.

“Oh, Princess Luna,” Commander Chalmers greeted. “How nice of you to join us. I must say that you’re a little late.”

“I apologise,” the Princess answered with eyes looking over the weapons pointing at her. “I cannot say that I fully understand what is going on, but you appear to have some form of authority over these… beings.” The Princess’ attention was turned to the bloodied stallion, Equinox stock still while Sanders kept his weapon barrel pressed up against the underside of a fluffy ear. “I implore you to retract your order to kill Equinox.”

“And pray tell, why should I? He tried to cut off my balls in front of my girlfriend, future father-in-law, and half of the city’s police force. I’d kill him myself…” Chalmers glanced down at his legs, green blood still trickling out despite the efforts of the pony in front of him. “But as you can see, there are other concerns.”

Haley had given up on figuring out just what clusterfuck they had walked into. Sure, they suspected that the Commander had been missing for months, but father-in-laws and castration? Right now, she wanted to just grab him and order an extraction. Unfortunately, even in his current body he was still a superior and if she defied him there would be hell to pay when they returned.

“I realise that you have grievances with him, and I personally am struggling with the desire to see him dead.” The Princess took a cautious step forward, Haley permitting it only because the pony seemed to have prior interactions with Chalmers. “But you are not in the domain of your homeland, and to kill Equinox is murder. Please, do not do this, you’ve won.”

“I won’t have won until Equinox can no longer pull stupid shit like this again. Having the good agent…”


“Agent Sanders decorate the floor with Equinox’s insides is a sure-fire way of ensuring that.” The Commander’s eyes were unfocused, Haley guessing that he was starting to get delirious.

Well, more delirious.

“Also, it would really spruce up this dull grey.”

“Nigel, listen to the Princess.”

A nocturne stallion was trotting forwards, wearing a police hat and a tie. She couldn’t help but admit it was rather cute to see the equines wearing small items of clothing.

“Darklight, you know that-“

“No, I think that what you’re going to do is wrong.” The pony continued to trot forwards, at least three weapons trained on him. “If you order his death, it will only make you as bad as him. Please, I promise that he’ll get what he deserves.”

The Commander paused and thought the plea over, Haley just growing impatient before he refocused. “How do I know that he will? As he just said, he has dirt on your governing body and was elected their leader.”

“I swear on my crown,” Luna added. “I’ll personally oversee the court hearings.”

“And that means...?”

The Princess smiled slightly. “Equinox is not the only one with influence, Nigel.”

Haley was tempted to shoot all three just to speed things along, but Chalmers saved himself a gauss round by sighing and nodding.

“Fine, I guess that I can trust you. He better not get an easy ride through prison, though.”

“I can assure you, traitors are not looked upon kindly in Nocturne society.” The Princess turned to the Nocturne named Darklight, sharing a look before glancing towards her. “Excuse me… Agent. I assume that you are in charge of your fellows, based on your interactions. Would you allow us to arrest these criminals under our law so we can continue in more peaceful surrounds?”

Haley glanced towards the Commander, he was still fairly lucid so he still was in command. He nodded, so she lowered her gun.

“Fine, you may proceed.”

A nod was sent her way, before the room exploded with activity. All throughout the warehouse, nocturnes in armour and police hats took flight to contain the others watching from the catwalks. The stallion that the Commander had wanted dead was set upon by no less than ten, Haley noticing that a few were taking the chance to get in a few kicks against the tackled criminal. The Princess and police leader watched it all happen; Haley and her soldiers just hoping that it wouldn’t take too long.

Commander Chalmers was likewise interested in the proceedings, but his was visibly annoyed.

“This new cooperation is all nice and good,” he complained loudly over the din, wiggling his free limbs. “But can someone actually cut me down now?”

Midnight nervously took a sip of her tea, hugging Nigel with her other wing while taking care to avoid bumping his heavily bandaged leg. It was more for her benefit than his, her nerves still shaky even though they were safe on the couch in her parents’ house. It was less because of the events of the previous day, and more because of the fact that no other than Princess Luna herself was sitting down in a chair opposite.
The presence of the armoured human leader in another chair didn’t help matters.

“I must humbly thank you for your quick assistance, Princess,” her father acknowledged while he sat next to an uncharacteristically quiet Starbright. A glance went over towards the human who had merely introduced herself as ‘Special Agent’. “I don’t want to think of what would have happened without you.”

“It was my duty to all Nocturnes,” Luna smiled back. “I only lament that I could not arrive as soon as I received your very urgent message. I can’t imagine how difficult it would have been to find a unicorn in the city who was able to perform such magic.”

“We were lucky to have a stage performer passing through. She knew of such a spell, but we doubted that the message would even arrive correctly.”

Luna took a sip of her own tea, her smile growing wider. “It did arrive inside of my sister’s cake slice, much to her chagrin, but it was readable.”

“What about Equinox?” Nigel asked, having remained quiet throughout the meeting.

“He is due to face court tomorrow,” the Princess reassured. “A public court. If he thought his reputation was tarnished before, then it will be nothing compared to what he now faces. Even if he ever emerges from prison, he will be so shunned that he might as well exile himself.”

“I’d prefer it if it was more than his reputation that was tarnished.”

“It will suffice,” Luna reassured. The Princess shifted on her seat, her eyes going towards the Special Agent before back to Nigel. “Given the… sudden revelations that you have told me, may I ask what you plan to do?”

Midnight gulped, looking towards Starbright. Her mother pursed her lips, Midnight guessing that she had already guessed what was going to happen. That, or judging by the way that Darklight was watching them both, she had been told of the plan already.

“Well, I have duties I need to return to,” Nigel explained. “After I am restored to my original form, of course.”

Luna tilted her head, keen interest sparkling in her eyes. “Is that possible? Even I know of no such spell that could possibly achieve that.”

“There are a few ways that I know we employ,” Nigel answered. Midnight rubbed his back when he shuddered. “Although I hope that they don’t go and-“

He was cut off by a throat clearing, the Special Agent moving her helmet to look directly at him. Midnight noticed that the human’s tea was forgotten, the cup growing cold while the dour female sat in the almost comically small armchair.

“Yes, well, so there’s that,” Nigel finished, not pushing the issue. He tapped his forehooves together and looked towards the human. “Special Agent, how far away is the extraction?”

“Three hours approximate.”

“Not much time,” he mumbled in response. “And… how many free seats are there?”

Midnight shivered as the blue optics turned to her, the human and other nocturnes silent. Princess Luna’s face was impassive, but Midnight could swear that there was a small amount of pride in her eyes.


“Well,” Nigel continued, one of his hooves moving to rest on her thigh. “I kind of, as the military calls it, ‘went native’. Hence, I was hoping that I could bring along an extra two.” He turned to Starbright and Darklight. “If you are both okay with that, of course.”

Before he could receive an answer, the Special Agent cut in.

“Sir, that is not appropriate. Using agency property to fulfil personal needs is against regulations, and allowing an unauthorized passenger is illegal.”

“I’ll take the rap,” Nigel pressed. “After all, I’m the sure the Director would consider it ample compensation for leaving me stranded here for almost a year.”

“With respect, that was your own fault. I was briefed on what happened prior to your disappearance, and everyone was convinced that you had gone into hiding out of shame. It was only when law enforcement was called to investigate a smell in one of your agency-funded apartments that we discovered the issue.”

One year?

The Special Agent shifted on the couch. “There may have been… a matter of priorities involved.”

“Bloody typical,” Nigel muttered. “You’d think that it’s like I randomly disappear all of the time.” He raised his head and pointed at her, a smile forming on his face. “Ah, but you didn’t say that there wouldn’t be room for them, and I am still your superior am I not?”

The Special Agent’s silence answered that question.

“Special Agent,” Nigel was grinning now. “I order you to assist me in securing the safe passage of two passengers back to UIP space.”

There was a pause.

“Fine,” the human replied. “Given that you have now ordered me to violate regulations-“

“I know, ‘it’s my full responsibility and all consequences’.” I’ll deal with it when we get back.” Nigel once again glanced to her parents. “So, is it okay with you two?”

“You already know that I agree,” Darklight replied. All eyes went to Starbright, the matriarch thinking deeply to herself. She looked up, focusing on the human.

“Could you take your helmet off?” Starbright requested. The Special Agent paused, but after a glance towards Nigel a sigh could be heard. With her hands, the human removed her helmet to reveal the first human face that they had ever seen.

Midnight examined every area of the face, from the small brown eyes to the short-cut brown mane. It was alien, looking like nothing she had seen in books or in person, but it wasn’t scary. Granted, the annoyed scowl that the female was wearing wasn’t the most welcoming expression, but there were no tentacles or slimy scales that aliens were said to possess.

“So that’s what you’ll look like,” Midnight murmured.

“Well, I’ll of course be much prettier.”

She couldn’t help it, despite all that had happened she could not hold in the warm laugh. Nuzzling his shoulder while continuing her mirth, all worries about possible appearances left her mind. After all, if she could love a changeling then an alien was not much different in her books. Besides, it wasn’t like physical attraction was the main driving force between them.

“You’ve seen what we look like,” the Special Agent huffed while putting her helmet back on. “Now, can we speed things along?”

“So tall,” Starbright whispered, before snapping out of it with a nudge from Darklight. “But Nigel, if I let you take Midnight and Dream-“

“I guarantee that they will be as safe as possible,” Nigel cut in. “We’ll try and visit at least three times every year, and when I can’t make it Midnight and Dream will visit without me. Dream will get the best education available in the Empire, and she’ll have a very bright future.”

“What about when you are unable to be there with them?” Starbright questioned forcefully. “I can’t pretend that you’ll be present all the time, given your… occupation. There will surely be periods where you will be absent for months.”

“Starbright, I can assure you that while my position is dangerous, it also is offset by a generous pay-check. When I’m away, they’ll live in comfort and there are ways that I can talk to them while on duty. I’ve already talked to Midnight about this-“

“And I’m fine with it,” she reassured her mother for him. “Please Mom, let me go with him. I promise to try and talk to you as much as possible and visit like he said. You know that he’ll look after us as best as he’d be able to.”

She watched Starbright mull her words over, and her tail swished when her mother nodded her approval.

“I can’t argue with that,” Starbright answered, a warm smile on her face. “However, I expect an invitation to the wedding.” The smile gained a forceful edge, although not enough to offset the happiness. “There will of course be a wedding in the near future?”

“Of… of course,” Nigel hastily replied. Midnight perked up and her wings began to flutter. Nigel’s eyes met hers, and although her mother certainly had a part to play, she saw that the promise was genuine.

“Will your people accept that though?” she voiced. “I know that you said that your… our empire is tolerant and multi-species, but will they let us marry?”

“For sure,” Nigel reassured, placing his forelegs on her shoulders. “Trust me, it won’t be the most unusual one. I’m not a fan of marriage myself…” he pulled her close into a hug. “But I’m willing to make an exception.” Midnight shared a nuzzle with him, before a groan broke the moment.

“Touching,” the Special Agent imputed. “Am I still needed here? I have other matters to attend to and I do not trust my soldiers to be as patient as I am.”

“Someone’s impatient,” Nigel muttered under his breath, before nodding towards the human. “Of course, we’ll pack our things and get ready to leave on time.”

“Excellent,” the soldier replied, before leaving her seat and striding towards the main door with her weapon in her hands. “Thank you for the tea.”

“You’re very welcome,” Starbright smiled, waiting for the Special Agent to leave and the door to close before finishing. “My, I can see why you’re so smitten with Midnight, if that is how all of your females are.”

Nigel laughed, soon joined by everyone in the room. Even Luna, who had been listening with careful interest, broke her silence.

“I’m sorry for Agent Haley, we ISA agents tend to get a little touchy with nothing to do. Please excuse her behaviour.”

“It’s fine,” Starbright waved a hoof in dismissal. “I can see why she might be a little annoyed.”

Crying started up from another room, Midnight quickly giving Nigel a kiss before leaving the couch. “I’ll get Dream and her things, I’ll be back soon.” Her hooves trotted on the wooden floor, leaving her parents and the Princess behind. She entered the darkened room containing Dream, her own from when she used to live in the house. Moving over towards the cradle, she caressed Dream’s face to calm her down.
“There, there,” she soothed, Dream’s wails dying down into sniffles.

“She’s a very beautiful filly.”

Midnight jumped at Luna’s voice, but calmed down almost immediately when she remembered that Luna meant no harm. Glancing back at the Princess, she smiled at the complement.

“I’m glad that some beauty has come from this. It’s surprising, knowing the stallion that…”

“Midnight,” Luna placed a wing over her back when she trailed off. “Do not underestimate what you have achieved. You will be the first Nocturne to travel the stars, farther than even my moon or my sister’s sun. Despite the biological father, you have a wonderful and adorable foal. You also have managed to find a mate who desires only the best for you and Dream, even though his ways are… dubious.”

Midnight turned to defend Nigel, but Luna halted her with a wing. “I don’t mean to insult him, I can understand that his people’s ways are different to ours. Obviously the nature of their existence, knowing all that they must know and experiencing what they’ve experienced, has brought more than just knowledge.” Luna pulled her against her in a hug, much like Starbright used to do. Midnight looked up, Luna smiling down. “Do me and all Nocturnes proud, Midnight, and show them friendship so that you can make their bleak look on life a little happier.”

“I will, I promise.”

“I know that you speak the truth,” Luna nodded. The wing left her back and the Princess made to leave the room. Luna halted at the door.

“And Midnight, I would also be interested to know how two of my little ponies grow and develop while away from our planet.”

“I’ll try and write, or whatever I can do, whenever I can,” she promised with a wing over her heart. Midnight grinned at Luna. “You can also be assured that I’ll invite you to the wedding.”

Luna nodded her thanks. “I would be extremely honoured to receive such an invitation.”

“You can count on it.”

Luna seemed satisfied, a final nod being sent before she trotted out of the room. Midnight turned back to the cradle, Dream no longer sniffling but was instead gazing up while sucking her hoof.

“Hey, Dream,” Midnight cooed. “Guess what? We’re going on a trip with daddy.”

“How do we know that we can trust you to pay up? It’s not like you’re from around here.”

Haley rolled her eyes under her helmet at the two suspicious nocturne stallions, tilting her head towards the Agent next to her. Sanders pulled a small box from his armour, opening it and turning towards the crooks. The creatures’ eyes widened at the amount of small diamonds that glittered within, Haley smiling at the thought that shiny things tended to be accepted as currency anywhere where intelligent beings possessed the capacity for greed.

“You will receive a second amount, equal to this, if you complete your task as agreed.”

“A second amount, but this…” The lead stallion, a scar over his right eye, quickly nodded. “Yeah, organising to shank a single dirtbag In prison? Easy done. I know a guard that’ll gladly make it happen for just a fraction of this. He’s actually my cousin-“

“Enough,” Haley ordered, silencing the criminal. “Sanders, give them the payment.” The box was transferred from hand to wing, the stallion nodding. “Do not make us return to finish the job ourselves. Such an inconvenience would be disastrous for your good health.”

Both of the bat-ponies nodded quickly, before hurrying away down the dark alley. Haley snorted and motioned for her soldiers to follow.

“Let’s go,” she ordered through the comms. “Hopefully the Commander will hurry up and become more professional now that this is sorted.”

“Goodbye Mom, Goodbye Dad.”

Midnight received hugs from both of her parents, the ramp of the long, black, spaceship waiting behind her. It had descended from the sky and landed outside of the caves, the city guard ensuring that they had privacy. Dream was safely on her back, Midnight holding the foal in place with her wings. Nigel was waiting patiently beside her, their bags already stored aboard the sleek vessel.

“Good luck to you both,” Darklight wished. Nigel was then mobbed with his own hugs, looking very uncomfortable while both embraced him.

“Visit often.”

“And-“ Starbright began to add.

“Yes, a wedding,” Nigel reassured with a sigh.

“Good,” Starbright replied firmly. “If not, I’ll hunt you down and force you to.”

“And that is the signal to leave,” Midnight farewelled. “Mom, we’ll have a wedding and invite you, okay?”

“What have I gotten into?” Nigel muttered, Midnight pulling him along.

“Relax,” she told him with a kiss, their hooves trotting on the metal ramp as they entered their transport. “You know that it’s more than worth it.”

He glanced up at the curious-eyed Dream, before smiling back at her.

“You know what, I think you’re right.”

With that, the ramp closed, the ship’s engines beginning to power up while two teary-eyed nocturnes waved their happy goodbyes.

“Jeez,” the city Coroner whistled, putting the white sheet back down. “They sure did a number on him.”

“Stabbed thirty-seven times with a sharpened piece of pipe,” the Prison Warden agreed. “I have no clue how they managed to conceal it, or which prisoner did the deed.”

“Who was he?” the Coroner inquired, grabbing his clipboard and making to leave the room. The Warden followed, taking a sip from his coffee.

“Well, you remember that ex-Lunar Guard Captain who tried to overthrow the council? He had only been in for a month.”

“Huh, I guess that some form of sick justice was served,” the Coroner threw out.

“That it was,” the Warden agreed. “That it was.”

The door to the morgue shut closed behind them, leaving the long dead corpse alone.

“Hey, my hand wasn’t made to be a chew-toy for those fangs, Dream.”

Nigel bopped the filly on the nose with a spare finger, Dream laughing a bubbly laugh before flapping her wings and resuming her assault. He chuckled with her, both of them sitting on the floor of the living room while tropical birds flew outside the massive window. He smiled, buying a house on the hills overlooking to bustling city had been a great move, both Dream and Midnight loving the view of the massive skyscrapers and the sea behind them.

“Are you two okay out there?” Midnight called from the bathroom, enjoying a relaxing bath.

“We’re fine,” he reassured, scratching Dream behind the ears and smiling while she rolled on the red rug with joy. A soft beep sounded from his hip, and he reached into a pocket to withdraw a personal communicator. He checked the screen, three simple words reading 'It's been done'. Smiling to himself, he returned it to his pocket before muttering to himself. “Things have never been better.”

The End.

Author's Note:

That's all for this fic. (Almost) everyone ended up happy, Midnight has a whole new life ahead for her, and Equinox was shanked to death in prison.

Once again, any comments or questions are welcome, and I'll try to answer them all.

Until the next fic.

Comments ( 143 )

I just want to acquaint his face with a common building material, repeatedly.

A fitting ending, satisfactory all around.

But, about half of the chapter's underlined.:applejackunsure:

I am content with this ending. Felt a little rushed, but it all panned out really well. I look forward to your next fanfic. As well updates on Revenge. [HINT HINT]


Whoops, I ended the tag with [/i instead of [/u. That's what I get for cut and run editing.

Will there be an epilogue, or is the incomplete tag there because you forgot to change it?

Are you going to do a sequel?

Also... Why the underline in the end?



I knew that I forgot something.

*clap clap*
And so the ride ends. Welcome to humanity ponies.


A sequel for this? Possibly, but not for a long time. Other fics to update and all that.

As for the underline, see the above comments. It should be fixed now.

37 times eh? well i guess if i was promised that much wealth id make sure the target was so dead that even death was impressed with my work.

Damn you and I wanted to lament about not sequeled story with Nigel :D

Good read as always. But...

Did they give him back his tatoo :D?

Hehehehe, ah nice to see a happy ending. But I do wonder, if the wedding will come around, how many people will Nigel invite?

5483501 Speaking of other fics... Which one will you update next? I love almost all of your fics.

I'd better be seeing a 300000 word sequel grace my optical receptors by May,

“You did will in tips though,” the bartender commented while putting glasses away. Morrow smiled at him.

Well in tips, not will.

Loved the ending, much better than most fics and really provided closer. Equinox had a fitting end.

Aww...now I'm sad cause I want more of this story line. Ponies in space!!! The story must be told.

Excellent ending to another excellent story. Keep up the good work!

I thought for sure when I was reading this that Equinox was going to get their child when Dream was taken away for tests. I guess he didn't turn out to shoot that low trying to get back at Nigel. Through your comments I know you didn't enjoy this story very much, but I still liked it a lot.

I'm sure you'll do do a sequel sometime down the line, but I feel this story actually closed better then most of stories I've read from you. No hanging questions of threads. Just slice of life stuff like marriage which we could all just imagine instead of having to write out. Well done.

It feels nice for a story like this to not end in such a way that a sequel is necessary for revenge. You may disagree but I feel this story was nicely wrapped up and is still very good.

Somehow, I'm glad to see a protagonist that's not above murder.

... Not sure how I feel about typing that sentence, but at least that loose end is finally tied up.

Well, I, for one, would like to see how ponies adapt. How they would go for MRI scans and all that... You know, the first month?
While virus scans and other stuff was done on spot, I think that in-depth analysis of species is required.
I doubt they wouldn't, at least, take X-ray image.

And Nigel, the Commander. What did he go through to get his form back? :trollestia:
Magic infused being -> less magic being. That wouldn't lead to any problems, would it?
"Emotivore" research would be a new science, unless there are species that are like changelings and they are researched.

{i]“Ma’am,”[/] he replied over the helmet comms.

^Used a { instead of a [
^ Forgot the i

“I’ll take the rap,” Nigel pressed. “After all, I’m the sure the Director would consider it ample compensation for leaving me stranded her for almost a year.”

Until the next fic.

Does that mean....Part 2?
oh btw, i agreed with Reji.


Hundreds. It'll be a massive Clusterfuck.


Eh, this one was started dec 2013, and I think was my... third fic. It was pretty much a side project, and to be honest I've never really been happy with it. If you compare the first few chapters with the last few, the difference in writing is obvious.

But I can get why it can grate on people.

stereotypical British personality

Heh, far better than a typical HIE American personality in my opinion.


Divine Salvation was in need of an update, but people are pressing for an update on Revenge so that might have to come first.

Also, thanks for the correction.


Equinox wasn't really that concerned about the foal. After all, it was pretty much useless in his eyes. Remember, he was brooding in that hospital for months after what happened, his anger focused onto one person and he became a little obsessive about it.

Through your comments I know you didn't enjoy this story very much, but I still liked it a lot.

Yeah, I see it as a mistake. "Hey, I lack empathy, I'mma write a HIE shipfic! That'll work!"
Then again, I can't really say that most of the plot choices I make for other fics are much better.

I'm sure you'll do do a sequel sometime down the line, but I feel this story actually closed better then most of stories I've read from you. No hanging questions of threads. Just slice of life stuff like marriage which we could all just imagine instead of having to write out.

I do love my sequels. Still, if one is ever created, it's going to probably be a short one covering the marriage, going over how things are changed, simple stuff like that.


Thanks for those, the result of writing a chapter and then editing at 11:00 at night after a day of work.


Uh... 'He's never been a father before' because... he's never been a father before? It's a character's dialogue, it's like when a reader pulled me up because my characters were saying 'Me and him' instead of 'Him and me'. i think it leads to a rather robotic dialogue if everyone is a grammatical genius 100% of the time.

I don't actually think it's incorrect though, it's an unusual thing to say if you examine it like you did, but in casual conversation not a single bit of mind would be paid to it.

Oh, that fucker's dead now. Cool.

Equinox was shanked a month after he was put in prison. What's the point of focusing on everyone's reactions about it if the main characters aren't there to provide a perspective? It's implied that he wasn't exactly seen as a saint after his trial, and it was just a death in prison.

It was more the insult of being doomed to anonymity then the shanking itself that was the key point.

Just leave without so much as a goodbye to those who employed him? Great.

I can't show every single detail, the chapter's already 16,000 words.

I mean, really? We don't get to see what happens with stripper baby? Or the marriage? Or the fact that there was a horse/human marriage in the first place?

Marriage hasn't happened yet. It's only been a month since they left, a very short time skip. That's why he get's the message that the deed they organised was done.

Equinox in prison for a month > Equinox stabbed > Nigel get's the message, showing that the scene was a month later

What happened when stripper baby was told that it's father was an evil fuck?

What happens to Twilight when she hits the ripe old age of seventy? The show isn't going to tell us, because it's not part of the story line. This sort of stuff would take a whole other fic to go through.

And again, why did no one so much as blink at the humans? "Oh cool, armoured aliens are here; no need to worry, they're not going to have any possibility of malicious intent because they shout at us and give us orders whilst a changeling's balls are in the process of being cut off!"

First, remember that Nocturnes are pretty cut off from the outside world. Most of them didn't even know what a changeling was, even after the Canterlot invasion. To them (I'm assuming you mean the guards and that in the warehouse) the situation was already confusing. All they knew was that the guy their Chief was trying to arrest was the overall leader of the city. The scene was rife with confusion from everyone, and if it wasn't for Darklight and Luna keeping their nerves, then it would have gone down really bad.

Come on, man! Get your shit together! This was a wild ride from start to just-before-finish, but this chapter is just a clusterfuck of what-the-shits.

Eh, some people don't like it, some do. What can I do to get 100% approval rates? As I've said before, I've never really been into this fic much, and maybe that attitude has screwed me over.

It would have been even more funny if he was raped first..... just saying.

And then he was shanked to death. The End.

Good ending

5485383 I have to say for fiction ends this one is one of the best. You can't please everyone, but I bet most people just didn't want to see it end so any end would 'suck' for them.

Sad it ended and a slightly disappointing ending cause of the briefness but so loved the story as a whole anyways.

Interesting ending. A bit dull, but still good

S now were going to see much more of Divine huh?
Dis Pleases me.:moustache:

I was wondering when the ISA would show up. Another story down.

Why do I feel a little bad for Equinox?

You feel bad because it reminds you of Llamas with Hats.

On a more serious note, however, it's probably because you subconsciously evaluate the morality of each act individually. By itself, it is a vicious attack on a helpless pony. In context (the "ends justify the means" / "needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" viewpoint), it is a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence (including murder) being killed before he can be given the opportunity to kill or torture again (note how Luna's word choice acknowledges that he may be released from prison).

Which view should you go with? It's not my place to say.

“You’d think that it’s like I randomly disappear all of the time.”

:rainbowlaugh: That one got me

Was Midnight and dream also transformed into humans?


No, hence Midnight's concern at acceptance.

5490031 Ah, I see, well since she's not a normal horse/pony but a person like us, I don't see why not!

Nigel glanced up at the clock hanging on the white wall opposite him, two-thirty in the afternoon was a terrible time to be in the hospital.

Is this what i think it is?!?! :)

That was good story. I enjoyed it vary much. I must say that the ending was a bit abrupt but steel good. Are you going to make a sequel, based off this story? Equestria has made first contact. Is there going to be an exchange of information? What ramifications will there be to Equestria? He is going to visit 3 time a yer so there well be sum exchange?



Yep. Didn't care to see this end. Equinox got screwed over, apparently got killed and the humans finally found Nigel. They went back to his life and home taking the filly away from everybody like her, happily ever after, etc. We still need a wedding...

If you look for the word 'hand', the first one was used to claim that Nigel said it again while closing up the bar, but it was never mentioned in the text prior to that.

My primary issue with this ending is that it's too sudden.

Nigel gets taken to a warehouse where he is beaten in order to lure midnight and others there. He nearly gets castrated, but a kiss from midnight heals him and makes him stronger. He puts up a small fight and when he just about loses, people from his species miraculously come in at the right time. The pack up and move away.

Wish there had been more. Maybe another chapter. I enjoyed the story regardless.

I still want to see a chapter or side-fic for the wedding damnjit. Maybe see how Equestria handles sudden contact with a space-faring civilization and the sort.


Eh, it might happen a little later on. Right now, I've got too much stuff happening with people demanding updates for other fics to think about starting new ones.

This was a great story! I loved reading it, all in one week too. But I would love a sequel. I honestly thought it would be cool to have Nigel unable to be turned back into a human due to the magical change, but he starts to realize his shape shifting abilities, and he can turn il back into a human that way... Just thought it was a cool story idea... Love the story though.

Gotta say,I love the story all the same, but I was kinda disappointed with the ending. It seemed rushed and was rather lackluster.

5554045 No, "buck" when used as a cuss. It sounds forced and it makes Applejack's job sound awful. If I wanted to ponify the word "fuck" I'd replace it with "rut" or "feather" instead. It's probably just me though because even well known writers think it's clever and nobody else is whining about it but me.

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