• Published 15th Dec 2013
  • 16,093 Views, 862 Comments

Cheesecake and Changelings - Dropbear

After an alarming trip through a black hole in his fridge, Nigel M. Chalmers finds himself in a colourful peaceful country populated with a throng of friendly ponies... in the body of one of their nation's worst enemies. Of course it all goes to

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Confessions, Dinner and Just Desserts

Author's Note:

Okay, i've attempted to do a reverse morning/evening thing so any errors feel free to let me know. I kept on instinctivly writing 'last night' instead of 'yesterday' and vice versa.

Nigel held his fore-hooves up in a placating manner, the Nocturne stallion opposite him letting out an angry snort as he prepared to charge.

“Darklight!” Starbright chastised, causing the stallion to halt in his tracks, “Nigel is our guest, I won’t have you fighting him over a simple slip up!” Chalmers had to stop himself from bursting out into laughter as the mare left her seat and approached her husband, the large stallion shrinking as his wife closed in on him. Midnight was watching the exchange with worry, she had forgotten just how heated her parents could get when they argued. “Apologize to him now!” Starbright demanded, Darklight withering under her gaze before letting out a defeated sigh.

“I apologize for rushing to conclusions,” Midnight’s father grudgingly stated, Nigel nodding in response.
“That’s fine, as I said I could have worded it with more thought.”

“There, isn’t that better?” Starbright asked, her husband grumbling as she nuzzled him. Midnight left her position and moved to her father, the young mare embracing him in a hug. The grizzled stallion’s mood lifted a little at his daughter’s embrace, Nigel a little relieved that the situation hadn’t deteriorated into physical confrontation.

“Why are you back so early Midnight?” Darklight questioned, “Lunar Guard training goes on for weeks, you should be in Canterlot.” The stallion looked over at Nigel, a slight glare radiating suspicion directed at the changeling. “Also, why is there a changeling in my house? You of all ponies should know that they are dangerous creatures.”

“He’s not dangerous!” Midnight countered, Nigel deciding to leave out what he did to Captain Equinox. “Nigel is one of the nicest pon- beings I’ve met,” as she said this she moved back to the couch and jumped up, snuggling up to Nigel as she faced her father defiantly. “As a matter of fact I love him, he cares a lot for me and he’s really helped me over the last few weeks.”

Darklight looked rather disappointed at Midnight’s confession, the stallion shaking his head as he sat down in a chair next to his wife. “You were always the strange one,” he muttered, Starbright glaring at him from her seat.

He stared at the two, his daughter currently hugging this changeling apparently called ‘Nigel’. He didn’t believe the bug meant the best for Midnight, his friends in the Equestrian Royal Guard had told him all about the creatures when they had visited the city a few weeks ago. Shape-shifting creatures that stole the love of ponies were not to be trusted, for now however he had to remain polite when in ear-shot of his wife. Starbright was always commenting on how he wasn’t the friendliest of ponies and when she had an opinion by Luna you listened least you wanted to find yourself in very hot water.

As Darklight looked at the changeling he noticed that it didn’t really seem as comfortable with the physical contact as Midnight was, Darklight making a note to confront the changeling about his motives later when Midnight and Starbright were absent. Apart from the initial verbal slip-up he did have to admit that this ‘Nigel’ did seem content to refrain from causing any problems. Besides, when he thought about it Nigel couldn’t really be as bad as Dusk’s current coltfriend, his eldest daughter was currently seeing one of the more troublesome stallions in the city.

“So Nigel,” Darklight began with a stern tone, Midnight and Starbright giving him warning glares while the changeling merely looked at him curiously. “Just how did you and Midnight meet?”

“You sound like he’s a criminal you’re interrogating Darklight,” Starbright cut in, “can’t you at least try to be nice?” Darklight sighed again, he often wondered just who was more of an authoritarian, Starbright or himself.

“I mean, how did a… Stallion such as yourself become so close to my daughter, if that question isn’t too prying?” Darklight swore he saw a brief frown appear on the changeling’s face, neither Starbright nor Midnight seemed to notice it so maybe he was just imagining it. The changeling was just about to respond, a nudge from Midnight causing it to pause however. Darklight watched with suspicion as his daughter shared a look with her friend, evidently the mare wanted to take the lead.

“Um father,” Midnight started as she swallowed a lump in her throat, the changeling giving her a reassuring squeeze as the mare looked at him thankfully before facing her parents again. “I have some bad news to tell you, nothing that was Nigel’s fault,” Midnight quickly added the last part upon seeing her father begin to glare at Nigel again. The stallion re-focused his attention on his daughter, unable to see how anything could be worse than her falling in love with a changeling.

“I… was thrown out from the Lunar Guard,” Midnight admitted much to the shock of her parents. Darklight was about to interrogate his daughter as to why when he noticed a sniffle from the mare, tears beginning to fall. He decided that aggressive questioning could probably wait. Midnight took a deep breath, the changeling beside her looking at her worriedly. “I was thrown out because the Captain… the Captain had his way with me.” Darklight leaned forward, surely he had misheard her. There was no way Midnight could have said what he thought she said.

“What was that?” Darklight asked, Starbright having almost fallen off her chair, his wife as pale as a ghost. Midnight closed her eyes as her ears laid down flat.

“I said, the Captain raped me, I’m pregnant with his child,” she choked out, Starbright letting out a gasp as she leapt off her seat to rush over to her daughter and embrace her, Midnight falling off the couch into her mother’s hooves. Darklight observed as the two mares hugged each other on the floor rug, Midnight sobbing into her mother’s coat while Starbright attempted to comfort her daughter with nuzzling and telling her that everything would be alright. He still couldn’t believe what his daughter had just said, the idea of that happening to one of his own just incomprehensible. Darklight slowly left his seat and ambled over to his wife and daughter, sitting down with them as he joined the hug while rubbing Midnight’s back in an attempt to calm her down.

Nigel was content with staying on the couch and not joining in. He felt an unusual pang of sadness as he watched his traveling companion bawl her eyes out, for some reason he felt some attachment to Midnight which was fairly uncommon. Confident in his decision that it was best for the three Nocturnes to come to terms with the situation as a family without his intervention, he decided that he should leave them be.

“I need to use the bathroom,” Nigel stated softly as he slide carefully off the couch, none of the ponies reacting to his words. He moved towards the hallway he had entered the room from, passing out through is as he headed towards the front door. He stopped just before it, plopping down in front of the wall containing all of the photographs. Chalmers leaned back against the wall opposite as he closed his eyes, hoping that this would be the last major hurdle he’d have to cross during his stay on this planet.


Darklight had lost track of time, the stallion caught up in his daughter’s grief. Thankfully her sobs had died out, Midnight rocking back and forth in Starbright’s hold. He glanced at the couch, finding the changeling mysteriously absent. Puzzled by this and still a little suspicious of the creature he stood up, his wife and daughter not noticing as he walked towards the hallway. Poking his head out he spotted the changeling leaning up against the wall appearing to be slumbering. Looking back at the two mares he felt a little guilt for leaving them, however now might be his last chance to question the changeling alone.

He approached the creature and sat down next to it, Darklight not really feeling anything but… numb. The changeling stirred as Darklight sat down, two green eyes blinking open as they focused on the stallion.

“Oh, sorry I must have drifted off,” the changeling mumbled as he made to get up, Darklight halting him with a hoof.

“Hang on; I want to speak with you alone.” The changeling sat back down, looking towards Darklight as he waited for the stallion to speak. “I wanted to ask you something, why did you help my daughter get back home? I don’t see any real gain in it for you.” The changeling seemed to gather his wits, preparing to answer the question.

“It was the right thing to do,” he said after a pause, Darklight raising an eyebrow at the reply. “I know Midnight didn’t mention this but I was the reason the Captain targeted her.”

“What did you do?” Darklight questioned firmly. If this changeling had anything to do with what happened he would kill it then and there.

“I was in some, ahem, trouble with the local rulers and Midnight conversed with me for a brief period. Apparently this ‘Captain Equinox’ considered that a grave offense and threatened her life unless she… you know.” At the mention of Equinox Darklight’s jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed. Equinox was the son of Radiant Eclipse, one of the most powerful council members in the city. Radiant Eclipse is also a notorious crime lord, however due to his family’s noble line and powerful connections he was untouchable.

“Two weeks after my conversation with your daughter Equinox came down to inform me of what he had done, there was an altercation and I broke free. After I escaped my ‘palace guest quarters’ I ran into Midnight in an alley by chance, recognising her as the nice guard I had spoken to while confined. She was upset; having just been thrown out after it was found that she was carrying a child.” Darklight watched as the changeling took a breath, readying to continue.

“You must understand, I’ve done quite a number of terrible things in the past which I won’t mention and felt no remorse for. Seeing her in that state however, I just couldn’t leave her like that all alone, not after what she had done for me. Long story short she’s developed intense feelings for me but is now safely home, in my eyes that’s mission accomplished.”

“Do you love her back though?” Darklight inquired, the changeling shifted uncomfortably at the question.

“Don’t get me wrong, I care deeply for her and would do almost anything to make her happy but a relationship would be very difficult because of reasons out of our control.”

“Look, Nigel,” Darklight started, slowly becoming adjusted to the changeling’s presence, “if you’re worried about me not welcoming you into the family don’t worry, after what you’ve done for Midnight I can accept that you aren’t that bad.” The changeling seemed to stare into space for a moment, a small, humourless chuckle escaping his muzzle.

“Oh, that’s not the issue, Hell me being a changeling is a nothing compared to these other problems. The fact is that I don’t want to put Midnight through any issues that will no doubt occur, certainly with how she is at the moment.” The changeling stared down at his hooves, Darklight remaining silent. “I was actually hoping that once she was home, surrounded by those she loved I could leave with a solid conscience knowing that I did my part. Unfortunately it seems like I’ve become one of those that she loves, and the fact that a part of me loves her back just as strongly despite knowing the danger is a concern as well.” The changeling let out a yawn, the day had been tiring for all. “I just want Midnight to be happy but right now I don’t know exactly how to do that.”

Darklight mulled over the changeling’s words, the police chief detecting no trace of dishonesty in the explanation. It seemed to him that Nigel was genuinely concerned for Midnight’s well-being. Darklight had to stop himself from letting out a yawn, it was fairly late and a good night’s sleep would probably do every one wonders. A though popped into his mind regarding Nigel.

“Have you got someplace to stay?” Darklight inquired, the changeling gesturing to a coin purse had looped around his neck.
“I was planning to head to a hotel; I have more than enough money assuming that Equestrian currency is accepted here.”
“It is,” Darklight confirmed with a nod of his head, “however we do have a guest bedroom so I can offer you that-“
“No, I’d hate to impose,” Nigel interrupted as he rose up.

“To be honest I wasn’t offering for your sake,” Darklight responded as he too stood up, eliciting an eyebrow rise from the Changeling. “Midnight seems to be really attached to you, I think it would be for the best if you were here and able to support her for the time-being.”

“When you put it that way how can I refuse,” Nigel chuckled as he peered at the multiple doors lining the hall.

“Down the hallway on the right, the room is the only one there,” Darklight stated as started to move to the living room to collect
Starbright and Midnight for bed, everyone needed some sleep in his opinion. He paused however at the hallway cross-section, catching the changeling just as he was about to enter the guest room. “One second,” he called out, Nigel halting as he looked at him. “What happened to that Bucker Equinox?” Nigel let out a small mile at the question, for some reason Darklight felt a chill down his spine.

“He was punished for his actions and I sincerely hope that he died,” the changeling replied coldly, the bluntness of the response giving the veteran police officer pause. Darklight decided to drop the question, settling on just giving the changeling a brief nod. Nigel responded with a similar nod as he entered the room, the wooden door shutting behind him. Darklight took a second to recover, moving towards the living room with the changeling’s words resonating in his mind, a part of him satisfied with the news that Equinox had suffered for his crimes.


Nigel lay in the bed, the surprisingly large frame easily fitting his form. The room was nicely decorated, smooth stone walls broken up by paintings of various objects as well as nice wooden furniture. The bed sheets themselves appeared to be hand (hoof?) stitched and were a calming shade of deep blue. There was no window; however a wall clock stylised to look like a full moon provided a small amount of light as it ticked on.

The changeling shifted uncomfortably underneath the covers, the bed was quite good however something was just preventing him from sleeping. He glanced at the clock face, the time indicated as ten o’clock in the morning so maybe it was just the fact that he was sleeping during the daytime? He sighed, that wasn’t it, after all once one spends a fair amount of time in space as well as on missions the concept of regular sleep-cycles becomes non-existent. No, this feeling was more of a gnawing in his gut, almost resembling that of guilt. He didn’t know why this was though, he had already returned Midnight to her family so what else was he supposed to do?
Sighing Nigel laid his head back on the silver-coloured pillows, counting the number of scratches on the ceiling as he attempted to drift off. Minutes passed before heard the door to his room open, golden eyes peering in through the gloom.

“Nigel,” a whisper drifted in, Nigel able to identify the voice as belonging to Midnight, “are you awake?” The mare still sounded a little upset, a few sniffles here and there although she had at least stopped crying.

“Afraid so,” Nigel answered, the mare scuffing her hoofs on the floor as she moved in further into the room. Chalmers had rolled onto his side to face her, Midnight now halfway into the room.

“I couldn’t sleep,” she mentioned, rubbing one of her front hooves against her other fore-leg, “would it be alright if I slept in your bed today?” Nigel was reluctant, admittedly they had slumbered together while they were traveling but in a bed in her parent’s house? He had only just started to make progress with getting Darklight to trust him and Chalmers doubted that being found in the same bed as the stallion’s daughter would elevate his reputation. Midnight sniffled again, ramming home the last nail in the coffin.

“I guess so,” Nigel conceded, “I haven’t been able to sleep too well either.” Midnight’s face light up at these words, the mare carefully clambering onto the bed before slipping under the covers. Nigel rolled over so his back was towards her; it wasn’t very long until he felt a warm body press up against him from behind as soft breathing could be heard. He looked over his shoulder and observed that Midnight had her back against his, the mare facing away as she slumbered. Evidently she really just needed some company in order to sleep.

Now that he thought about it he too was starting to feel a little drowsy, his eyes drooping as his head rested back on the pillow. He dozed off quickly into a dreamless slumber, the unpleasant feeling in his stomach having subsided.


Starbright awoke in a sweat, the only sounds in the room belonging to her husband’s snores. She wiped her brow with a hoof, groaning as she looked over towards the clock. It listed the time as eight o’clock in the evening, she had overslept past her usual wakeup time. Her evening routine started at seven and involved getting the breakfast ready for Darklight, however tonight she’d be cooking for two more. Or one, she still wasn’t sure if Nigel was going to be eating considering that he apparently lived off love.

After breakfast was made and Darklight was off to work she’d work a little on her novel in progress throughout the day, spending a short amount of time cleaning the house. The advantage to having all of your children living away from home was that once she cleaned the house it seemed to stay clean for a while.

Thinking of children she suddenly remembered that her other daughters, Moonlight Melody and Star Glitter were coming over for dinner tonight with their coltfriends. She bolted upright in the bed, Darklight continuing to sleep despite the movement. She had so much to do, not to mention the extra guests that they had and the emotional condition of Midnight. Starbright still was worried for her daughter, at least Midnight seemed to have found someone who cared deeply for her. Nigel didn’t show it too well but Starbright could tell the changeling was very attached to Midnight, mothers tended to able to pick up on such things. Her other two daughters however…

Starbright left the bed and quietly made her way to the door, exiting the room carefully as to avoid waking Darklight. The stallion had work tonight and needed as much sleep as he could get. The door shut behind her, the mare missing the form in the bed shifting as she left, Starbright heading to Midnight’s room to check up on her.

Her daughter hadn’t stopped crying by the time Darklight came and suggested everyone grabbed some sleep. Midnight hadn’t uttered a word and had merely walked to her old room, still furnished in case she came back for visits. Starbright just wished that she could do more for her daughter, no-pony deserved to go through what she must have. The thoughts of what Midnight was going to go through for the next eleven months plagued heavily on Starbright’s mind as she reached the door to her daughter’s room.

Starbright tapped softly on Midnight’s wooden door, the mare hearing no signs of movement. “Midnight, honey,” Starbright softly called receiving no response. Nosing the door open slightly Starbright found the room empty, the bed still made.

“Looking for Midnight?” Starbright turned around to find Darklight standing behind her, the stallion rubbing one of his eyes with a hoof.

“She doesn’t look like she’s in her room, I wonder whe- oh,” a small smile graced Starbright’s face as an idea made itself present in her mind. Darklight gave her a questioning look as the mare moved past him, heading towards the guest bedroom. Starbright quietly approached the door, pushing it open silently as she peered into the room, Darklight looking over her shoulder.

Inside the room, more specifically in the bed Starbright spotted Midnight, her daughter sleeping with the changeling that she had brought home. Nigel was lying facing the opposite side of the room, Midnight having draped herself over him. Every so often one of her wings would twitch or flap, the changeling absent of movement aside from the slight rising and falling of his chest as he breathed.

Darklight peeked in, spotted the pair and let out a small sigh. Starbright knew he didn’t approve greatly of Midnight’s romantic choice, however after the way he was acting the other night she had expected him to immediate charge in and confront the changeling.
Starbright and Darklight backed out of the doorway when Midnight murmured something inaudible, Nigel stirring as the mare lying on him began to twitch her back legs. The two observers shut the door; it would probably be for the best if they didn’t inform the pair just yet that they had been found out. Starbright looked towards her husband, Darklight still appearing quite dejected.

“I’m going to take a shower,” he grunted out, heading towards the bathroom. Starbright shook her head; really he needed to take some more time off work if his mood was never going to improve.

“Guess I better get breakfast started,” she mumbled to herself as she moved to the kitchen. A good family breakfast would be the perfect environment to cheer up Midnight, Starbright deciding to make a portion for Nigel as well, just in case.


Nigel slowly returned to wakefulness, a weight on top of him and warm breath on his neck. He craned his neck around as soft muttering sounded in his ear, spotting that Midnight once again spooned him in his sleep. The mare was lying partially on top of him; occasionally movement from her hind legs could be felt as she ever so slowly woke up. Letting out a little groan Midnight shifted as her wings attempted to flap, the one that wasn’t trapped by her own body succeeding to flutter a few times before the mare’s eyes opened. Midnight looked at Nigel before looking down to where she was positioned, realising that once again she had covered him in her sleep.

“Oops, sorry Nigel,” Midnight apologized with a blush as she removed herself form her sleeping companion, lying back down beside him instead of atop of him.

“I guess I can give you a pass, good thing your parents didn’t see that,” Nigel replied, Midnight going rigid at the thought of what her father would think. “So…” Nigel hesitantly continued as Midnight re-focused on him, “are you feeling better this morning?” The mare nodded, holding her fore-legs out hoping that Nigel would embrace her. The changeling complied, moving closer to allow her to hug him. Once again he felt a soothing feeling encompass him, Midnight letting out a contented sigh as she snuggled into the embrace.
The two stayed there for a while, content to just spend some time together. Nigel felt more energised; he assumed it was because he was feeding off of Midnight’s affection for him. The mare grasping him didn’t really seem to want to get up, Nigel however deciding that leaving the bed before discovery by Darklight and Starbright would be a wise idea.

“Come on, time to get up,” he said, pulling away from Midnight who reluctantly relinquished her hold.

“Do we have to?” she complained, sighing as Nigel nodded in response. The changeling extracted himself from the bed, dropping onto the floor as Midnight sat up and stretched her wings. Nigel also stretched, limbering up all four of his foreign legs as he rolled his head around to loosen up his neck. As he did this Midnight left the bed, now slightly more motivated to get up after the changeling left. Seeing that that changeling seemed to be rather occupied with his actions Midnight made to leave the room, “I’m going to get some breakfast, I’ll see you in the kitchen.’

“Righto,” Nigel responded as continued to stretch, only his neglected wings remaining stationary. Midnight walked out and shut the door behind her, trotting to the kitchen in a chirpy mood with the previous night’s sadness dulled after her relaxing sleep. The house hadn’t changed a bit since she had been away, Midnight swiftly arriving in the Kitchen only to find no-one present. She peeked around the doorway leading to the dining room, spotting her parents sitting down on cushions at the large oak table in the centre of the room with a platter of bread, conserves, fruit and juice all lined up on the table.

“Evening,” Midnight greeted, her parents looking at her with surprise as the mare sat down between them and grabbed a spare plate with a wing.

“You seem much better sweetie,” Starbright casually remarked as Midnight proceeded to stock her plate with fruit ranging from melon to berries, “did you sleep well yesterday?” Starbright asked the question with a slight grin on her face. This gave Midnight pause, the young mare visibly freezing as her mother and father awaited a response. They knew, Midnight didn’t know how but they knew that she had slept in Nigel’s bed.

“Oh, uh I slept fairly well thank you,” Midnight answered attempting to hide her blush behind her plate of food, “I feel a lot better now, I guess talking about it really helped. Thanks for listening and not disowning me or anything like that,” Darklight paused his eating and stared at his daughter.

“Whatever gave you the idea that we’d disown you?” he asked, Starbright looking just as confused as her husband.

“Well,” Midnight started, “you were always threatening Melody and Glitter saying that if they didn’t hurry up and get jobs you’d throw them out, I was ejected from the Lunar Guard and I’m dating a changeling so I assumed-”

“First off, you’re not your sisters. That’s a whole new territory that comes with its own set of problems,” Darklight cut in, “secondly I believe you when you say that your dismissal wasn’t your fault and even if it was you're still my daughter and you should be able to feel safe in your own home. Now on the topic of the changeling I don’t… mind him,” both mares could see that Darklight was still a little touchy about the subject of Midnight’s friend. “I just think that you, Midnight need to probably look at how you’re going to cope with the next eleven months and after that. I may not trust Nigel fully yet but I do think that he will at least be there for you when you need him.”

“Thanks dad,” Midnight acknowledged with a soft smile, Darklight nodding in return before continuing his breakfast.

“Speaking of Nigel where is he?” Starbright inquired over a cup of tea, “I had expected you two to come out together.” Darklight shot his wife a look as the elder mare grinned at her daughter’s discomfort, Midnight shifting on her seat as her blush returned. Now she knew that they certainly were aware of her previous day’s sleeping activities.

“Nothing happened!” she squeaked out, her mother’s knack for causing embarrassment having remained strong in Midnight’s absence.

“Starbright,” Darklight warned, his wife waving a hoof at him.

“I’m only teasing her dear,” Starbright responded before focusing back on Midnight, “well where is he, hmmm?”

“He’s doing his evening stretches, he still has difficulty with four legs sometimes,” Midnight paled as she realised what she had said, her parents sharing a questioning look with each other. “I mean he always had four legs, it’s just that he can be pretty clumsy at times and apparently stretches help that.” Midnight’s parents still didn’t buy the excuse however they let it go; at least Midnight was a lot more confident with herself this morning. The clacking of hooves on slate sounded from the direction of the kitchen, moments later a changeling poking his head around the corner appeared.

“Good mor- evening all,” Nigel stated, Midnight beaming at him as she waved him over, the changeling glancing at Darklight before sitting down on a pillow. Midnight offered him a plate however the changeling refused, still not certain of which foods he could eat. He wasn’t feeling that hungry anyway, he did however pour himself a cup of tea finding that the handles large enough for him to fit a hoof through.

“Did you sleep as well as Midnight yesterday Nigel?” Starbright mentioned with a sly look towards Midnight, Darklight sighing at his wife’s insistence to cause trouble. Nigel guessed that they had found out about Midnight’s room change, he figured that he might as well play along.

“Oh, relatively well I suppose,” he replied casually as he took a dainty sip of tea, “waking up with Midnight holding me like a teddy bear was a bit of a surprise I must admit.” Midnight turned her head slowly to look at him, a shocked expression on her face. The targeted mare was unable to reply, her cheeks bulging with melon pieces she had stuffed in in quite an un-ladylike demeanour. Starbright couldn’t contain her laughter, the changeling’s deadpan delivery combined with the expression on her daughter’s face was priceless. Darklight merely frowned at his wife’s outburst, Midnight blushing as she swallowed her mouthful of food.

“Nigel!” she complained, hitting him lightly on the arm with a hoof, “I get enough of that from mom, don’t you start as well.” The changeling smirked at the embarrassed mare, leaning towards her to give her a small peck on the cheek. Midnight squeaked again and her wings fluttered in shock, Starbright entertained by the antics of the pair while Darklight rolled his eyes and picked up his plate with a wing.

“I’ve got to get ready for work,” he declared, “remember that we have that dinner this morning, I’m sure looking forward to it.” The stallion grumbled the last part, Midnight looking at her mother with puzzlement.

“What does dad mean about a dinner?” she enquired as she popped a strawberry in her mouth, Nigel also curious about this dinner.
“Your sisters and their coltfriends are coming over tonight, I expect that they’ll be surprised to see you back,” Starbright answered, turning to Nigel. “I hope you’ll join us Nigel, I know you don’t eat solid food but I’m sure you’ll have a great time.” Nigel doubted that, he had barely won over Darklight and from what he had heard Midnight’s sisters weren’t the most tolerable of people. Starbright and Darklight had welcomed him into their home however so he supposed it wasn’t a huge ask.

“I’d be happy to,” he replied, Starbright appearing elated at his answer. Midnight however shifted uncomfortably, she knew that her sisters would mock her about her relationship with Nigel and although she was used to them she wasn’t sure how he would react. Her sisters could be rather mean, Luna preserve her if they found out that she got thrown out of the guard. That was the one thing Midnight had over them.

“Um, Mom,” Midnight asked, Starbright turning to look at her, “could you and Dad not tell Melody and Glitter about what happened, maybe you could just say that I was given some time off to visit?”

“Now Midnight,” Starbright replied, “one day your sisters are going to find out what happened, I know that you think that they wouldn’t understand but I’m sure they will treat you with respect. You are going to have to get along someday, why not try to make it happen this morning?”

“I guess,” Midnight conceded as she rested her head on the table. Starbright got up, the mare heading into the kitchen.

“Well, I have to get started on the dinner for this morning,” Starbright finished as Midnight felt a hoof pat her on the back, the mare looking to the side to see Nigel smiling at her.

“Don’t worry too much; we got through your father so your sisters should be a piece of cake.” Midnight stared at Nigel, the human having no idea what was going to happen that morning.

“You haven’t met my sisters.”


Midnight tapped her hooves together nervously as she sat on the couch, Nigel sitting beside her as they awaited the arrival of Midnight’s siblings. The night had passed quickly, Midnight and Nigel spending most of their time helping Starbright in the kitchen preparing the meal for the morning. Nigel had turned out to be quite proficient at cooking, even teaching Starbright about pasta called ‘Ravioli’, small pillows of pasta that the pair had filled with tomato and cheese. Starbright had questioned why Nigel knew how to cook considering he didn’t eat food, Nigel answering that it was always a hobby of his.

Midnight had noticed that he was trying to disguise the fact that he was human from her parents which confused her. After all he had told her about his real self so why not them? She had made a note to ask him about this later, however she doubted that Nigel would be willing to tell Starbright and Darklight anytime soon.

The sound of knocking sounded from the hallway, someone was at the front door. Darklight passed the pair on the couch as he moved to answer it, the stallion having arrived home from work an hour ago. Midnight’s tapping increased, Nigel grabbing one of her fore-hooves with his to reassure her. She stopped fidgeting, he had seemed to be getting more comfortable around her and more open with shows of affection. She was really glad that he was trying to be more romantic with her; hopefully he would soon feel for her like she did for him.

The front door was opened, Midnight and Nigel able to hear voices streaming up from the hallway. They could make out standard greetings and introductions, the sounds growing louder as the group moved closer towards the living room. Starbright had yet to make an appearance, last Midnight and Nigel had seen of her she had been busy preparing a large sponge cake topped with fruit. Midnight tightened her hoof around Nigel’s as her father, sisters and two stallions trotted into the room. Upon sighting Midnight and her unusual companion the new-comers stopped in their tracks with surprise in their eyes.

Nigel watched as the new nocturne ponies all stared at him and Midnight sitting together on the couch, Nigel giving the new arrivals a wave, the ponies following his hole-covered hoof with wide eyes. Darklight muttered something about checking up on the dinner as he quickly rushed out of the room, Nigel noticing his haste to leave.

“Top of the morning to you,” he greeted as he mimed tipping a hat, Midnight giggling beside him despite her apprehension.
“Wow, so it can speak,” commented the larger stallion out of the two new comers, the pony wearing a backwards blue and white base-ball hat and a metal chain with the yin-yang symbol around his neck. His voice reminded Nigel of twenty-first century DJ’s he had seen in recordings, already the changeling knew that this stallion would get on his nerves.

“That’s so funny,” chuckled the mare pressing against the stallion who had voiced his observations. She looked a little taller than Midnight, the mare possessing the same standard colour with the exception of her mane and tail, hot pink stripes interrupting the purple. “I told you Bass Drop, Midnight was always the strange one.” The second mare joined in the laughter, this one around the same size as Midnight with a short cut mane dyed a midnight blue. Her stallion was regular in appearance, the pony wearing an expensive looking burgundy dinner jacket however.

“How right you were Melody, of course Midnight couldn’t have gotten a normal stallion so she goes and dates something completely different.” Both mares giggled again, the type of giggle that Nigel thought was incredibly well suited to belong to a group of bratty teenage schoolgirls, the type of giggle that contained no mirth, only mocking insult. Nigel resisted the urge to call them out on their oh-so witty observations; after all he was aiming to have this dinner remain peaceful.

“I guess meeting the parents won’t be so hard after all if they let their daughter date that, right Bass?” the dinner-jacket toting stallion joked as he addressed the other stallion.

“Buck yeah, this will be a piece of cake Beats!” The chain-wearing pony replied, Nigel actually feeling his brain cells melt as he heard the two stallions’ names. He bet that they were involved in the music industry, the one known as Bass possessing all of the detestable qualities that made him prime DJ material. ‘Beats’ occupation was harder to pinpoint, the stallion’s presentation neater and more refined, possibly involved in production or sales.

Nigel glanced at Midnight, the mare glaring angrily at her sisters as they both whispered to each other while shooting looks at her. He found it rather interesting that both sisters didn’t really seem that interested as to why Midnight was back home, the two judgemental mares jumping straight to mocking her. He could only imagine what Midnight’s childhood spent with those two was like.

"Dinner’s ready," Starbright’s voice called out, the group of four ceasing their talks as they headed towards the dining area, the two mares leading the way. Nigel and Midnight waited until the four had left earshot before both let out deep breaths at the same time.

“That… that was painful,” Nigel commented as Midnight nodded in agreement, “I was this close to re-arranging that tosser Bass’s face.” Nigel removed his hoof from Midnight’s so he could place the bottom of each of his fore-hooves almost touching each other, the closest imitation he could get to a human pinching the thumb and fore-finger together.

“Please don’t,” Midnight replied as she placed a wing over the irate changeling’s back, “I know what they said was uncalled for but that’s how my sisters always were and obviously their coltfriends are the same. Just ignore them and once this dinner is finished hopefully we’ll never have to hear from them again.” Midnight left the couch as she finished, moving to the dining room with the intent of joining the other ponies.

“I suppose I can try, no promises though,” Nigel muttered as he followed her, the pair heading towards the sounds of light conversation and polite laughter.


“… so then Chief No-Fun bursts in with a mass of cops and tells everyone to ‘keep that Luna-forsaken noise down!’ before storming off to harass the management!” Bass Drop burst out laughing accompanied by Beats, Glitter and Melody. Starbright laughed just enough to appear polite while Darklight continued to eat his pasta in silence, the police chief appearing to be very unhappy with his un-official nickname.

Nigel had been spot on with his predictions regarding the Stallion’s occupations, Beats the son of the main record producer in Nocturnia while Bass was indeed a DJ who worked at the most popular ‘dayclub’ in the city. The self-centred DJ had been the primary driving force behind the dinner conversations, the topics generally ranging from his performances to his ‘artistic talent’. Beats had remained fairly quiet, spending most of the time whispering to Glitter whenever Bass got particularly detailed about his life while Melody had supported her coltfriend’s points with little interjections of her own.

Starbright had asked general questions about occupations and family, Nigel and Midnight were sitting on their cushions at the bottom end of the rectangular table keeping to themselves. Starbright and Darklight were opposite them at the other long end while the group of four were seated in their corresponding pairs up towards the two eldest nocturnes, a large space between Nigel and Midnight and the rest of the group. The focus of employment had spun to Nigel, all of the group looking at him as Bass finished swallowing his portion of tomato and cheese ravioli.

“So, changeling,” Bass started, “you never did tell us your name, if you even have one that is.” Midnight touched Nigel’s right hind-leg with her left under the table as the DJ smirked with his question, a warning to her companion to remain diplomatic.

“Nigel M Chalmers,” he answered, the DJ snickering at Nigel’s reply accompanied by his three fellows.

“What kind of name is that?” the pony managed between chuckles.

‘The kind of name that hundreds have muttered as their last breath, usually preceded by “fuck you”.’

Nigel bit back the retort, Darklight glaring at the DJ from his end of the table which Nigel was grateful for. At least the DJ had taken the position of least favourite house guest.

“Just a name, I didn’t exactly choose it,” Nigel calmly responded as he took a sip of tea, the only thing he was consuming at the table. This DJ was really starting to tick him off, if he wasn’t at a dinner party attempting to make it work for Midnight’s sake he would have already attempted to kill the self-entitled stallion long ago.

“Well, it sure matches just how strange you are,” Bass replied much to the amusement of Melody, “So what do you do changeling? I doubt you’ve gotten a job yet since you’ve only been here for a short time, I bet it was something like waste disposal or a j-janitor!” Bass once again broke out in laughter, this time no-one else joining in. The rest of his companions, including Melody were looking at him surprised that he had so directly insulted the changeling in front of their hosts. Speaking of hosts Starbright was looking at Bass in shock while Darklight was fixing a down-right venomous glare at the laughing stallion.

Nigel remained calm despite the rage bubbling in him, keeping it under control as he stared down the stallion with a hard look.

“Actually I work in military intelligence; I’m on a brief period of leave for now so in the meantime I aim to find part-time employment. However once I’m called back to duty I’ll resume my full duties.” Nigel sipped his tea after dropping the bombshell in a nonchalant manner, everyone except Midnight and Darklight dropping their mouths in shock. Midnight already knew, Nigel leaving out some of the more in-depth details he had told her and Darklight was appraising the changeling with a interested look in his eyes.

“You’re lying!” Bass accused as he pointed a hoof at the changeling, “military intelligence for who!?”

“That information is classified,” Nigel responded flatly. In truth it wasn’t, the ISA was famous throughout the known universes for its unusual operatives and methods. Nigel just wanted to mess with Bass by not telling him.

“Then how can you prove it!?” the stallion countered, Nigel shrugging at the question.

“Whether you believe me or not does not change the truth,” Chalmers stated sagely, Bass leaping up from his seat.

“Are you mocking me changeling?” the irate DJ growled, brushing off Melody’s hoof as she tried to get him to sit back down. The rest of the table were all watching the un-folding confrontation worriedly with the exception of Darklight, the stallion attempting to hide a smile at the DJ’s behaviour.

“You tell me, you seem to be fairly familiar with it.”

“I’m going to ask you one, last, time!” Bass snarled, pawing a hoof on the ground at Nigel’s response. “Are you mocking me, changeling!?” Bass spat the last word like an insult, Nigel looking him deep in the eyes, raising one eyebrow and preparing the number one confrontation intensifier known to man.

“You mad Bro?”

“That’s it, you and me, outside Motherbucker!” Bass challenged, Nigel smugly grinning as his attempts to provoke the DJ succeeded. He stood up as Bass stormed towards the exit leading to the hallway, Midnight tried grasping Nigel to stop him but the changeling broke free. Chalmers had had enough of the DJ’s shit and nothing was going to stop him from getting some sweet, sweet revenge. As he exited the room he glanced back and gave Midnight an apologetic look, the mare frantic about the thought of the upcoming brawl. Nigel stopped for a second as he watched her attempt to get up and follow him, her father however halted her before she could, whispering that it was something that Nigel and Bass would have to work out by themselves.

Nigel turned back around and walked out of the room, the sound of many hooves moving around behind him as he left to gain his satisfaction.


“Hope you’re ready to die, Flankhole!”

Bass Drop was moving from one hoof to the next as he taunted the changeling, Nigel merely giving him a cold hard glare. The two combatants were standing on the side of the cobbled road outside of the house. The insults the stallion was throwing out might have had more effect if they weren’t so… hilariously unimaginative. Really, Nigel decided to show him how it was done.

“Only thing I’m ready for is cleaning the shit off of the ground with your face, you joke of a musician. Did your mother deliberately sleep with the ugliest stallion or did she just take everyone and hoped for the best?”

“You think you’re tough? Everyone’s just waiting to see you lose to me, bug!” Bass pointed towards the house they had just vacated, every other pony at the dinner staring out apprehensively. Nigel got a little caught up as he looked at Midnight viewing him with concern that he didn’t notice Bass attempted a sneak attack. The changeling whirled his head back around in time to see the Nocturne pony take flight, the stallion speeding towards him before lashing out with a hind hoof as he passed.

It connected solidly with Nigel’s head, driving the changeling to the ground as the DJ landed triumphantly behind him. Bass turned around to gloat about his easy victory but was cut off by a hoof striking him in the throat causing him to collapse on the ground wheezing.

Nigel, a trail of blood leaking from the corner of his mouth and various scratches on his chin returned his right fore-hoof and stood still. He waited patiently for Bass to recover from the hit and get up off the ground, not yet satisfied with the damage dealt out to the DJ. Bass hacked up some spittle as he shakily raised himself from the dirt, staring at the changeling in shock.

“But… but I got you in the head! You should be unconscious right now!”

“I don’t go down that easily,” Nigel remarked with a grin, eyeing the yin-yang necklace swinging from the DJ’s neck. The Dj snorted, stamping a hoof on the ground as he prepared to charge again.

“I’ll just have to hit you more then!” Bass yelled, the nocturne taking flight once more as he headed straight for Nigel once more. The human-turned-changeling was ready for it this time, the nocturne stallion in his enraged state using the same tactic that had worked the first time. As he tried to fly over the changeling however Nigel shot his right hoof out, the crook of his hoof grabbing hold of the necklace dangling from the stallion’s neck.

With a yank the nocturne found his momentum changed, the surprised DJ crashing head-first to the ground as he let out a grunt of pain. Nigel watched as the stallion attempted to get up, evidently the DJ suffering from a concussion as he barely made it a few inches before falling back down in a heap with a weak moan of pain.

“Looks like I win, you tried but you failed,” Nigel commented casually as wiped his mouth with a hoof, the hoof becoming smeared with green life fluid. The door to the house slammed open and Melody galloped out, passing the stationary changeling as she rushed to her coltfriend’s side. While she worriedly assured the beaten DJ that everything would be okay and that she still loved him Nigel calmly walked back to the house.

He entered the door passing the rest of the nocturnes, pale faces all around except for Darklight and Midnight. Darklight looked at Nigel with an expression that seemed almost respectful while Midnight left the embrace of Starbright when she saw that Nigel was bleeding. The mare flung her hooves around Nigel’s neck, the changeling pausing before gently pushing her off. He opened the door to his room, retrieved his pilfered coin bag and made to leave. At the threshold he stopped and turned to look at Darklight, Starbright and Midnight, the latter sitting on the floor dejected after he had pushed her away.

“Thank you for the hospitality,” he started with a neutral tone, “but I think I need some time alone.” With those words he left, stepping around the collapsed DJ and the adjacent mare as he headed down the road into the city. No-one in the house followed him, all of the ponies staring out the open door for what seemed like an eternity. Beats and Glitter mumbled rushed goodbyes as they quickly left, stopping to help Bass and Melody to their hooves before the group of four departed down the road making sure to go in the opposite direction to Nigel.

Darklight, Starbright and Midnight remained seated as the just stared out the door for a further five minutes. Starbright and Darklight got up together, Midnight the only one left sitting as her mother wrapped a wing around Midnight’s back.

“I’m sure he’ll come back honey,” the mare reassured. While Starbright was surprised that such a nice changeling could just viciously beat the sense out of a pony and act like nothing happened a part of her darkly thought that the arrogant DJ deserved everything he got. She looked at her husband, knowing that Darklight certainly didn’t mind the fact that Melody’s coltfriend just got beaten down out the front of their house.

The stallion seemed quiet however Starbright swore she could see a faint smile on his face. It disappeared however when she nudged him in the side, both parents sharing a look before heading back to the dining room to clean up the mess before bed. Both shot a last, pity-filled glance at their devastated daughter before leaving.

Midnight remained still for ages, trying to figure out why Nigel had just left like that especially after what he had just done. She was upset that he had attacked Bass Drop, Midnight knowing that Nigel had deliberately provoked him. She churned the previous events over in her head as she tried to process the changeling’s motives for leaving her behind. Surely he knew that talking to her about it would be better than spending time alone with himself lamenting about what he just did?

Darklight and Starbright were so busy cleaning up that they didn’t notice the front door swinging closed, nor did they note the rapid galloping of hooves on cobbled stone that faded away in the direction that the changeling departed.