• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 562 Views, 6 Comments

Pinkie Twinkle - Princess Bronicorn

a story about a Pony i made up (i dont know how long its going to be)

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Welcome to Ponyville

We arrived in Ponyville and it was a beautiful town. You can see the mountains on one side and a river on the other. Right behind us was the forest we just came out of. When we arrived in Ponyville, there was this pink pony running towards Spike.

"OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH!" The pink pony yelled. "YOU'RE SAFE SPIKE. AND YOU BROUGHT A FRIEND WITH YOU!" The pink pony pointed out. "Hi my name's Pinkie Pie, whats yours.

"Pinkie Twinkle." I said feeling a little uncomfortable. "Just call me Twinkle though."

"You have the same first name as me. AWESOME!!!" Pinkie Pie yelled joyfully. "We have to throw you a welcome party."

"Don't mind her Twinkle." Twilight suggested. "It took me quite awhile to get used to her too. Lets go to my house.

Twilight took me to her house and it was pretty big. It looked like it could hold about ten ponies.

"Do you share this house with anypony else." I asked.

"Yup my #1 assistant Spike." Twilight replied.

"Without me Twilight would be a mess." Spike commented. I mean she leaves her books around, she makes me go to the store because shes to busy studying." Twilight Interrupted. "Spike go organize the books in the library." She commanded. "My point exactly." Spike poked his tong out and walked off.

"That's Spike for you." Twilight chuckled

We went off to bed. I slept on the couch in the living room, while Spike and Twilight went up stares. I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about how nice Twilight treated me. I mean she hardly even knows me. After thinking for a little while I went to sleep. The next morning Twilight woke me up and served me breakfast in bed.

"How did you sleep last night?" Twilight asked.

"I slept perfectly. The most peaceful sleep I had in 10 years." I replied.

I laid in my bed for a while, sitting comfortably, eating my breakfast. When suddenly a blue Pegasus came flying through the door. My eyes stood open and my jaw dropped wide open.

"Whoa that's the coolest thing i have ever seen." I commented.

The blue Pegasus stared at me confused.

"Um who are you and why are you in Twi's house?" She questioned.

"I'm Pinkie twinkle. Twilight invited me to stay here for a while." I answered gratefully. "What's your name."

"Oh. My names Rainbow Dash you can call me Dashy or Rainbow for short if you want though." She commented.

"You're stunt you pulled off was really cool how." I commented again.

"Oh I know. I'm the best flyer in Equestria. I can clear all the clouds in the sky 10 seconds flat, even ask Twilight. "She said bragging.

Twilight came into the room surprised to see Rainbow Dash in her house. She wanted to say something but she just stood there for a moment. While Rainbow Dash was bragging about how awesome she was she just happened to notice something.

"Hey where is your cutie mark." Rainbow Dash said shocked.

"I never got one." I replied. Is that a bad thing?

"Well considering the fact that your a grown mare yes!" She answered.

Twilight came over and interrupted. "It's not her fault Rainbow dash. She has been on her own for 10 years, there was nopony around to even tell her about the cutie mark. That just means we have to do our best to make sure she gets one as soon as possible."

"I also have another problem." I added. "I don't know how to fly. I flew only once but only because my adrenaline kicked in when i was getting attacked by a bear."

"No problem." Rainbow Dash commented. "With a Pegasus like me you'll be able to fly with in the next to weeks."

Shortly after she said that Spike came in with a tired but anxious.


"Oh my gosh you're right lets go." Twilight answered.

We went to the party and I felt a little out of place since I didn't know anypony there. During that time I started to think how I wasn't able to find this place when I made my cabin. Pinkie Pie interrupted my thoughts.

"Why aren't you partying!?" Pinkie Pie said confused. "I made this welcome party for you."

Shortly after Pinkie Pie introduced me to 3 more ponies. Their names are Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy.

"Hello, how are you doing" Applejack greeted. "What's your name."

"My name is Pinkie Twinkle." I responded. "Please just call me Twinkle though."

"We will, if that's what you want us to do." Fluttershy mumbled.

The party ended. When I went outside there were three fillies waiting for me. They stood there staring at me for a while.

"It's true, she doesn't have her cutie mark yet." The orange filly said.

"Um may I help you?" I asked felling awkward.

"No No we don't need help." The orange filly said. "We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders we never need help."

"Scootaloo stop trying to act like Rainbow dash." The yellow filly said to her.

"Um may I ask who you Three are?" I questioned.

"I'm Scootaloo, the yellow pony is Applebloom, and the white pony is Sweetie Belle." Scootaloo answered.

"You should join the Cutie Mark Crusaders." Sweetie Belle suggested.

"NO NO NO NO NO." Scootaloo argued. "She's why to old to be a Crusader with us. Besides we don't even know her name "

"We can always ask." Sweetie Belle . "What is your name."

"My name is Pinkie twinkle, just call me twinkle though." I answered.

"I think we should vote to see if Twinkle should join." Applebloom

"Ok fine." Scootaloo huffed.

"If you want Twinkle to be a Crusader with us raise your hoof." Scootaloo commanded.

"Looks like shes a Crusader now." Sweetie Belle pointed out. "Welcome to the CMC."

Applejack and Rarity called Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, causing them to follow them home. I'm guessing Applebloom and Applejack are sisters and same with Rarity and Sweetie belle. Now it was only me and Scootaloo.

"I'm watching you Twinkle." Scootaloo whispered in my ear. "It's nothing personal, It's just the fact that I barely know you and I'm not comfortable around strangers but I'm sure we'll be good friends.

I went back to Twilights house. When I walked in, the first pony I saw was Spike. He was just snoring it away on the couch. I wanted to Pat his head but I was afraid that I would wake him up. Twilight came down the stairs waking Spike up.

"What were you doing sleeping." Twilight wondered. "It's only 4:00pm and you woke up at 9:00am."

"It's what I do best Twilight. You know that." He replied feeling clever.

"Well I need to go to the store and I need you to help me pick things out." "But Twilight!" "Spike c'mon."

They stood there arguing which to me seemed pointless. Well I wouldn't really know since I never really had a sibling. Well other than my brother, but I cant even remember his name, he was 15 years older than me and he also had a job.
Realizing that Twilight and Spike are still arguing, I decided to end it as it started to get annoying.

"How about I go with you Twilight.' I suggested. "Spike can stay here and get more beauty sleep."

"That's a good idea wait right here, I'm going to get some bags be back down in a sec." "Ok." I answered.

I went with Twilight to this clothing store that Rarity just happened to own. The clothing here was just remarkable. I couldn't believe my eyes on how stunning they look. I mean I never saw any fancy clothing besides my brother Tux when he got married. The dresses here were unbelievably gorgeous.

"Hello Rarity." I greeted her as she walked into the lobby. "I love your dresses they're amazing."

"Oh thank you darling, but you haven't seen anything yet." She said anxiously to show her other work. "Now this is a fine piece of art."

Rarity's dresses were astounding. I never knew onepony could do all this by herself but I guess shes the first, Rarity gave me one of her better dresses.

"Oh thank you. This is the most generous thing anypony has ever done for me. Besides Twilight for letting me stay at her house. I couldn't say anything else but thanks.

"Well generosity is my middle name." She said while walking off.

"Hey Rarity would you like to stay with me and Twinkle tonight." Twilight asked.

"Oh that would be wonderful. We should invite everypony else." She Suggested.

"Ok, You gather them around. I need to talk to Twinkle about something." Twilight added.

We were walking home and Twilight started asking me about my past. I didn't have much to say because I told her pretty much everything when she first found me. I started to consider Twilight and Spike as brother and sister. They were the ones to save me after all, and they provided me a home. That's something nopony else would do for me, and I knew that for a fact.

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