• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 563 Views, 6 Comments

Pinkie Twinkle - Princess Bronicorn

a story about a Pony i made up (i dont know how long its going to be)

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It has been weeks now and i am still lost in the woods. I have nopony to help me and I only have limited amount of supplies. A shield, a few water bottles, wrappers from snacks and a basket. It's not much but it will to do since i wont be getting any more supplies anytime soon. I can also carry my shield now and I'm only 5, what weeks of work can do for you. It's getting dark no maybe an hr before it's completely dark so i better get a move on to the closets cave or hole in the wall. When i finally found a place to sleep i decided to go out side. I went to go lay down where there was an area of missing trees.

"Wow those stars look really pretty out tonight." I commented. "That one kinda looks my mother."

I sat there for a while trying to remember what her voice sounded like but i couldn't remember at all and it has only been a month. Instead of beating myself over that I just jumped to the conclusion that it was only my concussion. After a while I fell asleep in while laying in the open. For once I was actually able to get to sleep without the fear of being alone or being away from home. The next morning I woke up to some crackling in the bushes. At first I just assumed that it was the wind as it did feel a little breezy, but as soon as I closed my eyes again i heard a growl like a bear. I immediately jumped onto my feet. When I stood up i saw the bear, black fur with brown eyes. Claws sharp enough to take my face off if it wanted to.

"Nice bear. It's alright." I said quietly hoping that it would calm the bear down. "Just stay right there. I have some food that you might like, a few apples and berries." I tried everything i could just to get the bear away from me.

The bear started to charge at me, i barrel rolled out of the way realizing how close he was to hitting me. The bear charged at me again but i couldn't dodge in time so i decided to cover my body with the shield my brother made me. Although the bear did barely any damage to me, the shield flew out of my reach. By this time i thought i was going to die, but as he tried to swipe me with his his paw. When I jumped in the air i realized that i wasn't falling. At first i thought that the bear had caught me. I opened my eyes. What i saw surprised me. I was flying!

"OH MY GOSH I'M FLYING!!!!!" I yelled with the utmost excitement and relief.

I flew down to get my shield and the rest of my supplies. Doing that was not the smartest idea because when i did that i just fell back to the ground. I tried to fly again but i couldn't. Then i realized the it was my adrenaline that made me fly. I tried one more time to fly. That wasn't a good idea. The bear nearly hit me again, but when i dodged him this time he tripped and fell. I used this as a perfect opportunity to flee. I galloped for a good 20 minutes now. I took a look back and saw that the bear was gone. I started walking again but when i looked at my food supply i realized that most of my food fell out of my basket sometime between that attack of the bear and me running away.

"Looks like I have to save my food up for when Im really need it." I thought.

I went on another hunt for some food and water. I managed to find some berries, but i couldn't find any water. I searched for anything even a puddle would do. I thought about digging for some water but then I saw how dry the dirt was and thought that there wouldn't be any water no matter how much i dig. After a few more hours of looking for water I finally came across a lake. I stood there awestruck. It was a beautiful lake. After i filled up my water bottles i decided to go jump in the lake. If there was anything that could get this stress off my back i thought a nice swim would do it. I swam for a good 2hrs.

"You know what?" I said to myself. "I'm going to build a small little hut here.

The first night i just made it big enough so i could sleep in it comfortably. After I decided to stay here for i while i started to build a small house big enough so i can move around in it and place my items here. For somepony who is only 5 surviving for about a month by myself is pretty good. I thought I was going to die the first week. Obviously I was wrong. I have made myself comfortable at my new home. I would go swimming almost everyday unless if it was raining. If it was a clear night I would stay up looking up at the stars. If it wasn't too cold I would even sleep outside. I started to think that this home here was better then my house back in town besides that i don't have my family with me anymore. But oh well i will just have to do without them.

[center]************It's been about 10 years since anything important has happened. I am now 15 years old and i still live in my cottage I guess you can call it that. I've been alone those whole 10 years. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be though. Repairing the cabin about once a week, searching for food and water and swimming during the free time I had made the 10 years go by really fast. I haven't been able to fly yet though. Unless if you count that encounter with the I never flew in my life. But since my cabin is now stable enough and since I have enough food and water i can now focus on teaching my self on how to fly. But I have to find something i can use to help take care of myself just in case I fall and get hurt. I went on a search for some aloe so i can help sooth the cuts that i may get later on during my practices. I went on a walk for a while. After a while i found a cave. What i saw in the cave i almost couldn't comprehend. All i saw was mounds and mounds of gems (diamond ruby, jet, emerald you name it).

"Hello is anyone there?" I asked. I waited a few moments. "Hello!?" I asked again.

When I realized that there was nopony in there I walked in. I grabbed one of each gem after I got one of each I grabbed as many gems as I could forgetting the reason why I was out on this hike in the first place. I heard somepony coming. I quickly jumped behind the gems and I looked to see who it was. It turned out to be a purple baby dragon. I thought that the mother must have been near by so I decided to lay low so i wouldn't get caught. I looked at the dragon he was eating all the gems he could. After a while he stopped and he started talking to himself saying how somepony by the name of Twilight didn't care for him anymore. When I thought he was talking about his mother. I started to walk out to him to talk to him but before I go up to him a bigger dragon came up to him. At first I thought it was is mother but then I saw the look at the larger dragons face. He didn't seem to happy. Eventually the bigger dragon started to attack the baby dragon. I wanted to help but I was afraid too. The bigger dragon finally pinned him against the wall. As he did that the baby dragon looked directly at me for a moment. At that point I was ready to go help him. All of a sudden a owl came and hit a bigger dragon in the face. I wanted to laugh but if I did that would have given away my position.

"SPIKE!!!" a purple unicorn shouted. "GET OVER HERE QUICKLY!!!"

The baby dragon started to run towards the unicorn. I used that as my chance to try to greet them. But the dragon blew a flame and the smoke stopped me from continuing. I tried not to cough but i couldn't hold it anymore. When i coughed the dragon turned towards me.

"This can't be good!" I yelled

The dragon tried to swipe me with his tale but i managed to dodge his tail. When I looked back i saw exactly how spiky his tail was. Spikes were on each end of his tail, and I thought that the bear was scary. The dragon was more then just scary. He was intimidating, ruthless, and the size alone was almost to much to handle. I also have to deal with his breath of fire. I honestly thought that i wasn't going to make it out of this alive. As that thought came threw my head I heard a whistle. I looked back and I just happened to see the Purple unicorn and the baby dragon again.

"Get back away from her!" The unicorn said full with confidence.

"Yea what she said!" The baby dragon said"

"Spike just leave this to me."

"Awe but twilight." Spike whined.

"Just follow my orders." twilight said

Twilight (i assume that's her same) used her magic to stop the the fire that was blown towards me. The dragon then looked at Twilight and started to charge at her. Again she used her magic, but this time she moved a rock about the size of me in the way of the dragon causing him to trip.

"Run now!" The Unicorn shouted.

We started to run into the woods. We didn't until we knew that the trees would be thick enough to stop the dragon from chasing us.

"Thanks for the help back there." I said.

"You're welcome. The unicorn said.

"Yeah if it wasn't for me you've would've been burnt marshmallow." The baby dragon bragged.

"So what is your name." I asked.

"My name is Twilight. Twilight sparkle." She replied.

"And I'm Spike."

"How did you know that I was in trouble." I asked.

Twilight started to explain. "Well after we left the cave Spike thought he saw Pinkie Pie. I told him that was impossible because Pinkie Pie was at the bakery making some cupcakes for Spike when he came home because he ran away and i assumed that he was in trouble. After I said that to Spike I decided to go see what he saw. I came back to the cave and saw the dragon facing towards you and at that point I knew that you needed help, so I did. By the way, I never your name yet."

"Oh sorry. My name is Pinkie Twinkle." I answered. Just call me Twinkle though.

"Ok." Twilight replied. "What in Equestria are you doing by yourself in the Everfree forest.?

I started off a long story saying what happened. "Well about 10 years ago I woke up from a coma to realize that everypony in my home town was gone. I searched for a while but found nopony. I went by myself hoping to find somepony that would be willing to let me stay with them. I got lost though. I eventually decided to make a cabin for myself knowing that i was going to out here for a long time. Just today I was going to teach myself on how to fly but i couldn't do it without some supplies just in case I hurt so I came across this cave and saw some gems and I wanted to take some and this leaves us off here."

"Wow!" That was all Twilight could say for a moment. She happened to grow curious. "What was the name of the town that you came from.

"I don't know." I replied. "I can't remember.

"Oh." Twilight said with sympathy. "Well you can stay with me for a while if you want. It's the least I can do for you."

"REALLY!" I shouted.

I never thought this day would come where I would have somepony to look after me. At this point I knew my life couldn't get any better.