• Published 6th Dec 2013
  • 1,351 Views, 64 Comments

Ponies. Ruin. EVERYTHING! - TDR

Collection of rule 85[ or what ever the rule is that states there are ponies of everything] short stories I wrote while on a super sugar rush. Take nothing seriously.

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Ponies. Ruin. EVERYTHING!


In a dark room a thing sat. A bright square of glowing white before the creature was the only source of light around and it cast long shadows around it. Things were moving across the screen resembling some sort of words in a unknown language.

The creature itself was an odd looking thing, creepy, but not terrifying. It had four limbs and a central torso, all a cream coloration, but the torso was situated up right, with a unequal mass on the upper and lower portions of it. The top part of it was spread out and connected to two limbs that attached at the top of the torso stretching the already oddly shaped mass of body wider. The limbs fell down along either side of the torso ,having a strange bend in them, and getting narrower until they reached another seemingly bendable point where the limbs narrowed out to almost a flat shape and then sprouted a group of much tinier limbs that were currently pounding away at a black rectangle with much smaller black squares and odd symbols in white across it.

The other end of the creatures torso seemed normal, though it was clear something was odd given how the limbs at the other end were bent and facing straight out in front of it as the bottom of it's torso remained in some sort of green cloth covered structure. The limbs then bent in an almost sicking angle and curled back underneath to end in weirdly shaped things with a multitude of tiny wiggling limbs on the end.

Most of the creatures torso was covered in cloth. A gray covering that covered the bottom part of it's torso and some of it's lower limbs as well, and a black material that covered the upper part of the torso. The black material had a image of a white line that ran into a triangle and through it, then came out the other side in a rainbow of colors. A number of the odd symbols covered the material under this picture.

Above the torso connected by a cylinder of flesh was a great ball like thing. The top and back of which were covered in curly brown colored hair with a few streaks of gray running along the sides just over odd flaps of flesh that looked like some sort of weird leaves with holes in them. The hair continued around the front of the ball covering the lower portion of it and circling around a slit in the ball that looked like it was filled with teeth. Above this slit was an odd shaped protrusion of flesh that couldn't easily be described, with two holes pushing up into the underside. Above that and set to either side were a pair of sunken spots in the ball, ringed by dark circles and opening into small brown eyes that darted back and forth as the strange symbols continued to cross the glowing box before it.

The creature pushed back into it's chair, the slit opening as it's eyes closed and the upper limbs were lifted over top of the ball seeming to reach into the air as the creature apparently silently roared before they dropped back down and everything went back to the way it was before, with the pounding of the tiny limbs on the black rectangle.

After a few more moments the creature reached out with the upper limb and picked up a red cylindrical object from the flat space the black rectangle was on, just out side of the light.

The object appeared metallic and was covered in large white symbols and a multitude of much smaller black ones on the overall red coloration of it. The creature moved it's other limb to the top , one of the micro limbs pushing against and pulling on a loop of metal until a sudden hiss and a pfft filled the air along with a bubbling of brown liquid that ran over top of the cylinder and dripped over the oddly shaped limb..

The creature let out a string of words in a strange language, shoving the black rectangle out of the way as the liquid rained down, evidently in a final attempt to kill it after beating on it with the micro limbs for a long time.

More muted words came, sounding very harsh and angry before the red cylinder stopped spitting the liquid every where. The creature lifted the cylinder to the slit in the ball opening it slightly with a slurping sound before setting it down and turning suddenly, the entire green structure which it was on turning with it. The creature rose from this and vanished into the darkness off to the side for a few moments before coming back with a eggshell white colored bit of cloth and started to wipe the brown liquid from the surface where it collected.


“OH!. MY . CELESTIA! DID YOU SEE THAT! IT WENT EVERYWHERE AHHAHAHAHA” Lyra shouts bouncing around like a mad pony while Bon Bon sat on the couch staring at the screen wondering what in Tartarus she had just been watching.

“Yeeeeeeah, I have absolutely no idea what I just saw.”Bon Bon admits. Bon Bon had seen stranger things,living in Ponyville, with Pinkie Pie and Discord living there that made it a foregone conclusion that she would, but this was up there on her list.” You like this?”

“Oh yeah, these shows are great, there's all sorts of little hidden things in them. Like that shirt he was wearing it's from a music group in his world that he listens to and has shown up in other episodes, and get this, the music group made a movie too.” Lyra states proud in her knowledge of the show.”

“His? That's a male ? How can you tell?”

“Well the males tend to have hair on their faces like beards and stuff and the females generally don't , though depending on which episode you watch it gets kinda hazy to be honest. Even I don't understand some of them.”

“Lyra I don't get how you can watch this sort of thing, it's a show designed for little colts, not adult mares. “ Bon Bon states trying to ignore Lyra's pouting.

“Oh come on it's fun.”

“I don't see it.”

“Well you only watched one episode and to be honest that was kinda a boring one, the others are better.”

“Fine...... I’ll watch another one.” Bon Bon sighs as Lyra squees and bounces off to grab another DVD.

Author's Note:

I feel dirty.

This is two of my fic rules i've violated with this string of stories. The first being my no clop rule, which the last technically broke. And now a Self Insertion Fan Fic [S.I.F.F.] By Luna what have i become!?!?


And no i do not count the Dark Rabbit showing up in the Nightmare Night episode of SiS because that's an avatar cameo not a SIFF.