• Published 6th Dec 2013
  • 1,347 Views, 64 Comments

Ponies. Ruin. EVERYTHING! - TDR

Collection of rule 85[ or what ever the rule is that states there are ponies of everything] short stories I wrote while on a super sugar rush. Take nothing seriously.

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Ponies Ruin Everything


A massive mountain in the frozen north dominates the scene, the view moving slowing in to a lone figure in a large burgundy cloak, and a teal dress trudging up the snowy mountain side. Stars light up the sky through breaks in the clouds. A single piano begins playing slow notes.

“The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation,
And it looks like I'm the queen.”

The singing figure is revealed, as a pale gray snow pony with nearly white blond mane and tail bound up in tight braids with a gold tiara holding it in place, her piercing blue eyes looking sad.

“The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried!”

The pony looks dejected a moment though hints of annoyance form on her muzzle as she looks down at a sing blue sock on her foreleg.

“Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good mare you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they know!”

She grips the sock yanking it free as the wind catches it and sends the garment spiraling off the mountain.

"Let it go,"

She gestures showing a flash of ice forming over her hoof.

" let it go"

The same gesture with her other hoof and another flash of magic.

"Can't hold it back anymore"

She gestures and a odd little snow diamond dog pup forms.

"Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door!"

Every movement of her hooves sends clouds of ice crystals into the air, though with one sweeping gesture they all fall around her like a shower of rain.

"I don't care
What they're going to say
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway!"

She reaches up unclipping her dark purple cloak, letting the burgundy cloth catch in the wind and soar off the mountain behind her. The music picks up it's pace as the mare approaches a chasm in the mountain.

"It's funny how some distance
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can't get to me at all!"

She turns walking backwards looking out at the mountain ranges in the distance, a smile forming on her face before she turns running to the edge of the cliff.

"It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me I'm free!"

She stops at the edge, gesturing with her front hooves and a rough looking bridge of ice forms over the chasm. She carefully steps forward touching the first step grinning as the bridge turns to blue ice around her hoof. She takes off running across the bridge, the structure turning to a delicate and well crafted structure as she passes over it.

"Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry!"

She spins around her grin wider as she makes it to the other side of the bridge. She takes a few more paces forward before shifting her stance and rearing up on her back hooves slamming them down onto the snowy bank a massive ice snow flake forming under her

"Here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on!"

She narrows her eyes looking around before she lifts up on her back hooves her forehooves lifting like she is raising something and the giant snow flake of ice begins to rise from the frozen mountain summit. Pillars and platforms of ice pushing it up from underneath.

"My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back,
The past is in the past!"

She continues to gesture as the music increases in more tempo and more instruments join it. The ice starts forming walls and flying buttresses over her, long arching ceilings and a massive chandelier made of ice glimmering and grows like a plant from the ceiling.

She glances up pulling the tiara from her head looking at it with disgust before flinging it away from her.

"Let it go, let it go
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect mare is gone!"

She unbinds her mane, letting the long braid uncurl over her shoulder and her long tail flow loose. She looks around her castle gesturing as she moves her teal dress fading to nothing showing a brief flash of her snow flake cutie mark before a pale blue gown forms around her with a white and blue cape that trains out behind her like an empress forms about her form seemingly made of ice crystal's like the castle.

"Here I stand
In the light of day
Let the storm rage on,"

She strides out onto a balcony over looking the mountain ranges as the sun rises from the other side of the mountains She smiles looking out over the snowy range before smirking.

"The cold never bothered me anyway! "

She turns heading back into the palace as a pair of ice doors slam shut behind her.


A bleary eyed, gray furred, orange scaled half dragon with an amber mane and tail sat on the couch between two three year old fillies and two four year old fillies he was foal sitting.

“AGAIN!” a little orange and gray furred half dragon with platinum blue hair shouts.

“Dawn you have seen this movie forty times.... just today......” Jer'rahd grumbles looking at his daughters.

“AGAIN!” the red striped zebra foal next to the half dragon shouts.

“Rynthia I know you and Dawn love this movie, but I'm sure Shin and Glimmer want to see something else.....” Jer'rahd states to his other daughter.

“AGAIN!” shouts Glimmer, a pink pegicorn with a blue mane and tail from the other side of him.

“Seriously can't we just watch Big H....” Jer'rahd pleads to Shining Armor's daughter.

“AGAIN!” Shin shouts, the Changeling foal currently matching Glimmer's form with reversed colors.

“Seriously? Anything else?” Jer'rahd whines looking at the Changeling child of Shining Armor.

“Again!!” The four of them shout, bouncing around on the couch.

Jer'rahd groaned falling back onto the couch in defeat as the movie starts playing yet again.

“Stars help me.......” Jer'rahd whimpered.

Author's Note:

Do you even need to ask what this is?

Ponies Ruin Frozen.....

With of course special guests from the SiS crew.