• Published 6th Dec 2013
  • 1,347 Views, 64 Comments

Ponies. Ruin. EVERYTHING! - TDR

Collection of rule 85[ or what ever the rule is that states there are ponies of everything] short stories I wrote while on a super sugar rush. Take nothing seriously.

  • ...

"I wanna be the very best.”

“I wanna be the very best.”

“Hello there. Welcome to the world of Pokemon,” the brown furred earth pony in the lab coat states. His gray mane and tail seeming frozen in place,unmoving as he spoke, though for some reason his mouth didn't seem to be moving either.

His brown eyes stare blankly into the space above the pink maned head of the mare before him.

“Ummm hello,” mutters Fluttershy. “I'm here....”

“My name is Oak! Ponies call me the Pokemon Professor,” the pony states his eyes not yet having seemed to focus on anything other than the wall behind her. Fluttershy was going to question it, but thought perhaps his eyes might have the same issue as the mail mare's and she didn't want to seem rude.

“This world is inhabited by creatures called Pokemon!” Oak continues.

“Creatures? You mean animals? Ooh ….,” Fluttershy's ears perk up at this.

“For some ponies Pokemon are pets. Others use them for fights,” Oak rambles on not even noticing Fluttershy was no longer paying attention as she looked around the room for the new type of animals.

“Myself I study Pokemon as a profession,” Oak monotones.

“Oh that's nice where are they? I don't see any critters in here?,” Fluttershy responds completely ignored by Oak.

“First are you a girl or a boy?” Oak asks.

“Umm excuse me?” Fluttershy questions though Oak simply continues to stare. “Um, you can't tell? Oh I’m sorry your eyes, um yes I’m a mare.”

“What is you name?”


“Right! So your name is Flutter!”

“No, it's Fluttershy....” Fluttershy responds her ears flattening as Oak ignores her.

Another brown pony appears though this one much younger looking with spiky blue hair and a some what out of fashion neighties retro look to him.

“This is my grandson. He's been your rival since you were a foal.” Oak rambles.

“Umm, I hate to point this out, but I don't think I have ever seen this pony before....” Fluttershy points out only to be ignored. “ I mean I don't think I have a rival....”

“....Erm, what was his name again?” Oak questions.

“I really don't know what his name is, I have never met him before,” Fluttershy protests.” Shouldn't you know if he's your grandson?”

“That's right! I remember now! His name is Ireally!” Oak nearly shouts.

“That's an odd name....,” Fluttershy mutters looking over at the young pony. “Oh. Sorry I didn't mean that. It's a nice name, really.”

“Flutter!” Oak yells suddenly. “Your very own Pokemon legend is about to unfold!”

“Umm that's nice.... I think.” Fluttershy meeps.

“A world of dreams and adventures with Pokemon awaits! Lets go!” Oak screams

“Is your grandfather always this excitable?” Fluttershy questions the young pony who simply shrugs.

“Gramps, I’m fed up with waiting!” Ireally states looking annoyed.

“Ireally? Let me think.....” Oak responds.

“Does he have a prescription medication he isn't taking maybe?” Fluttershy asks Ireally.

“Oh, that's right I told you to come!” Oak replies happily. “Just wait! Here Flutter! There are three Pokemon here!”

“Really where?” Fluttershy prances all excited.

“HaHa! They are inside the poke balls,” Oak responds

“Poke balls?” Fluttershy looks around seeing a trio of tiny red and white balls on the table. “Ummm are they really tiny animals? Maybe bugs? What sort of critters can fit in these little things?”

Oak rambles on. ”When I was young I was a serious Pokemon Trainer!”

“Can they breath in there? I don't see any air holes.....,” Fluttershy questions poking one of the balls with a hoof. She yelps and ducks as the ball pops open and a flash of light erupts from it.

“In my old age I have only three left.” Oak sighs wistfully. “ But you can have one!”

Oak stops talking and winces as Fluttershy lets loose a sudden high pitched squee. He looks over, eyes finally focusing on the yellow pegasus who was practicably smothering Spike in a hug. The little dragon was not amused at the cuddling, nor the fact that all his scales were painted orange and yellow, and there was a flashlight taped to his tail

“He is the cutest little dragon lizard ever.” Fluttershy giggles.

“Some pony is gonna pay for this,” grumbles Spike. A light cough from Oak gets a death glare from the little dragon. “Fine..... Chaaaaar..........happy now?”

“Do you want to give a nickname to Charmander?” Oak questions.

“Don't you dare!” Spike points at Fluttershy who giggles.

“It's okay Spike, I know your name.” Fluttershy smiles.

>Flutter received a Spike<

“Huh, who said that?” Spike questions.

“I don't know, this place is kinda strange,” Fluttershy responds.

“I'll take this one then! “announces Ireally. The pony trots over to one of the poke balls grabbing it with a hoof.

>Ireally received a Squirtle!<

“There it is again.” mutters Spike as he and Fluttershy look around for the source. Not finding one Fluttershy shrugs and starts towards the door.

“Umm I guess we can leave? Come on Spike let's go wash that paint off you. What was it like in that little ball?”

“Dark and kinda crowded, it had a full wifi bar though.” Spike responds.

The pair start to walk off though Ireally rushes up on them.

“Wait Flutter!” Ireally yells.

“It's Fluttershy.....”

“Let's check out our Pokemon!” Ireally continues ignoring her correction.

“Oh dear ,I think it might be hereditary.....” Fluttershy mutters looking at Oak.

“Come on! I'll take you on!” Ireally yells.

“What?” Spike questions.

>Ireally wants to fight<

“Who keeps saying that?” Spike growls looking up at the ceiling

“Fight? Why do you want to fight, we just met?” Fluttershy meeps.” Did I do something wrong? I didn't mean to point out your mental disorder....”

>Ireally sent out Squirtle!<

The brown colt throws the poke ball he took from the table. It pops open to reveal Rainbow Dash's pet tortoise Tank. Tank, like Spike, was not exactly happy, as some one had painted him bright blue and some how had given his tail a perm that curled it up against the back of his shell.

“They got you too huh?” Spike grumbles.

>Go Spike!<

“Go? Go where?” Spike questions

“Squirtle use tackle!” Ireally shouts.

Spike watches as the tortoise slowly walks over to him and bumps into his leg.

“Umm what?” Spike questions.

“Err, what are you doing?” Fluttershy asks .

“A Pokemon battle! You train Pokemon up to fight each other, to challenge other trainers and win badges before going after the elite four!” Ireally states. “I can't wait to take down those world famous Pokemon trainers!”

“You.... you make the animals fight each other?” Fluttershy mutters looking down at Spike standing there with a very annoyed expression as Tank keeps bumping into his leg.

“Of course! That is the world of Pokemon!” Oak shouts from across the room , still staring into space.

“That.... that's terrible.” Fluttershy mutters the air crackling around her.

“Uh oh.” Spike gasps, grabbing Tank and diving behind the table.

“You cram the poor things into little balls, and make them fight each other ? Why would you do that?” Fluttershy questions.

“That's the way of things here. Pokemon are made for fighting!” Oak shouts. Ireally however had a bit more common sense and was backing away from the very angry looking mare.

“How dare you..... HOW DARE YOU!” Fluttershy screams out.


Twilight looks at the TV screen as the building explodes in a ball of fire. Two brown earth ponies shoot off into the air like a rocket vanishing from view in the sky with a twinkle.

Thunder rolls as a very ticked off yellow pegasus rushes out of the building screaming bloody murder at anyone around her. The rampaging mare rushes out of the town charging into the tall grass towards the trainers in the field.

“I GOT YOUR DRYING PAN RIGHT HERE” Fluttershy screams out along with the sound of something burning and the clang of metal.

Twilight sighs.” Okay, who thought it was a good idea to put Fluttershy into a Pokemon story?”

“And how did your Rattata get that high!!?!? FIGHTING?! WANNA KNOW WHAT THAT FELT LIKE TO HIM YOU COLT PUNK!!” shouts Fluttershy acompained by the sound of cracking bone and screaming.

Pinkie Pie, Applejack ,and Discord all look up from the TV at Twilight, then as one they point to the little black rabbit sitting on the other side of the room with a smirk on his face.

“TEAM ROCKET THIS!!” hollers Fluttershy along with the sound of shredding material and something heavy hitting a wall.

Twilight sighs rubbing her forehead with a hoof. “This will not end well.”

“Who gives a buck about your shorts!!!” Fluttershy yells accompanied by an explosion.

TDR presents

Ponies. Ruin. EVERYTHING!


Rule 85 in action.

Author's Note:

based more on the first Pokemon game than the TV series.

This is what happens when i get a wild idea and simply roll with it.

I have no idea where or even if i am going any where with this .