• Published 6th Dec 2013
  • 980 Views, 29 Comments

The Diary of a Ghost - TCValley

Ever tried keeping a diary? No? You should. Helps you look back on your life. Helps you remember those good and bad days, and reflect. And, who knows? Some day it might even save your life.

  • ...

(CH5) ...I... I Lied.

Entry: #6

Date: July 11th

...Dear Diary,

You know what I hate?

Being physical.

It’s SO HARD. How do you people DEAL with it?

I mean, yeah, I was alive once, so I get how it works. You can trip, stumble, and walls are impossible to pass through without going either full kamikaze, or getting a remote controlled wrecking ball. It’s freaking horrible.

...I’m just not used to it.

Quit rolling your eyes! You’ve walked into walls before yourself.

The nerve of some people…

But you’re probably wondering why I’m complaining. Bet you can’t guess.

A certain purple genius forgot to make me all wispy again. I am currently a physical, living ghost.

Oh, but you know the best part? I BLEED TRANSPARENT BLUE! It’s SO COOL! But I probably shouldn’t be so happy. It seriously hurts. And it won’t stop. I’ve literally been bleeding profusely since that cut earlier.

Speaking of earlier, I never finished yesterday’s entry about yesterday.

So, back to that most wonderful of times...

Aaand… I think I left off with Discord popping away.

So, from there…


And the deadlock began.

I feel pretty sure that we, all seven of us, just stood and stared at each other menacingly for thirty minutes. Judging by the faces of my “friends” they still wanted me dead.

Wait… I’m a ghost and they wanted me dead...

If anyone ever reads this, and I catch them, I feel like I’d be tempted to let them read it, just to see the expressions on their faces. It'd be great...

I would have to make sure I had my camera on me.

Discord would be so proud…

Anyway, they still wanted me dead, and STILL DIDN’T TELL ME WHAT I DID WRONG. I mean, Dash’s wing was better, wasn’t it? Can’t really fly with a broken wing…

So, after thirty minutes of standing, the pain in my legs (the glass-bone-breaking pain from meteorite obliteration that I LOVED SO MUCH) started up again. I hadn’t felt that since I first died.


I was left literally incapable of standing.

Just imagine this: Someone just walks up to you one day with a big hammer. Two seconds later, your knees are in pieces. They then proceed to set your whole lower body on fire.

Doesn’t that sound FUNNNN?

Well, it really freaking hurts. Like, nervous-system frying agony kind of hurts. If you want an example of pain otherwise, ask Applejack and Rainbow Dash. They know pain… Hehe…

But I’m getting off track again.





I need that ridiculous element of magic forgetfulness stupidity to make me a real ghost again. I can’t stand physical rules.

Back to what I was saying before, I was left incapable of standing, so I took a step forward and collapsed. If I wasn’t in so much pain, I would have been laughing my head off. I swear, the way they all tensed when I stepped forward like I was going to shoot them was bloody HILARIOUS.

Since I was now lying on the ground, I considered my situation, and decided that breaking my personality for a little bit would be a good way to get out of it.

I didn’t speak sarcastically for a few seconds...

That was a massive blow to my pride...

"L...look… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to h...hurt anyone… Hehe…”

I was trying to sound innocent and sorry, but WHAT do they focus on?

The little laugh on the end.

“And why is that funny?” Dash was over me in a flash, her shadow casting over my now-physical body.

I had no idea what was about to happen, so I kind of appreciated it. If she looked a little less irritated, I might have actually been happy.

No more sun in my eyes!


“Oh, come on Dash… I meant nothing by it.” That was a complete lie. I propped myself up in the meantime, my hind legs limp on the ground, my front trembling under my own tiny weight. “Now, if we could all just make up, and you all could stop tr- !”

I was cut short of my plea by a gasp. My own gasp.

And I had good reasons.

I started shaking. I couldn’t stop. Dash had an evil, pleased grin plastered on her face, and her hoof on my chest.

Something was in my body. Something that wasn’t supposed to be.

I bent my neck downwards, my own trembling screwing up my vision. I could barely see, but I knew what color I was. Transparent white.

Well, I saw blue on my chest. And it wasn’t just Dash’s hoof.

She removed her limb from my chest, the fur on it bluer than usual. I, in turn, fell forward, my front legs lost from the shock. I felt something drive itself into me. I rolled over, slowly, in Dash’s shadow, and looked at my chest again with newly glazed eyes. There was a small blob of gray on my coat. I barely saw it, it was so small.

I heard a very loud, very large collection of gasps. Five, if I’m not mistaken.

I felt my consciousness slipping. I couldn’t stop blinking. I couldn’t feel my heartbeat. The world slowed around me. On any other day, I’d be fine without feeling a heartbeat.

Only problem is that the living need circulation. And at that moment, I understood what had happened.

Rainbow Dash, Element of Harmony, Protector of Equestria, Bearer of Loyalty, had just stabbed me in my newly-physical heart. One of the Elements of Harmony, Forgiveness, and Friendship stabbed me. Fatally. The Element you were supposed to really be able to trust, no less.

So I did all I could. I lay, panting. My face warmed as the sun, rising, heated the cracking ground beneath me. I felt my heartbeat again, but only around the pointed stone the rainbow murderer just punctured my heart with. The one she killed me for my second time with.

Thoughts rushed through my head. Why? How? What happens now? Do living ghosts die and become ghosts again? Or is this desert going to be my graveyard?

...Where’s Discord?

Bright colors flashed by my dying eyes. The five apparently rushed over to me. To try to help? To finish me off? I don’t know.

And that, itself, was the very last thing I saw. Only perpetual, unending darkness followed, consuming my vision, and consuming my mind.

Author's Note:

This chapter is short than the other, I'M SORRY.
The ideas flowed.
I'll explain more in the next chapter.

If you see any mistakes, let me know in the comments, and tell me what you think of the story! I'd love to hear your input!
And, as always, I'll see you in the next chapter!
-Time Centurion

Comments ( 15 )

I'm a little confused as to why everyone's acting like such a massive jerk. I mean, I can get beyond acting like kind of an ass, but Rainbow Dash stabbing him?

I've included a few references to future chapters and other little things. In this case, the entirety of chapter 5 can be considered foreshadowing. Don't worry though, it'll all be explained later. Hehe.

Oh, and thanks for reading! :twilightsmile:

At the very end of the chapter,

you made a teeny tiny mistake.

You had rainbow dash MURDER some pony. (Quote from a friend)

Just kidding.

Bright colors flashed by my dying eyes. The five apparently rished over to me. To try to help? To finish me off? I don’t know.

You spelled rushed wrong.


That misspell... It hurts my mind...

Thanks. :rainbowlaugh:


No problem.

I am a... Grammar fanatic.

Sooo... Yeah. I'm all good at that stuff.

Yay? Or neigh?

For the Lunar Republic, against the Celestial Democracy!



I am a... Grammar fanatic.

Makes two of us. :twilightsheepish:



High hoof?

And hugs!


Please? :fluttershyouch:



*slowly backs away, than runs and tacklehugs Time Centurion*

Yay for hugs!




I prefer to tackle you forcefully.


Guess what?


I'm gonna strangle you with my friend ship.


You're going to strangle me with a ship.



Although I meant friendship,

I failed at typing :raritydespair:

but yes.


We are such good friends indeed. We should write a story together sometime, that'd be interesting.



3813089 Ooh...

I can see it now...

We really should. :pinkiehappy:


For Luna's sake,

why don't we?!

(Having a question mark before exclamation makes it more like questionable, but while yelling, not meant to be mean.)

Come on come on come on come on come on. :rainbowwild:

Let's do this!


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