• Published 9th Dec 2013
  • 897 Views, 107 Comments

Half-Hour Horses - HoofAndQuill

A collection of short prompt-based stories, from Thirty Minute Ponies.

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THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY EVER [Slice of Life, Comedy?]

(Prompt: The fourth child)

(Sorry in advance for stream-of-pinkieness writing)

Twilight thinks I'm crazy.

But that's okay! A lot of ponies think I'm crazy, even if they never say it like that. They say stuff like "It's just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie" but it's not like they say Applejack is just being Applejack when she kicks trees, or that Rainbow Dash is just being Rainbow Dash when she flies really super fast. It's just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.

But I LIKE being Pinkie Pie, it's my favoritest thing in the whole world!

Being Pinkie Pie means making my friends smile, and making them laugh, and seeing them dance and spending time together and PARTYING and also sometimes dragging one of them through the Everfree Forest like RIGHT NOW just because sometimes you have to get to the other side really fast and going around it takes like forever and sometimes you don't HAVE like forever to spend walking in a big circle when just going straight is so much faster than that! That's why Twilight thinks I'm crazy right now, because when you're running away from a green dragon that's been painted pink and is kind of mad about it you sometimes just have to think that maybe the pony that painted him pink doesn't have her head screwed on straight.

But I know he'll look in a mirror tomorrow and he'll smile when he thinks nopony will see, and that smile still counts!

More importantly though the dragon's cave is emptier now, or really it's more full because we're in it too and OMIGOSH IT WOULD BE THE BEST HAUNTED HOUSE KIND OF THING EVER except for the dragon being real and I guess it would be kind of hard to get to way out here in the Forest but still!

Wait, that's not right, what was I talking about?

Oh right! See Twilight probably thinks I'm crazy because she decided to come with me through the forest because she'd never let me go in here alone because all my friends would be so worried and everypony would wonder what happened to Pinkie Pie because really without Twilight how could I ever get away from a dragon unless maybe Rainbow Dash was here because she flies SUPER FAST like I said before!

No that's not right either, oh! The cave is emptier of dragons now so we can run through it and keep going! See it's so much faster to go straight through stuff instead of around it and even if it's kind of dark and scary in here I'm laughing while we run because really who can be all serious when a half-pink dragon is chasing them?

See Twilight? Everything's fine now, we just had to run through the cave and of course it was going to be too small on this side for the dragon to get out this way, DUH that's how all caves are! Except the ones that aren't like that. But now we're so much closer!

It's really not a good idea to rush through the forest because there's brambles that scratch you and there's roots that jump up and trip you and then you fall into some brambles that scratch you and sometimes there's branches that get in the way so you don't see the roots and then they trip you and all that stuff. Also it doesn't matter to me because I don't have them but Twilight's horn keeps knocking into branches and her wings are a big mess and I guess those things probably aren't fun but sometimes there are things that are more important than just having fun even if nopony would believe me if I told them that.

It might have been easier to take the road. But even if it's spooky and kind of a pain the forest is more fun!


But then the forest ends just like when you step onto Sweet Apple Acres where the Apples have cleared it out but instead of apples here it's rocks. Lots of rocks, of different sizes and I can see that look on Twilight where she's not really sure if what she's seeing makes any kind of sense, but it makes sense to me, I did this stuff all through my foalhood!

I take off like a rocket and I hear Twilight yelling as she tries to keep up but THIS IS IMPORTANT so I just keep going anyway. There's the house, looking brown and gray and boring like always, and the silo and the stupid windmill even though we don't have any grains to mill anyway we just keep it there for fun and also kind of to pump water! Suddenly I can't believe that I haven't been here in YEARS and I missed it even though I don't even LIKE rocks!

Twilight can catch up when I stop at the door, and then I knock on the door because you're supposed to be polite and knock even if this is still sort of kind of where you live in a "it's where your parents live" kind of way. At first nothing happens and even with Twilight's hoof on my back I can't help hopping because it's SO EXCITING even if maybe I'm too late it's hard to say and then the door opens and it's my little sister Marble and the best hugs are the ones you give your family and I'm lucky enough to have two or three families and still I give her one of the best hugs ever!

But there's no time for doing that too long and soon we're all piling into my parents' room of the little farmhouse and it's gray and brown like always and my parents are there, looking amazed that I'm home and there's more hugs and laughing with them too, even if dad likes to pretend he doesn't care about hugs I think even Twilight can tell he likes it. There's also some bowing and calling her 'Princess Twilight Sparkle' but she stops them pretty quick and then there's a little sound that reminds me of everything I came through the forest for.

A little tiny cry of a little tiny foal in the little tiny crib in the really pretty normal-sized room.

Most earth pony families have a lot of foals and farming families need more anyway, and even though my parents are kind of old for it, it can still happen if you try a lot which is kind of gross to think about but that's not the point. The point is that me and my two sisters have a new... lemme look in the crib... brother! I look down at him, he's tiny like all new foals, and even looks a little like a earth pony kind of Pound Cake, except he's kind of a deep red like... like... like raw hematite!

Yes, Twilight I totally know what hematite is, I was a rock farmer!

It looks like I wasn't too late!

Hey there little foal, I'm your big sister Pinkie Pie! This is a really important day! I know you spent the past couple days in this brown room with my brown and gray family and it's been really boring and maybe even depressing but today you get to meet me and there's just one thing in the whole big wide world that your big sister wants and it's the most important thing in the world!

I stick out my tongue and make a silly sound, even if Twilight pulls back from the spit spraying around.

Then... my new baby brother smiles, for the very first time.

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