• Published 9th Dec 2013
  • 897 Views, 107 Comments

Half-Hour Horses - HoofAndQuill

A collection of short prompt-based stories, from Thirty Minute Ponies.

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Coming Soon [Action, Comedy]

(The Prompt: Star spider season.)

Rainbow Dash ran at full speed through the darkened halls of Canterlot High, pulling the panicking Fluttershy behind her by the hand. The other girl's desperate screaming only spurred her to run faster. Only a moment after they turned a corner, one of the invading star spiders crashed violently into the bank of lockers against the wall. The horrible black arachnids were nearly the size of a car, and just about as fast.

Lucky then that Rainbow Dash was faster.

But she could only run so long. Turning another corner, Dash took the chance of opening one of the now-disused classrooms and ducking inside, pulling Fluttershy behind her and closing the door. She slapped her hand over Fluttershy's mouth, muting her screaming and holding her tightly.

Several tense seconds passed, until the tell-tale tik-tak of spider legs passed by the door, and Rainbow Dash let herself relax enough to even look around the room. Looked like a math class, which meant no weapons to be found in here. But if she remembered the layout correctly, her friends were waiting just a few rooms away.

"Okay Fluttershy, I think we can make it. But you've gotta keep it together! No more screaming."

Fluttershy nodded, letting a quiet nervous eep.

Rainbow Dash turned the door's handle as slowly as she could, and pressed it open, hoping that the hinges were well-oiled. The door opened soundlessly, revealing the dark hallway beyond. Still holding Fluttershy's hand, Dash stepped forward. They crept carefully through the once-cheery and familiar school. Rainbow knew they needed to move quickly, not just because of the spiders possibly waiting around every bend, but because of the increasingly panicked trembling of Fluttershy's hand in hers.

They brushed past a tangled cobweb containing what looked to have been a few unlucky students, and then approached the door to the agreed-upon meeting place. Rainbow Dash gently tapped on the door four times, then paused, then tapped twice more. In a moment, the door opened just enough for her and Fluttershy to sneak in.

Inside, she was immensely relieved to find her friends gathered together by candlelight. Applejack seemed unharmed, other than looking pretty worried about the long spider-claw scratches along Rarity's arm. Pinkie Pie was standing off to the side, carefully considering the baseball bat she was holding, smeared with spider ichor. Her hair was flat and straight, pulled back into a ponytail.

"Howdy, Rainbow. Glad y' could make it." Applejack tipped her hat politely, speaking in a hushed whisper.

Rainbow Dash let Fluttershy go to talk to Pinkie, and then turned to Applejack. "Yeah, almost didnt. They uh... they got Sunset Shimmer."

Applejack pulled her hat down over her face, and cursed under her breath. Rarity sank down, sitting on the nearest desk. "Oh my... we're doomed, aren't we, girls?"

Fluttershy hid behind her flowing hair, trapped in a hug from the depressed Pinkie Pie. "Um... maybe."

"We ain't doomed, Rarity. We've been through worse an' some big spiders ain't about to end things." Applejack hefted her woodsman's axe, looking determined.

Rainbow Dash nodded, glancing toward the door. "Still, wish we had Twilight Sparkle here."

Suddenly, something slammed loudly against the battered classroom door, and the piercing screech of a star spider rang out through the room. Applejack held her axe defensively. "We've been found! Everybody back off from th' door!"

The door slammed open, and the bulk of the spider squeezed through, it's mandibles dripping venom. Pinkie Pie and Applejack stood in front of their unarmed friends, but the entire group backed away from the huge arachnid. It advanced on them slowly, knowing it had them trapped. Fluttershy let out a panicked scream as she felt herself back up against the cold wall of the classroom. The spider reared up, ready to strike-

The spider was promptly blasted sideways, rolling over and curling up, dead. The group turned to face their savior, and found Fall Formal Princess Twilight Sparkle standing there with a smoking shotgun. She chambered a fresh round, and remarked cooly: "Come on, girls. It's Star Spider Season."

This Summer, coming to a theater near you, Equestria Girls: Star Spider Season!


Hasbro Studios
1027 Newport Ave
Pawtucket, RI 02861

ATTN: Rainbow Dash
Cloudhome 1
Ponyville, EQ

Miss Rainbow Dash:

We here at Hasbro Studios thank you for your continued work on our flagship cartoon series, and we all hold the utmost respect for your species and all that you've done for your world and for the profitability of our company.

That said, we do not feel that Equestria Girls: Star Spider Season fits the direction we intend for our property to take.

We wish you good luck in your future screenwriting endeavors.

-Hasbro Studios

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