• Published 3rd Dec 2013
  • 4,403 Views, 38 Comments

The Beginning of Something Bigger - Subsolar Drift

Sometimes there isn't drama. Sometimes, there's just love.

  • ...

And the Start of Something Great

Pillows lay scattered across the room, evidence of the brutal fight that still raged on. Applejack took cover behind a barrier of books as Rarity pelted her with another volley of pillows. Her ammo depleted, Rarity ducked behind the table in preparation for the return fire from Applejack.

Neither mare was expecting for Twilight to strike. Just as Applejack let loose her counterattack, a stillness overcame the room as a soft lavender glow enveloped all the pillows. Rarity and Applejack only had a moment before the wave of pillows came crashing down on them.

Twilight stood victorious looking over the two piles of pillows under which her friends were buried. With a satisfied smirk she whipped out a checklist and quill.

"Win pillow fight," she giggled. "Check."

"Geez, Twi," Applejack said with a grin as she emerged from the sea of feathers and fabric. "Ever heard of overkill?"

Twilight gave her a sheepish grin. "Sorry."

"It's fine, sugarcube. Now why don't we help Rares out of there." Twilight's magic quickly uncovered the white unicorn.

"Thank you, Twilight," Rarity said as she stood and brushed herself off. "Though if you don't mind could we do something a little less rough now?"

"That book of yours have anything else we could do, Twi?" Applejack asked.

Twilight paused before answering, "Well, the book says that no slumber party is complete without gossip. I didn't mention it sooner with the way you two were acting," Rarity and Applejack exchanged a guilty look, "but I think we could do it now."

"I think that sounds acceptable. It's always good to know what's going on about the town," Rarity said.

"Gossip's good for business, as long as it doesn't get out of hand," Applejack agreed.

"Well, I'll start," Rarity offered, diving into a story she had heard at the spa.

The conversation flowed easily from rumors about Pinkie Pie running for mayor too the newest batch of Berry Punch's wine, eventually the drifting to the romantic lives of the village.

Rarity shifted closer to her friends. "Did you two hear that Cloudchaser broke up with Thunderlane?" she asked.

"Really?" Twilight said, eyes wide. "I thought they seemed happy together?"

"I know," Rarity continued. "I was shocked as well. I heard it was because she got sick of his attitude and decided to cut it off."

Applejack nodded and said, "Good for her, she shouldn't be with anyone who doesn't make her happy."

"I think she was smart to end things now," Rarity agreed. "Thunderlane isn't the most mature pony." Rarity blushed and added, "Though I will admit he is fairly attractive."

"Gotta agree with you there, Rarity. He is a looker. What do you think of Thunderlane, Twi?" AJ asked with a suggestive tone.

Twilight blushed. "Oh, I guess I never really thought about him that way."

"Really? Is your eye on somepony else then?" Rarity asked.

Twilight's face grew more and more red. "I'd really rather not talk about it."

"Oh come on, Twi." Applejack said. "Rarity and I won't tell a soul. In fact, if you tell us who you like, we'll tell you who we like," she bargained.

After a moment of hesitation Rarity agreed, adding, "Yes, Twilight. You can trust us. We might even be able to help you with the romance."

Twilight sighed. "Alright, but you two go first."

"Well, if you insist." Rarity collected her thoughts before beginning, "I've always dreamed of finding my prince charming and I'm finally going to get the chance at the Grand Galloping Gala this year. Prince Blueblood is going to be there and when he sees me he'll fall for me. We'll be in love and have our happily ever after."

"Wow, Rarity. That's quite the crush you got there," Applejack teased.

"It is most certainly not a crush!" Rarity gasped.

"You're right, it's more of a fantasy." Applejack laughed, causing Rarity to blush and fumble for words.

"Well do you have a crush on anypony, Applejack?" Twilight asked with a slight giggle, saving Rarity from having to respond.

Applejack shrugged. "Not really, I'm a little too busy with the farm." She blushed and added, "Though I will admit there are some ponies who are kinda cute."

"Like who?" Twilight asked.

"Well, that Time Turner fellow's pretty cute and..." Applejack paused and blushed, "that pegasus, Raindrops is real nice."

"Why, Applejack I never would've guessed," Rarity giggled. "Why, I'm surprised you think about romance at all."

"Oh, hush." Applejack snorted. "Just 'cause I'm level headed doesn't mean I can't appreciate a good lookin' mare or stallion."

"Of course, of course." Rarity nodded. "But now it's your turn, Twilight. Who do you like?"

"W-well," Twilight began looking back and forth between the faces of her eager friends. Seeing no way out, she braced herself and said, "I like Rainbow Dash."

"No way!" Applejack gasped.

"Really?" Rarity asked, eyes sparkling with the idea. "Oh, you two would make just the cutest couple. Your colors would go so well together, not to mention how romantic it is, the athlete and the intellectual! Oh, it's just a romance novel waiting to be written," she gushed.

More blood rushed to Twilight's cheeks as Applejack patted her on the back. "I think you and RD would be good together,Twi. You should ask her out."

"Ask her out?!" Twilight squeaked. "Are you kidding? I can't ask her out."

"Why not?" Applejack asked.

"B-because, I just can't!" Twilight stuttered. "She's amazing, athletic, and loyal, and I'm... well, me."

"You're you?" Rarity clarified. "So you're smart, talented, a great friend, compassionate..." She let her point sink in before adding, "Need I say more?"

"B-but!" Twilight stammered, her words turned against her.

"She's right, Twi." Applejack confirmed. "You've got a lot to offer. You just need to ask her out. What's the worst that could happen?"

"She could say no, and things would become awkward and then we slowly drift apart until we never talk and we're not friends any more, causing the Elements of Harmony not to work anymore, and when some giant ancient evil is unleashed upon an unsuspecting Equestria there won't be anything we can do to stop it, eventually causing the end of ponykind as we know it!" Twilight answered without second thought, speaking so quickly even Pinkie Pie would be jealous.

The room was quiet for a moment. "Darling, even I know that's being over dramatic." Rarity finally managed.

"Yeah, Twi," Applejack added. "Give RD some credit. She wouldn't end your friendship just because you asked her out."

Twilight sighed. "I know that, I'm just scared. I've never gone out with anypony before."

"Well, you'll never really get over that unless you ask her out!" Applejack reasoned. "Ya just gotta try."

Twilight said after thinking it over for a second. "Okay. I'll do it."

Twilight trotted into the town square, keeping an eye out for her colorful friend. She bounced nervously from hoof to hoof, eyes darting about. Applejack told her that Rainbow always came to her stall on Wednesdays.

The earth pony saw Twilight and waved. With a quick smile, Twilight trotted over to her. "Hey, Applejack. Have you seen Rainbow Dash yet?" she asked as soon as she was within earshot.

Applejack shook her head and stepped away, leaving Big Mac to man the stall. "Not yet. She wasn't on weather duty today, so she's probably nappin'. She'll be around soon enough though."

"I hope she shows-" Twilight started, only to be cut off by another voice.

"AJ, Twi, incoming!" Dash called out as she came barreling towards them. The two mares leaped out the way as Dash slammed all four hooves into the ground and skidded to a halt.

Coughing from the cloud of dust Dash kicked up, Applejack glared at the pegasus. "What's the big idea? You trying to kill somepony?"

"Sorry AJ," Dash apologized. "I'm just really pumped. I got my tickets to the Wonderbolts performance in Canterlot today!" Dash pulled out two tickets both having VIP written on them in bold.

"Well, just be more careful next time," Applejack grumbled.

"Heya, Twi. You okay?" Dash asked, walking over to where Twilight was brushing the dust off her coat.

"I'm fine." Twilight gave Dash a warm smile. "No harm, no foul."

"Sorry about barging in like that. What were you two talking about?" Dash asked.

Applejack's eyes shifted from side to side. "Oh, uhh... nothing really, but I gotta go sell apples and stuff. See y'all later?" With that she left before either Twilight or Dash could say another word.

"I thought she said she had to sell apples?" Dash asked as they watched her disappear around a corner. Twilight just shrugged.

"So what's up with you, Twi?" Dash inquired as the two began to walk aimlessly through the town.

"Oh, nothing much." Twilight responded. "I was just seeing what was in the market today. What about you?"

"Pretty much the same. I don't have work today and I was gonna hang with Applejack, but looks like that won't be happening."

"W-would you like to hang out with me?" Twilight asked quickly before she could persuade herself not to.

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Sure, Twi. That'd be awesome! Whatcha wanna do?"

Twilight coughed and tried to hide her blush. "Uhh, well maybe we could go to lunch together?" she suggested.

"That's a great idea!" Dash scanned the street. "How about that cafe?"

"Looks good to me." The two mares headed to the restaurant and sat down at one of the tables outside. A waitress quickly stopped by their table and took their orders. They talked for a bit about the Wonderbolts. Twilight had been reading Spitfire's biography and wanted to know more.

"So," Twilight asked, "are you excited to go see them?"

"Are you kidding me?" Dash asked, jokingly offended. "Of course I'm looking forward to it!" She pulled out her tickets and held them reverently. "These babies are near impossible to get. VIP box seats to the Canterlot show. They cost me a hoof and a wing to get."

"Wow." Twilight said. "I've always wanted to see a Wonderbolts show."

Dash cheeks reddened a little. "It's funny you should say that, I-" Her words were cut off by the arrival of their meal. The waitress placed a daisy sandwich in front of Twilight and some hay fires before Dash.

"This looks good." Twilight said, salivating slightly. "Were you saying something before the waitress came?"

"I- uh... No. It was nothing." Dash quickly took a big sip of her soda to hide her rosy cheeks.

The two ate their meal, scarfing down the good food. Soon, two empty plates sat on the table in front of two full mares.
"I'll have to come back here again." Twilight said. "That daisy sandwich was really good."

"Yeah," Dash agreed. "This place had got some of the best hayfries too."

"I suppose you're a great connoisseur of hayfires?" Twilight chuckled.

"Conno-what?" Dash asked playfully before answering, "Yeah, just a bit. I know I shouldn't eat as many as I do, but I figure that I get enough exercise and stick to a pretty strict diet that I can treat myself now and then."

"Well don't worry. I think you look great." Twilight giggled without thinking. Her eyes widened a moment later as she realized what she said. "If you'll excuse me, I'll just head to the filly's room," she managed as she silently panicked in her head. She stood up and quickly headed off to the bathroom.

Dash let out a sigh of relief and felt her cheeks burning. Luckily it seemed that Twilight hadn't noticed it when she'd complemented the pegasus. She sighed and looked down at the two tickets still on the table.

"Stupid, Dash," she snorted. "You were so close. Of course you'd chicken out." She groaned and shut her eyes. "Why does she just have to be so cute?" she muttered under her breath.

In the bathroom Twilight facehoofed. "I can't believe I just said that," she moaned. "I'm the stupidest mare in the world." She stared herself down in the mirror. "Alright. Get a hold of yourself Twilight. You're going to go out there and work up the courage to ask her out." She took a deep breath and headed back out to Dash.

The bills came and they paid, heading out to the street again. "So," Twilight began. "What else are you doing today."

"Nothing much." Dash replied. "If I wasn't hanging with you I'd be bored out of my mind."

"Is there anything you'd like to do?" Twilight asked.

"Well," Dash hesitated before continuing. "I guess what I'd usually end up pranking some ponies, but I understand if you don't want to."

"Actually, I'd love to." Twilight blushed at her choice of words and brushed the ground with her hoof. "That is if you'd want to go pranking with me."

"That would be awesome!" Dash said. "Did you ever pull any pranks in Canterlot?"

Twilight laughed. "No, I wasn't really the type."

"Then I'll just have to give you a crash course. Follow me." Twilight and Dash headed off through the town. Dash's wing or side would occasionally brush against Twilight's side and her cheeks would turn a darker shade of red.

They came to a stop under Rainbow Dash's house. "I'll be right back," the pegasus said. "All the stuff we need is in my house." She took with a burst of speed, quickly zooming up and into her home. A moment later she returned laden with a bag bursting at the seams with prank supplies. From invisible ink to itching powder, whoopie cushions to whipped cream, it was all there.

Dash grinned sheepishly as set it down. "I like pranks," she said simply.

With a chuckle Twilight wrapped the bag in her magic and began to trot. "Let's plan this out at the library. Almost nopony checks out books so we can plan in peace." Twilight shot Dash a grin. "I'll even race you there."

"Come on," Dash snorted and puffed her chest out. "There's no way you can beat me. I'm the fastest pony around."

"Prove it." Twilight challenged. "On your mark. Get set. Go!" Rainbow Dash was gone in an instant. Twilight stood watching the pegasus make her way across town. The unicorn's horn began to glow, until with a flash, she vanished.

She appeared outside her library just in time to see Rainbow Dash soar over the last set of rooftops. Twilight burst out laughing as Rainbow landed next to her in confusion.

"Wha- B-but- You were back- and then- How?" Rainbow Dash stuttered, only making Twilight laugh harder.

Finally she caught her breath just enough to say, "Magic."

Dash facehoofed. Twilight just laughed harder.

"Teleporting?" Dash asked. Twilight nodded. "Shoulda known."

"Let's head down to the basement," Twilight giggled. Dash's eyes followed Twilight's flanks as she opened the door and headed down.

Dash coughed and shook her head. "Come on. Get it together," she growled herself as she followed Twilight down the stairs.

The basement of the Golden Oaks Library was an interesting place. For the longest time it had merely been storage for old records. That had changed when Twilight Sparkle took up residence in the building. The old records had been moved back to city hall where they belonged and the unicorn's lab equipment had been brought in. Tables stacked high with beakers and Bunsen burners were all over the room. A slightly menacing chair stood in the center of the room connected to a machine.

Twilight weaved her way through the mess of glass and chemicals with practiced ease as Dash struggled to follow. The two made their way through a door on the far side which opened up to a small room equipped with a couch, a table and chairs, a whiteboard, and a small kitchenette.

"Wow, Twilight," Dash started. "It seems like every time I come to the library there's a new room I didn't know about."

Twilight chuckled. "There are a lot of rooms, I don't even use most of them. This is the first chance I've really had to use this." She gestured to the room as she sat down at the table. "This is my planning room. I was cleaning out the basement when I first moved here and this room and a whole lot more so I converted them into a whole bunch of things I really don't have a use for."

"This place is awesome!" Dash flopped down onto the couch. Twilight took the pranking supplies out from the bag and spread them out on the table. "You ready to pull a prank?" Dash asked.

"You betcha!" Twilight replied.

"The look on her face was priceless," Dash cackled as she beat her wings.

"I can't believe we pulled that off," Twilight's eyes watered from laughter and the wind whipping past her face.

"I couldn't have done it without you, Twilight." Dash avoided a tree branch as they made their escape.

"I'm sure you could've. You were the one who had the costume and the idea," Twilight insisted as Dash pulled up and began to climb higher.

"Please the magic made it all come together," Dash replied.

Twilight grinned as she looked over the whole town below her. Dash glanced down at Twilight hanging below her and smiled. "Did you have fun?" she asked.

"Of course I had fun." Twilight responded in mock affront. "I got to pull a prank with the best prankster in Ponyville, spend time with you, and now fly with the fastest pegasus in Equestria to get away. I don't think my day could get any better."

Rainbow Dash turned her face skyward so that Twilight couldn't see her blush. "If you think that's been good, just you wait." With a powerful thrust of her wings, the two ponies sped into a loop, Dash grinning and Twilight screaming. The screams turned to laughs as the adrenaline came over her.

"Jeez, Dash. Warn a mare next time," Twilight giggled as they came out of the loop and began to glide towards the ground coming to a halt outside Twilight's home.

"Do you think Pinkie will be mad?" Twilight asked. She opened the door and the two went inside.

"Nahh, It's Pinkie. She'll just try to prank us back," Dash reassured her.

Twilight paused at the top of the basement stairs. "Are you telling me we just started a prank war with Pinkie Pie?"

Dash was quiet before answering. "That might not have been my smartest plan ever."

"Oh well." Twilight shrugged and headed down the stair. "It was still worth it."

"I'm glad you think so." Dash chuckled, rubbing a hoof behind her head. She and Twilight sat down next to each other on the couch. An awkward silence filled the room as both blushed and looked away from each other.

"Hey, Dash," Twilight said breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" Dash asked.

"Well I was wondering if you'd like to spend more time together. With just me. And stuff..." Twilight's voice trailed off as she looked away in embarrassment.

"A-are you asking me out?" Dash stammered.

"Well, If you'd like to," Twilight said, turning back to Dash.

"I'd love to!" Dash exclaimed.

"Really? That's great." Twilight wrapped her hooves around Dash and cuddled close. The pegasus hesitated for a moment before grinning and wrapping her forelegs and wings around the unicorn.

They sat there happily until Twilight said, "You want to plan another prank?"

Dash pulled her a little closer. "With you?" she asked. "Anytime."

Author's Note:

Had this done a while ago so I decided to go ahead and put it out.

Comments ( 37 )

An older fic?

Not bad at all. Very cute and fluffy.

~Skeeter The Lurker

the adorableness of this story made my heart explode. it's ok though, since i have three left.

Awwww, very adorable! Pretty spot-on with their characterizations too.

Oh my god, again!? Almost every story I read, I see you there in comments. You're always watching, always judging, always....lurking. I need you to be honest with me, are you God?

3570802 Yes, Yes he is. Worship him. Skeeter the All Knowing


I'm not god.

I'm just omnipresent.

~Skeeter The Lurker


...That's going in my profile box...

~Skeeter The Lurker

3570893 Umm Is that good?

So cute, I love Twidash fics! Please make more! :pinkiehappy:

Fluffy indeed, very nice. But marked as complete, which I only noticed after I finished it, the ending didn't really seem like a "complete" ending, but still, cute nevertheless. :rainbowkiss:
But then again I remmember one of your other stories that had a similar ending, which had many possibilities of continuing, but it didn't, given the story theme anyway it was appropriate to end it. Heart's Warming it was.
Well, I like your style anyway, you end the stories in a way that leaves the reader with a possibility to conjure his own ideas for what happened next.

Well, that was quite good. Cute and made me really happy to read. Nice one :D

Twilight and Rainbow Dash were spot on, and the story was as cute as it was fluffy. Maybe not the most original thing in the world, but really, who cares as long as its written well. :twilightsmile:

Loved it, exactly what I wanted to read on this kinda depressing weather day.

Job well done!


Nice little Twidash :twilightsmile:. But Dash must have quite the stomach if she can eat hayfires :rainbowhuh:.

Eww, TwiDash in the FB. :trixieshiftright:
Congrats you jerk.:trixieshiftleft:

I believe the creation of the First Church of Lord Skeeter is in order.



~Skeeter The Lurker

I was freezing this morning. Then I read this fic and the fluffiness warmed me. Thank you kind sir.

The build up was great or magnificent you chose the word you want to use :twilightsmile:
The confession was a bit rushed i think but no one care's to what i think :ajsmug:
Rating 8/10 A nice read :raritywink:

I swear I had the strangest sense of deja-vu when I read the slumber party bit... I remember reading something almost exactly like it except the one before was like it was written by a beginner and this one felt more refined and smooth.

I enjoyed it very much so though

"Wow, Twilight," Dash started. "It seems like every time I come to the library there's a new room I didn't know about."

It's bigger on the inside!

Yes, I did that...

I kind of thought, well, that we'd get more Twi-Dash scenes in this, and that it'd be really really super-squee-romantic.

Not, "They went pranking, and came back and sort-of asked each other out."

This guy says it, "marked as complete" ...What?

Cute and fluffy.:pinkiehappy:

"Oh, it's just a romance novel waiting to be written," she gushed.

>author is actually diamond horse

Nah, but this is really cute so far. I await with bated breath for more TwiDash fluff. :twilightsmile:

:twilightblush::rainbowlaugh: They do make a cute couple. I hope you continue this story. I put in a upvote.

Most abrupt ending I've seen in a while. Was expecting something more I guess.


Indeed! But it's now marked as incomplete, so the story shall continue!

*sniffs* backward progress is such a wonderful thing sometimes.

This is so light, and simple, and so series one.

I like it.

please update :pinkiesmile:

3637132 Unfortunately it's my finals week. I have no time to write


Cute one. I'll wait to see more :rainbowkiss:

Wait? BUT I WANT IT NOWWW! :applecry:

uh well...its basic, but well written

That was cute...:twilightsmile:

''on hiatus'' NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :raritydespair::raritycry: why...

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