• Published 29th Nov 2013
  • 267 Views, 4 Comments

The Origins of Steel Gear and Gizmo - trtkdninja

This is the backstory to the OCs Steel Gear and Gizmo. It has a bit of action, some drama, and a bit of slice of life.

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Gizmo's Advenure

Gizmo’s Journey

It had been 2 and a half weeks since Gizmo left Saddleville. She was still having second thoughts, but she felt this was best for her. Several negative thoughts have passed through her head. "Where will I go? What if I can't make friends?” She shook the degrading thoughts out of her head and focused on her journey. She was walking on a thin, dusty trail in the middle of a grass covered field. It started to get dark, restricting her vision. Her eyes were growing heavy and her hooves were about to give out. "I gotta rest, I've gone too long without sleep,” she said to herself after yawning. She pulled out her clock and checked the time. It was 6:35 pm, and she had been walking since 4:00 in the morning. The weather was still, cool, and dry; there was no trace of the even slightest breeze. The clouds were scarce, leaving the universe above available for gazing. Gizmo lifted her pack off of her back and set it on the ground. She flopped her body down on the grass. She had her hooves supporting her head as she stared at the luminous stars. Mysterious figures floated around in the black sky. Gizmo marveled at its magnificence. She had never seen the stars shine so bright before. She was in a trance from the colors. Her eyes were sparkling with dazzling purples and blues. With delving pupils, she glanced at one very bright star that was shining greater then the others. However, this star had a bluish tint on it unlike the reds and yellows. Gizmo smiled and sighed, "such beauty", she said to herself. She wanted to name the star. After a quick moment of thought she instantly said, "Mom". She named the majestic giant that so she wouldn't feel so isolated. Her lonely thoughts made her miss Steel and her dad and Saddleville. As memories flowed through her mind, a tear built up in her eye, rolled down her face, and fell unto the grass. Her eyes glistened even brighter from more tears starting to form. After her crying ceased she smiled and closed her eyes. She rolled onto her side, and slept.
Gizmo slowly opened her tired eyes and looked around her surroundings. Something was making a very light noise in the distance. Her ear twitched when the noise got louder. She quickly stood up and looked around more intently. She opened her pack and pulled out her launcher with her mouth. She attached it to her hoof and loaded it with an apple. She stood on her hind legs and lifted her gun to her sight, ready for anything. Just then, a red beam shot right over Gizmo and the force sent her flying onto her back. She let out a slight scream. Her launcher shot the fruit into the air when she hit the ground. It landed with a thud behind Gizmo. She stared wide eyed at the red streak across the sky. The mare was speechless, her goggles were crooked on her forehead. Half was covering her right eye. She adjusted her black goggles and set off to follow the vagrant streak.
After 30 minutes of walking, she finally found where the red beam stopped. It was right over a forest. A dark, wet forest. "Hopefully I'm not following a monster,” she said ominously. "This would be a lot easier if I had wings.” She was stepping through mud and leaping over tree roots. "Ugh, this is just slowing me down. Why is there so mu-", she was cut off by a vine that tripped her. "Are you kidding me?" she said in an annoyed tone. The green rope was wrapped around her back leg. She rolled her eyes and tried pulling herself out. Suddenly, a loud crash echoed throughout the forest. She began frantically gnawing at the vine. She snapped it off and stopped to listen. The forest was silent. Everything stood motion less. The breeze disappeared, leaving all life still. She heard a small crack. A shadow arose from behind her. Gizmo's eyes followed the expanding figure along the ground. She started to sweat and shake nervously. The small pony turned around slowly, and then looking up, she beheld a pair of red eyes. Her heart stopped, and her ears fell to the side of her head. Her eyes were fixed on the two glowing lights. There was a 5 second stare down. Each being was waiting for the other to make the first move. The figure let out a quiet growl and then abruptly snapped at Gizmo. With her quick thinking she rolled behind the tree next to her and then recovered by landing on all fours. She sprinted away through bushes and bolted over rocks. The monster barreled after her, destroying all vegetation in its path. "Just don't stop running", Gizmo repeated to herself between breaths.
The relentless beast was breaking down everything in its path. "What is that thing"? Gizmo said whilst panting heavily. She was halted suddenly by a wall of grey stone. "No, no, no!” She shouted in panic. The beast towered over her. It was panting heavily and it looked like it was going to pass out. The beast opened its mouth and prepared to kill Gizmo. Just then, the mighty beast was hit in the jaw by a red beam. "Whoa", Gizmo said under her heavy breathing. The thing fell on its side. Flying over it in a triumphant pose was a red Pegasus. She smirked at the monster. "That'll teach ya’!" the pony shouted. She flew down to a shocked Gizmo. "Hey that's strange, I've never seen a pony come through here. Especially alone. What's your deal stranger?" Gizmo's mouth was still open. Finally, she snapped back to reality. "Oh sorry, I was just passing through", she said. "Not exactly the smartest idea to come out here alone". "I was following you", Gizmo replied. “Following me?” “Well, yes. I saw you fly over me earlier this morning." Gizmo didn't really make any eye contact or even examine the mare. "Ok, well my name is Crimson Vision", she said proudly. "What's yours, Goggles?" she said sarcastically in reference to Gizmo's attire. "My name is Gizmo." Mildly mocking Crimson's gestures. "Gizmo huh? What is your talent?" Crimson squinted her eyes and wrinkled her snout. "I invent things. Now, before you say anything else, why do you have fangs?" Crimson stared at her like she didn't know what she was talking about. "Oh these? I have no idea. Now since talking about physiognomy, why do you have goggles on?" Gizmo's heart stopped. She hated when that question was asked because it would force her to think of her mom. So, she lied. "Uh, I bought them from the store." She looked at the ground. "Store? Whatever." Crimson turned around and started flying away, calling back, "Alright, let’s go." Gizmo was puzzled. "What?" Crimson looked at her, "I'm your new forest guide pal." Gizmo was somewhat offended. "A guide? I don't need a guide." Crimson flew back to Gizmo, "You would've been mauled by that timber wolf if I didn't show up to save your life! So yeah, you need a guide!" Gizmo's face turned red, she would not admit that she was wrong. "I had it under control! This is my journey, not our journey!" Crimson's eyes were vivid, "fine! Go ahead be eaten by a timber wolf, or bear, or leopard because that's fine with me!" Crimson bolted off. Gizmo was furious, but the anger soon faded. She looked at the ground in self-pity. Her stubbornness had made her lose a potential friend and guide. Now she was alone again.

The Forest

Gizmo was trotting at a fast pace along a dirt path that wounded across the forest floor. It was cold and foggy, it felt like the air was thinning more and more as Gizmo went on. She had a very serious face on, her determination to get out of the forest gave her more energy and confidence. However, on the inside she was battling depression and anger. She tried to get rid of the thought of getting lost, or dying. Gizmo started to only focus on her thoughts that she forgot about hunger and tiredness. She didn't even notice that her chest was burning from exhaustion. Her eyes were locked on the ground. That was the only thing she could see, dirt. She finally snapped out the trance when her sight started fading, and her body started to sway. Her legs gave out and she collapsed onto the hard ground. She had passed out. Gizmo instantly started seeing things; horrible things. She saw her mother standing there, surrounded by darkness. The figure just stood there silently with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes and they were pitch black. Gizmo's heart was racing, she turned around and tried running from her mom. As she was running she looked back and to see that the figure was gone. She stopped, then slowly turned her head forward. Her heart nearly exploded when she saw the fiend right in front of her. The figure tilted its head slightly and then smiled. Gizmo was sick to her stomach and she started to cry heavily. She closed her eyes and turned away. Tears were seeping out of her eyes. Everything was silent again, she couldn't even hear herself breathing. She kept her eyes closed. But, a red light flashed and heat started to consume her body. She opened her eyes to see the she was in her house. Her room was on fire, she tried yelling but nothing came out. She looked down and saw her bandana burning off. As it was being engulfed by flame, Gizmo turned around and saw her mother trapped under big piece of broken wood. She was calling for help but no one came. Gizmo desperately tried getting to her mother but she couldn't move. She saw her bed and stuffed animals burning. She looked up and a flaming chunk of wood fell down towards her mom. Right before it hit, everything went black. And for a split second, a strange hooded figure flashed before her eyes. Then she woke.
Gizmo slowly opened her eyes, she felt like she had been asleep for a week. A familiar face appeared right in front of her. It was Crimson with water and fruit. She had woken Gizmo up from her deep sleep. "Finally, it took forever to get you to wake up", Crimson said in a relieved tone. "I thought that you were never gonna’ wake up, you had me worried for a second. I'm glad I followed you, otherwise you would be dead." Gizmo sat up and looked around. "You followed me?" Gizmo glared at the red Pegasus. "Don't look at me like that, I saved your life, again. I'm starting to wonder if you are even capable of traveling on your own." Gizmo sighed and then smiled. "You know, maybe I do need a guide. After all, it does get pretty lonely out here." Crimson smiled back. "Looks like you need friend as well." Both ponies nodded in confirmation. Crimson helped Gizmo up. And the two set off on their journey.

Onyx Clash:

Onyx Clash is a male Pegasus. He has a silvery coat with a white mane and tail. His eyes are piercing blue. Generally, his hair would be messy and spiky. He lived in Ponyville but he was never really around because he was always traveling. He was mail pony. He loved this job because of the scenery and he got paid to do what he loved to do, fly. He and Rainbow Dash are close friends. They usually never got to see each other because of Onyx's job. Onyx Clash didn't grow up in Ponyville however, he grew up in Cloudsdale. He got his comet cutie mark at a very young age. He is very respectable towards others, especially his parents. Onyx once joined the Wonderbolts and was lead pony with his friend, Sword Comet, as wing pony. However, Sword didn't make it and had to leave the Wonderbolts Academy. It didn't feel right without Sword Comet so Onyx left the Wonderbolts. As of now he works for the mail delivery service in gratitude.
Onyx was getting the next set of mail loaded into his pack. He put on his uniform which consisted of a white scarf, goggles, and a brown leather jacket. This trip was a lot more important than any other trips. He had to deliver a message to Princess Celestia for Twilight Sparkle because her pet dragon wasn't feeling good. Onyx had only met Twilight once, and it was when she gave him the letter personally. He was just getting ready to leave when suddenly a Pegasus landed next to him. It was Rainbow Dash, the fastest Pegasus pony in Ponyville. Onyx resented that. "So where are you headed", she asked. "I'm going to Canterlot", he replied. "Heh, nice scarf?" Onyx glared at Rainbow. "This is my uniform, I have to wear it." Rainbow Dash laughed. "That scarf is so lame Onyx". He rolled his eyes. "Y'know, I should sign up for the mail service. We can compete over who can deliver fastest. "Yeah right Rainbow, you are too lazy to sign up for the Mail Delivery. Plus, you already have a job." Rainbow Dash grew a competitive tone in her voice, "I'm not lazy, and would totally signup for the mail service. You just don't want me to because you are scared that I will be the better delivery pony than you." Onyx laughed, "Whatever Rainbow.” After their conversation, Onyx checked the time. "Oh I should be going, see you later Rainbow,” he said as he started to take off. "Bye Scarfie", she said sarcastically. Onyx frowned. Once again she got the last words. Next time he would be sure to get her back.
It was a short flight to Canterlot, it took only 5 minutes. Onyx saw the giant white castle towering above. He touched down at the front gate where several guards were positioned. They had to search him just in case. The giant gate slowly opened making a slightly irritating squeak. Onyx walked in casually along the brick paved road. Everyone looked rich, there were stallions in suits and mares in dresses all over the shopping area. Onyx looked like an outcast with his filthy torn scarf, goggles on his forehead, and a leather jacket with minor tears in the sleeves from a few accidents in the past. Everyone who passed looked at him but he didn't mind. He was supposed to head towards the castle to give the message to Celestia personally. There were so many shops and attractions that Onyx couldn't resist but to look around at all the stores. "Maybe I could get a new jacket", he said in his mind as he passed a clothing store. He walked in the little shop and a bell rang which made everyone looked up and towards the door before they went back to their business.
As he was looking he remembered that he forgot his money. He stopped and let out a loud sigh. Onyx usually didn't express anger, but this time he got irritated. "Whatever, I didn't need to spend 200 bits on one jacket." He walked out of the store and went back to what he was supposed to be doing. He felt no need to walk anymore since there was no point in looking at shops anymore. Flying was a lot quicker than walking and Onyx wanted to leave as quickly as possible. He landed right at the entrance to the castle where a guard stood. "I'll take that said the guard", said the guard in a deep scruffy voice. "I thought I was giving it to her personally." replied Onyx as the guard took the letter. "She is too busy right now kid, maybe next time." Onyx nodded then flew away. He felt the nice cool breeze as he zipped through the sky. "Might as well make a lap around the place." he went full speed around the mountain but was stopped by a white building nudged into the corner of the mountain. Along the side was a thin path that led to it. Onyx flew down to investigate. He went through the large doors that were closed tightly from not being opened for a while. He walked into the dark room uneasily. A small light was peering out of a room in the corner. Onyx peaked into the room and saw a yellow pony with a shiny green, blue, and yellow mane and tail staring directly at him with her green eyes. His heart skipped a beat from being startled so badly. "Um, hello?" The pony ran and hid behind a table. She looked back at Onyx with a frightful glare. "You shouldn't be here." she said in a scared tone. "Why not?" Onyx said in a soft tone understanding her fear. "Why are you up here all alone?" The pony stood up and actually stared at Onyx in the eyes "I have dedicated my life to star gazing. Well, that was the original plan until my knowledge of space got me a job of making sure nothing bad comes from space. However, the other 4 guards that use to work with me left mysteriously one by one over a 4 day period. Those ponies had crucial secrets that were vital to the princess." Onyx was very intrigued. "So is this a bad thing?" She looked down, "I don't know, there have been strange anomalies occurring for a month so far." Onyx was confused. "Wait, how did the other 4 disappear and you didn't?" She looked at Onyx. "I hid. You see, on the fifth day, someone entered the observatory and searched for an hour. They never found me." Onyx was concerned. "Where did you hide?" She shook her head. "It is a secret." Onyx approached her. "You aren't safe here, you can come with m-." Just then, the door to the observatory slowly creaked open.
Both ponies looked at each other. "Hide in that spot you hid in last time, I'll take care of this." She nodded, and quickly ran to her spot. Onyx walked out and saw a large hooded colt searching the area. "Looking for someone?" The figure turned its head towards Onyx. "Yes I am. Nova Star, have you seen her?" he asked suspiciously. "Why do you need her?" The hooded pony walked ominously towards him. "That's none of your business." Onyx smiled, "Well you won't get her." The colt chuckled, "Are you gonna stop me?" Onyx braced himself as the opponent did as well. Both of them stared at one another for 10 seconds. Finally, Onyx launched into the air and flew quickly around the telescope. He shot out from behind it and slammed into the side of the pony, sending him onto his side. Onyx landed and smirked. The colt's hood came off, revealing a strange machine strapped to his back. It had gears rotating and pistons were pumping on the top. On the right big long canon was aiming right at Onyx. On the inside of the canon a blue and white light was spinning and growing more intense. "I wasn't gonna use this but you are asking for it." The machine started making a charging noise. Onyx shot into the air and flew behind the telescope. The colt aimed and fired a blue laser at the telescope cutting it in half and nearly missing Onyx. He swooped down and hit the colt in the face with his hoof. As the colt stumbled, a small cup shaped container rolled under him. He looked up and saw Nova angrily staring at him. He smiled and was about to fire but the container popped and started to release smoke into the colt's face. He was knocked out by the fumes. Onyx was astonished, "thanks Nova you saved me." Nova smiled, "I guess I did." both looked around at the destruction and the passed out body on the ground. "I think I'll go with you, Onyx."

The Five (Flashback)

Nova Star was an astronomer that lived in Canterlot. She, and 4 other scientists were put in charge of making sure nothing from space could threaten Canterlot or anywhere else. However, over time the 5 have discovered strange things. Unknown elements and secrets of space were kept locked within the 5 ponies. Word had got around to a gang of creatures whose name was unknown. Soon, the gang started devising strategies to find out the secrets that the 5 had hidden from the public. They hoped that it was an ancient evil that could be released through some method. On the first day, a group of ponies raided the Observatory. They destroyed everything, but only managed to get one of the 5. On the second day, they came back and took another. After 4 were taken, only one remained, Nova Star.
On that fifth day, everything was silent and still. Nova, expecting to be raided again, hid in The Bunker. This facility was under a small hatch door on the ground. A staircase wound deep into darkness and at the very bottom was a small white light. Only The 5 new the dark secrets hidden in that ominous room. She heard the gang invading upstairs. The search lasted for 2 hours until they gave up. Nova, usually a talkative and outgoing pony, took a different personality to make sure no one would disturb her. In her head she thought that if a shy depressed looking pony asked to be left alone, others would respect her requests. Those undisclosed materials and other unnatural things were locked in Nova's brain, never to come out. Every visitor was turned away as time went on. Eventually, no one came to the Observatory. It remained desolate and squalid for several weeks. Finally, a curious traveler named Onyx Clash found the structure and came close to finding the secrets. Nova had to make sure that no information would be leaked to any pony. What deep secrets are hidden inside the inner mechanisms of Nova's brain?

Gizmo, Crimson, and the Monster

Gizmo and Crimson were wandering aimlessly through the forest. The two were getting burned out from walking and flying. "Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if you even know where you are going,” complained Gizmo. "I know where we are going, settle down. Um, what town were we headed to?” Gizmo slapped her forehead with her hoof. "Huh, ok, for the last time, I'm trying to get to Ponyville!” Crimson was confused. "Ponyville? What the hay is Ponyville?” Gizmo froze in place, her eyes were fixed forward and her mouth hung open. "What's the matter"? Crimson asked. "Shh, look over by that tree", whispered Gizmo. Crimson turned her dragon-like eyes towards the location that was pointed out to her. Her heart sank when she saw the timber wolf from earlier staring at them from 50 yards away. It was still, not even blinking. Crimson stopped flying and quietly landed on the ground.
“Ok, you peak your head to see if he is still there," whispered Gizmo. "Are you kidding? I'm not doing that," replied Crimson. “Fine, I'll do it." Gizmo peered out of the bush to see the timber wolf still standing without movement. However, instead of it being 50 yards away, it was 30 yards away. "Oh dear Celestia! It is even closer!" Gizmo said in a loud whisper. After a few seconds of pondering, Gizmo's face lit up with an idea. "What's with the smile?" Crimson said uneasily. "Let’s fight back," said Gizmo. "I remember before I left Saddleville, the village and I fought against a group of bandits for murdering our sheriff. We sure let them have it. Anyways, we can fight the timber wolf!" Crimson stared at Gizmo with a blank face which was then lit up by an excited smile, "Alright let’s do it.” “Bout’ time we get some action!" Crimson shot out of the bushes and flew towards the beast. The timber wolf charged towards the Pegasus. "I didn't mean like that! Aw forget it." Gizmo pulled her launcher out, loaded it with a red apple, then joined the fight. She ran at full speed to a tall tree to climb up. Crimson and the wolf were already exchanging hits to the body and to the face. "Hurry up Gizmo!" Crimson demanded. Gizmo didn't answer and kept climbing up to a branch where she would have the perfect advantage. She pulled herself up and swung her hind legs forward. She was sitting up right with her right hoof pointed towards the timber wolf. Gizmo steadied herself and held her breath. Everything felt like it slowed. Silence covered the forest as she aimed for the wolf's head. She hit the small lever and everything sped up again. The apple flew right past Crimson and nailed the wolf directly in its left eye. It winced in pain and collapsed heavily onto the forest floor. Crimson looked at Gizmo with a victorious look on her face. "Brace yourself, it’s not over Crimson!" shouted Gizmo. Just then, the timber wolf stood up and darted towards Gizmo. Crimson had to act fast. She quickly flew to Gizmo and grabbed her by the stomach. She hoisted Gizmo into the air above the tree line. "Thanks Crimson! Now hold it steady, I'm gonna fire again!" Gizmo pulled out another apple with her mouth and loaded into the wooden launcher. She struggled to put the ammo in place. "I really need to upgrade this thing", she said while loading the gun. "Got it!" Shouted Gizmo. She pulled her goggles down over her eyes and aimed towards the rampaging beast. Without hesitation, she shot the fruit right at the beast. It crashed into its right eye with such force that it was knocked onto its back. The wolf gave one last glare of hate to the two ponies, then ran away. “Alright, that’s what I’m talking about!” shouted Crimson. She lowered Gizmo to the forest floor. “So you have experience with fighting huh? You have a lot to tell me.” “And you have a lot to tell me,” replied Gizmo.

The Train

Nova was gathering supplies for the journey to Ponyville. Onyx was waiting outside the observatory as requested by Nova. Searching around her sleeping quarters, she remembered what lay behind a dusty painting on the wall. She pulled off the art to which revealed a small vault in the wall. She looked back at the door to make sure that her new friend wasn't around. The vault was metal, without a lock or even a button. It was a small knob. Nova opened it up and a greenish glow arose out of the vault. She quickly snagged the object and concealed it in her bag. Her heart leaped into her throat when she heard Onyx's voice behind her. "Are you ready? We have to catch the train," he said. Nova sighed in relief, "Yes, I'm ready, let’s go." The two left the observatory and headed back into Canterlot and to the train station. "Alright, I'll get the tickets, you can wait by the train." Nova nodded in confirmation, then proceeded to a bench nearby. On a bench about 10 feet away from Nova, a cloaked pony sat with a fedora covering his eyes. Nova just stared at the ground but her peripheral told her that he was looking at her. Onyx finally arrived with the tickets, and they boarded the train, as well as the strange figure.
Once on the train, Onyx led the way to an empty passenger cabin, and practically passed out onto one of the benches. Nova squished herself next to him because she was afraid of that mysterious pony. What made it worse is she didn't even see where he went to sit. The ride started to feel like it was taking hours but in fact it had only been 10 minutes. Suddenly, a noise caught Nova's attention. It was a thud, then the sound of walking. She slowly peered around the corner of the seat and saw the mysterious pony only without his cloak and hat. He had a brown color and a darker brown mane and tail. His eyes were sunken, and he had a very unattractive eye color. Dark brown hair grew out the side of his jaw forming into a slight beard. But, it wasn't his appearance that frightened Nova, it was the two knives strapped on both of his front legs. He was walking with a limp, and had a crooked smile as he approached Nova. She frantically tried shaking Onyx awake but to no avail. Nova was panicking, she couldn't think of anything to use against him. Just then, a very risky plan popped into her head, "The Galaxy Shard", Nova said through a breath. She grabbed the green stone out of her bag and stood on her hind legs to face the villain. Onyx jerked awake and saw Nova standing to his left, "Nova, wait are you d-", Nova looked at him with a serious glare. She looked at the villain and crushed the stone between her hooves. The stone turned into green mist that absorbed into Nova's chest. Energy surged through her body, making her shake. Her eyes turned into glowing lights. The villain charged at her but Nova's horn ignited with a green glow. A big, green laser blasted the colt right in the chest, sending him flying to the end of the train car. Onyx was in awe at what just happened. He looked back at Nova to see her exhale and all the green mist exude from her body as it formed back into stone. Onyx looked at the dead pony, then Nova. He didn't know what just happened. "Nova? What did you just do?" Nova looked at him with tears in her eyes, "All this time of protecting these secrets for nothing. I have ruined what my colleagues and I have worked on keeping hidden from others. Now, they will be after us. Onyx, we must hide and never speak about this." Onyx didn't say anything and just nodded. "We don't have much time..." said Nova to herself.

Memories of Saddleville

Gizmo and Crimson were sitting by a warm camp fire quietly. Gizmo stared motionless at the crackling orange and yellow fire while Crimson was looking around aimlessly at the surroundings. The only thing that could be heard was the fire, and the occasional cricket noise. But even the crickets were silent most of the time. Crimson couldn't take it any longer, she finally broke the silence by asking a sudden question; "So uh...what's your story?" she said somewhat awkwardly. It took Gizmo several seconds before she snapped out of it; "Oh sorry, so you want to know my story huh?" she said with a smirk on her face. "Well, I'm from a village called Saddleville. I was raised by my parents up until my mom was killed by a fire. Which is why I wear goggles and this bandana, they remind me of my mother because she wore them as well. My dad was very soft spoken and we never really had conversations with each other unless I was instructed to do something. He owned a wagon shop, and I had to help run it because he couldn't do it by himself. I got my cutie mark from making wagons; however I have always had a passion for inventing things that will benefit others. That was what my friend Steel Gear and I loved to do. We would always show off our new inventions to see how we've been progressing. My most recent invention was a launcher that shoots fruit, or anything you load into it." she pulled the wooden contraption out of her bag and handed to the very intrigued Crimson. Gizmo continued as Crimson marveled at the complexity of the launcher. "Anyways, I made that to fight off a horde of brutes that murdered our sheriff. The whole village was so angry and enraged and thirsty for vengeance. Sometimes I thought we were the brutes because of how much weapons we had. We had to fight against 40 some odd ponies who were huddled in their cave. They never saw us coming. We had the most advanced strategy and war tactics ever conceived. Every type of pony did something; the Pegasi, the unicorns, and the earth ponies made it look easy even though pretty much the only pony in Saddleville with combat training was the sheriff. But, our cooks, farmers, shop owners, blacksmiths, and inventors rallied together and took the scoundrels down. I felt that it really helped Steel out because the sheriff was his friend." Crimson had a big smile on her face, she had never met a pony like this. Finally, she spoke, "Why did you leave? And why didn't your friend come with you?" Gizmo looked at her and began again, "My dad felt that it would be best for me to start a business in a more well-known town. So I was given the choice of either Canterlot or Ponyville. I chose Ponyville because I wouldn't have had a chance in that rich place. So, I left a little bit after the fight as soon as I helped get everything back on track in the shop. Leaving was the saddest moment of my life because I had to leave my home, my dad, and Steel; which was the worst part. So here I am." Gizmo was joyfully crying after she reminisced on her past. Crimson, still with a smile on her face, but her arm around Gizmo. "Wow what a story. You are the most amazing pony I've ever seen." Gizmo thanked her, and the two got ready to sleep. They kept the fire going so they wouldn't freeze overnight. Gizmo used her bag as a pillow even though it wasn't comfy at all, and Crimson just laid on her side without any head support. Both fell instantly into a deep slumber, not knowing that there was something strange watching them far off in the distance.

The Stones

The rest of the ride to Ponyville on the train was just utter silence. The only noise to be heard was the sound of steam pumping and the clacking of the railroad track. Both ponies didn't make any eye contact for many long, awkward minutes. Onyx, still dazed from what he just witnessed, stared obliviously at the floor while Nova stared at the body of the colt that tried to steal from her. She had a frustrated look on her face that made Onyx not want to talk to her. Every so often Onyx would glance over at Nova to attempt to speak, but whenever she turned her piercing green eyes at him, he would quickly look down at the floor again. Nova finally spoke in a soft and calm tone, "Do you have anyone you can trust?" she said. Onyx hesitated to get any words out for a brief moment, "Y-yes, my friends Rainbow Dash and Sword Comet." He immediately looked away again. Nova scooted closer to him and spoke, "Its time you know what my colleagues and I have been hiding." Onyx looked at her in slight excitement. "And the reason I asked you about your friends is because we need help. So are you and your friends tight?" "Yes, they are my best friends." "Good," replied Nova.
She then levitated her bag onto the table between them and then pulled out the green rock. The rock had a grass green hue with dark and light swirls moving around inside. Then she pulled out two more crystal looking substances and placed them on the cold wooden table. Onyx reached out his hoof towards the peculiar stones but was halted by Nova’s firm command, “don’t touch.” He retracted his hoof back down to his side. The two other rocks were red and blue; the red one was a bit smaller and had no shimmer on the inside, the blue one was magnificent looking and it displayed fanciful blue and aqua colors dancing to and fro in the crystal. It was also a bit larger than the others. Nova slid the red and blue rocks aside and made Onyx focus his attention on the green crystal. “This is called the Cosmic Crystal, it provides a great power. This one, as you saw, will surge super energy through your body and will enhance your horn or your wings; we haven’t tested it on earth ponies though so the information for that is unknown.” She switched the green rock out for the blue one. “This one is called the Blue Star, it is very special in that it disguises the user with different colorings. Let me show you, put your hoof on the table.” She then placed it on his hoof then crushed it. A radiant light traveled across his body as it did to Nova as well. Onyx looked at his hoof and it was red, then he looked at Nova and realized that she was royal blue with a white mane and stunning golden eyes. She smiled at him and pointed at Onyx’s reflection in the window. Turning, he saw that he had a red coat with blue hair and green eyes. “Whoa, this is so cool,” he said in a joyful and amazed tone. Nova laughed and then extracted the stone by hitting Onyx in the chest with her hoof. He let out a wince with it the mist came out of his mouth. “What was that for?” “That’s how you get it out. Now you do it to me.” “Uh, I’m not sure I should hit a mare,” he said hesitantly. “Really, you’re gonna’ be like that?” C’mon, slug me.” “I don’t know” “Onyx, seriously, hit me or I’ll hit you again but this time it will be right between the eyes.” “Fine, I’ll do it.” He snapped his hoof forward and it roughly impacted Nova’s chest. There was a moment of silence as the waited for the mist to come out. “Is that all you got?” “What, that was hard!” “Apparently not. I’m taking this into my own hooves.” She then suddenly slammed her head on the table, startling Onyx. The mist exuded and merged with the rest of the mist to reform the stone in the center of the table. Onyx just stared at Nova wondering "what just happened?" She finally pulled the red one to the center of the table. "Do not crush this one, if your heart isn't strong enough, it will overload you with uncontrollable power. However, we don’t know if there are others with even more power" "Whoa, that is kinda cool. But wait, why are there ponies after you; how do they know about these?" "You'll know soon enough. We should probably get some sleep." Onyx nodded and immediately laid awkwardly on the seat and fell into a deep slumber. Nova didn't sleep, instead she watched the body still on the ground. She that he was in a different position. Nova quietly took out the Cosmic Rock and held it close to her.

Author's Note:

This is the first chapter that focuses mostly on Gizmo. Other ponies (i.e. Onyx Clash, Nova Star) are talked about as well because they become relevant to Gizmo later in the story. Enjoy!

Comments ( 1 )

The first thing I noticed when reading this was: :raritystarry: it's amazing. Second thing was, you should really add some indentation to your sentences. Maybe just space them into groups of four or five. It's a bit difficult reading the long spanning line of text when it could be put into a much more accessible format. Other than that quick easy fix, keep up the good work!

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