• Published 29th Nov 2013
  • 728 Views, 7 Comments

Living Flame - Random Gamer

After finding an old spellbook, Twilight Sparkle unintentionally releases an entity dreaming within.

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In a flash of white light, she was back in her library. Or at least, what was left of it. It was barely something more than just a fiery mess that was about to cave in but she didn't panic. Instead, she cleared the fiery debris out of her way and ran outside. The street she was saw was nothing like the one she remembered. Half of it was on fire while the other half laid in ruin, with ponies running in all directions and screaming for help. Carefully following the burning homes and the general direction they were running from, she found the one who was responsible for it all - Cylyen.

Twilight tried to be a little stealthy but was immediately noticed and greeted by a rain of fireballs. After she dodged them, Cylyen turned her attention to just Twilight and flew down just to get a better view of her. After she located her, another hurl of fireballs was sent her way.Twilight dodged them once more and hid behind an almost-collapsed house. Knowing it takes a few seconds to conjure more, she peeked out of her cover and targeted the demon's wings, intending to freeze them. This took her a few tries before the wings themselves shattered after too much light magic was used on them and Cylyen fell down. Furious over the loss of flight, she begun casting fireballs from the skies themselves, effectively destroying every place Twilight could hide. Upon finally finding her, she lifted her up with her magic and grinned.

"Oh, hello, my dearest summoner." she said in a friendly, almost-childish tone. "Can't you see I'm busy destroying a town here? It's very rude for you to come and interrupt me."

"This... is... my... town!" said Twilight and broke free from the demon's grip. The demon, shocked by the power of her willpower, started channeling a fiery, incinerating beam from her horn. Instinctively, Twilight did the same but with water and their beams collided, causing small rocks to form under the collision point.

"You think you're strong, huh?" the demon taunted her. "You're a weak, mortal nobody!" Twilight ignored this and focused more on the spell itself, which was now slowly pushing through Cylyen's one. But little did Twilight know that Cylyen still had a bunch of dirty tricks up in her sleeve.

When Twilight's beam was almost touching the tip of her horn, two fiery hands emerged from the ground and dropped themselves on Twilight, breaking the spell, whist also filling the area with smoke. When it cleared, Twilight, whose mane and coat were left slightly burned, was trying to get up. Cylyen approached her and smiled.

"You know, I promised you that I'll spare you because you released me," she said and lifted Twilight with her magic. "but you just had to interfere with my plans, now didn't you?." Twilight tried to free herself but her horn was burned out.

"By the order of light, I banish you!" shouted Celestia as she approached the demon from around the corner, her coat and mane also slightly burned by the fire. Cylyen burst into laughter.

"You have no power here!" she said. "You know what? All of you are funny. I mean, first I show up in this loser's dream, say "pwease let me out" and then she goes all haywire and does exactly what I tell her. Then, you show up and start babbling all sort of crazy things, thinking you can send me back to Hell." Celestia repeated the sentence and went closer to the demon. A spectral chain appeared around Twilight's and the demon's hind leg. The demon, however, did not notice this.

"You dumb as a rock or what?" she uttered. "You ain't banishing me today or any other day." While would she offend rocks? Rocks are smart. In fact, they are so smart they can't be set in fire.

"Yes, I am." said Celestia and the demon looked arround. A look of worry appeared on her face when she noticed the chain.

"Hehehe, alright, you got me." said the demon with a worried smile. "Maybe you guys aren't as weak as I though." The same pentagram which was used to summon her appeared underneath her hooves and she was unable to escape it. In a sudden jolt of panic, she let go of Twilight.

"By the Order Of Light, The Princesses of both Night and Sun, I command you, demon, return!" The pentagram lit up as Celestia uttered these words. The demon gradually started loosing her demonic appearance and was quickly reduced to the form Twilight saw in her dream.

"I... I don't want to go..." she said and looked sadly at Twilight in the same manner she did in her dream. Twilight, despite noticing the sudden shift in her personality, didn't interrupt Celestia and watched as the demon, now reduced to an elemental, was fading, her skin evaporating in the air as if it was made of ice.

"You... are... banished!" shouted Celestia and the demon faded away completely, along the with pentagram. For some reason, Twilight felt guilt and sadness, despite knowing that Cylyen was nothing more than just a fire-spreading lunatic. She sighed, letting go of the though.

In less then five minutes, a large number pegasi appeared in the sky and set clouds for heavy rain. Those who lost their homes were offered to temporarily live in the homes of other ponies while new houses were built. All was well, save for one thing. Even though Celestia and Twilight saved the day, there were still a lot of questions Twilight didn't know the answer to. Who is Cylyen? Of all the demons, why did Celestia want to use her instead of someone else? How did Celestia come across a demon?