• Published 20th Nov 2013
  • 1,190 Views, 33 Comments

Dr. Sombra - Mr Inkhooves

A revolutionary psychologist, Sombra is transferred to the Elysian Heights Asylum outside of Canterlot. His unique brand of magic, promising much. But can he control it? Distinguish between fact and fiction? Only time will tell.

  • ...

A Change in Management

With our newfound knowledge of the dream-state, Cadence and I were unstoppable! Purely in a medical context of course. We tweaked and experimented, unsure of the likely results, only for them to bear fruit. Pedestals and the Crystal Heart were very simple tools to construct. All it took was an understanding of the trauma the patient suffers, identifying the manifestation of this, and voila!

Some of our jealous colleagues pointed out the possibility of error. Nonsense! Not only were we highly adept at our craft, but also the tools are indiscriminate, as long as trauma exists within the patient, it will be rooted out and periodically purified. Simple, no? Patients are left with a clear, untroubled mind, able to pursue whatever takes their fancy, following discharge of course. Although the Board of Directors soon found our word to be sufficient.

Cadence and I were ecstatic at our progress, we had yet to find a single case where our treatment was ineffective. The elimination of madness, what a feat that would be! Our superiors were equally excited, however, in the end, the Heights was a business, and no patients equates to no revenue. The business arm pulled some strings and we were promoted. Doesn't sound so bad, you might say. Well, being Vice Chairman of the branch, meant that I couldn't do the 'hoofs on' work and Cadence, being the Chairman, (mare) was the same.

That and we weren't allowed to train our colleagues in the technique. So, we were reduced to the old, slow methods that produced mixed results. We were both frustrated and angry.Everything we had worked towards, ground to dust by some clown in a suit.

Though we saw a lot of each other, we couldn't exactly rage during a board meeting, could we? With that being said, we came close a few times, like now, incidentally.

Cadence's brow furrowed and her eyes flashed dangerously, as one of the 'suits' laid out the plans for the coming year. Our queries blatantly ignored, or misdirected, with technical jargon. She quickly regained her composure with a strained smile, although her eyes blazed at the speaker. It didn't help that the room was stiflingly hot, all these ponies gathered in a small space. Our tempers flared, while the others fidgeted, bored.

The meeting couldn't have ended quickly enough, we bade our goodbyes and speedily left for our houses. Cadence's tail flickered, the only outward sign of agitation, as her face was a cold mask. I wisely kept silent before we entered her house. Such was our ritual, to vent our frustrations at the opportune time.

She rounded on me soon after entering "Idiots! The lot of them." She declared as I sank into her sofa. She paused briefly before continuing " Don't they have a shred of decency?!" She let the question hang.

"No." I replied "Money is all they care about." At least, that was how we saw it, being the offended party.

She laughed bitterly. "Oh, I'll show them money!" She then created a shower of coins with a flick of her horn. They rattled noisily as they hit the floor.

Our brand of magic had many uses, which we had discovered in our research. Materializing 'physical' objects was easy. You discern what is 'real' by the senses. If a coinlooked, felt and sounded as a coin should, who's to say it isn't a real coin?

This was only fun, you understand, we didn't actually use it for our own gain . I played around with crystals and such, being an admirer, but I would undo it soon after...maybe. It wasn't as if I was harming anypony, just amusing myself with little things, no more.

Soon enough, we vented our anger and sat together, chatting. Not about anything important, just, anything really. We liked each other's company. Why not? We worked well together, had some similar interests, its only natural that we would be friendly. Although some ponies got the wrong idea. I got the jealous nudge, wink and hoofbump and the occasional joke. I tried to deny it, but that only made them continue. It felt like being in school again. It's not that I didn't like her, in fact, quite the opposite, but I was too scared to try. We'd kissed that one time, but that might've been the drink.

Out of the blue, she uttered " It would be so much better if this were like Shining's visions."

That broke me from my thoughts "What do you mean?"

She stared fixedly at a spot on her coffee table. "I mean: being able to do as we liked, not only in our power, but also, status. Princess and King. Oh, sorry Emperor she said, in a mocking tone. The playful act only added to her appeal.

I found myself grinning "That's right Milady " I replied..

She laughed, her eyes sparkling "Would your Highness care for some refreshment?"

"Gladly." I responded as she produced coffee from the kitchen.

We knew we sounded ridiculous, but it was all in good fun, probably the only thing that kept us from erupting in board meetings.We smiled and an odd mood took hold of me. I flared my horn and used it on Cadence. She jumped in surprise, rescuing her mug as it tipped.

"What did you do?" she asked, half-playful, half worried. I made no response but to grin. She punched me and summoned a mirror.

She gasped and in a cliché moment of gallantry, I toned:

"Now you look like a real princess."

I had changed her hair to the one she had described to me from the vision, she'd told me how difficult It had been to put together, but how great it had looked afterwards.

She leveled her gaze at me, expression, unreadable. I thought for a minute I'd upset her and was about to stutter apologies, when she returned the favor: My lab coat and glasses were replaced by the regal wear from Shining's vision. She laughed, so I childishly fired again, giving her an overly garish outfit.

If anypony had observed the next few minutes, they would never imagine that we were acclaimed doctors. Breathless, we subsided and looked at each other. I believe we were on the same page as things got a little...steamy. Let's just say the rumours were now proved true.

I get odd looks from some of the mares on staff now. I found out later that Cadence had become tired of their teasing and ... erm... "Stressed the proportions of a certain part of my anatomy" shall we say. Anyway, enough of that.

We continued to deal with the stresses our new positions gave us, with little joy. As if to twist the knife further, the Board had arranged a dinner in our honor,to celebrate our promotions. We didn't really want it, but we could hardly refuse. They were attempting to blind us with their tawdry gestures. We weren't in it for the money and glamour, we just wanted to help ponies. Thus, the rants became much more heated and They continued to steer towards how easily we could do things in visions, grant ourselves status if needed. The unspoken thought running around our minds: "What if we made it reality?"

We knew what needed to be done, so we did it.

The tapping of a spoon against glass caused the room to fall silent. We were in the Princesses' Pride hotel, and the entire ballroom was prepared for the occasion. Chandeliers, flowing white tablecloths, wine. It would've been nice, if we hadn't felt so wronged. As the pair of the hour, we were on the head table, surrounded by the board and other 'important' ponies.

Our colleague Dr. Hurt had stood to speak:

"Thank you all for coming. It is with great pleasure and pride that I speak tonight, to honor our friends, and colleagues, Doctors Sombra and Candenza." he paused to allow the clapping to subside and we soaked it up, with fixed smiles.

"Though he has been with us only a few months, Dr Sombra has proven a valued member of our team. Alongside the brilliance of Dr Cadenza, they have proven quite the team, in all their capacity." He winked and the hall filled with good natured laughter. This part wasn't so bad, we were only angry at the 'suits'. Cadence shouted back "Jealous much?" and we all roared at that.

Hurt wiped a tear from his eye, still convulsing with laughter " In all seriousness, congratulations to you both. Under your leadership, we are sure to see great progress."

Once again we waited for the clapping to subside. Then a cry of "Speech!" could be heard. Soon enough it was taken up. I got to my hoofs with Cadence and we shared a nod.

"I guess I'll start with a thank you. My time here has been wonderful. I've met so many interesting ponies. Not to mention Miss Cadenza here." She gave me a mock stern look as wolf-whistles greeted the statement. Cadence took over, on cue.

"We are deeply honored by our promotion. However, we feel that we don't deserve it." It was said lightly, so the Head of the Board replied : "You're too modest. We couldn't have chosen any other pair for the job."

A chorus of agreement followed.

Cadence smiled "You chose us, so that we wouldn't be able to treat patients."

A gasp and low murmuring followed.

The Head got to his hooves smoothly with a nervous chuckle " What Dr Cadenza means to say is that -"

"What I mean to say, is exactly that." Cadence interrupted and he recoiled from the force in her voice.

"Our method worked well;#, too well for your liking. If that were not true, why aren't we allowed to train our colleagues?"

He stammered, jowls quivering in panic.
"We feel... a change in management is required." Her eyes glinted "Sombra, dear?"

"Glady Cadence." I replied, power thrumming at the end of my horn and a malicious grin etched on my features.

Author's Note:

The End! ^_^

I've loved writing this story and I hope you've enjoyed reading it! Having such positive feedback from you guys has really boosted my confidence. As always, constructive criticism is appreciated.

Comments ( 12 )

Fantastic tale, a fitting ending as well, top notch! :pinkiehappy:

3766306 Thank you so much! :twilightsmile:

I only wish it didn't end there. If it went on even further, that would be Awesome!!!:pinkiehappy:

3879755 I might write a sequel if I've got time :pinkiesmile:

That ending… I approve. :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:
Me: I really hope you do a sequel; this was a fantastic story and I enjoyed every word of it. A toast, to the sequel!
Other readers: To the sequel! *glass clinks*

3902424 Thanks ever so much! :twilightsmile: There will definitely be a sequel in the future. :eeyup:

This is one of the most brilliant concepts I've ever had the pleasure to read:rainbowderp:

T'would be a delight to read more of your work; a sequel is certainly in order! :pinkiehappy:

Pretty please? :heart:

5083211 I might well do :pinkiehappy:
It has been a while since I wrote anything,but i'll give it my best

Ok, just the picture got me laughing, like sombra and chrysalis going at it is hilarious, waaaaaait SOMEONE NEEDS TO MAKE THAT A STORY

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