• Published 13th Nov 2013
  • 676 Views, 20 Comments

The New Crusader - Dayvanr

The CMC hear that they will be having a new teacher at school. They are as excited as everypony else when they hear the news. However, none of the class expected a certain oddity about him.

  • ...

The Suprise

It was Tuesday morning, and like the day before, the Crusaders were heading off to school. They were a little anxious to find out Mr. Gray Coat's decision on joining them. The three fillies didn't believe it was the best chance, but there was still a bit of hope. Leaving them to walk in silence.

“If Mr. Gray Coat does join the Cutie Mark Crusaders then what would we try to do first,” Scootaloo asked, breaking the silence. Sweetie Belle and Apple bloom thought about it for a second, but they couldn't think of anything. “Well, we have to come up with something. Let’s think for a moment.”

Again there was the silence, but this time it wasn't filled with dread. Instead the air was full of multiple possibilities.

“We could try water skiing,” Apple bloom suggested.

“Or hoof wrestling,” added Scootaloo.

“Maybe bird watching,” Sweetie Belle also added.

The three of them nodded their heads in unison, for they were all promising ideas. The Crusaders had a new found hope, and promptly headed of to school. Spouting off a couple more ideas when the reached the schoolhouse. Unfortunately, as they got to the front steps, that voice greeted them.

“Well if it isn't the Blank-Flank Crusaders,” it jeered.

“Hello Diamond Tiara,” Scootaloo said while rolling her eyes.

She and Silver Spoon were standing in front of the stairs. It was almost as if they were waiting for them.

“So how did your little recruiting go,” Diamond Tiara teased. “I bet he immediately said no.”

“Then you’re wrong,” Sweetie Belle retorted.

“He actually said yes to hang out with you babies?”

“Well, not exactly,” Apple bloom replied. “He didn't have an answer for us yet.”

“You losers should just give up now then,” Diamond Laughed. “Why would anypony want to join your lame club?”

Suddenly the sound of somepony clearing their throat appeared overhead. The fillies all looked up to the origin of the sound, and saw the stallion of discussion at the top of the stairs.

“I don't like bulling among my students,” Gray Coat stated. “Class is about to start, in like a minute, so hurry up and get in here. I don't think you all want to be tardy.”

He went back into the schoolhouse, and the fillies followed without question. Once eveypony was in their seats Gray Coat started class.

“Alright, let’s get this going,” he began. “It looks like we're all here by the attendance sheet, so that’s good. Our first class will be science.” Gray Coat then took out two paper cups, a pitcher of water, and a potted plant. “We will continue with what, I've been told, you all left off. Which was more about plants and how they work.” He then proceeded to pour some of the water onto the potted plant. “I'll try to hurry that along because it isn't as fun as chemistry.” He then poured water into one of the cups, and put one upside down over the other. He then began to shake the two cups for about a minute.

“Can anypony tell me what will happen when I hold both of these cups upside down?” he asked when he stopped shaking the cups. In response a lot of hooves slowly rose.

“Yes, you,” Gray Coat called. “Dermond Tiera.”

“It's Diamond Tiara, sir,” she corrected

“Of course, how silly of me,” he sheepishly grinned. “Now what do you think will happen?”

“The water will pour out all over the desk.”

“Well, let’s see,” Gray Coat replied. He held both cups out, and nothing happened. He made a mock puzzled face and looked into the cups. “That's funny. I don't see any water. Can anypony tell me why?”

The room was silent, not one of the students had a clue. Most of them just stared, and some of them were a little slack jawed.

“Anypony,” Gray Coat asked. “This isn't too advanced, and I swear that you have come into contact with this substance before.”

Still not a peep came from the students, even Cheerilee looked perplexed.

“Then this is a mystery I'll let you figure out,” Gray Coat said as he put the cups away. “Alas, we still have to talk about this thing.” He flicked one of the plant's leaves with his wing with a look of boredom on his face.

After a invigorating lecture on parts of a plant, science class was over and Cheerilee took over with language arts. Gray Coat didn't pay much attention, and because of the disappearing water, so were some of the students.

Once language arts class was finished the class was let out for recess. Most of the foals played, but some were discussing the mystery of the water.

“Maybe it was a form of magic,” Scootaloo inquired.

“But he is a pegasus, not a unicorn,” Sweetie Belle countered.

“He said it was a substance,” Apple bloom pointed out. “Also that we have seen, and even touched it before.”

They pondered it for almost ten minutes. None of them could think of a single thing it could be.

“I'm sticking with he can do magic,” said Scootaloo, and began heading for the empty swings.

“A pegasus can't use magic,” Sweetie Belle retorted, and then followed.

“I guess a cutie mark in deducing is out the window,” Apple bloom sighed, making way for the swings.

Meanwhile Gray Coat and Cheerilee were monitoring the playground to make sure nopony would get hurt and such.

“So how did you make that water vanish,” Cheerilee asked. “Because I'm stumped.”

“Elementary, my dear Ms. Cheerilee,” Gray Coat replied in a posh accent. “No, before preschool even.”

“What? Would you care to elaborate?”

“No,” he said with a smiled. “I have said too much already.”

Cheerilee frowned at him, but Gray Coat couldn't help but grin. He wouldn't tell, at least not until the end of the school year.

“Have you decided on whether or not to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Cheerilee asked again. “I'm sure they would like an answer soon. This mystery you made is probably the reason they haven't talked to you about yet.”

“I've thought about it,” Gray Coat answered. “And I think that I'll... What was that?”

Mid-sentence Gray Coat noticed a pink blur in the playground out of the corner of his eye. He tilted his head in confusion.

“You saw that right,” he asked. “I'm not going crazy already am I?”

“I have no idea,” Cheerilee replied. “Whatever the case, it is time to bring the children in for their next class. It will be your turn again with math.”

“Alright settle down,” Gray Coat began. “Next up is math, and you guys have been doing simple addition and subtraction. I'm gonna take it a bit further.” With that he began writing on the blackboard.


“Eventually this will be a cinch,” he said. “Does anypony have a guess as to what the answer is?”

No hooves rose for about ten seconds, until one rose up.

“Yes, Heavily Heated and Pressurized Carbon That Has Been Molded Into a Head Ornament Resembling a Crown,” Gray Coat called.

“Um, it's Diamond Tiara,” Diamond Tiara awkwardly corrected.

“That's what I said; I got it right this time. Now about that answer.”

“Well, I have a tutor at home, and we have been over stuff like this,” she began. “The answer to the problem is 70.” She smiled triumphantly at her answer, and was ready for praise.

“Wow,” Gray Coat began. “I need to meet this tutor of yours one day. Because he deserves a slap on the wrist and a few harsh words. The correct answer to this is 77.”

He showed the work that went into the problem, and explained how to add larger numbers like these in the future.

“No homework today,” he finished the lesson. “However, expect some tomorrow.”

With that the class was excused for lunch. The students all went outside to eat while teachers stayed inside. Gray Coat started to chow down as Cheerilee began to drum up a discussion.

“Really,” she sighed. There was a pause before a reply.

“What's bugging you,” Gray Coat asked. He then noticed a bit of his sandwich was stuck on his cheek. “Sorry, I'm just really hungry, for a second I thought you wanted another hint or something.”

“Never mind,” Cheerilee sighed again. “It looks like they want to ask you a question.”

He turned his head, and like last time, the three fillies Apple bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were standing right next to him. Gray Coat still had food in his mouth so he waved hello. He quick swallowed the bite of sandwich.

“Anything I can help you with,” Gray Coat choked out. “Wrong pipe, ow.”

“Can you do magic,” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“We were wondering if you thought about our offer,” Sweetie Belle asked, putting a hoof to Scootaloo's mouth.

“Oh yes that. I have given it some thought, but I would like a little more time.”

“That's ok,” said Apple bloom. “We'll ask you at your place later today.”

“Wait, what,” Gray Coat questioned, but they were already back outside. “How do they know where I live?”

Cheerilee just shrugged her shoulders in response, and continued to eat her lunch.

After that the rest of the school day went pretty fast. Soon the students and Cheerilee were gone, and Gray Coat was left preparing for tomorrow. He was still fairly puzzled as to why the Cutie Mark Crusaders knew the location of his home. He felt like he should get back as soon as he can. He made the copies of homework as fast as he could without screwing anything up, locked the door behind him and flew home as fast as he could.

He landed at his front door and inspected the area. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
Gray Coat gave a sigh of relief and unlocked the door. He went inside and put his bag down, back into his routine.

“Spot, I'm home,” he called. “Spot?”

“SURPRISE,” shouted multiple ponies as they popped up from behind furniture.