> The New Crusader > by Dayvanr > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The New Teacher > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a nice sunny morning in Ponyville, and the cutie mark crusaders were heading to school. After a weekend of attempting to earn their cutie marks, much to no success, they were not in the best of spirits. Apparently trying to catch a muddy pig on the farm, attempting to build an out house, and digging a well weren't their cutie mark earning talents ether. "I feel way too tired to go to school", groaned Scootaloo, " why did we think those were good ideas again?" Apple bloom and Sweetie Belle stopped, pondered the thought for a moment, and could only shrug their shoulders. The ideas were just that, ideas. Granted that only a few parts of the ordeals turned out to be fun. Most of them didn't work, leaving them at the end of day without a cutie mark and covered in dirt. "Chin up, gals. After all you know what they say, the... um... however manyith times the charm", said Apple bloom as they continued their way to school. "We'll just try somethin' new", she reassured. "Well then, what do we want to try today?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Hopefully something that doesn't involve that much hard work for little reward." "We'll figure something out," Scootaloo said with a grin., "but for now, lets not be late for school." The three fillies then, with a new spring in their step, made their way to the school house. Making it to the classroom with plenty of time to spare, the fillies noticed something peculiar. Behind the front desk was a stallion talking to Ms. Cheerilee. He was a gray pegasus with red eyes and a short brown mane with red tips. He was kind of short, and a little skinny. "Do you gals know who that is? Because I'm drawin' a blank", Applebloom asked. Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell could only shake their heads. They didn't know who in Equestria this stallion was. He didn't look familiar to them, so he must be new in town. "You blank flanks haven't heard? Have you been living under a rock?" a mocking voice said to them. With out looking they already knew it belong to. "I wouldn't say a under a rock, but more in a well", Scootaloo retorted. "No, Diamond Tiara," Sweetie Bell deadpanned, "are you going to tell us or not." Diamond Tiara was not happy at her tone, but smirked knowing that she had knowledge over them. Though she didn't know what Scootaloo was talking about with the well. It made her laugh at them none the less. "Since you don't know. We are getting a second teacher", she said in her usual bratty tone. "He will handle most likely teach some classes and Ms. Cheerilee will handle the rest." "Why would we need a second teacher?' asked Scootaloo "Obviously the class has been getting bigger," said Diamond Tiara. "Yeah but Ms. Cheeriliee never had a problem before", Applebloom added. "Town hall must have thought that the school needed enough teachers for students, duh", scoffed Diamond Tiara. "What can't get used to change? No wonder you blank flanks can't get your cutie marks." The three fillies were about to tell her off when Cheeriliee called for the attention of her students, leaving the cutie mark crusaders to retreat to their desks. "Well, class", Cheeriliee began with a smile, "as some of you may of heard, due to the increasing class size we have been given a new teacher. Say hello to our new friend Gray Coat." "Hello Mr. Gray Coat", the class deadpanned, though it was still Monday morning so neither of their teachers minded all to much. The welcome was still enough to put a smile on Gray Coat's face it seemed. "He will be officially starting to educate you tomorrow," continued Cheeriliee. "As for today he will just be getting a feel for the classroom and where to begin in his teachings. We will split the subjects up between us as well." "Yes", said Gray Coat finally speaking up, "I will mainly be in charge of math and science, but I can still might be able to answer any questions in other subjects if need be. Also, I am kind of bad with names when I first meet ponies, so I apologize in advance if I get mixed up. " The class could see that he was a little nervous, but who wouldn't be, though he seemed to be getting a little more comfortable the more he spoke to them. "Would you like to share a little bit more about yourself to your tomorrow to be students?" Cheeriliee asked. "Lets see", he began, "I am from Manehatten, so this small town seems quieter than a dog with a muzzle. I moved here yesterday and am currently living in a nice small house in the middle of town. Best sleep I've had in years by the way. I have a cat. His name is Spot. Despite the fact that he is cream with orange stripes." He then seemed to ponder a thought for a moment, but then just shook his head. "I don't have anything else to say that isn't more rambling," Gray Coat said turning to Cheeriliee, "do you have more to add before I go sit over there and let you get started with class?" "No, we said everything that was really important," she replied. However before she could get a word out the class let out a gasp. When Gray Coat moved from behind the front desk the whole class couldn't believe their eyes. "What?” Gray Coat asked with a puzzled expression, not noticing that the class was shocked to see that he had no cutie mark. > The Hopeful Recruit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was lunch time at the school, but nopony was too focused on eating. Once they saw that Gray Coat had no cutie mark it became a bit of an uproar. It was loud enough to the point Ms. Cheeriliee had to raise her voice. They began their lessons, but the students would take quick peeks the cutie markless stallion. Others kept dead on staring, earning a quick attention grabber from Ms. Cheeriliee. Normally she would call a name, or increase the volume of her voice. Leaving him the talk of the school during lunch, for what could be more important than that. The most excited of them all however was the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They sat in their regular spot, a picnic table right outside the school house. “Who'd a thought we would see an adult without a cutie mark”, Apple bloom said trying not to keep her voice down. “It is rare, but if he can't find his cutie mark,” Sweetie Belle pointed out, “Then what chance do we have of ever finding ours?” This brought their excitement to a grinding halt. “Well,” Scootaloo said thinking about what to say next, “Everypony is different, and maybe Mr. Gray Coat just never could find out what his special talent was.” Once again the Cutie Mark Crusader had their spirits back up, and an excellent idea ta boot. “Are you gals thinking what I'm thinking,” Sweetie Belle asked. “Totally,” Scootaloo all but yelled, “We should ask him to join us. Maybe then we won't have to any heavy lifting.” “But what if our cutie marks are in heavy lifting,” Apple bloom asked. “I'd say if that was the case, then we would have gotten those a long time ago,” remarked Sweetie Belle. “Fair point, but we should recruit him anyways.” “Maybe we might even get our cutie marks in recruiting,” Scootlaoo added. “CUTIE MARK CRUSADER RECRUITERS! YAY!" they all cheered at once. This in turn earned a couple of funny looks from classmates. Though, as always, two certain someponies came to where the crusaders were sitting. “What are you three blank flanks yelling about this time,” Diamond Tiara asked with Silver Spoon in tow, “Something about recruiting, or whatever baby stuff you do.” “Hello again Diamond Tiara,” Sweetie Belle groaned, “Oh, and I see you brought company. How nice.” “If y’all must know,” Apple bloom said, “We are discussing whether or not to ask Mr. Gray Coat to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” “Really,” Diamond Tiara laughed, as expected Silver Spoon joined her. About a minute later Diamond Tiara, still chuckling, continued, “Why would he want to join your little club of losers?” “So that he may one day find his cutie mark, duh,” Scootaloo replied. “In fact,” Sweetie Belle mildly said, “we were on our way just now to ask him. Isn't that right girls?” Her friends nodded in unison. Sweetie Belle got up from her spot on the picnic table's seat, Apple bloom and Scootalooo followed her lead. Then they confidently made their way to the teachers inside. Gray Coat and Cheeriliee were discussing how the day was going while eating their lunch. Cheeriliee felt a little embarrassed. Normally her students behaved better then the way they acted. While Gray Coat pretty much just enjoyed his lunch, so he didn't have much of a care in the world. “I hope the students weren't bothering you,” Cheeriliee apologized. “They just felt a little, off put.” “About what,” he asked while chewing his sandwich. “I'm sure any group of kids would be surprised to see a new teacher just pop in one day. I should be the one apologizing for getting here so late.” “That's fine, but. I think that they were more surprised to see that you have no cutie mark.” Gray Coat looked at his flank, and something clicked in his head. “Oh,” he realized,” to tell you the truth. I forget that it isn't even there. That is something pretty conversation worthy, or awkward stare worthy I guess. Honestly I don't mind anymore, granted it used to really matter to me. Then one day, I just looked in the mirror and said, 'Self. Me and I have been talking. We believe that this marking we used to wonder about, even is relevant.' From that day on I thought about my hopeful cutie mark less and less.” “Well, I know three fillies that would never do that,” Cheeriliee chuckled. “Which three fillies?” Gray Coat asked while looking at the attendance book. Suddenly, shouting arose from outside were most of the students were eating. Cheeriliee seemed unfazed, but Gray coat nearly jumped out of his skin. “CUTIE MARK CRUSADER RECRUITERS! YAY!” “Those three fillies,” She said calmly. Gray Coat looked out the window and saw an orange pegasus with a short purple mane, a yellow earth pony with a red mane and a pink bow, and a white unicorn with a purple and pink mane. He took another look at the attendance book; because he was horrible with names he didn't remember their names from class sessions. “Scootaloo, Apple bloom, and Sweetie Belle,” Gray Coat read aloud, “they're a little uh... energetic, huh?” “You could say that,” replied Cheeriliee. “What was that all about? They yelled something about recruiters?” “Those three have a little club called the Cutie Mark Crusaders. It's dedicated to finding one's cutie mark, and they do various activities to find it.” Gray Coat thought about this club they had and could only smile. They are doing whatever it takes to get their marks, and they will always keep trying. He found it almost a little inspiring, but he had already lost interest in the subject of cutie marks long ago. Gray Coat remembered that he still had his own lunch to eat and it was time to make up for lost time. However, before he could begin to chow down the club of discussion came into the classroom. “Mr. Gray Coat,” the white unicorn said, he had already forgotten their names. “Yes,” He said a little defeated as he put his sandwich back down. “We were wondering,” said the yellow earth pony, “ if you would want join the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” “Why do you want me to join?” Gray Coat asked, he was quite puzzled. Then for a second he remembered, but was beaten to the punch. “Well,” The orange pegasus answered, “because you don't have your cutie mark yet. We thought you might want to join to finally get it.” “That's right,” he quickly said. “How do I keep forgetting about that?” After debating in his head, Gray Coat finally answered, “I don't know. I gave up on getting my cutie mark years ago. You could say that my passion in one day getting it is all gone, so I'll have to think about it.” The bell began to ring, signaling the end of lunch. “Anyone else wishing they could eat during class,” Gray Coat, sighed, “cause I do.” The school day finally came to a close, and all of the students began rushing home. Almost all at least, the Cutie Mark Crusaders stayed behind to get Gray Coats answer. Unfortunately, he didn't have one yet. Thus, leaving them in suspense when they got back to the clubhouse. “I'm not so sure he wants to join,” fretted Apple bloom. “He seemed so unsure.” “It can't be easy having fillies you don't know asking you to join a club,” Sweetie Bell reassured. “On the first day here too,” added Scootaloo. “Do you think we should have waited a little longer?” “Maybe we should have,” Sweetie Belle replied. “Ok, maybe a few days wouldn't have hurt.” “Should we also take recruiters off the list,” inquired Apple bloom. “Yep,” answered Scootaloo with a pad and a pen. > The Consideration > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The school day was over, and while the students had all left their teachers still had some work to do. Gray Coat was looking over the notes he had taken about the classes and the students, for he wanted to be prepared for his lessons tomorrow. Cheerilee though, was grading homework from the classes she taught. She was a little distracted, however, by a nagging thought. “So,” Cheerilee said and looked up, “are you going to join them?” “Huh,” Gray Coat said puzzled, looking up from his notes. He had to think for a moment whet to she was referencing to. “Oh yeah, that's right,” he remembered, “those fillies Apple berry, Sweetie Knell, and Scotilou.” “Apple bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo,” Cheerilee corrected. “I guess those are better,” he replied, “after all a knell is quite depressing. As for whether I'll join. I can't decide yet. I can hardly remember their names, and that already bugs me.” “It is true that you only just arrived to town. I'm also surprised Pinkie Pie hasn't thrown you a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party.” “What now?” Gray Coat was confused again. “Well,” Cheerilee sighed, “Pinkie Pie is our local party pony, and whenever she sees that there is a new pony in town she gives them a welcome party. Normally she notices right away, so she must be busy with other things” “To which I'm okay with,” he replied. “I have never done well at parties, at least not ones where it isn't a family party. For some reason other ponies will just stare at me and mutter to themselves, plus I'm not a good casual dancer.” “Do you know why they stare?” Gray Coat thought long and hard for about a minute. He never really thought about that much, but Gray Coat felt like he already knew the answer. Then, as he almost gave up, he remembered why they'd always stare. “The whole cutie mark thing, right?” he asked. This earning a look of 'duh' from Cheerilee, and a sheepish laugh from himself. “I know, I gotta stop forgetting that, but if it is any consolation I'm remembering a lot quicker,” Gray Coat defended. A long pause descended, and they both went back to work in silence. After around an hour Cheerilee broke the silence. “Finally finished,” she said yawning. “I suppose it is time to go home, you should too. Get some rest for tomorrow.” “I suppose so,” Gray Coat replied. They collected their things locked the door behind them and said goodbye. Cheerilee walked one way, and Gray Coat flew another. He didn't live in a cloud house like other pegasuses, he simply did not trust them. His house was a small home in the middle of Ponyville, and not too far from the schoolhouse either. Gray Coat took his key from his saddlebag, unlocked the door, and felt great to be home after a long day. “Meow,” welcomed Spot, instantly there as always. No matter when Gray Coat came home, the striped cream tom would always greet him. He was never over the top excited like a dog; he definitely liked to see that his owner had returned. “And hello to you,” Gray Coat responded. “Anything new with you, or is that a pointless question?” Spot just shrugged his shoulders and meowed again. “I thought as much, but you can tell me all about it later, ok,” Gray Coat grinned, “in the meantime, I'm starving.” He walked to the kitchen with Spot in tow and weighed his choices. There were apples, oranges, a salad, and cereal. Not hefty choices, but good enough. Gray Coat grabbed an apple and looked at his options for Spot. “Tuna, pigeon, or salmon,” he listed. “What will it be?” Spot jumped up on the counter and, like his friend seemed to do a lot, pondered for a moment. He judged the cans for what they had inside, and after a minute or two finally made a choice. Spot then pushed the tuna flavored can to Gray Coat and waited for his dinner. “All righty then,” said Gray Coat. “One tuna coming up.” He grabbed the can opener, and served the cat his food. While eating his own diner, Gray Coat told Spot about his day. “The weirdest thing happened today,” He began before he took a bite. “These three fillies ask me to join a club of theirs.” Takes a bite, chews, then swallows. ”They call it the Cutie Mark Crusaders and they try to find their cutie marks.” Takes a bite, chews, then swallows. “You can’t say they aren’t determined though. From what I've heard.” Takes a bite, chews, and swallows. “They'll try almost anything.” He finished up his apple real quick and threw away the core. Then took Spots empty bowl and put it in the sink for washing. “The problem,” Gray Coat carried on, “is that I don't know if I want to join or not.” He began walking into the sitting room, found a chair, and fell into it. All the while, Spot following and intently listening, finding his own seat on his cat tree. “The premise is interesting, but I don’t know if I'm motivated enough anymore to try and obtain my cutie mark.” “Meow,” Spot replied. “Eh, you always say that. Besides it looks like it's almost time for our walk anyways.” With that Spot got up and ran to the other room. Returning less than a minute later with a leash and harness. He jumped up on the arm of Gray Coat’s chair with excited eyes and a swishing tail. “Someponies would think that you were a dog if I described your personallity,” Gray Coat joked while putting the harness on Spot. Earning a roll of the eyes look and a shrug from the cat. After putting on the harness and leash, the duo made their way outside via the front door. This was probably Spot's favorite past time. He loved to explore the town and see new things, and now that he had a new home he was very excited. After about five minutes into the stroll they only made it about barely a block down the road. Spot stopping at every lawn to see what it had in store. “I think we should hit the park,” Gray Coat pondered. “Any thoughts?” Nodding any faster may have taken the cat's head off, and his grin was ear to ear. “If that isn't a yes, then I don't know what is.” That didn't mean that the trip wouldn't be without a couple of stops. Most of the time from Spot wanting to check out somepony's yard, or stopping to play with a leaf or a rock. They also received a couple of weird looks that went unnoticed as well. Who could blame them? It is not every day that one sees a pony without a cutie mark walking a cat. One stop though, was deferentially different than the rest. This happened when there was a pink blur, and all of a sudden Gray Coat is on his back with a pink earth pony standing above him. “OHMYGOSHI'VENEVERSEENYOUBEFORE,” she exclaimed. “What?” was all Gray Coat could get out before she continued. “YOURNEWTOPONYVILLEAREN'T YOU,” she asked loudly. “Yes I am, but could you please stop yelling. Maybe take a breath, or something, before you pass out.” “Okie-dokie-loki,” she giggled. “I'm Pinkie Pie. What's your name?” Pinkie Pie, the name seemed familiar to Gray Coat for some reason. Luckily though, he remembered quickly. “I'm Gray Coat,” he answered, “and you’re the 'party pony' I've heard about.” “Am I really that famous,” Pinkie beamed. “What do you do for a job Gray Coat, and are you walking a cat?” “I’m a teacher and yes. Yes I am.” “That is totally cool,” she smiled and hoped into the air. “I have a pet to. His Name is Gummy, see,” Pinkie continued, and pulled a small alligator from seemingly nowhere, “What's your cat's name?” Gray Coat didn't give an immediate answer, for both he and Spot just stared at the small toothless lizard. “Um, oh right,” he said finally falling back into reality. “His name is Spot” “Meow,” he greeted. “Well Gray Coat, Spot,” Pinkie stated, “I gotta plan your party, like, right now! See you later” She ran off with Gummy holding on to her tail with his mouth. Gray Coat and Spot could only just stand there with an eyebrow about to fly off their foreheads. They eventually looked at each other, and did their signature shrug simultaneously. > The Suprise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was Tuesday morning, and like the day before, the Crusaders were heading off to school. They were a little anxious to find out Mr. Gray Coat's decision on joining them. The three fillies didn't believe it was the best chance, but there was still a bit of hope. Leaving them to walk in silence. “If Mr. Gray Coat does join the Cutie Mark Crusaders then what would we try to do first,” Scootaloo asked, breaking the silence. Sweetie Belle and Apple bloom thought about it for a second, but they couldn't think of anything. “Well, we have to come up with something. Let’s think for a moment.” Again there was the silence, but this time it wasn't filled with dread. Instead the air was full of multiple possibilities. “We could try water skiing,” Apple bloom suggested. “Or hoof wrestling,” added Scootaloo. “Maybe bird watching,” Sweetie Belle also added. The three of them nodded their heads in unison, for they were all promising ideas. The Crusaders had a new found hope, and promptly headed of to school. Spouting off a couple more ideas when the reached the schoolhouse. Unfortunately, as they got to the front steps, that voice greeted them. “Well if it isn't the Blank-Flank Crusaders,” it jeered. “Hello Diamond Tiara,” Scootaloo said while rolling her eyes. She and Silver Spoon were standing in front of the stairs. It was almost as if they were waiting for them. “So how did your little recruiting go,” Diamond Tiara teased. “I bet he immediately said no.” “Then you’re wrong,” Sweetie Belle retorted. “He actually said yes to hang out with you babies?” “Well, not exactly,” Apple bloom replied. “He didn't have an answer for us yet.” “You losers should just give up now then,” Diamond Laughed. “Why would anypony want to join your lame club?” Suddenly the sound of somepony clearing their throat appeared overhead. The fillies all looked up to the origin of the sound, and saw the stallion of discussion at the top of the stairs. “I don't like bulling among my students,” Gray Coat stated. “Class is about to start, in like a minute, so hurry up and get in here. I don't think you all want to be tardy.” He went back into the schoolhouse, and the fillies followed without question. Once eveypony was in their seats Gray Coat started class. “Alright, let’s get this going,” he began. “It looks like we're all here by the attendance sheet, so that’s good. Our first class will be science.” Gray Coat then took out two paper cups, a pitcher of water, and a potted plant. “We will continue with what, I've been told, you all left off. Which was more about plants and how they work.” He then proceeded to pour some of the water onto the potted plant. “I'll try to hurry that along because it isn't as fun as chemistry.” He then poured water into one of the cups, and put one upside down over the other. He then began to shake the two cups for about a minute. “Can anypony tell me what will happen when I hold both of these cups upside down?” he asked when he stopped shaking the cups. In response a lot of hooves slowly rose. “Yes, you,” Gray Coat called. “Dermond Tiera.” “It's Diamond Tiara, sir,” she corrected “Of course, how silly of me,” he sheepishly grinned. “Now what do you think will happen?” “The water will pour out all over the desk.” “Well, let’s see,” Gray Coat replied. He held both cups out, and nothing happened. He made a mock puzzled face and looked into the cups. “That's funny. I don't see any water. Can anypony tell me why?” The room was silent, not one of the students had a clue. Most of them just stared, and some of them were a little slack jawed. “Anypony,” Gray Coat asked. “This isn't too advanced, and I swear that you have come into contact with this substance before.” Still not a peep came from the students, even Cheerilee looked perplexed. “Then this is a mystery I'll let you figure out,” Gray Coat said as he put the cups away. “Alas, we still have to talk about this thing.” He flicked one of the plant's leaves with his wing with a look of boredom on his face. After a invigorating lecture on parts of a plant, science class was over and Cheerilee took over with language arts. Gray Coat didn't pay much attention, and because of the disappearing water, so were some of the students. Once language arts class was finished the class was let out for recess. Most of the foals played, but some were discussing the mystery of the water. “Maybe it was a form of magic,” Scootaloo inquired. “But he is a pegasus, not a unicorn,” Sweetie Belle countered. “He said it was a substance,” Apple bloom pointed out. “Also that we have seen, and even touched it before.” They pondered it for almost ten minutes. None of them could think of a single thing it could be. “I'm sticking with he can do magic,” said Scootaloo, and began heading for the empty swings. “A pegasus can't use magic,” Sweetie Belle retorted, and then followed. “I guess a cutie mark in deducing is out the window,” Apple bloom sighed, making way for the swings. Meanwhile Gray Coat and Cheerilee were monitoring the playground to make sure nopony would get hurt and such. “So how did you make that water vanish,” Cheerilee asked. “Because I'm stumped.” “Elementary, my dear Ms. Cheerilee,” Gray Coat replied in a posh accent. “No, before preschool even.” “What? Would you care to elaborate?” “No,” he said with a smiled. “I have said too much already.” Cheerilee frowned at him, but Gray Coat couldn't help but grin. He wouldn't tell, at least not until the end of the school year. “Have you decided on whether or not to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Cheerilee asked again. “I'm sure they would like an answer soon. This mystery you made is probably the reason they haven't talked to you about yet.” “I've thought about it,” Gray Coat answered. “And I think that I'll... What was that?” Mid-sentence Gray Coat noticed a pink blur in the playground out of the corner of his eye. He tilted his head in confusion. “You saw that right,” he asked. “I'm not going crazy already am I?” “I have no idea,” Cheerilee replied. “Whatever the case, it is time to bring the children in for their next class. It will be your turn again with math.” “Alright settle down,” Gray Coat began. “Next up is math, and you guys have been doing simple addition and subtraction. I'm gonna take it a bit further.” With that he began writing on the blackboard. 45+32= “Eventually this will be a cinch,” he said. “Does anypony have a guess as to what the answer is?” No hooves rose for about ten seconds, until one rose up. “Yes, Heavily Heated and Pressurized Carbon That Has Been Molded Into a Head Ornament Resembling a Crown,” Gray Coat called. “Um, it's Diamond Tiara,” Diamond Tiara awkwardly corrected. “That's what I said; I got it right this time. Now about that answer.” “Well, I have a tutor at home, and we have been over stuff like this,” she began. “The answer to the problem is 70.” She smiled triumphantly at her answer, and was ready for praise. “Wow,” Gray Coat began. “I need to meet this tutor of yours one day. Because he deserves a slap on the wrist and a few harsh words. The correct answer to this is 77.” He showed the work that went into the problem, and explained how to add larger numbers like these in the future. “No homework today,” he finished the lesson. “However, expect some tomorrow.” With that the class was excused for lunch. The students all went outside to eat while teachers stayed inside. Gray Coat started to chow down as Cheerilee began to drum up a discussion. “Really,” she sighed. There was a pause before a reply. “What's bugging you,” Gray Coat asked. He then noticed a bit of his sandwich was stuck on his cheek. “Sorry, I'm just really hungry, for a second I thought you wanted another hint or something.” “Never mind,” Cheerilee sighed again. “It looks like they want to ask you a question.” He turned his head, and like last time, the three fillies Apple bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were standing right next to him. Gray Coat still had food in his mouth so he waved hello. He quick swallowed the bite of sandwich. “Anything I can help you with,” Gray Coat choked out. “Wrong pipe, ow.” “Can you do magic,” Scootaloo exclaimed. “We were wondering if you thought about our offer,” Sweetie Belle asked, putting a hoof to Scootaloo's mouth. “Oh yes that. I have given it some thought, but I would like a little more time.” “That's ok,” said Apple bloom. “We'll ask you at your place later today.” “Wait, what,” Gray Coat questioned, but they were already back outside. “How do they know where I live?” Cheerilee just shrugged her shoulders in response, and continued to eat her lunch. After that the rest of the school day went pretty fast. Soon the students and Cheerilee were gone, and Gray Coat was left preparing for tomorrow. He was still fairly puzzled as to why the Cutie Mark Crusaders knew the location of his home. He felt like he should get back as soon as he can. He made the copies of homework as fast as he could without screwing anything up, locked the door behind him and flew home as fast as he could. He landed at his front door and inspected the area. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Gray Coat gave a sigh of relief and unlocked the door. He went inside and put his bag down, back into his routine. “Spot, I'm home,” he called. “Spot?” “SURPRISE,” shouted multiple ponies as they popped up from behind furniture. > The Welcome Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The act of ponies jumping out from behind the furniture was enough to send Gray Coat to the ceiling. Causing him to hit his head and come crashing back to the floor. WHOOSH “Are you alright?” spoke a strangely familiar voice. Gray Coat shook his aching head, then looked up at the pony speaking to him. She was a pink earth pony with a puffy mane. It took a moment for him to recognize her, but that wasn't fast enough. “Oh good,” she said. “We must have really surprised you, huh?” She paused to giggle. “Yeah,” Gray Coat replied, “almost jumped out of my skin. Um, Pinkie Pie right?” “Yep, that's me,” Pinkie said with a nod. “Question. What is going on here?” he asked taking a look around the room. It had streamers everywhere, also a punch bowl, a cake, and some snacks. With another look around him, Gray Coat noticed something else. “Why are all of my students here? I feel like I'm missing a step.” “This is your Welcome to Ponyville Party,” she answered. “As for the fillies and colts, why wouldn't they be here? You are their teacher, remember. They aren't the only ponies here though.” He looked around again to confirm the new information, and it looked true enough. The ponies that were with Pinkie Pie had already started mingling and such. “Okay, last question,” Gray Coat stated. “How did you all get in here?” “What do you mean?” Pinkie Pie asked with a puzzled face. “I have the key you see, and that's only one since I don't have a spare. Since I always lock the door, the only way you could have entered was if somepony inside-” A look of realization came across Gray Coat's face as he spoke, for there was someone inside that could let them in. He put a hoof to his face and sighed. “Spot let you in didn't he?” Gray Coat asked. “Yep,” Pinkie Pie answered, and trotted off to enjoy the party. Gray Coat began to search the room around him for the cat in question. At first, he only saw the children and a few of their relatives. Eventually though, Gray Coat found the very cat he was looking for. Spot was basking in the attention of a yellow pegasus with a long pink mane and butterflies for a cutie mark. He seemed to have her in his paw, and was getting a belly rub galore. Spot barley moved when Gray Coat walked up to him. “Meow,” Spot greeted. “ They already shouted 'surprise' Spot,” responded Gray Coat. “How long were you in on this party?” “Meow?” “Yes, you. You were the only one who could have let anypony in.” “Meow.” “That early in the morning!?” Gray Coat said stunned. “I would have just left for school by then.” “Um, excuse me,” interjected a timid voice. Causing both Gray Coat and Spot to turn their heads to the yellow pegasus that had been there the whole time. “Is this little kitty in trouble for letting Pinkie and the rest of us in for the party?” “No, no he isn't,” Gray Coat replied. “I just want to know how quickly this was all assembled. After all, I ran into Pinkie Pie only yesterday. On the other hoof, who might you be?” “I'm Fluttershy,” she said quietly backing a way a little. “I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.” She took a deep breath and repeated louder, “I'm Fluttershy.” “Nice to meet you Fluttershy,” Gray Coat replied. “My name is Gray Coat, and this little attention hog-” “Meow!” Spot meowed, a little offended, but not enough to care. “- Is Spot,” Gray Coat finished with a grin. “But he has stripes?” Fluttershy said puzzled. Making Spot a tad annoyed, and Gray Coat giggle. “Exactly,” he said. “Also, if I were to describe his personality and hobbies, you might think he was a dog.” This comment didn't bode well with the cat of discussion, who gave Gray Coat a glare and walked over to some of the other guests. Making Fluttershy a little unsure of the two's relationship with each other. “Don't worry,” Gray Coat reassured, “he'll forget about it in about an hour, hour and a half. Spot doesn't like dogs all to much you see, yet he likes to be around them.” “Why?” Fluttershy asked with a confused look. “Well, he likes to chase them around. Kind of the normal dog and cat kind of thing, but in reverse.” “That little cutie chases dogs?” she asked. “He isn't that little anymore,” Gray Coat replied, “and yes, Spot even really enjoys walks.” “What an interesting cat.” “Hey, Mr. Gray Coat,” a familier voice called while running up to them. He turned to see who it was, and saw not one filly, but three. “Have you thought about our offer yet?” The Cutie Mark Crusaders stood in front of him, all with a little obvious anticipation. “As for the joining of your club,” Gray Coat responded, “or is there a party game you wanted to me to try?” “For joining the Crusaders of course,” Applebloom answered. “Hi Fluttershy.” “Oh, um, hello girls,” Fluttershy replied. “I have a question. Why do you want Gray Coat to join your club?” “Because he doesn't have a cutie mark yet,” Scootaloo stated, turning the school teacher with Sweetie Belle for her to see. “Oh my.” “Well, I have thought about it,” Gray Coat finally added in. “Though I was more thinking about how you said you all knew were I live. That question has now been taken care of.” “And your answer is?” Sweetie Belle asked with a hopeful smile. “I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try,” he said with a shrug. “YOU REALLY MEAN IT?!” they all exclaimed. “Yes,” Gray Coat answered, “but lets enjoy the party first, I could really use a cup of punch. If you want to find Spot I think he is over there, Fluttershy, hope you enjoy the party.” With that the fillies ran off somewhere, and Gray Coat made way to the punch bowl. He hadn't had anything to drink in hours, and his throat was yearning for anything liquid. At the punch bowl was a unicorn mare, who greeted him when he got there. “Hi there,” she said. The mare had a lavender coat, a purple mane with pink stripe and a darker purple stripe, and a cutie mark that resembled a pink star. “Hello,” Gray Coat said while pouring himself a glass of punch. “What is your opinion on this punch here?” “Very delicious,” she replied. “I think Pinkie tried to go for a more citrus taste this time.” Gray Coat took a sip of his beverage, and tried to analyze the ingredients that made it. “Mango, orange, apple, and,” he stated as he took another sip, “lemon. What an interesting combination.” “How did you figure that out,” She asked staring into her own cup. “Elementary my dear, um. I believe we missed the introductions. I'm Gray Coat, and I just started teaching at the schoolhouse over there.” “My name is Twilight Sparkle, I run the library here in town.” “Any good chemistry textbooks?” Gray Coat asked. “ There doesn't seem to be a interesting ones I can use at the school, and mine are way to advanced.” “Of course,” Twilight said, “well, most likely. I have the Chemists Guide, the Cause and Effects of Reactions, the Laws of Chemistry textbook, and some more that are probably too hard.” “I have the cause and effects one and the laws one, so I'll have to take a look at the Chemists Guide. Besides, while those two are simplicity for me, they will stump any foal.” “I wouldn't call those simple,” Twilight said, rolling her eyes. “They took me month's to get through.” “Breezed each of them in a month,” Gray Coat replied a little cheeky. “Oh really? Care to prove it?” she challenged, glaring at him with a smirk on her face. “Bring it on,” he accepted, meeting her eyes and grinned confidentally. “Third law of motion.” “Preschool question. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” “Correct.” “Is there anypony here who can keep score,” Gray coat asked. Pinkie appeared out of nowhere with a chalkboard and put a tally under his name. “Right, carry on.” “Name the three subatomic particles that make up the atom.” Twilight stated, having a hard time making questions on the spot. “These are getting easier, the proton, the neutron, and the electron.” “Correct,” said Twilight. Pinkie put another tally for Gray Coat, and blew a whistle to signal to carry on. “Magnesium and oxygen make.” “Magnesium oxide. Um, ok do you want a book you can take a question from?” Gray Coat said walking to his bookshelf, a whistle from Pinkie signaled the next tally was marked. He skimmed through until he found the Cause and Effects of Reactions. “Try finding something out of this.” “Fine,” Twilight responded before looking through some pages. “ Ammonium Dichromate plus Oxygen makes?” “You don't feel like leaving the easy stuff, it yields Chromium (III) Oxide, Nitrogen, and Water,” Gray Coat answered. Twilight nodded in response, mouth slightly agape, and Pinkie put one more tally for Gray Coat. “I think that should be enough for now,” he said with a smile. “In the meantime, how about we all have some cake. I feel like I need a piece, since this is a party and all.” Gray Coat took the book from Twilight, put it back on the shelf, and followed a bouncing Pinkie to the cake.