• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 523 Views, 0 Comments

A good ol' Fluttermac story - Flutterguy96

Fluttershy and Mac get trapped in yet another devious plan by the CMC

  • ...

Chapter 1

The fact that Big Macintosh was in need of a marefriend was as clear as the fact that a lesson about birds and bees would not result in knowledge about honey. It was like math, physics, or everything else that each of the CMC members occassionally slept through in school. They still knew it.

He was just too shy and stubborn to admit it himself and after the disaster with him and Cheerilee, not even the three fillies dared to bug him with new attempts... at least for a certain time being.

Eventually the CMC got wind of the strange behavior of him and another pony during plays of the Ponytones and soon decided that he had had enough time now. The plan this time was, in contracy to Scootaloos idea, to intervenue as subtle as possible under the given circumstances and not make use of drug abuse or magic...

"Applebloom, open that darn door!" The stallion shouted, slamming his hooves desperately on the wooden door. "Ah swear to C'lestia, y'all bein' grounded till... as long as ya live! An' then imma ground ya when we're ghosts! Imma ground ya till' the sun stop's shinin!"

No response.

He was standing in the room that seemed to be Raritys bedroom, in the first floor of caroussel boutique. The room was small and had just one door, across it there was a window, but it was closed too, not to mention the distance to the ground.

No escape.

"Applebloom! Last ever chance!" he shouted.

"Y-ya can't even ground me that long!" came the response, followed by whispering beyond the blocked door.

"Ah can an' a will!" Macintosh growled, his teeth grinding and his red fur feeling as hot as it looked.

"Or ya just turn around an' talk it out like ya should, then we'll open the door!" the filly yelled back. Obviously, there was more than the door itself between the two as her words sounded muffled. Perhaps the fillies had put one of the fashionistas wardrobes in front of the door, maybe more furniture. Eitehr way, trying to break free would either hurt him or his finances as all that furniture would be anything but cheap.

"Wait a sec? There ain't nopony to-" his breath was caught in his throat as he did, indeed obey one of his sisters orders and turned around slow.

Ever-so-slowly, his gaze turned rightwards from the door, over the very, very pretentious bed of the fashionista towards the window behind him. Beside it, a few of those weird puppets stood, all dressed up in fancy dresses to show how they would look on real ponies... Something was odd though, none of them had pink in it, yet he could swear he had seen that color last time his eyes scanned the room.


"H-hello" A echo? Unlikely, the response was much softer and higher in tone than his voice.

"Please be pinkie, Please be pinkie." the stallion whispered without much of a sound, barely his lips were moving at his silent prayer.

It wasn't.

Behind the mannequins, a yellow pegasus stepped forth, her mane, indeed, light pink.

Buck me.

"Applebloom, scratch the grounding, open that door or Ah'll..." he huffed. There was no way around it, he was bluffing. Surely he could ground her for a decade to come, but not a lifetime. He knew it, she knew it and making himself look like a fool in front of an innocent mare was not his goal.

He now merely scratched on the door with his hooves until he turned around and tried pushing the door out of desperation. Without that working, he let out a grunt and simply let his back slide down the one thing preventing his sister from her doom. Eventually he sat on his behind, facing the mare that was trapped with him in the room.

"You won't gonna get out there till you talk!" a filly shouted again, yet it wasn't Applebloom. Mac couldn't tell who from the faint sounds he was able to hear, but only two choices were left at that point.

"Why ya doin' this AB?!" he asked, anger replaced by some sort of desperation and fear.


Mac could feel his heartrate, it was beyond frightening. He could only assume his fellow prisioner was feeling likely scared and tellingby her face, she was as confused as he was.

"I-I think-" she eventually tried to say before hiding her face behind her mane. Yes, she was scared, eventually more than he was himself.

"Because you two like each other!" it suddenly sounded from outside the room. In an intant, two pairs of eyes met one another in shock, both widened to the point where pupils were merely visible.

"Who told ya that?!"

"Your diary!" it squealed back, obviously that voice was sweetie belle. "What, we're in trouble anyways!" she added, even if it wasn't for him to be heared, probably.

Oh buck me on the moon!

Was that a heart attack? No, sadly it wasn't. Macintosh cursed his health in the moment, he wanted to die, bury himself in depths where he was sure to be closer to chineigh than home.

"Th-that's AJ's!"

"No it ain't, got ya name here and all that messy writin'!" his sister responded.

"As if, Ah ain't no diary! Y'all bluffin'!" The lie was so blatant as it was desperate. The last hope he had was lacking evidience.

"Ya sure do brother! Got it right here!" Every response of that filly was more confident. She knew she was in the petter position... for now.

"Ya ain't!"

His ears were pressed against the door now, hoping to make out what he had to brace himself for. Paper, he could hear paper being rustled.

Oh buck me in my-

"Ahem," his sisters voice started up, " Dear Diary, she's been to my performance again and-"


A pause, a very, very short pause.

"she wouldn't sing today, but she's been dancing along, shaking that adorable- "

"STOP!" Mac yelled. For a brief moment, the reading stopped.

"Will ya admit that's yours?!"

Sweatdrops formed on his head, his chest was rising and falling in short, flat breaths. Cheeks burning below his luckily red coat. He didn't dare to look at the mare in question, in the corner of his eye he could only see she was still where he had last seen her.



"Flank of hers. I can't really stop thinking about that filly. Sometimes I feel like I- What's cold showers t'do with it?" Her voice asked in pure innocense and curiosity.

"Applebloom, ya a free filly if ya stop, please!"

"Admit it's yours!" she responded firmly.

"Alright, alright!" Mac whined.

As the room grew silent, he turned away from listening to the door and closed his eyes. All just a dream, a nightmare, a terrible terrible nightmare he hoped. He'd open his eyes, take a breath and wake up in his bed. Next to him would be miss smartypants and he'd trot over to the bathroom, washing the cold sweat of his head.

He opened his eyes as he let out a shaking breath, but no. No dream, no nightmare, all brutal reality.

"Oh buck me!" he cursed unknowingly.

Across him, the pegasus in question was sitting on her haunches, her face not blushing, but burning. It was darker in color than her mane was, down to the point where her neck began. Her whole head was some sort of red or pink. Her eyes staring at him in.. horror? That was not enough to describe it, but it surely went into the right direction.

He felt vibrations in his throat, had he been saying anything? No, only his usual thought of- No, no that was no though, he had spelled it out!

"Did Ah just say-"

She nodded faintly.

"Ah meant-"


"Ah was just- Cursin'!" Oh his coat was burning beneath his cheeks. Certainly, this was the undeniable number one of moments he would wish nopony to go through. At least in the last eight years.


"Let's get some icecream!" One filly shouted all of a sudden, receiving a coule of 'yay's.

"No! Nononononononono, y'all get back here!" Mac stammered but he could already hear doors closing. Seconds later he saw a couple of colored spots roam through Ponyville.

Helpless; there was no way of escaping, there was no way of denying, lying... Nothing.

"One thousand bits if ya take that bowling ball and hit me on mah head!" he deadpanned. The pegasus mare giggled surprisingly.

"I... can relate." she said almost in a normal voice.

"No, seriously Shy. Bowling ball, my head, thousand bits." he could not bear that moment. Dead or unconscious, it didn't matter, he wanted to be gone.

Again, she giggled. That got Mac by surprise as he was truly, dead serious. He desired to be seriously dead.

For about five minutes, silence reigned the room. Sweet, sweet heavy silence that both seemed to prefer to anything. The original color of her face would slowly make itself noticebale again and Mac could feel his mouth go dry. Surely, there was still more horror in this place than anything else, but it faded ever so slowly as both realised there was no further privacy to be violated. 'Privacy' as such had been vaporised by the fillies anyway.

"How did they get you here?"

So much for the silence.

"Said ah needed to come quick, somepony was needin' me here." he chuckled. Apparently the knowledge of unpreventable doom had a calming touch. It felt weird, but that was the fact.

"Said some poor soul had been trapped. I thought they meant opal, not me." she replied ever so softly.

"At least they didn't lie..." he wasn't sure why he even bothered with small talk, but if it was any good to calm his poor heart, it served. "Still, Ah always thought Ah'd done a good job raisin' AB, but now?"

He let himself fall forward with a 'thud'. His chin lay on the floor and his forehooves pointet along his body, towards his hindhooves. It was a pose of plain sadness, resignation and acceptance of the situation. He let out a long snort and just lay there, his hindquarters still pressed against the door and probably being the highest point of his body.

"She's just... trying, Big Mac." Fluttershy began.

"Diggin out mah Diary an-" he stopped himself, looking up at her from his pose.

"So... it is... yours?"

Again, he let out a breath through his snout. Oh why wouldn't a brave hero come and slay him down right there. He didn't even care how he looked. He didn't care at all.

"Sorry, jus'... Sorry ya got ta hear anythin' of that." he pouted, unwilling to meet her gaze now.

Had Applebloom not learned anything through the occurance with Cheerilee? Anything at all? Or the incident with 'Gubby Gums'? This was worse than both comboned, worse than anything they did so far. It was simply bad education of his part he could blame for it.

"It's alright, they let us food here, see?" she pointed at a bucket full of apples and banannas, oranges and whatnot. On second glance, Mac noticed sparkling wine, roses and... massage oil?

Real subtle AB...

Once more, the stallion simpy breathed heavily. 'Adorable flank of hers' he could not have pinpoined any more embarrassing phrase in that whole booklet. Why him, why did this always happen to him and not any high nosed snob or just-

"Don't be sad." her voice said softly, almost startling him.

"They trapped ya here too, ain't ya... angry or anythin'?"

"No." again, her voice was so soft, so... calming. That was unexpected, she was the element of kindness, but not even a little grudge? Not even the slightest feeling of betrayal?

"I-Is that a smile?" he pointet out, it seemed so but from his point of view he could not be certain.

"No-Yes... It's just... N-nothing. It's nothing, really." she was now almost whispering again. Fair enough, if she had something to say he would let her, but right now he was just so grateful for her not mentioning the quoted lines of pure sappiness from his diary.

"Adorable flank?" she eventually giggled. Equestria had no mercy with him today, had it? If breathing hadn't been a reflex, he had stopped. Any muscle he had simply felt like being on strike. He fell sidewards an huffed.

Mac looked away, he simply couldn't stand seeing her at this point. It was just too many emotions making him wish to... so many unpleasend things he was thinking of now, most of them dealing with being away, physically or mentally.

"Please, don't be sad. I-I don't mind it at all." she stammered, "it's nice having a compliment." she finished, her tiny mouth smiling at him. The smile was so calm, so innocently pure he could't see it without returning it.

His lips curled into one tiny smile themselves for a second or two. Then he embraced the silence again, simply not knowing anything to say that would make things better.

"Your flank is nice... too..."



"N-nothing." she said again, her face hid behind her mane as she looked sideways.

"Ain't no need t'be polite. Jus' a big ol' workers flank... Nothin' special... But thanks." he had no energy to lift himself up, all his energy faded after being humiliated, trapped... Well he got a compliment at last, so he had that going for him, which was nice.

"But... what is special about... mine?" she whispered ever so faintly.

"Butterflies are cute 'n all." he shrugged. That was surprisingly well spoken, he thought. He could have stammered about how it was simply a magnet for his eyes, how it was so small but well shaped and last but not least, how she often moved it around when she thought nopony was looking. Yes, saying none of those surely had been a very good decision, if not his best one that day.

She giggled.

"You're too." she said between her hint of laughter. Mac's ears perked up and Fluttershy slammed her hooves right into her mouth, both so fast as if she was trying to stop more words from coming.

He had almost asked why, but then it dawned upon him. He literally lay to her hooves, pouting, huffing and cursing life. It was comparable to some schoolcolt who wouldn't get to attent someponies birthday party.

Macintosh probably looked somehow... cute.

"Ain't Rarity gonna be home soon?" he eventually asked as he sat upright again. An Apple was a pony with a spine, after all.

"Tomorrow m-morning," she began, "they wouldn't keep us that long, right?".

"If a did anythin' good educatin'... No."

"Oh good, then I'll be home before my friends have to starve." she sighed. In an instant he could see her normal self reappear as her mind seemed to deal with more daily tasks.

"Would imply Ah'd done a good job, y'know?"

"Oh, I'm sure you did. A-and Applejack of course." she stammered again. Mac simply waited, if she had more to say interrupting would only keep her from talking. She was like that, so much he knew.

"Where's those fillies anyway? Been long enough now..." the stallion puzzled when no further words came from his fellow prisioneer.

Eventually door slamming could be heared in the distance.

"Here we go..." Fluttershy sighed, exchanging a smile with Mac. A worried one, but a smile nonetheless. It was strange how the awkwardness in the room was feeling unimportant when facing plain fear, fear of what might come now.

"Any progress yet?" squealed Sweetie Belle.

"Let us out!" Mac deadpanned. He had no hope for this to happen but it was worth a shot.

"Okay you two, you gave us no choice!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "Dear diary" she began reading in a rather high voice before Mac cut in.

"Hey, we had a deal!"

He was ignored.

"Ahem, Dear diary, Angel doesn't feel too well today- " As he looked up, Mac saw Fluttershy sitting there, not a breath escaping her throat. "I had to visit the market and get some percely because he wouldn't eat his soup. And there he was, selling apples without even saying a word, just like every monday. He just stood there with that smile that let's my legs shiver. If I just had the confidence to say more than 'hi', but I'm me and knowing me I will-"

With every word, the gab between Fluttershy's head and jaw grew bigger. Her eyes not only wide in terror but also tears growing in their corners.

"-will do nothing but stare until he looks at me again and then simply run off. Oh the things I had to say to him, if only I had the curage!
His calmness, his smile, his body! When he opens his mouth he has not much to say, but it always is enough. Never have I thought I would be lusting after anypony, but I am, Celestia be my witness I am. I feel so pathedic, so trapped in my mind. All what could be isn't, because i'm too shy to make it happen." Scootaloos imitation of Flutetrshy was bad, but she still pronounced each word more than clear. Crystal clear, not a chance existed to claim that something had been misunderstood by him.

"What does lusting mean?" Scootaloo eventually asked just a bit too loud.

"Ain't none of yer interest!" Mac yelled, trying so bad to not process the word himself.

Wait a sec, lusting?!

He failed.

Macintish shook his head and concentrated on more important thoughts, ones that were less frightening too. "Y'allright Fluttersh-"

The mare cried, her head turned sideways again to hide her face but he could see the drops hitting the floor. He could even hear them in the thick silence, followed by a first whimper.

"I have a dictionary!" Sweetie exclaimed. "Lu - Lust - Lusting! There! See also.... Lust: very strong sexual desire. 'he knew that his lust for her had returned'. Synonyms: sexual desire, sexual appetite, sexual longing, ardor, desire, passion, yadda yadda yadda... What's sexual?"

Real helpful Sweetiebelle...

Gone was the whimper, gone the simple tears. A near constant flow replaced it, together with a sob. A hearthbreaking sob. One that wouldn't let Mac sleep in piece if he wouldn't do anything against it.

"But what am I saying, he probably has a mare already, he of all stallions, how could he not? But what can I do, I'd still give my right hoof for just a date with him, my soul even!"

Mac remembered the day she got caught on stage with the ponytones. He remembered her outburst back then, but this? This was out of league, even for his standards. "H-hey." he tried to be calm, not too easy with a voice so low and full in volume as he had.
"It... it's alright, no need t'cry."

Step by step he came closer to the sobbing ball of fur.

"Or better than a date, a kiss! I would give my heart for that, my life would be complete anyways. Eww.... Sweetie, you go on, that's too sappy for me! Who writes like that?"

It took him three steps and he had her to his hooves, curled up and downright crying. She wouldn't look up, so he would come down. "Hey." he whispered, petting her mane with his hoof. Fluttershy seemed even more scared at first, after a second, though, she at least lifted her head just enough to look above her tail.

"Oh, here's something from Mac again! Ahem, I just wonder what those eyes look like. Never got to see them from up close but I bet they'd catch me breathless. That's exactly why I shouldn't try looking right into them cause, honestly, I would make a fool out of myself!" Scootaloo, again, failed at imitations.

Hey eyes were blue. So blue he felt as if they were reflecting the sky. He knew the rough color, sure, but never before had he the chance to really look into them, deeply. It was a shame their beauty was disturbed by the rivers flowing alongside the sides of her face.

Sweetiebelle was next to squeal. "I bet his lips taste like apples, all the time he spends working with them, I'm sure they left their marks. But who am to find out that? Just that shy mare from cloudsdale, that pitiful, small mare nopony really looks at."

His predictions had been right, her eyes had caught him offguard and now he lay on three hooves, forgetting to breath and his remaining hoof stopping in her mane.

"Hey there. S'alright. Hey..." he gave her a heartfelt smile. She wouldn't meet his gaze, who would blame her. Sniffing and eyes dwelling she lay there, still curled up in a ball of soft fur. Mac felt as if he was looking into the cyan eyes of not a mare, but a filly who had hit her knee on a rock. The feeling of deja vu coming up gave the surreal feeling he had a whole new touch.

Out of instinct, he stretched his neck and, ever so slowly, dug his snout into her mane.
"Pshhhh." he whispered, "please jus'... don't cry.". Frankly, she indeed was quiet for a second. Then, ever so softly, he let his lips touch her forehead. Her mane smelled like cornflakes, he thought to himself. Strawberries, other fruits and corn. Perhaps she got that smell through daily feeding her pets with those, Mac doubted there was shampoo with cornflakes scent. He couldn't hear her crying anymore, it seemed to have stopped completely at that point.
Success never felt so... weird.

Wait, what did I just...

He lifted his hoof from her mane and backed up his head. He did so slow, but not because he was careful but because he was too shocked to jerk backwards. He could then see those eyes sparkle at him, open wide, wet but not crying.

Seconds passed, they did nothing but look. His green eyes meeting her cyan ones. Shock, beauty, sweat, cornflakes. Those words never made sense but were anywhere in Macintosh's mind now.

Ever so slowly, her head rose, her hoof too. Her mouth slightly agape, she kept staring. 'Fear', 'window' and 'ground' were instantly added to the list of keywords for his brain.

"Sorry," He began. How stupid could he have been kissing a random mare on her forehead when he himself, was the reason she was so embarrassed and cried? "Ahm-Ah jus' tried- jus'..."

Her hoof slowly but smoothly reached around his head, setting down on his neck.

"It's okay." she whispered.

Wait, what?

Ever-so-slowly, her head came closer, her hoof bringing his close.

Ever-so-softly, a pair of pegasus lips, came closer.

Ever-so-gently, hers met his.

In that moment, he had that scent in his snout again and he could feel her exhale deeply against his face, her eyelashes tickling his nose as she closed hers.

At last, she had stopped crying, sobbing and such, but now she was calm he had to concentrate on not dying of a stroke or hearth attack.

Mac had not realised his eyes were closed too, it occured to him that he simply saw nothing, so he probably did though. When he opened them, he couldn't tell if seconds or minutes had passed. He could barely hear her breath, couldn't see aside her, couldn't feel anything but a pair of lips pressing against his. No, there was something, just for a second. A sudden warmth between those lips, for the touch of a moment.

"Apple... smoothie?" the mare whispered.

"Huh?" Mac responded. Not questioning what she meant, but he simply didn't know their lips had parted yet. "Uh, yeah."

"Girls, you won't believe this!" squeeled a unicorn behind the door, followed by the loud noises of furniture being moved.

"Will ya stop cryin' now miss?" the stallion whispered, earning her gaze as response.

Her eyes were half open, studying his face. Then, moment by moment, growing wider and wider, as if she awoke from trance. He gave her a wide, warm smile, hoping it would somehow help her not panicking again.

It was worth a shot, wasn't it? Her head jerked back on the floor, her hoof back to her chest and once again, that look of fear captured her face.

"Sorry, I-I'm- sorry... So, so sorry"

"Shhhh.... No sorry." He reached for her mane, but, once more, she curled up into a ball of pink and yellow. His next actions were out of habit. When Applejack had been scared of thunderstorms, he would lay his head on her shoulder and start humming. Ever since puperty his voice had been low, so low it went through bone and flesh as a vibration. Not once had it failed calming her, so it was worth a try.

As his chin touched her shoulder, she inhaled harshly, but that was expected. She didn't dare to more, expected aswell, the only thing he didn't know was what would come after that. Out of habit, he started humming. Feeling her shoulder relax just a bit, he knew he had been right all along.

"Hush now quiet now,"

This is the weirdest thing I ever archieved!

"S'time to lay ya sleepy head.
Hush now quiet now,"

Better skip that verse....

"hm hm hm hm hmmmmm."

As she moved, he lifted his head expecting her to seek distance, but no, she lay on her side now, her head on his forehooves. Had she been fallen unconscious out of shock?

"C-could you go on?" she said, her body tensing again.

This is as weird as it gets!

"Sure." with that, he placed his neck on hers and continued. Feeling the vibrations going through her in his hooves and the other way around.

Note by note, her breath grew steadier, smoother, in the end somehow soothing. It was as weird as it got now for Mac. He was cuddling with a mare he didn't know yet adored, humming a song fillies got to hear who needed to sleep. Topping this all off, was the fact this all happened in their friends bedroom.

A door opened, closed. Tiny hooves came trotting closer and closer until he could feel those stares bruning through his coat.

The humming stopped, the pegasus soothed on though, he could allow himself a longer pause.

His head still rested there, not daring to lift so soon.


He watched his tone, her calmness could be disturbed very easily.

"Two months, no trial. Five if Ah even smell ya later today. Now Enjoy ya last day o' freedom."

No response was given.

"Offer ends in 5 secs, sis." he added, then started to hum again. The deal was made, slow and silent, then fast and trotting he could hear the fillies flee before he would change his mind.

"I-Is this a dream?" again, merely whisper from the mare.


"You sure?"


Might as well try now, huh?

"Shy, if ya really... still want...." he could feel her head try to move up, so he made sure his wasn't blocking her from it. "Ah mean, if ya... uhm..." Why was this so hard even after kissing her? Maybe because he had not thought, but done. Yet words needed thoughts, so doing that again was somehow not possible.

The word 'date' was the troublesome word. Thinking of it made his brain freeze, so perhaps he could form that statement avoiding it.

"Y'wanna, like... meet on.... friday?" he brought forward, only whispering the last words.

"O-okay. Uhm, where?"

C'mon, grow a pair Mac!



Stopping himself from stammering, the stallion could do nothing but let his heavy head hit the floor and a sigh escape his lips.

"This is hard...." he grumbled.

"Y-you could just pick me up and... uhm... You're right." she sighed too now, her head sinking not too far from his.

"Wanna see a hoofball game? Ponyville against-" Fluttershy's stoic expression cut him off. Surely she did not want to see hoofball, she was a mare. Mares liked lipsticks and dresses and... female stuff. Mac had no intentions to make her feel out of place, yet he himself doing anything she would be interested in was a certain way to make himself seem even dumber than he felt.

What were activities ponies of all genders liked equally? A restaurant? No, he wasn't good at using silverware... A walk in the park? No, there were strangers in the park and the mare in question was Fluttershy, the combo would ensure a fail. Perhaps a family activity could be helpful, not romantic as such but the stallion didn't intent starting funny business on his first ever date without drug abuse involved. What game did he know that did not rely on too many words? None.

"P-picnic?" he stammered. It was as good as any idea he had.

"Yes." she eventually gave him an uneasy smile, "I'd like that..."

"Alright..." Mac began, looking around the now open room, "What now?"

A day later, exactly at seven in the morning a unicorn entered the very room that had been used as a prison. Prisioneers gone long ago, the room still had a interesting sight to offer. First of, Fruits and Sparkling wine and massage oil in a Bucket, then the smell of sweat penetrating the air and last but not least, hoofprints and scratches on Rarity's door. Strangely enough, they were on the inside of it.

All this, the unicorn did not grasp until a moment before she was about to close her courtains and go to bed as she had just arrived from Manehattan. She intended to sleep in o the day to have at least some sleep that week. Doing that with the sun in her eyes was hard though. However, it had only been her idea until she noticed her room and its new details and simply forgot her intentions. All of them. Instantly.

"S-Sweetie? Sweetie Belle?!" she called.

"Yeah?" her sister responded after a few seconds.

"Do you know what happened here?" she wouldn't. Sweetie Belle was far too innocent to know of such a mess and... On second thought the question was not fetched too far away.

The pause was longer than expected.


So much for the idea of an innocent little filly.

"Is there anything I need to know?"

Another of those longer pauses.

"Fluttershy took my dictionary." The response was weird enough, but Rarity was used to hearing nonsense.

"Anything else?" Hopefully the answer would be a 'no', but there had never been one to that question.

"She wants to rent a dress..." That was unexpected... but not bad.

"And?" she braced herself for some shocking news a second time.

"Nothing..." It seemed as if the filly was not in trouble big enough to reveal it to her sister just yet, or, as Rarity hoped, there was no trouble the filly had been involved in directly. Nopony was to be seen in her room and the door had been opened upon her entry, whoever was in here, making all that mess, had not been trapped as the marks suggested. Additionally, nothing was stolen, not from there nor from downstairs... Rarity hoped so at least. All in all, the weirdness of the situation seemed not important enough to justify a lack of beauty sleep.

The unicorn lay in her bed, put on her eyemask and used her horn to close the courtains. She was ready to sleep, spare of one detail.

One tiny, white, pink maned detail.

"Rarity?" the voice began. Rarity decided to answer one last time.


"Big Mac also needs a suit. He wants it on friday." the filly said.

"That's nice." The fashionista was almost gone, gone to greet the wonderful dreamland that would help her form and shape the perfect idea of a suit and a dress for those two ponies. The question why those orders came in together did not cross her mind just yet.



"Rarity? What does sexual mean?"

Now it did.

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