• Published 8th Nov 2013
  • 446 Views, 8 Comments

Behind Undead Masks - Dusk_Shine6995

Virtual reality, zombie, and bad boys, can Twilight and Rainbow hold onto this rollercoaster ride to win one million dollars?

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Pilot/prologue Let the games begin

Behind Undead Masks

By: Dusk_Shine6995


“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” Rainbow squealed in excitement, “The latest episode of Behind Undead Masks is out today!” Applejack bumped fists with her.

“Shoot Ah’ve been dying to find out what happens with The Reaper and The Ravager!” Applejack beamed with enthusiasm.

Twilight shrugged and scoffed, “The acting in that show is so terrible, they don’t even look like they are killing the zombies.”

“I heard they don’t act Twilight,” Pinkie Pie said hopefully.

“Pinkie, zombies don’t exist, of course they are acting,” Twilight said matter of factly.

“Um... Twilight... I was... um... told once, that... it’s all real...” Fluttershy shyly cut in.

“Seriously am I alone here!?” Twilight yelled.

“Darling, please, the story is good and believable even with the bad acting. Humor us and watch the show with us,” Rarity tried to convince.

Twilight sighed and nodded in defeat, “Fine I’ll watch the show with you.” Applejack and Rainbow Dash slapped Twilight on the back happily.

“Yeehaw! Movie night at Rainbow’s!” Applejack shouted as she high fived Rainbow.

“Alright guy’s I’m going to go set it all up, come by at four, that’s when the Undead Masks marathon starts,” Rainbow said before sprinting off to her house.

“Better at least be a good book around,” Twilight grumbled as she walked towards her home. A bell started ringing, it was barely audible but enough for Applejack to catch.

“Gotta go girls, Granny Smith is making apple pie,” Applejack apologized before walking off. Fluttershy whispered a barely audible ‘goodbye’ before sneaking off.

“I have to go too Pinkie, you know, preparing for the party, got to look fabulous,” said Rarity.

“Ok bye Rarity, I have to make some pies for the party so I’ll be pretty busy until then,” Pinkie Pie said before disappearing, with a dust cloud in the shape of her, left in her wake. Rarity shook her head and began walking home.

*later that day at Rainbow’s*

“Oh, hey Twilight, you’re early for someone who doesn’t even like the series,” Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight shook her head and walked in before speaking, “Shush, I’m only here to hang out with you guys.” Shortly after Twilight arrived, Applejack and Rarity knocked on the door.

“Hey AJ, hey Rarity,” Rainbow welcomed. Rarity gave a polite nod while Applejack slugged Rainbow’s shoulder playfully. Rainbow glared at Applejack just as playfully. A wrestling match would ensue and Rainbow’s party was absolutely destroyed, punch, games, and food everywhere, and they were still fighting. That would have happened if Fluttershy hadn’t, shyly, knocked on the door just before they started. “Hey Shy, welcome to the party,” Rainbow happily greeted. Fluttershy squeaked a small ‘Hi’ before shying over to Twilight, whom was reading a book with a bemused look on her face. Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared in the middle of the room with a, ‘poof’, of confetti, “How you do that, Pinks, I’ll never know,” said the giggling Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie Pie giggled, and snorted out, “It’s me, I can’t explain it.” Pinkie calmed down before speaking up again, “I went on a spoiler site and they said ‘There is a twist at the end that even we don’t know’ so tonight should be interesting.” This perked Twilight’s interest.

“A twist that the spoilers don’t know? Huh, tonight might actually be worth while,” Twilight said showing a small sign of enthusiasm. Rainbow was bouncing in excitement.

“They did show something happening with The Outcast, the only thing I’ve ever seen him do is snipe some zombies to clear an area to scavenge! That could be a sign!” Rainbow yelled in excitement. Applejack started getting hyper as well.

“It did show The Reaper raising his scythe and swinging it at The Ravager!” Applejack beamed. Rainbow and and AJ squealed with fangirl excitement. Rarity giggles with a little excitement.

“I wish they would take off those masks, I want to know how they look,” Rarity added in smiling. Rainbow and AJ started yelling incomprehensible things along the lines of them being unmasked. Twilight sighed with a little annoyance. This was going to be a long night.


It was a rather fun night. They ate, drank, and enjoyed the Behind Undead Masks marathon. The girls were laying there a little sleepy, feeling like going home.

Then the newest episode started.

Everyone, even Twilight, sat up staring intently at the screen. The intro song, Undead: Hollywood Undead (Forgot how to hyperlink so here's a copy paste link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjeKrk5cp7Q ), started playing with the intro video. Once the intro was over it did the stereotypical, what you missed, review.

It showed moments from the series at random moments until the narrator began speaking, “The band of brothers ran into roadblock after roadblock, testing each others loyalty. Did The Reaper cross the final line? Will The Outcast show his true stuff? What will the brothers do to The Reaper if he crosses the line? Find out now, on Behind Undead Masks!”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack made a noise that can only be described as a squee as the show began.


The camera panned out on The Reaper and The Ravager having their argument from the previous episode. The Ravager and his, best described as football player build, stood against the slender, freakishly tall, and rather muscular frame of The Reaper.

“Why must you always get in my way you useless insect!” Reaper yelled through the speech hole in his mask.

“I just saved your fucking life you ungrateful jackass!” Ravager screamed back pointing at the zombie corpse next to the pair. While those two were fighting for the umpteenth time, the others sat back, and watched bored out of their minds.

“I had it sorted, you little punk, god why are you so useless!?” Reaper admonished. Ravager clenched his fist tight begging for an excuse to punch Reaper’s mask right off. “If you were anymore useless I'd kill you straight off!” Reaper continued. Ravager bit back his anger and said nothing. Reaper on the other hand continued on, “You worthless pile of shit! Eating more food, killing less zombies, calling for help the moment things start happening, need I say more you sniveling coward!” That crossed the line, Ravager punched Reaper straight in the face, cracking Reaper’s re-enforced mask. Reaper wasted no time, with a huge smirk on his face under the mask, he grabbed his scythe and swung it straight at The Ravager’s head. The blade almost made purchase with his face but was stopped at the last second.

The Outcast had jumped out of his spot and grabbed The Reaper’s arm, stopping him mid swing. Reaper was shocked beyond all belief, it wasn’t often The Outcast entered the equation any more than picking off zombies with his signature sniper.

Reaper looked wide eyed at The Outcast and yelled, “Now you’re standing up for this worthless brat!?” He kicked at The Outcast’s stomach, but was blocked and shoved onto his back, with The Outcast’s hand on his throat. Finally the others broke in, one in particular.

“THAT’S ENOUGH ALL OF YOU!” The Juggernaut screamed. He was a hulking tank of a man. On the other side of the TV Applejack put fifteen bucks on The Juggernaut making even Big Mac double take. The Juggernaut went to grab The Outcast’s shirt to tear him off of Reaper, but Outcast stood up before Juggernaut could do so. He pressed his size thirteen boot on The Reaper’s chest and looked down at him through his own mask, “Reaper we talked about this, not much longer alright!” Juggernaut said. Reaper sighed and nodded. Juggernaut helped him up and walked straight up to The Ravager, whom stared at him with all the courage in the world. “I don’t approve of what happened, but that was one hell of a punch kid,” He complimented and admonished at the same time. Ravager smirked and sat down in their camp for the night. The Outcast, whom looked like your average, well, outcast, sat down next to him.

“Thanks for saving me right there Outcast,” Ravager said happily. The Outcast simply nodded and stared into the campfire. All of a sudden The Jester started cackling maniacally.

“What’s so funny, clown?” The Juggernaut asked.

The Jester kept up his crazy laughter as he spoke, “Nehaaaahaa all your noise ahaatracted thehehehm.” He pointed to the left when a horde of over a hundred zombies was walking directly at them.

The Juggernaut sighed and grumbled, “Here we go again...” The Outcast however stood up and stopped Juggernaut from grabbing his gargantuan sword. He pointed to himself then the zombies.

The Ravager deciphered for the group, “He wants to handle this one.” Outcast nodded to show that was true. Juggernaut shrugged.

“Meh, why not, have fun Outty,” Juggernaut said chuckling a little.

The Outcast slowly withdrew his sword. Once the sword was in hand he charged at the incoming horde. Just as the zombies and Outcast meet for an epic battle the screen cuts to black with nothing but the show's logo on it.


“WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT IS THAT!?” Rainbow Dash screamed. The room of friends was PISSED. Even Pinkie Pie was pissed.

“THOSE LYING SPOILER PEOPLE!” Pinkie screamed. However, just before the friends could continue their rage, the screen shows the main seven characters and the shows creator.

“Hold your rage for just a moment everyone,” The creator said smiling wide. He pointed at the screen behind him, which was showing The Outcast just before he met with the zombies. “What you have been watching this whole time is both real, and fake, at the same time,” He began explaining, “This world that you see in the show is fake. However the people in it and what they experience are real. This show was an invention of mine, a virtual reality apocalypse. It is almost like a video game but with you in it rather than an avatar of yourself. You may be asking why any of this is relevant, to which I answer that the show was merely a test for glitches in the system and everything checked out. This will not be for sale before you get your hopes up, however, we are going around Equestria and we are choosing one hundred people to join these seven in a survival-battle to the last man standing! Just to sweeten the deal all the more, the prize for winning is... ONE MILLION DOLLARS!” He threw his hands in the air. Twilight noticed that behind the creator, Jester was cackling again and five of the other gasped. The Outcast didn’t for whatever reason, and most wouldn’t have noticed, but something about him caught Twilight’s eye, she didn’t know what it was but something just seemed... strange about him. Twilight was knocked from her thoughts as the creator spoke up again, “We will be choosing this many, from these following cities and towns. Manehatten, fifty, Canterlot, twenty, Las Pegasus, ten, Hoofington, ten, Trottingham, five, Appleoosa, three, and finally Ponyville, two. The Undead bus is coming, are you ready for the ride?” As he finished that sentence the screen cut to commercials.

“OH MY GOD, guys this could be huge for us!” Rainbow beamed.

“Ah don’t mean ta spoil yur fun, sugarcube, but only two people out of all of Ponyville will be goin,” Applejack pointed out.

“Yeah but obviously they will want the most athletic and fastest girl in Equestria on their show!” Rainbow said still beaming with enthusiasm.

Pinkie Pie started giggling and said what was on her mind, “Hehehenya the fastest in bed maybe!” Rainbow blushed heavily and slugged Pinkie’s arm which lead to the whole room laughing.

“Sh-shuttup I meant fastest runner...” Rainbow said, heavily embarrassed. Twilight smiled and put a hand on her shoulder.

“We know Rainbow, it’s just fun getting you all riled up,” Twilight comforted. Before anyone else could speak though, Twilight said, “Well rest up girls, according to the screen, they’ll be here tomorrow, we’ll want to be in top form if we want to be chosen.”

Comments ( 8 )

Well no offence but i took no time reading this as there is 8 dislikes, sorry about that though, and i also see that there isn't any comments either, better luck next time? :rainbowkiss:

I know it bombed probably because of a multitude of reasons thanks anyway

Comment posted by ABronyJohn deleted Dec 30th, 2013

um... look to the right, I made more stories than this. Don't read Unbroken, it kinda died off, read CMC :twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

I know you have wrote more but not nesasarly the way i like to read stuff, but eh, atleast i can still say keep going, so my statment wasn't complete akward! :rainbowlaugh:

I've been cruising around, feeling nostalgic, cringing at my old grammar, and such, and decided to drop some people from ye olden brony days a comment!

So, how've you been? :twilightsmile:

7333387 Goes well, still writing, just not on here a lot. Anything new?

Nope, nothing new except my more refined skills in grammar. I write off an on aswell. Unlike you, however, I'm probably on this site more than anything else. I did take a break from it for a while last year, but found myself relapse into reading as much as I can.

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