• Published 30th Jan 2014
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Equestria Quest - Iwano Imagination

After the Pure War, Iwano W. Morgan and his people in Imaginundia were safe once again. After becoming a brony, newfound darkness was born in his heart, taking him to Equestria. The dark of Harmony awaits the Mane Six, the Princesses, and Iwano.

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Chapter 8: Tredaspo Gem

Why did you faint? It doesn't matter. I've seen your progress. It looks like you have the influences from the Elements of Generosity. That’s very good, but you must be influenced by Honesty, too, for your Deceitfulness almost slipped out of your heart. As it didn't completely take over you, Deceitfulness took advantage in your sleep and used you to eat all the apples in the orchard. It wants you to be more dishonest than who you are, even if it really wasn't you who did that—Dissonance is a part of you, after all. Iwano…stay strong as Twilight Sparkle. I did notice that she has an antipathy towards you. But she’s doing her best to contain and influence you with Magic. The time will come for you to open your heart, Iwano Imagination. Awake!

My vision was blurry as I opened my eyes slowly (hey, it rhymed). I was lying down on something soft and I saw a moderate blue ceiling with lights. Who was that gentle and regal voice that spoke to me?

“Look, he’s waking up.” I heard Twilight’s voice. I immediately shot up and startled the ponies and dragon in the room—Twilight, Spike, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Applejack.

“Are you ‘kay?” Applejack asked.

“Did your magic just drained you and made you faint?” Twilight asked, too.

“Or you faint because Rarity kissed you in the cheek?” Spike grumbled with his arms crossed and looking upset. Oh…It looked like I found a new hater, maybe.

I rubbed my head and just sat down properly. It appeared I was lying down on Rarity’s couch. My head was aching a little but not painful.

“How long was I out?” I asked as I looked at my watch—3:40 PM. My eyes widened. “I swooned and fell asleep for two hours!” I exclaimed.

“We had to carry you and let you sleep for awhile on my couch,” Rarity said as she offered me a levitating cup of water. I took it with my magic and drank. Who was that voice in my sleep? It began to nag me. I looked down in thought aside.

“I-I am sorry Iwano,” Rarity apologized and blushed. “I-I shouldn't do that.”

I took a deep breath and blushed, too. Spike was beginning to be really jealous as he started tightening his crossed arms. “That’s, uh, okay, Rarity,” I said. “A lot of mares do that to me whenever I did something heroic or somewhat like that in my kingdom. It’s actually normal.” I stared by the boutique’s window on beside me by the left wall. I sighed. “Can all of you get out except Rarity? I need to talk to her in private.”

The ponies exchanged looks and Twilight nodded. As they all went out except Rarity, Spike was glaring at me and gesturing, I got my eye on you.

Rarity and I were now alone.

“Why do you want me secluded from them?” Rarity asked. Her cheeks were beet red. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

“Rarity,” I said and gulped. “Uh, what do you actually think of me?”

She was looking around as if her answer was lost and was looking around to find it. “To me, you are a very generous and helpful pony, Iwano. Even if you said that you’re filled with Dissonance, I believe you are a very good pony.” She put her hoof on my chest, which pounded fast. I tried to keep cool. “You are also like a gentlecolt to me…and the sweetest, too. Your magic was exemplary back when we were mining for gems—I was more astonished than your performance here in Ponyville. When you conjured the gala dresses my friends and I have worn in the Grand Galloping Gala, I already think that you are something special, not just threat—wow, your heart is really pumping fast.” She was right. While she was talking and I was listening, I kept gulping that my throat was about to go dry. My head was shaking. “Is there something wrong, Iwano?” She’d let go of my chest. What a relief!

I gave out a heavy sigh. “I’m fine. It’s just that, I’m nervous around you,” I admitted. “You are, to me, a beautiful pony with your dazzling moderate azure eyes, your accent and… and… and…” I lost my words. My cheeks were beginning to feel hot—I was blushing really hard. “And you’re friendly…”

Rarity was also blushed by the words I said. “You really mean it, Iwano? Well, Spike always complimented me like that.”

“That’s because he loves you, Rarity,” she giggled.

“I know that. Both of you and Spike are sweet.” She began to frown. “But I did notice that Spike was—”

“Was jealous of me? I know that.”

Her eyes widened. “You’re amazing than I can ever think.”

“That’s nothing. I already knew that from the—” I stopped myself. If I told her what I knew that from the beginning, well, I didn’t want to risk it. “Anyways, I also want to say thank you for accepting me as your friend and saying those good things about me. Oh, and thank you for the cape, too.” I levitated my cape out of my saddlebag and unrolled it. The cape didn’t fly out anywhere—it was lifeless. “That’s odd. I expected it to fly away.”

“No matter,” Rarity said. “How’s my designing?”

I examined the cape carefully as to see if she made any mess or error. It had none. “The cape’s wonderful!” I wore the cape and tied straps from my collar around my neck. Then something reminded me: the Poké Ball embroidery. “Wait a minute, Rarity. Why did you put a red and white colored circle on this cape?”

She blushed with embarrassment. “While you were away giving gems, I saw a sketchpad on the floor with your name on it. I took a look at your drawings and they were simply marvelous and artistic! Your abstract clearly captures my eyes and bedazzled me with its colorful patterns.” She used her magic to open a drawer behind her and levitated my sketchpad in front of me. I immediately store it in my saddlebag. I have no resent towards her for looking at my drawings. “On the first page, that’s where I first saw your circle. I was thinking it was valuable to you since it’s on the first page, I decided to embroider it on your cape—”

“Why did you make a cape for me?” I asked as I rolled up my cape again and stowed it.

“I made it as a token of my appreciation for what you've done for me today,” she answered. I looked at my watch—3:50 PM?

I just stared at Rarity. In IW, I designed my own clothes and let Elesa made them for me. Nopony in IW made me a cape like this especially for me before. I couldn't stop smiling, too. An act of anything virtuous such as this one melted my heart easily. I suddenly had the urge to kiss her, but I simply controlled myself knowing she would just freak out like a drama queen, which she was. Besides, Spike would become even more jealous. My brain began to sort out my feelings into one thing: singing. The lyrics immediately composed themselves in my head. I wanted to sing this to her.

“Rarity,” I said. She shook her head and blinked. Was she staring at me, too? “Since you gave me this cape as a gift to me, I have something to give you.” Her face brightened up in excitement. She might probably think I’m going to give her a dress. “It’s a song.”

She didn't frown, but she’s still excited. “Well, sing it then.” Her voice tone sounds humble and, uh, generous for me to do it.

I breathe for a few seconds to gain my confidence. Even if it was only her alone with me in the boutique, she unnerved me. Because she was a pony I was crushing on, though I strongly loved Fluttershy. I began.

You are special whatever you are

I believe you’re beautiful

And your eyes shine like the stars

I can imagine you in a dress

Of vividness and iridescence

We are a gift to each other

I’ll share you my virtue

And you can shine your beauty within!

... Rarity hugged me after that last line. I blushed even harder and redder. When she let go of me, she said, “Your voice was so melodious and serene, that you’re suited to be not just my hero but a singer!”

I was flattered. “Aw shucks, Rarity. It’s just one of my talents—what do you think?”

“That song is beautiful as your constellation of gems, Iwano—magnificent! You are again sweet and shown bountifulness of your heart.” As she said that, bliss filled my heart. I can feel Greed—the Element of Dissonance opposite of Generosity—burning, but not fading, from all of this. I then thought what I was doing would be very corny in Reality, but apparently it wasn't in this world, especially to Rarity.

My saddlebag began to shake.

“Why is your bag shaking?” Rarity asked as she noticed it. Different colors of light began to flash out of my saddlebag. I used my magic to open it and my emerald came out, glowing bright green. In Rarity’s closet, it bursts open but not flooding us with gems. One of each gem began to float from the pile and glow to its color: topaz, ruby, diamond, amethyst, sapphire, peridot and onyx.

“What in the name of Luna’s going on?” I asked myself. The gems, including my emeralds, began to circle around us above the same speed as my cape was a while ago. While Rarity stared at the circling gems in wonder, I then realized what was going on. Once I gotten too deep on my emotions, the effects were usually weird—either I would turn into a lover-maniac or, just like what was happening now, something was about to be created. Was it a new power, weapon or magic? My question was answered when the gems stopped circling around and merge within each other, causing a bright light of iridescence to blind both Rarity and I.

A clinking sound occurred. We both opened our eyes. My eyesight was a bit dim from the flash and so as Rarity. When we got our sight back, we looked around for anything unusual that happened.

“What is this?” Rarity said as she pointed on the center of the floor. Right where Rarity was pointing, a diadem lied on the floor. The diadem was made out of the gems that were glowing and flashing a moment ago. It had seven pointed tips. Out of all the guesses I made, the gems formed into an accessory?

“My word! This diadem is sparkling and beautiful!” Rarity exclaimed as she took it into her hooves and examined it. I was smart enough to know that it was not just an accessory…it could also be a weapon, but what kind? But what does it do? My weird powers could make many weird things, like one time when my powers—combo-inspiration powers—combined a Cross Loader and a Poké Ball into what I called a Fusion Ball. It functioned like an ordinary Poké Ball, but it could catch more than one Pokémon and could also catch more than one Digimon. When you beckoned your Pokémon/Digimon out, they were fused together. When you clicked the button on the ball’s center, they diffused but not released.

“But what is this?” she asked.

I scratched my head for an ideal name. It was combined with a topaz, ruby, emerald, diamond, amethyst, sapphire, peridot and onyx into one diadem. And then I’d got it.

“I’ll call that the Tredaspo Diadem,” I decided.

“Why do you call it that?” she asked as she was bedazzled by the crown. What a beauty lover…

“The name Tredaspo is abbreviated with all the gems combined to it, forming into that diadem!” I explained.

“That’s a wonderful name, Iwano! So are you—”

“Going to keep that thing? No, I’ll not. That’s my gift to you, Rarity, since I haven’t given you any gem except your pile which is for work and a song. Besides, I want to be generous sincerely, right?”

Rarity zoomed in and hugged me again, this time I hugged back eccentrically. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, Iwano!” She used her magic to levitate the diadem unto her head. “How do I look?”

“You’re like the princess of all gems, Rarity,” I said dreamily, “makes you a ‘generous’ leader!”

We both laughed.

I had the feeling we were being watched this whole time. I stopped laughing and she followed.

“What is wrong again?” Rarity asked.

“Are the windows closed with their curtains?” I asked back.

“I think they were not.” We turned to the windows. Yes, they weren't’t covered. And that means…

“I think it’s time for our friends to come in,” I said as I walk towards the door and opened it. Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Spike are still there. “I can tell by the faces that one or all of you've been listening and watching us, is it not?”

“Um, we’re sorry,” Applejack apologized as she scratched her hat. “We’re just curious.” I was a bit fuming, but extinguished it with just a sigh. I didn't really like anypony eavesdropping on me, especially something like this one. Rarity and I went out of the boutique to our friends.

“Can I take a look at your diadem, Rarity?” Twilight said as she used her magic to examine the crown in front of her without Rarity’s permission, but I thought she was okay with it, though. Twilight examined it carefully as if it would cause mayhem. “Iwano,” Twilight turned to me and showed me the diadem. “How did you make this? Is it one of your magic again?”

I explained to her of how my emotions could go deep that it could do negative on me, or positive effects on someone or something. Twilight was intrigued, but she was still suspicious of my magic and my identity. Being a studious and an intellectual, Twilight may uncover of who I was soon. I would try my best to conceal it better.

“I’ll have to take some tests and observations of this diadem’s properties and maybe see if it has some kind of hidden magic,” Twilight said.

“I refuse,” Rarity said as she takes the crown from Twilight’s magic grasp with hers. “This diadem is a gift from Iwano and I will not have anything mess its newborn beauty. Well, it’s been a long day for me. So, I’ll be back inside my boutique and having my beauty sleep. Iwano, let’s go in now.” Rarity went inside her boutique.

“Uh, see you ponies later!” I said bye to my friends as I followed Rarity and closed the boutique’s door. Twilight’s face was full of concern and skepticism.

“I can enumerate the odd things that have happened,” Twilight said. “But Iwano is definitely hiding something from us in the beginning.”

“Come on, Twilight,” Pinkie Pie said. “He’s really super-duper fantastic with his magic and what-sy!” At least she was optimistic about me, which would also help shroud my identity.

“Yeah, but he ate the orchard’s apples.”

“I know, Twilight,” Applejack said. “But he somehow did return all the apples back with magic. I think he’s not all that evil with his Dissonance.”

Twilight sighed. “I know, I know. He is helpful, friendly and all, but there’s this feeling I have whenever he’s around me—something’s not right about him at all with his Dissonance.”

“Maybe he has some sort of connection with the mannequin riot and the flying cape chase,” Spike grumbled with his arms crossed again. Twilight noticed his upset expression, but she didn't ask.

“I think you’re right, Spike. Before he entered Ponyville, we have these small mishaps. Seven days ago when I was back in Canterlot before this mission began, whenever I organized my books by section, genre, subject and type, they were all in disorganized the minute I left them. It kept going on and on until we met Iwano, probably.”

“Oh, ooh, ooh!” Pinkie Pie raised her hoof like a little filly calling for teacher Twilight. “Seven days ago, I always lost my balance that I need to twirl, jump, and whirl and carry myself with a crotch!” She said those things while literally twirling, jumping, and whirling and she even brought out a crotch and used it from out of nowhere. I was now beginning to be curious as Twilight on Pinkie Pie’s gag acts. Maybe I should put that as my minor side quest in my agenda.

“Hey, Twilight,” Applejack said. “Seven days ago throughout those, I've been sometimes slow movin' like a banana slug even if I ain't exhausted. Today, I ain't that already.”

“Seven days? Let’s subtract one day, since Iwano revealed himself to us yesterday. Six days? The Elements of Harmony consists of six elements, which are also the number of days of our minor mishaps and the number of Elements of Dissonance Iwano has.”

“And I've been crash landing six times within six days before Iwano arrives,” a voice added up in Twilight’s calculations. “That’s a total of thirty-six crashes—those were the worst.” Twilight and her friends followed the brash tone. On the roof of the boutique, Rainbow Dash was sitting there wistfully. She yawned.

“What’re you doing up there and how long?” Twilight asked. “First was Iwano above us and now you? Who else? Princess Celestia?” Please let it not, she thought

“I've been following you girls with Iwano all day,” she replied. “Yup, Iwano is fast as me—in a slow contest!” She chuckled.

“Wait, you were there when Iwano was chasing his cape in the orchard?” Applejack asked.

“And I was in the dummy riot chasing a dummy stealing my Wonderbolts uniform—yeah, I’ve been there.” She crossed her hooves in the thought of how the mannequin took her uniform with annoyance.

“And you didn't do anything to help?” Twilight asked again with a bit of fuming.

“Hey, I lift the other ponies from the riot, okay?You just didn't see homw fast I am. Besides, I was testing Iwano's speed and aerodynamics.”

“What was that for?”

“I know, I know, I know!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she hopped. “Rainbow Dash was testing Iwano if he can join the Wonderbolts and she wants to out-fly him in a race in front of every Wonderbolts in the academy!”

“Uh, what she said,” Rainbow Dash pointed at Pinkie Pie as the answer. “But it’s not only that, Pinkie. I wanna compete against him and make him my wing pony. It’s all for the fun out of it. Oh, before he can do that there will be a competition tomorrow. The whole event was a ruckus at first, so maybe my schedule for that green Alicorn might change. What should I call him?"

“Did you even listen to Iwano's Enter with Colors song? He’s sensitive,” Applejack reminded Rainbow Dash. “We don’t even know if he can take those kinds of spectators, especially Spitfire. What if he’s just like Fluttershy? HE wouldn’t take it.”

“Trust me girls,” Rainbow Dash assured them as she flew up. “Let’s all meet here again tomorrow by the boutique. Get Fluttershy, too. Tomorrow’s gonna be interesting.” And she flew away in a streak of rainbow.

Twilight exchanged looks with Applejack in worry. Pinkie Pie was grinning in excitement for tomorrow. Spike was staring at the boutique in thought of Rarity and I together. He was definitely jealous. They all departed—without even saying goodbye to me and Rarity? That’s fine by me anyway.

Twilight and her friends weren't the only eavesdroppers. Rarity and I overheard everything outside. This time, we had the curtains closed as we peered outside and listened.

Rarity’s face became uneasy when Rainbow Dash said that last line. “What’s wrong, Rarity?” I asked her.

She grunted. “Rainbow Dash may have planned your second ‘performance’, Iwano,” she replied.

“How can you tell? She just wants me to become her wing pony. What’s the wrong in that?”

“It’s just that—you may know her personality as well—she can be a bit competitive with other ponies when it comes to her speed and awesomeness,” she tiredly said. “When I was in Canterlot with my friends because Princess Celestia beckons to us, Rainbow Dash bragged that she’s faster than you, according to the Princess Celestia's description of your aerial flight in her dream.” Rarity’s voice was full of concern for me with a dash of annoyance of Rainbow Dash’s pride in her flight abilities.

I never knew Rainbow Dash would say that. There might be a probability that Rainbow Dash will hate me besides Luna, whom I am not over with. I had a feeling that she has some sort of scheme for me besides being her wing pony possibly. I don’t wanna be fooled and made fun of, especially if this would happen.

Wait, what competition Rainbow Dash said?

“But don’t worry, Iwano,” Rarity said. “I have hopes in you will win that competition. I have faith in you.”

I blushed. Rarity, so far, was one of the ponies who trusted and cared for me. I began having thoughts that Rainbow Dash might embarrass and humiliate me in front of the Wonderbolts, especially Spitfire the captain. I yawned. I didn't realize that I was actually exhausted of all that work I’d done today, especially with the Mannequin Mayhem. I wish the thought of being humiliated by Rainbow Dash would give me anxiety and stress to make myself awake, but it didn't work. Applejack reasoned to Rainbow Dash that I was sensitive as Fluttershy. All of that was true. Back in Reality, I was easily humiliated by my classmates in school. After all that, I only have a little confidence and pride left, but it eventually comes back in a few occasions. I hope it would come back to me when I have to race Rainbow Dash.

“Where can I sleep?” I asked.

“You can sleep with me in my room for today.” She happily replied.

We went up a staircase leading to the upper floor to her bedroom. When we entered, I inhaled the scent of her room. It smells like fabric and assorted perfumes, since she lives in a boutique.

“What part of your room can I sleep in?” I asked.

“You’ll be sleeping with me in my bed,” she answered.

“WHAT?! Why would you?!”

“Oh, uh, since you've been very good to me I decided to let you sleep in my bed with me.” Why in the whole Equestria! I gulped. Sleeping with a girl I had a crush on gave me pants, nervousness and anxiety, with my heart pounding hard and fast. The last girl I’d slept was with was Violet in Mouseford Academy, Whale Island of the Mouse world when I was an undercover student/recruiter there for the Thea Sisters. I thought this was entirely different. I would have to stay cool.

My eyelids became heavy. I really did want to sleep right now.

Rarity noticed my drowsiness. “I see that you've exhausted yourself with all the gem-mining, gem distributing, cape chasing—”

“And dummy exterminating,” I added.

She examined my face. “Was it also because you’re emotionally tired now?”

I winced. I’d been keeping my emotions in of her ever since I've entered her boutique. How was she able to tell that? “How do you know?”

She frowned and averted her head from me. I gulped harder, as if I were swallowing and wanting to digest my emotions into my gastric acids. Was it even possible? Her, Rarity, having this possibility…no, I didn't believe in that—never in millennium. “I… I was just…I …” she stammered. “I was just concern for you, you know?” She managed an explanation. “I mean, you have your so called ‘Elements of Dissonance’ within you and it might cause some kind of catastrophe. I just want to influence you with my generosity aura! You get me, right?”

“Um, I get you,” I replied, though I sounded like I was asking and I was unsure of her reason. She was blushing again. I sighed and smiled. “Thank you for your generosity again, Rarity.”

“I should be the one thanking you for everything you've done today, Iwano. You’re just simply remarkable!”

“Thank you again.”

It was now 4:30 PM. Sleeping beside Rarity made my teeth chatter, and it was not even this cold in her room, though it was a bit. I was not afraid of her because of my teeth chattering. This was what I was around with girls when I was too close to them, especially sleeping beside each other. She and I shared a lavender-colored blanket. She wore an eye mask.

Why does she want me to sleep with her? I could always just sleep on the ground floor of the boutique’s floor and ask for a blanket and pillow from Rarity. Yet, I should be grateful. Rarity was the Element of Generosity, after all—she was a generous pony. I was, too.

I blocked and shook the thought of Rarity with me on her bed with what Rainbow Dash said: wanna compete against him and make him my wing pony, she said. But Pinkie Pie’s “hunch” seems more reasonable, since she and her mirror world counterpart were both silly yet smart in guesses. Rainbow Dash was testing Iwano if he can join the Wonderbolts and she wants to out-fly him in a race in front of every Wonderbolts in the academy!, Pinkie Pie said. Were they all true? This was my guess: I may be now faster than Rainbow Dash in the whole Equestria that she became envious, so she wanted to humiliate me in front of the Wonderbolts and make me her wing pony as an addition to lower my self-esteem. Were they all true? I shook my head of that thought, too. Rarity beside me and Rainbow Dash’s scheme—this was giving me some stress. My thoughts were now filled with pessimism of the Mane Six towards me as a newcomer.

I tossed and turned on the bed. I began having a headache of all these negative thoughts. They all suddenly washed away when Rarity hugged me—I was muzzle to muzzle on her. My breath became hot and I was blushing even harder than a while ago. Rarity was just sleeping peacefully and happily as she hugged me. My heart pounded faster. My lips were close to hers. Why did she hug me all of the sudden? Was she dreaming of Spike? I hope it was. I expected her to whisper, mumble or murmur anything about Spike in her dreams. Instead, she whispered this: “Iwano, you are lovely to me…”

I wanted to get out of here, but I was too tired to even push her gently away from almost kissing my face, or lips. I turned my head to face the ceiling—good thing. I now then let sleepiness embraced me instead of Rarity’s. I admitted, but Rarity hugging me wasn't all that bad. It was just that I was doing my best not to be infatuated of her, or better yet, fell in love with her. She was soft to the touch. As a pony of fashion and beauty, I bet she visited the spa every week. Maybe that was how she became soft.

I finally closed my eyes… and dream again.

I think this dream was trying to tell me something. I was inside the Sugarcube Corner, a baker and confectionery of Ponyville which was operated by Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and sometimes Pinkie Pie. This was also the home of that pink, party pony.

I was in the upper floor of the Sugarcube Corner, but this place wasn't right at all. The wallpapers were all ripped and ruined by some sort of slash marks. There were no tables, chairs, lights or any furniture. I walked toward the window behind me as I noticed it and looked at the sky. It was night and the moon was full. The whole upper floor was so gloomy and ominous that it gave me shivers in my spines down to my hooves. Something told me this would be a nightmare.

“Hello? Is anypony here?” I called out. There was no response. I scanned the whole floor for an exit. The floor had none. This is strange, I thought to myself. There’s supposed to be some sort of floor exit. Maybe I should go through the window. And so I did, but it won’t budge as I pushed the window with all my might. It was no use. I scanned my surroundings—no exit and no other windows. This was just great. Even my magic wasn't working when I tried.

I gulped in anticipation for any nightmarish creature or event to appear and scare me to unconsciousness. What was going on? I couldn't't’t seem to get out or wake myself up.

You may have Generosity to like you, but that would never be enough, a voice spoke somewhere. I looked around again with bewilderment. You’ll never succeed in this quest. I will make sure of it. Or should I say, you will make sure of it.

“Appear to me,” I demanded. “I want you to show yourself!”

And it did. Right in front of me, shadows merged together and formed a pony. Its eyes were sharp as knives and pupils bloodshot-colored. Its build, wings and horn were exactly like mine. No, it couldn't be…!

“I’m not fully formed yet, but I can only be in this shadow form and with eyes,” said the shadow pony. “But you, my friend, need a change of color and appearance as me.”

It was Dissonance—my Dissonance! But his whole body wasn't complete…yet.

“What do you want and why am I here?” I demanded.

“Just a little bewilderment before you wake up in the morning, Iwano,” he replied. “I have nothing else to say, but maybe this dream will say something to you someday. Good night, Iwano.” As he said that, I was instantly consumed by arms of shadows, making my struggle for freedom inevitable. What is this?! I let them consumed me…

Where am I? Why do I feel cold but breezy?

My dream turned black and shifted me to somewhere else. I was in the night sky floating but not flying—I wasn't flapping my wings at all. I frantically looked around at my surroundings. The sky was dark, with clouds appearing like flying cotton and very puffy—maybe these were what Equestria's clouds looked like unlike Imaginundia's—that I’d like to continue sleeping peacefully on them. But that did not happen, fortunately. A rainbow appeared in a shimmered above me. I smiled at its iridescent beauty—I love colorfulness and anything iridescent, except Rainbow Dash.

“Maybe this isn't just a nightmare,” I said to myself. “Everything’s just—”

My happiness suddenly faded when I was rapidly scratched all over my body. It was excruciating.