• Published 30th Jan 2014
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Equestria Quest - Iwano Imagination

After the Pure War, Iwano W. Morgan and his people in Imaginundia were safe once again. After becoming a brony, newfound darkness was born in his heart, taking him to Equestria. The dark of Harmony awaits the Mane Six, the Princesses, and Iwano.

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Chapter 14: Regal Rosetta

“Are we almost there, partner?” a stallion asked in a South American accent. “We can get there faster with your stuff here if I lend you a hoof.”

Running through a wild west-like desert pulling a cart filled with crates, barrels, and a seated Earth pony wearing a brown vest and brown hat was another Earth pony wearing a poncho and a hat that covered his whole body and face from the sun, and mostly from anypony’s sight of him.

“Well, if you don’t want any help,” the passenger said, “I’ll understand that.” He smiled at the sky. “Thanks for taking me with ya from Appleloosa to Ponyville with your cart full of stuffs, partner. I heard of a big, town-size party happening there, so I wanna come with you since we’re both heading there." The stallion had brilliant pistachio eyes, brilliant gamboge mane with brilliant amber highlights, and light gold coat. His cutie mark was a big red apple. “I heard everything from the letter my cousin Applejack, although she was sorta asking me for help of something. Probably for the buffet, or maybe she wants me to organize the stands there—and the party won’t be just a party anymore, but a party-festival-fair for this celebrant name Iwano Imagination. Hoo-wee! That party’s gonna last through the day. I bet Pinkie Pie’s party for that lucky stallion there’s even bigger than—”

The puller braked and stopped (with braking sound effects).

“Did I say something wrong?” the vested Earth pony asked.

Tumbleweed rolled by the silence. The puller faced his rider with moderate pistachio eyes with a playful smile that looked enough to make anypony happy.

The rider chuckled. “What’s wrong partner?”

The puller shook and continued running.

“By the way partner,” the rider said, “I think you already know me as Braeburn, right? Remember me? You used to throw a party in Appleloosa. So, watcha gonna do now, huh?”

“…You’ll know when I make you and everypony laugh in my second visit to Ponyville, Braeburn,” the puller finally spoke. “My Cheesy Senses were telling me of another big party there. And it’s an opportunity for me to meet her again.”

“Oh, you have a special somepony to meet in a party, eh?” Braeburn asked.

“She’s sort of a special somepony, but she and I have a lot in common. I wanna settle another score with her, with this super special celebrant, Iwano Imagination. I also heard he’s new, and rumors said he’s ‘dangerous’.” The puller laughed, which was contagious that Braeburn also laughed for no reason. “Let’s have a laugh there, Braeburn!”

“Right you are, partner!” Braeburn agreed. “Okay, I’m gonna have to help AJ with something, and you settle something with you special somepony. We’ll party together with our friends soon, partner.”

“It’s time to return to…Ponyville,” the “partner” whispered to himself, and had a cutie mark of a grilled cheese sandwich shaped like an accordion.

“Yoo-hoo~! Iwano,” Pinkie Pie said as she waved her hoof in front of my petrified face.

I was paralyzed to see her here existing in Equestria. My eyes were wider than before in surprise, confusion and nausea.

“Iwano, do you know her?” Twilight asked with a scowl. “I never knew there’s another Alicorn!”

I nodded slowly, my golden yellow eyes firmly staring and locked with the other Alicorn with her glaring, moderate arctic blue eyes. Her mane was moderate amaranth and her coat was light goldish gray.

“T-t-t-t-this can’t be…” I shakily said and shook slowly in great disbelief. “You’re not supposed to exist in Equestria!”

“Not supposed to exist in Equestria? Same to you,” the Alicorn said. I flinched. I never in my life heard her voice in pony. Heard her voice in some videos and stuff, but hearing her in front of me, here in Equestria, was both scary and frankly fantastic.

“You can talk!”

“I said my first words when I was a filly thousands of years ago before the Crystal Empire was found,” she said as she rolled her eyes.

“You’re old, but you seem to be so…beautiful…!”

She rolled her eyes again and sighed heavily. “I’m immortal, you foal, and of course I wouldn’t change my appearance since I’m a deity.”

“You are a deity, here in Equestria?!”

She sighed, annoyed. “That’s enough of your words, Iwano Imagination—”

“I’m definitely confused,” Twilight said as she broke between me and the Alicorn. I changed my height back.

“I’m more confused than you, Twilight,” I said.

“First, why won’t introduce yourself, second mysterious Alicorn?”

“I am known by some notable nicknames and titles,” the Alicorn said. “But, young princess, call me Regal Rosetta, if you want.”

“I’m not going to question how you knew my title,” Twilight grumbled.

“Her real name is Lauren Faust,” I snapped. “Why are you even here, Lauren?”

The arctic blue-eyes Alicorn scowled, which made me wanted to hurl. I have come here to warn you of your stay here in Equestria, Iwano Imagination. I knew of your name, capabilities, and the evil hidden in you the moment you came to this land three days ago. I have felt it so strong that I was forced to come down of my ancient pedestal not just for this, but to ensure that my land is safe from you. If you wish your friends to be unharmed I advice them to hurry their influences to you, but surely and effectively. I know you have other goals in this world, but you must always remember that Dissonance—”

“Please,” I growled, “don’t say his name!”

“—is still alive,” she continued. “While ‘he’ is absent, you must watch your actions for it would soon hurt the ponies you cared not just physically, but…I guess I don’t need to say that next.”

“Lauren, what are you supposed to warn us about?” Twilight asked. “Do you by any chance know any information about Dissonance? Where did you come from? Does Iwano have any limitations to holding Dissonance in? Why does Iwano’s face looks like he’s afraid of you? You’re omniscient, too? Can you answer my questions, please?”

“If I were you, Twilight Sparkle, I wouldn’t dwell within secrets too deep. It would put you and no doubt your friends in great peril.”

“In other words, you won’t tell.” Twilight sighed disappointingly.

Lauren smiled, which made me wanna go crazy. “You were a very, very bright student of my former student, Twilight Sparkle, but you’re a princess, and a princess must face her own challenges with the experiences she abided, the knowledge she gathered, rely on her intuitions, reflect on the lessons she had learned, and do everything with her friends.”

“Is that all you’re gonna say here?” I asked. I was eager for her to leave right now. I wouldn’t even let her stay for me to get her autograph as one of the most famous ponies in Equestria. Wait a minute, I thought. Twilight is the most studious pony I’ve known. How could she not know who Lauren Faust of Equestria was?

“Uncomfortable now, Iwano, of my presence, I guess.”

I gulped. I realized Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, Lauren Faust and I weren’t being noticed by anypony while we were talking or noticed another Alicorn.

“Now.” Lauren glanced around. “Before I can leave because of Iwano’s discomfort, you must all urgently know this: Brace yourselves for a party you would all never forget, and all of this will be done by your happiest friend.”

“Pinkie Pie,” Rainbow Dash guessed. “Hey, Pinkie, are you gonna do something…horrible?”

We glanced around, except Lauren, for our pink friend.

“Pinkie Pie left because she saw one of the clones passing by, so she had to give chase to him,” Lauren said.

“Okay…Are you gonna leave now?” I asked again.

Lauren shot me a glare. “Pinkie Pie would become a threat if those two clones continue their mischief dangerously. I sensed her temperament and frustration increasing, about to push her into transforming what might become the most scariest pony Iwano and all of you might witness—and I only sensed it, I don’t know what she’ll might look like.”

“I’ll go help Pinkie Pie and the others now!” Rainbow Dash dashed off for her friends’ aide.

Lauren giggled. “I knew the Element of Loyalty will do her part, but I’m afraid that’s not enough.”

“What else, Lauren?” I urgently asked with my heart pounding anxiously.

“Iwano, do you remember anything when you were in semi-Dissonance state during the Bolt Wing’s second part, and Dissonance summoning a storm during your awarding as first place winner?”

Right now, I wished I was the only Alicorn who was omniscient. “Yeah, I think so, maybe. Why do those events matter?”

“Your lightning zapped Pinkie Pie twice—during the milky typhoon and the awarding—which will cause her to become harmful by the time the moon shows and the lanterns of this town lights up. Her transformation is inevitable.”

“Transform into what?” Twilight asked again. I could see by her face that she was frustrated of one of her questions being unanswered or maybe we were running out of time before Pinkie Pie’s transformation into what.

“My time here to give more information is short, and so is Iwano’s time in controlling his dark element. Mind your deadline, Iwano Imagination.” Lauren’s horn glowed brilliant arctic blue. “Dissonance won’t be contained long, unless your most important goal would be completed, green Alicorn.”

She had teleported and left arctic blue sparkles.

My curiosity made my mind go fuzzy. Lauren Faust the Alicorn here is real? What will Pinkie Pie turn into that might be the scariest? Why am I so curious like Twilight? That’s annoying. I’d encountered many terrifying and grotesque enemies in my adventures, especially the ones in video games—and they all gave me short traumas in the end. So what would Pinkie Pie transform into—?

Suddenly, Twilight held me hard on the ground with the same grim look she gave me in my first day in Equestria.

“Tell me everything you know about Lauren Faust,” she demanded. “She’s quite omniscient as you, and what is your relationship with her, huh?”

“Twilight, there’s no time to be curious!” I said. “We need to get my clones before they increase Pinkie Pie’s frustration for her to transform into something horrible. Besides, they would also destroy the town!”

Twilight winced, and growled, “I wish you never been to the Mirror Pond, and I wish you weren’t right.”

She had let go of me and I stood. “Let’s split up and find them.”

“No, your clones are too fast for us to catch them on time. We need to gather our friends and regroup, and devise a plan to catch your clones in a well-coordinated way. All of just catching them individually will only cause confusion and more damage around us if we don’t work together with a plan as a team.”

“If my clones have the same speed as me, I can catch them myself!” I insisted.

“Now you’re just thinking recklessly, Iwano.”

“But it’s already 12:30 PM, Twilight. We still have plenty of time to split up.”

“No! We need to regroup and plan.”

“I know myself, Twilight. If they’re fast, then so am I!”

“What about the power of their magic? Probably they’re powerful as you, and those two combining their power would overwhelm against you, Iwano! I believe that working together with you as the Elements of Harmony is the only solution to this double trouble!”

“But I’m very worried about this town and Pinkie Pie! I don’t want those imposters to ruin the fun party-slash-festival-slash-fair she arranged for me, and I most certainly don’t want her to transform into something that might be the scariest for all of us! I’ll just do what I must do, Twilight Sparkle! You do what you wished!”

I dashed away from the princess.

“Stop!” Twilight called, but I was now far. She heaved a sigh. “Reckless, he is. I’ll just have to find all my friends myself instead. Now, Rarity is just in the dressing booth, Applejack’s in Sweet Apple Acres selling apple food, Spike is in the dunk-tank booth, Fluttershy is in the mini petting zoo, and Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are chasing one of the clones. I’ll go for Rarity first. She’s the easiest since she’s nearby.”

Twilight ran to find her fashion friend.

“Lauren Faust…Why do you exist?” I asked myself as I flew and hovered above the crowds of party ponies. “Why does she exist? Why do I keep asking myself that question? She’s only just an OC! Her existence here makes me wanna get zapped by Zekrom!”

Lauren Faust in Reality was the former executive producer of the show. She was greatly admired and respected in the fandom. Lauren had an OC which was the Alicorn (sometimes nicknamed Fausticorn, Writing Glory, Rosetta, etc.) Twilight and I met. In the fandom, her OC was always known as the “goddess and creator of Equestria”, and “former teacher of Princess Celestia”. (Why wasn’t Luna considered a former student of Lauren as well?). Lauren the Alicorn might actually be, to my greatest dismay and greatest discomfort, what the fandom believed her to as she was here.

Besides falling in love with Fluttershy, I also had a crush on both Lauren Faust of Reality and her OC, or technically here in Equestria. I didn’t care if she were even married. But when I discovered she no longer worked for the show, I was dreadfully heartbroken. I was a fresh brony that time when the show was developing its fourth season. That was why Lauren the Alicorn’s existence disturbed me greatly as Dissonance.

Regal Rosetta would’ve helped us in this predicament, but guessed she was probably testing me, or Twilight. After all this, I would drown myself in a sea of queries produced by Celestia’s former student.

If I were myself, where would I be? My clones could be anywhere. My argument with Twilight made me wanted to admit that she was right about them having the same magic power and speed as I was. I didn’t know if either Twilight or I were right at all. Just the thought of my duplicates having the same intellect as I was made me shudder—that maybe they could camouflage or change appearance. Dear Celestia, I hoped that wouldn’t—

“Woah—woah!” I was levitated up into the sky without anypony noticing. Were they too part-drunk to even noticed a somepony floating away into the sky?

I stopped flailing and whimpering when she in front of me said, “Have you forgotten I was even there with your conversation with that Lauren Faust and Twilight Sparkle?”

I blushed in embarrassment. My forgetfulness was that unpredictable. “I’m sorry, Chrysalis,” I apologized. “I guess Lauren was too ‘captivating’.”

Chrysalis was in the air with me, hovering with her buzzing insect wings as I was levitated. “I can help,” she said.

“How?” I asked.

“I have a plan,” she replied with a mischievous smile.

It made me uneasy, but I sensed her plan might actually work.

“A needle in a haystack,” Noteworthy muttered. “We can’t find Morning through this mess?”

“Why would Iwano go away?” Rose asked as she shoved away a drunken Earth pony mare. “It’s not like we did anything wrong to him.”

“Let’s just call him Morning or Morning Leaf, everypony.”

Daisy glanced around walked together with her friends in search for me. “Maybe he went somewhere important with that cloaked pony a while ago. I think it was urgent.”

“I reckon he’s mysterious,” Apple Fritter said. “And secretive, so he doesn’t talk much about his privacy—that’s what I’ve heard from Twilight.”

“Wherever he is, it’s urgent to find him, I guess. Pinkie Pie entrusted us to bring Iwano to town square in time of the celebration this evening. We don’t want to lose him now even if we still have a lot of time. I think it’s a good idea of we just hang out with Morning Leaf.”

“Guys, wait up!” a stallion called as he ran towards the herd with two mares. The stallion had moderate cerulean eyes, grayish tangelo mane, and light amber coat. His cutie marks was three horseshoes. The first mare had moderate pistachio eyes, brilliant gamboge mane, and pale, light grayish olive coat. Her cutie mark was three carrots. And the second mare had moderate cerise eyes and mane, and pale, light grayish mulberry coat. Her cutie mark was a bunch of grapes and a strawberry.

“Next time, stick a note on your head, Caramel,” Rose said to the stallion. “You’re often forgetful.”

Running passed by the Earth ponies was a green Alicorn.

All their eyes widened in surprise. “Was that Iwano?” the mulberry coated mare asked.

“That is Morning Leaf, Berryshine!” Apple Fritter reared and ran, leading the herd in a chase. “Make way, make way!” she shouted. “Important party business comin’ through, so make way!”

“Please, just call me Berry Punch. I like my nick better.”

Everypony in the way heard them and immediately cleared a wide path for the Earth Ponies.

“Why is Morning Leaf even running away anyway?” the mare with brilliant gamboge mane asked. “Is somepony chasing him now, besides us doing so?”

“That’s what we wanna find out, Golden Harvest,” Noteworthy said, “especially who was that cloaked pony that was with him.”

“And just call me Carrot Top, please—?”

“Hold your horses, everypony!” Apple Fritter ordered.

They stopped to see me standing on a buffet table; devouring food like I hadn’t ate since my arrival to Ponyville. Onlookers were gawking and commenting.

“He sure is hungry,” Caramel said. “That reminds me, I forgot to take breakfast today—oh, wait, there’s food everywhere. I forgot!”

Rose rolled her eyes and said to me, “Morning, would kindly please let us talk to you first?”

“Iwano, we’re here to take you to town square,” Daisy said, “in preparations for the main event for this party, as ordered by Pinkie Pie. The preparations will be fun, and tonight it’ll be great!”

I replied by continuously eating.

“His ears must be clogged with frosting,” Berryshine guessed.

Daisy went a little closer, having little splatters of cream on her. “Morning, I never knew you’re that hungry”—Daisy had a big splatter on her neck, so wiped it off—“and sloppy. Is it okay if we wait for you to finish the whole table?”

I shot my head up with my mouth full, and then spat out on my friends. They gasped in disgust and I went back to work.

“What’s wrong with you, Morning Leaf?” Noteworthy demanded.

Rose had some tissue—probably from another table—and helped cleaning Daisy up. “That’s not nice at all, Morning. Is this party getting screwed loose?”

“You gave us all gems and saved the town from mannequins the other day,” Carrot Top said. “Is that really your personality?”

I ran away again.

“Really, again?” Apple Fritter complained.

“Let’s just get him,” a cleaned Daisy grumbled. “Once we catch him, we’ll know why he’s acting that way.”

The ponies ran to chase me again.

“Finally got fifteen bits to buy a present for Iwano,” Spike said as he walked with a pouch of bits he was holding. “A comic book should be a great present or maybe the latest Daring Do graphic novel—is that still considered as a comic? Yeah, still a comic. ‘Graphic novel’ is just a fancy term. Selling those figurines was worth it. I never knew anypony was interested of buying them. Alright, it’s time to find a comic—”

A green streak flew passed Spike in a flash, spinning and tripping the little dragon.

“What? Was that Iwano?” he asked himself. “Why is he—my money!” His claws were empty, and then he gasped. “Iwano must’ve taken them—!” A rainbow streak flew passed him next and sent him rolling and tumbling to another part of the road. When he stood and dusted himself up, I quickly trampled the dragon as I ran by. “Two Iwanos?” When he stood again, the ground rumbled. Too late to realized or even get out of the way, he was trampled by a herd of seven Earth ponies.

Spike was lying on the ground hurt and dirty. He groaned, “Do I have bad luck?”

His question was answered when Derpy fell on him from the sky on her behind. “Hi~!” she greeted the hurt dragon. “Have you seen Iwano?”

“He just passed to that direction, Derpy,” Spike replied groggily.

“Thank you!” Derpy stood up, didn’t realize she was stomping the dragon. The mailpony left.

“What else?” Spike muttered miserably.

In her throne room seated, Celestia’s eyes were austere but behind them was anxiety of waiting someone to enter through her royal doors. Every time she felt nervous of waiting in every minute, she breathed as if she were meditating. The thought of Twilight positively progressing with the green Alicorn was the only thing that calmed her down. Celestia imagined the newcomer enjoying his time with her former student and her companions, imagined strolling in Ponyville with the Elements of Harmony influencing him.

Everything will be tranquil soon for Iwano, Celestia thought. I have faith in Twilight and her friends. They will succeed. Iwano will fully control Dissonance. Equestria and my subjects will be safe.

The bright and hopeful thought faded, when the royal doors were opened by the magic of the Alicorn Celestia waited.

“Good afternoon, Lauren,” Celestia formally greeted with a blank face.

“Same to you, my former student,” Lauren greeted back. “I see there’re no Royal guards in and out of this place. Are they taking a vacation?”

“This is a private meeting we must have. I’ve sent them away from the castle to Canterlot. Now tell me of your reasons of returning.” Celestia’s eyes held their flares.

“It looks like your eager to make me leave. I do have things to say, dear. I’ve met Iwano, and he was also like that. I’ve also noticed that while having a conversation with the Alicorn and Twilight Sparkle, you were nepotistic—disgusting—because I saw the young princess as one of us—”

“Explain your reasons of returning,” Celestia snapped.

Lauren flinched but quickly recovered with a smile. “Impatient now, my dear? Are you still holding that grudge after all these years?”

“Just tell me!”

“…Very well then, Celestia.”

The ethereal-mane Alicorn sighed. “Begin your explanation, Lauren Faust.”

“I advise you to tell this to Twilight Sparkle when we’re done, if you could—”

“Yes, just begin.”

“I’m here not just for an explanation of my return, but about my thoughts on the green Alicorn based on my senses and beliefs of him, and some reports. Iwano Imagination’s presence in Equestria will soon be wide and powerful, all because of Dissonance, and would cause natural disasters and perilous events in the land. But his influences to the Everfree Forest growing new fruits are okay. The longer he stays, the more danger will wave upon Equestria in many unique ways, and also to your subjects as well.”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Are there anything else, Lauren?”

“Dissonance foretold of his prophecy, which you might ask Twilight about later. While he’s absent, that prophecy will do its work, unfolding Equestria’s greatest perils—various kinds of perils. I’ve returned for that, and only that. Remember: The longer Iwano stays, Equestria would become a fray. Time is at the essence for not just my land , you and the Elements of Harmony, but for Iwano as well. I dislike and distrust him though, not just because of his dark element. He’s absentminded of distorting the lives and friendship of every pony he’ll meet along the way—including you, Luna, and the Elements.”

Celestia sunk every word her former teacher spilled, but seemed she wanted to clean them all dry into lies. She shuddered by the thought of something... “What you’re trying to say is…”

Lauren nodded. “I’ll give you three choices: first, continue influencing Iwano with Harmony; second, force him to return to his so called kingdom Imaginundia, or…I didn’t need to finish that one. You’re smart enough to know that one.”

Celestia winced. “Are you even worth helping us?”

“Why, of course!” Lauren beamed, which made Celestia even more uncomfortable. Why would I stay idly by the sidelines and let Iwano contaminate Equestria? He doesn’t belong in our world, and you know that, Celestia.”

The royal door banged open as an enraged Luna shot inside in flight and landed between Lauren and her sister. “Why is our mother here, sister?” she demanded. “She is unwelcome!”

“Calm down, Luna,” Celestia said. “We’re here to discuss important matters.”

“‘Tis about the green Alicorn?” Luna flew to her sister’s side. “Do continue, mother.”

Lauren nodded, not offended of the rude entrance. “Think about the three choices, Celestia, and discuss them with Luna—none other, because it would only lead to panic. Now, let’s go back to the Alicorn. He and I have equal power. I sensed it, but he won’t be alone.”

“He would gain allies,” Luna guessed. “How can he do that?”

“Ask Twilight Sparkle about a prophecy she and her friends know.” Lauren sighed. “Iwano and Dissonance, I’m afraid, are one. With Iwano’s experiences as ruler, skills in aerodynamics and combat, wide imagination, combined with Dissonance’s dark magic, brutal power and pure darkness.”

“You made it sound like it is impossible to defeat Dissonance with anything,” Luna grumbled.

“I wish a miracle would happen under these circumstances,” Celestia said. “And I am starting to think you’re not helping at all.”

“In other words...the two of you princesses aren’t strong enough to defeat Dissonance,” Lauren taunted. “I guess my creations are weak.”

Luna’s eyes flared. “You call us—?”

“Calm down, Luna,” Celestia firmly said. “Lauren, please don’t do that. You know Luna, after all.”

“Mother’s presence and taunt is getting under my skin, sister!”

“That’s what Dissonance would do to anypony to weaken their focus, Luna,” Lauren said.

“How do you know that? My sister and I have no knowledge of that.”

“It’s very common for villains to do that, but he’s quite ‘different’. While I had my conversation with Iwano and Twilight, Dissonance gave told me that silently, for no reason I think.”

Celestia sighed. “Alright, any more info, reasons or anything, Lauren? Are there any more about Dissonance?”

“Frankly since Iwano and Dissonance are one, I’m not that omniscient of the both of them. They have some sort of ‘arcane field’ all over themselves, considering they are not from here.”

Celestia and Luna exchanged disappointing looks. “Are you also to convince Iwano as our enemy?” Celestia asked.

“Maybe a little,” Lauren admitted. “Besides those three choices, more would pop up depending on what certain ‘game’ Dissonance would play on all of us soon. It’s your decision to decide whether to trust and save Iwano, or to accept him as enemy. If I were the two of you, I wouldn’t befriend that innocent looking green Alicorn. I know you despise him, Luna. I can sense that contempt of your to Iwano.”

“Initially, I did dislike him,” Luna admitted. “Presently, I could not decide whether to accept him as friend or foe.”

“Luna, I’m asking you not to accept him as enemy, but ally,” Celestia begged. “Dissonance is the real foe, and Iwano was seeking help, remember?”

The princess of the night gazed at one of the windows. Luna was deep in thought, thinking of her decision. “Iwano…gave me nightmares before he came here, besides disrupting my dream duties.”

“And what were those nightmares, Luna?” Lauren asked.

Luna shuddered. “‘Tis better I that I would not speak of it, or recall.”

“I’ll let the two of you think. Once you both reached your decisions, talk about it with Twilight Sparkle and her friends to see their decisions, too. But I recommend both of you to hurry before Iwano’s deadline.”

“Are you going to finally leave us, Lauren?” Celestia asked.

“Yes, Celestia. I’ll be exploring my land, but I wouldn’t want to visit the Crystal Empire. It’s going to be cold there soon.”

“What do you mean?” Celestia and Luna asked in unison, their faces tightened.

“I sensed by five days time, the empire will be consumed in a merciless snowstorm—literally merciless.”

“Why didn’t you tell us about that first?” Celestia demanded, beginning to flare. “That sounds serious, Lauren.”

“The two of you should visit Ponyville and have fun for a while,” Lauren said, ignoring Celestia’s question. “The town is having a huge party arranged by the pink pony dedicated to the green Alicorn.”

“Answer my dear sister’s question,” Luna growled.

“And the grand event,” Lauren beamed, ignoring Luna too, “will be mostly covered in shades of red.”

Celestia’s autere eyes towards her former teacher faded into fright. “Luna, immediately hurry to Ponyville and find Iwano!” she urged.

“Why, my sister?” Luna asked.

“Shades of red,” Celestia replied slowly.

Her sister widened her eyes in realization and gasped in shock. “I must not tarry! Onward to Ponyville! Wish me luck, sister!”

Luna stormed out of the throne room, leaving her mother and sister alone.

“You knew that will happen, do you?” Celestia demanded again as she stood from her throne. “Why didn’t you just stay in Ponyville and prevent it from happening?!”

“Is Luna too weak to handle the predicament, or are you? Just pathetic,” Lauren scoffed. “Considering you sent Luna to stop it, and you’re left here with me. Then again, since Luna left to stop it…You’re weak!”

Celestia shot up into the air as she flew, and angrily landed in front of Lauren in a stomp, face to face. “Don’t you dare insult me and my power, Lauren Faust!”

“You were defeated by Queen Chrysalis,” Lauren recalled in a form of mockery. “How embarrassing! Most of all, Twilight saved the day many times with her companions, and you’re just here, seating idly by reading friendship reports. Oh, there are no more reports! Face it, my dear former faithful student: You’ve grown weaker and weaker over the years, and so is Luna!”

The mocked Alicorn’s horn had glowed very light gold in response to her anger increasing. Celestia gritted her teeth, eyes now flaring and wings spanning wide. “At least I am wise enough to know that Twilight and her faithful friends can save Iwano Imagination!”

“The question is: Could you help?” Lauren teasingly asked.

Celestia reared, stomped, and blasted directly at her former teacher.

Ponyville’s citizens were more of a riot than the mannequins I’d stopped.

It was 3:330 PM, and one of my duplicates was able to stir up such a chaotic party. Ponies flipped buffet tables, food fighting, decorating cottages with vandalisms and toilet paper, and the music was too loud for anypony too even cry for help. They’d gotten so drunk of drinking the punch—what was in it?—that they were too numb to feel any pain—I even saw a pony on fire! I’d thought of the Party Ponies back in the Olympians world, and these Equestrians were crazier than them!

Under these conditions, nopony could give order—not even Mayor Mare could control this chaos. But that didn’t stop us—Chrysalis and I, and Mane Six—from giving order to this town, by stopping my clones!

“What do you mean you won’t party?” Rainbow Dash demanded while floating near ground.

“I-I’m sorry, Rainbow,” Fluttershy apologized in fright. “It’s too chaotic!”

“No wonder why you’re such a wimp!”

One of my copies—wearing sunglasses, beach shorts, clown’s nose and the same saddlebag—had paused flying and overheard the two Pegasi. He lowered nearby to listen.

“It’s better for you to just leave, softie!” Rainbow Dash insulted. “‘Look at me, I’m Fluttershy and love critters!’ Ha! Just have a tea party with your ugly friends of the forest and never show yourself again, wimp, especially to Iwano!”

Fluttershy had begun to tear up. “Please stop it!” she sobbed as she shrunk don miserably, her feeling hurt of the bullying.

Fake Iwano, who had the same feelings for Fluttershy as I, snorted like and angry bull as he approached Rainbow Dash. “Hey coach!” he said with a glare. “Shut it, okay?”

“Yeah? I’m your coach,” Rainbow Dash said as she turned to me. “And so I’m ordering you to just back off and—”

Right on top of my coach’s head, fake Iwano slammed his hooves on it, knocking her out unconscious. He nodded in satisfaction. “Are you okay now, Fluttershy?” he asked sweetly.

Fluttershy stood up as she wiped her tears. “Thank you, Iwano.”

The fake on blushed and giggled. “You’re welcome, my sweet—”

Rainbow Dash on her hooves knocked fake Iwano definitely unconscious. “Phew! It’s a good thing I’ve a hard head,” she said. “Can I turn back to normal? I don’t wanna be a tomboy.”

“It’s okay now. My plan was a success,” Fluttershy said.

In a golden glow, Rainbow Dash turned into me—I was disguised as my coach. “I can’t believe your plan worked!”

“You copies are just”—Fluttershy had burst into green flames, transforming into the Changeling queen—“as gullible as you are, Iwano, especially to Fluttershy. You do really love her with all your heart.”

“Ever since the beginning.” I glanced at my copy. “It’s time to get rid of you, you impostor.”

My horn glowed, and I blasted my duplicate into oblivion.

“There’s only one more left, Iwano,” Chrysalis said. “Should we lure it to us, too?”

“Nay”, I replied. “After almost getting a concussion from my copy’s whack, I’d say I’ll leave the last one to Twilight and the others. I think they can do it.”

“How can you be so sure that Twilight and her friends would be successful?”

“The Elements of Harmony’s heroisms are enough to believe they can accomplish. Now, we should repair the damages and—”

I’d gotten hit by a watermelon, which made me stumble to the ground. Okay, that hurts, I thought as I cleaned myself.

“And do our best to control everypony,” Chrysalis finished. “You do that while I fix the damages.”

I nodded, and we zipped to our tasks. Before I was hit on the head as Rainbow Dash, my Aura senses saw that one coming, so I used ‘Iron Head’ to harden my head from concussion. It was a good thing that fake one’s Aura senses were weak.

“I wonder how Twilight and her friends are with their challenge,” I said as I conjured a very long licorice rope.

“I can’t get a clear shot of the fake Iwano if these party goers kept roaming around wildly,” Twilight said. “ Fortunately, that fake one doesn’t teleport.”

The Mane Six, finally regrouped, were on pursuit in a chaotic crowd of ponies. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were doing their best to ward off and shove any unwanted obstacles, but the look on both their exhausted faces seemed they might collapse in the middle of the chase. The two were each on Twilight’s side while Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were behind.

“I can’t believe those fakies ruined almost everything!” Pinkie Pie said whiningly. “I really wanna party, but not destroy Ponyville!”

I can barely see the impostor in this bad shindig,” Applejack said as she shoved another pony with foam on his mouth. “Anything we do, he might just escape scott free!”

“Stop.” Twilight stopped running, and her friends did the same. “Rainbow Dash, think you’re fast enough to chase and knock fake Iwano down without him noticing?”

The Pegasus snorted. “Twilight, you’re best pal is the fastest flier in all of Equestria—of course I can knock him down quick!”

“Then you better do it now, or that copy’s gonna be too far for you to catch.” Twilight made it sound like a challenge.

Rainbow Dash, felt affected that she was slow, left her friends in a dash even faster in rainbow streaks, skillfully dodging and veering through the wild party’s ponies like zigzags.

“And we better follow her quickly,” Twilight said, and they ran.

Though thought safe and had lost his pursuers, fake Iwano slowed down and walked calmly through the party riot, sneering in thought of doing chaos. Using his magic, he froze the ground alongside him, causing passerby ponies that ran towards the icy floor and tumbled each other, which amuses the duplicate. He then passed by a buffet table lined with chocolate fondue fountains. In response to the fake’s horn glowing, they all had burst in eruption.

The fake Iwano had continuously spread chaos in his path.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was still dashing through the crowds. “I think I lost him,” she grumbled, slowly saddened. “Even if it’s just a clone, what if I’m not that fast at all? I think Iwano is…there!”

She found the green Alicorn corralling and tying up three unconscious ponies with a dense licorice rope. By the corner of his eye, he saw two ponies walking reluctantly, obviously drunk. The Alicorn conjured another licorice rop and lassoed the two dizzy ponies up.

The Alicorn wiped sweat from his face. “Ah, mother of Celestia, when will Twilight get rid of—”

He was tackled and held down suddenly by Rainbow Dash. “I’m not gonna let you escape, impostor!” she growled.

“Impostor? Wait, coach! It’s me, Green Wing!”

“He didn’t teleport at all, huh?” Twilight and her friends came to the scene. “He must be already tired. Now”—her horn glowed—“goodbye and good riddance.”

The green Alicorn whimpered.

“That’s the real Iwano, Twilight Sparkle,” a voice spoke behind them before the princess could shoot. The green Alicorn sighed in relief.

“How can you tell, Chrysalis?” Rarity asked.

“I promise you ponies that that’s the real Iwano. We’ve been nearby each other—I was repairing damages”—Chrysalis levitated shards of glass around her, mended them whole, and stuck it on a nearby windowless cottage—“while he was lassoing rampaging party goers.”

“You, the Changeling queen, doing something un-evil?” Pinkie Pie questioned. “That’s very weird.”

I sighed heavily. What a silly filly. “You’re weirder by comparison, you annoying pony.”

“That is Iwano!” Twilight beamed—no, she didn’t blast me to nothingness.

“Then where’s the real fake Iwano?” Rainbow Dash asked as she helped stood me up.

Pinkie Pie suddenly vibrated, her whole body shook like an earthquake. “Uh-oh~! That’s a doozy!”

“There’s no time to find somepony who doesn’t believe in your Pinkie Senses,” I said. “We have to find myself right now!”

“No! My Pinkie Senses was telling me somepony special is in town!”

It crossed my mind that surprising thing had happened today. I wondered what was next, hopefully another not another predicament. I also wondered about Pinkie Pie’s frustration level, which I thought was fortunately decreasing. What would Pinkie Pie transform into otherwise?

My Aura senses suddenly kicked in radar on my copy, and Pinkie Pie was right—somepony special was in town. “I know where my duplicate stopped.”

“Let’s not tarry then,” Rarity urged. Why was she still wearing her diadem?

“Chrysalis, I found out where my clone is. I’ll return for you later.”

“No, I’ll just come with you,” Chrysalis said as she used her magic to rebuild a whole cottage brick-by-brick. “It’s now getting boring, Iwano.”

I nodded, and Twilight scowled.

When the Mane Six, Chrysalis and I arrived at another part of town where I sensed my fake, I was yet again surprised with my friends and Chrysalis. Pinkie Pie was even more surprised than us that her jaw had hit the ground hard by the sight of big tank-like cannon behind an Earth pony, as we onlookers had formed a wide circle for this “show”.

My fake copy was spinning in daze as an Earth pony stallion was twirling his lariat with his mouth. (Normally ponies held items with their mouths).

“That’s Braeburn!” Applejack exclaimed. “He must’ve gotten mah letter.”

“You don’t need to say that,” I said. “And what letter? And does that cannon looked familiar?”

“Wait a minute!” Pinkie Pie eccentrically said. “Is he in there?!”

Braeburn tossed his lasso around my copy and pulled the rope tightly, almost suffocating the impostor. The Apple Family sure were a lot of strong Earth ponies, ‘cause Braeburn just lifted my clone off the ground by spinning around while firmly gripping the rope. When he opened his mouth, the rope was released into the air above us. Onlooker—were the supposed to be drunk?—around us were awed, and so was my friends and I.

“Time for the big finale, partner!” Braeburn announced proudly as he bucked the big cannon behind him…and it blasted out a pony with a loud BOOM! that might had rung my ears including everypony else’s. I could’ve sworn I saw that pony wearing a poncho and a hat.

I enhanced my vision at the zooming pony above, and I sharply held my breath and the excitement in my face. The pony had brilliant chartreuse green eyes, dark brown coat, light brilliant gamboge coat, and also wore cheese shoes in his hind legs. He held two cream pies on each of his hooves with his face serious like in that episode he appeared in.

When fake Iwano and the Earth pony stopped in midair, my copy was smacked hard with pie. If I were my clone without the dizziness, I would gulp the pies whole before getting smacked.

And I realized my clone was knocked out, and the party planner was about to fall. Cheese Sandwich just shrugged nervously but remained serious.

“Cheese Sandwich!” Pinkie Pie and I cried out.

My action nerves had kicked in a heartbeat. I tossed Pinkie Pie with my magic and I followed in a super quick flight dash. We were shot into the air to the fake and stallion like spears. The pink pony wasn’t surprised at all getting tossed—I read her mind. The expression on her face was severe as she straightened herself with hooves held out. I was very glad she knew I was thinking, which made me thought she could break more than the fourth wall.

“What the hay are they doing?!” Twilight demanded.

“Oh gosh, I hope they’re okay,” Fluttershy worriedly said. “They might get hurt!”

Let’s leave this to Iwano and Pinkie, darling,” Rarity assured. “Iwano is and Alicorn, and Pinkie Pie is Pinkie Pie, after all.”

“Iwano’s gonna go awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Everything was like slow motion, as Pinkie Pie caught Cheese Sandwich. And I passed by my fake, stuck my tongue out in hate, and blasted him into oblivion. Moreover, green fireworks exploded in the afternoon sky.

“That’s indeed a big finale,” Braeburn said as he gazed at the sky in marvel. Everypony in the area stopped partying to see the display, all awed.

I gasped. "Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie!” I made a quick u-turn around to save the party planners, but I stopped to see the pink pony saved themselves instead. Ponies around stomped their hooves in applause as the two party planners were cushioned on a bed of pink cotton candy, safe and sound.

I sighed in relief, and asked myself, “How did that cotton candy suddenly appear?”

The Mane Six and Chrysalis ran to the two party ponies as I landed. With Braeburn, we assisted the two in removing themselves from the sweet sticky pillow, though Pinkie Pie insisted of finishing gobbling the whole thing instead. I rolled my eyes.

I turned my attention to the party stallion with twinkling eyes like that of a fanatic. “Wow…Cheese Sandwich, the famous premiere party planner in all of Equestria, is here in Ponyville in my party!”

The part planner cleared his throat. “That’s right, special one,” he said in his calm and serious demeanor, which to me was very cool and awesome.

“You came here because your Cheesy Senses told you about a big party happening here, right?”

He knitted his brows. “I’m known throughout Equestria for my famous parties, but I never told anypony but Pinkie Pie and her friends about my Cheesy Senses. So, how did you—?”

“You can say I literally know almost everything in Equestria, Cheese Sandwich,” I snapped.

“And you can say this town-sized part is ruined by your copies.” We glanced at our surroundings, seeing that the onlookers lost interest that they all left and continued their chaotic partying.

“How do you know the one you pie-d was fake?”

“Your Changeling friend told me while she was fixing damaged property. She told me to knock it out, so Braeburn and I made a little performance.”

“I never knew you can fight,” Rainbow Dash said.

Cheese Sandwich adjusted his hat. “I’ve picked up some skills while partying all over the land, little filly. Now, we need to clean this town up—”

“On it!” I shot up into the sky.

I hovered in midair. Overlooking Ponyville from above reminded me of my clean-up after the mannequin riot. Now I was about to do it again for a party. I closed my eyes, my horn glowed as it quickly accumulated magic, I pictured in my mind that everypony were now sane and orderly and damages were completely repaired, and everypony healed if anypony were injured.

The moment I opened my eyes, showing them glowing golden, I caused I golden shockwave that affected everything of what I’d imagined.

Everything was repaired.

As I landed, my friends and Cheese Sandwich clapped their hooves, of course except Twilight.

“Huh, you’re one of a kind, Iwano Imagination,” Cheese Sandwich complimented, still in his serious demeanor. “No wonder I had a big doozy when a big party was thrown here just for you.”

“I’m a special one, like you said,” I said. I couldn’t help it, but I squealed in excitement of two party planners both here. “Now, I was thinking of a re-party being thrown by two of the most epic party planners in Equestria. What do you say, party ponies?”

“Oh, we don’t think so…” Pinkie Pie said sternly. I whimpered.

Suddenly, Cheese Sandwich denuded himself of his poncho and hat away like he did in Pinkie Pride, revealing himself in cheese shoes and yellow colored shirt with his signature grin, as he stood on his hind legs.

“We know so!” he exclaimed blithely.

Pinkie Pie hopped happily. “I’m so excited for this re-party~!”

I realized something. “Stop, pink pony.”

Pinkie Pie paused in midair. I pulled her down. “What is it?” she happily asked.

“This didn’t glow.” I pointed at the brilliant pink saddlebag Pinkie Pie wore, decoratively embroidered with her cutie mark and streamers. “And that was where you obviously brought out the cotton candy bed, correct?”

“Yeah, I really needed to act and I never knew it appeared with me, so I pulled out something out of it that came first to my mind.”

“Cotton candy, really?”


I teleported her new saddlebag to me unto mine—double bag, much? “I’ll examine what it does whil my party will be re-thrown together.”

Alright, everypony, let’s throw ourselves a wonderful scene for the pony in green!” Cheese Sandwich announced. “But I want Iwano to not see the preparations first. You know, surprise?”

“Iwano, you can stay in my boutique,” Rarity said, “while we arrange this celebration for you, darling.”

I nodded and flew away.

“Let’s go and get this town party-fied!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“You betcha, girl,” the premier party planner agreed. “Everypony, do your planning the best you can—and awaaaay we go~!”

The two party planners comically dashed off.

“Since yer here, Braeburn,” Applejack said, “you can help Big Mac, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith and me preparing some extra apple cider and buffet with Pinkie.”

“Then I’ll be on my way to Sweet Apple Acres, cuz,” Braeburn said. “I can’t wait for the real party! Hoo-wee~!”

Spike the dragon tiredly walked toward the Mane Six ad me, all dirty and a little bruised.

“Spike, what happened to you?” Twilight asked.

“Don’t wanna talk about it,” the dragon grumblingly replied as he crossed his arms.

“Alright, girls,” Applejack said. “Let’s all lend our hooves to Cheese and Pinkie!” Her friends cheered, except Spike and Twilight. When Applejack turned to Twilight to speak to her, she stopped seeing her friend deep in thought again and instead asked, “Are you ‘kay there, sugar cube?”

“A diadem, a pair of metallic-winged blades, and now a pink saddlebag,” Twilight enumerated. “What’s next? Iwano is an even bigger mystery than the chest from the Tree of Harmony.” She shook. “Let’s just focus on the party, girls.”

The all exclaimed in unison, “Party for Iwano!”

“Spike, I need your assistance, if you don’t mind,” Rarity said.

The dragon managed a smile and said, “Why not? I’ll help you out anytime, Rarity.”

Twilight’s friends bailed to do a certain task, but she only stood there.

“Iwano,” she slowly said. “Could you please tell me of who you are? I really want to believe you’re good, but you won’t hurt anypony would you? I wish you’d just tell me of your identity soon. It would really help.”

Walking back against her unknown enemy, Luna couldn’t escape a shadowy Unicorn with her exact same height and glowing bloodshot red eyes, blocking her path to Ponyville.

The princess swiftly flew passed the Alicorn, but was pulled back by a black chain issued from the enemy’s horn, just like her other few attempts. Luna shook frustratingly. Her horn glowed obviously for her to use magic again, but was negated when the shadow opponent had glow its horn deep crimson color. She then resorted to charging the blocker, but whenever she reached half a foot from it she was repelled by an invisible barrier. The princess went aback, exhausted but unharmed.

“Who are you?” Luna demanded. “Thy purpose is to only and only be my obstacle? Answer me!”

The Unicorn grinned, baring its fangs that were sharp enough to tear Luna’s skin like paper. It sprouted and spanned dragon wings wider than Celestia’s Pegasus-like ones.

“Dissonance,” Luna whispered contemptuously. “Iwano—Dissonance? Is Iwano within you?”

Luna was replied by a gust produced by Dissonance’s strong flaps. She stood her ground, firmly pressing her hooves into the earth. Attempted to use her magic again, she was able to conjure a barrier for protection.

“Is that all you can do, demon?!” Luna taunted. “I had faced stronger gales than that.”

Dissonance’s horn glowed again and had spread his wings even brighter. It was impossible that by one blink, Luna was suddenly floating in a pure dark void.

The princess tossed her head around in bewilderment. “Dissonance, where have you taken me? Come forth and face me in this ‘illusion’ you conjured upon me!”

Silence only answered.

“My formidable adversary must have trapped me here to prevent any interruption for bloodshed to fall in Ponyville,” Luna deduced. She breathed and relaxed her temper, and then closed her eyes in thought.

Suddenly, she heard her voice…Her filly voice. Luna slowly turned behind…and saw herself as a little filly with her mother.

I do not like this at all, teacher! filly Luna cried out. How long can we stay here? I favor the darkness of the night greater than this void!

“This…was my training…with mother…” Luna faltered. She couldn’t finish it, for she was stunned of this nostalgia. The princess just watched and listened to this conversation of the past.

My dear Luna, Lauren said, still a little star about to be ready to burst into serene moonlight that will shine even in the most darkest voids…like this one~!

Heretofore, thou still give me frightening challenges.

Luna, I am here. You are not alone. Being both teacher and mother is no mere challenge to me, because I am here to guide and teach you, which delighted me tenfold.

Filly Luna held back a sob. Truthful?

Lauren nodded. I am training you and Celestia to become excellent leaders someday. That is why I am guiding the both of you.

Does that mean you will leave us someday, mother?

No, I will not. Lauren smiled solemnly as Celestia’s. “You both will rule by my side with great omnipotence and wisdom. I know you are having difficulties under my tutelage like Celestia, but I am doing this—

Because you have every right as supreme ruler, filly Luna guessed.

Lauren’s solemn smile brightened sweetly. It is because I both love you and Celestia…as my precious daughters. As a teacher, it is my duty to teach and guide; as a mother, it is my duty to love and care, teaching my daughters how to protect and lead. I wouldn’t even leave you in this void at all, Luna, for I am mother. I wouldn’t even leave the both of you without knowledge. Do you understand the importance of this—?

The Alicorn teacher was hugged by her filly. Promise to both Celestia and I you would never abandon us, mother.

Lauren snuggled her mother lovingly. I promise.

Filly Luna’s horn glowed, and the whole void was filled with serene moonlight, which also happened right now with mare Luna.

Suddenly, she was back. The shadowy Dissonance was gone. She sighed, and realized as she touched her cheek, it was wet with tears.

Luna wiped her tears and focused. “That…was cruel of you, Dissonance. Now, I must go onward to Ponyville!”

The princess of the night flew.

The preparations were done by five in the afternoon when I took a peek at the window. Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich looked like they partied while arranging the party. Nostalgia waved over me of my party in IW, being thrown by Cynthia when I came back from the Grand Chase world.

In the Carousel Boutique, I was just there sitting on the floor writing letters and reading a book while waiting for my signal to party out. Glancing at the window, I could tell they were partying already, but in a non-chaotic way. It was just the way I liked it, like in the episode Pinkie Pride. I also liked to just stay indoors with nothing but a book, quill of unlimited ink, blank scrolls, my saddlebag, silence, and Pinkie Pie’s new saddlebag. But I would have to get out eventually.

After I wrote on my letters, I would examine the pink saddlebag. It first appeared out of thin air on the pink pony’s back when she and Cheese Sandwich were about to fall.

I’d think about that saddlebag later, right now I was writing my first letter to Cynthia—

Dear Cynthia,

It’s now day four for me in Equestria. I’ve been influenced by Rarity (Generosity) and Rainbow Dash (Loyalty). I’m actually unsatisfied of my Generosity, like it isn’t enough, and Loyalty was pretty fair considering Gilda the Griffon almost tempted me to join her (long story). Having two Elements of Harmony within is good—technically, maybe still one.

The bad news is kinda rough. Dissonance is spreading evil influences, causing unexpected mishaps to happen. Want an accurate number of predicaments that happened to me plus troubles/perils that were caused by him? There were seven. I felt that the longer I stay, the worse my dark element would throw.

My quest is still on, but I kept in mind of the deadline. Honestly, I wanted to forget about that, but my memory just stuck it into my brain. I wanna have fun in Equestria especially with every known characters here (including the bad ones), but you and I know we have no time for that. This quest might be my most troubling yet.

And don’t worry about me falling in love all over again. I’ll just stick only to Fluttershy as the apple of my eye, and I haven’t confessed to her yet.

How are the Mane Six, you might ask? They’re fine, except Twilight is out for my identity, though I accepted her as a friend. I’m also somewhat gathering new allies, which were all identified by my pangs (my head was beginning to crack, but not really). My time here gotten me to know ponies better and meet unexpected visitors, like Cheese Sandwich and Queen Chrysalis. The most unexpected of them all is Lauren Faust (don’t ask).

I think that’s all for now. Reply to me any important reports especially ones relevant to Imaginundia’s conditions under its status undergoing the Elementals’ attacks, Cynthia. I will return successfully, my faithful assistant.

Sincerely you Leader,

Iwano Imagination

PS: Refill the food supply in the Safari Area and pay my bill to Mr. Ping for me.

Yeah, I was unsatisfied of my Generosity, like I wanted something eventful to happen about it, not like I’d expected it. And yeah, I wanted to forget about my deadline and enjoy Equestria. At least this was an adventure.

I hadn’t sent a letter since the Bolt Wing. Cynthia was probably worried about me, albeit I had skill to get out of tight situations, maybe. Cynthia was my assistant and she had the right to be worried, considering she was my ex-girlfriend. She was also very caring, and very motherly to Lentae. I remembered I had amnesia when my entrancing to the Mystery Dungeon world was damaged. Cynthia was engrossed in her search for me and she did it alone, and too her two weeks and four days to regain my memory. Cynthia was one of the most loyal, powerful, smartest and obedient assistant in IW.

I rolled my letter, levitated and burned it with my fire breathing for it to be sent. The green ashes flew out of a window I quickly opened and gotten hit by a pink water balloon. I scowled as I closed the window and went back to writing a letter. Now, for Celestia—

Dear Celestia,

I hate Rainbow Dash even before I met her.

During the Bolt Wing, I obliged myself to follow her orders in training. She was quite the coach, I tell ya. I don’t like her personality at all. I even wanted to change my coach with a new one.

Temptation was upon me when Gilda the Griffon offered me an alliance with her against Rainbow Dash. I actually wanted to join her, beating my coach into a pulp and rip her wings off.

But there was one thing that made me wanna stay with my coach: “You’re under my wing,” Rainbow Dash said.

I learned that though I despised that certain somepony all because of her or his personality, especially when it comes to Rainbow Dash’s, I should look deeper within to see the better light. I also learned that loyalty must not be based on our reasons, but based on our good hearts and friendship.

This letter is both my first friendship report, and an urgent message.

First news is about a poem. Dissonance had foretold of a prophecy—six stanzas with four lines, each having some sort of unforeseen event. I wait for them to happen…Just ask Twilight about it, I guess.

Second news was brought to me by another Alicorn name Lauren Faust (not from my kingdom). She told me that Pinkie Pie would transform into something terrible that would happen when “the moon rises and lanterns lit up”.

This might be all the work of Dissonance in the first place.

Be careful, my dear princess. These perils might be unlike you’d ever faced. We will all do our parts. A party is happening Ponyville dedicated to me, so I’m inviting you.

Sincerely yours,

Iwano Imagination

I did the same—roll, levitated, burn. I’d to send friendship reports if anything valuable happened.

I deposited my writing materials in my saddlebag, and began examining Pinkie Pie’s. I was pretty sure it had some special properties or something.

“What makes this tick?” I asked myself. When I opened it, there was nothing. I was skeptical in nothingness, after experiencing them often. In my adventures, anything was nothing had something all the time. “Okay, Pinkie Pie popped up a cotton candy from this, so how?”

Yeah~! I really needed to act and I never knew it appeared with me, so I pulled something out of it that came first to my mind, Pinkie Pie said.

“Came first to my mind,” I musingly repeated that line.

I thought of a yellow balloon, dipped my hoof into the saddlebag, and felt rubber. I removed my hoof and a balloon came out floating, except it was pink. “Why pink?”

This saddlebag might function like mine, but something was different. The thing I thought next was a hammer. I used my magic to get it, but nothing. Next, I thought of a noisemaker, and I picked a pink one out. Fourth, I thought of a ball, and I picked a pink one out. Fifth was a brick, but nothing.

A few minutes later by 5:45 PM, I had a pile of mostly pink, party-related stuff—noisemakers, confetti, banners, streamers, cans of paint, paintbrushes, party hats, a pin-the-tail-on-the-pony set, and pastries.

“I concluded,” I announced, “that this saddlebag can only grant mostly pink, party stuff.”

I levitated the party stuff back—and the bag could actually carry them all? This would be the saddlebag of a fourth-wall breaker. Mine could do the same, but still felt something different about this one.

In Pinkie Pride, Pinkie Pie actually had a saddlebag that could carry paint without the can and others, but still, this one felt unique.

Did Rarity’s Tredaspo Diadem and Rainbow Dash’s Loyal Chromes both have any special abilities or anything? I had to examine them soon.

Now, there was nothing left but thought of everything that had happened. I thought of Lauren Faust appearing right before Twilight and I. The librarian was unknown of Lauren’s status and power that it would get her even more curious. Did twilight know that curiosity could kill the cat? Or pony, technically. I was also beginning to be curious like Twilight Sparkle. Everything about Lauren, Nyx and more would be very good side quests if it weren’t for my Dissonance problem. I sighed. At least it was an adventure, after all, made by Dissonance.

Oneness and peace might be the only things I wanted today in my celebration, right now.

“Peace and quiet,” I softly said. “There’ll be nothing to shatter this silence—”

All the windows and the door flew open suddenly as ponies popped in and screamed, “SURPRISE!!!”

In startle, I also screamed as I shot up and tumbled. My heart pounded so fast I could barely breathe, and my eyes were widened as if they were to pop.

Pinkie Pie—why wasn’t I surprised to see her?—popped right in front of my face and greeted, “Hello, Iwano~! Are you ready for your party bash?!”

Before I could answer, I was stood up by an eccentric Cheese Sandwcih as he said, “Because we go jolly-molly entertainment for you!”

I nervously smiled. Oh Glob, this might be bad for me. I decided to admit that I didn’t want any noisy and disorienting parties for me. I’d rather stay here alone and silent as I read a write. But I was curious of wht kind of entertainment they’d offer.

“Um, what kind of entertainment?” I ventured.

The party planners answered in unison, “A goof off!”

My eyes twitched and my stomach cringed. My mouth tightened. “Explain why a goof off, please.”

“Well, it was my idea,” Cheese Sandwich said. I personally wanted to choke him. “I came to Ponyville not just because I sensed a party planned and that you’re big, I also came here to have a little ‘rematch’ with Pinkie here,” he put his hoof around Pinkie, which made her blush, “since she just forfeited in the last one, and I wanna have fun!”

“Since this party’s all just for you and we want to enjoy, Pinkie Pie said, “we chose you as judge to judge. Plus, everypony will have fun! It’s brilliant!”

I wanted to say no, and that their idea was terrible, instead I said, “But I might end up like what happened to Rainbow Dash you’d—”

“Nonsense, Iwano!” Cheese Sandwich eccentrically beamed. “You’re gonna have the party of your life! I promise that you’ll be a-okay! I’ve heard you’re from another kingdom, so let us be hospitable to the special one, you!”

I certainly didn’t want to say no because everypony would think I was a killjoy. And Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie rearranged the party all for me. Why would I turn this down besides wanting to have peacefulness? I felt ashamed.

I sighed. “Fine, but I want to be alone for a while, maybe give me ten to fifteen minutes. Please.”

“Great!” Pinkie Pie agreed…with her eyes glinting. Huh? “You can just save up energy first! We’ll be waiting~!”

Everypony instantly left and closed everything.

I slumped on the floor, wishing this party hadn’t happened in the first place. Cheese Sandwich was cool and all, but I didn’t want double the annoyance.

“Which is better?” I asked myself. “Some tranquil silence or party of happiness?”

I remembered how Geronimo Stilton tried everything to escape his Cousin Trap’s party, but failed in every way. Just like him, I wanted a quiet time all to myself, reading and thinking. Whenever I attended a party in Imaginundia, I was just there for a short time to sing for the crowd.

I recounted the parties in which I really partied like an animal, and they were fun even if a peril popped up.

One crucial thing that was inevitable was to be influenced by Harmony—I realized I was avoiding Laughter, and that element was a conflict to me.

I scowled. I was again ashamed.

I grunted. “Alright, Iwano Imagination. If you hate something, ram it! If it’s acidic, dive deeper! If it’s imperative, take it! If you hate Dissonance, then you must not hate this party for this time only.”

With my face like a soldier, I marched to the door. Before I could turn the knob with my magic, I was smacked aside by the door.

“Iwano, are you ready to be judge-y?” Pinkie Pie said as she stuck her head in. “Where are you?”

“I’m here,” I murmured.

“Good.” Pinkie Pie pulled me out of the boutique and had shut the door. “Are you ready?”

I wish I wasn’t, I thought. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

“Let the goof off take place—in town’s square!”

I loved rearrangements, but not a goof off.

Pinkie Pie left me because she was excited for me to come, so I just wanted to catch up. The whole town was clean and party decors were okay. Instead of banners mostly hung everywhere, there were a few colorful flags bearing my cutie mark. Balloons were floating and hung almost everywhere of all shaped, colors, and sizes. Cottages were decorated with steamers and a whole variety of stickers. Buffet tables were properly lined with pastries, even some that were made with Pecha. Everypony were just chatting along, un-drunk.

As I walked closer to the center of town, I saw some “party-ier” stuff passing by.Floating above passed me was a blimp of me with wall-eyes (I was going to complain about that soon, maybe). I saw Cheese Sandwich’s party cannon loaded, and then blasted a pony out in a streak of grey. Passing by was a giant cheese wheel filled with screaming and squealing ponies, probably colts and fillies.

I heard grunting and panting by my right the moment I arrived at the square. I saw an Earth pony stallion pushing a giant punch bowl that barely moved. The pony had moderate cornflower blue eyes, dark grayish tangelo mane, and light amberish gray. He wore a brown saddlebag, a green bowtie, and glasses, and had freckles on his face, a pencil on his ear, braces on his teeth, and a pair of star-shaped glasses, obviously for this occasion—his appearance in general was nerdy. His cutie mark was a robot. And I had another pang.

“Are you Gizmo Poindexter?” I asked as I approached him. “You’re an old friend of Shining Armor’s, right?”

Gizom Poindexter reluctantly adjusted his glasses and stopped pushing the punch bowl.

“Wow, you know me and my old friends?” he asked in marvel. “Wait! You’re Iwano Imagination, the new pony in town!”

“You can say that. Gizmo—”

“It’s a great pleasure to meet you!” Gizmo shook my hooves frantically like a fanatic. “You’re the hero to this town from mannequins and duplicates!”

I was again flattered. “How do you know about my duplicates?”

Gizmo stopped shaking. “Pinkie Pie told everypony about it. Your duplicates were actually pretty awesome party goers, but wow, they made a big mess.”

“They really did,” I agreed. “Anyways, why are you pushing this heavy thing?”

“Pinkie Pie told me to push it near town hall and ask help if necessary. I tried asking, but everypony seem engrossed in finishing preparations and decors.”

“I’ll lend you a hoof then.”

“Really? Wow, you’re also helpful.”

“I’m more than helpful, my friend.” I smiled. “I’m awesome.”

“More awesome than Rainbow Dash?”

I snorted. “Yeah, more awesome than Rainbow Dash.”

We both leaned on the bowl and pushed. The bowl was moving by our force together, but I wasn’t using any power or magic, just my normal strength which was average.

“Morning Leaf!” Noteworthy called as he approached me with Rose, Daisy, Caramel, Golden Harvest (aka Carrot Top), Apple Fritter, Berry Punch, Braeburn, and an Earth pony mare with a camera dangling on her neck.

The new one had aqua eyes, orange mane, and light yellow coat. She wore a barrette, and had a cutie mark of a piece of film.

I thought I knew her, and I endured another pang.

“Ayo, Noteworthy and fellow herd,” I greeted as I was still pushing while Gizmo stopped. “Who’s the photographer?”

“My name’s Film Reel,” the photographer introduced herself. “I’m friends with Noteworthy and Caramel. I’m hoping to get a few shots of you for my news article on the new pony in town and his party. Would you like some shots?”

“Thanks, but maybe later, really.”

Film Reel reminded me of Lentae. My sister was also a photographer and an annoying photogenic at times. This photographer pony made me miss my sister which made me stop pushing and sighed and smiled, which made Daisy grin. What?

“We knew the whole story,” Rose said, “about your clone problem hours ago. Rough, isn’t it?”

“Are you kidding me? It’s like my other challenges in the past. It was no problem, really.”

Why won’t you use your magic?” Carrot Top asked. “You’re an Alicorn, so maybe you can lift that bowl easily.”

“I don’t wanna, ‘cause I wanna know how it feels to be an Earth pony like the rest of you—just to be fair. My wings and horn aren’t making me feel like it at all, so why not do magic at all?”

“Partner, being an Earth is all about strength, stamina and integrity,” Braeburn said, though I thought what he said was senseless. “Since we can’t fly and do magic, we rely on our determination to hard work.”

“Let’s all just lend a hoof around the square now,” Daisy cheerfully said. “Remember guys, Pinkie told us to move up more tables to the square from town hall, and set more ‘attractions’.”

“Where are these attractions you spoke of?” Gizmo asked.

“They’re right over there,” Berry Punch answered as she pointed at our left. Crates of different sizes were stacked to each other. Whatever was inside them, they were apparently heavy. How in Equestria did Cheese Sandwich afforded all these stuff—that I was curious of. “They look pretty heavy, but we can do it, right?”

“The let’s get our hooves workin’!” Apple Fritter exclaimed as she set her hind legs on the punch bowl, followed by Gizmo and I as we began to push. The bowl moved quickly now. Heh, Apple Family sure was a strong bunch. “Does this thang go to town hall?”

“Eeyup,” I replied in Big Macintosh’s tone.

“You sound like mah cuzzin,” Apple Fritter giggled.

Braeburn nodded at us pushers and turned to the rest of the Earth ponies. “You heard my cousin. Cheese and Pinkie ordered us to set up the fun stuff. So everypony, grab or lift a crate and get it done fast!”

Everypony started running and picking crates. Noteworthy and Caramel pushed a long rectangular crate and set it.

“I wonder what’s inside,” Noteworthy said.

“Let’s just open it so we could party soon,” Caramel grumbled.

On both sides, they used their hooves to whack and unhinge the crate. The thing inside revealed to be—

“A catapult.” Caramel arched his brows.

Noteworthy cringed. “I’m no good in setting catapults.”

Caramel smirked at his friend. “Is that so?”

Meanwhile, Berry Punch and Carrot Top opened a crate, and revealed to be a flattened bouncy house.

“How can we pump air in this?” Berry Punch asked. “There’s no air pumper with this thing?”

“Hi, girls~!” Pinkie Pie greeted as she hopped to the mares. “How’s working progress?”

“Oh, hi, Pinkie,” Carrot Top greeted. “We don’t have an—”

“Air pumper?” Pinkie Pie beamed. “Why didn’t you say so? I can help!” The pink pony grinned.

Carrot Top and Berry Punch asked in unison, “How?”

The pink pony giggled. “I’ll just blow, silly!”

She had spread the bounce house and exposed the hole in which air gets in. Pinkie Pie comically inhaled with a big mouth and widened eyes, expanding herself exponentially into a giant pink ball of air. Berry Punch and Carrot Top just stood there surprised, though Ponyville’s citizens obviously seen her did those all the time.

“That doesn’t make any sense,” I said. “How can Pinkie Pie expand into a giant ball of oxygen?”

Apple Fritter, Gizmo and I finally stopped near the town hall. Well, that push made my hooves and back a bit jelly. The fine expression on Apple Fritter’s face told me that she was at ease. When our eyes met, she quickly turned away. Was it my sweaty face? Gizmo on the other hand was panting and three times tired than me. My breathing was difficult for I had asthma, but I didn’t let it show and forcefully relaxed myself.

“I wouldn’t”—Gizmo wheezed hoarsely—“curious if I were you on Pinkie. Nopony could ever solve the mystery behind that party planner’s illogicality, not even Twilight Sparkle could or I. The last time I attempted observations on her, I ended up having a week long migraine.”

I nodded in understanding. “I’m just…very annoyed of her.”

“Why should ya be annoyed of Pinkie?” Apple Fritter joined in. “She’s Ponyville’s greatest party planner! Well, in town, that is. But she’s really fun, ya know? It’s like you two are completely opposite, Morning—I think you’re serious while she’s the opposite of it. You two would be a great—”

I stuck an apple on her mouth. “Please, let’s just rest for a moment, Apple Fritter.”

I stared at Pinkie Pie as I sat down. My Aura suddenly gave my spine cold tingling…Something wasn’t right about her. I had experiences like these whereas something innocent would burst into peril. Would Pinkie Pie transform like what Lauren said?

My thought immediately faded when Pinkie Pie caught my stare and instantly appeared in front of me in a flash. I flinched and yelped. According to my Aura, we were sixteen feet away from each other and it only took her exactly two seconds for her to come to me.

“Are you ready to judge the good off?” Pinkie Pie asked as she leaned closer to me, eye to eye. I blushed—why was I blushing? “I made a Pinkie Party Promise to entertain and make you happy that would last forever~! And only I will do that to you~!”

I highly doubted that. “Uh…sure, Pinkie Pie, we’ll just finish things up here.”

“Are you sure it’s necessary to test this thing by launching a live pony into the air, Caramel?” Noteworthy asked in uneasiness.

“Sure I’m sure,” Caramel said. “Hey, remember you never returned my jewel combs last month?”

“This for that? I already told you I was sorry and I made it up by arranging a date with you and Rose.”

“But it was a bust, remember?”

Noteworthy gulped. He was on the catapult’s launcher, shivering in fright. “I’m surprised you still remember that, Caramel, and we all thought you’re forgetful. Maybe w-we should use something non-pony, like—”

“Better up!” Caramel pulled the lever, triggering the catapult to launch. Noteworthy was hurtled into the air flailing.

“Hmm, I wonder where Noteworthy would crash on.”

“Smile~!” Film Reel said as she shot a photo of Apple Fritter, Gizmo and I. I could hear Noteworthy screaming through the air, and I was the only one who heard him?

Daisy, Rose, Noteworthy, Caramel, Berry Punch, Carrot Top, Braeburn, Apple Fritter, Gizmo Poindexter, and Film Reel…They were my set of Earth pony friends. I’d call them my “Party Ripple” friends.

What purpose would my Bolt Wing and Party Ripple friends serve in the future for me? What’s next, Unicorns?

Pinkie Pie left me, which was relieving, and went to the others to check on their preparations, enough by an earshot for me to complain to myself.

Daisy and Rose were both lifting a table to a certain spot of the square, sweating that they already brought only six out.

“Hey, girls~!” Pinkie Pie greeted.

“Hey, Pinkie,” Rose greeted back as she and her friend settled the table.

“Pinkie Pie, I overheard from you from Iwano over there about a Pinkie Party Promise,” Daisy said. “Are you sure you can fulfill that? I mean, remember the last time you broke yours?”

“Don’t be so silly, Daisy~! Of course I’m gonna fill-fill it eventually. The goof off is meant to make Iwano happy and none other more—just the way me and Cheese likes it! But still…” Pinkie Pie’s expression softened.

“A-are you okay, Pinkie?” Daisy asked.

“I want to be the only one to make Iwano happy—and not Cheese, to be honest.” The party pony left the two mares without leaving remarks of their work. “Because I care for his sadness, and he should really, really have a great time…with me…I can really see…” she glanced at me talking to Apple Fritter and Gizmo, “that sadness in him, hugging his heart from his smile. It makes me wanna…care him more than anything…”

I loved rearrangements, but not a goof off.

Pinkie Pie left me because she was excited for me to come, so I just wanted to catch up. The whole town was clean and party decors were okay. Instead of banners mostly hung everywhere, there were a few colorful flags bearing my cutie mark. Balloons were floating and hung almost everywhere of all shaped, colors, and sizes. Cottages were decorated with steamers and a whole variety of stickers. Buffet tables were properly lined with pastries, even some that were made with Pecha. Everypony were just chatting along, un-drunk.

As I walked closer to the center of town, I saw some “party-ier” stuff passing by.Floating above passed me was a blimp of me with wall-eyes (I was going to complain about that soon, maybe). I saw Cheese Sandwich’s party cannon loaded, and then blasted a pony out in a streak of grey. Passing by was a giant cheese wheel filled with screaming and squealing ponies, probably colts and fillies.

I heard grunting and panting by my right the moment I arrived at the square. I saw an Earth pony stallion pushing a giant punch bowl that barely moved. The pony had moderate cornflower blue eyes, dark grayish tangelo mane, and light amberish gray. He wore a brown saddlebag, a green bowtie, and glasses, and had freckles on his face, a pencil on his ear, braces on his teeth, and a pair of star-shaped glasses, obviously for this occasion—his appearance in general was nerdy. His cutie mark was a robot. And I had another pang.

“Are you Gizmo Poindexter?” I asked as I approached him. “You’re an old friend of Shining Armor’s, right?”

Gizmo Poindexter reluctantly adjusted his glasses and stopped pushing the punch bowl.

“Wow, you know me and my old friends?” he asked in marvel. “Wait! You’re Iwano Imagination, the new pony in town!”

“You can say that. Gizmo—”

“It’s a great pleasure to meet you!” Gizmo shook my hooves frantically like a fanatic. “You’re the hero to this town from mannequins and duplicates!”

I was again flattered. “How do you know about my duplicates?”

Gizmo stopped shaking. “Pinkie Pie told everypony about it. Your duplicates were actually pretty awesome party goers, but wow, they made a big mess.”

“They really did,” I agreed. “Anyways, why are you pushing this heavy thing?”

“Pinkie Pie told me to push it near town hall and ask help if necessary. I tried asking, but everypony seem engrossed in finishing preparations and decors.”

“I’ll lend you a hoof then.”

“Really? Wow, you’re also helpful.”

“I’m more than helpful, my friend.” I smiled. “I’m awesome.”

“More awesome than Rainbow Dash?”

I snorted. “Yeah, more awesome than Rainbow Dash.”

We both leaned on the bowl and pushed. The bowl was moving by our force together, but I wasn’t using any power or magic, just my normal strength which was average.

“Morning Leaf!” Noteworthy called as he approached me with Rose, Daisy, Caramel, Golden Harvest (aka Carrot Top), Apple Fritter, Berry Punch, Braeburn, and an Earth pony mare with a camera dangling on her neck.

The new one had aqua eyes, orange mane, and light yellow coat. She wore a barrette, and had a cutie mark of a piece of film.

I thought I knew her, and I endured another pang.

“Ayo, Noteworthy and fellow herd,” I greeted as I was still pushing while Gizmo stopped. “Who’s the photographer?”

“My name’s Film Reel,” the photographer introduced herself. “I’m friends with Noteworthy and Caramel. I’m hoping to get a few shots of you for my news article on the new pony in town and his party. Would you like some shots?”

“Thanks, but maybe later, really.”

Film Reel reminded me of Lentae. My sister was also a photographer and an annoying photogenic at times. This photographer pony made me miss my sister which made me stop pushing and sighed and smiled, which made Daisy grin. What?

“We knew the whole story,” Rose said, “about your clone problem hours ago. Rough, isn’t it?”

“Are you kidding me? It’s like my other challenges in the past. It was no problem, really.”

Why won’t you use your magic?” Carrot Top asked. “You’re an Alicorn, so maybe you can lift that bowl easily.”

“I don’t wanna, ‘cause I wanna know how it feels to be an Earth pony like the rest of you—just to be fair. My wings and horn aren’t making me feel like it at all, so why not do magic at all?”

“Partner, being an Earth is all about strength, stamina and integrity,” Braeburn said, though I thought what he said was senseless. “Since we can’t fly and do magic, we rely on our determination to hard work.”

“Let’s all just lend a hoof around the square now,” Daisy cheerfully said. “Remember guys, Pinkie told us to move up more tables to the square from town hall, and set more ‘attractions’.”

“Where are these attractions you spoke of?” Gizmo asked.

“They’re right over there,” Berry Punch answered as she pointed at our left. Crates of different sizes were stacked to each other. Whatever was inside them, they were apparently heavy. How in Equestria did Cheese Sandwich afforded all these stuff—that I was curious of. “They look pretty heavy, but we can do it, right?”

“The let’s get our hooves workin’!” Apple Fritter exclaimed as she set her hind legs on the punch bowl, followed by Gizmo and I as we began to push. The bowl moved quickly now. Heh, Apple Family sure was a strong bunch. “Does this thang go to town hall?”

“Eeyup,” I replied in Big Macintosh’s tone.

“You sound like mah cuzzin,” Apple Fritter giggled.

Braeburn nodded at us pushers and turned to the rest of the Earth ponies. “You heard my cousin. Cheese and Pinkie ordered us to set up the fun stuff. So everypony, grab or lift a crate and get it done fast!”

Everypony started running and picking crates. Noteworthy and Caramel pushed a long rectangular crate and set it.

“I wonder what’s inside,” Noteworthy said.

“Let’s just open it so we could party soon,” Caramel grumbled.

On both sides, they used their hooves to whack and unhinge the crate. The thing inside revealed to be—

“A catapult.” Caramel arched his brows.

Noteworthy cringed. “I’m no good in setting catapults.”

Caramel smirked at his friend. “Is that so?”

Meanwhile, Berry Punch and Carrot Top opened a crate, and revealed to be a flattened bouncy house.

“How can we pump air in this?” Berry Punch asked. “There’s no air pumper with this thing?”

“Hi, girls~!” Pinkie Pie greeted as she hopped to the mares. “How’s working progress?”

“Oh, hi, Pinkie,” Carrot Top greeted. “We don’t have an—”

“Air pumper?” Pinkie Pie beamed. “Why didn’t you say so? I can help!” The pink pony grinned.

Carrot Top and Berry Punch asked in unison, “How?”

The pink pony giggled. “I’ll just blow, silly!”

She had spread the bounce house and exposed the hole in which air gets in. Pinkie Pie comically inhaled with a big mouth and widened eyes, expanding herself exponentially into a giant pink ball of air. Berry Punch and Carrot Top just stood there surprised, though Ponyville’s citizens obviously seen her did those all the time.

“That doesn’t make any sense,” I said. “How can Pinkie Pie expand into a giant ball of oxygen?”

Apple Fritter, Gizmo and I finally stopped near the town hall. Well, that push made my hooves and back a bit jelly. The fine expression on Apple Fritter’s face told me that she was at ease. When our eyes met, she quickly turned away. Was it my sweaty face? Gizmo on the other hand was panting and three times tired than me. My breathing was difficult for I had asthma, but I didn’t let it show and forcefully relaxed myself.

“I wouldn’t”—Gizmo wheezed hoarsely—“curious if I were you on Pinkie. Nopony could ever solve the mystery behind that party planner’s illogicality, not even Twilight Sparkle could or I. The last time I attempted observations on her, I ended up having a week long migraine.”

I nodded in understanding. “I’m just…very annoyed of her.”

“Why should ya be annoyed of Pinkie?” Apple Fritter joined in. “She’s Ponyville’s greatest party planner! Well, in town, that is. But she’s really fun, ya know? It’s like you two are completely opposite, Morning—I think you’re serious while she’s the opposite of it. You two would be a great—”

I stuck an apple on her mouth. “Please, let’s just rest for a moment, Apple Fritter.”

I stared at Pinkie Pie as I sat down. My Aura suddenly gave my spine cold tingling…Something wasn’t right about her. I had experiences like these whereas something innocent would burst into peril. Would Pinkie Pie transform like what Lauren said?

My thought immediately faded when Pinkie Pie caught my stare and instantly appeared in front of me in a flash. I flinched and yelped. According to my Aura, we were sixteen feet away from each other and it only took her exactly two seconds for her to come to me.

“Are you ready to judge the good off?” Pinkie Pie asked as she leaned closer to me, eye to eye. I blushed—why was I blushing? “I made a Pinkie Party Promise to entertain and make you happy that would last forever~! And only I will do that to you~!”

I highly doubted that. “Uh…sure, Pinkie Pie, we’ll just finish things up here.”

“Are you sure it’s necessary to test this thing by launching a live pony into the air, Caramel?” Noteworthy asked in uneasiness.

“Sure I’m sure,” Caramel said. “Hey, remember you never returned my jewel combs last month?”

“This for that? I already told you I was sorry and I made it up by arranging a date with you and Rose.”

“But it was a bust, remember?”

Noteworthy gulped. He was on the catapult’s launcher, shivering in fright. “I’m surprised you still remember that, Caramel, and we all thought you’re forgetful. Maybe w-we should use something non-pony, like—”

“Better up!” Caramel pulled the lever, triggering the catapult to launch. Noteworthy was hurtled into the air flailing.

“Hmm, I wonder where Noteworthy would crash on.”

“Smile~!” Film Reel said as she shot a photo of Apple Fritter, Gizmo and I. I could hear Noteworthy screaming through the air, and I was the only one who heard him?

Daisy, Rose, Noteworthy, Caramel, Berry Punch, Carrot Top, Braeburn, Apple Fritter, Gizmo Poindexter, and Film Reel…They were my set of Earth pony friends. I’d call them my “Party Ripple” friends.

What purpose would my Bolt Wing and Party Ripple friends serve in the future for me? What’s next, Unicorns?

Pinkie Pie left me, which was relieving, and went to the others to check on their preparations, enough by an earshot for me to complain to myself.

Daisy and Rose were both lifting a table to a certain spot of the square, sweating that they already brought only six out.

“Hey, girls~!” Pinkie Pie greeted.

“Hey, Pinkie,” Rose greeted back as she and her friend settled the table.

“Pinkie Pie, I overheard from you from Iwano over there about a Pinkie Party Promise,” Daisy said. “Are you sure you can fulfill that? I mean, remember the last time you broke yours?”

“Don’t be so silly, Daisy~! Of course I’m gonna fill-fill it eventually. The goof off is meant to make Iwano happy and none other more—just the way me and Cheese likes it! But still…” Pinkie Pie’s expression softened.

“A-are you okay, Pinkie?” Daisy asked.

“I want to be the only one to make Iwano happy—and not Cheese, to be honest.” The party pony left the two mares without leaving remarks of their work. “Because I care for his sadness, and he should really, really have a great time…with me…I can really see…” she glanced at me talking to Apple Fritter and Gizmo, “that sadness in him, hugging his heart from his smile. It makes me wanna…care him more than anything…”

Princess Luna was respectfully greeted immediately when the Ponyville citizen’s saw her, but she didn’t greeted back for she was in a rush. Instead, the princess asked the ones who greeted her, “Have thou seen Iwano Imagination?” She had no luck however.

While searching, Luna raced the moon. Lanterns were lit up. The glowing lights made the party even more colorful than the morning in the night.

“I do wish the location of Iwano Imagination would be revealed,” she said. “Where is he?”

The princess was crashed by a falling blue stallion from the sky.

After they both recovered, the stallion gasped, went off and bowed to the princess. “My apologies, Princess Luna,” he said. “I’m very, very sorry!”

“Thou art forgiven,” the princess said. Is this stallion my answer? she asked herself in thought. “Have thou seen the green Alicorn, crasher?”

“Town square, your highness,” the stallion replied.

“Onward to town square—!”

Suddenly, she was blocked by ponies, greeting and offering the princess pastries and drinks.

“Would you care for some apple cider, princess?”

“Do you want a blueberry muffin, your highness?”

“Have some brand new Pecha cupcakes, Princess Luna!”

I could use my royal we, Luna thought, but they would be frightened. I have no choice but to be polite and courteous to my subjects while getting through this predicament. I hope…it does not happen yet…

An audience made a very wide “battlefield” in town square for the goof off. The Mane Six (except Pinkie Pie), Spike, Chrysalis and I were among them, but Twilight and I would come out later for our purposes.

The Mane Six would eventually be used to Chrysalis as an additional company, but they obviously had their reservations about it, but I didn’t mind. I wanted to help Chrysalis as much as the girls would help me, to socialize with the pony folk in town.

Your lightning zapped Pinkie Pie twice, Lauren had said, which would cause her to become harmful by the time the moon rises and the lanterns light up. Her transformation will be inevitable.

Twilight and I exchanged worried looks. She definitely knew what I was thinking. The mood had risen and the lanterns were lit, so why wasn’t Pinkie Pie “harmful” yet? I wished I’d sent a letter to Celestia to stop Luna from raining the moon, but I thought that would be very unnatural.

“Wow, a second goof off,” Rainbow Dash said. “But this time it’s for fun. I’m with Pinkie on this one, guys.”

“I am, too, on our friend’s side,” Rarity said.

“Maybe Cheese would win this,” Applejack said, which meant she sided with the stallion party planner.

“Um, I think I’m with Cheese Sandwich for this one,” Fluttershy said.

“Who’ll you choose, Twilight?” Spike asked. “I’m with Cheese this time.”

“Nopony,” Twilight simply replied. “It depends on Iwano’s judgment, though the contestants would have a difficult time pleasing him.”

I smiled. “I’m excited to see two epic super duper party planners clash right before my eyes,” I said. “But honestly, I’m quite uneasy. In the last goof off, Pinkie Pie forfeited, thus Cheese Sandwich was technically the winner. I never really expected a second one, though.”

“And I really never expected this audience to be thrice as many than ‘fore,” Applejack said as she glanced around.

On my east, Pinkie Pie walked sternly and focused ahead with eyes seriously squinted. She wore a green goft box costume, a colorful jester’s hat, and a pink noisemaker on her mouth.

On my west, Cheese Sandwich had the same walk and expression. He wore his usual attire, but with a few additions. The party planner wore an overly acupunctured cowboy hat of arrows, a kazoo on his mouth, cheese shoes, a fake snake scarf, and doughnut bracelets.

They both stopped at seven feet away from each other as Twilight and I stepped forward.

“Tonight, we’ll witness the second goof off of Ponyville’s very own party pony, Pinkie Pie, versus Equestria’s premier party planner, Cheese Sandwich,” Twilight announced. “The rules are simple: Whoever is the goofier will be upon the judge, which is Iwano, the celebrant.” She turned to me. “Anything you would want to add or say before they begin, Iwano?”

“Yes, Twilight,” I replied. “Everypony and fellow goofers, I honestly don’t wanna laugh—however, I’ll decide upon who makes me laugh, giggle, chortle, guffaw or chuckle first. That’s when I declare the winner. I’m a serious and no-joke pony who’s sensitive and loves silence, in truth. But tonight, one of you will brighten me up in this competition of nonsense. Moreover, the winner will officially be dubbed by yours truly as the ‘Super Duper Mega Ultra Hyper Party Planner’! And will be known in my kingdom as that title! I’ll also personally let Princess Celestia dub that with her permission, too.”

The tow party planners broke into a gasp and said in unison, “Dub as Super Duper Mega Ultra Hyper Party Planner?!”


Everypony murmured. I mostly heard “Pinkie Pie” and “Cheese Sandwich” from them, but when I enhance my hearing, they were opinionating for the winner.

The party planner’s faced each other back with severe and even more focused eyes. Inside, I was grinning.

“Are you sure about that, Green Wing?” Rainbow Dash asked. “If you know everything here in Equestria and even everything that had happened to me and my friends, then you also know what happened to me in the middle of the last goof off, right?”

“Don’t worry, coach, it won’t happen like that again, not even to me. I wanna make things more interesting. I’ll even not to try escape. What could possibly go wrong?”