• Published 30th Jan 2014
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Equestria Quest - Iwano Imagination

After the Pure War, Iwano W. Morgan and his people in Imaginundia were safe once again. After becoming a brony, newfound darkness was born in his heart, taking him to Equestria. The dark of Harmony awaits the Mane Six, the Princesses, and Iwano.

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Chapter 12: Poem of Dissonance

I couldn’t stop again. I thought that since Extriris Velochrome was my new second skill, it was uncontrollable. Unless I could practice this, I might be able to master it.

I stomped my hooves hard unto the pavement like a braking car (were there any cars in Equestria?), but I was still going and I was a few feet away from falling to a cliff (I heard car brake sound effect from my hooves). At least I slowed down slightly.

Everypony stopped cheering and panicked on where they were. Before any escort, coach or friend could stop me; Celestia swiftly flew from the bleachers, stopped in front of me and conjured a yellow magic shield. When I clashed with the princess’s shield it wasn’t enough—I slowed down another slight, but I was now pushing her along.

I suddenly remembered I was an Alicorn (stupid me) and I could fly, but I couldn’t feel my wings. Even that time when Luna conjured a shield to stop me, my wings were numb. What was going on with my wings?

“Iwano, please!” Celestia said as she struggled to pushed harder. “Fly off! What is wrong?!”

“I can’t fly!” I exasperatingly replied. “I can’t really feel my wings!” I gritted my teeth hard in desperation.

“Iwano’s in trouble,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed from her team. “Guys, let’s go stop him!”

Instead following her friends, Twilight flew to the crowds to calm them down.

My coach and the rest of the Mane Six—except Pinkie Pie—rushed for my aid. Applejack grabbed a rope from her food cart and lassoed me, but failed when it burned on contact.

“What in apple cakes?” Applejack said at the ashes.

Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash backed up Celestia from behind, but it wasn’t enough. I felt we were near the edge—five feet away and closing!

Spitfire rushed off to help obviously, unaware of dropping Spike from her back. The poor dragon fell on his head, but was fine. Luna also had the same idea, which made me scowl.

“Princess Luna!” Spitfire called. “Let’s push with force together—a single shot!”

“Aye, captain Spitfire!” Luna responded.

Instead of pushing with the others, Luna and Spitfire forcefully shot themselves behind Celestia’s shield.

I fell on my back and my rainbow flames died.

9:20 PM—celebration of my victory as the first placer and winner, along with the three others and a party to go with, hosted by Pinkie Pie. Her head and left foreleg was bandaged by the griffon’s scratch, but I was happy to see her all nonsensically healthy and silly in the party.

Everypony celebrated out of the bleachers and surrounded me, turning me claustrophobic with these Pegasi. Though them congratulating and asking me questions were great, I teleported away, which was a bit rude without reply. Pinkie Pie comically popped out of nowhere and aroused everypony to party. Despite the injuries, she was totally fine from the griffon’s attack.

Speaking of griffon, after all the racers and the healed ones crossed the finish line; Gilda was nowhere to be found. After what she’d done in the race, she probably flew off—with the Wonderbolts uniform she still worn probably. I found out the truth about Gilda’s purpose in joining the Bolt Wing from Soarin. He told me that Gilda just wanted to join the competition just to get revenge on Rainbow Dash, probably because of that time when they broke their friendship in that party in the episode Griffon The Brush Off. So to pay my coach back, she found the opportunity when the Bolt Wing was announced last week, and she blackmailed Spitfire to get in. When I asked the captain what Gilda used against her, Spitfire winced and went mad but not on me, thankfully. I regretted asking that.

I was on first place which made Rainbow Dash crazy happy (as if seeing her favorite book character), Prism Glider was second, Milky Way was third and, to my horror, Derpy was fourth. The top scorer was Cloud Kicker with a total of fifty-seven points during the progress of the race.

On 9:40 PM, the winner and top scorer, with their coaches, would be awarded with medals of bronze (fourth placer), silver (third placer), gold (second placer), a bolt-shaped goggles (top scorer), and the Wonderbolt’s trophy (first placer)—a white trophy with a gold lightning with two silver wings attached to each sides and a bronze plating on it bearing my name and official Wonderbolts title/nickname: Iwano “Green Wing” Imagination.

Right now, I was lying on a cloud above the academy, hidden from everypony. And I was staring at the sparkling moon—of Luna. I was just resting from all the excitement and of course the race. My bones ached and my muscled were in pain a little. The wounds Gilda gave me were bandaged by Lightning Dust and Cloud Kicker, and the two were eager to get me healed and medicated. I would have just used my magic and healed myself, but for some reason it wasn’t working again this time, but it was fine by me. I was exhausted, anyway.

I would never forget Gilda—everything she’d done in the race and what she said to me. I never forget what my enemies done and said, and she was counted.

This was just my third day for me in Equestria and I’d been experiencing a lot, mostly in the Bolt Wing. It was also a very long day for me. I’d thank Rainbow Dash for today. I’d also made a lot of allies—Lightning Dust, Milky Way, Parasol, Drizzle, Thunderlane, Cloud Kicker and Flitter. I wasn’t sure if the competitors helping with the Pega-Whip would count to me as allies now, but since they saved me and dealt with the griffon maybe I would.

The night was colder and the fog cleared. I’d no idea how a fog that thick came during the race, but thanks to Celestia’s light balls we racers were safe and guided.

Staring at the moon, I’d forgotten that it was beautiful and serene with pristine whiteness and cooling radiance. But to me, the bright and hopeful sunshine was more beautiful that I couldn’t look directly (other than the fact that it could burn your eyes, obviously) at it.

“Iwano,” I said, “you can do this. You just need the Elements of Harmony help and influence you. Let there not be anymore conflict, especially from that dreaded Dissonance.”

Funny, I’d just remembered there was a fan-fiction story that was entitled “Dissonance” in a famous brony website called Fimfiction in Reality. I never read it, but I did know that my element was darker than that story.

I’d also remembered Twilight still had my saddlebag. I was fuming a little when I knew Rainbow Dash knew and sung the lyrics of my fave song. Twilight told me that she knew I was smart enough to found out. Keh, that was alright, though. Without a song of encouragement, I would had lost and not to fully develop my Extriris Velochrome. So maybe I owed Twilight and Rainbow Dash huge thanks, especially the rest of the Mane Six—and also the Pegasi competitors.

I sighed and began singing to soothe myself

I soared through the sky
Proud and quick as I fly
I have left you a rainbow
A symbol of me being faithful
Even if shooting stars come by for me
I’ll stay with you even if I’m free
I’ll conquer the weather
I’m lighter than a feather
Spread thy colorful wings!

Singing soothed me. I hoped Fluttershy would be impressed, because she could also sing. I wished to hear her sweet singing voice, before I left Equestria.

“Your singing is pretty good.” That wasn’t Fluttershy’s voice. I scowled.

I tossed my head around to find her. Rainbow Dash popped in front of my face and startled me. She laughed, I fumed.

“Rarity told me you’ve a great singing voice,” Rainbow Dash said. “But it isn’t good for me, a little.”

“Same goes to me for your singing voice, coach.”

She smirked. “I’m not your coach anymore, Green Wing. The competition’s over, the participants and their coaches get to keep their Wonderbolts uniform by Princess Celestia’s request—sweet, thanks princess!—and we’re partying thanks to Pinkie.”

“Why are you here anyway, Rainbow Dash?” I asked in a grumble.

“Two things,” she replied. “First: what are these?”

She showed me her wings. They were coated a pair of bladed, thin-sheathed, rainbow-colored, armor-like wings, and were the same size as hers. Each of those wings had a rainbow bolt. My eyes widened in surprise of seeing those very familiar weapons from Imaginundia.

“Those are called laminaes,” I said. “Translation: bladed wings. They’re special flight weapons used in my land made exclusively for winged fighters. They can also be used for shielding, too. Though they are made from metal, they’re actually really light, depending on your strength and mass. Those bladed wings can also sharpen your speed, increase flapping strength, and could make you a silent flier. You can say those things are awesome when you know how to use them, which you don’t. But judging by its design and color and—” I walked towards her and tapped her laminaes, “—metallic property, this thing is very, very special.”

“I was unaware that my wings started glowing while I was singing, then when you crossed the finish line, they’re there,” Rainbow Dash said. “Was it your magic again?”

“Hmm...I guess so. My magic can sometimes make something special.”

“Does it count Rarity’s so called Tredaspo Diadem?”

“Yes, my friend. But her diadem is not common in my land. And your type of laminaes isn’t, either. Everything I created unknowingly always had a name. So, I’m calling your weapons Loyal Chromes.”

“Why Loyal Chromes?”

“You’re the Element of Loyalty, and chrome is anything colorful or a metal alloy—which that’s what your laminaes are made of, yes. And it’s colorful and the name’s cool and suited you, really.”

“You don’t want them? I can have them?”

“As long as you can handle your own laminaes like an expert, but you need practice. And yes, you can keep them.”

“Wow…” Rainbow Dash marveled at her very own weapons as she rubbed them, showing shininess and her reflection. She couldn’t stop smiling. And she…blushed. “Thank you.”

I nodded. “Wait, what’s the second thing?”

“I just wanna congratulate my winner and thank him.” Rainbow Dash blew a tiny cloud from her mane.

“Thank the winner for what, getting you in the Wonderbolts as an official member?”

In the fandom, Rainbow Dash in fan-fiction stories always—to my annoyance, honestly—ended up as a Wonderbolts member. Would there be a story whereas she would fail to become one or were to be expelled? I’d wanted that to happen.

“Thanking him for staying loyal to his coach, even she had those things he doesn’t like about her,” she answered as she gave me a noogie. She then sadly glanced at the stars. “I’m sorry.”

Rainbow Dash apologizing? That was weird, but my heart was feeling fuzzy. I stared at her, and then she stared at me. They were acute and as they were—determined in a cloaked way. She began blushing when our faces were close, but it was like she was craning her head closer. I could feel her nostrils exhaled out hot air.

She turned away from me, eyes closed. I thought she might did it, but I wasn’t gonna let her—so it turned away, too. Never in my life I would do that to her. Why won’t you just do it on Applejack, A.K. Yearling, Daring Do, Spitfire or Soarin, you tomboy, I thought.

“I’m sorry,” Rainbow Dash repeated.

“What’re you apologizing for?”

She narrowed her eyes on me. “You’re really that forgetful, Green Wing?”

“Eeyup,” I admitted.

“I’m saying sorry for the pranks and name calling, Green—I mean, Iwano. But I think you like the nickname Green Wing now, right?” She sighed heavily. “J-just accept it!”

“Why are you like that, Rain—?”

She gave me a quick kiss on my cheek…and flew back down to the party.

I…was kissed by a lesbian? I was too stunned to move. I really wanted to faint now, but that kiss was like espresso to my nerves, and heart.

I really needed to forget about this, and just relax and rest from my race and of my injuries.

“Iwano Imagination,” Spitfire announced. I was onstage with my coach on my side in front of all the competitors, their coaches, friends, Pegasi audience and camera crew. Behind Spitfire were Celestia, Luna, and Twilight—my saddlebag was with Rarity. Beside me and my coach was my trophy on a pedestal. The top scorer and winners already received their award and were now in the audience. I saw Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Spike on front row. I smiled.

“We congratulate,” Spitfire continued, “your determination and strength in this year’s Bolt Wing competition. You’d shown courage, style, aerodynamics, speed and great loyalty. On behalf of the Wonderbolts, we forgive you for your unintentional wrongdoing and fighting Gilda for the fliers. We salute you, Green Wing!”

The Wonderbolts and the competitors, and Rainbow Dash, saluted honorably for me, and everypony stomped their hooves in applause.

“I am proud of you, Iwano,” Celestia said. “Though the griffon tempted, you have not strayed away from your loyalty to Rainbow Dash, which was the right thing to do. I guess the Element of Loyalty greatly influenced you.”

We glanced at my coach. She was howling happily and cheering blithely. I grinned.

“You fly like a winner! You soar like a great, bug, cool, bird! You’re a kicking-booty Alicorn!” Pinkie Pie cheerfully exclaimed.

“I am so proud of my darling Iwano! He showed even beauty in the race—I could see it!” Rarity said.

“Woo-hee! He sure is great Alicorn. Despite being that and able to use magic, he’s true to himself in that race!” Applejack said. “I wish Twilight would’ve joined the competition.”

“Yay!” Fluttershy softly said. I chuckled.

I couldn’t stop smiling. “Celestia,” I said. “I believe the Element of Loyalty is now—”

I turned numb, my face felt slacked, and my vision turned bloodshot red, made me barely see.

“Dissonance!” Twilight and Luna exclaimed as everypony panicked.

I chuckled—or rather Dissonance chuckled, but I wasn’t in control at all. “I’m no winner in this pathetic excuse of a competition,” I said, but it wasn’t my voice. “I am triumphant to what I do best, nitwits! You all have four days left until Equestria will be shrouded in real darkness and nightmare! In the meantime...”

Dark clouds swirled above the whole academy, and struck lightning everywhere...No!

Twilight blasted me with a beam. Was that necessary? “Dissonance!” she snarled. “Bring Iwano back!”

I laughed. “Don’t you see, Sparkle? I am Iwano!”

My mind was fuzzy. My mind began to give me a split-headache from Dissonance. I didn’t know now who was talking in my body—Dissonance or I? Actually, Dissonance was me, since he was the Equestrian counterpart of my Forbidden, but probably even eviler, in some way I couldn’t describe.

Twilight used her magic to toss me out of the stage, but I went afloat. Pegasi hesitated to find cover, avoiding lightning as much as possible. But few had been struck, singed, and passed out in paralysis. Barracks, cloud buildings and properties of the academy went up in flames.

The Mane Six were the only lucky ones.

Celestia used her magic to cast a giant barrier all over the academy, obviously for protection.

“Be CALM!” Luna commanded the weather with her magic and her royal we (her loud and voluminous voice of regality), but nothing happened. “The weather is not on my side, it is with Dissonance!”

Celestia glanced at my destruction with frightened eyes. “Iwano, I know you are still in there,” she firmly said. “Dissonance does not own your body and soul, Iwano! Control him!”

I’d been possessed many times in my adventures (sick of it) to know how to stay back in control, but Dissonance was more stubborn than my Forbiddens. This was Equestria after all, it was very different.

Part of my willpower luckily gotten little of my hooves, head and voice—temporarily gotten them—but I could only spoke little.

“Celestia,” I said with my normal voice, but I could feel Dissonance wanted to put me down again. “I’m going to…go away!”

“What do you mean?!” she asked, eager to help me.

“Don’t find—stop, you fool! I’m in control—that’s not me! Don’t find me—don’t you dare—don’t find me!”

My voice changed back and forth with Dissonance’s that Celestia, Twilight and Luna gotten confused.

I jerked out and flew away from the academy fast by using my magic to ajar an opening on Celestia’s barrier to exit.

Being possessed numerous of times and practice concentrating my willpower back in Imaginundia against Dissonance really paid off, but his power was much greater, so I needed to go away from the Wonderbolts Academy, hoped that my storm would disappear.

I glanced back at the academy with my red eyes. The storm was still there, striking at any unfortunate Pegasus and burning the place. The flames were bigger than awhile ago.

“What’s the matter?” I asked myself, which was Dissonance’s voice.

“You’re the matter!” I angrily replied with my own voice. Great, we were arguing in one body.

I—uh, Dissonance smirked. “…It’s all for the fun of it, myself. Your heart was so dark within its abyss; it greatly encouraged me to do a little fun. You’re starting to love evil, are you?”

I winced. Over the last few months, I’d been pulled to the dark side several times because of the hatred in my heart in Reality. For that, I slowly but blurrily I began to see the light in evil. Many times, Lentae and Cynthia done their best to pull me away from the light of dark, but occasionally failed. “No! Why would I?!”

“You will someday, me—”

“I’m not you!” I snapped.

“I am you, idiot. Why won’t you just let yourself go and let me—”

“Extriris Velochrome!” I cried out.

Albeit I had this skill recently, my imagination to fully control it gotten me the hang of it easily.

I wanted to shut him up—both of us up. I/he caused a typhoon in the Bolt Wing competition. Typhoons always left damage after. What if some parts of Equestria were? Ugh, I just didn’t want anything unfortunate to happen.

My Extriris Velochrome mode—or ExVel mode short—slightly changed. My coat waved in ethereal iridescence all over with colorful tiny sparks popping, my tail turned ethereal in colorful flames, my mane was also colorful and my eyes were back to normal, except it was vivid green. During the Ace Thunderbolt when I first used this, I left a trail and a sonic boom. But now, I was in flames like a meteor about to impact. I guessed my ExVel would dependently change under circumstances like this one.

What are you doing?, Dissonance demanded, but fortunately I ignored it.

I didn’t know where I was going, but I theorized that going farther away from the Wonderbolts Academy should stop the storm. I was now very sleepy, my sight blurry, and I lost balance.

I crashed.

The academy wasn’t entirely destroyed. Well, just a bit in ruins. On the bright side: no more swirling black storm striking lightning.

Cloud buildings that were there in their place were swept away almost completely, flying away papers. Barracks almost reduced to ruble. Electrified Pegasi were being medicated by medic Pegasi and rested on the pavement with just a pillow and blanket, because the medic building was burned down.

Luna was facing an enflamed barrack. She used her magic and summoned rain upon the burned barrack, extinguishing the flames. After she put out the fire, she stared at the destruction I/Dissonance made in disgust.

“Fie,” she interjected angrily. “Methink I should do something anent this Iwano. I should have the chance.”

“To do what, Luna?” Celestia asked as she walked towards her sister. “Is there anything terrible for you to do to him?”

“Nowise, my sister,” Luna replied. “Why would thee believe he could control hi Dissonance? We may have not yet witnessed Iwano as his dark form, but I could sense that his heart was darker than my darkest night ever. Why would you still have faith in that green Alicorn and unconditionally forgive him that easily after what he had done to this academy?”

Celestia glanced around her surroundings, sinking the words Luna said and reflecting on my actions as Dissonance. Her expression was full of sympathy for the academy and the injured Pegasi. Guilt and regret was about to wash over her, but she dried them up with the belief of me controlling my dark element.

She stomped the pavement. “I have forgiven you Luna for your bitterness as Nightmare Moon, “she firmly said, “and faith in Discord for his reforming. I believe it can do the same to Iwano Imagination. I had also shown mercy and kindness for you. And do you think I and Twilight and her friends do not have what it takes to trust Iwano? Yes, you had sense Iwano’s heart was darker than your darkest night, but I could sense that in the other side of his heart was brighter than my brightest day ever, likewise Twilight and her companions. I thought you are now wise enough to understand.”

Luna was lost. She hesitated to find an answer, but Celestia’s words sunk deeper than hers. “I-I—”

“I forgive you, Luna, for your misunderstanding,” Celestia said gently. Luna lowered her head ashamed, but Celestia lifted sister by the chin with her hoof. “You will understand Luna. I have faith in you.”

Luna smiled. “The fire had all been extinguished, sister. I will now guard the night.”

“Do what you must,” Celestia smilingly said.

Luna flew away.

Meanwhile, Twilight, Rarity (still wearing her diadem) and Fluttershy were taking care of a paralyzed Spike and Pinkie Pie (still a Pegasus). Their eyes were stiff open. Pinkie Pie’s mouth was open with her tongue out in a silly way and her paralyzed hooves were like that of a dead fly with twitching movements (no Pinkie Senses).

“My poor little Spikey-Wikey,” Rarity said to Spike sympathetically. “It’s unfortunate for you to get struck.”

She rubbed ash marks on Spike’s forehead with her hoof. “Ew,” she said. Rarity rubbed off her ashen hoof on a passing Silverwing by the flank. “I hope that paralysis is temporary like you said, Twilight—”

Rarity gasped when she turned and saw Twilight scanning my book from my saddlebag. “Twilight, stop snooping around his stuff!” she scolded. “You taking Iwano’s lyric notebook was fine, but that book might be—”

“Empty,” Twilight plainly said without her eyes leaving the pages. The book was colored moderate magenta and entitled “Stories” on its cover.

Rarity blinked as she looked for herself. Yes, it was empty. “The book has no words, though it’s already dark, Twi. And stop—” she took saddlebag and book away with her magic, and then stowed the book in, “—snooping around with Iwano’s stuff!”

Twilight heaved a sigh. “Fine,” she murmured.

Rarity wore my saddlebag and secured it.

Rainbow Dash arrived as she landed from the sky with Spitfire, Lightning Dust, Thunderlnae, Parasol, Drizzle, Cloud Kicker, Flitter and Milky Way. My coach had eye bags and she with the other Pegasi was exhausted.

“How’s the search, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked.

My coach shook glumly. “Not a single clue, Twi.”

“It’s now getting late. In fact, it’s now midnight. We should all go home and get some rest, and tomorrow we can scour the nearest areas for Iwano—maybe we could even scour the whole Equestria for him if we can.”

“I don’t wanna rest!” Rainbow Dash protested as she restlessly stomped the pavement. “I’ve to keep finding Green Wing!”

“Look at you, Rainbow!” Twilight insisted. “You’re already full of fatigue. I promise that we’ll find Iwano.” She rolled her eyes. First, Rarity’s overprotecting the Alicorn’s saddlebag. Second, Rainbow Dash’s obsessed of finding him. Who else defends a disaster maker?

Thunderlane yawned. “Has anypony seen Cloudchaser? She’s supposed to be with us.”

“Yeah, I was supposed to be with you, Thunderlane,” Cloudchaser said as she landed with the rest with an irritable look. But you’re just so sleepy you hardly noticed I was on your tail, you snoozer”

Thunderlane blushed. “Uh, sorry?”

“Anyways, I did find a clue, Rainbow Dash.”

“And it’s on your back. What is it?” Parasol asked.

“It’s some sort of cape,” Cloudchaser said as she handed it out to show the group. She held a green collared cape with two holes and an embroidered red-white ball on the center.

“”That’s Iwano’s cape!” Rarity frantically said as she took it away and looked at it. And then she grabbed Cloudchaser by her neck and demanded, “Tell me where you found Iwano’s fabulous and unscathed cape!”

Twilight shot her head up in a smile. “I think I just found a way to find Iwano, but we’ll do it tomorrow—”

“Tell me how!” Rainbow Dash grabbed Twilight’s cheeks and squished them and begged. “I must know!”

“We’ll make another search,” Parasol said. “I can still help—”

Thunder rumbled in a distance as it closed in to the Wonderbolt Academy. Twilight scowled. “Does anypony think that that storm’s owned by Dissonance again?”

“That dark element’s presence is still here in this academy—I can feel it,” Celestia said. “Dissonance sent another storm somehow to strike again. Parasol, there will be no search again in the meantime. The academy will be under attacked again. We need to shelter the paralyzed ones quick.”

Applejack heaved a sigh. “Dissonance ain’t tired yet? If we found Iwano and he finds out about this, he ain’t gonna like it.”

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie’s wings magically disappeared.

I was dreaming again, and it was a nightmare again.

I was a pony, but not an Alicorn—now wings, now horn. I wasn’t wearing me iWatch10 and I didn’t have my powers. I had a lot of dreams whereas I was vulnerable and powerless that I hadn’t gotten over with at all. I know I was in a deep sleep, but this nightmare was paining my heart and my head throb worst than my last ones. How come all my nightmares were always like that?

I was running away from a pack of pink wolves (really, pink wolves) in an ominous forest (getting sick of ominous places) of pine trees. It was really dark, and the moonlight provided little light.

The pink wolves chased and howled as they could sense my increasing exhaustion. I was panting and my lungs burned. I jumped over rocks and avoided trees. Being four-legged in Equestria, it was easy for me to run faster. The only disadvantage was my asthma. I c wondered how long I’d been running. It might approximately be between ten to thirty minutes, and I couldn’t believe I ran this long. I was supposed to have an asthma attack right now, but thank Celestia, I didn’t have.

I was startled but kept running when a pink wolf appeared beside me. It tried to paw my hooves obviously to trip me, but I quickly tilted aside and sprint hard ahead. Seriously, my hooves were dead but I kept going and my lungs were almost on fire.

The only two things that kept me running were the thoughts of seeing Fluttershy and the gentleness of Celestia.

I remembered my chase three months ago. I was chased by seven of my girlfriends, who were brainwashed by Lelouch as a trial, lead by Candice—Gym Leader of Snowpoint City, Sinnoh region, Pokémon world—in the dangerous Evergreen Forest of Imaginundia. It was wild with blasting slashing, bloodshed and tank-firing. My other seventeen chases were as crazy as that one, and this was my eighteenth, in my dream.

I finally gave up so I stopped. Hey, this was just a dream. I wouldn’t feel pain and my wounds would be unreal.

The moment I stopped and faced the wolves that were closing in, I suddenly remembered as I gasped that some of my past dreams mostly gave me great pain.

I urged to run again, but a pink wolf leaped from my left and held me down on the ground. Soon, its friends arrived. I was scratched, bitten and…yeah, it hurts. My heart pounded so fast, I nearly woke up—but I couldn’t!

I wouldn’t wake up, eh? This was a nightmare after all, and yeah, I was scared. Struggling and fighting back was uselss.

“AROINT, YOU SAVAGES!” a royal we demanded.

The wolves stopped their feasting, looked directly at the sky and I followed their gaze. The moonlight gotten brighter and in the sky was an Alicorn in a silhouette.

It began flapping a cold whirlwind, causing the wolves to be blown away. The wind was so strong the wolves flew away into the air, disappearing from sight. The silhouette was an Alicorn yes, able to generate a gale or strong whirlwind. Why wasn’t I blown away, too?

After the wolves were gone, I carefully stood up not to stretch any muscle sprains and open any wounds. The silhouette landed in front of me revealing to be her.

“Princess Luna,” I grumbled in a shaky breath. “Why are you here?”

“This is no ordinary nightmare, Iwano Imagination,” she said. “And this is not yours. You are in his sweet dream, whereas he would torture you as entertainment.”

“Dissonance,” I assumed.

Luna stared at my injuries. “I am impressed, Iwano. How come a badly injured pony like yourself would still be standing strong after undergoing a tiring pursuit and excruciating feasting?”

“To be honest, I was just enduring pain,” I admitted, and suddenly collapsed on the ground but still awake.

Luna tried to help me up, but I shook her off in refuse. “Why are you helping me? I thought you dislike me.”

She closed her eyes and sighed. “My sister showed me partially about you through he words,” she answered, and then her expression hardened. “But that does not mean I trust thee.”

I grunted. “I don’t expect you to.” And then I wondered. “Why are you here in my nightmare?”

“Thy friends were searching for you especially thy coach—she desperately cared for you that she even wanted to find thee during my time. I guess both of you are very mutual in loyalty and friendship.”

“What happened in the academy?”

“It is in ruins, but not entirely destroyed by your—I mean, by Dissonance’s magic. But the Wonderbolts Academy will be reconstructed soon. Many were angered and cussing of your unintentional act, Iwano.”

My heart sank. Great, now I was back to square one with the Pegasi. “So…you’re here because you’re looking for me, correct?”

“Yes, Iwano.” Luna gazed at her moon in the night, calm sky. “”Those pink wolves were quite odd, but they meant something that would happen in the future.”

“I’m smart enough to know who were those pink wolves—Pinkie Pie. But I don’ understand why wolves.”

“It meant that Pinkie Pie will cause danger soon.” Luna glanced around. “After this conversation, I will have to report to your friends and sister that you are still alive.”

I remembered my dream two nights ago. I was in an ominous and unhappy Sugarcube Corner, consumed by Dissonance after. Was this dream somewhat connected to the next peril? The chances to me were high because of this dream, and my dreams often showed me the future or major signs. This dream was a sign, and it involved Pinkie Pie as the threat this time, which I was personally thankful of. Why would a pink party pony like her turned into a threat? Hmm…I couldn’t remember.

“How do you know Pinkie Pie will cause danger soon?” I asked.

“Stupid, you are. Those savage wolves were already a hint, Iwano,” she replied. “You will awake soon and this will not be a nightmare shortly anymore, Imagination.”

I barely grinned. “Thanks for saving me, Luna.”

“To you only, address me as Princess,” told me. “She went to a takeoff position. “Oh, I do not know where you are, for this dream is not yours.”

“What?” I demanded.

She flew away.

The moment that inconsiderate pony left, the moonlight gotten brighter, the forest became cold but sane, and I felt okay albeit my injuries looked severe. I was still bleeding, but I wasn’t bothered or winced. Was it because this was no just a dream? I did felt my wounds stinging a bit.

I just realized I owned Luna thrice—twice from the Bolt Wing and this.

Maybe Luna wasn’t that bad, but still I despised her hidden antipathy towards me.

…I loved the cool and quiet dream now.

I yawned. I woke up in a forest with trees of moistened barks and rigged gnarled branches with leaves, with ferns growing out. The ground was soft the moment I stood up. My typhoon probably affected this area as well. The sky was light blue and young. I glanced at my watch and it was 6:20 AM. I immediately recognized this place—and it wasn’t probably far from Fluttershy’s cottage. Boggy-like plants, strange ferns, creepy-looking trees…yeah, I knew what this place was.

I then glanced around my surroundings. I stopped when I saw her just seating there, as if she was still waiting for me to awake. She was just staring and smiling at me. I held back a startle.

“Welcome to the forest called Everfree,” she said. “I can tell that you’re quite familiar of this place, I see.”

She wasn’t a pony, but a zebra, which she was in my Fave Equestrian List. I researched everything about her, too. Her eyes was strong cyan, her coat was in stripes of light heliotropeish gray and dark bluish gray, her mane was also stripe of light gray and dark persian bluish gray that looked like a mohawk, and her hooves was indigoish black. She had a more masculine appearance than other mares in Equestria: her muzzle was squared off and she had no eyelashes (Rarity would offer that zebra one of hers), which corresponds to the general stallions. She wore dzilla neck rings on her neck (would that elongate her?), left foreleg and one on her right ear, that were colored brilliant amber, traditionally worn by the Ndebele people of Southern Africa in Reality. When she spoke to me, she had a strong African-esque accent with approximation of Eastern African Swahili language, with rhyming couplets. She had a cutie mark, a gray stylized spiral sun, and she was notably the only non-pony in Equestria to feature one.

I bit my lips to resist the urge to leap on her for no reason.

“I’ve heard Iwano is your name, and uniqueness is your game,” the zebra said.

“And you must be Zecora,” I said. “Hello…Why is am I here?”

“When I looked around, your reason here was what I found.”

I looked at the ground around me. Zecora and I were surrounded by colorful ashes forming a giant circle.

“What happened to me, Zecora?” I asked.

“I was collecting herbs for a potion,” she said, “and I suddenly heard an explosion. I was searching for the impact, and saw you hurt like you had an attack. You were burned, bitten and hurt, so I quickly made a remedy while you were there stern. I treated your injuries, and now look at you—clean, refreshed, and anew. I was curious of who you are, for you look alien from another star. And thus, I stayed here for the night, not leaving you from my sight.”

Listening to Zecora was like sweet remedy to my ears. She was my favorite character of the show, because of her knowledge on herbs and potions and of her wisdom, and her rhymes and accents. There were other reasons why she was my fave.

I looked at myself. My Wonderbolts uniform was scorched and my goggles were gone.

“I…I was flying away from the Wonderbolt Academy,” I recalled. “It was last night. I caused a big trouble there, so I flew away hoping it would go away.”

It wasn’t I who made trouble, it was Dissonance, but he and I…Were we really the same?

“What trouble have you caused there and why?” Zecora asked. “Perhaps it was an accident, harmless as a fly?”

What? Are you kidding me? It was BIG! I thought. “It, uh, was complicated. How can I explain? Um, okay I’ll tell you what I could remember, Zecora, and maybe why I’m here in Equestria in the first place.”

I told her the same thing—seeking the Elements of Harmony, my Dissonance, where I was from, blah, blah, blah. But of course, I didn’t tell where I was really from and my identity.

“A dark element opposite to Harmony,” Zecora mused. “It will only bring Equestria a tragedy.”

“Indeed, Zecora,” I agreed.

I suddenly had a sharp headache like a stick snapped in my mind. I was about to fall, but Zecora caught me with her hoof and head. I slowly held my head up and I was eye to eye with her—I also remembered I was tall, so I was looking down on her, literally. I pushed myself back in a blush.

“It looks like you have a headache,” Zecora said. “Come with me for there is a medicine in my home you must take.”

We were walking together back to her home. The ground was softer than we had left. We passed bushes with thorn vines and the trees weren’t this ominous than it appeared in the show, even in this early morning.

I remembered my first time near this forest after my entrancing from Imaginundia.

Since this was the Everfree Forest, there were lots of mysteries, strange places and creatures—cockatrice, timber wolves, manticores, the Mirror Pond, Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, the Tree of Harmony, et cetera.

Interesting fact: the Everfree Forest made several appearances in the show, and was a major setting in the episodes like Friendship is Magic part two, and Princess Twilight Sparkle part one and two. I was planning to roam around this forest with Zecora, but since my friends were searching for me, that plan had to be postponed, or never.

I could just simply use my magic fire to send a message to my friends of where I was, but I didn’t have the feeling to do it, and it was just too easy for them to locate me. I wanted to challenge them in searching me, by the way. Wrong? I didn’t think so.

I gotten strange, cold feeling within like this forest would become important to me for no reason. Hmm…

“How long have you been here in Equestria , and how bad was your hysteria?” Zecora asked.

“Counting today, I say four days,” I replied. “And my hysteria? Very bad, Zecora.”

“Hmm…You being here is coincidence or not? Because there are very special plants I have sought.”

I knitted my brows. “What do you mean?”

“New plants recently appeared in this forest, which were a lot more and no less. I may have a theory, to this mystery: if you are an Alicorn of great power, then you may have an influence faster within the hour.”

I now knew what she meant. Upon entering Equestria, I must had a very powerful effect in this forest in my entrancing which it began to grow new and unknown species of plants, and maybe fruits, too. Maybe that was a good thing.

Sometimes I could cause really weird effects on other worlds.

“Found any poisonous plants?” I asked.

“So far the plants and fruits I’ve found were safe and healthy,” Zecora said. “But for the unfound poisons, I’m cautious and weary.”

I nodded. While on the way to Zecora’s home, I’ve seen the stuff unknown to the zebra…which were berries, herbs and plants I was very familiar of back in IW and other worlds. There were berries on trees that were from the Pokémon world—Oran, Sitrus, Rabuta, Bluk, Pecha, Chesto and more. Those berries were meant for Pokémon to eat, and sometimes as Poké Blocks, Poffins, candies, medicines, food for humans (if cooked well) and more in IW.

“You know those berries?” Zecora asked as she noticed. “Can they be consumed to fill bellies?”

“I know these berries,” I said. “I’m very familiar of them, but I’m not sure if they’re safe to eat for you Equestrian creatures.”

She tilted her head. I guessed she was wondering why I called her and the inhabitants of this world “Equestrian creatures”. I wasn’t also sure if I could eat the berries in my pony form.

“I’ll try eating one.” I used my magic (thankfully, I could use it again) to pluck a Pecha berry from a nearby tree. It was plump, pink and shaped like a peach. I took a bite. It tasted like peaches, and it was delicate and very sweet. “It’s safe to eat it after all, Zecora.” I plucked another and held it to her.

She took a bite and immediately like the taste with a sweetened face. “It’s very sweet by any inch, and it tasted like a peach.”

On the way, we began to chat. I shared her knowledge on my “kingdom’s” plant life while she shared hers of herbs and medicines. Boring? Not to an amateur botanist like me.


…I ignored it. A few minutes later, we’ve arrived and entered Zecora’s home.

It was a hut, a hollowed out tree containing a large circular room with shelves all around the walls. There was also an overhang where was Zecora’s bed. The shelves were filled with magic potions and ingredients for them. There was also traditional masks hanged from the walls—they were traditional featuring art and culture which seemed of the Subsaharan and Western Africa in Reality. When we entered, there was a dreamcatcher on top of the door. There was also a cauldron in the middle of the room. By the exterior, the hut’s branches hung potions and masks.

I’d been in witch-like houses and huts before, Zecora’s was friendlier than the others.

Eeyup, this place smelled of assorted potions and herbs. It was a bit pungent but I was used to it.

I felt another snap of headache. I collapsed and groaned. I held my head with my hooves, tucked myself around like a colt. My head just kept throbbing that I cried out in pain.

Zecora gasped and quickly took a flask filled with pink liquid. She placed it near my head; I noticed it and used my magic to levitate it for me to drink it. It tasted like a twinge of plastic and herbs. In a blink, my headache was gone.

I stood up and placed the flask on a nearby shelf. “Thank you, Zecora.”

She nodded. “Take a look around my home. Remember: you are not alone in your dome.”

I wasn’t alone in my dome? Zecora was with me right now. What does she meant about her last sentence? Zecora could be mysterious at time…Mystery? That was Dissonance who whispered a while ago. Ugh, that was nonsense. His word had no connection to Zecora at all.

Again, potions and herbs was what I only saw in her Zecora’s hut. I walked around while levitating potions then placing them back. Sometimes when I glanced back, the zebra was having a hard time arranging her potions—and I had a bad habit of misplacing things and immediately forgetting where they were. I was embarrassed, so I kept apologizing. She wasn’t showing any sign of frustration or anger, but only patience.

“I’m very sorry,” I apologized again.

“That is fine as I can take,” Zecora happily said. “Just be careful not to break.”

I bumped something behind me, and it smashed on the floor. I yelped as I looked behind and backed away from shards of glass. It had a gold tube and white liquid was spewed on the floor.

Zecora was shocked. “What have you done, you fool—?!”

“I can make it whole again!” I hesitantly said.

I reluctantly zapped my accident with my magic, and the pieces and liquid came back together fast. It then was placed back to where it was on the same spot in one piece, as if it never broke.

We both gave out a relieved sigh.

I began to wonder. “Say…unlike the other potions I’ve accidentally misplaced, how come it looked like this white-liquid filled one’s very important to you, Zecora?”

“This very special one is unlike the others here you see, for it took me several weeks with no time that is free,” she explained. “The ingredients I used were exceptionally rare. And this white potion once helped an important mare.”

White potion, important mare, special one…Eeyup, I remembered that two-part special.

“It was Twilight Sparkle who first took it,” I guessed, which I was correct.

Zecora’s eyes widened with surprise. “So you knew about that event, also about Twilight and her friends giving up their element?”

“I can be quite…omniscient, my friend. But I’m no deity.”

She then wore a skeptic expression. I wanted to do something quick before I began to frighten her.

“Uh…Want to have a walk with me?”

It was now 7:05 AM. We’d been walking together sharing our own stories.

She told me how the citizen’s of Ponyville were scared of her (Bridle Gossip), how Ponyville was invaded by a swarm of parasprites (Swarm of The Century), how fun her Nightmare Night was (Luna Eclipsed), how Twilight saved the town by Trixie Lulamoon (Magic Duel), and how Twilight and her friends saved Equestria from Discord’s grown plunderseeds (Princess Twilight Sparkle part one and two).

Those stories (episodes) were a bit boring already, but thanks to her rhyming couplets, my ears rang in enthusiasm.

I told her about my stay so far in Equestria—without exposing myself, of course. She was amused of my antics. I then explained to her everything about the new plants, herbs, berries and flowers that newly appeared in this forest as I pointed them out and passed by them.

The more I gone botany, the more Zecora became very interested of me. I was happy for somepony to listen to me.

I never realized or felt when I noticed the zebra was leaning her head on my neck. Her eyes were closed but she was probably still awaked, and we were still walking.

“Zecora, are you sleepy?” I asked.

We stopped; she blinked, and pulled herself away from me. Zecora stared at the ground as if it were an unknown plant. She pawed the dirt while blushing in embarrassment.

“F-forgive me if I am sleepy,” she said. “I am like this because I was with you all night, really.”

I knew she was lying, maybe a bit, but I didn’t care.

“The Everfree Forest is where he is definitely right now, girls,” Twilight said. She and her friends—Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie (she was already healed)—were where I was located.

Rarity was wearing my saddlebag and her Tredaspo diadem. Rainbow Dash was still wearing her Loyal Chromes. Fluttershy’s legs were shaking by the sight of seeing the forest again. Applejack adjusted her hat as if she would lose it anytime in the forest. Pinkie Pie was eating a slice of chocolate cake with a scoop of strawberry ice cream on top.

“Can your magic just tell Iwano’s exact location in the forest, Twi?” Rainbow Dash asked, with exasperation in her undertone, while shaking her friend like a bobble head.

Applejack heaved a sigh. “Rainbow, knock it off,” she scolded. “Just let go of her.”

My coach followed. “Sorry, Twi. I’m just really worried about him.” Her expression was sour and sad.

“We’re all worried about Iwano, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight told her. She scanned the forest’s interior entrance. “I can’t believe this is where my magic located him. My magic located him here, but something’s blocking me from pinpointing his specific position.” She pawed the dirt road entrance of the forest.

“Maybe it’s because of the feeling, Twilight?” Rarity asked.

“No, Rarity. More like somepony else’s presence—the moment we arrived here. And it’s not Dissonance’s.”

The Mane Six were looking around for their spy.

“Come on! Let’s go find him!” Rainbow Dash impatiently said. “Who cares about that presence?”

Twilight scowled at her friend’s impatience. “Let’s not venture, girls.”

They entered the forest.

The Everfree Forest was silent—no animal sounds at all, which made Fluttershy uneasy, glancing around nervously.

“I can’t hear any critters at all,” she nervously said, “especially s-s-scary critters.”

“I think Iwano also has an effect in this forest,” Twilight said. “Besides that somepony’s presence which I still felt, Iwano’s might be too distasteful to the animals here, apparently because he has Dissonance.”

“But there’s nothing distasteful about this one!” Pinkie Pie cheerfully exclaimed as she held up a pink-peach-shaped berry with a bite mark out of it while chewing.

“What is that?” Applejack asked.

“Is it delicious? You bet it is!” Pinkie Pie hopped and plucked five more of the pink fruit for each of her friends.

“I never saw fruit like this in my life.” Applejack took a bite. “And it’s very sweet! Weehoo! I can feel its juices all over my mouth. Hey, Rainbow, ever see…Huh?” She spun her head around looking for her friend.

“RD’s just doing an aerial search for Iwano, which is very appreciative and helpful,” Twilight said as she took a bit of hers. And yes, she liked it, too.

“I hope Spike will get well as soon as possible in the hospital,” Rarity said. “Many Pegasi back in the academy were struck by Iwano’s accident—”

Twilight spat out her fruit out in disgust, probably from what Rarity said. “It wasn’t an accident!” she protested. “Well, Dissonance can only possess Iwano when his mind is weak or unguarded, or something ‘negative’ that would happen to him in any way. Besides, you heard what Dissonance said that he and Iwano are the same.”

Her friends paused and stared at her.

Twilight stopped and asked, “Did I say something wrong?”

“It’s like you know Iwano very well with just that info, Twilight,” Fluttershy answered in amazement.

“Have you been snooping around his identity again?” Rarity asked defensively.

“Iwano’s saddlebag is with you, Rarity,” Twilight reminded.

“Our goal is to influence Iwano with our chosen element by Princess Celestia’s orders, remember?” Rarity reminded back.

“Are you aware that without knowing him better we wouldn’t be able to be careful of triggering his evil state?” Twilight’s voice rose slowly to anger.

“Are you aware that snooping around ponies’ privacy is wrong that when the time they find out, you would hurt their feelings?” Even Rarity’s voice was rising to anger, and was leading her and Twilight to an argument.

“Is it wrong to know your enemy?”

“Why is Iwano your enemy then? He is our friend!”

“Is it also wrong to be prepared for a possible crisis?!” Twilight retorted. “Why do you care for him so much?”

Rarity’s cheeks turned pink as the unknown fruit. She bit her lips. “Because—!”

“Now cut it out, you two!” Applejack broke in. “Does arguin’ about Iwano as a potential threat and spilling our reasons to care for him is helping us in finding him?”

The two arguing mares flinched.

Applejack’s right, Twilight thought. I’m supposed to be a princess, deciding what’s wise. And I was doing was the opposite of it.

Throughout the argument, FLuttershy was frightened but remained calm and Pinkie Pie was just happily eating more pink berries wistfully as if there weren’t any dispute.

“Twilight!” Rainbow Dash called from above. “Guys, you gotta see this!” And then she flew north.

Twilight nodded to her friends and followed their rainbow-mane friend. (Pinkie Pie swallowed five pink berries in one gulp).

They ran, and avoided trees splashed through mud and over rocks.

“Oh, why didn’t I bring boots for muddy run like this?” Rarity complained.

A few minutes later, the mares arrived in a wide barren area of—

“Colored ashes?” Fluttershy said.

“I never seen pink berries before, and I never seen colored ashes in my life,” Applejack said.

“Look at me! I’m making a colorful ash angel! Weee-eee!” Pinkie Pie was lying down on the ashes making one.

“Judging by the multicolored ashes…” Twilight pawed the ashes with her hoof. She held it up and examined it. “Iwano must had landed here—or rather crash landed.” She blew her hoof clean.

“And that’s not all I found,” Rainbow Dash said as she lowered and lead her friends to a trails of—

“Hoof prints.” Twilight examined the two pairs of trails. “Whoever Iwano walked with, they were heading northwest.”

“That where our Zebra friend Zecora’s hut is,” Fluttershy said.

“Then she must have taken him with her to her home, certainly to help and probably Iwano had injuries.”

“I’m coming for you, Green Wing!” said as she excitedly dashed off northwest, leaving her friends behind.

“Rainbow Dash, wait!” Twilight called as she and her friends ran to follow my giddy coach.

“Must we run?” Rarity complained. “It’s getting me all dirty, especially Iwano’s saddlebag and my precious diadem.”

“I hope there weren’t any poor creature that turned into—” Fluttershy gulped.

“I’m sure no poor critter turned into dust, sugar cube,” Applejack assured.

“And I hope no poor fruit goes to waste!” Pinkie Pie seriously said. “These things deserved to be devoured!”

The girls laughed shortly, now following a trail of ashen hoof prints.

When they arrived to the hut, Rainbow Dash was slumped on the ground scowling.

“Zecora and Iwano aren’t in there,” she muttered. “And there’re no more hoof prints of ashes anymore.”

The girls began to settled down and rest, while they also began to think of where to find me now.

“I wish I brought Winona here,” Applejack said. “I bet she could sniff Iwano out by his saddlebag—and I never thought of bringin’ her.”

“I’ll go get you dog!” Rainbow Dash urgently exclaimed, startling her friends (mostly Fluttershy), as she shot up to the sky and dashed off back to Ponyville.

“Wait!” Applejack called out. “Apple Bloom’s got Winona for her Pet Day in school!” She sighed and went back to sit. “I never really thought she would be that worried about Iwano—and we’re actually all worried about Iwano.”

“Rainbow Dash has been so desperate of finding Iwano that she was searching for him solo somewhere until four in the morning,” Twilight irritably said. “What kind of special relationship does those two have?”

“They are coach and student,” Applejack said. “It seems mutual to me.”

“They were coach and student, Applejack,” Rarity said, “during the Bolt Wing, I mean.”

While Rarity and Applejack exchanged explanations, and Fluttershy was glancing around nervously, Twilight was peering through the hut’s window, staring at the very same potion she took—a flask filled with white liquid.

“Maybe if I could ask Zecora for that potion later,” Twilight whispered to herself, “I might be able to get a glimpse on Iwano’s past to learn of his identity. But is that even possible? Maybe if I concentrate on him in my mind after taking it, I would get a glimpse.”

Twilight’s brightened face was interrupted by Pinkie Pie shoving a pink berry into her mouth. She chewed fast, aswallowed and chided, “Pinkie!”

“I just thought you’re hungry from thinking!” Pinkie Pie happily reasoned. “We didn’t take breakfast, right?”

“…Yeah, you’re right.” The princess drifted back to thought.

A few minutes later, Rainbow Dash came back panting.

“Let me guess,” Applejack said as she and her friends stood up. “Apple Bloom’s got Winona for—”

“Whatever!” Rainbow Dash snapped. “You guys got to see what I just found…and maybe it was Iwano’s doing. And all of you would be surprised.”

“I don’t like the sound of that,” Twilight said as she flew up with Fluttershy. “Let’s get to him! Lead the way, Rainbow. Zecora’s probably still with him.”

And then the Mane Six were on their way…

Zecora was sprinting away from Dissonance.

She hid inside a bush to rest from the dark pony’s pursuit for her. “I never knew his evil is that dangerous,” the zebra said, wiping her sweat. “I must remain obscured and cautious.”

Zecora peered through her hiding place, checking for any sight of me—as Dissonance. I appeared in the background with a tree stuck in my horn. A while ago, I was about to ram Zecora but she dodged and I pierced the tree instead. I wasn’t using my super strength, but Dissonance was very strong even without my enhancements.

I—Dissonance—tossed the tree aside. Dissonance tossed my head around searching for my zebra friend with his bloodshot glowing eyes.

I was confused of who I was supposed to be—Dissonance or I? I was in semi-Dissonance state right now, so technically my dark element was in control, while I could slip myself to talk little, I hoped.

Dissonance growled frustratingly. “Why can’t I use Foresight or x-ray vision, Iwano?” he demanded.

I chuckled. “You may have control over my body and have use of your own magic,” My body switched to my voice. “But I won’t let you use mine to hurt my friends! You’re still incomplete, remember? You can’t use any of my abilities…Well, some of them.”

“You also can’t fully control me!” My voice forcefully switched to his. “Anyways, it’s not my objective to be here and eliminate her, my friend.”

I squinted. “Then…what triggered you to possess me again?” I demanded.

Dissonance smirked. “Something ‘nightmarish’ compelled my senses for a trip.” He chuckled. “You may have not read his story yet, but you might be very familiar of that place. There’s also something ‘harmonious’ that was itching me for I need it soon—to be destroyed, I mean! Let’s go to that nightmarish place first, shall we? Your aura might tell you what that place is!”

My dark element trotted away. I wished a miracle would happen, like I wished Twilight and her friends would save me—or anypony. My willpower was fortunately and temporarily locked, but for how long? I believed it would return when Dissonance visited the “harmonious” and “nightmarish” places.

“I’m sorry, Zecora!” I yelled out for her. “Find Twilight!”

I hoped she was around listening to my plea for help…

The zebra came out of hiding. “I must find Princess Twilight,” she said. “I know she will do something right!”

“Zecora!” Twilight landed from the sky with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, followed by Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie (still eating), as they arrived into the scene. “What happened?!”

“With all these busted trees, I reckon Iwano turned into Dissonance again,” Applejack said as she tapped the tree I tossed.

“It happened so fast when we had a walk and talk,” Zecora explained. “Suddenly his voice changed, eyes glowed, and finally went amok.” She held back her exasperation. “I’m very worried for the Alicorn for he is distraught. He must be saved by putting his darkness into a stop!”

“Let’s go get Dissonance, girls!” Twilight said. “He’s heading east from here. Zecora, you’re coming with us.

I knew this place immediately before my aura can identify for me. I thought this place’s presence didn’t exist at all, because that story was purely fan-fiction. This was very weird to me.

Yes, this place was nightmarish, only its presence. Would Twilight recognize this place? And was that fan-fiction’s story part of anypony’s memory that existed there, especially the bearer of magic’s? Was it already possible that my IW aura was affecting Equestria as I stayed longer? I didn’t know if this place’s existence was harmless or threatening, but since Dissonance too us here, it might hadn’t be good at all.

In all my adventures, journeys, missions and quests in foreign worlds, the fandom could greatly affect the lives of the characters because IW was born a long time ago. It was weird, but the main lives of fictions couldn’t be tampered—except by IW, me or occasionally the fandom.

Just a brief info: IW (Imaginundia/Imagination World) was a world created by me. It was a world connected with other worlds of fictional movies, shows, Anime, cartoons, comics and novels, which Lentae and I loved. Actually, Lentae and I tampered other worlds for definite reasons, commonly to recruit allies, expand my world, and had fun.

I’d like to explain more, but I’d to concentrate in mustering my willpower to control my body back, while listening to Dissonance.

“Past Sins,” he said coldly. “We’re very envious to its popularity, right?”

You are envious, Dissonance, not me!” I snarled with my voice.

“Lying is not good, Iwano. I can feel it in your heart.”

I winced with my body, which Dissonance only allowed. “…I am,” I admitted weakly. “Wait, why are we here, exactly?”

Dissonance smirked. “Just showing us this place, for this will be my location of ritual soon. Hmm, I’ll call this place the ‘Ritual of Nightmare’.”

“Ritual? What do you mean?” I asked.

“We’ll find out soon—”

“We are not one!” I growled in reminder.

Why would this place be for ritual to Dissonance? This place was once for ritual, yeah. I hadn’t read the story, but this place was a where a cult of ponies took Twilight here and offered her blood for the resurrection of Nightmare Moon, giving her a separate body. Fortunately to me, Princess Celestia and her Royal guards foiled the beckoning into incompleteness. This was also the birthplace of Twilight’s biological daughter—

“Nyx,” Dissonance finished my thought. “She was born here, yeah.”

Since he possessed me partially, he could read my thoughts. And I couldn’t read his, thus I couldn’t learn what he was planning.

This place of former ritual was now a wide everglade with a pond nestled. The failed resurrection must’ve happened a long ago, before Twilight’s transformation into an Alicorn and coronation as princess. This place had changed, even if I wasn’t here before, but I could tell. The only clue of ritual that happened here was its presence.

I wanted to take back control and use my magic to conjure more trees at this place, concealing its history of Nightmare Moon’s rebirth as Nyx. Feeling its presence made me wanted to scream, but Dissonance wanted to listen to it within.

I began to realize something and said, “The feeling of this place bothered me with strong distaste. You also brought me here because I hate bothersome things, which shortens my temper.”

Dissonance snorted. “Fine, you’re right. “Let’s go the harmonious place next, which I you don’t need your aura to identify it.”

“There you are!” Hope rayed upon me as Rainbow Dash spoke up from above. I turned with a glad smile, but eyes still bloodshot. Because of that, Rainbow Dash was about to descend but stopped with horror. She shook defiantly.”Bring Iwano back, Dissonance!” she demanded.

“I am him, lesbian!” Dissonance scoffed. He used his magic—“Pure Dark”, which was his own signature kind of magic—and made a shockwave, causing the trees in our surroundings to turn dull gray, and then shot swarms of sharp gray leaves on my coach. I didn’t know if this was the right time to be happy, but I was beginning to gather info in my mind about his magic, which he was unaware of me observing.

Every direction the rainbow-mane Pegasus tried to escape, the leaves became sharper and plentiful. She was cut in every part of her body, but what remained unscathed were her eyes covered with her hooves and her Loyal Chromes.

I wanted to help her so bad, but I was immobile.

“Just watch the show before we go,” Dissonance happily told me. The scene was too appalling. I wanted to avert away, but Dissonance was still possessing, making me watch my coach drip blood and listening to her agony.

“S-s-stop!” I begged tremblingly as I began to sob. “Please, for the life of my dear coach, just leave her and let’s go!!!”

It happened so fast. My coach was tortured…I was tormented. Must muster all my willpower!

Dissonance jerked my body and ran away from the horrific scene, while I was crying away. Rainbow Dash’s brony/pegasister fans would go enraged. I was in a mix of horror, anger, sadness, and shame.

I hoped that when Dissonance left the area far away, the leaves would stop.

“I’m so delighted we’re going, me!” Dissonance said, mimicking Pinkie Pie’s cheery tone, which was to me a mockery. It was weird for him to talk while he was tearing up because of me—a happy, evil Alicorn crying on the way to the harmonious place, whatever that was. “This running’s getting boring. Let’s fly!” And then he went aloft.

The Mane Six and Zecora had arrived. They all gasped in horror as they saw Rainbow Dash screaming and hopelessly defending herself from Dissonance’s enchanted trees, shooting razor leaves.

“Twilight gritted her teeth. “Rainbow, hang on—!”

My coach’s Loyal Chromes suddenly glowed, and angled her wings to made her spun rapidly like a tornado. The razor leaves were deflected back to the trees, completely ripping them to shreds. A few seconds later, the enchanted trees were now nothing but shredded leaves and splinters.

Rainbow Dash?! What did you do?! Twilight was amazed, but she set it aside immediately to help her fallen friend.

My coach dropped from the sky. Applejack urged, ran for Rainbow Dash, and cushioned her fall with her body, though she was splat a bit.

Applejack’s friends ran to her. “Rainbow’s fine…I think,” she said as she laid down a bleeding Pegasus. Rainbow Dash was unconscious and her body was now mostly in cuts.

“There are plenty of herbs to treat wounds around me,” Zecora said. “Don’t worry about your friend, save Iwano and set him free!”

Applejack ran away from the herd.

“Applejack, hold on!” Rarity called but didn’t work. She pointed west. “She went to that direction.”

Twilight curtly nodded. “Thank you very much and we’ll leave Rainbow Dash in your capable hooves, Zecora.” She gestured her friends to follow and run, and they left their loyal friend to the herbalist.

“Dissonance’s eyes are purely bloodshot demonic,” Zecora said. “Dissonance’s aura is pitch-black as his magic. Voice so cold, it is enough to give me shudders. I pray to Celestia that he must be stopped by Twilight and the others.”

“It’s awfully unfortunate that we don’t have the Elements of Harmony with us,” Twilight said as she sped up with her friends. “The elements I strongly believe should put Dissonance to a rest.” She scowled. “But I’d doubts for that sort of plan.”

“How could Applejack be certain that Iwano have gone to this direction?” Rarity asked.

“Fluttershy, can you get an aerial view for Iwano?” Twilight asked.

“I—I’ll do it,” Fluttershy reluctantly replied. She flittered then went aloft above her friends.

“On ground, I’ll use my magic to see if I can sleuth him this time. Maybe that somepony’s presence’s gone already.” I hope I’m right.

Twilight concentrated and her horn glowed with magic. Unfortunately, that somepony’s presence was still around.

“Oh, for Celestia’s sake!” Twilight cursed. “Who owns that?!”

“I hope Fluttershy above can spot Iwano quick,” Rarity said, “and Applejack, too.”

Fortunately, Fluttershy called, “Twilight! I can see Applejack and she’s heading to the castle!”

The princess’s eyes widened. “I know where Dissonance’s going…And I don’t like it.”

“You mean the castle?” Rarity asked.”


The Tree of Harmony…How could I’d been stupid?

The mystical crystal white tree radiated a bright blue and white light in its surroundings of this cavern. On each of the tips of its branches were the Elements of Harmony—Generosity, Laughter, Kindness, Loyalty, and Honesty. And on the center with Twilight’s cutie mark: Magic. Its bark had the sun and moon. It had no leaves, but it was beautiful, shiny, and full of harmony.

This tree in this cavern was located under a bridge leading to the Castle of the Two Pony Princesses.

Dissonance sighed. “The Tree of Harmony, isn’t it beautiful?”

“Not unless if you do anything to it,” I said.

“Not yet, me.”

My red eyes widened. “What? You ain’t gonna steal the elements, or destroy them, or corrupt them, or even use them against Equestria?”

“Those are delicious idea, Iwano, but my plan’s much, much better.”

My mind started rattling theories. “Then what are you gonna do?”

Dissonance jabbed his horn in front of the tree. He used his magic and generated black particles into his horn, and sent black electrical tendrils on each of the Elements of Harmony.

I was horrified. Was he absorbing their powers or destroying them?!

“What are you doing, idiot?” I demanded.

“I can’t do everything on my own,” Dissonance said. “So I need something to guide you to peril and torment, and to my victory. Everything will be arranged, unfortunately not by me, but a little poem.”

The black electrical tendrils dissipated and Dissonance swooned to the ground. I thought this the time I took back control, but I couldn’t move my Alicorn body.

Dissonance fainted. I was stuck.

Applejack arrived at the staircase leading to the tree. “Don’t ‘y worry, Iwano,” she said. “I’m gonna getcha!”

“AJ, we’re here!” Twilight called.

“We’re gonna save the day—!” Pinkie Pie accidentally dropped a bundle of pink berries from her back and slipped all her friends, tumbling down the stairs with Applejack. They rolled and bounced down like a ball while screaming.

Once they fell and reached the bottom, Twilight was the first to untangle from her ball of friends. “Why didn’t you just wait for us, AJ?” Twilight demanded.

“I wanna stop Dissonance now!” Applejack answered a she popped out of a Rarity-Pinkie Pie knot. “He’s heading to the Tree of Harmony!”

The girls were untangled (Pinkie Pie was a in a sailor know, so Applejack untied her) and hastened for Dissonance and my rescue. When they reached to the cave, they saw regaining consciousness—and in control—and rubbing my head. Taking back my body was dizzy like my brain volunteered to use the Dizzitron.

“My Iwano darling!” Rarity shrieked as she tackled and hugged me in a cuddle. “You’re back in my hooves—I mean, in our hooves.”

Our friends stared at us. Awkward? Rarity and I blushed.

“Guys!” Rainbow Dash arrived all bandaged up with leaves—with Zecora. “Uh, what are you doing, Rarity?”

“Is it wrong to hug a dear friend who’d gotten possessed by his dark element?” she asked defensively. “Besides.” She squeezed my cheeks like they were jelly. “He’s back to normal!”

“I don’t know, Rare,” Applejack nervously said. She and her friends backed away slowly.

“Why are you all—?” Rarity gasped as she looked at me. She ran to her friends in fright as she tightly hugged them. “I-I-I-Iwano, is that you?”

“What’s wrong?” I asked. “Don’t be frightened anymore. I’m now in control again. I’ve gathered enough willpower to block Dissonance for a very long period of time.”

“Then explain why your eyes are still red,” Twilight said.

“Huh?” I conjured a mirror. My eyes were still red! “It can’t be!” I shook. “Why?”

I stared at my friends for a reason, but their faces meant they hadn’t a clue. The moment I saw Zecora, I suddenly unintentionally blasted a black beam at her. She flew and bumped hard on the cavern’s walls.

“Zecora!” The Mane Six and I cried out as we ran for her aid.

Twilight blocked and faced me. “I know you’re still Dissonance! Bring Iwano back!”

“Twilight, it’s me!” I begged. I saw the rest of my friends aiding their zebra friend. “I didn’t even know what I was doing! And I swear to Celestia, Dissonance is under control!”

“Uh, guys…” Rainbow Dash said as she and her friends backed away. Twilight and I exchanged nervous looks and regrouped with our friends. Zecora was on her hooves, but her eyes were black. What did I, or rather Dissonance, do to Zecora?

Her face was slack and emotionless, but at the same time somehow unhurt after being blasted and hit on the wall.

We actually didn’t know what to do with black-eyes Zecora, but she began glancing around.

“Zecora, are you fine?” I asked slowly.

She jerked her head to me and I was startled, with my friends.

“A poem to awake and for all of you to hear,” Zecora said in a voluminous tone. “For the time of Dissonance will soon be near.” And then she continued:

“Returned weakened of heart from defeat
Protected by the monster and unaware of deceit
Heartstrings flared under the rising moon
Thus the rise of the mare of lust soon!

Fallen to the abyss of dark and frost,
The crystal heart will soon be lost
Gem’s shadow ripped in the blackness
Thus reborn the stallion of darkness!

Entered the world with one’s great fantasy
Driving innocent hearts into insanity
Weapons painfully voided from them
Thus the existence of the pony of mayhem!

The kind, chaos, and strange hangs no glooms
The brother of harmony darkens and blooms
Distortion bursts by a touch of two lips
Thus returns broken with all his friendships!

Six treasures searched and time is heat
To the land where four seasons meet
Compass burns in the fallen snow
Thus victory to the ancient foe!

Day banished and night with no power
In the crusader’s final hour
Six dreams, sun and moon will unite
Thus beginning of true eternal night!”

Author's Note:

Nyx is a Alicorn filly OC owned by Pen Stroke, author of the famous "Past Sins".