• Published 4th Nov 2013
  • 719 Views, 5 Comments

Night and Day - BlueLgihtening

"It is an endless cycle of Night and Day, war is what begun this nation, and it will end it just as swiftly."

  • ...

Chapter 4: Recruitment Pt.1

I awoke the a few days later to the sound of Spike's snoring emanating from his bunk and the smell of pancakes in the air. Rolling out of bed, I went to the bathroom, snapping the lights on with my Spirit Empa. Brushing my hair into order, I thought about the events of the past few days and all that had happened. How in the world was I going to assemble a Century, much less a Cohort? But this was also an opportunity to gain the experience I needed to run the country. Some of the best governors had military experience, and so did two of the Princesses. As I thought about it, I realized how quickly my opinion on joining the military had changed, but then I also realized I did not have a choice otherwise.

Sighing, I set my brush down and went back to my room, switching out of my night clothes with a flash of light. Dressed in a white shirt and a pair of dark pants, I walked out of my room and down the stairs. As I neared the first floor, I heard the voices of my friends. I gave a questioning look to my friends as they sat around the coffee table, eating pancakes in the early morning light.

Pinkie Pie was the first to jump up, joyfully stating what sounded like a good morning around the pancake shoved in her mouth. Everyone else waved at me and said their good mornings, although Rainbow looked miserable, never to be a morning person. I walked into the kitchen, following the heavenly smell of pancakes, and was surprised to find Cobalt at the stove, setting the last of the pancakes on a plate.

"Good morning Cobalt, you know you didn't have to make breakfast," I said as I walked over to the cabinet, grabbing a mug.

"Considering I am now your Centurion, I am the honorary 'Dad' of you six," he said as I poured coffee into my mug, skipping on the cream and sugar.

"So therefore you make us breakfast?"

"Exactly, also, The Princesses responded to me last night and theSeventh is now an official Cohort, I am Senior Centurion, which means I am in charge of your training and care," he said as he handed me some pancakes and took some for himself.

"That is great news."

I sat down on the couch next to Rarity and ate my pancakes quickly, their light, fluffy texture and sweet taste making them disappear all too quickly from my plate. Rainbow let out a belch, causing Applejack to snort and Rarity to make a face. I smiled as I sipped on my coffee, the conversation between the seven of us settling on the topic of finding recruits.

"- So I was thinking we could start with people we know who also are drafted, considering the draft orders went out two days ago," said Cobalt as he tapped a small notebook that sat on the worn oak of the table.

"What about Big Mac?" Said Rainbow, causing Applejack to glare at the colorful girl, "Don't look at me like that! He would make a perfect heavy cavalry."

Applejack sat back in thought, elbowing Rainbow in the ribs as she did, "Yer right, RD, but what 'bout th' farm? Also, how'd ya think Ah'd feel if my big brother died?"

Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck nervously, her arm thrown around her best and second oldest friend, "Well, I guess I never really thought about it, but he's gonna be drafted anyway. It would be better if he got stuck with us than with some other Cohort."

Applejack sighed, "Ah guess ya have a point. Cobalt, would ya put his name on th' list?"

Cobalt picked up his quill and scratched out the name along with a few others I did not recognize.

I turned to Cobalt, pointing at the names in the book,"Who are those people?"

Cobalt sat back, "My two oldest children and their friends, at least the ones I remember."

We talked for a few more hours and finally had a list of about sixteen people we could think of. Cobalt decided that me, Rainbow, and Applejack would go to get Big Mac while him and the others discussed finding the others. It was about midday by the time we left the library to head towards Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack led us through the town, dodging automobiles and carriages all the way. Technology in this part of Equestria, or really any part besides major cities, was rare. There was only about ten automobiles in the entire town, three of them belonging to Sweet Apple Acres. Unfortunately, Applejack had left her automobile at the farm in favor of walking.

"AJ, this would've been faster if you brought that magic roller thingy," groaned Rainbow as she walked with the rest of us, clearly not enjoying the slow pace of walking.

"Stop yer complainin', ya know Ah only use th' truck for important business," Replied Applejack," 'sides, gas is expensive."

"Well, you guys are the richest family in The Plains," I commented under my breath, thinking aloud.

The rest of our walk was uneventful, the dirt beneath our feet turning to gravel as we neared the gate. Applejack opened the gate, which creaked on its rusty hinges. One minute later, we stood in front of the Apple family home, the farmhouse old but sturdy, having stood well over a century of storms and droughts. Applejack walked up the stairs to the front porch and took a key out of her pocket. Opening the door, I heard her call out "Ah'm home!".

We followed her in, Rainbow giving Granny a hug at the old woman's command. I greeted the old woman with a hug and turned to find the youngest Apple, Apple Bloom, running towards me for a hug. I picked her up in my arms, the eight year old nearly squeezing the life out of me with a hug.

“Hiya, Miss Twilight,” said a deep voice from the kitchen on my right as I set Apple Bloom down.

“Hello, Big Mac, we were actually just looking for you,” I said as I turned to the quiet blonde-haired man.

He stared at me with vibrant green eyes, nodding his head slowly, willing me to continue on.

“Um, well, you see.... Me and my friends were drafted into the military as of three days ago...” I trailed off, trying to think of a way to continue on.

Applejack appeared in the corner of my vision,”-And we brought back th’ 7th.”

Big Mac’s eyes widened, “Pa’s Cohort?”

“Yeah, and my Dad’s old friend is the Centurion,” said Rainbow, having finally reconciled with the other Aeros a day earlier.

“-And we were wondering, since we know you are drafted, would you join?” I finished, staring up at the taller Terra.

Silence met us as the twenty-four year old looked on, contemplating our offer, “What ‘bout th’ farm.”

Granny’s voice was loud and clear, “Oh, quit yer worr’in youngun, I got some strength in these here bones of mine.”

“Granny, ya can’t run th’ farm yerself.” said Applejack firmly.

“Oh dontcha worry, I already sent a letter ta your Uncle, he’ll be here within th’ week,” said Granny hastily, knowing exactly the situation, “Big Macintosh, ya go with yer sister and her friends, Celestia knows you’ll be safe with em.”

Big Mac sighed and turned to us,”Eeyup, Ah’ll go with ya.”

“Hey, Brother, ya remember th’ old standard we kept in the attic?”

Big Macintosh nodded in reply, raising an eyebrow at his sister.

“Ya think ya can grab it?” Asked the blonde farmer.

Big Mac nodded and walked away, heading for the stairs at the other end of the living room.

Apple Bloom looked up at Applejack with a sad expression, "Where 're ya and Big Mac goin', Sis?"

"We have ta go an' fight like Pa did," Applejack replied to the young girl, kneeling down on one knee,"Dontcha worry, we'll come back in a few months. Maybe ah'll even bring ya back a treat from Gryphus."

"Ya promise?"

"Cross my heart, hope ta fly, an' stick a cupcake in my eye." Said Applejack as she stood up and hugged her sister.

"Ah'm gonna miss ya, Sis," said Apple Bloom sadly as she hugged the eighteen year old.

"Ah'm gonna miss ya, too."

I watched on sadly as Applejack went over and hugged her Grandmother, crying in the crook of the old woman's neck. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to find Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh standing behind me, a sack over the man's shoulder. My breath caught in my throat as I looked up at the standard, the steel having rusted over the mighty relic. An angry falcon stared back at me from atop its post, it's wings snapped open and it's mouth frozen in a shriek. A tattered grey banner hung below it, the faded words starting out a simple message:

Remember the 7th. Night and day we stand and fight, do not surrender.

"Who did this belong to?" I asked, turning to the twenty-four year old. Big Mac looked at me, his attention snapping from the scene of Applejack and her grandmother.

"Th' Twenty-Seventh?" He replied, asking more of a question than giving an answer.

"No, what she means to say is; was it carried by a Storm, Spirit, Earth, Air, Water, or Fire Empa?" Said Rainbow, saving me the trouble of an explanation,"it is Tradition that the standard bearer always be the same race and Empa type."

"Ah think it was carried by a Fire 'mpa, an Aeros, if Ah'm not mistaken."

I sighed in defeat, slouching slightly, "Where are we going to find a Fire Aeros?"

They were run out of the country nearly fifty years ago.

--------- (pov: Cobalt)

I looked around at the three girls still remaining at the coffee table as the door closed. Rarity and Pinkie Pie looked on comfortably.The smaller one, Fluttershy, sat between them, looking ready to bolt at a moment’s notice. sitting down across from them, I immediately got to work explaining what we were going to do and how.

“Rarity, I am going to need you to go to the local garrison, tell them I sent you, we need to sign up our Century with a Legion and you must inform them that we require additional soldiers for the 7th Cohort.”

"Um, I am sorry to interrupt, Captain Cobalt, but I have no idea where the garrison is."

"You are friends with the apple farmer, correct?" She nodded, her curled purple hair bobbing, " Well then, I imagine you've been to the farm multiple times. The Garrison is a bit down the road on the left when you hit the gates."

"I will leave as soon as Twilight comes back," She responded, nodding her head.

Turning to Pinkie Pie, I raised an eyebrow as she shook excitedly. Ignoring that, I leaned forward and looked her in the eye.

“Pinkie Pie, your father is Igneous Rock?”

She nodded her head, her high-pitched voice a bit too cheerful,” Yeppy deppy!”

“He is an engineer, correct?” I asked, ripping out a sheet of paper and grabbing a charcoal stick from my bag beneath the chair, "Did he ever teach you demolition?"

“Of course, silly. that was the first thing I learned when I started harvesting rocks!” Pinkie Pie replied as she took the paper from me," Some rocks were really stubborn, so we'd take some charges and blow them up. Why?"

“You will be signing up for specialist training when we arrive at basic training, got it?"

“I am sorry to interrupt, Cobalt, but we do not have any soldiers besides us seven-”

“That's why you are going to the garrison.” Said Pinkie Pie flatly, her change in tone a bit jarring, “ Anyways, Rars, signing us up will make us strong, cause we'll have a big force once the draftees go to us. Duh."

“O-okay,” said Rarity with a raised eyebrow.

Turning to Fluttershy, I smiled at the shy girl, “Fluttershy, do you happen to know any veterans?”

“For leading the Century?” asked the Aeros as she relaxed.

“Yes, we need about three experienced soldiers, this will ensure a strong leadership.”

“M-my uncle is a veteran of the Windago Wars, I think my cousin, Lead Hooves, was drafted,” She said softly.

“Good, where is your uncle, exactly?” I asked.

“He lives near Roam in a town named Rode-”

The door burst open as Rainbow Dash ran in, followed closely by Applejack, Twilight, and a tall blonde-haired Terra. Twilight was holding a standard, a falcon placed firmly on top of the ancient relic. I stood up as Rainbow Dash ran up to me and began yelling unintelligibly as she shook my shoulders.

“And, and soldiers, and fire, and falcon, and Empa!” She yelled at me, my posture uncomfortably rigid as she shook me.

“Rainbow, is yer head on sideways? stop yellin at th’ poor guard,” said Applejack as she grabbed Rainbow Dash roughly by the arm and dragged her into a chair .

I glanced over at Twilight and the Terra in confusion, “What is wrong?”

Twilight stepped forward and set the standard across the coffee table,” We have that standard, but one small issue.”

I grunted and nodded my head, “And what is the issue?”

“According to Big Macintosh, here,” she said, glancing at the Terra next to her,” The customary bearer of the standard has to be a Fire Empa Aeros.”


“And there hasn’t been a known Fire Aeros in Equestria since the Windago Wars of 7960. Most of them fled to Cothage afterwards. In Equestria they were used as weapons because of their powerful abilities, usually through less than humane methods."

I felt a sly smile cross my lips, causing Twilight to frown, “I think it is about time you, Miss Twilight, met my children."

Author's Note:

Hey guys! sorry I've been gone for so long.

Sooooo, I don't have an editor or a prereader so this chapter is a bit bumpy. Actually, I wrote up to chapter 9 but I've been taking a break to get started on some new comics.

so yeah, expect a LOT of updates today