• Published 4th Nov 2013
  • 718 Views, 5 Comments

Night and Day - BlueLgihtening

"It is an endless cycle of Night and Day, war is what begun this nation, and it will end it just as swiftly."

  • ...

Chapter 1: The Falcon

Edited by LoneUnicornWriter and epreeses1

Darkness, that is what surrounded me, hiding my body from the scowls cast upon me by the light. Yet, the silver crown held by my pale fingers seemed to illuminate and reflect my tired face, violet eyes, once so bright and life filled, now seemed dead. I felt like I was looking at a corpse, rather than a young girl excited for her coronation. But that was just it, I wasn’t excited, I was terrified. No, not the kind where you get butterflies in your stomach, or as Pinkie refers to it, nervecited. This was the kind of terror that made you want to go to a corner, curl up, and bawl your eyes out. It was the kind of terror that encompassed everything, made you stay awake at night and lose your appetite.

I was terrified, and it was over something that should fill me with joy. I am the Princess’ protege, after all, the one who would ascend to the throne and rule over Equestria alongside the other Princesses. I was supposed to yearn for this moment, I was supposed to be happy with the choices I had no say or experience in. but I was not, I never wanted this to happen so soon and with such little knowledge on how to run an empire. I felt dead and hollow, like I was slowly fading away. But, in truth, I was, I was building a shell around myself, pushing away everyone I ever loved.

It was scary, having no experience in this type of role or position, other than being a librarian, which doesn’t even count because librarians don’t lead empires. Not that any of the other royalty were helping either, they were throwing a fit after the announcement of my coronation, even if it had only been no less than four days ago. I just knew the minute I was on the top of the political heap, I would somehow pass a bill or law that was very counterproductive or harmful and the royalty would immediately target and overthrow me.

I looked down once more at the cold silver crown, my reflection still appearing lifeless. I sighed, throwing my head back in frustration. I-I need to do this, but I can’t abandon them, I can’t abandon my friends, my family. They want this for me, too, though. But, once I do this, there is a chance I will never have time to be with my friends. My friends, I couldn’t do this, because I knew I was abandoning them, I knew I was leaving behind my biggest support group. I could never do that, I just knew deep down in my heart that I couldn’t leave them behind.

Slowly, I let out the breath I had been holding as I looked down from the ceiling and into the mirror located just on the other side of the mostly-empty dressing room. Although it was dark, I could still clearly make out my dress. It was a deep violet color that reminded me slightly of my namesake, Twilight. A black ribbon was tied tightly around my waist; my hair was tied up by another black ribbon, both ribbons were tied precisely, forming loose bows down my exposed back.

Any God out there, if you can hear me, please, please help me. Please just send me a sign, a sign that you’re listening.

I received one promptly as an overzealous guard burst through the double doors to the left of where I was standing. He stared at me silently, only his orange eyes visible through his bright bronze armor. He gripped the ceremonial spear in his left hand and slowly extended his arm out towards me.

“It is time for the Coronation, Miss Sparkle,” the guard said politely.

I hesitated for a second before extending out my arm and gripping the guard’s gloved hand with mine own carefully decorated black gloves. He led me out the door into a corridor, tugging at me occasionally. I tried to break contact, but he only tightened his grip, nearly dragging me down the hall as people lined up to see the Coronation gawked. A royal in the crowd stifled a laugh a little too late at the sight of the Princess to be being dragged by a lowly guard.

When we finally arrived at the huge Mahogany doors, the guard released my hand and bowed his blue-feathered helmet to me. He walked away from me as I glanced around the mostly deserted hallway. Summer-themed paintings of all different sizes lined the grand marble hallway, a red carpet spread neatly over the white floor. There were a couple bronze-clad guards holding blue and yellow flags , each appearing like a statue.

Ignoring them, I slowly approached the door, my hands trembling more by the second. Reaching out one of my hands, I slowly pushed the wooden doors open, revealing the huge room that laid beyond them. The tall marble columns reached up to the checkered ceiling that soared what felt like miles above my head, dwarfing me with their grandeur. Mosaics scored in stained glass adorned the huge windows on either side of the giant hall, showing the entire story of Equestria, from Creation to the Changelings. The marble floor was so clean and bright that it was nearly blinding upon first glance.

In front of me, not one, but two thrones, one hastily made, and the other one so grand and huge, it reached from the ceiling to the floor. The red carpet decorated the floor and led right up to the throne of Celestia. I stepped through the doors, the entire walk up to the throne felt like moving through honey. There on the thrones, sat Luna and Celestia themselves. Celestia stared expectantly at me, her magenta eyes seemingly staring straight into my soul. Her white summer dress flowed elegantly around her golden sandals, seemingly imitating her multicolored hair that was in a perpetual celestial breeze.

Luna was no less grand, her big blue eyes appeared to know my every thought and emotion. Her dress wrapped around her like dark midnight shadows, her hair reflecting the night sky that was to come once the sun set and darkness ruled the lands. I finally arrived at the edge of the throne, my hands shaking violently as Luna stepped forward and took the silver crown from my clammy grasp. I stared up at the sisters, fear evident in my eyes, according to the worried looks that were passed between the two.

Celestia stood up from her place on the throne, the worried look still plastered across her face, “Are you okay, Twilight?”

I nodded, squeaking slightly in terror, unable to speak. Celestia looked down at me in doubt and kneeled down in front of me.

“Twilight, I want you to understand something,” She paused, lifting up my head with her gentle hand, “This decision is one that is completely up to you, I do not want you to be doing this just because I wanted this for you, you have to make it for yourself.”

At that, I broke down and bawled right there in the middle of the throne room. Celestia took my shoulders in her careful grasp and gave me a hug as I wailed loudly. I continued crying into my mentor’s hair as she hugged me tightly. After a few minutes of this, I was finally able to gain back some of my composure and speak.

“I-I-I-I’m sorry,” I wailed,” I-I don’t think I can do this, I have next to no political experience and I will mess up.” I shouldn’t have done this, why did I even show up. The royalty stared at me in shock from where they stood along the sides of the room before beginning to laugh mockingly at me.

“I told you, I told you that low-down filthy rat of a girl could not do it!” Yelled a man dressed in the finest silk I had ever laid eyes upon.

Another one giggled with laughter, her hand held close to her heavily laden makeup that covered her face, “ Look, look at the peasant, she will never be anything more than that, no matter what title she tries to take.”

Luna looked out upon the crowd, her face going red with barely-contained rage, “Silence!”

The crowd fell silent as the Princess bellowed loudly in rage, her midnight blue wings flaring in anger.

“Twilight, I need you to calm down,” Princess Celestia said quietly as the throne room fell silent.

I was starting to hyperventilate now, my breath coming out in short, panicked bursts.. Celestia stood up slowly, telling the guards, royalty, and servants to leave. The royalty laughed quietly at me as they left, their pointing and quiet ‘I told you so’s’ haunting me and causing me to curl up into a fetal position on the red carpet..

Nononononono, why, why did I do that!? Am I an idiot!? The entire population of Canterlot will know about this by sundown! My family will be disgraced, what if they disown me? No, they wouldn’t, they love me, but what if they do?!

The sister stared at me with a mixture of caution and concern. Luna stepped forward quickly and sat down on the step closest to me.

“Twilight, we-I do not believe mine sister would ever allow the royals to disgrace thy family, even if thou refused this title,” Luna said quietly and calmly,”But, thou needs to calm thyself, we do not intend to harm thee in any way.”

Did I say that out loud? I thought as I whimpered on the floor.

“Y-y-you do-don’t?” I asked quietly, calming down slightly but not leaving the safe little ball that I had become on the carpet.

“No, we do not, my most faithful student,” Said Celestia, sitting back down on her throne,”But-”

“But?!” I panicked, curling up tighter.

Celestia stared at me with pity in her magenta eyes, ”But, you need to think this over, as well as its consequences. I do not wish for your family to be the target of the royals’ mockery. But, you should find something that would allow you to gain that political and leadership experience that you think you lack.”

Luna gained a thoughtful look on her face at these words, but she did not say anything. I stared up at the sisters, slowly uncurling from my ball and standing up on the red carpet that had just previously been my refuge from the stares of the Princesses and royals. I stood there shakily, still not completely calmed down after my outburst. My dress was wrinkled and my makeup was running, but at that moment I could care less as the Princesses decided my fate. Luna inhaled sharply, sticking one of her hands in the air like a schoolgirl who knew the answer to the teacher’s question. Celestia turned and looked at the Ruler of the Night, motioning her to state her thought.

“What is it, my dear sister?” asked Celestia, curiosity strung through her calm gaze.

“We know what thee shall do!” stated Luna excitedly,”Seven cycles of day and night, seven cycles then thou shall answer thy question of what thou shalt do of importance.”

Celestia gave Luna the most confused face possible as she tried to understand her sister’s logic, ”seven cycles of night and day? one week, one week to decide her fate? Luna, I don’t believe that is enough-”

“Silence, thou beloved sister, it only requires seven days to understand, but many years to complete!” said Luna gleefully, causing even me to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

“Princess Luna, What are you talking about?” I asked, twirling my hair in thought and nervousness. I did not appreciate where this conversation was going.

“My dearest friend, We are merely talking about thy fate, nothing more,” stated Luna as she, too sat down on her throne, ”Thou shall discover shortly, within the cycles, a dream has predicted it.”

“Oh, Luna, you babble on nonsensically, we should allow Twilight to go back to her room and pack to go home in the morning.” said Celestia nervously, the translation would be “Luna, I have no idea what you are saying, so in the smartest way possible, please shut up because you are confusing everyone.”

“Alright, then, We shall be quiet and let thy friend go and pack up thy luggage to go back to Ponyville and be with thy friends. But remember, young friend, be open to whatever possibilities await thee, for fear is thy biggest enemy”

With that, Celestia motioned me out of the throne room. I walked out, feeling as if in a daze, the red carpet where I had curled up was flattened, leaving an imprint on the red. The throne room disappeared behind the huge wooden doors once more as I walked down to marble hall. The sun had since set, the night sky showing through the grand windows in the hallway leading to the west wing of the castle. I walked along, the guards seemingly at every corner.

They just ignored me, going about their night patrols silently. I continued walking for a few more minutes in silence, luckily having not run into any nobles for the time of night. I finally arrived at the door to my room, it was a plain brown color but had many grand designs in it. grabbing the door knob, I opened the door. It creaked slightly, signaling that it had not been oiled in a while. The room was big, two floors in total. The top floor was a huge library with a glass observatory, the bottom was a bedroom with multiple half-finished science projects littering the floor.

I stepped in and snapped my fingers. The candles in the room came on promptly, flashing a vibrant purple color and bathing the room in the colored light. My hands were surrounded with a purple aura as I levitated my clothes into the air and into the black suitcase sitting on my bed, clothes appearing to have exploded from its depths.

“I guess I really am quite the pig sometimes,” I mumbled to myself as I folded and placed the clothes in my bag with my magic.

Picking up my pajamas, I promptly switched my clothes and folded my dress into my suitcase.

What just happened? I feel like today was just a dream. I guess it is okay, the Princesses said they would protect me and my family from the royals. But that is what seemed so strange, it’s like they were expecting this. And Luna.... what was that all about, what was she talking about? What will I do, now that I am no longer a Princess?

I continued my self-inquiries for a few minutes as I finished packing, but I found myself at a loss for ideas or answers. I stepped back and admired my perfectly packed and organized suitcase, then proceeded to go to the bathroom and fix my hair and wipe off the running makeup. Looking in the mirror, I realized what a mess I was at that moment. my oversized red pajamas were hanging loosely from my body, my face had dark tear streaks running down from my reddened eyes, their violet irises staring back at me through the mirror. I wiped my eyes with a towel that was hanging off the towel rack and let my hair out of the black ribbon, the navy, pink, and violet strands falling onto my shoulders.

I smiled half-heartedly in the mirror, I was going home, to my friends- No, my family, and I would never leave them again. But, I still needed to figure something out within the week, something that I could do to fulfill my destiny in a different way. The only way I was going to do anything, though, is if I had my friends by my side and my wits about me. I walked to my bed, and jumped under the soft sheets, curling up and closing my tired eyes. I smiled unconsciously as sleep claimed me with dreams of my friends and family, dreams of warmth and home. If only I had realized that even those would be ripped away from me.

as the darkness of sleep claimed me , a voice spoke quietly to me,” Be not afraid of what might await you, embrace your fate and you shall be rewarded.”

Tomorrow I was going home, and this time I will not leave my friends behind.

Author's Note:

Haha, I upgraded. take that writers block!
anyways, next update should be soon, but I might take a bit because of school.