• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 7,447 Views, 376 Comments

Adventures In Babysitting - TheNewYorkBrony

Cadence has a crush on Shining Armour. Not only that, but she needs some extra cash. What better way to earn money and get close to her crush than watching his kid sister?

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Adventure #9: Prom?

It was a beautiful day outside, and Twilight took advantage of it by making Cadence and Shining Armour take her and Fluttershy to the park. Right now they were swinging on the swings, watching the older pair talk on the bench outside the playground.

“Oh god, they’re so boring I almost forgot they were dating.” Twilight commented, rolling her eyes when Cadence blushed at something Shining had said. “It’s sickening to even look at them.”

“So don’t?” Fluttershy responded. “I mean, if that’s okay with you.” She added meekly, shrinking into her t-shirt.

“Relax Flutters, I don’t bite.” Twilight said, waving her concerns off. “And I would, but I can’t seem to. Something about them is so awkward and cringe worthy that I can’t look away. It’s like watching a Michael Cera movie.”

“I love Scott Pilgrim.” Fluttershy murmured happily. “It was for big kids but one of Rainbow’s brothers took us to see it. It was really funny.” She said, and started to kick at the sand beneath her sneakered feet.

“You’d think that they would have gotten it on yet, but no, they both are as stiff as can be.” Twilight muttered. She snorted. “No pun intended on my brother’s part.”

Seeing the confused look on Fluttershy’s face from obviously not understanding the joke, she added, “You’ll understand when you’re older.”

Fluttershy just nodded.

“I heard prom is coming up for all the big kids.” Twilight said conversationally. “Maybe that’s what they need to do. Go to prom. Maybe Shiny can finally man up.” The gears in her head were already turning. Her plan would be brilliant. Find the most cheesy, dorky, extravagant way for Shining to ask Cadence to prom and boom, they won’t be boring anymore. But knowing how much Cadence rivaled her in intelligence and knowing how much of a bumbling idiot her brother could be around Cadence, there would be a few snags in her operation. No matter. She was a genius after all. She could figure out someway to keep Shining from blowing it and Cadence from find out.

She smirked, looking over at Fluttershy. She just needed a little help from her friends.

“Sugarcube, Ah cannot tell you how many possible ways this can go wrong.” Applejack told Twilight, biting into her apple as they sat up in her room with a crudely drawn crayon map in front of them. They had come home from school and went upstairs so that the older kids wouldn’t know of their discussion. There was a checklist, and each task had to be completed in order for Twilight’s plan to work.

Twilight blew a strand of hair out her face. “Oh yeah? Name one.” She challenged, crossing her arms with a raised brow. She really wanted to see what the farm girl could come up with. Despite her southern upbringing, she was very smart and articulate which was one of the reasons Twilight liked being friends with her. She could finally have a conversation with someone her own age about things that wouldn’t go over the other kid’s head. (Not that she didn’t appreciate Fluttershy’s company, she was just getting really tired of having to explain things.)

“Prom’s a week away.” Applejack reminded her. She knew because her brother was getting ready to go himself. “And how do you know Cadence doesn’t already have a date? No offense to yer brother, but if Ah were her, Ah would want to go with someone else too.”

Twilight shook her head. “The bubblegum princess doesn’t have a date. She would never do that to my brother. Plus she’s stupidly head over heels in love with him. She would never do something to hurt him.”

Fluttershy nodded. “She kind of has a point. Though I think Applejack is kind of right too. How do we know if they both even want to go to prom? Has Cadence said anything about a dress? Has Shining said anything about renting a tux?”

Twilight’s eyebrows raised. That was a great observation on Fluttershy’s part. “No,” She said, astounded, “Actually, I don’t believe that either of them has said anything about it. But I’m sure both want to go but are too chicken to ask each other. Which brings us back to,” Twilight picked up the chart. “This.” She grinned.

Seeing the skeptical look on both her friend’s faces, she sighed. “Come on guys. This may only be junior prom but goddamit this might be the only chance they have at having that spark again. I could see it in their eyes the first time they kissed under the mistletoe. It was like fireworks had gone off or something. Now they’re all mushy and gushy and it makes me sick.” Twilight made a gagging sound.

“That’s what dating is like, Twi.” Applejack rolled her eyes. Twilight may be the smartest in their group but she was also the most immature. “Anyway, shouldn’t you be more concerned about what’s gonna happen you?”

“H-Huh?” Twilight stammered.

“If they go to prom, someone else will have to watch you.” Fluttershy clarified for her. “Which means you have to worry about having a new babysitter for the night.”

“Nope. That’s not happening.” Twilight deadpanned, rolling up the piece of poster paper. “I’ll be damned if I get a new babysitter.” She shoved the rolled up paper under her bed and stretched. “I just got used to Cadence. Adding a new sitter to the equation is not happening.”

“Well then you might wanna think about what yer plannin’ here. if you really don’t want a new sitter then don’t start nothin’ you can’t finish.” Applejack warned her. She took another bite of her apple and wiped her mouth.

“Oh trust me,” Twilight said with determination in her eyes. “I’m definitely gonna finish this.” A devilish grin played across her lips. Time for her first phase of the plan to begin.

A little later, since Shining had to work and her parents had to leave town for something, it was just Twilight and Cadence in the house. Twilight was on the couch as usual watching My Pretty Pony when the teenager walked into the house.

Cadence took her shades off and put them atop her head before striding into the living room. “Sup, squirt.” She greeted, sitting down next to the younger girl. She crossed her pink Converses on the table, and popped her gum to get Twilight’s attention when she didn’t respond. Twilight was always unresponsive when her favorite show was on, so Cadence’s favorite thing to do was annoy her until she said something.

“There’s a reason why I call you Bubblegum Princess.” Twilight said, turning to her when the channel went onto commercial. Having gum popped in her ear was a pet peeve Cadence constantly used to her advantage when it came to getting Twilight’s attention or making her do something. “Nice outfit, girl next door.” Twilight then added snidely, looking over her ensemble of a pink tank top and cut off shorts.

“Hey, it’s like ninety outside.” Cadence responded, pointing to the messy bun atop her head. She usually kept her long blonde hair down but today it was just simply too hot. “So, instead of going to the park like you wanted to, why don’t we hang out here?”

Twilight shrugged. It didn’t matter to her. She really didn’t want to leave anymore anyway. There was a marathon going on that she really didn’t want to miss. Plus she knew Flash was going to be at the park today, and she really didn’t need more than one problem on her plate right now. She still hadn’t even discussed what happened with Cadence yet. Not that she planned to. The older girl probably already forgot. And she wanted to keep it that way.

“Hey, Cady?” Twilight asked after a long pause.

“Hmm?” Cadence hummed, taking a drink out of her water bottle.

“Are you going to prom with Shining?”

Twilight patted her back as the other girl started coughing and sputtering. “W-What?” She barked after her coughing fit ended. She’s thought about it, thought about asking him, but she knew she didn’t have the guts to. She may have been the most popular girl at Canterlot High, but when it came to asking guys out, she was a complete mess. “N-No. I-I mean, I want to, but-”

“You’re a bumbling idiot when it comes to my klutz of a brother.” Twilight deadpanned. She didn’t need to let Cadence finish her sentence in order to know what she was about to say. “I know. I see it. All the time.” She frowned a bit but fixed her face.

“Ya know...” Twilight trailed, a smirk crossing her face as she saw Cadence’s ears perk up like a dog being offered a treat. “Why don’t I help you ask him out?” If Cadence bought into this, then that proved that not only was Cadence unobservant that Twilight was goading her with the same trick she did on Christmas, but also that Cadence was so desperate for love advice that she would listen to a seven year old. Again.

“Really?” Cadence gasped. Yep, Twilight was definitely smarter than her. Shame, she was really beginning to think she finally had someone older than her on her level. (Not that her brother wasn’t. He was smart, just not smart enough.) “You’d do that, Squirt?!”

“Of course!" Twilight beamed, smiling so hard her cheeks hurt. Things weren’t exactly going according to plan, but at least Shining would be caught off guard if she was the one who asked him. Twilight couldn’t wait to see the priceless look on his face once Cadence popped the question. Snickering to herself, her smiled turned mischievous. And she knew just how to do it.

Later that night in Twilight’s room, Cadence began to express her doubtful concerns as the younger girl sewed a stitch in the dress she had on. “Uh, Twilight? Are you sure this is, uh, you know, gonna work?” She watched Twilight stitch another piece of the dress together and winced when the needle poked her leg.

“Sorry.” Twilight mumbled. “And yes, Absolutely positive. My brother’s a nerd, let us never forget that. And what does my brother love most? Girls in maid costumes.” She had completely threw her plan out the window and was winging it here. But she was sure it would work. Shining couldn’t resist a girl in cosplay.

Cadence apprehensively shifted her weight and being careful not to move too much so that she wouldn’t get stuck with the sewing needle. She didn’t know why she agreed to what Twilight had suggested. Next time she was just going to do things her way. (Which she knew wasn’t going to happen, but it was a nice thought.)

“Don’t worry, everything’s gonna be fine.” Twilight told her, her words muffled by the frilly puffs of the maid outfit. She pushed one last pin into the back of it and sighed, standing up to admire her handy work. “Oh yeah, this is so gonna work.” She added, stretching.

Cadence couldn’t help but snort at that. “Whatever you say, squirt.” She said, rolling her eyes. She stepped down from the stepping stool Twilight had her stand on and went to look at herself in Twilight’s floor length mirror gasping at how intricately detailed Twilight’s creation was. “H-How does a seven year old put together an outfit like this in just a few hours?” She stuttered astounded. She couldn’t even make an even sided pillow in Home Ec let alone a dress!

Twilight pointed proudly to herself. “Heh, I am a genius after all.” She gloated.

Just then the front door unlocked, and Twilight ran out into the hallway to look over the railing at the top of the stairs to see who had come in. “Shi- I mean shoot! He’s here! Get in the room!” Twilight yelled to Cadence.

Cadence quickly grabbed the sign Twilight had written for her and headed into Shining’s room, closing the door. Twilight bounded down the stairs two at a time to meet her brother at the bottom of the steps.

“Where are you going?!” She barked at him. She hadn’t meant to sound as loud she did, but for some reason when she was panicking her indoor voice became three times louder.

Thinking his sister’s strange behavior was because of some game she had played, Shining responded with, “To my room, to relax. I’ve had a long day. What’s the matter with you?” He asked, slightly concerned, seeing that she was paler than usual. (And because she was so anti-social Twilight was as pale as pale could get.)

“N-Nothing!” She stammered, startled. “Y-You know what? Why don’t you go up to your room after all?” She said, pushing him up the stairs. “Surely nothing will be there that wasn’t there when you left.” Twilight was seriously going to kick herself for that one. That was absolutely one of the dumbest things she’d ever heard herself say.

“Okay...” Shining said, really confused now. Twilight stopped pushing him when they reached the top of the stairs. He walked up to his room and opened the door. He walked in and turned on the light, before abruptly running out his room and hiding behind his door. “T-Twilight?” He stuttered.

“Y-Yeah B.B.B.F.F.?”

“Why is Cadence in my room,” He gulped, a blush creeping to his face. “And lying on my bed in a sexy maid costume?”

“C-Cause I told her to.” Twilight murmured.

“You what?!” Shining whirled around and bounded back into his room. Cadence looked like she was going to cry. “Cady, what’s wrong?” He asked, worriedly.

“You don’t like it, do you?” Cadence half sobbed. When he didn’t respond she sighed heavily and slid off the bed. “I’m sorry. This is stupid. I’m stupid. I just wanted to ask you to prom. I didn’t mean to freak you out.” She told him, bleary eyed.

Shining just stood there, working his jaw and weighing his options. He couldn’t just let her cry. But if he didn’t act now, he might lose her forever. Sucking up his doubts, and with a surprising amount of force, before a single tear left Cadence’s eyes, he pulled her close to him and kissed her.

Twilight watched the whole thing with her mouth agape. “I can’t believe it! He actually grew a pair!” She shouted, pumping her fists in the air. She was so glad she wasn’t on the roof this time. She really didn’t want a repeat of last time. She smiled though, because her plan worked. Even if she had to change a few things.

Cadence pulled away from the kiss, blushing madly and shocked. “B-But I thought you didn’t like it?” She whispered in disbelief. She couldn’t believe Shining Armour just did that. Usually she was the one to initiate a kiss. It was a new feeling to have someone finally kissing her.

“I do. You just surprised me is all.” Shining responded, caressing her cheeks with a smile. He chose to ignore the eye roll Twilight sent his way and the gag sound she emitted at the same time.

“So, you’ll go with me?” Cadence asked with hope in her voice.

“Why wouldn’t I? I am your boyfriend after all.” Shining responded. A tingle shot through his body as he said it. He never thought that he could finally say it without getting flustered. Maybe Twilight was right. Maybe he was finally growing a pair. Yet, with the look Cadence was giving him now, he could feel them shrink right back into his body.

Twilight whistled. “Welp. This just went from PG to PG-13.” She said, backing out the door. “I’m going to put on some very loud music so uh, have fun!” She said, throwing a thumbs up in her brother’s direction before shutting the door.

Shining had all of about two seconds before Cadence pounced on him.

Author's Note:

aaaand she's back! Yes, hello! the long awaited chapter is here! I had to change it up a bit because its waaaay past Mother's day. I told you guys I'd have it up on friday! >:D so, tell me what you guys think! I gotta go to night school! :'D