• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 7,447 Views, 376 Comments

Adventures In Babysitting - TheNewYorkBrony

Cadence has a crush on Shining Armour. Not only that, but she needs some extra cash. What better way to earn money and get close to her crush than watching his kid sister?

  • ...

Adventure #8: The Date and The Kiss

Valentine's Day. Twilight didn't have much experience with it, but she's seen enough movies to know what it's about. Getting candy, spending the day with someone special. Of course, being only seven, she couldn't date anyone, but giving and receiving valentines in class was just as nice.

Twilight wasn't really sure if anyone like liked her though. She never spent much time with her classmates to ever find out. Little did she know though, there was someone with their eye on her.

Twilight, Applejack, and Fluttershy sat in the back of the classroom huddled together whispering in hushed tones as they ate their lunches. It was lunch time, and all the children were pretty much doing their own thing. After lunch they had recess, and after recess they were allowed to hand out their valentines.

"You guys, I'm scared." Fluttershy whined as she nibbled on a carrot from the salad in her My Pretty Pony lunch box.

"What? Why? Ain't you one of the cutest girls in class?" Applejack asked, chewing on a piece of beef jerky her brother had packed for her.

"That's just it! I don't like all this attention...Besides, aren't we too young to date?" The meek girl shrank into herself a little.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Please! Have you heard the stupid story Rainbow Dash has been spreading? She's told everyone in class she has a boyfriend. Does she even know what that is?"

"But she's a total tomboy." Fluttershy responded pushing a strand of light pink hair behind her ear. "She always hangs out with the boys and plays kickball with them during recess. Besides me, I don't think she has many friends that are girls."

"No not boy friends!" Twilight shook her head wagging a finger. "Boyfriends! As in kissing, dating, the other stuff!" She raised her voice an octave at the end of her sentence.

"The other stuff?" Applejack questioned. "What other-" she stopped herself. "Oh sweet Jesus.” Her and her brother Mac weren’t that different in age, he only was fifteen. But she’s caught him looking at a few girls in passing in a way that Granny would smack him for. “W-well. If it makes you feel better Fluttershy, Ah just transfered so no one knows who Ah am.” She shrugged, sipping at her apple juice.

“Actually...” Fluttershy started but stopped. She started twiddling her thumbs, looking warily at Twilight for some help.

“Um, actually...a lot of kids do know who you are. Uh, well, about who you are.” Twilight explained, a little annoyed from being uncomfortably put in the spotlight.

“Huh? Ya’ll wanna explain what’s goin’ on?” Applejack snapped, her patience growing thin.

“They know...about the accident your parents were in. The trial for the driver who hit them...it was all over the news. I just didn’t remember who you were until you told me.” Twilight answered her truthfully.

Applejack frowned for a moment before shrugging. “Oh well. S’not like it was a big secret or nothin’.” She bit into another stick of jerky as her friends a shared wary look.

Twilight, not one to pursue an uncomfortable subject, changed it. “Hey, Cadence and Shiny are going on their first date today.” She said, drinking some of her soda.

Fluttershy clapped happily. “Oh really? How romantic!” she cooed. “That kiss under the mistletoe you told me about sounded so adorable!” She added with a dreamy look in her eyes.

“I fell off a roof. I fell eight feet! Does everyone always conveniently forget about that?!” Twilight shouted, flailing her arms.

Applejack snorted with laughter. “Ah’m,” She snorted again, “Ah’m sorry sugarcube, but that was mighty funny.” She let out a hearty laugh that caused Twilight’s face to turn red.

“Why you-”

“Alright, children, time for recess!” Ms. Cheerilee called to them, cutting Twilight off.

Students excitedly put their lunch boxes away in their cubbies before grabbing their jackets and putting their hats on, racing each other to the door on the other side of the classroom that connected to the playground in the back of the school.

Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack, less enthusiastic about the weather than their classmates, trudged behind them in annoyance. “Any reason why recess is still necessary when its below forty and there’s at least six feet of snow on the ground?” Twilight mumbled, flexing her fingers inside her not so warm purple gloves.

“Possibly because they don’t want parents complainin’ ‘bout us not gettin’ enough exercise.” Applejack mused, pulling her bomber hat lower on her head. It was red with a green apple on either flap. It was her brother’s. She really wanted her own instead of his huge hand-me-down, but since money was tight right now, she just had to deal with it.

“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. We have gym for a freaking reason.” Twilight rolled her eyes and rubbed her hands together, wishing she could just go back inside.

Fluttershy had been too afraid to say anything during their conversation, so she shifted her weight a bit before speaking up. “Do you guys wanna-”


Fluttershy squeaked. “Um, okay.”

While Twilight and her friends were at recess, Shining and Cadence were in the middle of their English class. Shining was busy taking notes, whereas Cadence was bored out of her mind. Not surprisingly enough, in addition to being one of them most popular girls in school, she was also one of the smartest.

She didn’t really need to copy down anything in particular, since she was a fast writer, and had already written everything down.

Shining on the other hand, was taking his sweet time copying because whenever he finished something, he would always look over at Cadence. Which was incredibly distracting. He had almost missed half of his math class because of it. And he was good at math.

Trying his hardest to not turn in her direction, he gave her a sidelong glance quick enough to see that she had just thrown a paper at him from across the aisle. Clumsily he caught it, giving her a questioning stare. She shrugged, smirking, then motioned for him to open it. Cadence heard the teacher coming and quickly went back to hunching over her notebook.

Looking down at the crumpled up piece of binder paper in his hands, Shining carefully scanned the room for watchful eyes before unwrinkling the parchment.

So, where are you taking me tonight? -Cady

Really? She couldn’t wait to talk about this later? Sighing, Shining wrote out his response and threw the paper back at her. Since his am wasn’t as good as hers, it landed under her desk by her feet.

Cadence picked up the paper and unfurled it.

Why must you ask that now? -Shiny

Cadence rolled her eyes and wrote her answer before annoyedly passing it back to him. She must have put more anger behind it than she intended to, because the paper bounced of the side of his head causing her and a few other girls in their class to giggle.

Grumbling to himself, Shining smoothened out the note and read her message.

Because I need to know what I need to get to wear, duh. You boys just don't understand. :P

Rolling his eyes, Shining wrote her back.

I can’t tell you, it’s a surprise. -__-

He then threw it back with better aim. Cadence caught the paper and read his message. Rolling her eyes, she answered him with,

Fine. Just know if this date sucks, im not letting you kiss me at the end.

Crumpling it up in anger, she threw it at him. The paper soared farther than she meant it to, hitting the teacher in the back of the head. Shining quickly picked up the note before the teacher could react, and Cadence stuck her face in her notebook to conceal her laughter.

Shining smiled. Tonight was going to be a good night.

Recess was finally over, and Twilight was thanking every god she could think of. They had been standing outside for at least forty minutes freezing their butts off. Well, Fluttershy and Twilight was. Applejack not so much. “Mah family used ta live on a farm. We had winters worse than this.” She had said as the cold seemed to not bother her at all.

Back in the classroom with the heat blaring, the girls sat at their group with grim expressions. “I-I’m scared. I don’t want to be somebody’s special someone.” Fluttershy squeaked, pulling her hood over her face.

Twilight rolled her eyes. Whether she liked it or not, Fluttershy was one of the most popular girls in class. Even though she was incredibly quiet and shy, she was also very caring and kind. She was a sweet and adorable little girl. And Twilight had to give credit where credit is due.

“Alright children, time to give out your valentines!” Ms. Cheerilee announced, encouraging the kids to get up out of their seats and walk around the room. Boys and girls alike sheepishly made their way to their special someone, handing them their valentines before promptly sitting back down.

Applejack held her breath. She seriously didn’t think anyone would give her any. She couldn’t get a class set like everyone else because money was tight, but that didn’t mean she appreciated her friends any less. She just hoped they felt the same.

As Fluttershy moved to pull out the three she had for her close friends, Rainbow Dash showed up by her side, looking nervous and reluctant. “Oh, hello Rainbow. Is something wrong?” She asked, tilting her head.

Rainbow said nothing. She was blushing a rosey red, which looked admittedly adorable on her. She clutched a small piece of paper in her hand. “I-I-I-” She stuttered. “Here!” She hurriedly shoved the card in her friend’s hand and took off running.

“Oh my...” Fluttershy whispered. “That was very weird of her.” She looked at the card in her hand. Judging by the dried glue and messy handwriting, she figured it was hand made. It didn’t look anything like one of the professional cards she got from her mother every year, but it was beautiful just the way it was. Then, a blush crept onto Fluttershy’s features. “Oh my.” She muttered again. “I’m Rainbow’s special someone.”

Twilight snorted. “Well I’ll be damned! The little neanderthal has a crush on you!” She honestly felt bad for her friend. No one should willing to be in a relationship with such a...brute.

As Twilight reached over her desk to further examine the card Fluttershy had gotten from Rainbow Dash, Applejack saw a hot pink envelope sticking out of the inside of Twilight’s desk. She chuckled. “Well sugarcube, ‘Shy ain’t the only one who’s someone’s valentine.”

“Huh?” As Twilight sat back down, she felt something jab her side from inside her desk. She reached inside to find the pink envelope. “Eh?!” She held it up in disbelief.

“Oh that’s wonderful Twilight! Someone likes you!” Fluttershy cooed, clapping her hands. “Open it! Open it!”

A smug smirk developed on Applejack’s face. “Yeah, Twi. Why don’t you open it?”

Twilight rolled her eyes and opened the envelope. Inside was a letter that was written on notebook paper and two small chocolate hearts. She looked at her friends in confusion. Fluttershy and Applejack pushed for her to read the note.

Dear Twilight,

I’ve noticed you for a while. You’re smart, and funny and I like the way you stick up for yourself. Plus, you're really cute. Maybe we should hang out some time?

-Your secret admirer.

“What the heck?!” Twilight barked as Applejack and Fluttershy giggled with laughter. “Is this some kind of joke?”

“Fraid not.” Applejack said between her giggles. “ Face it Twi, some fella in this class fancies you.”

“How adorable!” Fluttershy cooed. “Oh I’m just dying to know who he is! Maybe it’s Thunderlane? Or-or Soarin?!”

“How about no one?!” Twilight shouted, tearing the note and the envelope to shreds. She threw the remains of it in the garbage and sat back down in her seat before unwrapping one of the chocolates and popping it into her mouth.

“Ah love how you threw away the note but kept the chocolates.” Applejack commented with a raised brow.

“Can it, AJ!” Twilight snapped. “We’re gonna find out who this kid is. And when we do, I’m gonna give him a piece of my mind.” She declared, pounding a fist into her open hand.

“We?” Both girls asked.

“Yes, ‘we’. You two deserve it for making fun of me.” Twilight huffed in finality.

Applejack gave Fluttershy as skeptical look. “Somethin’ tells me this ain’t gonna end well.”

Twilight waited until the end of class to find out who her secret admirer really was. Throughout the rest of the school day, Applejack and Fluttershy had been her eyes and ears, listening closely to all of the boys in the class to see if they were talking about her at all. Fluttershy couldn’t really find anything at all since she was adamantly avoiding Rainbow Dash who hung around most of the boys, while Applejack had snooped out who the letter had been written by.

Apparently he was a boy named Flash Sentry, one of the main boys who played with Rainbow Dash and one of the most popular boys in her class. The prospect of someone more out there than she was liking her troubled Twilight. She had no time for boys and such. (Also she was aware that she was just seven and seven year olds didn’t have boyfriends.)

The fact that he was friends with Rainbow still stood, and it raised a red flag in her mind. What if he did it as a joke? Or, even worse, what if Rainbow was the one who put him up to it? What if she was getting her hopes up for nothing?

But still, the idea of a boy liking her excited her. No one has really shown an interest in her besides her friends. So for someone out of her circle, her comfort zone, to take a liking to her felt...weird.

Ms. Cheerilee had a meeting right after class so she left the room as soon as all the children were dismissed. Twilight had volunteered to stay behind to clean the dry erase board and fix up the room just so she would have a valid reason to stay. She was capable of handling herself, plus it Ms. Cheerilee wasn’t the only teacher in school so it isn’t like she would be by herself.

During class, Applejack had told Flash to stay after school because Twilight wanted to see him. He seemed to be a little apprehensive about it, but agreed nonetheless. As Twilight stood on a step stool to reach the top of the board as she erased what Ms. Cheerilee had written for that day, she failed to notice that Flash had entered the room and was watching her with a smile. Everyone had left, so it was just them inside the classroom.

Once she had finished, she took a step to step down, but lost her footing. She squeaked as she fell, but looked up in surprise when she saw that a pair of hands had caught her before she could hit the ground. “Gotcha.” Flash said with a smirk. Twilight stared into his eyes, unaware that a blush was beginning to appear on her pale face.

She quickly righted herself, smoothing out her skirt. She cleared her throat and then spoke. “Um, yes. Thank you.” She cursed herself for even acting so girly in the first place.

“No problem. So, you wanted to speak with me?” He asked, sitting on one of the desks in the front row of the classroom. Twilight came from behind the teacher’s desk and leaned against it.

“Yes. You are the one who put the letter in my desk, correct?” Twilight questioned, giving him a stoic look. Conveying no emotion was important, even if her heart was beating like a jackhammer.

“Yeah. You read it?” He raised his eyebrows in expectation, hoping she truly did read it since he had saw her rip it up and throw it away.

She nodded, letting a silence fall between them. “Look,” She started after a minute or two. “I know you're friends with Rainbow, and that she might have put you up to this so I’m letting you know right now if this is some sick, cruel joke-”

Flash held up his hands to stop her. Then rolled up the sleeves of his flannel shirt and pointed to his right wrist. There was something written on it, but she couldn’t see it from afar. Twilight was also bit confused, but nevertheless, crossed the small amount of space between them to see what he was pointing to.

It was hard to decipher at first, but when she could read it, she felt her ears burn hot. “T-That’s my name. You wrote my name on your wrist?” Her heart was racing now and her palms were sweaty. She was going to be sick to her stomach. She wasn’t interested in boys. While all the girls in class fawned over him, she was in her corner, with her nose in a book. She never wanted to like a boy. But now...something was different.

Here was a boy who actually liked her. A boy who genuinely liked her. She didn’t have many friends her age before meeting Fluttershy and Applejack. She was always a loner. The sarcastic smart freak who everyone stayed away from. And here was Flash, someone who liked her because of that. It made her sick. She was beginning to think that she was developing somewhat of a crush on him. The idea was nauseating.

“Yeah.” He said, nodding surely. “I like you. Alot. You’re smart, and sarcastic, and one of the prettiest girls in class. Rainbow didn’t put me up to it. Trust me, if she did, I wouldn’t have sat up all night Thursday writing that thing.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he began to blush too,

Awkward. This whole thing was awkward. It felt awkward. More so to Twilight than him. She had the urge to thank him, she didn’t know how, but she just wanted to. He was sweet. She liked that about him. She didn’t know much about him, but that was one thing she knew. He cared about her, and that was more than enough for her.

Before she could give it a second thought, her lips were on his cheek. She could feel the heat radiating off of it. She caught him off guard. She smiled. Good. Maybe he’ll stick around now. Pulling away, she giggled like an idiot, (which she will mentally slap herself for later) and grabbed her bookbag off the floor. She walked towards the door and turned around once she got to the doorway. “Thanks. For the note. And the chocolates. They were sweet.” She paused, smiling. “Like you.” She waved to him, before spinning on her heel and walking out the door, leaving Flash blushing madly.

And for the first time in two months, she was happy.

The school day was over for Shining and Cadence finally, and Shining couldn’t be more nervous. Instead of riding with Cadence to get Twilight, he had to ride his bike to go get her so that he couldn’t see what she was wearing for their date. (Which, every time she brought it up, scared the crap out of him.)

When he got to the school Twilight was outside leaning against her usual tree reading a book. But there was something different about her. He couldn’t put his finger on it. She seemed...happier. And that was saying a lot since she had been so down since the baby announcement. “Hey!” He called, smiling, crossing the green, snow crunching beneath his feet.

She looked up at him and grinned. “Hmm. No ride, from your date?” She teased, noticing the lack of babysitter and car. She was in a happy mood, but it was going to be a pain in the ass walking in this cold.

He shook his head. “She wants to get all dolled up and stuff so nope.” He extended a hand to help her up. She took it, and he waited for her to put the book in her book bag before he began to cross back over to the sidewalk. She followed behind, the same grin from earlier on her face. Okay, now he really wanted to know what she was so freaking happy about. “Why so chipper, Twily?” He asked.

The younger girl sighed in content. “Nothing really. Hey, Shiny?” She asked, walking beside him.

“Yeah?” He answered her.

“What’s it like to be in love?”

The question made Shining Armour stop. “What made you ask that?” as he started to walk again. She never showed an interest in knowing that.

“Just...nothing. I just wanted to know.”

She was hiding something, he could tell. Twilight was never soft spoken, nor was she ever afraid to tell him anything. She let her feelings be heard loud and clear. For her to be so...secretive, he wondered if she had a crush on a boy in her class. “Well, to be honest, I don’t know how to explain it.”

She frowned. “Aren’t you in love with Cadence?” She questioned.

Was he? He didn’t know. And he wasn’t really sure if she loved him. He had never said it, and neither has she. It was freaking him out just thinking about it. “Y-Yeah, you could say that. I like her a lot. So I guess for starters being in love is just liking someone a lot.” Shining shrugged.

“That’s it? There’s nothing more to it? It has to be more complicated then that!” Twilight huffed. That wasn’t the answer she was hoping she’d get. That was the complete opposite. She was hoping for some elaborate explanation. Not...that.

“Well I’m sure there’s more to it. But I haven’t really figured it out yet.” Shining admitted to her.

“Good god man! You have a girlfriend and you don’t know what the first thing about love is?!” She demanded, waving her arms.

“Do you?” Shining counted. After all, she was the one who asked him.

Twilight nodded as they approached their house. “Good point.”

A few hours later, Shining stood in the mirror for what he assumed was the hundredth time. It wasn’t like he was trying to impress Cadence or anything, he just wanted to look nice for her. Okay, so maybe he did want to impress her.

Deciding that he would just settle on a sweater and a dark pair of jeans, he grabbed his jacket off his bed and headed down stairs. He was about to open the garage to get his bike when his father called him into the living room.

“Going on that date with Cadence?” He asked.

“Yup.” Shining responded, nodding. His father threw him the keys to his car. Shining’s eyebrows raised. “Are- Seriously?!” He asked in disbelief.

Mr. Sparkle grinned. “Just make sure you bring both girls back in good condition, alright?”

Shining grinned back. “You got it!” He said, walking out the door. Things were off to a good start. He just hoped they stayed that way.

Cadence sat on her bed, waiting for Shining Armour. Apparently he had borrowed his father’s car so that meant she would be the one picked up. It was a nice change of pace for once. Her phone buzzed and she saw that it was a text from Shining telling her that he was downstairs. She took one last glance at herself in the mirror before grabbing her jacket and her purse and heading outside.

“Have fun sweetie!” Her mother called from the living room.

“I will! See you later!” She called back as she walked out and locked the door.

Shining was sitting against the car when he heard her come out. He looked up to see her in a pink winter dress and brown winter boots . She looked beautiful, and he wasted no time in telling her. “You look..amazing.” He told her, astonished.

Cadence twirled. “Why thank you. So, where are we headed? The cliche dinner and a movie? Or some place you used to go as a kid?” She teased.

“You’ll see.” He said, opening the door for her. When she got in, he closed it and crossed the front of the car to get onto his side. He started the car and drove down the street.

After driving for a few more minutes, he stopped at a restaurant that was a couple blocks from the mall. Shining knew he didn’t have that much money, but he did want to give Cadence the best night ever. “Wow, swanky place.” She commented as he held the door for her. “How’d you find it?”

“My dad knows the owner.” Shining responded.

Luckily, the place wasn’t too packed, and they were seated the minute they walked in. The waiter brought them some water and left them to decide what to eat. When they were alone, Cadence decided to strike up a conversation.

“So,” She said. “Our first date.” She was clearly nervous, and so was he. And to be honest, he was was glad she was just as apprehensive as he was. It made him relax, and he thought it was adorable how much he made her sheepish.

“Yeah.” He nodded. “I don’t know about all the romancey gushy stuff. But we could just, you know, hang out and not make it a date date.” He suggested.

Her shoulders relaxed. “Yeah. That sounds nice.” She smiled at him and laughed a little.

The waiter came back and took their orders before leaving them to themselves once again. “Why don’t we play twenty questions to pass the time?” Cadence asked. “When did you get your first kiss?” She quired, smirking.

Shining blushed. “Christmas. Y-You?”

Cadence hummed in thought. “Christmas.” she finally answered.

“No way!” Shining said in amazement.

“True chiz!” Cadence insisted.

“But I thought,” Shining started, but then stopped himself. It would have been rude of him to say he thought she had gotten her first kiss already. And possibly much more. Shining shook that possibility out of his head. Cadence wasn’t that type of girl. She had even said it herself.

“You thought that I had my first kiss already.” Cadence clenched her jaw, finishing his sentence. “Yeah, blonde, popular girl, that stereotype always comes back to bite me.” She bit her lip.

Uh-oh. Now he had done it. He knew he should have kept his stupid insecurities to himself. “Cadence I-”

“Can we not like, talk about it right now?” She sighed, interrupting him. She was clearly upset. And it hurt Shining knowing that he’s the one who made her upset. He just nodded and sat back in his chair.

As if on cue, the waiter came back with their plates. There wasn’t much talking after that. Shining couldn’t blame Cadence. He did kind of put his foot in his mouth. Again. They ate in silence, and it was killing Shining to see how hurt she was.

“Cadence?” He asked, testing the waters as they waited for the check. He was fine with her not responding, but he really wanted to set things right. A few more minutes passed and he was beginning to think that she really didn’t like him anymore.

“Yeah?” She finally answered after what felt like an eternity.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to insinuate that you were a slut or anything. I just thought that since you were popular and all you got everything you wanted.” He apologized, rubbing the back of his neck.

“You basically just called me a spoiled brat.” She deadpanned, a deep frown on her face.

Shining smacked his forehead. “I just can’t seem to get this right, can I?” He grumbled more to himself than Cadence. “Are you mad at me?” he asked, after another long pause played out.

“No.” Cadence sighed. “It’s not your fault. You’re very insecure. Too insecure to be dating a cheerleader.” She snorted.

Shining wasn’t sure if he should have taken that as a compliment or not. “Uh, thank you?” He tried.

“I’m gonna tell you something that I’ve never told anyone before.” Cadence decided. “And you can’t tell anyone else.” She added, pointing a finger at him.

Shining nodded wildly, awaiting what she had to say.

Another sigh. “This is my first date. And, honestly, I’ve never liked anyone as much as you. So you saying awkward things like that don’t piss me off because let’s be real, I’m in a whole different world that yours.” Cadence let out a dry laugh. “But, that’s what I like about us. We’re so different and yet we’re so much alike. So yeah, this date hasn’t been the greatest, but that’s okay because I just like spending time with you.”

Shining was astounded. “Does this mean that I get to kiss you?” He asked, hopefully.

“Wow, you’re so smooth.” Cadence teased sarcastically as she reached over the table and pecked him on the lips. She leaned back in the chair with a smirk. Tonight may have not been the night she had hoped for, but it was definitely something she’d never forget.

The next day, Saturday, Cadence came over to watch Twilight. And what mood she found the child in was one she did not expect. “Wow. Why so happy squirt?” She asked as Twilight hummed to herself while making breakfast. Which consisted of cereal and milk.

“Oh it’s nothing. I’ve just felt happier for some reason.” Twilight responded, pulling the milk out of the fridge. She hadn’t told anyone about her kissing Flash. Not Applejack, nor Fluttershy, and definitely not Shiny. And she sure as heck wasn’t about to tell Cadence.

“Mhmm.” Cadence nodded, observing the way Twilight was avoiding her question. Little girls didn’t just become happy overnight. Especially ones that brood as much as Twilight. Something was up. And she was going to find out.

“So, how was your date with Shiny? Was it all awkward?” the prodigy asked, eating a spoonful of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Cadence leaned over the island and put her chin in her hand. “Besides him putting his foot in his mouth? It was alright. Plus, I got my kiss at the end of the night.” She expected Twilight to gag or say something sarcastic, but instead watched as her spoon clanked back into the bowl and her cheeks turned a rosy red. “Uh, you okay there, squirt?” Watching in confusion as Twilight slid down from her stool, she asked, “Where are you going?”

“To reevaluate my life.” The seven year old responded, heading for the living room, leaving Cadence in the kitchen with her now unoccupied bowl of cereal. Then, suddenly she spun on her heel. “I’m going to regret this, I know I will, but I am going to tell you anyway. I kinda, sorta, kissed a boy in my class yesterday.” And with that, Twilight took off running.

“What?” Cadence asked to herself in confusion. Then when it finally clicked in her head, “What?!”

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long holy shit i was busy trying to finish the TwiSpike fic and yeah it cant be up tonight guys sorry for the delay i promise it'll be up tomorrow. but in the mean time please enjoy this! This chapter is really rushed and bland and im sorry for that. I promise the TwiSpike story will be better. Anyway Happy Valentine's Day! :D