• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 7,447 Views, 376 Comments

Adventures In Babysitting - TheNewYorkBrony

Cadence has a crush on Shining Armour. Not only that, but she needs some extra cash. What better way to earn money and get close to her crush than watching his kid sister?

  • ...

Adventure #7: Misguidance and Misunderstandings

"Urgh." Twilight groaned as she listened to her mother talk on the phone. She was on the couch upside down watching a boring rerun of My Pretty Pony.

"Yes, that'd be great. And the color? Well we don't know the sex yet." Mrs. Sparkle spoke into the phone.

"Mommy, I'm hungry. " Twilight whined. She pulled at her mother’s cardigan.

"In a minute, honey." Mrs. Sparkle told her in a stern, hushed tone before turning back to the person on the phone. "Yes, I'm still here."

Twilight groaned as she got up from her position to head into the kitchen. It has been two months since Christmas, and Twilight was beginning to hate her life. Ever since her mother announced that she was pregnant, there was less and less time for Twilight. Her parents were never home anymore. Her mother was always skipping out on their weekend quality time to go to doctor's appointments, and her father always went with her.

So it always just ended up being Shining, Cadence, and herself. Not that she minded. But it would be nice to spend time with her parents again. Pulling a tv dinner out the freezer, Twilight tore the box apart and peeled the thin film of plastic off before putting it in the microwave. After throwing the box away, she sat down at the kitchen island and put her head down.

"So...this is what they were talking about." A voice behind her mused.

"What do you want, Cadenza?" Twilight sighed, her voice muffled by her sweater sleeve.

"What did I tell you about calling me by my last name, Squirt?"

"I don't care."

A frustrated sigh left Cadence as she sat down next to Twilight. "What's gotten into you? I haven't seen you this depressed in a while."

"I don't care about a stupid baby. I don't want a stupid baby. This baby is causing me pain and it hasn't even been born yet."

Cadence nodded. "Look, I get it. When my aunt had her first kid I felt like my whole life was over. She used to baby me and consider me the daughter she never had. And then the minute she actually had one, it was like I didn't even exist. It hurt so much to even be in the same room as my cousin. But, after a while, as I got older, I grew out of it. And you will too." She rubbed Twilight’s back affectionately.

Twilight didn't respond. Instead, she got up as the microwave beeped and went to retrieve her dinner. They had stocked up on tons of those things these past few months. That and take out menus. Twilight loved to eat out as much as any other kid, but all the pizza and Chinese was making her sick to her stomach.

"I know what will make you feel better." Mr. Sparkle said as he entered the kitchen. "A new family just moved into the house across the street. They have a girl about your age. Maybe it'll be a good experience for you to meet someone new."

Twilight fought the urge to glare at her father. "I already have Fluttershy, why would I need anyone else?" Her voice was bitter with agitation.

"How do you expect to become friends with anyone if you keep shutting people out?!" Her father demanded. She had been having outbursts and tantrums like this ever since Christmas. He understood she was upset about the baby but she couldn't go around being disrespectful.

"You would know about that wouldn't you?! You and mommy don't even act like I exist anymore! Everything is about that stupid parasite!" Twilight shouted, her body shaking.

"Twilight!" Her father tried to reprimand.

"No! I'm done! The only time you people actually give a damn about me is when I'm doing something wrong! Well screw you guys! I'm leaving!" Twilight turned on her heel and stomped out the kitchen.

A few minutes later Cadence and Mr. Sparkle heard the front door slam. There was an awkward silence before Cadence asked, “S-Should I go after her?” pointing in the direction of the door.

Mr. Sparkle sighed. “No. Just let her be. She’ll be back. There’s still snow on the ground and it’s cold as heck.” And with that, he grabbed a beer from the fridge and headed into the den, leaving a very confused and concerned Cadence in the kitchen.

Twilight puffed out her cheeks, shoving her hands in her purple hoodie pockets. “Freaking family. Always making me feel alone. Urgh! Stupid baby!” She kicked her purple snowboot at a pile of snow, which sent a flurry of it into the air and onto the street. Frustrated, she continued her trek towards Fluttershy’s house.

“Incomin’!” A voice yelled. Twilight turned around to see who the voice belonged to, only to be welcomed with a football to the stomach.

On her knees, teary eyed, and wheezing, for the air that was knocked out of her, Twilight could barely see a blonde girl and a tall redheaded boy approached her. “Mighty sorry ‘bout that. Mac here’s got one heck of a throw.” The blonde girl apologized. “Ain’t that right, Mac?” She asked, turning to what Twilight assumed was her brother.

“Eeeyup.” he said, nodding. He extended a hand towards the panting girl and helped her up. Twilight nodded at him appreciatively, her ragged breathing materializing into hot puffs.

The blonde girl stuck out a tan hand. “Ah’m Applejack. This here’s Mac. Ah’m eight. We just moved across the street with our Granny.”

“I’m...Twi...Twilight.” Twilight huffed. The ball had hit her with almost unimaginable force. She had been hit almost five minutes ago and she was still out of breath. The cold January are didn’t help either. Her lungs felt like they were on fire.

“Well nice ta meetcha, Twilight!” Applejack smiled at her, and then it faltered when she saw the way Twilight started to sway. Her eyebrows furrowed worriedly. “Um, uh-oh. Ya’ll don’t look so good...Maybe we should get you inside...Mac?”

“Eeeyup.” The slightly older boy nodded before picking up the smaller, dark haired girl. Twilight was too weak to even protest. Her stomach growled loudly. She groaned, remembering she had stormed out of the house without eating her dinner. Now she was even more hungry than she was before.

“Heh. No wonder ya look like yer about ta keel over! Ya haven’t eatin’! Well don’t you worry, we’re gonna feed ya real good!” Applejack patted Twilight’s arm as they walked down the street towards a large yellow Victorian.

‘So much for Fluttershy’s house’ Twilight thought as she drifted to sleep in Mac’s arms.

Shining shook some snow out of his hair as he pulled his boots off. He locked the door and hung his coat up. Walking into the living room expecting to find his sister watching TV, he was instead surprised to find his father watching a sports game.

“Uh, where are Cady and Twi?” He asked. He leaned back to peer into the kitchen to find just his mother sitting at the kitchen island on the phone with what he guessed to be another room decorator.

“Twilight stormed out, and Cadence is upstairs in your room.” His father responded, taking a swig of his beer. Judging by the three that were by his feet that were kicked up on the recliner, he had been there for a while.

“Oh, Oka- wait what?! Who let her in my room?!” Shining dropped his keys and ran up the stairs two at a time before slamming his door open.

Sure enough, Cadence was on his bed reading one of his comic books. She looked up and smiled at him. “Hey.”

“Hey.” He greeted back nervously. “How long have you been up here?” He asked, shakily watching her flip through the book.

“Long enough to know you have a poster of me in my cheerleading uniform.” Cadence giggled, putting the book down.

‘Crap.’ Shining thought. “Look, I-”

Cadence put a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay Shiny, we’re dating now so you don’t have to be so nervous around me. I’m not gonna suddenly think you’re uncool and just dump you.”

Shining Armour nodded. “Sure, right.”

“How did you get a poster of me though?” Cadence asked, a little bit amused at how nervous the question made him. She quirked her eyebrows up, waiting for an answer.

“I-I know a guy.” He mumbled. Then something in his mind clicked. “W-Wait, we’re dating?!” his head snapped in her direction in an alarmed way.

She gave him a confused look. “Yeah? I thought we were? I mean we kissed under the mistletoe.”

“B-But we haven’t even had a proper date yet!” He shouted pointedly. He was physically shaking now, and Cadence thought the poor boy was going to pass out any minute.

“Okay, okay, calm down.” She cooed, soothingly rubbing his back. “Valentine’s Day is coming up, and that’s when everyone does all the couplely dating stuff anyway, so why don’t we have our first date then?”

The suggestion didn’t sound bad at all to Shining. It calmed him down too. The thought of him and Cadence on a date kind of made him giddy and excited. “O-Okay. Sounds like a plan to me.” He agreed, smiling at her.

Cadence smiled back before she took on a much more seductive look. Shining gulped. “Y-you do remember that my mom and dad are downstairs, r-right?” He stuttered, slowly backing on to his bed as she advanced towards him.

“Mhmm. But don’t worry, I won’t do anything too naughty.” She responded, once she had him backed against his headboard. “Yet.” she then added, pouncing on him.

Twilight awoke on a couch in an unfamiliar house to the smell of what she assumed was some apple centered dish. Her eyes snapped open, and her stomach growled even louder from the smell that invaded her nose.

“Oh, look who's finally up.” A Southern accent rung through her ears. Her head turned in the direction of the voice to see it was the blonde girl from earlier, holding a small redheaded child on her lap.

“Yeah. How’d I get here?” Twilight asked, her memory fuzzy. All she remembered was being hit in the stomach. And that wasn’t something she enjoyed remembering.

“Well, mah brother kinda knocked the win’ outta ya so we took ya here. You were mighty hungry. Looks like ya still are. You feelin’ better now though?” Applejack responded, nodding towards her as she bounced the baby on her lap.

“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” Twilight assured her. She then proceeded to explain to Applejack why she had been walking down the street before noticing the baby on her lap again. “Who’s the kid?” She asked, nodding towards the child.

“This is mah little sister. Applebloom. She’s about nine months. Man, when she was born, Ah didn’t want nothin’ to do with her.” Applejack told her truthfully. “She was always screamin’ and cryin’ and my parents never had any time for me anymore. It was so hard to even be around her. I hated her.”

The older girl paused. “But then our parents died three months ago, and that’s when everything changed.” she continued in a hushed tone. “I had to stop being a stupid little kid and grow up. I had responsibilities. ‘Corse, Mac takes care of mostly everything, but I take care of Bloom.” She looked down affectionately at the toddler in her arms. “Ah’m not tellin’ ya to grow up like I had to, Twilight. Ah’m just telling you that you’re being selfish for not wanting to share your parents love. Especially since some babies don’t have any.”

Twilight’s eyes flickered towards the drooling child, then flickered away ashamed. She had been acting selfish. And rude. Here she was, acting like another sibling was the worst thing in the world, and all Applejack has left are the siblings she’s got. It made her wince to think about how myopic she had been. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ve been acting so stupid these past few weeks and I just want everything to be okay.”

“Well no one’s got the power to make everything okay ‘cept for you, sugarcube. You’ve gotta be the one to step up ta the plate.” Applejack smiled. “Yer half way there just by admitting you were wrong in the first place.” She said, placing a comforting hand on Twilight’s shoulder.

Mac poked his head out of the kitchen door. “Granny says supper’s ready.” He told them, before retreating back into the kitchen.

“Alright, enough sappy talk.” Applejack said, getting up. She put Applebloom on her hip and extended a hand to Twilight to help her up. “Let’s get some food in ya before ya pass out again.”

Twilight stepped into the house as the streetlights started to turn on, their orange yellow hue reflecting brightly off the snow that lined the streets. She guessed it had to be about five or six. She knew she was going to get in trouble because she was always supposed to come back inside before they came on.

But her time at Applejack’s house really got her to start thinking. She really didn’t appreciate her family at all. Sure she loved her parents, her brother, and Cadence, but she didn’t really care about them. About what they were feeling. She just cared about herself and what she felt, and what she wanted.

When that baby actually is physically in the picture, she can’t act like that. After all, she would be a big sister now. And being a big sister meant having lots of responsibilities. Not as much as Applejack, but pretty close.

Twilight took off her snow boots and hung up her hoodie before attempting to quietly make her way upstairs into her room. She peeked into the kitchen to see of course, no one was in it. There was a note on the fridge saying that her parents were out, and would be back later. The semi hot pizza box on the island was a good indication that later meant late at night.

Twilight sighed and made her way upstairs. In order to get to her room she had to pass the new baby’s room. She sighed, sucking it up, she slowly trudged past the bare room and into hers. She flopped on her bed and groaned. Just when she thought things would go back to normal they got increasingly worse. The only thing she could say is that she was slightly less unenthusiastic about the new edition to the family.

As she wallowed in her self pity, Twilight heard some very interesting noises coming from Shining’s room. Her room was next to his, so almost anything that happened in there, could be heard in her room. She rolled off her bed to listen closely as she leaned against the wall.

“Seriously, we can’t do this, we’ll get caught.” She overheard her brother say.

Twilight’s eyebrow lifted, and she listened in even more by cupping her hand around her ear.

“Aw, please? I’m bored and besides it’ll be fun...” Cadence responded.

Twilight’s eyes widened. She’s seen enough stuff to know where this was going. And she was not going to let it happen. She didn’t care if their teenage hormones were going crazy! They were crazy if they thought they were going to do that while she was in the house!

Twilight stomped down the hall to let her presence be known. “Shh. I think someone’s coming.” Shining told Cadence as Twilight made it to the door.

Twilight flung the door open. “What the heck are you two do-” She stopped when she saw that they both had controls in their hands and headsets on their heads. Shining’s Playstation was on, and some kind of shooting game was playing on the screen. “What?” She repeated in confusion.

“Oh, hey Squirt. Shiny’s teaching me how to play Call of Duty. We were just about to ambush some people on the other team. You wanna watch?” Cadence asked.

“B-But, you said that you were going to get caught!” Twilight directed at her brother.

“Yeah, by the people on the other team.” He clarified. “An ambush is kind of hard to pull off in this game. People are ruthless and will shoot us in a second.”

“B-But, but you said it’ll be fun!” She then pointed her finger at Cadence.

“To watch your brother get his ass kicked. What did you think we were doing?” Cadence questioned confusedly.

Twilight gave her a look. “What normal teenagers do when there are parents not home!” She shouted, waving her hands.

Shining raised an eyebrow. “And that would be...?”

“Frick fracking!” Twilight answered exasperatedly. “You know, sex?! That stuff! I mean come on you guys have been up here together for hours by yourselves and you mean to tell me you guys haven't touched each other in that way at least once?!”

Cadence and Shining Armour shared a glance before blushing profusely.

Twilight’s mouth gaped. “Oh my god you little perverts. You did! Ew! Gross!” She made gagging noises before closing her eyes, shutting out the image developing in her head. “Okay, I’m going to walk out like I never came in. And we’re all going to pretend like this never happened. Goodbye!” And with that, the door slammed shut.

The pair looked at the door for a minute after the younger girl left to go back to her own room.

“Well, that was interesting.” Cadence sighed.

“Yep.” Shining agreed.

“So...double team?” Cadence asked, grinning.

Shining nodded, sharing her grin. “Double team.”

Author's Note:

heheheh the end killed me. Hello! Hiatus over! Shabooah! Back and ready to write! I started writing this a week ago and decided to post it. Im still working on I Thought You Looked Familiar, but I thought I might as well give you guys this. I really enjoyed writing this chapter. It was surreal. I never had a younger sister or brother because I'm the youngest. so i never had to take on that responsibility. I dunno. If you're a big brother or sister, could you tell me if i got the mixed feelings right? Also the next chapter will be a holiday chapter. Valintine's Day! Ohhh! I can't wait to see how that one turns out! Welp, i gotta go, it's 12 am and im tired as heck. Hope you guys enjoyed this, I'm getting some sleep. Peace! (oh and btw, im not sick anymore. Yay!)