• Member Since 26th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


life goes on so keep on trotting

Comments ( 10 )


:facehoof: yes this fact is well known to me. i know grammar is my weak point. it is just one of those things that just doesn't click for me, we all have those subjects. Still this fact will not stop me from trying to tell a good story and i hope to improve on my grammar as i write more.

3464454 :moustache: While that seems to be a problem for some my teachers never catch me on it. Oh, I am new to this site, please forgive any transgressions on my part. :twilightsheepish:

3493291 no problem welcome to the site, i am fairly new to the site as well. in all honestly i have no problem talking about my poor grammar abilities or any of my short comings. i have no clue how i managed to pass my last English course considering i normally lost about 30 points off the final grade of any paper i turned in due to grammar issues alone.

anyway glad you enjoyed the chapter and yes LOVE FIRE :pinkiehappy:

5048769 well sort of for the longest time i had lost my flashdrive with the story and everything on it. i really did not feel up to writing again after that but luckly i have refound the flash drive this morning and i plan on writing some tonight before kicking it over to my editor/roommate

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