• Published 21st Oct 2013
  • 1,192 Views, 6 Comments

The Coming Storm - Cryptech

The people have been blinded by the light for far too long, but that will all change with the coming storm...

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The Coming Storm

The Coming Storm

The harsh breeze picks up a cluster of scattered leaf skeletons, still lingering from Autumn's assault. You watch closely as Winter now takes hold, lifting the leaves in to the crisp night sky and playing with them, much as a puppeteer toys with his creation. Now, just like the puppet; the leaves' act must also draw to a close. As the final curtain falls Winter exerts its forceful grip once more upon the leaves. You watch in awe as they dance in the moonlight, quickly gaining speed. The dance soon becomes a spiral of death as they whip against one-another, spraying fine fragments across the dimly-lit cobblestone at your feet. The pieces settle for a second, catching the dull shimmer of moonlight on their coarse edges, only to be seized again by the now howling wind and whisked away into the night.

You are left staring at the stone, taking in the majestic nature of it all. The world is a different, more peaceful place under the cover of darkness. A place where one may be alone with their thoughts, throwing societal expectations to the wind and allowing them to contemplate their inner-most workings. After several seconds of staring aimlessly you slowly feel yourself drift back toward reality. It suddenly dawns on you that you have no idea where you are. You have been walking for hours in a semi-conscious state, as if entranced by some sort of soothing spell. As if you were under a sorcerer's hex. You wearily lift your eyes as they begin to trace over the expertly crafted stone-work. They travel across the court-yard and up the grand spire, precariously looming over your left shoulder. Twisting your torso and looking yet further up, your vision is swiftly filled by the monolith as its shadow lengthens, reaching out across the court; stretching and twisting around the scattered market stalls, before engulfing everything in its wake.

Now that the moon's light is no longer in your eyes you can just about make out a lone silhouette, leaning limply against the railing of the balcony far above. The figure is not clear, but you can instantly tell that it is a pony. A royal guard perhaps? You quickly dismiss this thought. No, the royal guard are barred from ever entering the tower, and even if they were, this body appeared distinctly feminine. The body curved more than a guard's, with thin, shaky legs and an elegant figure. The mane blew sporadically in the chilling night air, whipping across the owner's face in such a manner that it became almost impossible to distinguish her. Yet, as a cloud crosses in-front of the moon, the wind seems to suddenly die down. It becomes eerily quiet, and the pony in question is cast into shadow.

As your eyes adjust a faint glow becomes visible, illuminating the pony's slender physique. Her long blue mane is draped across her right eye, obscuring her face, but a deeper blue light radiates from within her messy mane, dispersing the shadows that cling to her. It is princess Luna. The glow must be from her horn, as she raises the moon to signal the transition from day to night – from waking to sleeping. How it must feel to have that power, that responsibility... As these thoughts play on your mind your ears perk up, suddenly alert. You listen closely, managing to catch a series of low, pitiful tones as they ride in on the now gentle Winter's breeze. You feel a deep sense of sorrow in the cries, but cannot for the life of you work out where they are coming from. They sound as if they are moaning from every direction at once, reverberating off the high stone walls and echoing out across the court-yard. You hurriedly glance around, but see no signs of life about at this hour, spare the princess. Just as you are about to cast it off as a trick of the wind your eyes are drawn upward suddenly by the now violent and uncontrollable sobbing of the princess.

The steps feel cold beneath your feet as you stub your toes in your haste to get out of sight. The stair-case is almost pitch black, yet you dare not light a torch for fear of being caught by the patrolling guards below. Wondering how you could have been so stupid as to sneak into the tower on a whim, you make your way slowly but surely up the stone slabs, taking great care not to slip on the patches of moss lining the inner-most part of the stair-well. You finally reach the top undetected and thankfully in one piece. In front of you stands a bolted oak door, partially rotted from time and the ever-raging war of the seasons. This door must lead out on to the balcony. As you approach the door you notice a thin slither of oak which has fallen away near the hinge, it is just large enough to peek through, but far too small to pose any threat to the integrity of the solid oak door. You carefully press your chest up against the ancient oak, squinting through the gap in to the night beyond. In an attempt to better gauge the situation your eye darts downward toward the hunched figure of the princess. She is slumped over the railing, gripped by agonising convulsions. Her wings are splayed out with total disregard and her mane is drooped over her face in an attempt to conceal her sorrow from prying eyes such as yours. You feel sorry for her as she is clearly deeply troubled, yet you cannot go to help. No-one may intervene.

“Why must they leave?” sobs Luna, “They bask in my sister's day, yet they cower in my night”. Her cries continue; “Is my night not good enough for them? I put all I have in to pleasing them, yet they still hide away. If only they could see the true beauty of my night!”. She is once again gripped tightly by sorrow and is unable to do anything more than murmur inaudibly to herself. You take a step back from the door, being careful not to fall, as you sit back to rest against the wall. So that was why Luna was so upset, she was ignored by both her sister and her subjects, and her peaceful night went unacknowledged by so many. You are one of the few who does not take her gift as a curse, and can instead see the true glory of the night. You are aware of all the subtleties of the world, many of which only become apparent by moonlight. You are one of very few.

You sit for a while considering this prospect, wondering how long and hard she must have worked for such little return. After a length of time has passed (it could have been minutes or even hours), you snap out of your train of thought as you realise that Luna's tears have subsided, at least for now. You catch a series of low whispers coming from under the oak door. Curiosity gets the better of you once again, as you pull yourself to your feet with substantial effort and tip-toe across to the hole. Just as you reach it you hear another voice, it is unfamiliar to you, yet you feel as if you have heard it before. Your eye presses to the crack while you settle your hands firmly but gently either side, feeling cold stone on your left, but sturdy wood on your right. You are convinced the voices are coming from the balcony; so as you lower your gaze once more you expect to see a pegasus hovering beside the princess, but much to your confusion she is still alone. You watch for a while, waiting for the hidden speaker to reveal themselves to you, however; what happens next takes you as a total surprise.

The clouds above Luna's head part, allowing the moon to shine upon the balcony, and it is in this light that the second party is now revealed. Your gaze meets a set of glowing blue and white eyes, a far deeper blue than Luna's, yet clearly distinguishable from the dark night sky. The moonlight intensifies, first revealing a set of pitch-black wings, then a deep purple and blue mane, rippling in the wind. It continues, gradually revealing more of this mysterious mare. Her metallic sky-blue boots and greaves; her matching helmet and chest-plate, and her long black horn, which danced and sparked with a pulsating blue glow, making her strong magical prowess evident to all. She lighted on the balcony, towering over Luna.

“Now you see my true form, sweet Luna... You and I are not so different as you may think”, came the words from the being's fang-laden mouth. “I was just like you once. Your pain is evident to me and I am here to make an offer; to right all wrongs”. Luna recoiled at the dreadful sight of the pony's razor-sharp teeth, struggling to her hooves. “Do not fear me Luna, I will do you no harm”, spoke the pony. She continues, “I sensed your sorrow and I am here to make right the wrongs which have been done to you”.

Luna seemed to grow angry at this stranger's words. “How could you possibly know how I feel? Have you felt the burden of an entire civilisation resting upon your shoulders? Have you felt the bitter anguish as they leave you for another? These are not feelings which I expect some 'stranger' to understand, and least of all empathise with”, she spat in disgust.

You pluck your eye away from the door again, quickly checking over your shoulder to ensure that you have not let your guard down. You are greeted with the same mossy staircase and dank walls as before, reassuring you that you are still alone. You take a second to contemplate what you have just witnessed. Who was this ethereal mare, and what was this 'offer' that she had for the princess? From what you could see Luna looked far from happy to make any kind of deal with this 'stranger'. Eager not to miss a word more of this intriguing conversation you reclaim your position at the old door.

“Come now, I am not here to fight you Luna. I know you do not trust me, but please hear what I have to say”, said the unknown mare in soothing tones.

Luna gulped in an attempt to swallow back her anger and frustration. “Be swift and to the point”, said the princess, her voice devoid of all emotion. “But if you so much as utter a word that displeases me I shall have the royal guard on you, one-hundred strong”.

The mare matched her blank face, giving away nothing of her true intentions. “As I have said many times now; I am here to make you an offer, one which I think you will find, you cannot refuse”, started the shady figure. She continued, “This involves no-one but you, princess. This is a matter of vital importance, and you must know that I am here to talk mare-to-mare about this... situation”.

Luna looked slightly annoyed, yet intrigued by the mysterious turn of events. She was keen to see what this mare had to say. After all, it was a long time since she had spoken with anyone. A very long time. “I am listening”, said Luna.

So, without even hesitating, the mare lifted her head and began. “I have been watching this land for a long time, princess. I have seen how the seasons change – how the people come and go. In my life-time I have watched empires rise and fall, crushed under the iron hoof of another corrupt government. You see; time is the one thing I have on my side. Time heals the wounds of battle. Time melts the ice so that new life may grow. Why with time, even the fiercest of dragons may be domesticated”. She glanced down at Luna, who seemed confused by what she had just said.

“You mean to tell me that you have been around since the reign of noble Acacius?”, questions Luna.

“Oh, long before that, my sweet Luna. You see, I am not held captive by time. I am no prisoner of life in all its fragility. No, I am a higher being”, replied the mare. “I am you. I am your best dream, and I am your worst nightmare. So this is how you may refer to me. Nightmare”, she concluded.

Luna reels back in shock. Mouth a gape, you follow suit, almost stumbling down the stairs. As you regain your balance you re-align your eye with the slit and peer back through. Nightmare is now floating beside Luna, glowing with power, as her wings prove needless. “Come now Luna”, she says comfortingly, “As I said, you have nothing to fear. I appear to you by moonlight in your time of need. We are both one and the same Luna”. Luna stands frozen, her lips are moving, yet no sound is coming out. It is evident that what the mare says about being a higher form of life is true; being a potent magician herself, Luna can sense the raw energy flowing through her. Nightmare continues, “Now listen Luna, for this choice may determine not only your fate, but that of your people”.

She pauses, allowing Luna to regain her composure. “I...I am listening”, stutters the shaken princess.

“Good”, says Nightmare, “I have watched over you as it is my duty to, and I have noticed how you are treated. How you are looked down upon by your older sister. Now, believe me when I say this dear Luna; but she has no faith in you. She wishes to rule alone. You are nothing but dead weight to her, holding her back from her seat of power – her golden throne. Oh how she wishes for nothing more than to be rid of you my sweet, innocent Luna”.

“No... No! It isn't true!”, cries Luna, “She loves me!”.

“Alas, poor Luna; she does not. She loves power, and you are simply a hurdle she must overcome in order to take that power for herself”, announced Nightmare. “Why, do you not see how she already pits the townsfolk against you? They fear your night because of the slanderous insinuations which have been placed upon you, by none other than your sister, princess Celestia”.

Luna appears on the verge of tears once more, trying against all to convince herself that this is not true; that the mare is lying. Yet no matter how hard she tries, she knows that she speaks the truth. She can feel it deep within herself. She could always feel it. Luna knew that Nightmare was truly a part of her, and that she must follow her every command. She could not suffer this agony another day, it was time for change. “What will you have me do?”, spoke Luna, wiping her blood-shot eyes.

“I see that you have finally accepted me, and in doing so, yourself”, replied Nightmare. “The time for action is nigh Luna, we cannot be the victims any longer. You must pledge yourself to me so that we may rule with power transcending that of even Celestia”, she continued, “It is time for a new order, Luna. One led by you”. “Your people shall no longer live in fear of your night, and that treacherous sister of yours will pay for her slander”, finished Nightmare.

“It is what must be done”, said Luna without a hint of indecision. Her mind was made up. “For too long have I been the victim, subject to Celestia's singular rule. If she will not side by me, then she shall fall by me”, commanded the princess. She grew louder, “Join with me Nightmare, and together we will end this corruption. No longer shall my people be fed lies, no longer shall they hate me in Celestia's name! Soon all will see the true power of the darkness!”. Nightmare's hooves begin to fade. Her tail and mane elongate, stretching into dark wisps which begin to coil around the princess' throat. They run down across her arched shoulders and wrap themselves around her hooves.

Luna's shouts grow into roars as her voice takes on a new tone, “Come my true sister! We will banish this traitor together, and take our rightful place upon the throne!”. Nightmare is now little more than a cloud of tangible smoke; her limbs tendrils, weaving through Luna's convulsing body. Luna's eyes darken, quickly resembling those of Nightmare, whilst her teeth grow long and thin. Her mane bursts into a vibrant blue, dotted by night stars. Her coat darkens as she rises above the ground, swept up into the air by her large, black wings. Finally her face contorts into a wicked grimace, as she bears her fangs. She throws back her head and laughs, chest heaving from the sudden rush of power. She howls into the night, “I am all powerful! I see your wicked ways 'sister', and your time is up! This is the choice you made – love me, or fear me!”. So, with one sudden thrust of her wings she shoots into the night sky, almost blowing the old wooden door off its hinges as she heads for Celestia's tower.

You leap back from the door as it shakes violently from the shock-wave. Terrified of this turn of events you take off running down the steps, no longer caring whether you are heard. You slip slightly on a patch of mass, badly grazing your arm against a loose slab of stone, but carry on as you sprint out of the tower and back across the cobble. You slip twice in your haste to flee, fearing the worst. As you finally make it into the forest you take a second to catch your breath, no longer under imminent threat. You lean back against a tree, trying to make sense of what just unfolded. 'Nightmare Moon'? Princess Luna had made the deal with Nightmare, despite her initial reluctance, and it was worse than you ever could have feared... Now Celestia was in grave danger, and no-one could protect her. Everyone was in danger now.

Even the once peaceful night now felt hostile, as if something was watching just out of sight, ready to pounce. It no longer held that magical feeling. In Luna's efforts to make her night a paradise, she had made it hell. You no longer feel safe here, so you take off at a run once again, and once again not knowing where you are going, you flee into the night in search of refuge from the coming storm.

Author's Note:

My first go at an actual story, ended up kind of rushed. Constructive criticism much appreciated. In review the pacing was pretty off in this story and I feel that I left things a little too vague, but I plan to improve on that in any future stories.

Comments ( 6 )

Thank you for submitting to the NMM contest, dude!


No problem :P
Thanks very much for the fave and watch! :pinkiehappy:

Damn that was good.
Congrats on the Win Bro/Bra.

Well then, lets put this through a Critique!

Wow. I love your descriptions, so poetic. And this is actually quite good. Congrats on winning, btw. (brohoof!)

3563479 Thank you! :pinkiehappy: My description was literally thrown together in about 2 minutes because I didn't realise it was a requirement and I had to submit it A.S.A.P. So I'm glad that you appreciated it :)

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