• Published 19th Mar 2014
  • 1,183 Views, 7 Comments

New Beginnings - lunashonorguard

A Blitzle stumbles into Equestria what will becom of him.

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chapter 4

Earlier that same morning, in a clearing deep within the Everfree forest.

"I wonder what's taking Weavile so long, I know he said he was going to scout out the area but I didn't think it was going to take this long." Nidoking grumbled.

Rhyperior just turned and gave him an annoyed look "He only left ten minutes ago. It took about that long to find this clearing and to clear it of those strange wooden beasts."

Nidoking just grumbled to himself for the next ten minutes to the annoyance of Rhyperior at least it was better then listening to him whining he thought. Just then a loud crash could be heard from somewhere in the forest. This caused both pokemon to jump up and get into battle positions to be prepared for what ever it was that was heading there way.

Seconds past as they waited listening as the noise got closer and closer until it stopped all together. They both looked at each other for a moment before Rhyperior spoke up "What in the name of Arceus was that?"

"I have no.....WOW!" Nidoking started to answer before a serpent like head tried to chomp down on him but came up short by an inch or two from his horn causing him to jump back. At the same time an amused smirk formed on his mouth as he turned to Rhyperior "This should keep us entertained until he gets back."

"Indeed." Rhyperior agreed with is own mischievous smirk as the head disappeared back into the forest before reappearing above the trees with three more only causing there smiles to grow larger. Nidoking's especially, he simple loved a challenge to test himself. As the beasts made there way from the trees both pokemon's eyes bulged a bit when they saw that the four heads where all connected to one body. Undeterred, Nidoking charged at the beast as it sent one of it's heads after him again. Just as the head got close enough Nidoking spun around and slammed his tail into it while using his Dragon Tail attack. Using his momentum and the muscles in his tail, he launched himself into the air just as another of the creature's heads came down on where he was standing. Twisting in the air, he angled himself so that he was facing the back of it's head while it recovered and came at it like a missile while at the same time using Mega Horn as he made contact. Effectively knocking the second head out cold.

While Nidoking was busy with two of the beasts heads, he failed to see that a third was sneaking up behind him. Just as he turned around it struck but to it's surprise it didn't get any closer than a foot before a large boulder plowed into it and sent it flying to the side. It quickly recovered and looked in the direction of its attacker just in time for its face to get pelted with rock after rock after rock from Rhyperior's Rock Shot attack.

When the first head finally recovered from being whacked on the head it quickly retreated to join the forth head as it observed the fight. Seeing as the purple one was glaring at them and the other was still pelting it's third head with rocks the size of it's eye. they both decided to go after the purple one at the same time.

Nidoking just stood on the things second head with a large, almost evil, grin as it's two remaining heads charged at him,
Rhyperior seeing this began to charge another Rock Wrecker attack as the head he was attacking slumped to the ground out cold. However when he went to fire he was suddenly struck dumb as both heads snapped shut just a foot from Nidoking as there looks went from hunger filled to slight fear as to what they felt on there feet and tail.

Nidoking and Rhyperior where both at a lose for words as they looked at each other and back at the beast.

"I leave you two alone with the simple order of don't attract any attention and both of you end up fighting a native"

At once, both pokemon quickly turned and looked at the beasts body along with its heads to see Weavile laying their with his head propped up with an amused look on his face. "What am I going to do with you two" he mused.

Still a little startled by his sudden arrival Rhyperior looked down at the things feet and back at it's tail to see that they had been completely frozen to the ground. With a smirk he turned and said "Well it's about time you got back. Nidokings been driving me crazy with his constant complaining."

Weavile stood and leaped off the things back and landed just behind the two then turned to Rhyperior "Quit your whinning and hurry up with this thing so I can tell you what I learned" he said suddenly becoming serious.

As one Nidoking and Rhyperior turned back to the beast who suddenly looked very terrified at it's current situation. Then ,to it's surprise, the ground below it suddenly erupted with power as Nidoking and Rhyperior used Earth Power at once to send the beast flying through the air and deep into the forest. When everything finally settled back down they both turned to Weavile who began to tell what he had discovered "Ok so apparently we somehow ended up in another world". As he had expected both of his comrades were slack jawed and speechless so he continued "As you both know I went to scout things out and found that this world is not inhabited by humans but by those strange pony creatures that we saw before and unfortunetly I was unable to understand them. But it would seem our target for some reason or another is able to understand them and communicate with them. So for now I want you two to stay here and out of sight of any locals that may happen to come this way, Understood." The other two could do nothing more than nod, there minds still reeling with the news that they were in a completely different world.

"Good. I'm going to scout some more to see if I cant find a way for use to understand them otherwise it could make our job that much harder." with that he leapt into the trees and was gone in a flash.

Meanwhile in a nearby bush two pairs of eyes(one green the other purple) where watching, and listening, the whole time then ,without a sound, they were gone.