• Published 19th Mar 2014
  • 1,183 Views, 7 Comments

New Beginnings - lunashonorguard

A Blitzle stumbles into Equestria what will becom of him.

  • ...

chapter 3

After walking for a few hours, and dodging Twilight and Flare, Wild Heart found himself in a large open field where he decided to take a breather. He knew he was hurt bad and he didn't want to open his wounds again so he decided to rest under a small tree and look at the stars.

"Well at least that's one thing that hasn't changed, the stars still look the same and are still just as beautiful and comforting as ever" he thought aloud. A few minutes roll by as he watched the stars and before he knew it the sun was starting to rise over the horizon. 'Must of been later than I thought if the sun is coming up already"

Just then he heard the flutter of wings above him followed by a gentle voice "Oh my you shouldn't be out of the hospital your wounds haven't fully healed" When he looked up he saw what looked to be a flying butter yellow pony with a long, flowing pink mane and tail. He just simply stared at her as she landed next to him with confusion and surprise clear on his face. More focused on making sure that he hadn't indeed opened up one of his many wounds the pony started to immediately look over the bandages for any signs that he did.

After a few minutes Wild Heart decided to speak while the pony continued to look over his wounds "I don't mean to be rude but how, by the name of Arceus, where you just flying and who are you" he asked.

Being confronted with the question caused the pony to look up at him and subsequently shrink in on herself under the look he is giving her "Oh sorry I...i'm Fluttershy and I can fly b...because I'm a pegasus and my bones are lighter and hollowed out unlike the other ponies." Fluttershy replied in a soft, almost quiet whisper. After a few moments of silence Fluttershy went back to checking his wounds.

"If you don't mind my asking, why are you up so early? The sun has barely come started to come over the horizon" he asked

"Well you see I get up this early once a month to make sure all of my nocturnal animal friends are healthy and happy. I cant really check on them during the day because they are trying to sleep at that time and it would be very rude of me to wake them" Fluttershy answered more focused on her work than anything else at the moment.

After a few more minutes of sitting in silence, Fluttershy finally sat back and looked him in the eye "Well it doesn't look like you opened any of your wounds but you really should be more careful" she said in a more stern voice then before.

Just then they both heard the sound of somepony running and judging by the sound they were getting closer. Wild heart decided to turn and see who it was but he only got a glance before and amber hoof smacked him across the muzzle "Do ya have any idea how worried I've been. We looked every where for ya, even the farm, but when I saw ya weren't there I thought I would look around Fluttershy's seein' as it was the only place left ta look. Hear I find ya layin under a tree like nothin's happened." Applejack seathed.

Wild Heart just sat there stunned from the smack, he'd been hit before but this was something else entirely.

"Applejack please calm down before you frighten the animals."Fluttershy pleaded having noticed that a few of her animal friends have run off from the angry farmer.

Finally Wild Heart found his voice and gave her a strait look "Applejack I appreciate the concern but I'm just not comfortable with others taking care of me. To be honest I actually fear it."

Both Applejack and Fluttershy gave him a curious look before Fluttershy asked "Why do you fear having others taking care of you, if you don't mind sharing that is."

He let his gaze fall before he responded "The last time I let someone try and help me I started to grow attached to them. shortly after they were taken from me by a hunter and I couldn't do anything to save them that's why I vowed to myself that I wouldn't allow myself to get close to anyone, to avoid the heartache and to show them that the world is a harsh place to live in."

"Well that certainly clears a few things up" said a voice from behind the tree but it sound very familiar to the three.

"When in tarnation did you get here Flare and where's Twi" Applejack asked.

The unicorn in question just gave the three of them a smile as he came from around the tree "Just as he was telling his little story and I sent Twilight home to get some sleep. She was up all night looking for you and was doing everything but sleep walking when we meet up back at the library this morning." He said as he gave Wild a stern glare.

WIld simple glared right back "I didn't ask for anyone to help me so why are you all so concerned?" he asked through gritted teeth, these ponies are persistent.

"Cause yer hurt and you should be restin' and not walkin' about. Now are ya going ta go back ta the hospital quietly or do I have ta hog tie ya."AJ said sternly.

"I'd rather go face that Rhyperior in a one on one match than go back to that place." he said causing a few sparks to run along his muzzle.

"Alright then fine ya can stay on the farm where I can keep an eye on ya while you recover and that's that." she said then turned to flare." Can ya take him ta the farm for me and place him in the guest bedroom. Just ask Big Mac he'll show ya."

"No problem but what are you going to do?" he asked curiously.

"I'm gonna head on over ta the hospital and let the staff know what's happened here and where he's gonna be." she said .

With a quick nod Flare levitated Wild onto his back and quickly trotted off. Applejack then turned to Fluttershy "Could you go with them ta make sure he doesn't try any funny business?"

Fluttershy just simple nodded and flew after them and with her departure Applejack turned to head over to the hospital.