• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 506 Views, 9 Comments

Full of Holes - DesertfoxShyER

Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, seeks a new direction for her people.

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Full of Holes

It was dark and cool in the mountains where the changeling hive was nestled. Thick fog covered the mountains, cloaking the hive in a depressing veil. It was quiet. The only sound was the whistling of the wind through the various tunnels that comprised the hive. The changeling hoard was idle, waiting for a command from their queen, Chrysalis.

Chrysalis sat quietly in the center of the hive, lost in thought and still, as she had been since the changeling occupation force was repelled from Canterlot. Her mind was filled with questions. Never had Chrysalis run into such failure. She wondered what had gone wrong. Was it that her plan was not foolproof? She had subdued the Princess, and prevented the other ponies from getting to the Elements of Harmony. How could she have failed? She continued pondering as she had for the past few days. Had the goal of her mission been lost in the middle of it? The goal of taking Canterlot over was to feed her kind. Without the emotional sustenance provided by Canterlot, the hive was withering. Chrysalis’ subjects were weak and malnourished. She felt that she had failed her subjects. Perhaps the newfound power had gone to her head? Maybe she had become overconfident once she fed on Shining Armor’s love? It was great power, great enough even to defeat Celestia herself. Ironically, that same power was what ultimately triumphed over her. That led Chrysalis to an epiphany: she knew almost nothing about that power. Yes, she had taken and wielded it, but that is all she knew. The Changeling Kingdom did not have love. With that, Chrysalis had made up her mind. Things were to change around the hive. But first, Chrysalis had to learn. For the first time in days, she moved to address her subjects.

With a wave of her hoof, Chrysalis gathered her weary subjects and spoke for the first time in days. “Things are not the way I hoped they would be by now,” Chrysalis said, solemnly.“I only wanted what was best for my subjects, and I failed.” She paused to gather her thoughts. “I tried to bring us happiness through conquest, but success was fleeting. We cannot continue to live in this state of perpetual decay and sorrow. We must find another way. I must find a way. I must leave to find this way.” The hive buzzed with confusion.

“Are you sure my queen?” inquired Chrysalis’ lieutenant. He seemed calm on the exterior, but there was the slightest quiver in his voice. He was not alone in his nervousness. The whole hive was bursting with nervous energy. They had never been without their queen before.

“This is something I must do.” Chrysalis replied. “I will go and find a new way for my subjects.” With those words, Chrysalis left her home, leaving uncertainty and doubt in her wake.

Chrysalis traveled with stealth. She used her changeling abilities to become various creatures and was just outside of Canterlot before nightfall. The city stood as a reminder of her failures. Chrysalis began to have second thoughts about her journey. She wondered if she would once again fail her kind within the confines of Canterlot. She continued to scan the city until the train station caught her eye. The train was currently being boarded by a small group of ponies. “I could go wherever that train is going” Chrysalis murmured. “I won’t have to keep thinking of my failure in Canterlot”. Her mind was made. Changing into a mare she saw on the street, Chrysalis boarded the train,

The train arrived at its destination late in the evening, the sun having set during the journey. Tiredly, Chrysalis joined the herd of ponies disembarking the train. Everypony had a place to be, but Chrysalis had no place to go. She left the station, wandering the streets aimlessly until she was stopped by a white unicorn outside what appeared to be a fashion boutique.

“Are you lost dear?” asked the unicorn with an inquisitive expression.

“I...I am a bit lost” Chrysalis replied nervously. She remembered this particular unicorn; she had been one of the wedding planners! This had to be Ponyville, where Twilight Sparkle and her friends resided!

“Oh where are my manners! I am Rarity. What is your name dear?”

“I am...” She froze. She had absolutely no idea what to call herself. The pony she had chosen to impersonate had a golden mane and a grey coat with a single golden star as a cutie mark.

“I’m...Lone Star!” she blurted, quickly using the first name that came to mind.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance. You must be new to Ponyville, I don’t believe I have seen you around before.”

“I just arrived on the train late this evening.”

“Where are you headed dear? I am sure I can give you directions.”

“I...” Chrysalis looked at the ground nervously. “I have nowhere to go.”

“You poor thing!” Rarity exclaimed. “You are welcome to stay here with me, I have an extra room. My sister Sweetie Belle uses it quite a lot, but she is away with my parents at the moment.”

“That’s so generous, thank you!” Chrysalis said excitedly. She could sense the wave of emotion emanating from Rarity. This pony loves helping others she thought. It’s not as strong as the love I fed upon in Canterlot, but love nonetheless. She followed Rarity inside her home and to the room.

“Here we are!” Rarity said, “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. Sleep well dear!” She then turned and went to her room down the hall, leaving Chrysalis alone. It was not until she was alone when Chrysalis realized how tired she truly was. Without another thought, she drifted off to sleep.

Upon awaking, Chrysalis felt hunger. It was unlike the hunger a pony would face. It was an insatiable urge to feast on the nearest source of emotion. The temptation was great, but Chrysalis resisted. She remembered that her purpose was to find a way to quell the hunger of her subjects, not her own selfish desires. She couldn't risk revealing herself. It was those kind of mistakes that led to her defeat in Canterlot. I need to stay on task she thought, as she heard knocking at the door.

“It’s Rarity. Are you awake dear?”

“I’m awake,” said Chrysalis, continuing her pony impersonation.

“My friend Applejack is having a brunch on her farm in a bit, I was wondering if you would like to come? I’m sure she wouldn't mind darling.”

“I would like that a lot.” Chrysalis opened the door and smiled. “Thanks for all the help. I really appreciate it. I wish I could repay your kindness.”

“Nonsense! What are friends for? replied Rarity, waving her hand dismissively. “We should leave soon, it wouldn't do to be late!”

There was a breeze complementing the warm sunlight that bathed the countryside in a golden glow. Applejack’s farm was extensive, including several acres of apple trees, a barn, and a large house that appeared to have been in the family for ages. There was a picnic table being set by an orange pony with three apples as a cutie mark.

“Hi there Rarity!” shouted the orange pony. “Who do you got there?”

“This is Lone Star, she is new to Ponyville. I hope you don’t mind that I brought her along”

“I don’t mind a bit,” she said with a smile and a hoofshake. “Welcome to Ponyville! Here comes the others, I’ll get the food out lickety split.”

Chrysalis turned to meet the others as Applejack headed inside. Immediately, she was confronted by a bouncy, excited pink pony.

“Hi! Are you new to town?! Of course you are; I know everypony in town! I’m Pinkie Pie; what’s your name?”

“I’m Lone Star” Chrysalis replied, recoiling slightly from the energetic pony.

Pinkie began to speak again but was stopped by a purple unicorn Chrysalis recognized as Twilight Sparkle. “Sorry about Pinkie, she gets a little excited when she’s meeting new ponies. I’m Twilight Sparkle.”

“I usually get a little nervous.” Chrysalis replied with a laugh.

“I usually get a lot nervous,” said a yellow pegasus, quietly.

“I love meeting new ponies,” said a voice from above, “another pony to see how awesome I am!” “I’m Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer in Equestria, and that shy pegasus behind everypony is Fluttershy”

“I’m happy to meet all of you,” Chrysalis said, though she recognized them all from the wedding in Canterlot.

“So how do you know Rarity?” Twilight asked with a curious expression on her face.

“She let me stay at her house when I arrived in town with nowhere to stay.”

Twilight was about to continue speaking when Applejack yelled that the food was ready. The meal was relatively quiet for Chrysalis. She ate, though the food was tasteless and not all filling to her because she was a changeling. The meal was concluded quickly, and the party retreated to the house to escape the searing heat of the day.

Once inside, Granny Smith began telling the group with the story of the founding of Ponyville. The old pony bored Chrysalis, but it did raise a question: Where were Applejack’s parents? It didn't seem likely that they had just up and left the family farm. After the conclusion to the story, the ponies dispersed. On her way out, Chrysalis noticed a picture of a young Applejack and three other ponies. Applejack noticed her eyes on the picture.

“Who are they” Chrysalis asked, pointing to the two older ponies in the picture.

“Those are my parents,” she said sadly, taking her hat off. “They aren't with us anymore.”

“I’m sorry,” said Chrysalis, sensing the wave of emotion from Applejack. Chrysalis exited quietly, reflecting on what she had gathered in the exchange. So much love lost to time she thought somberly.

Chrysalis walked with Rarity in silence. She was in deep thought. It’s about time I leave she thought as they walked up to Rarity’s boutique.

“You've been quiet dear, is something wrong?” Rarity asked, breaking Chrysalis’ train of thought.

“Thank you for your hospitality Rarity, but I feel I should leave.”

“You are welcome to stay as long as you want.” Rarity replied.

“You are very generous, but I have to decline. Goodbye Rarity.”

Chrysalis left before Rarity could say anymore. She knew that Rarity would try to convince her to stay longer as generous as she was.

It had been a strange experience for Chrysalis, living with ponies instead of her kind,, but she was glad to have done it. The world was so much larger outside of her own home, and she saw that now. She would return with much to share with her subjects. More importantly, she could save them from the hungry, destitute lives they now lived.

Chrysalis strode into the spacious mountain appearing triumphant, her lieutenants flanking her. She addressed the hive, recounting the details of what she learned, and her plan to save them all. Every sentence was absorbed as her subjects understood what needed to be done. She was confident that she was going to succeed. Only time would tell.


It was late at Sweet Apple Acres, and everypony except Applejack lay asleep. She was thinking of her parents again. If only they could be here she thought, choking down the sadness. Then, she heard the creak of a door opening. She came out into the hall to see what she couldn’t believe: Her parents, smiling as they were in the photo in front of her. She wondered where they came from, but it didn’t matter to her as she ran and hugged them tightly, tears, streaming down her face. “We can’t stay,” Applejack’s parents said in unison “but we love you.”

After a few minutes they left into the darkness, leaving Applejack alone once again. She ran into the darkness, reaching for them to no avail. They were gone. Applejack felt very conflicted. The joy of seeing her parents alive again was great, but the voluminous hole left by their departure was nearly crippling. Applejack collected herself, focusing her mind. How was that possible she thought, mulling it over internally. Applejack quickly grew frustrated. No answers were coming to her. She yawned, remembering how late it was. Maybe I should sleep she thought. Applejack knew what sleep deprivation did to her. I’ll go see Twilight in the morning reasoned Applejack, she probably knows what the hay is going on. With that, Applejack retired to her bedroom, determined to seek answers the next day.


It had been a month since Chrysalis’ excursion to Ponyville. The hive was full of love and thriving, and there were no enemies to fight. It’s peaceful she realized. There was no more struggle. No more hunger. Her subjects were content. For the first time in seemingly forever, Chrysalis smiled, sincerely happy.

Author's Note:

This story takes place not too long after "A Canterlot Wedding". It is worth noting that the comics have been completely omitted for the purpose of this story. See blog for more info.

Comments ( 9 )

It's one shot, looks like one but have incomplete status huh?

3337581 Because expanding on it is a possibility. I wrote a brief blog about it. Sorry for any confusion.

The ending feels rushed, but the plot is solid and not(too) full of holes.

So many puns abound. :facehoof:

I do, however, recommend a pre-reader/editor. There are groups for that. :ajsmug:

3337631 Thanks for the feedback! I hope it wasn't too bad. :fluttershyouch:

I may expand on it a bit more, making it so the ending does not feel as abrupt as it does now. I wanted a bit of feedback before doing so though.

Once again, thanks for the comment!:pinkiesmile:


I did enjoy it. I am looking forward to your expansion. :yay:

I like the story. It´s very interesting. Thank you for the first chapter of this.


It's a bit short (and the part about AJ reminiscing about her parents feels out of place), but I enjoyed it nevertheless. I hope you'll decided to expand it, I'd love to see more details on how Chryssi's hive transformed after her return!
One tip for writing Rarity: it's not 'dear' or 'darling' added in nearly all of her lines that defines her. She surely uses these words while addressing somepony, but I think you overdid it this time.


Thanks for the feedback! It's much appreciated. Not sure when I will ever write more with so much going on, but we will see. I should have some time here and there. Glad you enjoyed!

As far as writing Rarity, it doesn't surprise me that I may have gone a bit overboard. I was trying so hard to make everypony sound right. :raritydespair:

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