• Published 7th Oct 2013
  • 1,481 Views, 11 Comments

Fluttershy and Cliffy - DVAN56

Fluttershy finds a Cliffracer!

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Fluttershy and Cliffy

“Angel! Angel Bunny where are you?” Fluttershy yelled.

Fluttershy was in the Everfree forest looking for her pet bunny after he ran off. She didn’t know why Angel ran off into the forest. He wasn't terribly upset about the bad spot on the carrot Fluttershy gave him for lunch. Maybe it was that Fluttershy let the badger do whatever he wanted and Angel got jealous. The badger had an attitude so bad that he was one of the few, if not only, critter Fluttershy had given up on as he just didn’t care.

The reasoning behind Angel running into the Everfree wasn’t important anymore, what was important was finding him before timberwolves did, or something worse. The forest was home to many creatures that would love a bunny for a snack and Fluttershy knew this all too well.

Fluttershy was running through the brush of the forest and calling out Angel’s name in hopes of finding him. Then she heard a terrible sound, the squawking of a creature that sounded like a chicken with a sore throat. Fluttershy’s caring instincts started to kick in and she faced the direction the sound was coming from. As she did, Angel came speeding out of a bush crashing into one of Fluttershy’s forelegs.

“Angel! I’m so glad your ok.”

Another horrid squawk rang out giving Fluttershy the impression that whatever creature was squawking was also hurt. She was about to head in its direction when she was stopped by Angel who was tugging onto her leg urging her to leave well enough alone.

There was another sickly squawk.

Fluttershy pushed forward ignoring Angel’s concern as he was dragged along not letting go of Fluttershy’s leg. Soon she came to the source of the squawking. All she could do at first was put a hoof to her mouth at the sight.

On the ground laid a pony sized flying reptile with a greenish hide. It had a long neck and tail but no limbs other than its wings. It had cuts and gashes all over its body and was covered in its own blood as it squirmed on the ground letting out squawks every now and then.

“Don’t you worry now. Fluttershy is going to take care of you.” She said as she got the creature on her back.

It had been a week since Fluttershy had found the strange creature in the Everfree forest and nursed it back to health. Though its squawks still sounded sickly, and its body was covered in scars, the creature was starting to look livelier as it constantly flapped its wings to hover. Fluttershy had learned that the creature was called a Cliffracer from talking with it, and started calling him Cliffy for short. She also learned that Cliffy had been running away from what he called a demon that walked on two legs that was bent on destroying his entire race.

However when Fluttershy went to Twilight’s to find out more about the Cliffy and the demon it mentioned, they found nothing. None of the book of Equestrian history or wildlife had any information about the Cliffracer or the demon it described. Even the books with Equestrian myths were a dead end.

Another thing that puzzled Fluttershy about Cliffy was that all of her other animal friends would shun him, always looking onto him with fear and worry, even the badger. It was as if Cliffy had committed some horrendous act. The last time her animal friends acted this way was when Pinkie Pie used the mirror pool and made a bunch of copies of herself.

“What is wrong with you all?” Fluttershy asked.

They didn’t respond.

“Weeell?” She asked again starting to get a little annoyed.

Angel hopped forward, fear in his eyes as they stayed glued on Cliffy who was hovering just behind Fluttershy. He lifted a paw and was about to speak when a magical popping sound of a teleport could be heard from outside. Within seconds of the popping sound, Fluttershy’s door slammed open and an all too familiar Draconequus entered.

“MOTHER OF YOU! Twilight’s letter was right! Quick, send it to the moon!” Discord shouted as he pointed at Cliffy, fear clearly present on his face.

Walking in behind Discord was Celestia

“Discord, I don’t understand what has you so scared of this creature,” Celestia said looking at Cliffy as she entered the house , “and stop using that ‘god’ joke.”

“What... what is going on?” Fluttershy asked confused.

“Twilight sent me a letter a few days ago asking if the royal libraries had any information on a creature that you called a Cliffracer. None came up and I sent my apologies to Twilight. Discord thought it would be fun to snoop through my letters today,” Celestia said and let out a sigh before continuing, “he read the one about the Cliffracer just moments ago and started going crazy, well crazy for him anyway.”

“Quick Tia! Send it to the moon before it attacks somepony!” Discord shouted while hiding behind Celestia.

“ONLY MY SISTER MAY CALL ME THAT!” Celestia shout at Discord before continuing in a calm matter, “as you can see he’s deathly afraid of it and clams it will be the end of Equestria if it remains.”

“It’s a creation of Madness!!!” Discord shouted out.

“Honestly Fluttershy I would have dismissed this as Discord being Discord if it wasn’t for the fact that he recognized the creature even though there is no record of it. So I must ask has this creature shown any signs of hostility since you found it.”

“None at all your highness. He hasn't hurt anything and is very polite in our conversations.” Fluttershy responded.

Cliffy, though it sounded sickly, gave a happy squawk.

“It’s an act! It’s waiting for the right moment then, Bam!” Discord yelled, “Oh we’re easy prey, my friends!”

“Discord that will be enough out of you!” Celestia scolded then turned back to Fluttershy, “now, if what Discord has told and shown me about these cliffracers is true then I’m sorry, but it will warrant Cliffy getting banished to the moon,” Fluttershy’s heart broke and her face showed it as Celestia spoke. “But Cliffy has yet to prove these claims true, so I will leave him in your care for the time being.”

Fluttershy suddenly perked up at her ruler’s words, happy that Cliffy didn’t have to be banished.

“YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!!!” Discord shouted.

“Very much so. Now I need to get you back to the castle before you do something crazy.”

Celestia’s horn started to glow with power and an audible pop was heard as the two left Fluttershy’s cottage.

Meanwhile The daedric prince of madness, Sheogorath, smiled as he looked down at a crystal ball.

“I have made a liar out of a saint and caused Chaos to be a little nuttier, I think my work here is done,” he chuckled before stroking his beard, “now, which adventurer has my Wabbajack again?”

Author's Note:

You should know the drill by now. errors and feedback please.

also i regret nothing. Cliffracers are not THAT bad... right....right?

Comments ( 11 )

Bout time. :moustache:

I was just thinking about doing a Morrowind Crossover and then I find this right on the front page. Cliffracers aren't that bad.... Sorta. I hate them 'cause they're everywhere but I love them for their levitating plumes. I'm torn.

Nice story, by the way.

Those things are fucking everywhere... I remember my endless rage when I'd suddenly get jumped by life fifty of them...

I don't care Fluttershy, it has to die.

3314659 Meh. Alchemy your way out of that, just like every other problem in Morrowind.

My one regret is that I can't complete my just and sacred task of exterminating them all.

Awesome story

Sheogorath!! SHEOGORATH!!!!! SHEOGORATH!!!!!!!

I hate those damn things, in Morrowind you can't seem to walk a step in any mountain area without being bothered by them.

The zubat of Morrowind then?

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