• Published 5th Oct 2013
  • 1,202 Views, 49 Comments

Well this day just got weirder. - Sutter_Speed777

you know you are gonna have a bad day when you get sucked into a sink hole

  • ...

E-ray (not X-ray)

I awoke to find myself back in my bedroom at home and sighed.
"Guess it was all a dream."
I said as I stretched my arms over my head and yawned figuring I might as well just call in sick to school today.
I rubbed the sand out of my eyes and threw the covers off of myself and heading into the bathroom. I grabbed my toothbrush and put a decent amount of toothpaste and started brushing. Though once I spit out the tooth paste in my mouth I heard a faint rhythmic beeping sound. I slowly proceeded to get louder as I walked back to my room. I walked past the door frame and could hear small whispers echoing around the room.
"H-hello." No answer
I myself am a not a true believer in paranormal activity but I never dismissed the idea of it.
Getting closer to my bed i noticed there was a bulge like someone else was sleeping under the covers.
I stepped closer and the whispers began to become clearer and I could make out the individual tones of each one. Another step closer and I began to comprehend the words they were speaking. Most were questions like
"What is that thing?"
"Will it attack us?"
"Why not just kill it to make sure it won't."

What the hell kind of voices do I have in my head.

Gulping I took another step closer to the bed. The voices sounding much closer this time. I took a deep breath and tried to stop shaking. I slowly reached to the edge of the covers and in a swift motion pulled the covers back. I was met with two strange creatures.

The first I could identify as a griffon but the second looked like some sort of zombie bug- vampire thing. It had black skin, tattered hair and wings and holes in its legs. Not to mention it’s crooked horn. Both turned to me with a look of bloodlust and then gave a combine screeching roar that was so loud I had to cover my ears. The room started to spin and before I knew it I had blacked out.

When I opened my eyes again I found I was in another room with a bright light over top of me as I squirmed around to find I was restrained. I squinted and saw the light above me was similar to the kind used in………..surgery. I gulped
"Oh good you're awake." came a female voice that sounded like she was around my age
"Where am I?" I asked looking around trying to find the source of the voice. Only to turn my head to the left to see a purple unicorn with wings a few inches above eye level with me. She was smiling at me and held an expression that seemed to ask me millions of questions. After blinking a few times I realized I had to be in a dream which means that since I recognize I’m in a dream I must be awake………I have my own logic ok. Either way my jaw dropped at the site.
“Y-you’re a talking horse. A talking purple unicorn……with wings. How is that even possible?”
“For the record I’m not a horse I’m a pony and the wings and horn make me an alicorn thank-you-very-much.” She said as she looked over me.

I was utterly speechless for what felt like an eternity. For god knows what reason I began to laugh. It started as a chuckle but then it turned into full blown cackling
“OH OH THAT’S A GOOD ONE HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA. Oh yeah you’re a talking purple alicorn HA like that’s possible. Hey zach are you there? Come on I know you are. What, did you get the hospital staff to put me on some sort of hypnotic?” there was no answer but the purple alicorn had taken a few steps back with a scared expression. “Z-Zach?”
“ZACH THIS ISN’T FUNNY ANYMORE…..” I yelled angrily

It took a while but eventually the reality sunk in and it was obvious this wasn’t a prank. “Holy shit.Thi-this is actually happening”
“I’m afraid so.” said the purple alicorn pony thing
I gulped and tried my best to relax as I my mind went into overdrive to keep me in anyway calm.
“S-so where am I?”
The lack of movement my body had made me antsy so I began to wiggle around as best I could. It was then I noticed I was lying on a table. The purple unicorn/ Pegasus spoke to answer my question.
"Oh well you’re in the canterlot palace’s research facility. My name is Twilight sparkle."
I couldn't help but give a light chuckle as I heard her name
"The hell kind of a name is Twilight Sparkle." I said. She seemed innocent enough and wasn’t showing any ‘don’t fuck with me or I’ll mess you up’ signs so I figured I could act a little cocky if only to keep from freaking out.
" One that is to be treated with respect."
Said a male voice from the other side of the table. i turned to face it to see an orange Pegasus with an irritated look on his face.
"And you are?" I asked clenching my hands into fists wondering what was actually going to happen to me.
"My name is Flash Century, member of Princess Twilight's personal security unit and the one who will be responsible for your next trip to the hospital if you don't mind your tongue, understand?"
I gulped at the tone of anger in his voice, temporarily losing my cockiness
"Understand?" He said again more angrily.

I could tell my lack of response pissed him off so i just rolled my eyes with my renewed cockiness. "Alright alright no need to get testy mister flashlight." I joked obviously touching a nerve. Before we could continue, Twilight put her hooves between us
"Easy you two we can't have you killing each other. And flash please relax before you break something again. Just remember." She said taking a deep breath and placed a hoof to her chest and exhaled before swinging it out. flash nodded repeating her action and taking a few steps back. She sighed and then looked at me "anyway might I ask what your name is?"
"Uh well.... my name is Conner"
"Strange I've never heard a name like that" she smirked and I couldn't suppress a light chuckle. “Heh good one.”
"So how old are you?"
"Where are you from?"
"Ok look do you think maybe you could answer a few of my questions? Like how there are strange colorful sentient ponies talking to me and why am I strapped to a table naked?" I raising my voice.
"W-well like I said you are in canterlot's research facility."
"Because you fell through a hole in time and space that we created to transport water to a drought ridden country named Saddle Arabia."
"I what!!!!????" I yelled more in confusion than anything else.
" You fell into our world and we brought you back to Equestria from Saddle Arabia to examine you"
“But how?”
“Well you see Saddle Arabia had been experiencing a massive drought for the worst half of a year so Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and myself traveled to their country to assist them. We cast an ancient but powerful spell that allowed us to connect to a water supply from another world since all our attempts to drill for water were fruitless and well I guess you fell into the dimensional hole along with the water. You were lucky the guards got to you when they did. Some of the villagers in saddle Arabia thought you might be some kind of fish and were about to try and take you away to be cooked.” She said finally taking a breath.
"Why do you keep saying Saddle Arabia instead of Saudi?"
“Excuse me?”
“You are saying saddle Arabia but it is pronounced Saudi Arabia. Why?”
"Because it is called saddle Arabia"
“No it is called Saudi Arabia”
“And I’m telling you it is pronounced saddle” twilight said getting rather annoyed at my lack of comprehension.
"I know I’m not the best with names but I’m pretty sure it is saudi"
I gulped at her sudden ferocity and nodded.
"I guess the dimensional whatever you're talking about could have been that sink hole I fell into earlier."
Twilight again took a deep breath as her voice returned to normal "What sinkhole?"
"Well I was riding my bike to school and fell down the edge of the trail into a creek and the water dragged me into a sinkhole and the next thing I know I'm free falling from the sky."
Twilight gasped which made me raise an eyebrow “Do you mean this thing that fell through the hole with you?” she asked levitating my bike into the air and into my field of vision. There was a bit of rust on it but nothing to bad
“Yup that would be my bike” I said as a scribbling noise was heard. I looked over as twilight was levitating a quill and paper to record everything I said. She also seemed to be drawing something which I assumed was a sketch of the bike.
“How do you ride it? It looks like it would just fall over the minute you start moving.”
“What I wanna know is how you are moving that quill and holding the paper up.”
“It is just a basic levitation spell. Haven’t you ever seen magic before”
“where I’m from magic doesn’t exist accept in stories and movies.”
Twilight’s jaw dropped. “H-how is that possible. M-magic is everywhere it is how we exist. It is how we have experienced peace for so long. How do your people manage to survive without magic?”
“through hard work and rapid advancements in technology”
For awhile I just told her about some of the technology we used like cars and electricity. eventually she asked me again about how I ride my bike.
I shrugged “Hey maybe I can show you sometime?”
“Oh that would be great” she smiled.
I laid my head back onto the table and once again began to squirm in my bindings "Hey uh do you think you could maybe untie me and give me back my clothes?" I said shivering as I got a slight chill.
"And why should we do that? You assaulted two medical personal at the camp when you first arrived." Flash said looking at me with aggression again.
I simply responded by rolling my eyes again
"Ok here is a little questioner. What happens when you tumble down a steep hill, smashing against rocks, trees, and bramble bushes and then fall god knows how far before belly-flopping into a body of water hmmmm?" I said giving a quick pause "Pain. And what happens when you wake up naked on a table with cartoonish ponies that can talk around you? Confusion. And lastly what goes through your mind when a random syringe is shoved into your neck with god knows what inside it? Fear. If you take all that and bundle it together you get aggression. Everything that happened was in self-defense " I said. Flash still didn’t look convinced so with yet another sigh I continued. " I wasn't trying to hurt the white one poking me I just wanted her to stop touching my bruised body cause it hurt like hell."
Twilight once again began to scribble away with her quill.

Flash looked at me with a stern expression. “Sorry but you are going to have to remain tied down for a bit longer.”
I just sighed “Ok fine but when we are done can I please get my clothes back.”
Twilight nodded and once she was done and had set the quill and paper down she walked over to a nearby table and pulled out some kind of pads.with flash’s help they placed them at points on my head, neck, chest, stomach, and lastly arms and legs. Flash seemed to really make sure the pads stuck as he put quite a bit of force to them making me grunt as he would occasionally press on a bruise.
I raised an eyebrow as they worked to place them on me though “Why not just float them onto me like you did with the paper?”
The last pad was put on me when she spoke. “Well we have found out that your body has a negative effect on magic. Whenever a magical aura touches you it crystallizes and then crumbles away like dust in the wind.”
“huh? That would complicate things.” I replied before lifting my head to look at the pads all over my body “So what are all these for?”
“Well since we can’t get an image of your skeleton with magic I decided to use a more mechanical approach.” She said gesturing to two machines. “the one on the left will send an electric current through your body and into the one on the right which will in turn measure the time it takes for the current to reach it and then it should help us determine your skeleton’s shape.”
“wait electric current……..this isn’t gonna hurt right?” I ask not being a huge fan of pain
She didn’t answer which in turn was all the answer I needed
“Ok I don’t wanna do this. You sure there isn’t so….HFIDHJKWFHLKDNJNVBLKLJIKLGAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” my whole body tensed up and was trying to arch my back but the restraints held me firm as I clenched my teeth so hard I heard and felt a crack in one of my molars. Once the electricity stopped I spat out the tooth chip that had broken off one of my left molars.
“next time you are gonna do that please just at least put something in my mouth to bite down on” once again twilight ignored my obvious pain and discomfort as she was to busy analyzing the data from the machine