• Published 5th Oct 2013
  • 1,202 Views, 49 Comments

Well this day just got weirder. - Sutter_Speed777

you know you are gonna have a bad day when you get sucked into a sink hole

  • ...

the checkup (edited)

I was surrounded by water and darkness holding my breath as best I could while waiting for my life to end as my lungs began to burn.

was this really how it was going to end?

Was i really just going to die like this with no one around me to say goodbye too? There was to much. To much i hadn't done, To much i hadn't finished. I had one dream in my life. It was to die knowing i would be remembered for centuries and not just fade into the wind like everyone else. But now it seemed like i would end up as some old legend the towns folk would use to attract tourists to the stream i had died in. What kind of memory is that. If i was crying i couldn't tell as the tears just mixed into the muddy water that surrounded me. i gave up. i knew i couldn't fight against the current or the weight of whatever was on top of me. i felt so useless, so......weak that i began to accept death as an option and closed my eyes so that if my body was somehow found i would at least look peaceful.

Once the wave of sadness and defeat washed through me i still felt like i was falling and a new wave of emotion entered. it was surprise. granted i knew sinkholes could be pretty deep but this was just impossibly strange. I had been falling for god knows how long and i didn't feel myself being smothered by mud or crushed underneath shifting stones . Another anomaly was i seemed to pick up speed as i sunk deeper. my lungs burned for air and i clutched my neck for god knows what reason as my mind grew foggy but ironically my curiosity grew.
i would of had to have hit against something by now right? Maybe i was just stuck in place and this was no more than the feeling of me being immobile. this had to be the reason because there was no way i could be falling through the ground as fast as i was.
As if i couldn't be more confused i suddenly felt what could only be sunlight hitting me. i quickly opened my eyes and could see through blurred vision what looked like a sky. i realized my vision was blurred because my body was still surrounded by water.

"What the fuck is happening?"

I still felt the water around me and as I moved my arm towards the sun thinking this must be the light at the end of the tunnel when I felt my fingers touch.....nothing... or more accurately there wasn't water around them. At first I thought this was the surface of the water but then why would I be falling parallel to the ground?
My body reacted before my mind did and scrambled to where my hand had hit the air. I ignored the pain that came with each movement and soon my head was out of the water and I took a desperate gasp of air. Instantly the life flowed back into my body and i felt renewed in a way. When I went to take my second breath however I seemed to smack against more water.
Maybe I had gone through an underground waterfall or something. it would explain my feeling of falling and why i hadn't hit anything
My body floated to the surface of the water as an indescribable new amount of pain blasted every sensory neuron in my body from impacting against the water forcing me to black out.
I woke up a while later to the sound of voices and cracked my eyes open to see a sort of cloth above me. i tilted my head to my right and noticed the cloth was actually the inside of a tent or something. i heard the voices more clearly this time and listened closely.
"What is this thing?"
"I'm not sure but we have to make sure it isn't toxic"
"Still why not just draw blood instead of cutting it open. it is still breathing"
" Because then we can get more samples and as of now we don't know if it is only the blood that's toxic but perhaps the creatures entire body. Besides we could even get a medal or become famous if this is a knew species of animal or a creature from another world"
At the sound of "cutting it open" my eyes opened wide and I abruptly sat up searching for the sources of the voices. At first I found nothing and searched around for my glasses so I could get a better look at things. I found nothing and groaned.

Great mom is gonna kill me if I lost another pair. guess i should say thanks to her for making me keep a spare set in my bag....wait where is my bag?

i felt around
There was a loud gasp and I turned my head quickly to what seemed to be a small cartoonish pony. her body was pure white and had pink hair and a pink tail. Though I didn't put much stock in that identification without my glasses on. the next thing i knew the pony began to speak.....in english.
"Yes nurse redheart?"
"I-it's awake...... And looking at me"
her voice was full of fear as i searched the room for this it "oh come on you can't mean me?" i said rolling my eyes.
I went to move off of the table I was apparently on but stopped as that same mind numbing pain hit me again. I cursed and laid back onto the table groaning and panting. once the pain subsided i realized i was naked and blushed before turning my head to the pony once more. this time there were two of them. this one was yellow with brown hair and tail. it stopped moving as well once it saw me so i spoke first.
"ummm.....could either of you tell me where i am or more importantly where my clothes are?"

there was no answer.

"helloooo anyone there? you two look like you've seen a ghost." i said looking around trying to see what they were staring at.
"i guess it is me" i sighed
i sat up again (much more slowly this time.) and turned my head to look at the opposite side of the tent. i swung my legs over the side of the table wincing the whole time. even withought my glasses i could tell my body was covered in scrapes, cuts, and ugly bruises. i gave a sharp gasp of pain as i tried putting weight on my legs. this caused the white pony to make it's way over to me
"uh sir...i-i know i'm not familiar with your kind but i think you should lay down. you seem to be in a lot of pain"

"what are you a doctor or something. i'm sure i'm fine i just need to get to class is all"

I said slowly putting more and more weight on my legs. they hurt but they didn't give way which was a good sign that they weren't broken.

"i'm a nurse thank you and i suggest you get back into bed before you hurt yourself." she said slightly irritated as she pressed a limb against my bruised left thigh making me wince. taking a deep breath i let the pain pass through my body before looking back at her

"please don't do that again" i said noting she was only as tall as my waist.

"i'll do at as much as i have to if it gets you back in bed" she said more sternly as she pressed her limb against my thigh again but with more force making me grunt. i quickly reached down and grabbed her limb in my hand squeezing tightly half from irritation and half from the pain. the limb itself seemed to be covered in short yet soft fur.
"i said don't do that again"
i could feel the nurse jump as i gripped her limb and could feel her shaking as well as hear the fearful whimpers she made. i was about to let go when something pricked my neck and i looked to see a syringe as it pushed a liquid into my body.

I flinched and squeezed the syringe between my neck and shoulder like you do when someone pokes your neck with their fingers. I must have put too much pressure on the syringe as I heard the glass cylinder shattering followed by several sharp pains in my neck and shoulder that i assumed was the glass piercing my skin. Instantly I felt like I hadn't slept in weeks and a huge wave of exhaustion came over me as I felt every muscle in my body relax. I wasn't about to just let this happen though. I'm not the kid of guy who just let's someone get the better of me in a fight with some dirty move. No i fought back and in what little time I knew i had before i blacked out i acted. i grabbed the needle ( what was left of it) and yanked it out of my neck throwing it to the ground before turning around and face the yellow pony who i assumed stuck me and rolled off of the table landing on the ground with a thud. In a mad scramble of flailing, sluggish, and uncoordinated limbs I managed to put enough force into my legs to lunge at the yellow quadruped and pummeled it to the ground. Damn my luck when just as I reared my fist back to punch, the drugs took effect and I could no longer move as I fell limp ontop of the pony. i growled in a slurred voice
'Lucky bastard'.