> Well this day just got weirder. > by Sutter_Speed777 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Fall (Updated) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today was like any other day would have been. I got up, got dressed, brushed my teeth, put on deodorant, grabbed my backpack, and made my way downstairs and out to my bike before heading to school. The morning was cool and quite as the sun was just starting to rise over the horizon. I let myself enjoy the quiet solitude as best i could since it wasn't to often that my day would be anything but hectic and loud. I am the middle child of three brothers and two sisters who seem to take great pride in annoying me so this calmness was probably the most enjoyable part of my day. I took in the morning air with long deep breath to help me wake up. It felt so nice against my skin as I peddled my way out of my neighborhood and onto a dirt road I used as a short cut to school. In honesty it wasn't really a shorter way to school but it was far more secluded than the main road allowing me to ride my bike faster and not have to worry about people and cars. with one hand on my handle bars i brought my bag around to my chest and fished out my iPod. After all what is a relaxing morning bike ride to school without music to help you block out the world. Plugging in my earbuds i double tapped the home button which brought up the two skip forward/backward arrows and the play button. Having kept my music on shuffle from the previous day i just pressed play and to my delight the song "Miss Jackson" began to play. Allowing my imagination to take over i began to zone out as I started to go downhill, but was abruptly brought back to the real world as I felt something tap my shoulder. I jumped in surprise and ripped my ear buds out turning in the direction of the shoulder that had been tapped. To my great irritation I found it was my best friend Zachary riding his bike next to mine. "Jesus Christ man I almost fell off," "That's what I was aiming for. You're just so jumpy I couldn't pass up the opportunity." "Jackass." "Crybaby." We both chuckled a bit and continued riding our bikes along the trail. Even though i had nearly fallen off my bike me and Zach have been through worse so we always were able to get over things quickly and hardly ever held grudges. "So Conner did you finish your research paper yesterday?" I nodded "Yup. I had to stay up till three but I got it done. How 'bout you?" "I'll crank it out in study hall." "You do realize thinking like that is exactly why you are failing English." "So what it's a stupid class anyway." "Yeah but it is one you have to pass if you want to graduate this year," I said to him. Granted I thought English was a pointless class as well but in the end I sucked it up and did the work. We rounded a corner as the left side of the road became incredibly steep as the terrain changed to a large slope leading down to a creek that kids from around here liked to play in during the summer. Zachary yawned "Man why does school have to be so early. Why can't it start at two in the afternoon," "And end at three." I said going along with his idea. "EXACTLY" Zachary said holding his hand towards me in a gesture that says (this guy gets it). Again we chuckled. We were still peddling along when I moved closer to the edge of the trail to avoid an oncoming pot hole. However as the pot hole passed me the ground at the edge of the trail gave way as the front wheel of my bike passed over it. I immediately turned the handle bars in the opposite direction of the edge in an attempt to use my forward momentum to throw myself back on to the trail. Unfortunately the ground fell faster than I could react and before I knew it my bike was flying down the hill. The edge of the hill was in no way a smooth ride as I crashed through bramble bushes and ran over large rocks. I squeezed as hard as I could on the rear brake and swung myself to the right to turn the bike on its side in an attempt to slow down. It worked and I did manage to slow down but when my bike smacked against the edge of a fallen tree I was abruptly flipped over along with my bike finding myself about six feet in the air as i went forward but the slop continued to get further and further away from me. In that moment It felt as if time stopped and my whole life flashed before my eyes. most of them were happy moments with my family such as, holidays, summer trips, and the occasional prank between siblings. However, just as quickly as time stopped it started up again and I was ripped from reliving my life as my back crashed into the ground of the hill. The wind was knocked out of my body and my eyes shut from the abrupt pain. I can honestly say I felt like a rag doll as my limbs flailed as i tumbled over sticks and rocks, kicking up leafs and dirt. smacking the back of my head against one final rock I splashed into the creek at the bottom of the hill with my back in the water and my face looking up to the sky. There was a second splash near me followed by several smaller ones. I concluded that my bike had fallen into the creek along with some small rocks and such. The water was cold and it stung my various cuts that now covered my body which only bled a slight bit. I finally got air back into my lungs with a large gasp and began to have a small coughing fit. the coughing soon turned to hacking and when i had finally got whatever was in my throat out, i tasted blood. standing up was apparently out of the question as wave after wave of pain soared through my body after only moving my arm and turning my shoulders making it clear I should stop moving. I could hear Zach yelling and asking if I was alright though I'm sure he knew I wasn't. It was probably just a way for him not to freak out as he called 911. I just lay there with my body half submerged in the water of the creek trying to process what had just happened. Turning my head a bit I looked up the hill to see Zach was slowly making his way down to me. He made it to the bottom of the slope and ran over to me asking if i was alright for the sixth time. After telling him i was just peachy he rolled his eyes. "hey.....you think i might get out of school for the day" i joked. "Oh ha ha very funny." Zach answered as he went back up the hill to wait for help to get here. Against common sense I closed my eyes as the sun was beating down on my face and relaxed my body. My peaceful rest was interrupted as the current of the stream began to pick up. i opened my eyes and looked to one of the banks seeing that the water level had somehow doubled and i was being dragged along with the current. ignoring the pain as my adrenaline began to kick in a swung my arms around to grab onto anything but the best i could manage were smooth rocks that were pulled out of the ground when i grabbed them. I managed to lift my head up to see that the water was heading towards some sort of sink hole that hadn't been there last time i checked. panicking i looked back up the slope seeing Zach shouting for me and making his way back down as fast he could but it was to late. The last image i saw was my friend rushing along the edge of the creek trying to get to me before i felt myself fall into the sink hole and everything went black. Surrounded by darkness i closed my eyes and held on to what little air i had left in my lungs as i continued to be pulled under by the sink hole. > The Spell (update.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "But what if we only make things worse," Twilight said to Celestia. "The ponies in this nation need whatever help we can give to survive. You know I can't just turn my flank on them." Celestia said with a comforting look making twilight feel more at ease. They were in Saddle Arabia which was currently experiencing a deadly drought. The locals had tried to produce water themselves through magic and had created enough to last a few weeks, but the poor unicorns had pushed to hard with a spell that was too advanced for them and are currently still in a coma as the result. With no other options they sent a request for aid to Celestia and Luna. Without having to think much about it the two alicorns came up with the plan they were conducting now and had brought twilight along to assist them. The spell they planned to use had been recently devised by a group of university students trying to combine the laws of magic with the still expanding laws of science and was very unstable with only a 40% chance of a favorable outcome at its current stage of development. The idea is simply to create a magical explosion that literally shatters the dimensional barriers of time and space allowing the conductors of the spell to pull objects, substances, and even beings through to their side to assist them. The unstable part of the spell was maintaining the hole in time in space before it caused a ripple effect and ultimately tore the universe apart. The problem is that the students didn't have enough power to break the dimensional walls in the first place but thankfully with the Issue in saddle arabia they were finally able to get the right power source. The two alicorns looked up at the sky as hundreds of pegusie flew through the air gathering and collecting clouds and arranging them into the intricate design of an advance level magic circle. The circle served two purposes. one was to focus on what would be brought through to their world which they were aiming to be water, and two was that if things began to get out of hand they could use the circle to forcibly close the hole. Many of the students were overlooking the construction of the circle, yelling at the workers for not having the clouds at the precise angles or having the wrong kind of clouds. other students were checking and rechecking their theories and formulas as others were running back and forth preparing all the necessary safety measures. one of the students upon noticing the princesses of the moon, sun, and of magic, rushed over to great them, trails of paper being dragged behind her. she was a unicorn with a dark green coat and a sky blue mane with thick glasses that she constantly had to adjust as she galloped."Your majesties, it is an honor that you have come to assist us. without you we would never be able to succeed in our project. you're bringing our hard work to fruition and again it is an honor." She said standing from his bow as he began to explain the basics of what the princesses would be required to do. Celestia being very formal held a constant smile even though much of what the mare said flew over her head. Luna wasn't as formal and confusion was plastered all over her face as she looked over the theories and machines use to monitor everything. Twilight was having a field day as she galloped from one station to the next getting all the details from the young scholars with a look much like a foal in a candy store. She even reunited with many old friends she had know from as far back as magic kindergarden much to her delight. She was in the middle of discussing the theories behind the construction of the magic circle and how its design contained and recycled magic with a Pegusie stallion named Wavelength when she was called over by her elder princesses to get ready having understood their parts they all took there places on a platform in front of a newly created artificial lake. Celestia nodded and then the alicorn sisters closed their eyes. Immediately their horns began to glow. The two didn't move a muscle as they pushed more and more magic into this one spell. Their horns quickly becoming brighter and brighter with each second until a blinding light and a strong wind were created. Luna and Celestia both opened their eyes as the blinding light began to recede and condensed into a single sphere roughly the size of their heads. Sparks of magic shot from the sphere to the horns of the princesses. Twilight's jaw was agape in aww of the sheer power the two mares held. Eventually the light was gone and the sphere swirled with blue and gold lights. Many of the scholars watched in amazement at the display before them wile others focused on their job of judging the "condensed energy to force of expansion ratio (totally made that up). when everything was optimal, the mare that had greeted them walked up and poured a small vile of water into the sphere to serve as a base for the magic to seek out. "Alright everything is a go. Princess Twilight would you do the honors?" she said to the purple alicorn Twilight gulped before lowering her head to concentrate as her horn glowed that bright purple as it always did. She let her magic rest against the surface of the sphere so she could more so throw it rather than impact it with her magic and risk an explosion that could kill everypony. In a quick motion she thrust her head up and the sphere was sent flying into the center of the magical circle Everything went silent before a deafening explosion occurred creating a massive wave of wind that sent everyone nearby it into the air. Twilight was sent into the air only to be caught by celestial magic as she and her sister sprawled to the ground and shut their wings tight to avoid being swept away. Once the blast of wind ceased and the dust had cleared everypony screamed. Not in terror or sadness but in joy as in the center of the magical circle a healthy flow of water poured into the once dry lake bed. The three alicorns cheered as well as the townsfolk converged on them and stomped their hooves to the ground, cried, and thanked the three princesses for their help. Several ponies ran into the lake and let themselves be showered from head to flank in the refreshing water.Teams of unicorns were held in the air by pegusie drawn carts as they cast several spells on the water to remove any familiar and unfamiliar impurities so only fresh water landed in the lake. Then something strange happened. A large object fell through the dimensional hole. If was very much like a bike that some higher class ponies rode but it was slimmer and only had two wheels instead of three. Several ponies ignored it and continued to filter until a second object fell through. At first they thought it to be some sort of fish as it fell into and through the filtration spell. The team of unicorns tried to stop the being from falling but their spells just fizzled and died when they made contact with it. it slammed into the water with a splash as the lake already had a good amount of water in it to break it's fall. at first many ponies were afraid if what had just come through but after a closer look they saw the object to be some sort of being with strange claws and odd clothing. It gasped and made weird shrieking noises and leaked a red fluid that they assumed had to be from several cuts on its body. The clothing it wore was torn and covered nearly all of its body. Eventually it stopped moving and closed its eyes. The guards had no idea what the creature was but they kept to their instructions which were that should a living being be brought through the dimensional hole it was to be examined and treated carefully until they knew more about it. At first they tried to use magic to lift it out of the water but the magic still did absolutely nothing. The guards then had to lift the creature into a cart before hauling it to an examination tent along with the contents that had been caught in the filtration spells to figure out if anything was to dangerous to be left unoticed. > the checkup (edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was surrounded by water and darkness holding my breath as best I could while waiting for my life to end as my lungs began to burn. was this really how it was going to end? Was i really just going to die like this with no one around me to say goodbye too? There was to much. To much i hadn't done, To much i hadn't finished. I had one dream in my life. It was to die knowing i would be remembered for centuries and not just fade into the wind like everyone else. But now it seemed like i would end up as some old legend the towns folk would use to attract tourists to the stream i had died in. What kind of memory is that. If i was crying i couldn't tell as the tears just mixed into the muddy water that surrounded me. i gave up. i knew i couldn't fight against the current or the weight of whatever was on top of me. i felt so useless, so......weak that i began to accept death as an option and closed my eyes so that if my body was somehow found i would at least look peaceful. Once the wave of sadness and defeat washed through me i still felt like i was falling and a new wave of emotion entered. it was surprise. granted i knew sinkholes could be pretty deep but this was just impossibly strange. I had been falling for god knows how long and i didn't feel myself being smothered by mud or crushed underneath shifting stones . Another anomaly was i seemed to pick up speed as i sunk deeper. my lungs burned for air and i clutched my neck for god knows what reason as my mind grew foggy but ironically my curiosity grew. i would of had to have hit against something by now right? Maybe i was just stuck in place and this was no more than the feeling of me being immobile. this had to be the reason because there was no way i could be falling through the ground as fast as i was. As if i couldn't be more confused i suddenly felt what could only be sunlight hitting me. i quickly opened my eyes and could see through blurred vision what looked like a sky. i realized my vision was blurred because my body was still surrounded by water. "What the fuck is happening?" I still felt the water around me and as I moved my arm towards the sun thinking this must be the light at the end of the tunnel when I felt my fingers touch.....nothing... or more accurately there wasn't water around them. At first I thought this was the surface of the water but then why would I be falling parallel to the ground? My body reacted before my mind did and scrambled to where my hand had hit the air. I ignored the pain that came with each movement and soon my head was out of the water and I took a desperate gasp of air. Instantly the life flowed back into my body and i felt renewed in a way. When I went to take my second breath however I seemed to smack against more water. Maybe I had gone through an underground waterfall or something. it would explain my feeling of falling and why i hadn't hit anything My body floated to the surface of the water as an indescribable new amount of pain blasted every sensory neuron in my body from impacting against the water forcing me to black out. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** I woke up a while later to the sound of voices and cracked my eyes open to see a sort of cloth above me. i tilted my head to my right and noticed the cloth was actually the inside of a tent or something. i heard the voices more clearly this time and listened closely. "What is this thing?" "I'm not sure but we have to make sure it isn't toxic" "Still why not just draw blood instead of cutting it open. it is still breathing" " Because then we can get more samples and as of now we don't know if it is only the blood that's toxic but perhaps the creatures entire body. Besides we could even get a medal or become famous if this is a knew species of animal or a creature from another world" At the sound of "cutting it open" my eyes opened wide and I abruptly sat up searching for the sources of the voices. At first I found nothing and searched around for my glasses so I could get a better look at things. I found nothing and groaned. Great mom is gonna kill me if I lost another pair. guess i should say thanks to her for making me keep a spare set in my bag....wait where is my bag? i felt around There was a loud gasp and I turned my head quickly to what seemed to be a small cartoonish pony. her body was pure white and had pink hair and a pink tail. Though I didn't put much stock in that identification without my glasses on. the next thing i knew the pony began to speak.....in english. "D-d-doctor...." "Yes nurse redheart?" "I-it's awake...... And looking at me" her voice was full of fear as i searched the room for this it "oh come on you can't mean me?" i said rolling my eyes. I went to move off of the table I was apparently on but stopped as that same mind numbing pain hit me again. I cursed and laid back onto the table groaning and panting. once the pain subsided i realized i was naked and blushed before turning my head to the pony once more. this time there were two of them. this one was yellow with brown hair and tail. it stopped moving as well once it saw me so i spoke first. "ummm.....could either of you tell me where i am or more importantly where my clothes are?" there was no answer. "helloooo anyone there? you two look like you've seen a ghost." i said looking around trying to see what they were staring at. "i guess it is me" i sighed i sat up again (much more slowly this time.) and turned my head to look at the opposite side of the tent. i swung my legs over the side of the table wincing the whole time. even withought my glasses i could tell my body was covered in scrapes, cuts, and ugly bruises. i gave a sharp gasp of pain as i tried putting weight on my legs. this caused the white pony to make it's way over to me "uh sir...i-i know i'm not familiar with your kind but i think you should lay down. you seem to be in a lot of pain" "what are you a doctor or something. i'm sure i'm fine i just need to get to class is all" I said slowly putting more and more weight on my legs. they hurt but they didn't give way which was a good sign that they weren't broken. "i'm a nurse thank you and i suggest you get back into bed before you hurt yourself." she said slightly irritated as she pressed a limb against my bruised left thigh making me wince. taking a deep breath i let the pain pass through my body before looking back at her "please don't do that again" i said noting she was only as tall as my waist. "i'll do at as much as i have to if it gets you back in bed" she said more sternly as she pressed her limb against my thigh again but with more force making me grunt. i quickly reached down and grabbed her limb in my hand squeezing tightly half from irritation and half from the pain. the limb itself seemed to be covered in short yet soft fur. "i said don't do that again" i could feel the nurse jump as i gripped her limb and could feel her shaking as well as hear the fearful whimpers she made. i was about to let go when something pricked my neck and i looked to see a syringe as it pushed a liquid into my body. I flinched and squeezed the syringe between my neck and shoulder like you do when someone pokes your neck with their fingers. I must have put too much pressure on the syringe as I heard the glass cylinder shattering followed by several sharp pains in my neck and shoulder that i assumed was the glass piercing my skin. Instantly I felt like I hadn't slept in weeks and a huge wave of exhaustion came over me as I felt every muscle in my body relax. I wasn't about to just let this happen though. I'm not the kid of guy who just let's someone get the better of me in a fight with some dirty move. No i fought back and in what little time I knew i had before i blacked out i acted. i grabbed the needle ( what was left of it) and yanked it out of my neck throwing it to the ground before turning around and face the yellow pony who i assumed stuck me and rolled off of the table landing on the ground with a thud. In a mad scramble of flailing, sluggish, and uncoordinated limbs I managed to put enough force into my legs to lunge at the yellow quadruped and pummeled it to the ground. Damn my luck when just as I reared my fist back to punch, the drugs took effect and I could no longer move as I fell limp ontop of the pony. i growled in a slurred voice 'Lucky bastard'. > Rude Awakening( enlarged.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia, Luna, and Twilight were conversing with the leader of Saddle Arabia on the possible dangers of the spell they had cast. "you are going to want to have somepony monitoring the rift carefully. should it begin to distort or the flow of water begin to increase or decrees, please contact us again." Celestia did most of the talking as she went through other possible problems. The leader listened carefully and had everything written down. When the meeting was over the princesses headed back to the camp where they were staying for the duration of their visit to the country. Once they arrived they were met by flash century who held his usual kind smile. he had been recently appointed by twilight to her security team after she had returned from the human world. Her security team was mainly comprised of guards she had become aquanted with when she had first started studying under celestia and flash's edition was more on the personal side rather than profesional. He stopped and bowed before the princess and spoke "Pardon me your highnesses but there has been a rather shocking development at the examination tents. It seems a creature has made its way through the dimensional portal." "What sort of creature?" twilight asked in an enthusiastic voice for once again seeing her crush and at the fact that she might just get to study a totally new species of creature. "We believe you would be able to provide better information to that question princess twilight. The creature strongly resembles the description of the creatures you interacted with during the incident with Sunset Shimmer." Twilight's excitement faded slightly as she found the creature wasn't entirely new to her but she was glad that perhaps now she would be able to conduct an actual interview and gain far more detailed information than before. The smile returned to her face as she imagined all the tests she could and would conduct as well as the towers of questions she could and would ask. "First an archaic top level spell and now a creature from another dimension, this day just keeps getting better" she gave an excited 'squeee' as she clopped her front hooves together. They made their way to the tent the creature was in just as the doctor was pulling what was left of a syringe out of the creatures neck. She also "Ahh good afternoon princesses. Excellent work on the water summoning spell" Twilight was the first to notice Redheart rubbing her front left hoof wincing a bit "Did something happen here?" The doctor nodded. "Yes. the uh......human i believed you called it awoke and then tried to get up but appeared to be in pain so nurse Redheart tried to coax it back onto the table to lay down but it grabbed her and began to squeeze her hoof and so i acted and stuck him with a heavy duty sedative. he flinched at the needle and for some odd reason crushed it between his neck and shoulder. Probably just a nervous twitch but he did shatter the vile and the glass cut his skin which i was just about to start removing" he said and his horn glowed as his magical aura wrapped around the creatures neck to attempt to pull out the shards all at once to be quicker. He never got a chance to though as the moment the doctors magical aura touched the creatures skin it solidified into what could best be described as some sort of crystal before a small gust of wind entered the tent. everypony's mane and coat flowed lightly as the gust brushed up against them. Twilight was the first to gasp as the now crystallized magic fell to dust against the push of the wind and blew away with it. "w....w-well that is certainly a surprise.....i know the guard that brought the creature in informed me his levitation spell didn't work but i figured he simply wasn't focused from having to use the filtration spells." he said as twilight came up and tried another spell. she attempted to use a deportation spell instead of a levitation spell and like the doctor her magical aura solidified around the creatures body like a cocoon and the moment she touched her frozen magic i fell to dust as well Celestia and Luna both had gaping jaws at what just happened. "sister have you seen a creature such as this before" "n-no luna i haven't. i guess it is from the world connected to the portal we opened." "wherever it's from it is obviously impervious to magic" Twilight said and dashed over to the creature on the table. She scanned every inch of it from its short mane to its odd appendages at its feet. "Well it is a human i know that much, but uh they normally wear clothing on a regular basis.why is......he....naked" she said noting the male genitalia which made the others blush slightly as they tried not to stare. it was an odd sight for them as normally male genitalia remained hidden inside the body until aroused. "Oh we have its clothing and some kind of pack that was slung over his shoulders in the bins over there" Redheart informed them. Twilight levitated the torn clothing and then looked at the pack. "Oh this is what humans call a bookbag or simply a back pack. they normally use them for school supplies" She was familiar with the design as it was much like the one she when she went to the other side of the mirror. her horn glowed and the tabs of the zippers were surrounded in the same glow and she slowly pulled the zipper back to reveal the now soaked contents. She was pleasantly surprised that inside we're several thick books as well as binders that were made of a strange substance that held what she guessed were original hoof made notes. she squee'd once more when she saw the text was in some weird language that she would now be allowed to decipher. "If it is not to much trouble I would like these books to be carefully dried and preserved and sent to my library as soon as possible." "Of course princess" nurse Redheart said as she began to draw blood and took small tissue samples as well as cut off bits of hair. Once they had collected samples the human was loaded into a cart and escorted back to Canterlot along with princess twilight who was writing a letter to her friends in Ponyvile asking them to meet her at the palace. she wanted to make sure they were prepared in case the human turned out to be violent. "this has been one heck of a day" > E-ray (not X-ray) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke to find myself back in my bedroom at home and sighed. "Guess it was all a dream." I said as I stretched my arms over my head and yawned figuring I might as well just call in sick to school today. I rubbed the sand out of my eyes and threw the covers off of myself and heading into the bathroom. I grabbed my toothbrush and put a decent amount of toothpaste and started brushing. Though once I spit out the tooth paste in my mouth I heard a faint rhythmic beeping sound. I slowly proceeded to get louder as I walked back to my room. I walked past the door frame and could hear small whispers echoing around the room. "H-hello." No answer I myself am a not a true believer in paranormal activity but I never dismissed the idea of it. Getting closer to my bed i noticed there was a bulge like someone else was sleeping under the covers. I stepped closer and the whispers began to become clearer and I could make out the individual tones of each one. Another step closer and I began to comprehend the words they were speaking. Most were questions like "What is that thing?" "Will it attack us?" "Why not just kill it to make sure it won't." What the hell kind of voices do I have in my head. Gulping I took another step closer to the bed. The voices sounding much closer this time. I took a deep breath and tried to stop shaking. I slowly reached to the edge of the covers and in a swift motion pulled the covers back. I was met with two strange creatures. The first I could identify as a griffon but the second looked like some sort of zombie bug- vampire thing. It had black skin, tattered hair and wings and holes in its legs. Not to mention it’s crooked horn. Both turned to me with a look of bloodlust and then gave a combine screeching roar that was so loud I had to cover my ears. The room started to spin and before I knew it I had blacked out. *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** When I opened my eyes again I found I was in another room with a bright light over top of me as I squirmed around to find I was restrained. I squinted and saw the light above me was similar to the kind used in………..surgery. I gulped "Oh good you're awake." came a female voice that sounded like she was around my age "Where am I?" I asked looking around trying to find the source of the voice. Only to turn my head to the left to see a purple unicorn with wings a few inches above eye level with me. She was smiling at me and held an expression that seemed to ask me millions of questions. After blinking a few times I realized I had to be in a dream which means that since I recognize I’m in a dream I must be awake………I have my own logic ok. Either way my jaw dropped at the site. “Y-you’re a talking horse. A talking purple unicorn……with wings. How is that even possible?” “For the record I’m not a horse I’m a pony and the wings and horn make me an alicorn thank-you-very-much.” She said as she looked over me. I was utterly speechless for what felt like an eternity. For god knows what reason I began to laugh. It started as a chuckle but then it turned into full blown cackling “OH OH THAT’S A GOOD ONE HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA. Oh yeah you’re a talking purple alicorn HA like that’s possible. Hey zach are you there? Come on I know you are. What, did you get the hospital staff to put me on some sort of hypnotic?” there was no answer but the purple alicorn had taken a few steps back with a scared expression. “Z-Zach?” “ZACH THIS ISN’T FUNNY ANYMORE…..” I yelled angrily It took a while but eventually the reality sunk in and it was obvious this wasn’t a prank. “Holy shit.Thi-this is actually happening” “I’m afraid so.” said the purple alicorn pony thing I gulped and tried my best to relax as I my mind went into overdrive to keep me in anyway calm. “S-so where am I?” The lack of movement my body had made me antsy so I began to wiggle around as best I could. It was then I noticed I was lying on a table. The purple unicorn/ Pegasus spoke to answer my question. "Oh well you’re in the canterlot palace’s research facility. My name is Twilight sparkle." I couldn't help but give a light chuckle as I heard her name "The hell kind of a name is Twilight Sparkle." I said. She seemed innocent enough and wasn’t showing any ‘don’t fuck with me or I’ll mess you up’ signs so I figured I could act a little cocky if only to keep from freaking out. " One that is to be treated with respect." Said a male voice from the other side of the table. i turned to face it to see an orange Pegasus with an irritated look on his face. "And you are?" I asked clenching my hands into fists wondering what was actually going to happen to me. "My name is Flash Century, member of Princess Twilight's personal security unit and the one who will be responsible for your next trip to the hospital if you don't mind your tongue, understand?" I gulped at the tone of anger in his voice, temporarily losing my cockiness "Understand?" He said again more angrily. I could tell my lack of response pissed him off so i just rolled my eyes with my renewed cockiness. "Alright alright no need to get testy mister flashlight." I joked obviously touching a nerve. Before we could continue, Twilight put her hooves between us "Easy you two we can't have you killing each other. And flash please relax before you break something again. Just remember." She said taking a deep breath and placed a hoof to her chest and exhaled before swinging it out. flash nodded repeating her action and taking a few steps back. She sighed and then looked at me "anyway might I ask what your name is?" "Uh well.... my name is Conner" "Strange I've never heard a name like that" she smirked and I couldn't suppress a light chuckle. “Heh good one.” "So how old are you?" "18" "Where are you from?" "Ok look do you think maybe you could answer a few of my questions? Like how there are strange colorful sentient ponies talking to me and why am I strapped to a table naked?" I raising my voice. "W-well like I said you are in canterlot's research facility." "Why?" "Because you fell through a hole in time and space that we created to transport water to a drought ridden country named Saddle Arabia." "I what!!!!????" I yelled more in confusion than anything else. " You fell into our world and we brought you back to Equestria from Saddle Arabia to examine you" “But how?” “Well you see Saddle Arabia had been experiencing a massive drought for the worst half of a year so Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and myself traveled to their country to assist them. We cast an ancient but powerful spell that allowed us to connect to a water supply from another world since all our attempts to drill for water were fruitless and well I guess you fell into the dimensional hole along with the water. You were lucky the guards got to you when they did. Some of the villagers in saddle Arabia thought you might be some kind of fish and were about to try and take you away to be cooked.” She said finally taking a breath. "Why do you keep saying Saddle Arabia instead of Saudi?" “Excuse me?” “You are saying saddle Arabia but it is pronounced Saudi Arabia. Why?” "Because it is called saddle Arabia" “No it is called Saudi Arabia” “And I’m telling you it is pronounced saddle” twilight said getting rather annoyed at my lack of comprehension. "I know I’m not the best with names but I’m pretty sure it is saudi" "OH FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA. YOU WERE TRANSPORTED FROM YOUR WORLD TO OURS. MAYBE IN YOUR WORLD IT IS NAMED SAUDI BUT HERE IT IS NAMED SADDLE GOT IT!?!!!!!" I gulped at her sudden ferocity and nodded. "I guess the dimensional whatever you're talking about could have been that sink hole I fell into earlier." Twilight again took a deep breath as her voice returned to normal "What sinkhole?" "Well I was riding my bike to school and fell down the edge of the trail into a creek and the water dragged me into a sinkhole and the next thing I know I'm free falling from the sky." Twilight gasped which made me raise an eyebrow “Do you mean this thing that fell through the hole with you?” she asked levitating my bike into the air and into my field of vision. There was a bit of rust on it but nothing to bad “Yup that would be my bike” I said as a scribbling noise was heard. I looked over as twilight was levitating a quill and paper to record everything I said. She also seemed to be drawing something which I assumed was a sketch of the bike. “How do you ride it? It looks like it would just fall over the minute you start moving.” “What I wanna know is how you are moving that quill and holding the paper up.” “It is just a basic levitation spell. Haven’t you ever seen magic before” “where I’m from magic doesn’t exist accept in stories and movies.” Twilight’s jaw dropped. “H-how is that possible. M-magic is everywhere it is how we exist. It is how we have experienced peace for so long. How do your people manage to survive without magic?” “through hard work and rapid advancements in technology” For awhile I just told her about some of the technology we used like cars and electricity. eventually she asked me again about how I ride my bike. I shrugged “Hey maybe I can show you sometime?” “Oh that would be great” she smiled. I laid my head back onto the table and once again began to squirm in my bindings "Hey uh do you think you could maybe untie me and give me back my clothes?" I said shivering as I got a slight chill. "And why should we do that? You assaulted two medical personal at the camp when you first arrived." Flash said looking at me with aggression again. I simply responded by rolling my eyes again "Ok here is a little questioner. What happens when you tumble down a steep hill, smashing against rocks, trees, and bramble bushes and then fall god knows how far before belly-flopping into a body of water hmmmm?" I said giving a quick pause "Pain. And what happens when you wake up naked on a table with cartoonish ponies that can talk around you? Confusion. And lastly what goes through your mind when a random syringe is shoved into your neck with god knows what inside it? Fear. If you take all that and bundle it together you get aggression. Everything that happened was in self-defense " I said. Flash still didn’t look convinced so with yet another sigh I continued. " I wasn't trying to hurt the white one poking me I just wanted her to stop touching my bruised body cause it hurt like hell." Twilight once again began to scribble away with her quill. Flash looked at me with a stern expression. “Sorry but you are going to have to remain tied down for a bit longer.” I just sighed “Ok fine but when we are done can I please get my clothes back.” Twilight nodded and once she was done and had set the quill and paper down she walked over to a nearby table and pulled out some kind of pads.with flash’s help they placed them at points on my head, neck, chest, stomach, and lastly arms and legs. Flash seemed to really make sure the pads stuck as he put quite a bit of force to them making me grunt as he would occasionally press on a bruise. I raised an eyebrow as they worked to place them on me though “Why not just float them onto me like you did with the paper?” The last pad was put on me when she spoke. “Well we have found out that your body has a negative effect on magic. Whenever a magical aura touches you it crystallizes and then crumbles away like dust in the wind.” “huh? That would complicate things.” I replied before lifting my head to look at the pads all over my body “So what are all these for?” “Well since we can’t get an image of your skeleton with magic I decided to use a more mechanical approach.” She said gesturing to two machines. “the one on the left will send an electric current through your body and into the one on the right which will in turn measure the time it takes for the current to reach it and then it should help us determine your skeleton’s shape.” “wait electric current……..this isn’t gonna hurt right?” I ask not being a huge fan of pain She didn’t answer which in turn was all the answer I needed “Ok I don’t wanna do this. You sure there isn’t so….HFIDHJKWFHLKDNJNVBLKLJIKLGAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” my whole body tensed up and was trying to arch my back but the restraints held me firm as I clenched my teeth so hard I heard and felt a crack in one of my molars. Once the electricity stopped I spat out the tooth chip that had broken off one of my left molars. “next time you are gonna do that please just at least put something in my mouth to bite down on” once again twilight ignored my obvious pain and discomfort as she was to busy analyzing the data from the machine “interesting” > Out and about > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (for those who haven't re-read the 4th chapter after i updated it please go back and read it again so it'll clear up any confusion you might have while reading this chapter.) Twilight was holding up several books with her magic as she glanced from the books to the monitor. “Something wrong?” I asked wondering why she was rushing through the books like a mad man. “No not really it is just I figured your skeletal structure would be much more dynamic for a biped like yourself. Though your skeletal structure is quite similar to that of a minotaur’s.” She said turning the monitor of the machine so I could see it. The image was a very low resolution of what can at best be described as a crude assembly of shapes to resemble my skeleton. The spine was nothing more than a slightly curved line that didn’t even show the processes of the vertebrae and the ribcage looked like a bunch of circles not to mention my radius and ulna looked like narrow ovals. “You do realize that is the crappiest and most crudely drawn skeleton ever right?” Her eyes widened a bit at the comment. “Well if you are such an expert why don’t you tell what is wrong.” I nodded “ok well for starters the image isn’t showing the individual vertebrae of the spine as well as the various processes of each vertebrae and the ribcage is way more dynamic than the circles that are shown on the screen. Shall I continue?” She looked at me and then at the image and sighed “Well it is only a prototype.” She said as she removed the pads with Flash’s help. It was like being waxed and when they were pealed of they left little red marks. “Ok that wasn’t fun. Now can you untie me and give me my clothes back it is really cold down here.” I said getting another chill. Twilight looked at Flash and shrugged before he whistled and a door opened and four guards with spears and two with bows and arrows came into the room, all weapons aimed at me. The ones with the bows I figured were unicorns what with the bows floating in mid air (couldn’t see their horns that far away without my glasses. And if you say “Well how come you could see what was on the computer screen” I’ll reply by saying it was maybe a foot away from me at most). Two of the guards with the spears were Pegasie and the other two were normal ponies. “If you try anything or resist us we shall skewer you.” Flash said as Twilight undid the locks with her magic. The moment I felt the slack I instantly began to stretch, throwing my hands above my head and curling my toes as I moved my legs around. The guards all seemed to tense up as I moved since they didn’t know what to expect from me. For some reason when I stretched I yawned and that was when I felt the searing pain from my broken teeth. “gssssss ah fuuuuucking shit that hurts.” I wincedputting a hand to my left cheek and regretting it as another wave of pain blasted my nerves. Twilight raised an eyebrow “Everything ok?” Opening my mouth and sticking a finger inside I immediately felt the broken thebroken molars. It didn’t seem like the damage was to bad from what I felt of the teeth’s surface but the pain said otherwise. “Well remember when you shocked me to get the x-ray…” “E-ray” “Whatever. When the electrical current went through my body it made every single muscle tense up and made me clamp my jaw shut and the pressure was so powerful I ended up cracking some of my molars see” I said opening my mouth and pulling the left side of my lips back to reveal my broken molars along with my other semi predatory teeth. Her response was pulling out that damn quill and parchment and sketching my teeth before speaking. “I do apologies for that. I’ll see what I can do about getting them fixed ok?” I nodded and stood up slowly not wanting to scare the guards into jabbing me. It was then I noticed that the ponies at best were as tall as my stomach giving me a clear height advantage. I proceeded to put on my clothes on and noticed that whatever cuts they had were mended rather nicely. “A little gift from a friend of mine,” Twilight said walking past me and to the door. I followed a few steps behind her as we made our way up the stairs. “Well tell your friend I say thanks.” When we stepped through the door I was met with more guards all with weapons drawn. Every single one was giving me the stink eye as I passed but I chalked it up as fear and let it be. “So where are we headed anyway?” Twilight slowed so she was walking next to me “Well since you are a sentient being you will need to have your citizenship established if you wish to stay in equestrian until we can find a way to send you home.” I Nodded. We walked into a room with a large round table with stacks of paperwork “oh this’ll be just so much fun” (three hours of paperwork later) My hand cramped as I set my pen down as I re-read the documentput it was sort of hard without my glasses. It was then I remembered I had a spare case in my backpack. “Hey Twilight when I fell through the dimensional hole, did I have my backpack on still?” She nodded and I asked if I could go get it cause of my glasses but flash sent a guard instead and a few minutes later I was seeing clearer now. “Ahhh so much better.” I said happily as I helped Twilight put away the papers as she handed me my citizenship card. “You are hereby a full citizen of Equestria” I gave a light bow and slung my bag over my back and noticed it was lighter. Curious, I unzipped it and found my notebooks and textbooks were missing and the only things still left inside its various pockets were my laptop, ipod (with its lifeproof case), durable travel speaker, my scarlet tempered steel butterfly knife which was modeled after the one in ‘aria the scarlet ammunition’ (my school has no police officers in it so I learned the hard way you have to be ready to protect yourself at all times), and my lanyard with my various and heavy key chains which I also used as a way to defend myself since I leave my knife in my backpack in my locker during school hours. The key chains pretty much all revolved around anime or video games. I had an iron nitro cap from the movie Redline, the heartless symbol from Kingdom Hearts (the points are rather sharp.), dyed steel emblem of the survey corps’ from Attack on Titan, The ZANA symbol from Code LYOKO, Natsu’s dragon slayer magic symbol from Fairy tail, The Gundolf runes from The Familiar of Zero, and models of Kirito’s and Asuna’s blades for Sword Art Online. The lanyard was made out of Kevlar and the part that the key chains attached to was tempered steel like my knife due to the key chains weighing roughly 1 pound or more and swinging it around like a chain mace or a Chinese whip would break a normal lanyard. I pulled out my still locked butterfly knife and put it in my left pocket and held my lanyard by my right middle finger since that was how I would use it when swinging it around. Twilight asked what everything was and explained briefly about my ipod and laptop deciding to keep it simple so she wouldn’t ask to many questions. She asked about my knife and lanyard and I told her they were simple family relics passed down to me. “So what happened to my text books?” “Oh I had them sent to my library so I could examine them to attempt a translation of your written language since it was different then i remember it being.” I raised an eyebrow but decided to ignore her word choice as we once again walked through the halls of the massive building we were in. I started seeing ponies that weren’t guards more and more as we made our way and most either gasped and stared, ran away screaming or just feinted. “huh racist much” “You think that’s bad wait till you hit Ponyville.” twilight said rolling her eyes as if remembering something. “Why? They gonna burn me on the stake or something?” She gave me a look and I shrugged “I’m just asking.” The rest of the walk went the same way and we eventually came to a large set of doors. The right one was a radiant gold while the left was a deep blue that I nearly got lost in while looking at until the doors opened snapping me back to reality. Twilight walked in first as her name was announced by someone in the room. I didn’t move for a moment but started walking as a spear poked me in the back. “You could just ask you know.” I said and the guard huffed “Keep moving monster” “Oh now that’s just mean.” I said in a mock hurt tone as I walked. All eyes were trained on me as walked. Those that were in the nicer clothing had similar reactions to those that I had seen in the hall. We stopped walking and everything was silent until twilight spoke. “Princess Celestia I have brought the human as you asked” “Thank you twilight, how have the samples been treating you.” said a voice that was so motherly and so inviting that I felt my entire body relax. I looked in the direction of the voice and found a white pony with a horn and wings like twilight. Though she was much larger than the other ponies. And her mane was like that of a flowing rainbow. Needless to say I was once again speechless. I blinked a few times as Twilight spoke. “oh the samples are quite interesting. They are still being examined but once they are done I’ll immediately bring the results to you.” The white….i think twilight said ….alicorn or something…..anyway the alicorn nodded and levitated up one of the pieces of parchment twilight had been writing on in the examination room. “So Mr……Nickerson is it?” I nodded “How are you feeling?” I rubbed the back of my head. “Well besides being thrown into an alternate universe, drugged, and electrocuted which caused my molars to break…..I’m doing ok” celestia gave a small smile at my sarcastic humor which is what I was going for. “First off I would like to apologies on behalf of myself and my sister for being the ones to take you from your world as we did. Again I am deeply sorry for our recklessness” it was obvious she felt bad about the whole thing as she bowed causing nearly everyone in the room to gasp. Even I could tell something like that didn’t happen very often and once again rubbed the back of my head. “Oh uh…i-it’s fine really. I’m still breathing and I have both my arms and legs so that’s a good thing. Besides I doubt there is a guidebook for what to do if something went wrong while making a hole between two dimensions.” I said nervously. Celestia lifted her head “It would put me at ease if at the very least you would let us provide housing for you until you can get yourself sorted or until we manage to find a way to return you home” I nodded “Thank you very much ma’am I’d appreciate that” I stated. It was a relief that there were more who didn’t think of me as a monster at first glance. “YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS AUNTIE!!!!!!!!” a voice echoed from the side of the room and made me jump at its suddenness. A white unicorn with an overly gelled blond mane walked up to Celestia with two guards at his side. I figured he was one of the ones who thought of me as just a strange creature. “YOU MUSTNT BOW TO A LOWLY CREATURE SUCH AS THIS LET ALONE PRESENT IT WITH CHARITY.” He gestured a hoof at me and I could hear the dick-o-meter in my head explode past maximum. “IF ANYTHING HE SHOULD BE BOWING TO YOU FOR JUST BEING IN YOUR PRESENCE, GROVELING IN THANK FOR YOUR BENEVOLENT GENEROSITY.” he screamed but I just ignored him. I looked around and a few other ponies were nodding. Others were rolling their eyes (that was pretty much every guard and celestia). He eventually turned to me and started to demand I get on my knees and thank Celestia properly. There was a pause and then I held my left hand up to my ear as if I’m listening to something “Hey did you hear that?.........i think that was the sound of no one caring.” Nearly all of the guards began to laugh hysterically (save for the ones behind the dick of a unicorn who were barely able to hold back a few giggles) at my joke only making the white unicorn blush and become angrier. He stormed over to me shoving past the guards that were still in a circle around me and once more began to yell “HOW DARE YOU INSULT ROYALTY LIKE THAT. DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM. I AM PRINCE BLUE BLOOD NEPHEW TO THE PRINCESS OF EQUESTRIA AND YOU DARE SPEAK TO ME AS IF AN EQUAL. YOUR PARENTS MUST BE THE LOWEST OF THE LOW IF THEY RAISED SUCH A DEPLORABLE CHILD. I’D SAY YOU FATHER WAS NO MORE THAN A THEIVING PICKPOCKET AND YOUR MOTHER A CHEAP STREET HUSSY” And just like that my last nerve snapped. Now I deal with bullies just like every other kid and have grown tolerant of many insults over the years but when someone trash talks my parents, I don’t let that go. They are nothing short of the nicest people in the world and always made sure I grew up right. Insults like that were just unforgivable. “Ok you know what I have had it up to here with you.” I said “So what if you are royalty. You think I give a shit? I don’t and where I’m from you can have all the money in the world but it doesn’t mean anything when someone does this.” I swung my left leg up and struck him in the jaw hard. There were several gasps from the others in the room as he stumbled back. I was sort of surprised that he didn’t fall over but I didn’t let it show. “And if you ever EVER insult my parents like that again I WILL SLIT YOUR FUCKING THROAT DRINK YOUR BLOOD, CHOP YOU UP AND COOK YOU FOR DINNER.” I yelled as loud as I could with a look of pure anger on my face. This resulted in the guards pointing there weapons at me again but I didn’t notice. Blue Blood only looked at me and began to chuckle. “HA so now the beast thinks he could best me in a fight instead of relying on cowardly moves like before. Normally I am against violence but it is clear you have yet to know your place, besides I’m going to have to punish you for that buck to the face.” He said gesturing to the guards surrounding me and they began to lower their spears and step back. Blue blood then spoke “Since I am a refined gentle colt I shall let you choose our weapons.” I thought about it for a bit and then began to spin my keychain “I’ll use this and you can use whatever you want.” “Hmm famous last words but I suppose your gumption is rather impressive.” I could tell by the way he was watching me twirl the lanyard around that he was unfamiliar with a weapon like it. Though something didn’t sit right with me; granted blue blood is an arrogant ass but any pompous rich boy would want the opportunity to use some kind of huge claymore or something like that to show there supposed might. So why did he let me choose his weapon for him? I could have easily had him fight with a dagger. Either he really thinks I’m that weak which isn’t that hard to believe. So the only other conclusion was that he himself was skilled in weaponry. I cursed mentaly. I’m not exactly the healthiest person in the world. Ever since I started getting letters from college I had been stress eating and wondering about what I wanted to do with my life. And well, one summer and two months of senior year later I had somehow managed to gain over 60 friggin pounds. Not to mention my cardio has never been anything impressive even before I gained the weight. But even so I am still flexible and I know how to fight more or less from self-teaching. Taking a deep breath I watched as Blue Blood’s horn glowed and he levitated a rather flashy blade into the air that hand been brought over by one of his personal guards. The blade was fairly big but the handle looked like it was made for one hand….wait why would their weapons look exactly like ones humans would use. I looked at the guards and noticed their spears were also exactly like human spears albeit a bit thinner and shorter. “hmm well that raises a few questions.” “Getting cold feet are you?” Blue Blood stated mockingly “You wish” “Very well than let your punishment begin” He said charging forwards as I began to time the spins of my lanyard. I turned it so it was spinning horizontally above my head as he got closer. I quickly side stepped to my right as the blade passed meand I swung my lanyard hard and fast at the back of blue bloods head. It connected with a solid THUNK CRACK sound making blueblood stumble. This was not before I felt a sharp pain in my left side and saw the sword had cut me rather nicely. I noticed the sword had done a complete one eighty from where it used to be. How the fu…oh right, magic. I closed my left eye and bit down on my teeth from the pain sending a second shockwave of pain through me via my broken molars. The second wave allowed me to refocus on the fact that I was fighting and not on the fact that I had been cut. I retreated a few steps as the blade pulled out of me but surprisingly fell to the floor. Everyone including me watched as Blue Blood’s magical aura that surrounded the blade turned into crystal causing nearly every jaw to drop. “Huh Twilight wasn’t kidding.” I said panting as I clutched my cut with my left hand. The unicorn shook his head as a large bruise showed through his white fur along with a small trail of blood cascading from his head from where one of my key chains most likely broke the skin. He seemed off balance as he walked and surrounded his blade in magic once more after wiping away the crystal dust. However the magical aura didn’t cover to part of the blade that held my blood on it which made the prince angry and made me feel like Saya from blood plus. “what kind of dirty trick is this you beast?” “How should I know” “No creature can resist magic’s influence let alone negate it.” “well magic doesn’t exist in my world so I’m as stumped as you are.” I lied. I had a few theory’s running through my head at the moment as I contemplated why the magic reacted like it did when it touched me. Once again I drifted off into though and was brought back by blue blood’s voice. “Regardless, let us continue our duel” By now the pain had lowered but was still present as I stood. I didn’t get much time to react as once again blue blood thrust foreward with his blade. The thrust aimed at my head so I ducked out of instinct and rolled forward trying to ignore my still bleeding cut as my feet planted right in front of blue blood. Using the momentum from the roll I propelled myself up and slammed my shoulder into his chest like a lineman and pummeled him onto his back. I sat ontop of his chest and quickly began to throw punch after punch after punch to his ‘royal’ face. After roughly five hits I realized I couldn’t see the sword. Fuck I dove to my left as the blade shot past where my chest had been and cut my right arm. I landed on the ground as blue blood quickly regained his footing and spun around slamming his back hooves into my hips as I tried to get back up which knocked me back down. Thankfully nothing broke as I turned to see the sword coming at me again ‘man this guy likes to thrust’. I blocked by swinging my keychain effectively smacking the blade away with a loud clang and some sparks. This gave me enough time to stand up and charge. I quickly gripped the heartless symbol on my keychain planning to cut blue blood with the points while he managed to bring his sword back to his side. Once there were only two yards left between us there was a flash of gold as a massive battle axe slammed into the floor between us shattering the stone floor and sending pieces of newly made dust and gravel into our faces. When I opened my eyes I saw the entire stone slab that the axe had hit was upturned in a V shape. “I’d say that’s more than enough fighting for one day” Came Celestia’s voice as her horn held a golden aura of magic that also surrounded the axe. The massive weapon itself was gold and had a shaft about as long as I was tall. The blade was only on one side as the other side held half of what I’m guessing was a sun or something. She looked around the room and sighed “Nephew must I continue to remind you about controlling those prideful outbursts of yours and Mr. Nickerson I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t threaten my family.” Her voice was calm but it was stern enough for me to see the irritation behind it. Standing up I nodded “S-sorry about that” I said as my adrenalin died down and I was hit by more pain making me clutch my wounds again. She nodded “Now because this duel was stemmed from both of you arguing, the two of you should no longer hold aggression toward each other on the topic” her gaze was like daggers through me and simultaneously the two of us responded “No Ma’am” “No Auntie” Her smile returned as her magic ripped the axe from the ground and repaired the floor. “Good now both of you head to the infirmary and get cleaned up.” I couldn’t imagine how much force had to have been put into a strike that could shatter stone so easily as well as pull it out and Celestia did it without breaking a sweat. It was obvious that the royalty here all knew how to fight. Wincing with each movement I walked with blue blood to the infirmary followed by several guards who were whispering something that I couldn’t make out. I sat down on the bed one of the nurses guided me too but blueblood had the nurses change the sheets on his before her laid down on it. Halfway through getting my cuts stitched up the old fashioned way the door to the infirmary burst open and I was attacked by a mass of pink. > Who says hospitals are boring? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ducked to my side just as the mass of pink shot past missing me by only an inch, landing with an odd grace onto the bed to my left. Before I could get a good look at it, it hopped over to my bed where it stood staring at me with the absolute largest smile I have ever seen. I finally saw it was yet another pony but it didn’t have wings or a horn so it was a just a normal one. “Hi I’m pinkie pie what’s your name,” “uh…C-Conner.” “Well C-Conner that’s a funny name but if it’s funny that means I haven’t heard it before and if I haven’t heard it before that means I don’t know you and If I don’t know you that means you must be lonely. And if you’re lonely that makes me sad and nopony should be sad especially me since I’m supposed to make everypony smile.” The pony's mane seemed to…..deflate but then pop back up into its original puffiness as her large smile returned “So are you an alien huh are you huh huh huh you don’t look like you’re from around here and what are these?” she asked fumbling my hands between her hooves. Before I can get a word in she gasps. “Oh my gosh I just remembered.” she said and in the next second she was a blur and disappeared out the door leaving me with a confused look “Oooooohhhhhh kayyyyyyyy.” I say slowly trying to understand what happened “Don’t think about it too much she’s always like that.” said a cyan Pegasus who was hovering a few feet off the ground flapping her wings. Her mane and tail were colored like a rainbow and the colors didn’t mix at all which was really impressive. “So Twilight tells us you fell through the dimensa whatsit back in saddle Arabia and that’s how you ended up here. Soooooooooooooo….what did it feel like? I’ll bet it was like how daring do felt when she fell into Auizohtal’s mystical mind trap.” Well she certainly is blunt, and is it just me or did the last half of what she said sound like she was fan-girling I raised an eye brow “Daring Do who’s that?” I said wincing as the nurse began to continue stitching my cuts. Her jaw dropped “WHAT!?!?!??!?!! You haven’t heard of Daring Do? Do you live under a rock? She is only the greatest adventurer in all of Equestria” an orange hoof was held up to cut her off “Easy there Dash, don’t spook the feller just cause he ain’t read the same books as ya’ll” said an orange pony with a yellow mane and tail wearing a Stetson. She came up hesitantly before holding out her hoof “I’m applejack by the way. Pleasure makin’ ye’r acquaintance” I took her hoof in my left hand as the nurse was currently working on my right arm “likewise” I gave her a firm shake before letting go. Her eyes trailed up and down my body “you sure are a tall one” I shrugged making the nurse miss the edge of the cut and drive the hooked needle into my arm making me flinch “ow” she apologies and I said it wasn’t a big deal since it was my fault for moving and stayed still as she continued. I turned back to applejack. “To be honest I’m at a pretty average height for my world. Plus I had a late start at puberty so I should still be growing” I said as another figure entered the room. It was a pure white unicorn with a very well done mane and tail. She and blueblood looked at each other before glaring and turning away. I could tell there was a history between them as the female unicorn walked over to join applejack and the rainbow Pegasus. The prince just layed back as a team of unicorn doctors worked to fix the broken bones in his face and head whilst he complained about his royal image. Everyone rolled their eyes as there wear several crackling noises as the magic repaired the bones. I was later told that the magic only accelerated the natural healing process of the pony body so it would be less painful then simply forcing the bones back into place. “Well if you are still growing then I guess I’ll have to make your clothes a size or two bigger for you to grow into.” The female unicorn stated hovering up a notepad and quill. At first I thought she was righting but the movements of the quill seemed to say she was drawing something. “I-I’m sorry what?” “Well Twilight told me your species wears clothes on a regular basis so obviously you are going to need more than what you already have on. Besides since you have already re-damaged your shirt which I mended up earlier it is obvious you will need a few spares.” I nodded trying to keep up with how fast things were moving. “Uh well i……Th-Thank you…… very much ma’am but…..I-I don’t have any money to pay for the clothing if you were to make it for me.” “Oh darling, don’t worry so much. Since I’ll be the first pony ever to design clothing for a brand new species I’d have no problem doing the job for free but any repairs will cost you” I thanked her again. The nurse pulled the last stitch tight and knotted it before cutting the loose end. I thanked her and she left. “Oh I almost forgot. My name is Rarity and I can see you’ve already met Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rainbow Dash.” She said gesturing to each of the ponies. “So where’s Fluttershy?” the cyan Pegasus apparently dubbed Rainbow Dash asked looking around “She was right behind me.” Rarity said and walked back to the door sighing “Oh come now Fluttershy I know you are scared but he really seems like a gentlemen.” She said in a comforting voice. There was a small whimper “O-ok but what if…….he doesn’t like me?” a small voice said. “Nonsense darling how could anyone not like you.” Rarity re-entered the room “Well come on.” Slowly a yellow Pegasus with a long soft pink mane entered the room. Her steps were hesitant and she hid one eye behind her mane. I mentally ‘awwwwwwwwwed’ at how cute she was acting. She was like a nervous child on his or her first day of kindergarten. Stopping behind Rarity she looked at me but her gaze shifted as she tried not to stare. I gave a warm smile to help ease the tension. “Hi there I guess you’re….Fluttershy was it? It’s nice to meet you” I extended a hand and she flinched before slowly holding a hoof up to me. I wrapped my fingers around her hoof but kept a gentle grip but she still gave a startled squeak before I shook up and down once before letting go. “oh uh i-it’s very…..nice… to meet you” she said shying behind rarity again. Rainbow Dash floated closer to me and I could feel a light breeze from her wings beating the air “So what’s up with those nasty cuts? Something happen” “Oh these are from the fight I had with blue blood over there” I said as he was getting out of bed and glared at me before walking out of the room with that pompous look and his head held high. I turned back to the other ponies to see Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy all had their jaws hanging while rarity simply held a look of shock masked by a slight smile. “Ya’ll fought against the prince. D-did ya win? ” Applejack asked leaning forwards as if expecting me to reveal a great secret. “Well no Celestia broke up the fight so I guess you could say it was more of a draw.” “Still it is good to know somepony isn’t afraid to put that brute of a stallion in his place.” Okay Rarity definitely had a history with Blueblood. “From the way he treats everyone, he had it coming” “You mean everypony right?” “Hm?” “You said everyone but the proper way to say it is everypony.” Rarity corrected me. “Oh. That makes sense I guess” I said chuckling slightly at the terminology and slowly stood up out of bed, careful not to rip out my new stitches. They still hurt but much less than before thanks to the localized anesthetics the nurse gave me before stitching me up. “So Rainbow Dash, you said Twilight told you about me. Are you girls her friends or something or are you here to run more tests on me?” I asked picking up a glass of cold water the nurse had left me and took a sip but the cold water hit my broken teeth and I hunched over spitting out the water in a spray that covered the floor infront of me “aaaaaahhhhhhhhhoooooowww” I said in a raspy tone as to avoid yelling. “You ok sugercube?” Applejack asked me “Yeah it’s just one of twilights tests caused me to break a few teeth.” I said pulling back my lip to show them. They winced and Fluttershy Was surprisingly the first to get closer to take a better look. “Oh you poor poor little baby” I rolled my eyes at the comment choosing not to respond. She was starting to sound like my mother whenever I came home from a fight. “You should go to Colgates’s. She’s the best dentist in Equestria and can fix any tooth no matter what shape it’s in.” Fluttershy said backing away slightly “Is that right? I guess I should pay her a visit at some point”. The small talk continued for a while until Flash and Twilight entered the room. She was immediately surrounded by her apparent friends as they greeted her with smiles and laughing as they began idly chitchating amongst themselves. Flash walked up to me and I thought he was gonna pull out another pair of shackles. I sighed and held out my wrists to make it easier for him. But I was surprised as he just gave me a confused look. “What are you doing?” “Waiting for you to cuff me.” He instantly began chuckling “Oh relax I’m not here to take you away. I’m actually here on behalf of the staff and myself for your duel with blue blood” “You’re not mad that I fought a prince? Aren’t you supposed to throw me in the dungeon for something like that.” “What would give you that idea?” “I……. I dunno I just….sorta figured that was the case” “Well pretty much everypony on staff in Canterlot hates blueblood so we sort of favor those who will stand up to him. But we can’t even say anything to him or he’ll fire us.” “That has to be rough.” “You don’t know the half of it.” Twilight jumped in. “He whines more than rarity did when she was kidnapped by the diamond dogs.” “Diamond……dogs?” “Another sentient species. They actually walk on two legs like you though their legs are much smaller and they are far less intelligent.” She said giving me the cliff note version. Flash retook hold of the conversation “By the way where did you learn to fight like that?” “Like what?” “Well the royalty in equestrian are trained to fight at a young age to protect themselves in the unlikely event of them being attacked while unguarded, and are considered to be more powerful than the guards protecting them by the time they take their position in the government. So since you seemed to be on the same level as Blue Blood I’d have to assume you had some form of training” I shrugged “Well I’ve have never had any formal training but I have been self teaching myself for about three years.” “But obviously you excel in combat right?” “Honestly no. Granted I’ve won a bunch of fights between bullies at my school but if I fought a real pro fighter I’d probably be killed.” His jaw fell open as well “y-you mean to tell me you’re an amateur at fighting?” “Pretty much.” “You sure are full of surprises.” He said extending a hoof which I wrapped in my fingers giving him a firm hand shake. I seemed to be doing this alot A yawn escaped me as I looked down at my bare feet and then to rarity “Would it be possible for you to make a pair of shoes or flip flops along with the clothes?” I asked rarity once she and her friends had stopped chatting and once again had their eyes on me. She rubbed her front right hoof under her chin. “I suppose so but I’d have to take some measurements back at my boutique and what are…..flip-flops?” Oh yeah they don’t have toes “Whatever works for you is fine by me, and flip-flops are a type of footwear we have in my world.” After explaining what flip flops look like to Rarity, I adjusting my glasses and realized they had stayed on during the entire fight. I decided to save myself the headache and not think too much about it. ‘at least I still have them’ I thought with a sigh of relief. Twilight approached me “I Almost forgot. I brought you something.” she said as her horn glowed followed by a quick bright flash making me squint. I turned to look at where the light had originated from and in front of me was my bike. It was missing some pant and had quite a few dents and scratches but the rust had been removed and other then that it looked fine. Almost as fast as pinkie pie, I jumped out of bed and ran over to inspect the bike. I tested the gear clickers and found they functioned perfectly. There was absolutely no sign it had been submerged in water. I looked over at twilight with a smile “I had a hard time removing the rust and messed up the paint but as far as I can tell it should work just fine.” Clicking the gear shifters a few more times I turned my attention back to twilight. “It’s perfect thank you so much” I said kneeling down and giving her a quick hug only to find flash had a sword in his mouth and pointed at my throat “Oh yeah that’s right. I guess I haven’t won your trust yet” “Not quite yet. But you are getting there” “Good to know” I said releasing twilight and walked back over to my bike. “Oh and I also have some more papers from celestia” she said floating over a manila envelope with a wax emblem of a rising sun and a crescent moon. I took it in my hand shaking off the crystalizing magic. Rarity gasped and I explained that my body cancelled out magic to which she replied by fainting. Fluttershy took a few more steps back at hearing this, Applejack just tilted her head and raised an eyebrow while rainbow looked at me saying that I was some weird form of awesome. I moved to help Rarity but everypony said she was just being dramatic. After awhile she got up and acted like nothing happened and I opened up the envelope pulling out the papers inside. The papers were the deed to a property in a town called Ponyville………..’Seriously’ I mentally facepalmed at the clique name and rolled my eyes as I pulled out another paper which was information to something called a bit account. I figure it is their form of currency and pull out the last item which was a smaller envelope wich seemed to have something inside. I opened it and found a necklace with the same emblem as the wax seal did as well as a note which read To Mr Conner Nickerson. After the events with my nephew I have elected to provide you with this medallion for means of protection. The emblem it holds is the symbol my sister and I carry when visiting a foreign country and gives you the status of royalty. I advise you only show this in case of emergencies in order to avoid unnecessary attention. Sincerely Princess Celestia “Huh well that was nice of her.” I said unrolling the chain and placed it over my head and let it hang from my neck. The embroidery of the chain was a mix of gold and deep blue which I assumed represented the princesses but I still had yet to meet Celestia’s sister. Placing the documents back into the envelope and placedit iside my backpack. I pulled out my wallet and put my citizenship card into one of the slots behind my driver’s license. (just cuz i don’t have a car YET doesn’t mean I can’t have a licence) Twilight noticed it and walked closer “What’s that?” “oh my license. This is shows I have passed the requirements to drive a car. It would also be used to identify my body in case I was to die.” “Why wouldn’t they be able to identify your body?” The last comment obviously didn’t sit well with her. “Well because in my world it isn’t uncommon for a person’s body to be so mangled that you can’t tell who they are by looking at them and that mostly happens in car crashes.” “Why would you drive something that could do that to you?” She asked “It would only happen if I was careless besides I don’t have enough money to buy a car yet.” I decided to end the conversation and switch to a new topic. “So what now?” Smooth “Well I guess we should escort you to your new home. Celestia informed me that you will be staying in ponyville which is where Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and myself also live. This way you can have freedom but also be nearby me in case I need some more samples or decide to run more tests.” I was beginning to feel like a lab rat. “Huh how convenient.” I said as I swung my backpack over my shoulders and gripped the handle bars on my bike as I walked with the five mares and Flash through the halls of the castle. We were met with the rest of Twilight’s personal guard once we reached the outer gate. Making our way through town was…..interesting……my appearance had caused many dramatic reactions and looks of disgust but I decided to let it slide. Thankfully no one was throwing food at me yet but several ponies did approach Twilight asking if ‘the exotic ape was up for sale and how much they would need to pay’. I simply ignored that group of ponies and waved to the groups of children or foals that were staring at me with wonder and not judgment. That is one of the reasons I love kids, they have an unbiased view on life and are always receptive to new information that in turn shapes who they are as adults. I walked past the group of foals with my bike making the small clicking noises it always does when you pull it along side you, and through the streets until we reached the train station and Flash held up some papers to the Stallion behind the ticket counter and immediately several tickets were handed out. I started following the group but the ticket stallion halted us “um excuse me princess twilight I’m sorry but your pet here is going to have to ride I the animal car.” ‘Stay cool he is just ignorant’ I thought to myself before turning to the stallion “Look while I understand you are just doing your job I’m not her pet. I’m just a guy who is trying to get to his new home” my apparent ability to speak shocked the stallion. “o-o-oh m-my apologies sir I didn’t mean to offend you” I shrugged “Hey like I said you are just doing your job. No harm done” I said leaning down and patting him gently on his shoulder. We boarded the train as everypony seemed to scoot away from me.I was also so tall by pony standards that my head was actually bumping against the ceiling of the train car.So I just leaned my bike against the one side of the train and sat down in one of the surprisingly spacious seats as I heard somepony yell “All aboard who’s coming aboard.” thirty seconds later the train lurched forwards and I was on my way to my new place of residency. > First impressions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To say the train ride was awkward would be a massive understatement. The whole time I could feel the pairs of eyes staring at me as passengers got on and off the train at each stop. I did my best not to stare at anypony since I didn’t want to be rude or scare them like I had a few others. To many ponies surprise the firs one to actually talk to me was a young unicorn colt who slowly walked up to me while his parents seemed to be busy arguing or something. “U-um excuse me mister alien….b-but are you here for world domination.” The question was so random but coming from a foal it seemed to make sense that he would ask that. Though my rationalization did absolutely nothing to stop me from laughing. “HAHAHAHA oh oh boy that’s a good one” I said as I still snickered a bit but the colt just stood there staring at me. I simply smiled as warmly as I could “No kid I’m not here for world domination I’m actually here on vacation since my world is soooooo boring.” I fibbed so he wouldn’t ask questions. For some reason he smiled and lit up his horn and pulled out a piece of paper and a box of crayons from the bag he had slung over his back. “C-Could I please have your autograph mister alien?” How could I say no when he asks like that, he even said please. “Sure thing kid, what’s your name?” “My name is Show Time.” He said proudly puffing out his chest a bit. I lifted a crayon out of the box and began to write To Show Time, Never stop believing and always aim high. Your alien friend, Conner Nickerson. I finished it by tracing my hand on the papers open space before handing it back to him. He thanked me and went back to his parents holding the paper in his magical grip. Everypony was looking at me, some in surprise and others in relief that I didn’t hurt the foal. Nopony said anything for awhile so I pulled my bag into my lap and unzipped it and sifted around for my Ipod. Twilight leaned over my shoulder with a raised eyebrow as I pulled it out and the always thoroughly tangled apple headphones. After about a minute I had the buds in my ears and was cycling through my library before deciding on playing ‘young’ by Hollywood undead. As the music began I sighed and let myself relax, closing my eyes and sitting back in my seat. Halfway through the song I felt a hoof against my shoulder and cracked an eye to see twilight nudging me. I took out one of my earbuds and turned to her “What’s up?” “Um what exactly are those things in your ears?” “Oh these are ear buds. I use them so I can listen to my music without bothering anyone” “So that box is one of those uh oh what did they call it….oh yes mp3 players.” “Well this specific type of mp3 player is called an ipod….hey how did you know this thing was a music player anyway?” “Well uh i-it’s a long story.” I raised an eyebrow at her statement and paused the song. It was obvious there was something she wasn’t telling me and I wanted to know what “Well I’ve got time, so care to elaborate?” said in a rather dark and irritated tone. Flash was eyeing me with a “don’t try anything” stare and heard the rustling of armor as the other guards were shifting in their seats to probably position their weapons for attack. I looked back at flash “I’m just asking her a question. No need to get so worked up.” I said looking back at twilight who held a nervous look on her face before speaking. “W-wel you see……you actually aren’t the first human to come to equestria. There have been others and that’s how I learned what an mp3 player is.” I thought about it for a minute. It would make sense that that was how she knew about an mp3 player plus if they had used other spells like the one that brought him here it is possible other humans have been here. I shrugged and sat back in my seat closing my eyes again “I guess that makes sense. Sorry for being so abrasive?” “I-It’s fine” twilight said sighing as I put my earbuds back in and continued to listen. The rest of the train ride was mostly spent with me listening to my music and answering pinkie pies questions about parties in my world along with rainbow dash’s questions on extreme sports. After elaborating on raves, sky diving and other aspects to my world the train finally pulled into the ponyville station. The guards were the first to file out of the car and formed a half circle around the train car’s entrance. The six mares and myself were next and we quickly began to make our way through town. Twilight wasn’t kidding about the ponies in ponyville. The moment one saw me she began screaming and that caused others to scream. They ran around like madmen and scrambled towards the nearest doorway until the entire town seemed deserted in under ten seconds. “wow,” was all I said as I walked with the others. I could see several ponies peering through windows and at one point saw two ponies in radiation suits. “Just wow.” “Told you.” Twilight said as the group continued. “Is it always like this whenever somepony new comes to town?” I asked her. “Only when they aren’t a pony” She replied. “Racist much?” I asked rhetorically. “And I repeat. Told you.” Finally we made it to the address written on the deed. It was an average sized house at least by my standards and shared the same architecture as the rest of the town. Applejack gave a whistle “Wheewy, the princesses sure are generous givin yall a place like this. I reckon the place is barely a year old” “I’ll say. The symmetry and sleek design is very befitting of a royal citizen to say the least. Oh what I wouldn’t give to live in a place like this.” Rarity said in a dreamy voice as I walked up to the door. “Don’t get me wrong I’m grateful for the house but to me it doesn’t seem that much different from the others in town.” The others gasped and I simply shrugged. “What my dad always told me to never worry about how something looks but to worry about how well it works so for me, a house is just a house.” There were two keys tied to the knob and I pulled them off before inserting one into the deadbolt in the door and unlocking it. Before pushing open the door I sighed. “Home sweet home I guess.” I took my backpack off of my shoulders and held it in my left hand as I opened the door with my right. I heard the clattering of armor and turned to see my entourage of guards heading back towards the train save for Flash Sentry. “Why are they leaving?” I asked him. “They were more of a PR stunt so nopony would over react to seeing you. Besides I’m confident I could at least hold you back until re-enforcements arrived if you got out of hand.” “That wasn’t over reacting?” “Not even close” he said rolling his eyes as if recalling a past event. Walking in with the others I realized something “Hey what happened with…..uh I think she said her name was Pinkie Pie? I haven’t seen her since she zoomed out of the infirmary” after a second of moving my hand over the wall I found that the light switch was much lower than normal. “Let there be light” I said flipping on the lights. “SURPRISE” a practical choir of ponies screamed making me jump back “SON OF A.” I was cut off as my feet caught the door frame and made me fall back out the door onto my back with a thud but thankfully I didn’t land on anypony. Before I could get my barrings I felt something slam onto my chest knocking the wind from me. Turns out the something was Pinkie Pie. “hahahaha your so silly you should be happy when we say SURPRISE not act all scared. But I guess we did surprise you so HURRAY the plan was a success. Now without further delay LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED.” she yelled in excitement and bounced off of me and darted back into the house as loud dubstep began to play….wait they have dubstep!!?!??. Once again my mind tried to process this new information but I settled on this world having specific era pools of technology. I was on the floor for another 30 seconds with a few ponies asking if I was alright before my lungs finally re inflated with air making me give a loud gasp. Once I stopped panting I stood back up and walked into the house, being careful not to trip again. Once inside I noticed the entire place was set up like a birthday party with a punch bowel and several cakes as well as other snacks placed across various tables. The music was coming from a set of tall and very very loud speakers with a white unicorn with a bright neon blue mane that looked like it had electricity running through it ( I can never do a good description of vinyl’s mane). She was wearing large purple shades and darting her hooves back and forth over the records she was mixing with. “Hm impressive.” I said to myself but didn’t really feel like dancing at the moment. However once I took a look at the cakes my stomach began to growel and I realized I hadn’t eaten anything all day. Slowly I made my way over to the cakes and cut myself a decent slice before sitting at one of the tables and began to eat. From the first bite I could honestly say that it was the best cake I had ever had. It was so moist and the flavor was just right. Not to strong not to faint but just right. After I finished what I have now dubbed euphoria cake, a few ponies walked up to me and introduced themselves. I chatted with several ponies for the next few hours over small topics like hobbies, occupations, and local hotspots along with a few job opportunities. Nothing major, mostly blue collar work like construction and things like that. I did need a job if only not to feel like I am mooching off of the princesses generosity. That reminds me I will need to stop at the bank tomorrow to unlock the account I was given. To be honest I was surprised at the complete 180 everypony’s attitude took at the party compared to how they acted in town. A few of the ponies actually came up to apologies and I told them it was fine. People always tell me I’m to forgiving but I never like to dwell on negative thingsso I figure it’s easier to forgive and forget. A few hours later and ponies began to depart but I made sure to pass out as much leftover cake as I could since I knew I would end up eating it if I kept it. I had even signed a few more autographs for some foals After the last group of ponies had left I noticed the unicorn DJ was still packing up her equipment so I figured I’d give her a hand. “looks heavy want some help” “Sure just don’t break anything.” “No promises.” I joked to which she smirked. “Oh a wise guy huh. I like that. The name is Vinyl Scratch but most ponies call me by my stage name DJ Pon-3” she said extending a hoof which I gladly shook. “Well Vinyl it is a pleasure to meet you. The name is Conner Nickerson I have to admit I’m impressed that this world has dubstep like in mine.” I said unhooking a few cables from one of the speakers and hefted it over my shoulder as she levitated one in her magic. “You mean hoofstep? Yeah me and my friend neon lights started making it awhile ago for fun and it just started blowing up to the point that now we even have our own music genre.” “Must be nice to have created a whole new kind of music.” I followed her out the front door to a cart with a harness on the one end which I’m assuming was where a pony would be hooked up to pull it. Carefully I set the speaker in the cart and watched as her magic effortlessly did the same thing. “Oh yeah it’s great but I just wish it didn’t have to be so demanding. What with the constant requests and deadlines from my sponsors and all. I can’t remember the last time me and my roommate even had a simple night out together. But hey a mare’s gotta do what a mare’s gotta do am I right.” She sighed and we walked back into the house and began winding up cables “Heh reminds of the SAT’s at my high school.” “What’s that?” she asked. “it is this really important test that students take in order to get into better colleges to be honest that one test pretty much makes or breaks your chances of getting into a good college.” “You have got to be bucking me. One test determines something that big?” she said in disbelief. “yup I remember being so focused on studying for it that I pretty much had to block everyone else out of my life.” “Wow human school sounds rough.” “Trust me it’s brutal.” we made a few more trips before vinyl spoke again. “So how did you do?” she asked as picked up the pile of wound cables and brought it to the cart. “What do you mean?” “The SAB’s or whatever. How did you do?” she asked again lifting her shades up to show her eyes which were a similar color to Rainbow Dash’s “It’s SAT and I actually scored in the top eighty percent which is really good if I do say so myself, so I’m not worried about college” I said and then realized the test’s score meant nothing here “Well at least I wasn’t anyway.” The depression in my voice was obvious as I hoisted the cables into the cart and vinyl set her mixing board and the box of records she had used at the party in it as well. I guess she was trying to cheer me up a bit by bumping her flank against my hip kinda like giving someone a pat on the back. “Hey don’t feel bad. You’re in Equestria now, you get a chance to start a new life, make new friends. Enjoy yourself, live it up. Besides if you are as smart as you say you are you could easily get into a university here. plus since you are the only human you could expect scholarships to be basicly thrown at you.” she said. She made a lot of good points and when she was done she looked at me with a friendly smile which I returned. “Thanks. I needed that.” “Anytime. I hate seeing another pony doubting themselves. Well I should get going, it was nice meeting you Conner. Oh and if you ever need a DJ for another party you better call me ok?” “likewise and I will.” She hooked herself up to the cart and began to pull it with her back to her home. I walked back into the house with a sigh as I locked the door behind me. “A new life…..that does actually sound pretty nice.” I said and walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water before grabbing my backpack and heading upstairs into the nearest of the two bedrooms, set myglass on the nightstand and flopped onto the bed which was surprisingly around my size and felt like a cloud. I closed my eyes and let five minutes go by before realizing that I still hadn’t checked to see if my laptop worked. I shot up and fumbled with the zippers of my bag until it opened up to show my electronic bible (figuratively speaking). I kept everything on my laptop. My favorite videos, movies, scripts I had been writing, games for when I was on the road, I even had adobe premier elements11 on here which I used whenever my PC wasn’t available. Crossing my fingers I hit the power button and to my joy it lit up like it always does. Next came the usual displays as the laptop set itself up and finally the lock screen came into view thouh there were several discolored pixels but I just thanked god the device was working as I unlocked it and smiled as my usual screensaver appeared. Deciding against wasting the battery I put it in sleep mode and placed it under the bed while screams of joy rang in my head. It wasn’t until now that I noticed just how exhausted I was so i striped to my boxers and then crawled into bed and was out in seconds. > Fine Tuning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning I awoke to the distant sound of a knock on the door. “mmmmm mom five more minutes ok I swear I won’t be late.” I said half asleep and not realizing I’m still in equestrian. The knocking sounded again but with a quicker pace making me grunt in annoyance “Mom I’m fine. Stop with the knocking” I said just as the knocking sounded once more. Giving an irritated sigh I opening my eyes and sat up. My eyes were only half open and my vision was blurred since I didn’t have my glasses on which I quickly fixed as I picked them off of the nightstand and placed them in their rightful place on the bridge of my nose. “Alright im up I’m……” stopping mid-sentence I realized that I wasn’t in my room at home but rather my room in equestria. My entire being seemed to become depressed as the reality of this not being a dream, of me not being able to go home, not being able to see my friends or my loving parents for god only knows how long, and especially of not being able to do a single fucking thing about it dug its way so painfully into my chest a few silent tears began to roll down my cheeks. The silent tears turned into sniffles but I managed to composed myself before it could turn into sobbing with several deep breaths. It was then I remembered what vinyl had said to me last night; about how this was a fresh start and that I should live it up. The phrase “live it up” brought a slight smile to my face as I tried to recall the last time I had heard anyone say it. She was right though. Granted my situation sucks but I should be looking at the pro’s and not the con’s of all this. My dad had always said to make the best of what you are given. That quote had always worked for me before so I see no reason it shouldn’t work now. Taking a deep breath I sighed and stood up, grabbing my clothes off of the floor and pulled my shirt over my head and was in the middle of putting my pants on when I heard the knocking sound again though this time it was more like a slamming sound. “Shit that was real?” Having thought it was just a part of my half conscious mind I’d completely forgotten about it. Whoever was at the door was obviously not happy that I was making them wait. I pulled up my pants and quickly made my way down the stairs and across the living room to the front door unlocking it. The moment it opened I heard what I thought was a collective gasp from several ponies. My assumption was correct as I could see a small crowd of them forming a semi circle about ten meters or so from the house. “Is something the matter?” I asked them wondering why they looked so scared. There was a high pitched *SQUEE* from right in front of me that made me jump and look down. Directly under my line of sight was a mint green unicorn mare who had the look of a child on Christmas morning plastered to her face. There was an awkward pause of silence between us as I looked from her to the crowd and back. ‘do they think I’m gonna hurt her?’. I noticed the mint unicorns irises were a vibrant yellow-gold a very much like the eyes of a claymore when it uses it’s yoki aura at ten percent and up, save for the fact that hers didn’t have vertical pupils like a predator. Roughly a minute passed before I spoke “can i….help you?” I asked raising an eyebrow. The mare responded by jumping into the air, cheering and dancing around screaming. “I KNEW IT I KNEW IT THEY ARE REAL THEY ARE REAL I WAS RIGHT. AFTER ALL THOSE YEARS OF STUDYING I FINALLY HAVE PROOF” she continued like that for awhile before walking back over to me barely able to compose herself. she cleared her throat before speaking “u-uh um h-h-hello mister…….Human……m-mm-my name is Lyra H-Heartstrings” she seemed to take her time with the word human as if saying it was a taboo or something. Slowly as she spoke she began to stutter less and was eventually speaking normally “a-a-and I’m a a student at canterlot University. My current major is, well…..you, or more specifically your species.” “Okaaaaayy” i was rather curious to see where this was heading ‘twilight did say I wasn’t the first human to come to Equestria so I shouldn’t be surprised there is a field of study about us. Though she said she was trying to obtain a degree in mythology. If humans had been here before wouldn’t she be trying to get a degree in anthropology or history…...’I went off into my own world of thought before Lyra continued bringing me back to reality. “And I am currently in the middle of writing my thesis on human instinct and morality but everything I’m basing it off of are simple stories and nursery rhymes so I doubt I would have a chance at getting published.” She took a breath and her eyes went up and down my body in what I can only describe as immense curiosity and wonder before she re focused her eyes on mine. “But if I could have the backing of a living human to prove to the world they do exist, I could show them my research isn’t wasted or pointless or unbeneficial to society. So what I’m trying to say is………can you please help me? I know we don’t know each other b-but It would just be a few questions and maybe you could look over my research and tell me what you think? I-I’d be willing to pay you for your time even.” she had replaced her beaming smile with a pleading look of desperation and hope. I thought about everything she had said. I could tell by the way she spoke that her research had been given a lot of grief by others which is understandable if she really was basing a whole thesis on such flimsy info. I didn’t have a thing to lose by helping her so I shrugged and held my hand out for her to shake. “If tonight is ok with you, I’d be happy to help out with your thesis Lyra. Why don’t you bring your research here tonight and we can go over it then, sound good?” her pupils seemed to expand by an impossibly unnatural amount before she jump up high enough that we were eye level and wrapped her hooves around me. “OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH THAT’S PERFECT THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU” her tail swung wildly and she once more let out an adorable high pitched *SQUEE*. I couldn’t help but chuckle at the childish behavior. Though after thirty seconds it started to get weird. Apparently she was in her own world or something like that as she still clung to me “uh…..Lyra you mind?” I asked her as she seemed to come back to reality with a blush and hopped back to the ground not making eye contact. “S-sorry about that i-I just got excited and i…..i’m sorry” she lowered her head in embarrassment “it’s fine but the hug just got a bit too long is all. So I’ll see you tonight, how does sunset sound?” “That would be perfect” she said before looking me in the eyes “thank you again. You have no idea how much this means to me.” she said before turning to run off. “She seems nice.” I said to myself, closing the door and heading back up to my room. I yawned which in turn made my eyes water. I rubbed my palms over my eyes to wipe away the moisture and then ran my fingers through my hair and felt the layer of grease that was a result of me not having taken a shower since I got here which meant I probably stank too. “I hope they have plumbing here.” I rationalized that if they had electrical lighting then there had to be other modern commodities. Sure enough I got my answer as I opened the door next to the closet in my room to see tub with hot and cold nobs and a faucet. Unfortunately the tub itself looked too small for me to actually lie in but thankfully there was a stand in shower big enough for me. I opened the door to the shower and looked in to find a plastic basket with several bottles that held a strange form of writing on the labels. It was probably some foreign brand. Either way I shrugged and examined the rest of what was in the basket. A few bars of soap, a brush and comb for the mane and coat most likely, and……oh god please tell me I’m wrong. In the back corner of the basket were five of what looked like condom wrappers. I picked one up and sure enough I could feel the ring of rolled up latex. In that moment it clicked in my mind why the shower was big enough to fit me. it wasn’t this big for show it was like that for when two ponies wanted to get intimate with each other. Looking back at the wrapped condom in my hand I noted it was the same size as a condom from earth. ‘hm maybe I might be able to us-‘ “Hold on hold on hold on was I actually gonna think that. God I know I want a girlfriend but really?” I said dropping the still wrapped condom back into the basket. I then grabbed a towel from the towel rack and set it by the showers door for when I got out. I then stripped and stepped back into the shower shutting the door and turning on the water. At first it came out freezing cold which I should have seen coming but then it slowly turned warm as I adjusted the knobs for the temperature. Giving a relaxed sigh I let the water wash over me and then I remembered how It felt while being sucked through the sink hole portal. My body shook at the memory, at the fact that I had pretty much resigned myself to death then. I clenched my fists and jaw but that sent a rippling pain through my still broken molars. I hunched over and placed a hand to my cheek “Fuuuuuuuuck that hurts. I should have gotten the address of the dentist when Fluttershy mentioned her. I guess I’ll go look for her office later” I said forgetting about the memory of the sink hole and picked up one of the bottle in the basket. It had the outline of a pony with a flowing mane which I assumed meant it was for mares and that freaky foreign writing was on it but I shrugged and popped the cap. Even if it was for mares it was still shampoo so it would do the same as guys shampoo. I rubbed the shampoo into my hair and worked it into every nook and cranny that was my scalp before rinsing it out. Once that was done i unraveled a bar of soap and ran it over my wet skin until I was fully lathered in every area my arms could reach. I closed my eyes as I let the water wash the soap from me and once I was done rinsing off I turned off the water and reached for the towel and began drying myself off inside the shower. i made my way over to my clothes which still laid on the floor and put them on. Once out of the bathroom I gave another yawn and stretched a bit before grabbing my backpack and my ipod and heading out the front door of the house. Locking the door behind me I went over to my bike which I had leaned against the wall. I flipped up the kickstand and sat on it and placed my one foot on a pedal while I used my other foot to remain upright. The pedals weren’t exactly comfortable due to the tiny plastic spikes on the pedals for creating greater traction digging into my soles but i ignored it and pushed off and began to pedal my way down the road. For a while I didn’t see anypony in the street but then I rounded a corner and squeezed the breaks skidding to a stop as I nearly ran into a large mass of ponies in what looked like a market district. Though now they were all staring at me. everything went quiet and I gulped, preparing for mass panic I was about to turn around to go down another road before I heard a familiar voice calling my name “Yo Conner wait up” I turned to see Vinyl trotting over to me with her large shades covering her eyes. She had a light smile on her face probably from absorbing the attention she was getting for walking right up to ‘the mysterious alien’ in front of everypony. I looked at the crowd seeing they had the same expressions as when Lyra had visited which helped confirm my suspicion. “Oh hey Vinyl what’s up?” “Meh nothing much. Octavia asked me to pick up some groceries for dinner tonight since she has to practice for a gig of her own tomorrow” “Who’s Octavia?” “She’s my roommate, and plays the cello. She is originally from Canterlot but moved here to Ponyville after a nasty break up.” “What happened?” “She hasn’t told me any of the details but I try not to pry since it isn’t my place to get involved. All she tells me is that she needed to get away from him as soon as possible. Aaaaaaaanyway what brings you out here? Getting a feel for the town?” she asked. “Sort of. I’m trying to find out where the dentist’s office is. I just can’t remember her name is all” “OH you mean Colgate, yeah I know where her office is. I’ll show you if you carry the groceries for me” she said giving me a smirk. I couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “Sounds fair to me.” I said and then she turned her attention to my bike “So what’s this thing? Looks like one of those bikes that rich ponies ride but why does it only have two wheels?” “Because it only needs two wheels.” “How does that work” “Lots of balance” I said and her jaw dropped a bit before a large smile appeared on her face. “That is so cool.” She said to which I rolled my eyes. “I guess” we began to walk towards the market but I stopped looking at the group of ponies still watching us. Vinyl lifted a hoof and gestured to me “What he’s cool. Stop acting like zombies.” There was a long pause and slowly ponies bean to pick up where they left off either chatting with one another or walking to the next stand or back home though plenty were still eyeing me. “Well at least they aren’t panicking.” I said to myself and began to pull my bike along with me next to Vinyl as she shopped for the food for dinner. Once she was done i was hefting a very full paper bag of fruits and vegetables in one arm and leading my bike with the other. It was only a five minute walk until we got to Vinyl’s house and I set my bike against the front wall as she unlocked the door and led me inside. Once the door opened I could immediately hear the sound of a cello being played. It was a pleasant tune and began to pick up its tempo to the point where I was surprised one could play that quickly with hooves. “She’s really good.”quickly finding the kitchen i set the bag down on the table. “I know right. OCTIE I’M BACK” Vinyl yelled up the steps and the music stopped. I heard the sound of hoof steps as Octavia came down. She was an earth pony with a grey coat and a near black grey mane. Her eye color was a deep purple that stuck out in contrast to her coat and mane. Her face held an air of professionalism and seriousness to it which was rather imposing to say the least. “Oh hello vinyl, I trust you got everything on the list for tonight’s stew.” Her voice matched her stature perfectly and I couldn’t help but stare as she spoke. Vinyl nodded “Yup I got everything we’ll need and I also got a friend of mine to help me carry everything” she once again gestured to me and the second Octavia laid eyes on me her pupils shrunk and she jumped back with a gasp. Her knees buckled and she fell to her stomach. “V-VINYL WHAT IN TARTAROUS IS THAT THING” she screamed and buried her face in her hooves. I rolled my eyes and looked to see Vinyl on the floor laughing her ass off ‘I’ll bet she was expecting this to happen’ I sighed and walked over to the cowering pony crouching down and holding out my hand to her. She cringed and scooted away, her tail going between her legs as she began to shake. Vinyl’s laughter only grew as she slammed her hooves into the ground. I looked back at Octavia and sighed “You know I’m not gonna hurt you right?” she didn’t even look up. Vinyl finally composed herself and was wiping tears from her eyes “H-hey Octie relax, this is the guy I was telling you about from last night’s gig.” Octavia immediately shot her head up as she looked from me to Vinyl and back. Her face lit up with a deep red and she scrambled to stand up. “V-v-vinyl that wasn’t i-in an-anyway funny.” She said in a stammering voice. “Are you kidding me it was hilarious you looked like you were about to wet yourself again.” Octavia lowered her head in embarrassment as vinyl’s laughter started up again. “For what it’s worth you do look cute when you are scared?” Her head shot up to look at me with surprised eyes and an even deeper blush. “w-we-well I uh umm….” She cleared her throat and slowly held out a hoof “M-my name is Octavia Melody it’s……nice to meet you.” she said and then looked back at the floor. I simlply smiled and gently took her hoof in my hand and shook it before letting go “I’m Conner Nickerson and the pleasure is mine” I said. She just traced her hoof across the floor and mumbled something I couldn’t understand. Vinyl looked at Octavia and gasped “no way Octie you like him” Octavia went stiff and jerked her head towards vinyl. “WHAT i-I do not. I’ve only just met him and and and……” she was obviously stuck on what to say. “l-let’s just put the food in the fridge so it doesn’t spoil.” She said walking past me and got the food from the table and began putting it into a small fridge. "I heard you playing upstairs Octavia. I gotta say I had no idea anypony could play like that, it sounded amazing.” I could see a small smile appear on her face as I said that and continued to put the food away. “Why thank you Conner. It’s nice to see somepony has an appreciation for my talent.” She glares at vinyl “What so I’m not the biggest fan of classical. Sue me.” she says We finished stocking the fridge and vinyl and I turned to leave but before we could get to the door Octavia stopped us. “Now hold on a minute. if you are gonna introduce me to somepony the least you could do is stay for a small cup of tea before you leave.” the thought of hot water against my broken teeth made me shudder as I turned to her. “Maybe some other time Octavia I actually have to get to a dental appointment now but perhaps tomorrow we can have that cup of tea ok?” she let out a sigh before lowering her hoof. “Very well I won’t keep you.” she said walking back to the kitchen to make herself something. I felt vinyl flick her tail against my hand as she motioned to the door. “It was nice meeting you Octavia” she turned to look at me and I swear I saw her blush “Likewise. Do take care of yourself now” she said as we headed out the door. I grabbed my bike and walked with vinyl leading the way towards the dentists “You know you caught her eye right?” she said to me. I blushed lightly at the thought. “Oh come on. How could anypony have feeling for me? I’m not even a pony and she just met me” “Yeah but you called her cute and you said her music was amazing. Most stallions just approach her because of her looks not her talent and when they do tell her about her talent it is usually just about a job. Trust me you made a good first impression.” my face only seemed to get redder as she said this. “I-I was just being honest.” I stammered and she only laughed “You shouldn’t be embarrassed dude she is a real catch. Any stallion would feel lucky just to call her a friend.” “If you say so.” I said trying not to sound like I cared as we got to Colgate’s dental office. “Well here we are. I’ll see you around. And don’t forget to come by tomorrow or Octavia will be pissed.” She said trotting off as I walked inside the offices front door. After the receptionist stopped freaking out she gave a sign in sheet and said that Colgate would be with me soon. Filling out the sheet I took a seat in the waiting room and picked up a magazine and began to read to myself. > Wrong place Right time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking out of Colgate’s office I slid my tongue over my newly reformed teeth.No matter how many times I go over it in my head I am still impressed. It had only taken Colgate a few minutes calmed down to let me explain why I was there and fix my teeth. She had me open my mouth and cringed at the sight of my canine’s asking if I ate meat to which I nodded but informed her that I don’t eat anything sentient. This calmed her a bit as she spread a white paste over the broken teeth and told me to wait. Thirty seconds went by and my mouth began to burn like a hot coal had just been placed inside. My body heaved a few times while I fought back a scream of pain. I gave Colgate a scared look and she calmly told me it was all a part of the process. There was a series of sickening cracking sounds radiating from my mouth making me feel like someone was pounding my teeth into dust before everything stopped. Just like that, all the pain just stopped and I looked at the blue unicorn for a moment and as if she read my mind she held up a small mirror in her magic. Pulling back my lips I saw that my broken molars were now completely filled and looked as if nothing had even happened. I swear this unicorn was psychic because before I even asked she told me that the paste was one of the potions a zebra named Zecora made for her. It apparently could repair any broken bone to its original shape and strength in only a few seconds. Once my mind was done processing the complete impossibility of that, I shrugged and thanked her for her time, choosing not to think about it and just roll with it. I informed her that I would be able to pay for the procedure (if that is what you call it) once I opened my bit bank account. She nodded saying that as long as I got the money to them within the next few days it would be fine ‘damn these ponies are generous’. After Colgate gave me instructions to the bank I grabbed my bike and began to pedal. “Let’s see, 218 219 ah 220.” I said breaking in front of a two story building with a sign that read “Mr. Rich’s Bank of Equestria” “I guess this is the place.” I propped my bike on it’s kickstand and took a deep breath before walking inside the bank. As per usual everything went quiet as everypony starred at me. I ignored the whispers of the patrons and made my way over to one of the tellers, catching the metal gate before he could slam it shut. The stallion began to shake as he looked up at me. “P-p-please we-we don’t want any trouble.” “And neither do I. I’m just here to unlock an account.” A few moments passed and the stallion lifted up the gate and cleared his throat. “S-so sorry about that. I wasn’t aware you were a customer. So you say you need to unlock an account? I assume you have the correct paperwork?” I nodded and grabbed the forms from my bag and handed them to him. His tail wrapped around a pen and flipped it into the air before he caught it in his mouth giving a sly smile. I smiled and gave a quiet golfers clap. “Impressive” “Years of practice. Now let’s get to it.” He said pulling the papers out of the envelope and looking over them while he scribbled a few things here and there before heading over to a bunch of filing cabinets and pulled out some other forms and had me sign those before he handed me a new card with the accounts basic info. “Now this is a umm …..elite class account and since it is not uncommon for ponies to uh……obtain papers like these through less than legal means i-it’s my job to ask if you have proof that your status matches the accounts heh heh.” he said obviously getting nervous. More than likely there had been other ponies who’ve exploded in his face when he had asked this. After maybe thirty seconds of thought I snapped my fingers –a gesture that went over the clerk’s head as he raised an eyebrow- and reached into my shirt to pull out the necklace emblem I had been given. His eyes immediately went wide as he looked over the emblem and immediately stepped back to bow but ended up smacking his face on the counter making me and the co-worker next to him cringe ‘ouch’. “P-please forgive my unprofessional behavior your majesty. I had no idea you were a member of the royal bloodline.” ‘So it’s a family crest. That would explain why celestia asked me not to flaunt it around too much. Probably so I didn’t turn into someone like BlueBlood’ I shuddered at the thought of being like him. I could tell all eyes were on me once again. The term ‘your majesty’ actually made me blush a bit (needless to say I had never been called that before) as I noticed the clerks nose was dripping blood as he stood back up. I looked around and found a box of tissues to my left and grabbed one tearing it in half and bundling it up. “Look buddy relax I…… I’m more of a long lost and very distant relative so there is no need to get worked up around me, and as far as I’m concerned I’m just a normal citizen like everypony else so you don’t have do the whole bowing down to me thing.” I then reached over and to many ponies surprise used one half of the tissue to wipe the blood from his muzzle and gently stuffed the other half into his bleeding nostril. “There that should stop the bleeding. Just wait maybe fifteen minutes before taking it out to be safe.” The clerk just stood there shocked at my actions. There was a lot of gasping going on and I think at one point I heard somepony faint but I ignored it and looked at the teller like nothing had happened. “so uhh is there anything else I need to fill out or is that it?” “I uh um well o-of course Mister..Ni-Nickerson” he said looking back at the forms I had signed to get my name. He still seemed a bit shaken from everything that had happened but once again he began to come back to his professional “T-then in twenty four hours you can withdraw your bits. until then I hope you have a nice day.” “You too.” I said putting my bank account card into my backpack. I turned and headed for the door but as I did five ponies black ski masks walked in “Oh this can’t be good.” I said as my paranoid side kicked in and slipped behind a pillar as the group reached the center of the bank’s lobby “Everypony this is a hold up. All of you on the ground NOW.” The one who was apparently in charge yelled as two of his comrades being unicorns blasted a spell pinning everypony to the ground except the robbers and myself as the aura passed over me in a dusty *poof*. “Well this day just got more interesting.” I mumbled to myself as I peered around the pillar I was hiding behind. From what I could gather the two unicorns were still using their magic to cast the spell holding everypony down while another two earth ponies with crowbars began to try and force their way into the bank vault at the back. The last one who I originally thought was a Pegasus turned out to be what I can only assume is a griffon with the lion tail eagle claws and I could safely bet he was the leader from all the commands he was shouting and the lack of work he was doing. ‘well shit now griffons are real. What’s next talking dragons’ Staying behind the pillar I took several deep breaths to keep my cool and prevent my instincts from taking over which would result in me A. Making a run for it. Or B. Being a hero. “Relax just relax. It’s a simple robbery, they covered their faces so they probably aren’t gonna kill the hostages when they’re done, and they don’t seem to have any weapons anyway. Just sit down and wait it out until their gone and nopony will get hurt.” I whispered this to myself until I heard the loud noise of something metallic breaking. “Oh please tell me I’m wrong.” I said turning to see one of the earth ponies dropping his now broken crowbar to the ground. ‘Oh fuck you universe’ I cursed in my head ducking behind the pillar again. The lead began screaming again “What in the ruffled primary feathers is taking you led heads so long?” “Th-the door sir it’s to heavy and it has one of them fancy digi-whatchamacalit locks.” said one of the earth ponies. ‘Great now they are gonna get desperate and look for the owner or manager…….man I spend way too much time on Netflix ’ Sure enough the griffon starts to look around before pointing to a brown stallion with a black pulled back and greased mane “I suppose luck is on my side today. Mr. Rich himself…..and with his daughter none the less.” ‘Oh fuck. Things did not just take that turn.’ looking over towards the robbers as one of the earth pony thugs walks over to the stallion who is holding a trembling pink filly under his hooves. As the thug got closer, the apparent Mr.rich pulled his daughter closer to him “You touch her and I swear to bucking Celestia i…” he couldn’t get another word out before receiving a solid kick to his muzzle. A sickening crunch could be heard as Mr. Rich hit the floor coughing and clutching his face, a pool of blood forming around his head as the thug who hit him scooped up the now crying filly bringing her over to the griffon. “Get your filthy hands of me you immoral flankholes.” She screamed and flailed trying to hit her captor. ‘gotta say the kid has courage.’ “And what if I say no?” the griffon says roughly holding her by the back of her neck as he trails a claw over her throat. “Just so you know I could easily slit your throat and be done with you at any time so if I were you I WOULD SHUT UP.” his booming voice reducing the filly to a sniffling, shaking mess. “Good girl. Now Mr. Rich would be so kind as to open the vault for us or do I have to spell out my instructions with your daughters blood?” he said and pressing his clawed finger into her neck but not hard enough to break the skin. As all of this was happening I had slipped my butterfly knife from my bag and into my pocket as I was slowly making my way around the side of the bank from pillar to pillar until I was at the entrance only three feet behind the two unicorns who were mumbling to one another. Several bank patrons were eyeing me and I held a finger to my mouth trying to let them know to be quiet. They quickly averted their gaze as I came up behind the two unicorns and dropped my bag with a loud enough thud to draw their attention as they turned to look up at me. I held up my hand and twiddled my fingers “Hi how ya doing?” I ask before I quickly reached down and slam their heads into one another. They fell to the ground unconscious and their magic dissipated allowing everypony to stand up and run as fast as they could out of the bank. The griffon turned with the filly still in hand…or claw I guess. The moment he saw me his eyes ran through a series of emotions that mainly consisted of confusion before they morphed to anger and he began to scream “YOU H-HOW DID YOU RESIST THEIR MAGIC. THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE. NO CREATURE CAN GO UNEFFECTED BY PONY MAGIC.” “Well after everything I’ve seen and been through I can honestly say nothing is impossible. Now I suggest you set the little girl down before things get ugly” the griffon just began to cackle before shooting me an evil grin. “Oh ho ho hooo looks like we have a deformed minotar trying to save the day. Tell me are you just compensating for your complete and utter lack of muscle with that inflated ego or do you actually think you can stop me?” I took a step forwards and he simply pressed his claw more firmly against the filly’s neck “ah ah ahhh you wouldn’t want my claw to slip now would you.” Biting my lower lip I sighed and took a step back. The griffon smiled “Wise choice.” He turned his back to me to re address Mr. Rich “Now, since the rest of our audience has left and are probably alerting the police as I speak I would like to kindly ask that you open the vault and retrieve box 35.” Cursing under his breath Mr. Rich made his way to the digital keypad and punched in a ten digit code. There was a series of clicks and thunks before the vault began to swing open slowly. The inside looked like the inside of any bank vault would appear to be. Several safety deposit boxes lining the walls with cheap florescent lighting. Mr. Rich pulled out a set of keys which were quickly swiped from his hooves by the griffons goons. Two minutes later they came out with a duffel bag that obviously held what they were looking for. The goons set the bag in front of the griffon whom I guess was smiling “perfect now it shall be returned to where it rightfully belongs.” The moment he bent down to inspect the contents of the bag I made my move. Rushing the griffon as fast as I could I sliped my knife out of my pocket flipping it open and before he had a chance to react I thrust the scarlet blade into the forearm that held the filly. His scream echoed around the marble interior of the bank as he flailed dropping the filly to the floor. She quickly scurried over to her father who wrapped his hooves around her and turned her head away from the scene. The griffon’s grabed me by the collar of my shirt and threw me over his head and slammed me to the ground knocking the wind from me. there was a loud tearing sound and when I opened my eyes I saw he held a good portion of my shirt in his claw. How he managed to do that I’m not sure but he still managed to do it. “GAAAAHHH YOU INSIGNIFICANT DEFORMED BASTARD. HOW DARE YOU.” He bellowed and raised his free claw to swipe at me “KNOW YOUR PLACE.” I brought my arms up just in time as the talons came down and sliced through my arms causing me to scream in pain. Before I could think of anything i felt something impact into my stomach sending me rolling across the floor to the two earth pony thugs who held me down by my now cut up and bleeding arms. The griffon was still clenching his wounded arm and after a moment grabbed the handle of my knife and pulled it out of his arm and wrapped it with the shredded pieces of my shirt. He snatched the duffle bag into his good arm and quickly walked over to me as I struggled to break free from the two holding me down but could do nothing as the gashes on my arm hurt too much and the two were more than happy to apply plenty of pressure to them but made sure not to get blood on themselves. “I’ve had enough of you. Boys why don’t you make sure our little friend here takes a nice and LONG nap before heading out to meet me ok?” The two nodded and looked at me with wicked smiles. Reaching down they take the shoulders of my shirt into their mouths and drag me into the vault room, my arms leaving a trail of blood behind me. They put me in the center of the room before letting go of me “I really hate to do this to ya bud, but you heard the boss.” One said as he slammed a hoof down onto my chest making me grunt and curl up in a ball as his friend gave me an equally hard kidney shot followed by one to the back of my head which gave me the biggest dizzy spell of my life. The beating had gone on for three minutes when they decided to take a break. “Damn this guy can take a hit.” Ignoring the pain that was coming from my arms I rolled onto my stomach and slowly managed to stand up. I could tell I had lost a lot of blood from how cold the room was beginning to feel and from how much was clinging to my chest from laying in a puddle of it that had formed over the course of the beating. The stallions looked at me “Oh ready for round two are you?” one said as he got closer. I gave him a defiant look and spat a bit of blood that was in my mouth at him. It landed on his face and he flinched trying to wipe it off. “Gah you disgusting animal.” he said turning around to kick me again to which I held up my hands to block the attack. However as he reared back there was a slight crinkling noise like when ice begins to crack under someone’s weight as he began to wobble slightly. He then lifted his back legs to kick me but instead he stumbled and fell to his side. He began to flail his legs and twist his body in what I can assume was an attempt to stand up but he seemed to have lost all sense of balance. “Wh-what the tartarous did you do tho me you fweak of nathure” he said as a slur (or would it be a lisp) started to form in his voice like he was drunk. This confused everyone including me. As far as I knew my body only cancels out magic from unicorns why would my blood effect an earth pony…..unless they had magic too, but then how would that work? The other earth pony was holding his partner trying to shake him out of whatever was happening before turning to me “YOU MONSTER WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM, TELL ME.” I just stood there and looked at the stallion on the ground and then to my sliced up arms. The bleeding and begun to slow a bit but blood still fell from my finger tips. Looking back to the stallion holding his partner I shrugged “i-I’m not really sure.” I then got an idea and swung my arm causing a small volley of blood to fling itself in the stallion’s direction. The droplets painted the stallion’s front and after only a few seconds he was exactly like the other stallion on the floor. Walking over to them I rubbed the back of my head not sure what my blood would do to them long term “i-it should wear off once you wash off the blood.” I said as I walked out of the vault room with my legs shaking and my vision blurred. I look to see the griffon with the duffle bag at his feet while he was fiddling with the makeshift bandages on his arm. I looked around through my blurred eyes, soon finding one of the broken crowbars the thugs had used to try and break open the vault earlier and picked it up. I slowly made my way closer to the griffon but the griffon eventually heard my footsteps and turned around. “About time you two go-“ he stopped as the crowbar I had been holding was now spinning towards him. He ducked out of the way rolling to his right and looked at me with enraged eyes. “Looks like I underestimated you cretin.” Walking closer I soon found myself standing between him and the duffle bag with god knows what inside it. “Yeah I guess you did.” We stared each other down for what felt like hours. Then he charged me using his wings to propel himself faster than I could react slamming a fist into my stomach making me spit out more blood which then coated the feathers on his arm and masked face. I gave a smirk expecting him to keel over like the others but he simply pulled his arm back and gave me another fist into my jaw sending me back a few steps and to the ground with a thud and…..a crunch. When I hit the ground i felt something solid jam into my back and looked down to see I had landed ontop of the duffle bag. “NOOOO YOU IDIOT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE” he screamed and threw me across the floor again ‘fuck this guy is strong’. I thought as I slammed into one of the pillars. Everything felt so cold and the pain began to dull along with my eyesight as I watched the griffon tear open the bag and hold the broken remains of a statue or something. He placed the pieces back into the bag and walked over to me with MY knife in hand. “All my hard work all the time I spent on this and you come along and BUCK IT ALL UP” he said raising the knife and I closed my eyes waiting for him to end me. CRASH CRASH CRASH CRASH CRASH CRASH I opened my eyes to see the windows around the room shattered as several Pegasus in gold armor with strange crossbow like weapons flew through hovering in the air and a river of other ponies in the same armor stormed through the front door with spears and swords surrounding us. “DROP THE WEAPON OR WE WILL END YOU BIRD BRAIN” yelled a familiar voice. I turned to see none other than Flash Sentry holding a sword in his mouth in what I guess was a fighting stance. “Bout…….fucking……time……… you showed……… up.” I said weakly allowing my body to relax and blacked out. > Discharge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giving a pained groan I slowly open my eyes. The first thing I recognized was the constant beep of a what I could only assume after years of watching “House” and “Greys anatomy” was a heart monitor. I brought a hand up to my face and found my glasses were still on but looking down I saw I was in a hospital gown. Turning my head to the right I could see one wall of the room I was in had a large window that showed another room with several chairs facing my direction. Turning to my left I was faced with a bulletin board filled with papers and printed out versions of those crappy E-rays. Though in their defense these did show more detail than the ones before, must have worked hard to perfect them after my little conversation with twilight. I heard the sound of a door unlocking and the sound of hoofsteps. The light in the room behind the window to my right turned on and soon filled with ponies in nursing caps and others with scrubs. They were mumbling to themselves and many were taking notes ‘interns most likely’. Then they all turned their heads towards the door they had entered from as suddenly Lyra, Vinyl, Octavia, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Twilight, Flash, and Rarity burst into the room knocking several other ponies over as they looked at me through the window. I was unable to hold back a small chuckle at the scene they had made and gave them a quick wave. “And how are you feeling today Mr. Nickerson?” asked a nurse pony who was holding my charts and looking me over. She had a coat as white as celestia’s but it lacked the same……’glow’ would be my word of choice, and a mane that was a soft pink. Somehow I remembered this pony but I couldn’t quite remember how. “I’m feeling ok, can’t really complain I guess,……….e-excuse but have we met before?” I asked and she visibly cringed rubbing a hoof behind her head “Well yes in a manner of speaking…..i was……….sort of the one who tried to get you to sit down in the medical tent in Saddle Arabia.” She gave me a nervous smile and my eyes went wide. “Wait you were the one who kept jabbing my side when I first woke up?” she nodded and took a step back as if expecting me to lash out. I guess I surprised her when I smiled “Well it’s nice to finally see you clearly this time.” I said tapping my glasses in an attempt to lighten the mood. The nurse just simply stared at me trying to process my responce. “So…….h-how are things.” I asked trying to change the topic. This shook her from her daze as she quickly pulled out a Blood Pressure pad and wrapped it around my right arm before pumping it with air. “Um…It’s ok. I mean besides my assignment in saddle arabia things have been rather quiet. Though I suppose I should thank you.” “Why’s that?” “Well ever since I told a friend of mine the story about you, stallions have been practically lining up to get a date with ‘such a courageous mare like myself’.” “Glad I could help.” The two of us shared a short laugh. “So um…….” “Redheart” “Ah. So Ms. Redheart how much time do I have left?” I asked jokingly “Well you have four broken ribs, a mild concussion, the lacerations on your forelegs were deep but-“ “You mean my arms?” I corrected holding my bandaged arms up. “ So that is what you call them. Well we managed to close them after relocating you too the quarantine wing of the hospital….” Once again I cut her off. “Wait quarantine? Why am I quarantined?” “Well princess Twilight informed us that your body negates magic so we had to fix you up the Earth pony way. However the moment your blood touched the ones treating you they began to grow weak and almost seemed to be drunk. And by law that means we had to treat your blood as a toxin so we brought you here for treatment. Thankfully the effects your blood had on them went away once it was washed off and the doctors were able to treat you once they put on protective gear.” ‘Well that’s a relief.’ “……Other than that just a lot of bruising and other small cuts. I must say that from what the royal guard’s report of the robbery said I expected you to be much worse off. You sure are a tough one.” She smiled as she set the chart back and then began to gently run her hooves across my chest. Probably just checking if my bones are heaAHHHHH “Sorry guess that’s still tender. Fortunately for you while your body cancels magic, pain killers can still work their own.” She said moving over to a tray and picked up a syringe in her mouth with a yellow liquid and brought it over to my I.V. drip line and pushed the needle into the tube before depressing the plunger with her tongue and injecting the yellow serum into the stream of fluids entering my arm. Right away I felt my whole body warm up and relax, the pain becoming nearly unnoticeable as I gave a relaxed sigh. “Lucky me. so what happens now?” “Well we have no reason to keep you here so you are getting released, just try to take it easy while your ribs heal up ok?” “No promises.” I joked. She just rolled her eyes but still smiled and pulled over a cart with my belonging in it before turning around to leave when I noticed something. “Nice tattoo by the way.” “I’m sorry what?” she asked. “The tattoo on your back leg. It looks nice.” “Oh you mean my Cutie Mark? Why thank you for saying so.” “Cutie mark?” “You know the mark that represents your special talent……I’m surprised you don’t know considering you have one.” “What do you mean? Humans don’t get Cutie marks.” “Well then what’s that on your back.” She asked and I sighed. On my upper back between my shoulder blades was the symbol of the rebellion from the newer Devil May Cry video game “That’s a tattoo. It is sort of like painting on my skin but the ink is sort of injected into it.” “That sounds like it hurt.” “Meh it wasn’t that bad.” I said trying to act tough even though I may have screamed like a child when they started it…….I DON’T LIKE NEEDLES OK. But it was worth it when they were done cause it looks awesome. “Well like I said take it easy for a while and try not to get your blood on anypony.” She said “Don’t need to tell me twice. Oh uh how long was I out?” “About two days.” She answered walking out. Slowly sitting up I felt a prickling sensation in my chest but no pain. Considering I had several busted ribs and only felt a slight prickling did impress me. The last time I had been in a fight I had fractured my sternum. Even with my prescribed pain meds it hurt to even breathe. I got to my feet and was about to take off my hospital gown when I realized everypony in the other room was still staring at me. “Do you mind?” nopony even blinked. Realizing their curiosity outweighed their morals plus the fact that they don’t wear clothing that often if at all I knew that I now had an audience as I changed. Letting my gown fall to the floor I could see everypony gasp as they saw my battered and bruised body. The ponies in scrubs were writing notes but twilight and Lyra had them beat as they each levitated three quills and had already filled one scroll and were halfway into the next. I then noticed a few of them were blushing and remembered I was on FULL display. My arms became a blur as I grabbed my boxers and hastily put them on followed by my pants. I reached around and found my shirt was……still wrapped around the griffons bloody arm. I facepalmed and sighed realizing that I now needed to get new clothing. It was then I remembered rarities offer and would have to ask if it was still on the table. I looked through my bag and noticed my butterfly knife was missing. Double checking the pockets of the bag and pants I groaned. “Ok the last time I had it was when I stabbed the griffon in the arm but then he managed to get……it….away…from me” I sighed and facepalmed yet again “I really hate that griffon.”. The fucker probably still had it as some sort of trophey of maybe even a memento or just cause it looked cool ‘can’t blame him if that’s the case’. Whatever the reason I was now without one of my favorite possessions. Zipping up my bag I slung it over my shoulders and stepped out of the room. Rounding a corner I could see Mr. Rich with his daughter next to him sitting at a bench. He had bandages around his muzzle and a foreleg in a sling. Not sure what else to do I walked over to him and sat down. He noticed me walking over to him and smiled. I smiled back and noticed his daughter was asleep next to him. “You ok?” I asked He looked up at me and then gave a smile before gently scooting over to give me room to sit down which I did. “Oh yes just a broken muzzle and forehoof. I suppose I should count myself lucky that this was all I received.” He said brushing a hoof through his daughters mane before looking at me. “Thank you for everything you did i-If you hadn’t been there then diamond might have….” his voice began to get shaky, making it clear he was about to break down so I gently put a hand on his shoulder. “Hey look you’re both ok so you don’t have to think about what could of happened, besides now you have a good story to tell later in life.” I said in an attempt to calm him down. It seemed to work a bit as he stopped shaking and looked at his daughter taking a deep breath. I then noticed the nasty scars on my arms from where I had been sliced by the griffons claw. “And I also got some wicked scars out of it so I guess we all win.” He looked at me like I was crazy. “How is that a good thing?” “Scars are a lot like books in my mind. Each and every one has a story behind it that you carry with you and pass on to others…………..” “Well….if that is how look at it.” he said rubbing his bandaged hoof “She was really brave though.” “What do you mean?” “Your daughter. Hardly anypony where I’m from would struggle so much in a situation like that let alone a chi-I mean foal.” He then chuckled “She certainly takes after her mother.” “Don’t they always?” I joked and this time we both shared a laugh. “Listen if you need anything at all just let me know. It’s the least I could do for you.” the stallion said with a look of pure gratitude. “I couldn’t do that. I was just at the right place right time is all.” I said standing up only to have him grip my wrist with the fetlock of his working hoof and pull me back down into my seat. “I’m not letting you say no to this. You saved my daughter’s life and it would be an insult if you didn’t accept some kind of reward.” This stallion obviously had a lot of pride. Not wanting to be rude I thought about it for a second. I couldn’t just take his money or whatever else he had in mind but I also didn’t want to insult him as he said. “Hmmm how’s about you just owe me a favor in the future and we call it even?” He raised an eyebrow “A-are you sure? I-I could get you anything you wished out of life-“ I held up my hand to cut him off “Think of it like this. I saved you and your daughter’s life and by owing me this one favor you have the opportunity to save mine in the future and besides I really don’t need anything at the moment so as far as I see it that favor is as good as gold.” He tapped a hoof to his chin “As good as gold, I like that. Very well we have a deal.” He said holding out his hoof and I took it in my hand shaking it lightly. “I’m filthy rich by the way.” “Conner Nickerson, nice to meet you Mr. Rich.” I said standing up and made my way down the hall only to be bombarded by ponies. It took me a second to realize it was the girls and Flash Rainbow Dash was the first to reach me “Oh man you were so awesome, at least that’s what I got from what everypony else is saying but still you took on an entire group of robbers single hoofedly. Gotta say Daring Do would be proud.” I decided to ask who that was later as fluttershy slowly flew up behind rainbow “I-it must have been terrifying. You weren’t scared were you i-i-if you don’t mind me asking…...” She said hiding behind her mane as I mentally ‘dawwwwwwed’ “O’course he wasn’t scared shy. From what we’ve been hearin I reckon he’s got enough courage to rival Rainbow Dash, he probably was as calm as Winona is getting a belly rub” applejack said. (OOC that had to be my cheesiest line yet) “Well saying I wasn’t scared at all is a lie. I just knew I had to do something before things got worse.” Lyra and Twilight both held quills and paper in their magic ‘ oh boy here comes the storm of questions’ I thought “So why would you just risk your life like that? You could have just done what the robbers said or escaped since magic doesn’t work on you. ” Lyra started looking me right in the eye “Because if I hadn’t done anything or just ran away then other ponies would have gotten hurt..” I watched while the mares quills became a blur as they rapidly took notes. “Ok so would you say that you and/or your race have a high natural protective instinct.” Twilight asked. Lyra looked up from her notes at twilight “Oh no fair I wanted to ask that one.” She said giving a childish pout face Twilight looked at Lyra before giggling a bit “you snooze you lose.” She said before turning back to me. Sighing i answered “Well I won’t say that every human is highly protective, there are a lot that are as cowardly as mice. Besides the main reason I got involved was because a foal was pulled into it and I wasn’t going to just let her get hurt.” “So you are saying that you only get involved in a situation if a foal is also in harm’s way because of it?” Lyra asked, her quills dancing over the parchment “Well not just foals, if they had threatened to kill anypony I would have stepped in.” “So it wasn’t the situation more so than the fact that somepony’s life was in danger that got you involved.” I nodded “Yes that sounds about right.” Once I said this Lyra seemed to hold back a squeal of joy. “See twilight I told you the poem ‘the nurtured storm’ meant that humans are protective and not just mindless killing machines.” She nearly yelled as twilight just rolled her eyes. The questioning went on for a few minutes before the others had had enough. Vinyl stepped in. “Hey come on girls go easy on him, he just woke up.” Octavia followed “ I agree. Why not hold off on the questioning until after his injuries have closed up.” She said placing a hoof against my leg. “Yeah lets let him rest so that way he’ll have energy for the stopping the robbery party I’m gonna throw him.” Pinkie said finishing with a large smile. As the conversation continued I asked rarity about new clothes and she said to follow her to her shop to get my measurements taken. Lyra then asked if I was still up for helping her with the thesis to which I nodded. Twilight also said she wanted to be a part of it as well and it honestly didn’t bother me, I love sharing what I know with others so the more the merrier. While we walked through the halls of the hospital I glanced at everypony’s flank and like nurse redheart said everypony had a cutie mark on their upper thigh. Each one was different though. Lyra had a small harp as her mark, Vinyl had two eighth notes, Pinkie Pie had three balloons, Applejack had three apples, Rarity had three diamonds, Rainbow Dash had a cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt coming from it, Fluttershy had three butterflies, twilight had a purple star surrounded by other stars, I couldn’t see flash’s due to his armor, and Octavia had a purple treble cleft as hers. I found that sort of odd since she played the cello which is played with a bass cleft on sheet music. I wrote it off as a difference between mine and this world. Finally making it to the front desk I signed out and made my way to the front door. I really should have seen this coming as the moment I opened the doors I was blasted with camera flashes and questions from reporters. “Excuse me sir? Big scoop from the “Equestria Daily” here and I gotta know are you really an alien from another world?.” An earth pony with a microphone asked “W-well I…..guess that’s one way of putting it.” I responded “Are you here in the name of piece or is this only a scouting mission to gain knowledge of our weaknesses.” One mare shouted accusingly as she shoved her microphone in my face, the whole while pic after pic was being taken and I was nearly blinded by the flashes. “What no of course not I was brought here by accident.” “What do you plan to do now that you live amongst us ponies.” “Well I just planned to ta-“ “Are you an activist for the environment” “I um-“ “What is your world like.” “You see-“ “Is your race a cultural one or a violent one” “Is it true your blood immobilized the doctors that treated you and two of the stallion robbers” “Are you the result of some kind of experiment.” Eventually all the questions began to blend together into meaningless noise as they all began to speak at once while advancing forwards making me step back until I found myself back in lobby of the hospital “We probably should have mentioned the reporters.” Twilight said giving a nervous smile. Rarity however took the opportunity to pose next to me as more and more pictures were being taken from the reporters. Everypony just looked at her. “What? How do I know I’ll ever get a chance like this again?” Everypony just rolled their eyes as rarity eventually stepped away. The reporters were starting to surround me and I saw nearly no way out until I felt a few hooves wrap around my waist and pull me through an opening in the crowd. “Honestly some ponies have no manners.” Said Octavia as she helped me up. “Thanks.” I said. “Don’t mention it.” she said giving me a small smile as the reporters hounded me again, only to be blocked by flash and a few members of the royal guard. “Ok you seriously need to work on your timing.” I said to him “Hey it’s better than nothing.” He rebutted “Is that what you say to the princesses ?” “You want me to let these reporters through?” “No thank you” “Good. There is an exit on the side of the hospital it should be clear for you.” I nodded and made my way with the others to the side entrance. Twilight stayed behind to make sure Flash didn’t do anything stupid and would meet up with us later tonight for the Q and A for Lyra’s thesis. We made it to the exit with no trouble and the others began to disperse and say goodbye save for rarity who told me to follow her. We eventually came to a building that looked a lot like a carousel and she stood at the front door and raised her hoof up. “welcome to carousel boutique were everything is sheek sleek and manifeique.” > Update > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok sorry for my disappearance again but i guess i sort of lost interest in writing for awhile. and NO this does not mean i'm canceling any of my stories i just needed a break. also i have just been reading through my stories and have decided to go back and fix any incorrect/rushed/unnecessary/etc... parts. i will put (updated) in the chapter titles i edit. and yes i'm working on the next chapter.