• Published 1st Mar 2012
  • 852 Views, 12 Comments

Elements of Destruction - StarvinArtist

The Mane 6 must battle against a devastating new foe, whilst also battling their own demons

  • ...



'I don't have any options left, Spike.' Twilight said, still shaking as she stood at the library's main desk and finished packing her things. She hadn't gone back to sleep again, and her matted mane and tired, shadowed eyes showed it. Spike just sat, heavy lids drooping as he struggled with consciousness. Twilight being awake meant that he simply had to follow suit. 'I thought I could ignore it, that it was just a normal recurring dream... But after last night I...'

She shivered again, as Spike slowly slumped forwards before snorting himself awake. Twilight turned her head to him and swallowed.

'"I'm on my way"...' she repeated the vindictive Voice's words quietly, '"Tell your Princess that Disaster is round the corner"... How could I ignore that?'

She turned back and grabbed the lightly packed saddlebag, swinging it over her back and then turning once more to face the exhausted Dragon.

'I still think you're being paranoid...' Spike mumbled, drifting between the land of the living and tiredness induced oblivion.

'I can't take that risk. The least I can do is talk to the Princess about it.' The unicorn said, levitating a hairbrush over to her and finally sorting her mane out. Spike watched through sleep-filled eyes as his friend returned to her normal, tidy self. He could already see her standing straighter, prouder, stronger. It was amazing what order and routine did to her psyche.

As soon as she had finished brushing her mane, Twilight Sparkle span on the spot with an air of renewed vigour and confidence. A look of determination had replaced her panic stricken looks, and a small smile even began to grow across her lips.

'I'm going to get to the bottom of this, Spike. And don't you think otherwise - there's no mystery in the whole of Equestria that can't be solved by Twilight Sparkle!'

And with that, she swivelled round and darted through the front door, letting it swing shut behind her.

Spike sat in silence for a while and blinked. He then sniffed, closed his eyes, and instantly fell onto his back, snoring loudly. No nightmares ever bothered him.

However... There did seem to be a certain... Atmosphere in the air. A cold, clammy, crackly atmosphere, that sent a chill down his spine.

'Brrr...' he shuddered, sitting up and huddling close to himself. He stood, eyes still closed, and staggered over to his bed.

As he pulled back his blanket, a sound cut through the cold air.

'She's more right than you know, Dragon...' came a calm, crisp and slightly mocking voice from nowhere, startling Spike awake, 'If I were you, I'd pay more attention to her. Heh... She seems to know when Disaster is going to strike, does she not??'

Spike stared, wide eyed and terrified into nothingness, as the voice slowly began a deep, ominous chuckle.

'I don't appreciate it when my powers are overlooked, Spikey.' the Voice growled, the chuckle dissappearing and being replaced with pure malice, 'You have no idea what Equestria is about to face at my hands! I'm going to make a VERY grand appearance. Trust me... It's going ...'

Spike gulped.

'To be...'

He felt something on his shoulder, and turned to face it.

'A BLAST!' the black shadow in front of him bellowed, smashing the young dragon against the opposite wall with the force of it's voice before dissipating into nothingness, leaving an evil, haunting laugh behind it.

Spike rubbed his aching skull, groaning in pain as he tried to stand.

'No...' he whispered weakly, 'Twilight... Twi...'

His legs gave in, and with a grunt he collapsed to the hard wooden floor, before sinking into blackness.

From nowhere, the Voice chuckled.

'This is going to be FUN...'


'I still don't understand why you needed us ALL to come with you, darling!' Rarity moaned, slumped over the small wooden table that split the passenger booth of the 23 to Canterlot. The white unicorn was wearing a long silken bedrobe, and was still sporting a set of bright pink curlers in her purple mane. 'Perhaps not all of you realise that SOME ponies need their beauty sleep!'

Around the small booth, the other ponies groaned and fidgeted in their felt covered seats.

Twilight had wasted no time at all in rallying her friends and practically dragging them to the Ponyville Train Station. Most of them had been asleep, which made for an air of annoyance and tension in the cramped cabin.

'I'm sorry girls,' Twilight spoke up, squashed against the large glass window by a clearly uncomfortable Fluttershy, who was in turn finding it difficult to breathe with an asleep Rainbow Dash leaning all of her weight on the small, yellow pegasus. 'I just couldn't leave you all in the dark about this. It's a very serious potential threat to all of Equestria, so I really had no time to waste...'

'It's... alright... Twilight...' Fluttershy gasped from under Dash's dead weight, 'I... completely... understand...'

'ALRIGHT?!' Rarity slammed her hoof on the table, startling the Cyan pegasus awake, 'Maybe for you, but I had a meeting with a Very Important Fashion Designer from Baltimare tomor -' she glanced at the Train's clock, '... TODAY, even! And now I'm going to either miss the whole thing or turn up looking like... like...'

'FER CELESTIA'S SAKE WOULDYA KEEP THE NOISE DOWN?!' a brash country voice came from the floor at the end of the table, as a clearly perturbed Applejack reared her head and glared at Rarity, 'Ah woke up with a headache as it is, an' yer just makin' it WORSE!'

Suddenly, a fluff of pink exploded from an overhead luggage compartment and landed on the table, bright blue eyes sparkling and bouncing around the booth.

'CAN YOU GUYS BELIEVE HOW NICE THIS TRAIN IS?' Pinkie Pie yelled in excitement, bouncing off the table onto the elegant red carpet and hopping on the spot, 'I mean it's SOOOOO fancy, it's like it's out of an old movie or a book or a newspaper, and did you see how BIG those lockers are?! They can fit a whole Pinkie Pie, which means they'd make a perfect bed for me because I AM Pinkie Pie!'

Rarity began to grind her teeth loudly, as Applejack pulled her hat down over her ears and Fluttershy cowered down in her seat. Rainbow Dash simply stared into thin air, her eyes open but her head still firmly locked in dreamland. The sound in the booth approached a cacophany, until finally one of them had had enough.

'GIRLS!' Twilight snapped, causing quiet to befall the booth once more, 'Please! This isn't ideal for anypony - except maybe Pinkie - so let's all just CALM DOWN and wait until we're at Canterlot to start venting! As soon as I've spoken with the Princess we can all go back home, okay?'

A wave of annoyed muttering spread through the booth, but eventually everypony was silent again. Twilight was right, of course. Acting up would just make the trip even more unbearable.

As time went on, the majority of the ponies settled and fell to sleep, resting on each other's shoulders or - in Rarity's case - sprawled across the table. Twilight breathed a sigh of relief and glanced up at the clock.

3: 24 am. The train still had an hour or two to go before it reached Canterlot, which meant she had plenty of time to rest herself. As she closed her eyes, she felt a tight knot of unease in her stomach. She felt awful for doing this to her friends, but deep down she knew that whatever was going on she was going to need her friends there to help her through.

She sighed one more time and cautiously let sleep take her away.


Rainbow Dash stirred from her slumber and lazily opened her rose eyes. The cabin's lights had dimmed, making seeing a little bit tricky, but in the dark she could still make out the shapes of her friends, huddled together and snoring.

She sat up, not thinking about the pony who was leaning against her at the time.

'Dern it!' a hushed curse emanated from the now awake shape and Dash glanced at whoever she had disturbed. 'Watch whatyer doin' willya?'

Applejack. Of course. How couldn't she have guessed?

'Jeez, sorry AJ.' Dash yawned, not really paying attention as she shuffled over Applejack's lap and stood up straight in the middle of the cabin. She stretched her legs and let her wings flap a little, getting the blood flowing again.

'You should be!' Applejack groaned, before getting to her hooves as well and copying Dash. 'You gotta be a bit more considerate, Rainbow. Y'can't just go wakin' folks up in the wee hours of the mornin'.'

Dash yawned again, before taking a good look at Applejack and letting a smile cross her lips.

'Meh. At least now I won't be bored as the only one awake.' she grinned, causing Applejack to roll her emerald eyes. Even in the dark they shimmered.

'What're you awake for anyway?' the orange pony asked as the pegasus turned and began to walk away into the darkness of the cabin. 'Hey! Where you goin'? Don't just walk away from me!'

Setting her hat down on the table, she caught up with Dash and waited for a responce as they continued walking. She didn't get one.

'Hello?? Earth to RD?' she said, but Dash simply smirked and passed a sideways look at her.

Eventually they reached the end of the cabin - a door that lead out onto the rear platform. Rainbow Dash pushed a hoof against the handle and the door swung open, letting a blast of cool air fill the Cabin.

'C'mon. Get some fresh air.' she smirked, stepping outside as Applejack shuddered in the cold.

'What's this all about, Huh?' the farmer groaned, stepping out into the bright moonlit night and letting the door close behind her, 'Ah don't have any warm clothes or -'

Her words were cut off by Dash, as the blue pegasus caught her mouth in a kiss and wrapped her front hooves around the pony's neck. Ah, that's what this was about.

The kiss lasted long, neither pony wanting to stop before the other. Eventually, they parted lips and smiled at each other.

'Y'coulda just said...' Applejack purred, stroking a hoof through Dash's mutlicoloured mane. Even in the pale white glow of the moon, the spectrum of colours was clear as day.

'I didn't know if any of the others were awake!' Rainbow said, giggling and pushing the orange pony away, 'Didn't exactly wanna out us in the middle of nowhere, you know?'

Applejack nodded in understanding. They had only been seeing each other for a few weeks and none of their friends even knew what was going on. Well, they always knew that Rainbow held the belief that "you couldn't help who you fell in love with, be it Mare or Stallion", she was quite open about it, but to find out that another one of their friends was seeing her could come off as... Awkward to say the least.

'Ah guess not...' the farmer smiled, hugging Dash around the neck and breathing in the soft scent of her mane. 'And ah spose it... is kinda pretty out tonight...'

'Not as pretty as you.' Rainbow whispered in her ear, causing the orange pony to chuckle to herself. The normally brash, tomboyish Rainbow Dash had revealed to her a softer, almost cheesily romantic side since they'd started dating; a side that Applejack adored.

It had happened at Sweet Apple Acres. An argument originally, over a tree that "somehow" had been split clean in two and a blue rainbow-maned pegasus who insisted - despite a nasty bruise forming on her forehead - that she had had NOTHING to do with it. The two had argued, and eventually in a fit of rage Applejack had pounced Rainbow to the ground and attempted to wrestle the truth out of her. One thing, as they say, lead to another.

'Besides, being out here I can do this!' Dash grinned a sly grin, before clutching Applejack tightly round the waist and hurtling into the sky, ignoring the Earth Pony's screams of terror.

'RAINBOW!' Applejack screamed, eyes shut tightly and arms hugging on for dear life, 'AAAAAAAGH!' PUT ME DOWN, Y'HEAR, YOU KNOW AH HATE FLYIN'!'

Rainbow Dash slowed her ascent and then came to a stop, wings beating slowly so as to maintain altitude. She looked down at the terrified face of her companion, her scrunched up eyes and windswept mane catching the moonlight perfectly.

'Hey, hey, easy, it's alright...' Dash hushed to the petrified mare in her arms, 'I've gotcha, I ain't gonna let you fall... C'mon open your eyes, the view's amazing up here...'

Applejack cautiously opened one emerald eye, then the other, catching Dash's kindly, caring look before turning and looking out over the Equestrian skyline.

It was breathtaking. Hills and mountains stretching off into the dark purple night, with only a few lights from camps or tiny villages illuminating their sheer sides. Below them, the train puffed along the tracks that stretched far into the distance, running alongside a huge, crytalline lake. White moonlight reflected off the water, rippling and basking the whole scene in a dreamlike glow.

'Oh, wow...' was all Applejack could manage, before turning to face Dash again, who was gazing off into the night. 'It really is beautiful, Rainbow...'

Rainbow Dash nodded with an accomplished smile, before suddenly and without warning dropping from the sky and plummeting towards the lake. Applejack screamed once more, as at the very last second Rainbow pulled off one of her patented 90 degree turns and skimmed along the surface of the moonlight lake, leaving a vapor trail of kicked up water behind them before the two reached the back of the train once more and came to a slow, calm stop on the rear platform.

Rainbow released her grip on Applejack, who promptly collapsed onto the wood of the platform, panting and wheezing as her heart pounded at a thousand miles an hour.

'I promised you, AJ.' the blue pegasus grinned and stifled a laugh, before nuzzling the farmer's cheek. 'I'm never gonna let you fall...'

Applejack stopped shaking, looking up at Rainbow's kindly, loving face once more, before grabbing her round the neck and kissing her deeply.

'Ah know you won't, sugarcube...' she whispered, as the two shared a tight embrace.

'Aw. Well isn't this cute??' a calm, crisp voice said, causing the two ponies to jump in shock and swivel on the spot to face the source.

What they saw was a huge, black shadow, perched on the railing of the platform and leaning over them with a serpentine neck. Two deep red eyes shone out from the darkness of it's Equine head, and two dazzlingly white fangs overhung it's lower jaw, and it's whole mouth was curled into a vicious grin.

'What in Equestria-?!' Applejack yelled, as the creature stood up straight and let out a raucus laugh to the sky. Rainbow Dash simply stared, frozen in shock.

'RAINBOW DASH! APPLEJACK!' came a familiar, panicked voice from behind them, as the door swung open and Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the gang piled onto the platform, awoken by the shouting and that terrible, terrible laugh. 'What's going.... Oh... My...'

All six ponies stared up at the monster infront of them, as it lurched down and glared at each of them, that venomous smile still on it's face.

'GREETINGS, EVERYPONY!' the Monster bellowed, and Twilight remembered the voice all too clearly. 'Allow me to introduce myself! I AM THE BRINGER OF DESTRUCTION, THE CREATOR OF DISARRAY, IN SHORT, MY LITTLE PONIES...'

The beast leapt into the air and two giant, black, batlike wings spread out and caught it.


A crack of thunder split the sky and suddenly the world turned upside down, and with a terrific metallic crashing and smashing, everything went black...

Comments ( 4 )

338827 thanks man. Im glad you like it. :3

Awesome follow-up chapter. Didn't expect the monster to make itself known this early in the story. Figured Twilight would have a bit of a "Repairman Syndrome" where the monster or bad dreams don't appear when she seeks Celestia's help and she has a hard time convincing everyone, but I like this better:pinkiesmile:

And as for the AppleDash scene, you know what a sucker I am for that pairing, absolutely loved it:twilightsmile:


No I didn't quite cover it. That was absolutely adorable,I reread just that part of the story. You really wrote the two of them well, Applejack a bit stubborn and hesitant, and Rainbow being the forward, brash and mischievous one who loves to tease. Love the way you wrote them

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