• Published 10th Oct 2013
  • 794 Views, 12 Comments

Werewolf in Equestria - MalixCrash

Henry, a Brony Werewolf, acidentsaly Descovers a Portal To Ponyville, and entering it is a BIG mistake.

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Chapter 3 - Unleashed

Track slowly opened his eyes to see a brightly lit bedroom, gladly he was still in applejacks bedroom, considering he’s in a new world he doesn’t know what to expect. He slowly stood up, but stumbled a few times since he hasn’t got completely used to his new legs. He trotted downstairs and went to the apple family dining room, only to be greeted by the sweet smell of freshly baked apple pie.

“Is that apple pie?” Track asked as he trotted toward the plate with a nametag that had his name. It had one big slice of apple pie on it.

“Eeeeyup,” said a red stallion wearing a work horse collar.

“Meet my family-”

“GAAAH!” Yelled Track, “Applejack! Don’t scare me like that!”

“Sorry, as I was saying. Meet the apple family, that there is Big Macintosh.” Said Applejack as she pointed to the red stallion.

“That’s Granny Smith.” said Applejack as she pointed to the green pony that was baking another apple pie. CRASH!

“Oops!” said a little filly doing the dishes, as she dropped another dish. CRASH!

“And that’s Applebloom.” said Applejack as she walks over to her sister Applebloom and starts helping her do the dishes. While everypony was occupied Track sat down in his chair and ate his pie slice in one bite.

“MAN! That is some GOOOOOD PIE! My compliments to the chef.” said Track as he licked the apple pie off his lips.

“Thank you, dearie! Getting a complement from a stranger like you is hard to come by these days.” said granny smith as she put out another pie, freshly baked. Track trotted over to Applejack and Applebloom.

“Sooo, could you help me get a job?” asked Track.

“Darn tootin’ I can!” said Applejack, “in fact, I think Twi’ was actually looking for you. Better head there first.”

“Got it.” said Track trotting out the door. He headed to Twilight’s house. Once he got there he raised his hoof to knock the door, but before his hoof hit the door to knock he noticed that it was more orange than usual, he turned around and saw the sun starting to set over the horizon. He noted that if he didn’t get this done fast… (Whatever it was) then he might end up destroying Ponyville. He knocked the door and Twilight opened it.

“Oh, Track! Your just who I wanted to see. Come on in.” said Twilight as she let Track enter her ‘tree house’. (BU DUM, TSS)

“So what did you need?” asked Track

“Do you think you could step into my basement?”

“Sure!” said Track, he always did want to see what was in there. He stepped down the steps and came to a room with dark wood for walls, on his left he could see a bunch of technology and what seemed to be a pony holder, (as seen in MLPFiM: Double Rainboom) but designed for a unicorn, on his left he saw a desk, of which had a bunch of elixirs and potions on it, and three bookshelves which where stock full of magic and potion books.

“Hey, what does that have to do with?” said Track as he pointed to a pony holder. Twilight didn’t answer but instead forcefully used her magic to lock him in it.

“HEY!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?! LET ME GO!!!” Track screamed. He struggled to get out but failed every time. This isn’t good. Thought Track and he noticed a window, of witch, the Full moon was shining down on his face. He knew he had to get out of there and kept trying to break free.

“Don’t even try, No one can get out of that.” said Twilight as she observed heart rate and DNA readings from her machines. She was looking at his DNA strand and noticed it seemed to be off. Then, it changed.

“GAAAAH!!!!” Track screamed in pain as his DNA strand kept shifting, Twilight looked at her scanners, and both the DNA and Heartbeat readers where going crazy. She looked back at track in horror as he changed. His fur coat turned a dark brown and grew to about the height of wolf fur, his teeth sharpened themselves to the point where they could break the strongest stone, his horn shrunk backwards into his forehead, and then he broke out of the pony holder, only to reveal claws had grown on his hooves, he stood there, and now he looked of what would seem like a wolf/pony hybrid.

“WHAT ARE YOU?!?!?” Twilight questioned the monster. It only managed to mutter 3 words

“I……am….HUNGRY!!!” said Dark Track in a demonic voice. Twilight looked at the demonic yellow Wolf eyes that stared into her soul, even worse than “The Stare” that Fluttershy could use.

“I only have one word of advice for you, RUN!” said Dark Track as he licked his lips. Twilight screamed at the top of her lungs, and galloped strait out of her basement.

“What is it Twilight?” said spike as he got thrown onto her back. She shut and locked the door behind her, but that didn’t do anything because the door busted forward and fell to the ground and Dark Track howled as to alert everypony else. Everypony looked out their windows and saw Twilight being chased by some odd monster. They all quickly locked their doors.

“WHAT IS THAT THING????” Spike asked while trying to keep his eyes on it.

“I don’t know!!! But whatever it is, IT’S HUNGRY!!!” said Twilight as she galloped toward Rainbow Dash’s cloud house.

“RAINBOW DASH!!!” Twilight screamed up at Rainbow’s cloud house

“What do you want Twilight? I’m trying to read ‘Daring Do and the Griffin's Goblet’!” Said Rainbow Dash

“THEN STOP READING AND HELP ME CATCH THIS THING!!” yelled Twilight as she ran in circles trying to distract Dark Track. Rainbow Dash put a bookmark in her book and put it next to bed with the other 50 editions of ‘Daring Do’, grabbed a bat, and came at Dark Track.

“YAAAAH!!” screamed Rainbow Dash as she came at him. Then, with razor sharp reflexes, he turned around and grabbed the bat with his sharp teeth.

“WHAT THE-?” then Rainbow Dash was interrupted and spun around like she was a play toy. After making her so dizzy to the point where she almost puked, Dark Track bit the bat in half sending her strait into her cloud house, breaking three windows. Rainbow hit her house wall and became unconscious, oblivious to the fact that there where glass shards surrounding her and in her right wing. Twilight headed over to Applejack’s farm.

“APPLEJACK!” says twilight as she yells at Applejack’s open window.

“What in tarnation are you doing up at this time o’ night?” said Applejack between yawns.


“What is that thing anyway?” questioned Applejack

“I DON’T KNOW! BUT YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!” screamed Twilight still running in circles. Applejack thought for a moment and remembered the apple cellar, and how it had a cell in the back.

“Lead that thing into the apple cellar, I’ll take things from there!” said applejack as she grabbed her lasso and Stetson. Twilight led the creature into Applejack’s apple cellar and trapped it in there. It looked around at all the fully stocked shelves of apple cider. He sniffed the air and could smell applejack was in there with him.

“Applejack…” said Dark Track, “I know you’re here…so come and face me, LIKE THE WOMAN YOU ARE!” Then applejack jumped at him he turned around and punched her backwards, his claws scratching into her skin. She fell backwards onto a shelf of apple cider. She opened her eyes to see Dark Track flying at her. He bit her right front hoof, his teeth sunk into her hoof just enough to reach a vain. She kicked him off and lassoed him up and threw his head at a wall, rendering him unconscious. Then, she dragged him into the cell at the back of the cellar and chained him up to the walls. He woke up and stared at Applejack. Applejack left him there. Then, he started laughing, like a maniac.

“Soon applejack, soon we will rise, together, and take over this place…” Dark Track said in a devilish happiness.

“Now I ain’t your pal, and I ain’t gonna join you!” said applejack in a stern voice.

“You’ll see, I WILL see you again, tomorrow night….” Dark Track said staring at her with those eyes, those devilish yellow eyes. She tried to ignore his evil laughs and walked out of the cellar locking it behind her. She looked back at the hoof that Dark Track bit, the bite was gone, but the pain was still there though. She tried to ignore it and went back to her farm, up the stairs, in her bed, and went to sleep. Back in the cellar, Dark Track was still sitting there, laughing.

“Sleep well Applejack, and may your instincts guide you too me, my child.”