• Published 10th Oct 2013
  • 793 Views, 12 Comments

Werewolf in Equestria - MalixCrash

Henry, a Brony Werewolf, acidentsaly Descovers a Portal To Ponyville, and entering it is a BIG mistake.

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Chapter 2 - Welcome to Ponyville

“So, will that be all?” asks Rarity

“Could you direct me to the library? Because I would like to see if there is a map of Ponyville.” Says Track

“It’s that big tree over there.” says Rarity as she points toward the library.

“Thanks!” says track as he trots toward the library. He steps in and sees a purple unicorn with a purple main, and it had a pink highlight in it.

“Oh! Hello. Are you looking for a book?” She says.

“Yea, I just moved to Ponyville and-”

“Oh you’re new? Well then, can I get your name?” She says

“I’m Track Ferrell, but you can call me Track for short.” Says Track as he puts his hoof out.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you Track!” says Twilight as she shook Track’s hoof.

“And nice to meet you Twilight.” says Track as he shakes Twilight’s hoof.

“So I’m guessing you’re looking for a map of the town?” Asks Twilight.

“Yes, I am.” Track responds.

“Well, then, here is one.” She says as she floats one down to Track.

“How long can I keep this?” Asks Track as he looked at it

“As soon as you’re done with it.”

“Ok, thanks! See you later!” says track as he walks out the door. There was a short pause.

“SPIKE!” yells twilight as she starts pacing like a caged animal. Spike runs down the stairs.

“You called?”

“I would like you to get me the book of destines.”

“On it!” says spike as he climbs up a ladder. It took him two – three minutes to find it.

“Here you go!” says Spike carrying the VERY large book to Twilight. Twilight flipped page upon page, looking for the right prophecy. She read aloud:

“Once, there was a great evil that ruled alongside Discord, but, got tired of serving the beast and left to the ‘other world’.” said Twilight as she read in horror. “One day, it WILL return, and only one pony can defeat it.”

“And who might that be? You? Rarity? Applejack?” questioned Spike.

“No, somepony with much more power, the only pony who has managed to contain it.”

“Princess Celestia?”

“A pony named, Track Ferrell.” said Twilight as thunder cracked outside, and she realized it was raining, HARD.

“Ok, it’s raining, I’m soaking, and I have nowhere to sleep.” Said Track, “This day can’t get much worse…” BAM! The lightning strikes a tree next to him and it fell toward him.

“WATCH OUT!” says an orange pony wearing a Stetson. She galloped toward him and knocked him down, saving him from the tree.

“WOW, you just saved me! Thanks!” said Track as he dusted himself off.

“Aw, shucks, it was nothin’.” she said as she got up.

“What’s your name?” asked Track.

“The name’s Applejack! I recon you aint from around here now are you?” asked Applejack

“Yea, I don’t really have a house yet. But once I get a job I can earn some money to get one.”

“Really? Maybe you could stay at my house tonight and I can get you a job tomorrow. How’s that sound?” suggests Applejack

“That sounds great!” says Track with a sigh of relief. Applejack and Track gallop over toward the apple farm, considering it was raining they thought they should head over there fast, it took a while but they managed to get there in about three minutes.

“Wow, *huff*, you sure are a fast runner!” says Applejack in exhaustion.

“Well, I’ve had practice.” Says Track as he opens the door for applejack.

“Well, welcome to my home!” says Applejack.

“That there is where we serve breakfast,” said Applejack as she pointed to the main dining table. Then after showing him where all the necessary rooms he needed to know that were downstairs were done, they headed upstairs,0 the steps were awfully creaky account on the oldness, Track was afraid he might get splinters.

“These steps have been sanded right?” asked track with a scared look on his face.

“Yes.” Says Applejack as she trots to the top of the stairs, she shows Track around the upstairs, showing him the rooms he can go in, and can’t go in.

“This here is my room, I’ll let you sleep here tonight, but I’m not sure about tomorrow.” Says Applejack as she shows Track her room. Track walks over to the window and lets the moonlight in, and stairs at the almost full moon. The moon is one phase away from a Full Moon. Thought Track. I better work something out. And fast, I don’t know how my new pony body will react to my werewolfizm, or if it can even keep it under control. Track looks to the right and sees a very dark and strange forest.

“What’s that?” Track asks Applejack, pointing to the forest.

“That there is the Ever Free Forest. It’s TARAPHYING in there!”

“How so?” Asks Track while looking at the Ever Free Forest.

“In there, after winter, animals wake up from there hibernation by themselves! And the clouds move all on their own! It just ain’t natural!”

“Really?” says Track sarcastically amazed, “must be weird to live in there.”

“I actually have a friend who lives there. Her name is Zacora. She specializes in weird curses and spells, and that type of junk.”

“Hmmm.” Track says squinting at the forest. I should go see her sometime. Track thought. He continued staring at the moon, Shining down on his face. I hope Shepard is ok… Thought track in worry. He sat there and looked at the moon for a good ten minutes.

“Wow, you must really like that moon, I’ve only seen my dog pay so much attention to it,” said Applejack looking at Track with a confused look on her face.

“You can stare at it all you want, but just try to get some rest. We got a big day ahead of yah.” She says as she takes off her hat and gets into bed,

“Night!” She says as she closes her eyes and goes to sleep. Track kept staring at the moon until he got so tired, he could barely keep his eyes open. Then he walked in a mini circle for a few seconds, laid down, curled up, and went to sleep.