• Published 29th Feb 2012
  • 745 Views, 4 Comments

Sorrow and harmony Part 1 - Milkdudes

A colt displaced by a disbility must over come and see his dreams through with the help of his dad

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Part 1- To Dream

Sorrow and Harmony Part 1- To Dream

My heart’s pounding like a drum, the sounds and smells of the beautiful meadow before me creating a vision of wonder in my mind, as I close my eyes, what will it feel like?

My dreams about to come true, my legs shake in excitement, my eyes open in a flash as I take off running, above the blue sky seems to stretch on without end, the meadow singing in color, as the flowers of spring are in full bloom, barely a breeze to cool the blazing sun, the sweet yet earthy aroma of the various plants envelops my senses.

Slow at first, then faster and faster I ran the wind in my mane, my heart’s racing; my legs refuse to slow, as my wings break the wind taking me faster and faster through the lush green meadow. Without fear, I shoot into the heavens like a jet taking flight. Today was the day I would finally fly.

The ground grew smaller as my dream came true, I stretch out my hooves, the clouds finally within my reach, the cool air, the bright sun light, the view of all too wondrous for words, this was everything I could imagine and more.

Without warning my wings gave out, a rush of fear fills my mind as gravity slams down like a train, sending me plummeting to the earth. Suddenly a shadow below eclipse’s me, from out of nowhere my dad appears below, catching and bringing me safely back to the ground.

Disappointment, shame, I failed yet again, I couldn’t even look him in the eye.

I could feel a tear running down my cheek as I turn away from him, I was angry, and yet sad, all I want to do is fly with him, everypony else in my class could fly, why did I have to be different, why did my wings have to be so stubborn?

A light nudge wakes me from my thoughts. As I look catching my father’s waiting gaze.

“Leon, there’s no reason to be upset, you did a great job, you’ll fly soon enough son.”

I knew what he said was true; I simply nod no words coming to mind. I turn to him, he towered over me. Bigger than life, I guess is how most children view a parent.

He’s always been there for me, always the protector, always the teacher and showing me how to be the best Pegasus I can be.

Dad is taller them more other in Ponyvile, his body blue-velvet like the midnight sky, his mane a blaze with an array of oranges, yellows, and reds like a flame, wild and free.

Although I’ve not been around to long, I know my dad is a brave, adventurous, kind hearted stallion I wanted to imitate and even hope to be like one day, he’s my hero, my mentor, my best friend, and above all the greatest father one could ask for, left alone to raise me himself, no one knows what happened to mother, I have no real memory of her, only her smile to reflect back on, I’ve asked dad several times about her, only to be left with mystery, but never the less we are a team and nothing will even change that.

With another light nudge, he bounced away, racing down the meadow. Without thinking I chase after, my fears washing aside, clear for the moment and free to enjoy the beautiful spring day with my dad.

We race, play and enjoy the day to its fullest until dusk finally came, the fading light over the mountains is breathtaking, and an array of yellows, oranges, pinks and blues set the heavens ablaze in one of the most beautiful wonders of our world, sun set.

In the audience of the stars we drifted to sleep under Luna’s breathtaking night, they seem to shin brighter that night than ever, somehow Luna must have known what an important night this would be the rest of my life.

Knock, knock, knock…… My eyes flash open awaken from a dream to the bright light of morning, looking around to find the sound I thought I was dreaming still, Knock, knock, knock my body reacted before my mind turning quickly to the sound at the door. Still sleepy and not wanting to escape the warm, comfortable embrace of the sheets I simply shout in a groggy ton, “Come in!” Daddy stepped in, shutting the door behind him with a creek, as he entered my room. My eyes grew wide as he looks back to the door, I knew what he saw, fearing even he wouldn’t understand I hid under my blanket, preparing for the tears of hurt from what daddy would surely say.

“So that’s where my old poster went!”He raises his right hove to the poster on the back of my door, my ears shot up out of the blanket in response; I slowly poked my head out of the blanket.

“You’re poster?” Dad simply looked back to me smiling, a slight tilt to his head at the question
“How do you think it got in the attic?”

At that we both laugh, the tension was fading, yet the fear still remained in the back of my mind.

Dad walks over, and sits on the bed next to me. After a moment of hesitation and looking me right in the eye, he took embraces me in a hug, lifting me from my bed and holding me closely in his arms warm and strong, washing all my fears away.

“Son, all you had to do was ask. You know, there’s something I was going to give to you when you got older, but seeing the same love in your eyes I had, maybe now’s the right time.”

He let go gently placing me back onto my soft bed. He gets up, opens and walks out of the room.

I look to the door an expression of confusion and questions painting my face, I hear dad rummage through some stuff in his bedroom that adjoins mine, seconds later a pair of goggles flies in, I jump slightly as they land on the bed in front of me with a pat. I look down taking them into my hooves holding them to see what they were, still with the blur of sleep in my eyes.

Dad steps back in with a bag on his side; I look up not really sure what to do.

“Those are for you son, I got them from the Wonderbolts when I was about your age, I think you’re old enough to take care of them. They are pretty old so treat them gently alright?”

I simply nod lifting the goggles closer to my eyes, my vision starting to clear, seeing for the first real time what I had in hove. I almost jumped out of bed, as my ears shoot back in excitement; they are exactly like the ones on the poster, with a bright yellow band, hove crafted for the Wonderbolts with their signature bolt logo on the sides. I was in heaven, for the first time I had real proof that the Wonderbolts were in fact real, till this time they were so larger than life sometimes it was hard to believe they were not make-believe.

I have never told anyone about my love for the Wonderbolts, even dad. How could a non flying Pegasus pony ever hope to be what they are? While most pony’s my age were outside playing, I was out trying my best to fly, I want to sort above the clouds wild and free like them.

The look dad gave me was that of pure joy, he knew his gift meant something to me, as he reaches around to the bag he wore, I gaze up for a moment to see what he was up to, grabbing two small slips of paper, throwing them gently to my reach. My eyes grew wider then I thought possible when I turn them over. He sits back down on my bed, his voice genital; he didn’t need to ask but did none the less.

“Would you like to join me, want to see them for real?”

Before I could respond with words, I leap into him, hugging him tightly, caught off guard by my sudden affection, he simply wraps his arms around me holding me tight.

He looks down, tears of joy run down my face as this is the truest act of kindness dad has ever expressed, he brought a hove to my face wiping a tear away, speaking lightly into my ear, “There’s no need to hide who you are, I love you son, I’ll never stop loving you, be who you are, and never let that go.”

I look up into the strong, caring eyes of the truest friend I would ever have, “I love you daddy.”

In his eyes I could tell those few words hit a cord deep inside, in such a way that I have never seen before, he sheds a tear, the emotion building to the point where even he couldn’t contain it and why try, we both understood the importance of that moment, why ruin it with misplaced pride?

Why pretend I’m not happy being who I am? And in the wisdom of dad’s words “Why not dream, they can’t come true if you don’t try”

His words that day shaped all others to follow, I will never let go of them, my heart was unlocked, my dreams free to grow and sorrow like I wish to one day. Even at school when the others would tease me for not being able to fly I would think back to dad’s words and the gift he gave me wearing them proudly a top my head, not letting the words of others take that dream away...............

Comments ( 4 )

Oh lookie. You re-uploaded this. Cool.
I saw your comment on the Rookies on the Rise page about a group story, and I think it sounds cool. What exactly did you have in mind? Whatever it is, I'm on board. As long as it's not a clop-fic. And if you want to get the other members involved, I'm sure I could send each of them a personal message telling them about it. But first I need to know exactly what you have in mind for this group story. Well, maybe not exactly. But some details. Respond as soon as you can. If you want of course. :pinkiehappy:

372095 more of an over hall then a reload lol much has changed, will be more noticeable later on

To dream... I got dream and I'm going to make it come true.

You know what, i liked this :pinkiesmile:

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