• Published 9th Nov 2013
  • 551 Views, 10 Comments

Return of Disaster (Season 1) - Tomo-Domo

Violet has to deal with a return of an old enemy.

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Episode 7

"Do you need anything else, Aunt Pinkie? I'm going to keep watch for tonight, so you can get some sleep." I said to her, pulling the blanket over her and the foals.

"No, thank you, Scootaloo. But be careful, I don't want you getting hurt."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I said, hugging her.

Leaving the room, I went downstairs to keep watch for any kind of intruders. I sat in one of the chairs that the customers would have and just waited. I didn't know what to look for, exactly, but I knew what to kill and not kill. After about an hour later, I felt my eyes start to get heavier. Just before I fell asleep, however, I heard panicked shouting from outside.

"Hello? Please! Pinkie, Scootaloo! Anypony! It's Twilight and Sherbert! For Celestia's sake, somepony please answer!" I heard my mom shout from the other side of the door.

Immediately, I jumped up and threw the door open, and my mom grabbed me in a warm hug.

"Oh, Scootaloo! I'm so glad you're safe! Where's Pinkie?" She asked, small tears forming in her eyes.

"She's upstairs, mom. Did you find her?" I asked, desperate to know if my mother was with them.

She let her head fall before talking again. "I'm sorry, Scootaloo. We couldn't find her. I have to talk to Pinkie, I'll explain later.

I love you, Scootaloo."

Hearing enough, I ran to my room and slammed the door. I jumped onto my bed and started crying loudly into my pillow. I just couldn't bear the thought that my mother can either be one of those things, or hurt. If my mom couldn't find her, I definitely will.

Standing up, I retrieved my bow and dagger. I finally opened my window and stood on the windowsill. Inspecting my surroundings, I saw that there was a house nearby, easily within jumping distance. I noticed that there was an entire row of houses that
could take me to the library.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. "Scootaloo? Can I come in please?" My mom said from behind the door.

Letting out a sigh, I quickly hid all of my weapons and put them under my pillow and layed on it. "Sure, whatever."

Without any hesitation, my mom walked in. "Hey, sweetie, how are you?" She asked gently.

"You tell me. How would you feel if you lost you're mother and nopony could find her?" I said angrily.

"Well, I suppose I would be extremely upset. But we are doing everything we can to find her."

"No you're not!" I shouted. "You are doing absolutely nothing to find her! Nopony is doing anything but staying here while mom is out there! I'm sorry, mom. But if nopony is going to do anything, then I will." I said before grabbing my weapons and walking back to the windowsill.

"Scootaloo! What are you doing! Get back here this instant!" She tried to stop me, but I jumped, and landed onto the nearest roof. I ran, still hearing my mother's shouts. But they stopped after a second. Looking back, I saw that she wasn't in the window anymore. Turning around, I saw that she was standing in front of me.

"Scootaloo! Are you insane?! Don't you know what's out here?! You get back to you're room, now! I'm not going to tell you again!" She shouted at me before I took off running again. I managed to get to the next rooftop before I realized she was running after me. Seeing no other choice, I jumped off of the roof, and brought myself into a roll to absorb the force of the impact. I then ran into the nearest alley and found that I had run into a dead end.

"Darn it, Scootaloo." I said to myself.

Looking around, I saw a ledge above me. I ran directly at the wall and ran up it just enough to catch the ledge. I then jumped onto the next rooftop and stopped. Hiding behind a chimney, I looked behind it. I saw no sign of my mom. I must have lost her. Walking toward the edge of the house, I looked over and saw an entire hoard of the undead gathered in the streets. Seeing no other choice, I pulled out my dagger and prepared to keep running along the rooftops. After about an hour of this, I finally made it back to the library, my home. Quickly running inside, I looked for my mother. I saw no sign of her, and the house was exactly as we left it. I looked everywhere, my room, my mother's room, even the attic. All empty. I then resorted to calling for her.

"Mom? Mom! It's me, Scootaloo! Please, mom, I've been trying to find you, unlike the others!" I then layed down and started crying. I then heard hoofsteps approaching me from behind, and I turned to face the pony standing in the doorway.

The pony was wearing a white hoodie. Their face was hidden behind the hood, so I couldn't see their face. They simply stood there for a moment before they spoke.

"Good afternoon, young mare. I know it doesn't matter. But I am called Rosethorn, or Rose. I prefer the latter. Now you're most likely thinking, 'Why is she talking in rhyme?' Well, it's just what I do. Only all the time." She then removed her hood and I finally saw her face. She was a beautiful mare, with bright green eyes. Her mane had a very pretty ponytail tied behind her head, and her tail was perfectly brushed in the most beautiful shade of pink anypony can see. Her coat was the brightest shade of yellow as well.

"What do you want with me? I know that you are most likely not going to hurt me, but why me?" I asked, not knowing why she chose to talk to me over anypony else.

"Because, you're mother is who you search for, and I know it. She's safe, I assure you, she may just be injured a bit. I don't know where she is, but do know this more. This enemy you now know, is more dangerous than before."

"How do you know she's safe?! Oh no, I have to find her! Please, can you help me?"

"Help you, I shall, little filly. But we can't leave now, that would be silly. I know you want to find her soon, but it's not safe to travel with the light of the moon."

"How do you know she's safe, Rose. Surely you've at least seen her?"

"Indeed I have, young pony. I helped her get away. She was captured, but her captors wouldn't let her have her way. Come, you can stay in the place that I now stay. Tomorrow, we can leave and find our way." She said walking away.

I didn't know whether to follow her or not. Why is she helping me? What does she want with me? And most of all, what does she have to do with my mother? After all of this consideration, I decided to follow her. We walked in silence the entire way. We didn't encounter anypony or any of the undead ponies, fortunately. Soon, she brought us to a single house in the middle of a field.

"This is where you and I will stay, until we then get on our way. I've prepared a room for you, I have a room for me, too."

"Um, excuse me, Rose, but is this place safe?" I asked, worried.

"Indeed it is, my little one, this house has been safe, since it was done."

"Well, alright then. Where are we going tomorrow?" I asked, looking at her.

"We will find out where there are others. And we shall find your mothers."