• Published 9th Nov 2013
  • 549 Views, 10 Comments

Return of Disaster (Season 1) - Tomo-Domo

Violet has to deal with a return of an old enemy.

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Episode 2

"Scootaloo, sweetie. Can you come here,please?" I shouted upstairs to my daughter.

After a moment, a young pegasus filly walked down the stairs. She had a look of curiosity in her eyes. "Yes mom?"

"Scootaloo, do you by any chance know where Violet is? I haven't seen her since this morning."

"Sorry, mom. All I know is that she went out with Rainbow Dash for some competition."

"Okay, Scootaloo. Thank you."

Suddenly, we both heard a loud knock on the door, followed by panicked screaming.

"Twilight? It's me Rainbow Dash. Please, let me in!"

I got up and ran to the door and opened it. Rainbow Dash burst in and shut the door, locking it behind her.

"What's wrong, Rainbow Dash? Where's Violet?" I asked, hoping she knew where my wife was.

"I'm sorry, I don't know. But, Twilight, the undead. They're back. Violet said she was going to gather supplies, and I haven't seen her since. She told me to warn you."

"Oh no. We have to find her!"

We were interrupted by another panicked knock on the door.

"Twilight? Violet? It's Sherbert and Pinkie. Please, let us in!"

I opened the door again and they burst in and locked the door behind them. Pinkie was holding her foals in her hooves with tears running down her cheeks.

"Twilight?" Pinkie asked, "Where's Violet?"

I stared at the ground and felt tears start rolling down my cheeks. "I don't know, Pinkie. She could be anywhere."

"My sister is out there with those... things, and we're just sitting here doing nothing?" Sherbert shouted.

"Sherbert, there's nothing we can do. Ponyville is already being destroyed. We have to leave, and just hope for the best." Rainbow answered as calmly as she could.

"But ... Fine. But only if Twilight agrees with you."

Suddenly, I felt all attention turn to me. Were they really asking me to decide whether or not to leave Violet, the only pony I love, to be hurt, or worse?

"I...don't know. We have to find her, and if we can't... then we'll leave," I decided. As much as I hated to admit it, I was actually considering leaving Violet behind. "But only if there's no hope of finding her. Rainbow Dash, I need you to fly over Ponyville and see if you can find her. Sherbert, you can scout around the city and search the buildings and stores, just in case she's still looking for supplies."

Sherbert then nodded and headed to the door before being stopped by me.

"Wait a second, Sherbert. We do need a way of defending ourselves. Did you bring any weapon at all by any chance?"

"No, we were at the park when it happened. We didn't expect this sort of thing!"

With a sigh, I replied, "There's an extra bow Violet would hide under our bed in case the house was broken into. You can use that. Do you know how?"

"Of course, she taught me when we were still little."

"Good, now everypony. Let's go, we meet back here in an hour. Look for the others while you're at it."

Without hesitation, we all left. I looked down at my weapon, remembering where it came from. Violet had given it to me when the undead first attacked about a year ago. She had seen a mare being attacked and tried to save her, but failed. She gave me the sword that the mare had. I held onto it since then and always kept it by my side.

I was alone, nopony else was around, to my surprise. I looked up to see Rainbow Dash flying overhead. She seemed to be flying away from something. Out of nowhere, I felt a large weight drop on my back. I rolled over and the attacker was above me. But what surprised me was that it was a normal pony. The young stallion was holding a knife and placed it to my throat.

"Why hello there, beautiful. How are you?" He asked menacingly.

"What do you want with me?" I asked beginning to panic.

"Simple. I want your supplies and resources. Otherwise this could get ugly." He said, cutting my cheek, causing it to bleed.

"Fine! Take whatever, just don't hurt me!" I begged.

"Very well." He said, and began searching my bags. "I'll also take that sword."

I gasped at the last demand. "What? No! I'm not giving this to you!"

"Oh really now?" He then cut my leg, causing me to squirm and drop the sword. He then picked it up. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it?"

"Why? Why are you doing this?" I asked desperately.

"Shut up, already. I've just got through killing a mare who was just as foolish to defy me as you are. She wouldn't listen to me, so I did what I had to. She's most likely dead and rotting in our hideout."

I started to get frightened. Was he referring to Violet? "Who was this mare?"

"I don't know," he said, putting a hoof to his chin, "Some violet colored mare with a bow and arrow cutie mark. What's it to you?"

I felt myself start to break down. I felt my legs weaken. The stallion walked up to me and whispered in my ear, "You're the mare she wouldn't shut up about. The mare who she constantly blabbered about how much she wanted to be with you. Aren't you? Don't worry, I killed her quickly, although she struggled. In fact, Cinder, grab her. We're taking this one, too." He said raising his hoof.

Suddenly, I felt somepony grab me from behind. I struggled, but to no avail. A sudden motion in the corner of my eye caught my attention. I looked up to see Rainbow Dash crouching on the end of the roof above us. She looked at me and moved her hoof up to her lips, signaling for me to be quiet, then pointed to the rooftop behind us. I turned my head as far as I could, but could only see a blur of who I thought was Sherbert. With a nod, Rainbow Dash pulls a knife from her bag and holds it steady. In a single movement, she threw herself off of the building, landing on the stallion in front of me, pinning him down and placing the knife to his throat. The stallion holding me only threw me forward and tried to run, but was tackled by Sherbert before being slit in the throat, choking on his own blood.

With Rainbow Dash still holding the stallion down, I walked over to him. "Now where's my wife?"

He simply let out a laugh. "Good one. You'll never get it from me."

I looked at Rainbow Dash, who got the hint, and cut his cheek, earning a grunt from the stallion.

"I said, where's my wife?!" I demanded, kicking him in his face.

He coughed up blood and spit out a tooth. "Seriously? I've been hit harder by my little sister!"

I walked over to my sword he dropped and picked it up. I walked back to him and stabbed him in his stomach, earning a satisfying scream from him.

"Ahh! Fine! I'll talk! She's in the warehouse back on the east side of town! But it's no use! I told you I killed that mare!" He continued to cough up blood.

Hearing enough, I nodded to Rainbow and ripped the sword from his body and walked away. Once I rounded the corner, I was greeted by Sherbert.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Can't say the same for the stallion with Dash."

As if on cue, we heard the suffering screams of the stallion as Rainbow Dash finished with him. Once the screams stopped, Rainbow Dash walked around the corner as well.

Her coat was matted with blood and she wore a creepy smile. She seemed almost satisfied with what she just did.

"Well?" I asked.

She let out a chuckle. "Don't worry, I put him to sleep. He ain't waking up either."

"Hey, Rainbow Dash. Are you feeling okay?" I asked her. She never acted this way.

"I'm magnificent. Why would I not be?"

"Never mind that. Let's go find Violet. We need to meet with the others, too."

"Of course, Twilight. We all have a job to do." She said, her smile growing even more.

Something's not right with Rainbow Dash, I'm going to have to confront her about it soon. I thought to myself.But first, let's go find Violet. Even if there is no hope for her.

I could feel tears stream down my cheeks, before Sherbert put a hoof on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, Twilight. I'm sure she's fine.Violet is strong. There is no way she would be beaten that easily. That guy was simply bluffing."

I let out a sigh. "I know, Sherbert. But I have to be sure. He said something about a warehouse on the east side of town. Know anything about it?"

"Yes, actually. I know it was abandoned three years ago. I didn't think anypony would even bother going in there."

"Well, we have to make sure she's safe! We have to!" I felt fresh tears wash over my face.

"We will both be here for you, Twilight. No matter what." Rainbow Dash said from behind me.

"I know. Let's go get her now."