• Published 9th Nov 2013
  • 549 Views, 10 Comments

Return of Disaster (Season 1) - Tomo-Domo

Violet has to deal with a return of an old enemy.

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Episode 5

Slowly and painfully, I opened my eyes. I felt weak, and I could barely move. Before I could think, I felt a stabbing pain shoot from my right wing. I struggled to move when I realized I was still bound to the bed my captors tied me to. I turned my head to the right when I noticed the stallion who had tortured me still leaned over the bed. He was busy cutting my wing up when I screamed, making him jump.

"For Celestia's sake! Die already!" He shouted, thrusting the knife back into my belly.

I screamed for mercy, the only words coming out of my mouth being how desperate I wanted Twilight to help me.

"Twilight?" He said, scratching his chin. "Must mean a lot to you, doesn't she? Oh well, you won't have to worry about her ever again."

Before he proceeded to stab me, he was interrupted by the large pony I believe was Cinder burst into the room.

"Boss, it's important. I found another mare. She's alone, an easy target, I'm sure."

"Hmm, describe her." He asked, straightening his mane.

"Well, she's about as big as her," he said, pointing to me, "but she's a unicorn. She has a lavender coat and a dark blue mane with pink streaks through it. I couldn't see her eyes, but her cutie mark was a group of stars."

"Hmm, very well. We'll take her, too." He then looked at me, my eyes wide in shock. The stallion had just described Twilight! "Oh? What's this? You must know her. Say, is this that 'Twilight' you were talking about?"

"No! Don't hurt her!" I screamed, trying desperately to escape my bonds, still to no avail.

"Oh, shut up, already. There's nothing you can do." He said leaving the room and shutting the door, leaving the room in complete darkness.

Hours passed of endless struggling. Still with no success. I was interrupted by a loud creak as the door opened, revealing a
white-hooded figure holding a lantern. The pony approached me and inspected my bonds.

"Who are you? Please don't hurt me!" I shouted, desperately.

The pony above me placed their hoof to my lips and pulled a knife out from under their hood.

Before I could react, the pony cut my right foreleg free, and immediately got to work on the other.

"I am not your enemy, I do not wish for a fight. But attack me, and you shall see my might." A feminine voice sounded from under the hood. After finishing my other foreleg, she simply placed the knife next to me and walked away, leaving my hind legs in their bonds.

"Hey, wait!" I called to the mare, and she stopped in the doorway. "Thank you, whoever you are. For saving me."

The mare just stood there before replying, "You're welcome, young filly. Be careful, now, don't be silly. This enemy may be scary, but don't let it make you weary."

She then left, leaving the door open. Leaving me alone. Gripping the knife she left, I cut myself out of my two remaining bonds. Welcoming the freedom. I tried to get off of the bed and fell to the ground, sudden pain shooting through my limbs.

Determination being the only thing driving me to escape, I ignored the pain, and limped to the door. Once I was outside of the room, I was greeted by a large warehouse. Seeing the exit sign above the large door, I began to walk in its direction when I caught something in the corner of my eye. I turned and saw a young unicorn mare tied to a bed in a similar manner that I was. She was mint-green, and her mane was a similar shade, with the exception of a bright blue streak. I looked at her flank and saw that her cutie mark was a lyre. I lifted my hoof and placed it on the side of her neck. No pulse. I looked to the side and saw a pile of weapons and supplies thrown on the ground. One was my bow. I immediately picked it up and slung it over my back. I also took a dagger and ten arrows from the pile. Heading to the door, I walked outside, half expecting to see the mare who saved me. I was instead greeted by chaos.

Some of the buildings were on fire, and I heard screams fill the air. I tried to run, but stumbled in my weakened state. I stood back up and limped toward my home, the library. If the others were still alive, no doubt they were there.

I walked for hours before completely collapsing in front of the library. I had made it back, at last.

"Twilight! Scootaloo!" I shouted, hoping somepony would come out. I waited for a moment but nopony answered. Desperate, I shouted again, but still no answer.

Summoning all of the energy I could, I picked myself up and walked inside. I kept calling to my family before I felt a hoof on my shoulder. Turning around, I was met by a young mare. She had a dark blue and pink mane and a pale yellow coat. Her beautiful teal eyes were full of worry.

"Are you okay, miss? Do you need some help?" She asked.

"Do you know where my family is?" I asked, desperately.

"I'm sorry, no. I haven't seen them since this morning. Hey, I need to get you to some help. Come with me." She said, turning away.

"I have to find my family!" I shouted, causing the young mare to flinch and duck away from me.

"I want to help you, truly, I do. I just need to find you some help. You're turning pale from blood loss, and those cuts can get infected." She pointed out.

Letting out a sigh of defeat, I agreed, and her eyes beamed.

"Good! Come with me, hurry." She said before walking out quickly.

I woke up to the smell of something delicious. Trying to sit up, I was immediately pushed back down by a soft yellow hoof.

"Ah ah, not yet. You're still to weak to move," she then leaned over and picked up a bowl with a spoon in it. "I made you some soup. I put some medicine in it to help you feel better. I hope you don't mind." She said, holding the bowl out to me. It did smell delicious. I gratefully took it and sipped from it. It tasted as good as it smelled, better, actually! I eagerly began to take large gulps from the bowl, earning a giggle from the mare beside me. Blushing, I slowed down a bit. After I finished, I gave the bowl back to her.

"Thank you for your help. I don't think I caught your name earlier."

"My name's Bon Bon. And you are?" She asked, expectantly.

"Violet, Violet Arrow. Nice to meet you, Bon Bon."

"Pleasure meeting you as well, Violet."

I tried to make myself more comfortable in the bed, but pain shot through my limbs and belly.

"Be careful, Violet. You have to give your wounds time to heal. The bandages are brand new."

"Sorry, Bon Bon."

"It's okay, Violet. Get some rest now. Don't worry, I'm sure they're safe." With that, she walked out. Turning off the lights as she did. She paused for a moment before turning back to me. "Violet? While you were out there, did you by any chance see my partner Lyra Heartstrings?"

"What does she look like?" I asked, hoping I could be of help to the mare who also helped me.

"She has a mint-green coat, a similar color mane with a white streak in it, she has golden eyes, and she has a lyre as a cutie mark. She went to go look for anything that we could use to help us this morning, but she never came back, and I've just been worried about her."

My eyes went wide in shock, but before Bon Bon noticed, I stopped the expression and just replied as innocently as I could, "I'm sorry, Bon Bon, I haven't seen her."

"Oh, okay," she said, letting her head drop to face the floor, "thanks anyways, Violet." And she left, turning the lights off and closing the door.

As I layed in the bed, I did my best not to cry, but the thoughts of my family and lying to Bon Bon swarmed my mind. I prayed to Celestia that they were okay. It felt like hours before I finally let sleep take hold of me.

Darkness was all that surrounded me. I could see nothing. All I could hear was screaming. I felt a hoof touch my shoulder.

Spinning around, I saw Twilight and Scootaloo, safe. They were safe from all of this.

"Twilight! Scootaloo! You're safe!" I said, hugging them both.

"Violet, you abandoned us." Twilight said with an apathetic tone.

"What? No I didn't! I'm here! With you both!" I shouted.

"You said you'd always be there for us, mom. Why did you lie?" Said Scootaloo with the same tone.

"What are you talking about? I'm right here! I'd never leave you!" I said, tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"You lied to us, Violet. I'm taking Scootaloo somewhere away from you. Goodbye Violet. Forever." With that, they both turned and walked away.

"Twilight, Scootaloo! Wait!" I screamed, trying to run after them, but my hooves were practically running in place. Twilight and Scootaloo were already far away, and I pushed myself harder in my attempt to get to them. Tears now freely falling down my cheeks. I was simply bawling my eyes out. I couldn't handle losing my family. I continued to run, before I heard a voice.

"Violet? Violet! Wake up!" I could feel myself being shaken in an attempt to wake me up.

I jolted upright and saw Bon Bon standing next to me with a worried look on her face.

She turned the lights on and gasped in horror at me.

"Bon Bon? What's wrong?" I asked.

She held up a mirror for me to see myself when I gasped as well. My appearance had changed yet again. My mane had turned pure black, and my coat had turned blue. My eyes had turned green as well. I had not expected this to happen. I still felt the pain in my body, so that wasn't a surprise.

"Violet? I'm sorry for waking you. It's just that you were crying in your sleep and it scared me. Are you okay?" She asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I'm fine, thank you, Bon Bon. It was just a bad dream, that's all." I said, trying my best to turn myself back to normal.

"What happened to you? You changed color!" She asked eagerly.

With a sigh, I explained. I told her how I could transform myself into more powerful versions of strength. She simply sat in awe.

"Wow, so you have a transformation for different emotions?" She asked.

"Yes, from rage to despair."

"Wow. I never knew somepony could do that. Anyway, are you sure you're okay, Violet? I could help you." She asked, sweetly.

"I'm okay, Bon Bon. Thank you. But just in case, I'll let you know if I need anything."

"Okay, Violet." She said, walking out again.

I sure hope Twilight and Scootaloo are safe.

Author's Note:

Having experienced all that she's been through in the past, it'll take a whole lot more than that to kill this mare.