• Published 22nd Sep 2013
  • 603 Views, 2 Comments

Endless Night Terror - The Critical Wizard

After being challenged at school the cutie mark crusaders, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon are off to a supposedly haunted mansion to see who can stay there the longest. Little do they know none of them could leave if they tried.

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(Chapter 4) Alone In The Dark

As the word's escaped the humans mouth it started to change, it grow to eight feet tall, grew dark black fur all over its body and it grow razor teeth. It had long pointy ears, a tail,and it resembled that of a timber wolf. It let out a blood curtailing scream and I remembered, this was the same thing from my nightmares all those nights ago. I couldn't help it I turned and ran, I didn't even see if my friends had started to run too, I just needed to get out of there. As I ran I could hear Applebloom shouting that it had gotten Sweetie Belle and that it was after them, but I could barely hear her over the sound of my beating heart. Then I saw it the entrance to the tunnel system and I ran through the thresh hold and stopped dead when I saw Metal Head standing right in the lift after he had came down it, and looked at we with those evil blood-shot eyes. I turned to run and behind me was the wolf-man, and behind him was the asseverated remains of my friend Applebloom. I wanted to cry, I wanted to give up, I was ready, for it to kill me and then.

"Harkim! You little coward, want to try and hit me now that I'm not chained up?" the wolf-man said in a snarling voice.

"You want to challenge me? I'll skin you and ware you as a coat dog." Metal Head shouted back.

Then the two charged each other and I took the opportunity to run off before they decided a winner. I ran into the lift and closed the door I pulled the ropes until I was at the first level. I ran into the dinning hall and saw a clock that said it was now ten thirty in the morning, excited to see the sun I remembered that there was a court yard I could go into. I got out there and to my dismay I looked up to see the moon still high up in the sky as though it was midnight. In rage, frustration, and sadness I let out a long wailing sob. I was stuck in this mansion, all my friends were dead, and I wanted to go home. I then just started to cry and cry. There was nothing I could do and there was nowhere I could go. As I cried I didn't even hear the dead humans moving to where I was and suddenly a hand was on my shoulder and spun me around and tried to bite me. I screamed and pulled the sword out of the sheath. I swung it wildly and it struck it's target a couple of times but all in all I was going to lose. Then I heard the sound of the dragging again and all the humans fled. I turned expecting to see Metal Head but to my surprise and dismay it was the wolf-man in his human form dragging the battle ax. I didn't even bother trying to run, I just put up the sword and waited for it all to end. The dragging stopped and I closed my eyes. Nothing happened. I opened my eyes and saw him staring at me.

"You want to go down fighting, and there for that is honorable." it said, "If you want to leave go to the top of the tower, there you will find Alucard, beat him and you can leave. You have wings just fly down and it will put you out at next night based on how long you've been in here."

"Your not going to kill me?" I asked.

"Not now, but if we cross paths again before you get to the tower, then I will kill you." It said and walked off back into the mansion.

I sat there in silence for a long while, just soaking in what had happened to me that night, and I started to cry again. It was almost over, I had to be strong, so I gathered myself and I started back to the lift. On the way back I heard the dragging sound so I booked it to the lift but as I rounded the corner there he was waiting for me so I turned and ran for the main entrance. He changed into the beast and started chasing me as I got to the door he ripped the bag right of my back and I went through the door and it sent me to the third floor I closed the door so he couldn't follow me. To through him off my trail even more I ran to the stairs and ran up to the fifth floor and then I called the lift. The lift got there and I got in and closed the doors, I took a deep breath, and lowered myself down to the basement.

In the basement I saw that Applebloom and Sweetie Belles names on the blackboard had been crossed out and that my name was the only one left. I crossed over to the tunnels and headed down, Appleblooms body was no longer there and there was only a blood stain. I walked somberly down the tunnels until I got to the door that lead up to the tower. I opened the door and went through, I drew the sword and started to climb up the tower's stairs. As I got to the top I saw that it looked a lot like the room that Alucard had in the other building. As I looked around a felt a presence behind me I turned and swung the sword cutting the throat of the tall skinny man behind me, he stubbed backwards a fell, he stopped moving. 'That's too easy' I thought to myself. But I then turned and looked for a the window I was suppose to climb out of. And then I heard scraping behind me and turn to see the man had stood up and his neck healed. He gave me a toothy smile and I could see his razor sharp teeth. He laughed and said:

"Well done Scootaloo. Well done, you've survived and made it all the way here to see me."

I gulped nervously. "Does...does that mean I can go home?"

"Go home? But you only just got here." he said evilly, "Don't you want stay and talk for a bit, keep me company."

I lost my nerve and I shouted "No I don't want to stay I want you to bring my friends back and let me out of here right now!"

"Oh, I see. Well Scootaloo, I'll make a deal with you," he said, "If you can beat me in a challenge of my choice then I will restore two of your friends and you all can go free. However. If you lose then I get to suck your body dry of all liquids. What do you say?"

"I except. What's the challenge?"

"I challenge you to..." he paused to think as he walked around the room, he stopped and looked at picture. "The challenge is to find who is the fastest."


"Yes that's it isn't it. From the lift stopped on the fifth floor all the way down to the court yard, who ever gets there first is the winner. Let's go."

"Ok, but no cheating, like no secret passages that I don't know about."


And with that the doors opened and revealed that we were on the fifth floor of the main building. He shouted out go and I took of running. I ran to the stairs down to the fourth floor, then the third, then the second, down the hall and down the stairs onto the first floor, my heart was pounding, then I saw the wolf-man again and my heart skipped a beat as I skid to a stop. Then I saw that he wasn't facing me, he was facing Alucard. Behind him I saw that the lift's doors were open. 'That's right I could have taken the lift down to the first floor.'

"Heidevolk what do you think your doing? Get out of my way!" Alucard shouted at the beast.

"Sorry lord Alucard but I can't let you do what you have done to so many others to her, it wouldn't be fair." the wolf-man said in the same gruff voice he had before.

"And you are going to stop me? Why so noble all of the sudden? As I recall you violently slaughtered both of her friends." the vampire pointed out.

"I have my reasons." Heidevolk responded, "And I will not do your bidding any more."

It then occurred to me that the wolf-man was stalling so that I could beat Alucard. With that I turned and ran off in the direction of the court yard and as I ran I could hear the fight going down behind me. I broke through the doors into the court yard I could feel the vampire getting close behind me but I had won.

"What that's impossible, I've never lost."

"She beat you fair and square, you owe her two friends and a free trip outta here." A battered human Heidevolk said.

"Very well, I am a man of my word so, as promised here you are," In a flash of light Applebloom and Sweetie Belle both appeared and were unscathed. "And there you go."

The wall separates and reveals the front gate's open wide and before they can even move towards the entrance Heidevolk bolts and runs out to be free, and Alucard is just spewing mad, and then the three of us all run and are free. the gates close and we look back to see the sun rising over the tree tops. As we are walking back I notice Heidevolk following us. I turn to face him and he says:

"I know what you are going to ask, why the change in heart all of the sudden, why did I leave the grounds, and where will I go now?"

"That about sums it up." I said.

"Well lets just say you reminded me what I had to fight for, I left for the same reason that you did to go home, and now I will find a place that I can call home. I doubt that we will ever see each other again."

And with that he shifted and ran off. I never saw him again. When we got back to Ponyvile it turned out that we had been gone for three days, we got all rested and ate a full meal. Then we told everypony what had happened and why we where the only survivors. At first they thought we had imagined the whole thing but after Twilight had analyzed a scratch mark on my back she confirmed that we had really had a run in with a werewolf. Everyone was glad that we were ok and there was a memorial ceremony for those who died. Class the next day seemed so much emptier, and we didn't really do much. Later that night as I was falling asleep I could sworn I heard the howl of a werewolf. But maybe I was just dreaming.