• Published 22nd Sep 2013
  • 603 Views, 2 Comments

Endless Night Terror - The Critical Wizard

After being challenged at school the cutie mark crusaders, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon are off to a supposedly haunted mansion to see who can stay there the longest. Little do they know none of them could leave if they tried.

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(Chapter 3) Another Dead End

I kicked in the door of the seventh building we had checked, just like the others, it had no windows and no doors except the one had come through. Only this one had the added bonus of not having any grotesque monsters in it. Just like the other building's we searched around for anything that could be useful to us later. We had already found some candles, matches, backpacks, blankets, food provisions, and one lantern. In this room we found more food, some loose pipes to use as weapons, and some loose pieces of metal that we could use as body armor to better defend ourselves but nothing else was important so we moved on. The next building we got into looked more like a house than a storage room so this must have been where Alucard lived over a hundred years ago. As we looked around I had the eerie feeling that we were being watched, so I pit my guard up and we looked around. We found some interesting things like a box of mementos, and I found a sword on display so I took that and I also found a couple of knifes that I gave to Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. We were in no way good at fighting and our plan if we saw metal head again (the big thing with the ax) was to just run and hide but at least we could defend ourselves from the smaller dead things and anything that we had not run across yet. After we had thoroughly searched the room we decided it was time to leave.

The last room we came across was a small dark chamber and I was hard to see but it looked like there was some thing in the center of the room. We turned on our flash lights and pointed them all around the room until Sweetie Belle's beam fell on the face of one of the things. She screamed and jumped back and Applebloom and I trained our lights on it. This one looked different, it wasn't decaying, it had long hair, and it had a jaw. In addition it was chained up and it seemed to be blind.

"Could you please shine that stupid thing somewhere else and not in my face." the thing said grouchily.

"Oh sorry," I'm not quite sure why I apologized. "who are you you?"

"I'm just that guy hanging around in the building farthest attached from the main building, who are you?" it replied.

"I'm Scootaloo, this is Applebloom, and that's Sweetie Belle." I said and then thinking for a bit, "What are you?"

"What am I? I'm a sack of atoms that take the shape of meat, blood, bones, organs, and skin. But I suppose you were referring to the fact that I'm a different species then you. I am a human." it said sarcastically.

" A human? What's a human? Are those other things like you?" I said wanting answers.

"A human is an intelligent nearly hairless monkey that walks on two legs. And those 'things' were human once but unfortunately they all have since died. All except for Alucard and his henchman 'the decapitator'. And me of course." it said with a wolfish grin that would have made Pinkie Pie shudder.

"Alucard's still alive? but he lived here over one hundred years ago?" I was trying to wrap my head around what was happening.

"One hundred years? Is that how long it's been? Time doesn't really pass here. I've been here in this room for about six hundred years if what you tell me is true. I'm still alive!" it screamed in anger. "Doesn't matter anyway, he's a vampire he wouldn't age anyway."

"What's a vampire?" I asked scared of what the answer would be.

"Oh you know, immortal beings that feed on the blood of the living and can't step in the sunlight. Nasty little things like that."

"And the guy with the ax. Is he a vampire too?" Applebloom asked.

"Him? No. He's just in the same boat as me and is kept alive by the fact time is non-existent here." it was now looking rather smug. "You saw him didn't you? The man with the metal face? And you lived. Props to you."

"Yeah well he killed one of our classmates." Applebloom snapped back.

"Oh well I am sorry." it said not changing it's expression, "Say, if you let me out of these chains I could help you fight him. We could do it you know, and if he's dead then Alucard will show up and we can force him to let us out of here."

It sounded alright but, "sorry we can't let you down your to dangerous."

"Well alright if you want to bumble around in the dark until you get killed off be my guest." it said turning it's back on us.

We turned to go and that's when we heard the sound of metal chains dropping to the floor. We turned and saw that Sweetie Belle had taken his chains off for him. We looked at her and she said:

"What? I thought he could help us."

It just rubbed its wrist's and said "Thank you. But you really should have listened to your friends. You made a bad move."